Loop stitches: how to do it correctly and where to use it. Lesson summary on the topic "buttonhole stitch" Volumetric buttonhole stitch

One of the most popular types of seams is the buttonhole seam. Not a single type of needlework can do without it: this type of seam is used in sewing and embroidery, and is widely used for processing the edges of products, designing appliqués and making toys. In the master class below, you will learn how to perform a buttonhole stitch in an interesting step-by-step lesson, and also learn how to apply it using the example of sewing felt toys.

We study the procedure for making a buttonhole stitch step by step in a master class

A buttonhole seam can run both on the main fabric and along the edge of the product. Its main feature is that the stitches always lie perpendicular to the edge of the fabric or the outline of the design. Let's consider the order of execution of both options.

Loop stitch on fabric.


  1. We secure the thread to the fabric using a knot.
  2. We bring the needle from the wrong side to the front.
  3. At a short distance, we again pierce the fabric with a needle and bring it out in the direction “towards you”. We bring the thread under the needle, pulling it out. We get the first stitch of the buttonhole seam.
  4. We repeat the procedure the required number of times, not forgetting to ensure that the length of the stitches and the distance between them remain the same.
Loop stitch along the edge of the product.


  1. We secure the thread with a knot next to the edge of the part that we are going to sheath. If the fabric crumbles too much, it is advisable to bend its edge.
  2. We bring the needle and thread through the fold.
  3. At a short distance, we again pierce the fold of the fabric with a needle and bring it out in the direction “toward us”. We bring the thread under the needle, pulling it out.
  4. We repeat the procedure the required number of times.

Thus, the upper part of the buttonhole stitches lies on the edge of the fabric, protecting it from further fraying. In fact, this is the only seam that is designed for overcasting fabrics without using a sewing machine.

How to secure a buttonhole seam? Do it like this:

  • when making a seam on fabric, bring the needle to the right side and, after making several short stitches, pass the end of the thread under the stitches and cut the thread;
  • When making a seam along the edge of the product, insert a needle into the upper seam line, pass the needle through the tip of the thread remaining on the front side and make a short stitch, trim the thread.

A buttonhole stitch is made not only with a needle on the fabric, but also with a hook during the assembly of knitted parts. In fact, it is a chain of air loops passing along the contour of the product. The advantage of crocheting parts is that this seam can be completed very quickly and just as quickly unraveled if necessary.

The buttonhole stitch has many varieties, which are used mainly for embroidery or artistic processing of the edge of the applique. For example, it can have different stitch lengths:

Or run in a circle:

A loop stitch can also be decorated with knots, decorated with beads, and combined with other types of artistic stitches.

Sewing toys from felt with your own hands with your child

Even novice needlewomen can make small felt figures. They are sewn by hand using a buttonhole stitch. Let's try to make a simple toy for children - a funny dog.

The pattern diagram is shown for the sitting dog in the photo:

We will need:

  • small pieces of white and red felt;
  • filler (synthetic fluff);
  • needle and thread in color;
  • scissors;
  • two black beads for eyes.

Transfer the pattern to felt and cut it out. The size of the future toy can be changed at your discretion. Since felt, in principle, does not crumble and there is no need to bend the seams, we do not make allowances.

We begin to sew the parts to each other using a buttonhole stitch. To do this, we place small parts on the body of the future toy and begin to sheathe them along the contour, while simultaneously grabbing the bottom layer of felt. In this way, we carefully sew on the detail of the lower paw, spots and ears, first on one half, then on the other. To prevent the parts from shifting relative to each other, we fix them with safety pins or pre-baste them with a contrasting thread.

Then we carefully sew bead eyes to each half of the toy so that they are at the same level. We connect the halves with a buttonhole stitch, leaving an opening at the bottom. Through this hole we fill the dog with synthetic fluff, not very tightly. We sew up the resulting hole with a buttonhole stitch, sew on the ears and a bow. The ears do not have to be sewn on completely; just a couple of stitches at the top are enough so that they stick out a little. We wrap the bow part several times with thread in the middle and sew it in the ear area on one side.

The toy is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

For those who want to study in more detail the technique of making a buttonhole stitch and the features of its application, we suggest watching the following video.

There are various types of hand stitches, and perhaps one of the most common among them is the buttonhole stitch. Using various buttonhole stitches, you can finish the edges of products, attach appliques and even embroider.

Let's also consider the main types of seams used by needlewomen and cute French knot embroidery.

Before we start learning about seams and their types, let's first become familiar with the basic concepts used during sewing. And this simple diagram will help us cope with this task:

So, a seam is the place where certain parts were connected. All hand stitches consist of stitches, which in turn are divided into stitches.

Stitch length is the distance between its start and end. And the width of the seam is the distance between the cut of the part and the stitching.

According to their purpose, all hand stitches are divided into two types:

  1. Finishing;
  2. Connecting.

In addition, hand stitches and stitches can be:


  • direct copying;
  • direct estimates;


  • oblique hems;
  • oblique overcasting;
  • loop-shaped stitches;
  • loop overcasting.

Straight copy stitch Straight running stitch Bias overcasting and bias hemming stitches Looped stitching Looped overcasting stitch

Of course, someone may say that sewing by hand is quite difficult and also very time consuming. However, hand-made embroidery, no matter what patterns or stitches you choose for it, will always be valued much more than what was embroidered on a machine.

How to make a buttonhole stitch

As you already understood, there are different stitches for embroidery, but, as a rule, most often people use regular buttonhole stitches. Our small master class will tell you how to make a buttonhole stitch by hand:

Loop stitch for embroidery

First, bring the thread to the “face” at point “A”, and then through point “B” return to the wrong side and again put the needle out to the front side at point “C”. Please note that your thread should be under the needle

Then, at point “D”, insert the needle to the wrong side and return back to the front side, using point “E” for this. You need to do all this so that the thread is under the needle.

Gently pull the thread forward and continue stitching in the same way.

When you decide to finish your buttonhole stitch you will need to return the needle to the wrong side immediately after you complete the last stitch.

Having done this, you will need to pull the thread forward so that it forms a straight stitch and secure it.

Loop stitch for finishing edges

Insert the thread at point “A” through the fold.

Insert the needle through point "B" directly below the hem, so that the thread is under the needle, the point of which is located behind the edge of the material.

Pull the thread forward, insert the needle into point “C” and make another loop. Do not forget that this must be done so that the thread is under the needle.

In this way you will need to make the required number of stitches. Once you have finished hand stitching the edge of the piece, you will need to pass the needle over the resulting loop so that it passes through the fold. After this, you can carefully pull the thread and secure it.

Please note that there are different ways to embroider a buttonhole stitch:

  • loop or as it is also called - edge seam, can be regular or more frequent;
  • the height of the stitches in a buttonhole seam can be different, in addition, they can be arranged in groups, and also be of different shapes or even directions;
  • If you are decorating the edges of smooth or scalloped products, you can use a loop stitch along the flooring to strengthen them and give them some convexity.

The buttonhole stitch is one of the most beautiful and easiest fabric edges to sew by hand. It looks very impressive in crafts made from felt, felt, a soft toy, or applique. . Since our website contains many crafts using the buttonhole stitch, I couldn’t pass by and not write about the variety and beauty of this stitch. It can be very different. Depending on the thickness of the threads and color, it can be made invisible or it can be a decorative element. Below I will give various options for a buttonhole stitch. The basic seam can be done from left to right or vice versa. When making a buttonhole stitch, try to leave the same distance between stitches and the same indents from the edge. You can even draw a line with a water-washable marker to do this.

Basic buttonhole stitch.

The stitches are the same length and are perpendicular to the edge. The distance between the stitches is also the same.

Fasten the thread at the beginning of sewing. We insert the needle into the face, in the place where the seam will begin. We make the first stitch by sticking the needle into the same point and bringing it out from above, threading the needle into the resulting loop. The thread is secured, you can continue sewing.

Fasten the thread at the end of sewing, making a small stitch thereby fixing the last column.

Sewing a corner with a buttonhole stitch

We stick the needle into the same place 3 times, from the edge to the corner of the canvas. The thread lies from one edge, exactly at the corner, and from the other edge.

Loop stitch with different stitch lengths

You can vary the length of the stitches in different ways:

  • one long, one short
  • two long, two short
  • you can come up with other combinations

It is convenient to draw two lines with a water-washable marker and then sew. Marker marks can be removed by spraying the fabric with a spray bottle.

Buttonhole stitch with grouped stitches

You can group stitches in a buttonhole stitch in different ways:

  • Having connected the stitches in twos, we stick the needle twice into the same place, while at the edge we get loops of different lengths, and the stitches themselves lie diagonally.

  • Having connected the stitches in threes, we stick the needle three times in the same place, the first and third stitch are laid diagonally, and the central one is perpendicular to the edge.

  • We group two at a time, and between them we make a perpendicular long single stitch

  • You can think of others

Double multi-colored buttonhole stitch

We make a simple buttonhole stitch using thread of the same color. And then we go through the top again with a buttonhole stitch, but with a thread of a different color. You can choose different or the same stitch lengths for different threads. This will result in a different pattern.

Loop stitch with broach

A very beautiful seam, you won’t even immediately understand that this seam is a loop one. We make a basic buttonhole stitch. We fasten the thread, but do not break it. Insert the needle in the middle between two adjacent columns of stitches. Next, we pick up the left column with a needle, the needle passes from the bottom of the column without touching the main fabric. We go back and grab the two stitches on the right with the needle and tighten the thread. We pull the needle from below through the next two columns, go back, again pull the thread through the same two columns and tighten. And so on. It sounds a bit confusing, but you can clearly see it in the picture.

Look at the product using a loop stitch with a broach:

Loop stitch with pigtail edge

We make a basic buttonhole stitch. We fasten the thread. Using the same thread, we go back, wrapping the main stitches with a back seam with a needle, without touching the main fabric. You will get a beautiful braid at the edge.

Loop stitch with a twisted pigtail around the edge

We make a basic buttonhole stitch. We fasten the thread. We drag the needle through the upper edge of the buttonhole stitch, the second stitch. We insert the needle under the loop of the previous stitch and bring it out through the loop through one stitch. As if we wrap around the upper loops of a buttonhole seam.

Loop stitch with twisted edge

We make a basic buttonhole stitch and secure the thread. Place the needle under the seam loop. Without touching the main fabric, we wrap each loop of the column with thread.

A variety of embroidery stitches exist in the world of needlework for a reason; craftswomen simply need to know them when embroidering with ribbons and threads. Using a variety of seams and stitches, it turns out to embroider not just a picture, but a unique picture of its kind with its own twist. Embroidery is a unique form of art. This is where, with the help of simple stitches, bright patterns appear that can decorate everything from curtains to clothing items. With the help of embroidery it is possible to create exclusive and original things. Let's look at the main types of stitches.


One of the simplest stitches in embroidery. Mainly intended for making contours of patterns, flooring and stems. Sewing looks like small short stitches that can be placed either evenly or slightly or obliquely. It is done from left to right. Leave a small distance between the last stitch and the point where the needle comes out of the fabric. The appearance of embroidery in this technique is determined only by the location of the working needle and the thickness of the thread.

The forward stitch is very easy and straightforward. Used to make the contours of the pattern clear. The needle and thread are passed into the fabric from right to left, only forward, and you can pick up one or more stitches.

Stitch back with a needle

Back stitch – also called backstitch or hand stitch, it looks like a stitch from a sewing machine. On the front of the fabric, the stitches lie close to each other, and on the back, the length of one stitch is equal to several stitches from the face of the fabric. Such a stitch is considered decorative in embroidery.

The backstitch is a contour stitch used to outline details and add clarity to a pattern. It can be done in two different ways. Pass the needle through the fabric, which is held loosely in the hands, or insert the needle up and down, while the fabric is placed in the hoop and stretched tightly. To perform this sewing, you need to insert the needle onto the front of the fabric and stitch backwards. Then again bring the needle to the front side at a distance of one stitch from the original point of the first puncture and return back.


Tambourine looks like a continuous series of loops. The rings come out one from the other. This stitch involves loops of the same size. The size of the loops is determined by the craftswoman at her own discretion: they can be either large or small. It all depends on the thickness of the working thread and the length of the loop made by the needlewoman. It is considered the simplest seam, which is sure to suit novice craftsmen and is most often used for finishing. Tambour sewing is used for embroidering patterns, contours or backgrounds.

To make loops, you need to bring the needle to the front of the fabric, and then insert it at the exit point. The working thread should be carefully held with the thumb of your non-working hand. We pull out the needle and pass the thread under it, forming a loop. To create subsequent loops, the needle is inserted into the middle of the previous loop and brought forward to the selected length with stitches.

Seam goat

“Goat” - performed from left to right. The canvas is pierced with a needle and this is done alternately, first on one side, then on the other side of the pattern. Most often used for embroidering flower cores and leaves.

French knot

Often used to add volume to patterns. In order for the seam to come out even and neat, you need to carefully select a needle of thin sizes without a compacted eye. They also use it to create unique flowers - from lilacs to roses; they also use French knot to make eyes on embroidery and entire paintings.

The embroidery process is extremely simple. At the first stage, the thread or tape is attached and brought to the front of the fabric. We take it in our non-working hand and stretch sections whose length is no more than 1-1.5 cm.

Next, place it on the end of the needle and twist it three times in a counterclockwise direction. The needle is inserted at some distance from the point where it originally entered. The thread or tape is carefully pulled from the inside out so that a knot of the desired shape is formed.


“Vladimir seam” - made with elongated stitches. Thick threads (mostly red shades) are used for work. They begin to lay from the middle of the picture to the edges and back. The main pattern is formed on the front part of the material, and on the back there is a contour with small stitches. This technique is used to embroider leaves, flowers, and various ornaments.

“Painting” - this decorative stitch is actively used in both white and multi-colored embroidery. I use this sewing to create three-dimensional embroidery. This is achieved by using six threads at a time (it is preferable to use floss).

Christmas tree

Herringbone - the structure is reminiscent of looped chain stitches. The distinctive feature is that the chain loops are not attached. Also, the seam can be made so that the ends are pointed. This allows you to convey the natural shape of leaves in embroidery paintings. You can create a variety of embroidery stitches of this type yourself and add a special touch to your embroidery.

Loop stitch over the edge video

Loop stitch video

The loop stitch includes many varieties, such as closed, close, crossed, double, and overlock. It is used in processing the edges of the product, that is, it serves as a decorative overcast on both fabrics and crafts. It is also used to fill embroidery; it can easily be stitched along straight and curved lines. This stitch is sewn from left to right, making a loop; the thread or ribbon is always in front of the needle. The seam will look neat if the stitches are sewn the same length.

As you can see, the variety of embroidery stitches does not end there and the needlewoman simply needs to know about them and how to perform them.

“Fleecy” - very similar in structure to looped. Designed to form loops on the surface of the fabric. They are subsequently cut to form bundles of threads. If you do not cut the loops, you will end up with a regular buttonhole stitch.

A goat in 3 rows allows you to get unique patterns. This multifunctional stitch also offers a variety of embroidery stitches. The technique for making stitches is similar to the goat seam. Initially, the first row of stitches is laid, and then the next two on top. The only difference is a slight indent to the right. This means that the needle will be brought out in the place of the hole of the previous stitch.

Complex goat

“Complex goat” - done using the triple goat technique, but at the same time the transition threads are secured. Initially, a row of goats is embroidered on the top and bottom lines. Then the second one is embroidered, moving it. When embroidering the third row, transition threads are secured. This is done like this: when making a stitch, the needle is brought out under the intermediate free threads, they are wrapped around them and the needle is pierced again, which allows you to tie the next stitch loops. The embroidery looks perfect if you sew with threads of three different colors.

Bulgarian cross

Bulgarian cross stitch is used to add volume to a design or to embroider stars.

Bulgarian cross diagram

You can learn the variety of embroidery stitches by watching the attached video. Enjoy watching, dear needlewomen!


One of the most popular types of seams is the buttonhole seam. Not a single type of needlework can do without it: this type of seam is used in sewing and embroidery, and is widely used for processing the edges of products, designing appliqués and making toys. In the master class below, you will learn how to perform a buttonhole stitch in an interesting step-by-step lesson, and also learn how to apply it using the example of sewing felt toys.

We study the procedure for making a buttonhole stitch step by step in a master class

A buttonhole seam can run both on the main fabric and along the edge of the product. Its main feature is that the stitches always lie perpendicular to the edge of the fabric or the outline of the design. Let's consider the order of execution of both options.

Loop stitch on fabric.


  1. We secure the thread to the fabric using a knot.
  2. We bring the needle from the wrong side to the front.
  3. At a short distance, we again pierce the fabric with a needle and bring it out in the direction “towards you”. We bring the thread under the needle, pulling it out. We get the first stitch of the buttonhole seam.
  4. We repeat the procedure the required number of times, not forgetting to ensure that the length of the stitches and the distance between them remain the same.
Loop stitch along the edge of the product.


  1. We secure the thread with a knot next to the edge of the part that we are going to sheath. If the fabric crumbles too much, it is advisable to bend its edge.
  2. We bring the needle and thread through the fold.
  3. At a short distance, we again pierce the fold of the fabric with a needle and bring it out in the direction “toward us”. We bring the thread under the needle, pulling it out.
  4. We repeat the procedure the required number of times.

Thus, the upper part of the buttonhole stitches lies on the edge of the fabric, protecting it from further fraying. In fact, this is the only seam that is designed for overcasting fabrics without using a sewing machine.

How to secure a buttonhole seam? Do it like this:

  • when making a seam on fabric, bring the needle to the right side and, after making several short stitches, pass the end of the thread under the stitches and cut the thread;
  • When making a seam along the edge of the product, insert a needle into the upper seam line, pass the needle through the tip of the thread remaining on the front side and make a short stitch, trim the thread.

A buttonhole stitch is made not only with a needle on the fabric, but also with a hook during the assembly of knitted parts. In fact, it is a chain of air loops passing along the contour of the product. The advantage of crocheting parts is that this seam can be completed very quickly and just as quickly unraveled if necessary.

The buttonhole stitch has many varieties, which are used mainly for embroidery or artistic processing of the edge of the applique. For example, it can have different stitch lengths:

Or run in a circle:

A loop stitch can also be decorated with knots, decorated with beads, and combined with other types of artistic stitches.

Sewing toys from felt with your own hands with your child

Even novice needlewomen can make small felt figures. They are sewn by hand using a buttonhole stitch. Let's try to make a simple toy for children - a funny dog.

The pattern diagram is shown for the sitting dog in the photo:

We will need:

  • small pieces of white and red felt;
  • filler (synthetic fluff);
  • needle and thread in color;
  • scissors;
  • two black beads for eyes.

Transfer the pattern to felt and cut it out. The size of the future toy can be changed at your discretion. Since felt, in principle, does not crumble and there is no need to bend the seams, we do not make allowances.

We begin to sew the parts to each other using a buttonhole stitch. To do this, we place small parts on the body of the future toy and begin to sheathe them along the contour, while simultaneously grabbing the bottom layer of felt. In this way, we carefully sew on the detail of the lower paw, spots and ears, first on one half, then on the other. To prevent the parts from shifting relative to each other, we fix them with safety pins or pre-baste them with a contrasting thread.

Then we carefully sew bead eyes to each half of the toy so that they are at the same level. We connect the halves with a buttonhole stitch, leaving an opening at the bottom. Through this hole we fill the dog with synthetic fluff, not very tightly. We sew up the resulting hole with a buttonhole stitch, sew on the ears and a bow. The ears do not have to be sewn on completely; just a couple of stitches at the top are enough so that they stick out a little. We wrap the bow part several times with thread in the middle and sew it in the ear area on one side.

The toy is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

For those who want to study in more detail the technique of making a buttonhole stitch and the features of its application, we suggest watching the following video.