Adult competitions for the New Year. New Year's Eve - Matryoshka dolls. Funny and interesting games

Are you bored with boring and sleepy dinner parties?! Do you want to celebrate the New Year holidays in some original and unusual way with a gathered group of friends?! Then prepare some kind of scenario with games and other fun activities to cheer up the spirit and raise the general festive mood. If you have never done anything like this, then we advise you not to rack your brains for too long, but rather read our article. It will become a real source of inspiration for you and your company, since it provides 13 ideas for fun competitions for adults for the New Year 2019 prepared by us. We recommend that you treat this matter carefully and seriously, because the entire atmosphere of New Year’s Eve will depend on your creative investments and returns. Don't let your friends get bored at the feast table, turn this long-awaited holiday into a pleasant surprise.

"Ring Throw"

In this competition you need to have an accurate eye and be able to hit from a certain distance. Bottles of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are displayed in a row. It is necessary that the neck of the bottle is in the ring. The distance must be no less than three meters. The diameter of the ring is no more than ten centimeters. The winner receives a prize in the form of a full bottle onto which he managed to throw the ring. All men will certainly enjoy this kind of entertainment for the New Year 2019.

"Sensitive Lady"

This idea is interesting because only representatives of the fairer sex take part in the game. The women stand facing the audience, each with a personal chair behind them. It is necessary, without peeking, to sit on a chair and determine what was placed on it. You can complicate the task by guessing the number of objects. The one who answers correctly wins. Adults will love this game!

"What where When?"

This competition for adults is prepared in that the participants sit at a table, each is given a piece of paper and a pen. The presenter asks the question “Who?” Participants write an answer. They wrap it up and pass it to their neighbor, who in turn passes it to their neighbor, and so on in a circle. Then the presenter asks the question “When?” The procedure is repeated. Questions are asked until the sheet is covered. Next, everyone reads the story on their piece of paper. You can write the names of those present in your answers to make it more fun. You can do this without a leader. The participant with the most interesting story wins.

Song competition

A lively, interesting and fun music competition! To do this, you need to prepare cards with words, for example, snow, love, butterfly, cat and others. Each participant draws a card and sings a song based on the given word. Those who fail to complete the task are eliminated from the game. The one who sings the most successful songs wins. In this entertainment, it is also important to defend your opinion, to be flexible, for example, you can prove that the song “Don’t go, stay with me” is dedicated to a crocodile, and not to a person.

"Melt the ice"

The idea will seem quite original to you. For this game for the New Year 2019, you must first prepare several identical pieces of ice, frozen in identical forms. Several couples take part. The task is to melt the ice as quickly as possible. You can do whatever you want: breathe on it, put it on the body, lick it. All methods are good. It is only prohibited to use heating devices. The pair of adults who completes the task the fastest wins. Fun and New Year's!


You will need two groups of pictures. The first ones should depict attributes related to the New Year. Let it be garlands, table dishes, drinks, a Christmas tree, snow, Santa Claus. The second group of pictures should contain images directly related to the Dog - after all, this symbol will soon come into its legal rights. The essence of the task is this: divide the guests into two groups, and then show each group pictures in turn. Your guests should answer if the pictures are related to the Year of the Dog and “no” if the pictures are simply related to the holiday. As you can see, this competition for adults is extremely simple, but at the same time quite fun, for the reason that the guests will get confused and shout “yes” and “no” at random. This type of festive entertainment is perfect for a corporate party for the New Year 2019.

“Drawing with eyes closed”

A great creative activity that will become more fun the more guests drink. Here's what you need to prepare in advance - several blank landscape sheets, markers, blindfolds and, in fact, that's all. You need to hand out sheets of paper and markers to the guests, blindfold the participants and invite them to draw something on a New Year's theme. It is not necessary to offer something complicated. Let it be a Christmas tree or a dog's face. You will see that drawing even a simple image with your eyes closed is quite difficult! After the fun competition, show the whole company the resulting “pictures.” Such games are just right for adults to celebrate the New Year 2019! Everyone will certainly like the idea, dear friends!

"We write poetry"

For this original competition at a corporate party, you will not need any props except the imagination of your guests. The essence of the task is this - you need to compose poems in rhymed form congratulating all present guests on the holiday. Only these should not be just poems, but contain certain “keys” - pre-agreed words. For example, “dog”, “New Year”, “Santa Claus” and so on. For this task, it is best to divide the guests into pairs, since it can be quite difficult to figure it out alone.

"Toasts for the letter of the alphabet"

Agree that simply eating, drinking and snacking is quite boring, and therefore you can diversify the procedure of treating yourself with an unusual competition for 2019. After it, the mood of your guests is guaranteed to rise! The essence is this: each of those present raises a glass and makes a New Year's toast. But not just what comes to mind, but you need to start your congratulations with a specific letter of the alphabet (for example, the one with which the previous speaker ended the toast). The idea, although simple, is very fun, especially if you need to come up with a toast starting with the letters Y or B.

"New Year's News"

This is what you will need before the competition - cards with unrelated words. For example, on the first card you need to write: Santa Claus, vodka, stapler, Snow Maiden. On the second – dog, snow, holiday, sofa. On the third - the president, deer, chimes, a hand. The point of the game is this. Guests are given cards and they must, in turn, come up with “hot news”, which is supposedly read out by announcers from the TV screen. The idea is to use all the words on the card and turn them into coherent text. Well, that’s a pretty good idea for us! Take advantage!

"Unravel the abbreviation"

A very funny competition for adults, which can drag on for any amount of time. You choose in advance two participants who will “work” in pairs. Their task is to unravel the abbreviation MSL, using clues from the other guests who know what it is. And MSL is “my neighbor on the right,” that is, each guest will give a different answer to the question “what color,” “what size,” “male or female.”

“Come on, guess!”

A cool competition that will not only amuse you, but will also allow you to learn something new about your comrades. Guests are given leaves and pens, and they must write something about themselves in one or two sentences that is unknown to others. Afterwards, all the pieces of paper are folded, placed in a hat, and everyone takes turns pulling out a piece of paper, trying to guess who the author is. The idea will seem interesting and unusual!

"Hit the target!"

In 2019, such a competition is simply necessary! Although it looks a little strange, it has been verified - it’s funny for adults!!! This New Year's fun is more suitable for men. So, as props you will need: empty glass bottles, a rope about 1 meter long and pens. The rules of the game are as follows: the handle is tied to one end of the rope, and the other is tucked into the player’s belt. The number of participants is not limited. An empty bottle is placed on the floor in front of each man, and the player’s role in this competition is to hit the handle directly at the target - the neck of the container. It’s not a simple matter; you’ll have to tinker a little to find the desired position of the pelvis. While the participants try, the audience will fall out of the table laughing. Turn New Year's Eve into real unbridled fun with this cool idea!

Video: competition “Write with the body!”


New Year is a special, cheerful holiday with many symbolic associations. In order to celebrate it properly, you need to come up with original Games and entertainment, quizzes and riddles will help you perfectly organize a relaxed atmosphere and celebrate a significant event surrounded by happy faces.

How to organize a holiday

In order to have a good time and find the right approach to all guests, you need to choose entertainment for the New Year of a different nature, since all people perceive the same things in their own way. You shouldn’t force those present to have fun. It would be more correct to start implementing the selected scenario in the company of several people, so that the rest will join in with interest in the fun atmosphere and enjoy the pleasant moments.

The most important thing on such an evening is not to be bored, to rejoice and have fun from the heart, not to think about the opinions of others on this matter and to have fun. Shyness and excessive modesty are also inappropriate this evening.

You need to take care of the organization in advance, preparing modest gifts, cool entertainment for the New Year and the necessary attributes for their implementation. Pleasant musical accompaniment is also very important.

Entertainment for the family

Any holiday with family is especially solemn and beautiful. Nothing can replace a circle of loved ones and family. It will be a lot of fun to play funny fairy tales and arrange an original fortune telling for dessert.

To implement such a scenario, you can take the simplest fairy tale, familiar to the youngest members of the family, and assign roles. When the leader chosen by everyone begins to read the text, the others stage the actions. It is very interesting.

And for sweet fortune-telling you can use kinder surprises. After eating the delicious food, you will get to the toy, which will indicate how the next year will go. Fortune telling can be interpreted in different ways, the main thing is to use your imagination as much as possible.

Extraordinary entertainment for the family will not let you get bored and will be remembered for a long time.

Different types of scenarios for children 2-3 years old

Coming up with New Year's entertainment for the little ones is a responsible mission, because such an action requires an awareness of child psychology and age-related characteristics. For kids 2-3 there are very entertaining scenarios that will provide an unforgettable holiday.

1. Snowballs. To do this, you need to make “snowballs” in advance from foil or using cotton wool and glue.

You can tell children a fairy tale where a soft toy appears, and start driving it away with snowballs. The second option: report that the room has become too hot and you need to cool off by playing snowballs.

2. Dance ball. Children will dance and sing with pleasure, especially if their beloved parents keep them company.

This could be a dance of snowflakes to a mysterious, specially selected melody, complemented by tinsel, rain and other suitable attributes. The classic option is to dance around the beautiful Christmas tree. Another option is to dance with objects, which can be tambourines, maracas, handkerchiefs, etc.

3. Collecting something. This is very interesting for kids of this age category. You can start the game with the words: “The fox was carrying balls, and along the way they fell and scattered. She needs help” - etc.

Entertainment, games for children for the New Year

Here's how you can have fun with your kids:

Regardless of the age of the guests, it will always be fun to play these simple games:

How else to entertain guests on New Year's Eve?

You can hold a competition with candy at the table. The selected person must catch the participant handing over the candy, which is passed from hand to hand under the table.

In addition to competitions, don’t forget about fun dance music, lively video greetings, exciting games like “Twister”, etc.

Presentation of gifts

No holiday is complete without gifts, especially one like New Year. The process of presenting a gift can also be played out in a fun and unusual way. Some ways to do this:

This approach will emotionally prepare those present for a great, pleasant evening.

Intellectual competitions

For the erudite circle of guests, intellectual games and entertainment for the New Year are suitable, which will allow those present to show off their intelligence and ingenuity. Some ideas:

  1. "Merry associations" In the absence of one of the participants, the company makes a word. Then the person who came out returns and begins to guess the association invented by his friends using the method of leading questions. The rest answer and enjoy a funny pastime.
  2. "Investigators". Depending on the number of participants, one or more people leave the room for a few minutes and, upon returning, must “solve the crime.” They begin to ask questions, the answers to which are “yes”, “no”, “maybe”. The point is that there is no story, and the answers are given depending on the last letter in the question: vowel - yes, consonant - no, soft sign - perhaps. The concocted story will prove to be very exciting before investigators determine what the mystery is.
  3. "Trivial expressions." More suitable for small companies. A specific topic is selected, according to which each participant comes up with the 10 most common words and writes them down on a sheet of paper. After this, points are calculated and assigned depending on the number of matches. So, if on the topic “Cities” 8 out of 10 thought of Moscow, then everyone gets 8 points for this word, and for Milan, which was encountered once, the score is correspondingly 1. The one who scores the most points wins.

It is very easy to organize entertainment of this type for the New Year. They will definitely bring new emotions to table gatherings.

Fun program for a corporate evening

Any entertainment for the New Year will be a joy for the company, because you really want to escape from everyday work and forget about all the problems. Interesting ideas for celebrating in a team:

Games for adults

Such competitions and entertainment for the New Year are preferred in youth and student companies:

New Year's games in different countries

Most people love to travel, but not everyone knows what New Year's entertainment is the most common in exotic places.

In Thailand, this is a coconut competition where participants roll the fruits and try to break them without using their hands. The one whose attempts are successful receives a prize - a coconut.

Great New Year's entertainment for children with a ball is practiced in Laos. Boys and girls stand in two lines opposite each other and throw the ball in pairs. Anyone who does not catch it must complete the task of the thrower. Couples change as often as they want.

Cambodians entertain themselves with fruits similar to dates. In our case, you can use apples. Participants are divided into 2 teams and stand opposite each other. Each person has 5 fruits in front of them and 1 in their hands. Next, team members throw one apple each to the opponent standing opposite them. The goal is to hold as many fruits in your hands as possible. The team that catches fewer fruits loses, and the winners receive a prize.

How to celebrate the New Year for a couple in love?

Some couples in love dream of celebrating the New Year alone, while others associate such a thought with a terribly boring pastime. You shouldn’t be upset in advance if your friends can’t come or for some other reason you have to spend New Year’s Eve only with your loved one. On the contrary, you can take advantage of such circumstances and become even closer by creatively organizing a fun program and having fun to the fullest.

First of all, you need to jointly discuss all plans and expectations, defining the style of the festive atmosphere. It could be:

Depending on the chosen atmosphere, you should choose entertainment for the New Year, decorate the room and enjoy wonderful moments.

The most important thing is not to lose heart and have fun to the fullest.

  1. Father Frost. Players are given pieces of ice of the same size (we froze the cubes in candy boxes). The players' task is to avoid melting them for as long as possible, while holding the cubes tightly between their palms. The one who has at least a small piece of ice left when the rest melts, wins.
  1. Warm heart. The initial data is similar, but the participant who melts the cube faster wins.
  2. Energetic song. Another game invites you to remember the motive of the song “Fried Chicken” and perform it with new words and new content.

    Here in the south,
    In the hot south
    The sun shines all year round.
    And everyone is dancing
    Everyone's having fun
    When the New Year is celebrated!

    Everyone sings a song, and then the leader says: “Right hand!” And this means that everyone performs this “chant” again, but at the same time they will shake their right hand. With each successive performance of the song, new tasks are given: Right shoulder, left hand, left shoulder, head, left leg. With each new repetition, more and more parts of the body should “shake”.

  3. Fire extinguishers. The players are tied to their belts with ropes, to the ends of which either matchboxes or soaked cotton wool are attached. A lit candle is placed in front of the players. Contestants need to put out the candle as quickly as possible without using their hands.
  4. Sniper. The game is as follows. 3-4 men are invited to participate in the game. To play the game, empty 0.5 liter beer bottles are required. in quantity according to the number of players. Participants have a fresh carrot tied to their belt so that it hangs in front at knee level. On command, the men must race to get the carrot into the neck of the bottle in such a way that they can then lift the bottle on a rope to which the carrot is tied.
  5. Bogatyr. Music, slow for 9-10 minutes. Couples, a man holds a girl in his arms. Whichever couple lasts the longest wins. When fatigue appears, players either guess or are told to put their partner over their shoulder, sit them on their shoulders, etc.
  6. Eat an apple. Several couples are selected from among the guests, preferably consisting of a guy and a girl, they are blindfolded, they stand opposite each other and, each holding an apple in their hand, try to feed each other with them. The winner is the pair whose apples were eaten the fastest and whose fingers were not bitten off. During the game, it is advisable to ensure that the participants do not eat the apples that are in their hands.
  7. Alcohol meter. In a “close” company, two “warmed up” men are asked to check who is more drunk. To do this, they are given felt-tip pens, and behind them - a scale drawn on whatman paper, where the degrees are indicated in increasing order - 20, 30, 40 degrees and above. The participants’ task is to bend down, extending their hand to the “Alcohol Meter” between their legs, and mark the degrees on the scale with a felt-tip pen. Everyone wants to be more sober, so the degrees on the scale are arranged from higher to lower numbers so that players raise their hands higher.
  1. Accurate shooter. The players have belts around their waists, from which an apple is suspended on a rope. A board with nails is placed in front of the players. It is necessary to “prick” the apple onto a nail (plant it) as quickly as possible.
  2. Orchestra. Girls have spoons and ladles tied to their belts, men - lids and saucepans. To the music, the “drums” get to work. Girls swing spoons, and men swing lids and saucepans. The winner is the couple that lasts the longest in the game (that is, making sounds to the music), while maintaining a serious appearance.
  3. Carefully! egg! Couples stand with their backs to each other. An egg is sandwiched between the backs. The task is to carefully lower it to the floor. The couple whose egg remains intact wins. The egg can be replaced with a rubber ball. In this case, the competition is won by the pair whose ball, after touching the floor, does not roll to the side.
  4. Oink-oink. For this competition, prepare some delicate dish - for example, jelly. The participants' task is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks. An option is to eat with your hands behind your back.
  5. Harvest. The task of the players of each team is to move the oranges to a certain place as quickly as possible without using their hands.
  6. Sleight of hand. With one hand, right or left, it doesn’t matter - tear the newspaper into small pieces, while the hand is extended forward, you cannot help with your free hand. Who will do the smallest job?
  7. Fairy tale. When you have at least 5-10 guests (age does not matter), offer them this game. Take a children's book with a fairy tale (the simpler the better, “Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, etc. are ideal). Choose a leader (he will be the reader). From the book, write down all the characters of the fairy tale on separate pieces of paper, including, if the number of people allows, trees, stumps, a river, buckets, etc. All guests pull out pieces of paper with roles. The presenter begins to read the fairy tale, and all the characters “come to life”...
  8. Joke. All guests stand in a circle and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The host says “duck” or “goose” in everyone’s ear (scattered, say “duck” to more players). Then he explains the rules of the game: “If I now say: “Goose,” then all the players whom I called so will tuck one leg. And if “Duck,” then the players whom I called “Duck” will tuck both legs.” You are guaranteed a heap.
  9. Box. Each of the two players has their own chest or suitcase, in which various items of clothing are folded. The players are blindfolded, and at the leader’s command they begin to put on things from the chest. The players' task is to dress up as quickly as possible.
  10. Keep the tune. In this game, everyone must sing, except one person - the leader. Everyone remembers their favorite song. When the leader claps, the players begin to sing, but to themselves. But when the presenter claps twice, everyone continues to sing out loud and as loudly as possible. The main thing is to keep the melody and not mix up the words, despite the sound interference. After some time, the presenter repeats the actions: claps once, and then again twice. The winner is the one who sings the song to the end without missing a beat!


And it’s even more fun if there are only 9 clothespins! This causes excitement in the player and simply hysterics in the spectators who know what’s going on!

10/28/2004 10:42:59 AM, Akasha

it seems that the creators of such sites subscribed to games from
one book

09.12.2003 00:06:38, tatjana

I can suggest one more game: the players are divided into pairs (preferably opposite sexes), everyone is blindfolded and 10 clothespins are attached to their clothes. The pairs' task is to collect all 10 clothespins from each other as quickly as possible. It's a lot of fun if you switch partners at the last moment, when your eyes are already blindfolded.

17.12.2002 14:08:44, Ugly Elsa

Comment on the article "Fun games that will be useful to you at the New Year's party"

How to hold a fun New Year's party with games and competitions. Print version. Energetic song. Another game invites you to remember the motive of the song “Fried Chicken” and perform it with new words and new content. New Year for children and adults.

Scenario for the New Year's party "Merry New Year". Children's recipes for the New Year 2015 with photos. During a New Year's party, it is not easy for children to sit sedately at the table, because there will always be competitions for corporate parties.


At my husband’s corporate party there were some of the ones that I remember: Our Zhirinovsky (most of all), Iron Lady (chief driver), The most mobile (motorcyclist), Kindness itself, Intelligence, Honor and Conscience (director)

I didn’t understand something, but how much of a joke? How good is the team with humor?
You can do something like “chief accountant”, or, if you’re really good with the CY, using the example of a book about Dunno, like a tongue and groove, a cog, etc.

Last New Year, I myself wrote a quest for the whole family, and we looked for gifts together and cheerfully for half the night. I don’t know what to come up with this year. Share your ideas on how to make New Year's Eve not just sitting at the table, but so that all family members have fun.

New Year's competitions for fifth graders. Leisure, hobbies. Child from 10 to 13. New Year competitions for fifth graders. Help, give me ideas or links. Today my daughter and her friend were given the task of preparing competitions for the fire, which will take place the day after tomorrow.


1. "Happy New Year!"
The guys stand in a circle, leading blindfolded, in the middle. Everyone stretches out their hands to the driver, he shakes hands (one) and says: “Happy New Year!” The owner of the hand replies: “And you too!” You can change your voice. If the leader guesses by voice who answered him, then he becomes the leader.
2. Home preparation required.
A hole the size of a child’s face is cut out on a sheet of thick paper (for drawing) in A3 format. A recognizable object is drawn around the hole (snowflake, butterfly, sailor, Doctor Aibolit, fungus, etc.). The driver sits on a chair and looks out the hole, like through a window. Everyone can see who he is, except himself. Using questions Is it living (non-living, animal, can fly, etc.)? must guess who he is.
This competition has been going great for us for three years now. The drawings are sketchy, but easily recognizable.
3. Gemini
Two children take each other by the waist. They have one hand left free. And they have to do something that requires both hands: put a cap on a bottle, cut a circle out of a piece of paper

Yesterday my 5th grader had her New Year's Eve.
Among the competitions were:
1. Drawing the symbol of the year on the board blindfolded (2 people participate at the same time, the winner of the pair is determined by the class)
2. Children stand in a circle and pass the tangerine from hand to hand to the music. The music stops. The one who has the tangerine in his hands sings, dances or recites a poem.
3. Pair competition: Participants are given 2 sheets. You need to walk from one end of the classroom to the other without stepping on the floor. One sheet is placed, the foot is placed on it, then another sheet is placed, the second foot is placed on it, etc.
4. “Sticky”: body parts are written on small pieces of paper (thigh, hand, head, waist, elbow, etc. can be repeated)
Children take turns pulling out pieces of paper and must stick the written parts to the previous participant. It turns out to be a funny caterpillar)

New Year is a gangster party. - gatherings. Child from 10 to 13. We decided to spend the New Year in the class as a gangster party. It seems like I sketched out a script, came up with competitions, but I racked my brains over the words of congratulations from Santa Claus.


If Santa Claus can come out with a guitar and in a not quite traditional costume (for example, with a bandaged eye), that is, in songs about pirates:

Alexander Gorodnitsky - Pirate:
"Pirate, forget about your native side,
When the signal "to attack!" it will come.
The masts creak over the waves,
The sun flashes on the foamy ridges.
Earthly melancholy unknown to us
Under the crossbones flag

The lights are swinging over the gear!

Tremble, Lisbon merchants,
Shake your cold fats,
Tremble, royal palaces
And the stingy City of London, -
On a noisy festival of guns and blades
We will appear as uninvited guests,
(2X) And we will never die until
The luminaries are swinging over the gear!"

Pirate Grandma:
"- Our dear breadwinner,
One-eyed falcon
Look at the boarding
Don't waste your time.
Don't visit unless necessary
Dirty dens.
Don’t hurt orphans in vain,
Take care of your ammo
Don't drink rum without a snack -
This is very harmful.
And always walk with diamonds,
If there is no move.
Put the silver in the chest,
Gold - in the pillow..."

Berkovsky Victor Brigantine:
"We drink to the furious, to the rebellious,
For those who despise a penny's comfort.
Jolly Roger flutters in the wind.
The people of Flint sing a song.

And in trouble, and in joy, and in sorrow
Just squint your eyes a little -
In the filibuster's far blue sea
The brigantine raises its sails. "

Competitions for the New Year's scenario - New Year's celebration at school, class, at work. Scenario for the Valentine's Day holiday - competition, games, for a party for adults or schoolchildren. New Year: a holiday at school and a party at work with fun competitions.

New Year's scenario - competitions for children's parties at school and at home. New Year's scenario - a pirate party with competitions Section: Leisure, hobbies (New Year's competitions for children at school). Tell me interesting competitions for children 10-11 years old so that they can...


Ours just had a spark: a “fashion show” competition - different, pre-prepared clothing items are piled up in a heap, two teams, on a signal, rush to disassemble and dress up their model, the condition is that there must be a headdress, an overshirt of some kind and accessories ,whoever dresses up the best will win.Competition "magnetism", teams in a row, give each a cocktail straw, inhaling the air with the straw from one to another, pass a paper napkin (it should stick to the straw :)))), whose napkin will fall less and get to the last one faster player, do not help with your hands!

We need to split into two teams. The representative of one of the other teams says some phrase or proverb, and he depicts all this to his own without words. We have to guess.
I still remember how I depicted “counting chickens in the fall”! And you guessed right! :)))

12/21/2000 02:20:10, Marina P.

First, a text is written with a large number of places for definitions. For example - On this... night... of the year, our... company... gathered in... the house... name, who is also... the owner, and so on and so forth. No one except the presenter sees the text. The presenter asks those present to name adjectives based on the number of gaps in the text. The more creatively guests react to the choice of adjectives, the better it will turn out. Then everything is inserted in order into the text and read out.
The second idea is to act out a scene from a song, and the point is that for EVERY word there must be an actor, even for prepositions, it turns out very funny.
Again, there are eternal forfeits - tasks that can be selected on the desired topic.

Funny and memorable for a long time.


New Year is a holiday that cannot do without games, jokes, competitions and congratulations. Many adults, as well as children, want to have fun on New Year's holidays, receive a bunch of gifts and surprises, and also have fun thanks to various interesting and cool competitions.

So, we present to you the following options for NEW YEAR COMPETITIONS:

Competition No. 1. NEW YEAR'S TREAT

The competition requires three teams of two people. In each team, one player is blindfolded and seated at the table, and the other player in each team needs to prepare a holiday treat (for example, it could be a delicious sandwich). Then, each team takes turns, one participant who prepared the sandwich feeds his player the prepared sandwich, and the one who eats it must guess the components of the prepared sandwich. And the team that most correctly names the components from which this sandwich is made wins.

Competition No. 2. NEW YEAR'S WISH

Anyone can participate in this competition. The meaning of this competition is the following: each person must name any wish that he wants to come true in the New Year, and the next one must name a wish starting with the letter with which the wish of the previous participant in the competition ended. Anyone who cannot come up with a wish for a given letter is eliminated from the game and the next player behind the eliminated player will have to come up with a wish. Thus, the game continues until there is only one winner left.

Competition No. 3. NEW YEAR'S SONG OR POEMS

Anyone can participate in this competition as well. Each person is given a note with a word written on it. For example, snowman, Christmas tree, Santa Claus, gifts, Snow Maiden, winter, round dance, New Year, etc. And each participant must sing a song or recite a poem in which this or that word is used. In this competition there is not one winner, but as many as the participants completed this competition.

Competition No. 4. NEW YEAR TREE

For this competition you will need 3-4 pairs (man and woman). Women stand in the center of the hall and act as a Christmas tree, and men are given boxing gloves and a small box with New Year's decorations (New Year's balls on a string, tinsel, garland, star, etc.). The goal of men wearing boxing gloves is to decorate their Christmas tree for the New Year. Whoever manages to dress up the New Year's beauty more elegantly, that team wins.

Competition No. 5. NEW YEAR'S GIFT

5 married couples can participate in the competition. Each couple is given a beautifully packaged box with a New Year's gift inside (there could be candy, chocolate, marmalade, orange, tangerine, etc.) Each couple must unwrap their gift, hands-free, in any way. And whoever completes their task faster, that pair wins.

Competition No. 6. SNOW MAIDEN

The competition requires 4 women and 4 men. Women are dressed up in a Snow Maiden costume, wearing a mask, etc. And the men are blindfolded, and each blindfolded man must guess where his Snow Maiden is. The one who finds his Snow Maiden wins.

Competition No. 7. GUESS THE MELODY

Three participants are required for the competition. Each person is given four balloons. The melody of one or another New Year's song is turned on and the one who knows this melody pops the balloon and answers. The one who guesses the most New Year's songs wins.


This competition involves 7-8 people. Everyone is given a sheet of paper with a New Year's character written on it, for example, a New Year's tree, a Snowman, a Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, a garland, etc. Any New Year's song is turned on and each participant must dance and portray their hero, so that everyone understands who they are. The one who best portrays his character wins.

We are preparing in advance for the most magical night of the year. We select a beautiful dress and jewelry, decide where and with whom we will celebrate, prepare New Year's gifts for friends and family, choose dishes for the festive table. Whatever gastronomic delights are present on your table on a festive evening, be sure to dilute them with dishes from the entertainment menu. And number one here will be games and competitions for the New Year. It is not at all necessary to arrange them after each toast; it is enough to prepare 2-3 games suitable for your company. On New Year's Eve, we are partly immersed again in the magical world of childhood, so everyone wants and loves to play for the New Year: from formidable bosses to quiet old ladies. For older and calmer people, you can choose games at the table when you need to write, draw, or guess something. Funny auctions and comic predictions will go with a bang. For those who are more active and younger, active games for the New Year are perfect. You can start between toasts and continue in the fresh frosty air. Young and unmarried people can take part in daring New Year's games for adults. And if you have children with you, then playing for the New Year is simply a necessary condition. Children especially love playing with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, who can become one of the adult guests as part of the theater competition. On New Year's Eve, the game can be organically integrated into any activity, be it meeting guests or receiving gifts. Invite a game to your company - and this New Year's Eve will be the brightest, most fabulous and fun!

New Year's competition "Sculpting a snow lady"

If there is snow outside on New Year's Eve, then guests can be invited to play outside. All players (preferably men) must be divided into several teams, each team receives the task of making a snow woman, not a snow woman, but a woman. The team that has the most charming and unusual snow woman with a beautiful figure wins. For example, even women’s clothing, etc., can be used to decorate such a woman. A similar game can be offered to women, but they will have to sculpt the man of their dreams, whom they want to meet next year.

New Year's competition "Alphabet"

The owner of the house, where guests are supposed to come to celebrate the New Year, dresses up in the clothes of Santa Claus, and when all the guests have gathered at the table, he announces that he has a small gift for everyone, but he gives gifts only to educated people. Now Santa Claus offers to play the alphabet game. He calls the first letter - A, and the first player must come up with a phrase related to New Year's greetings that begins with the letter A, for example, says: “Aibolit conveys his congratulations to everyone!” The second player says the letter B: “Be happy” and so on alphabetically, while each player who came up with the phrase is given a souvenir. It becomes very funny when the alphabet reaches the letters Zh, P, Y, b, b.

New Year's joke "Box of gifts"

For the New Year, you can arrange such a little joke. At the end of the room where you will celebrate the New Year, place a box that has a top but no bottom. You can wrap the box with a beautiful ribbon and write “Happy Holidays” on it, and fill the box with confetti. It is important that the box is placed in a high place, maybe even on a closet. When a person enters a room and is told that there is a gift for him on the cabinet, he naturally takes the box off the cabinet and is showered with confetti.

New Year's competition "Dress up the Christmas tree"

To play you will need several balls of ribbon, tinsel, garland (depending on how many players there will be). In this case, women will act as Christmas trees =). Women hold one end of a ribbon or garland in one hand, and men, without touching their hands, take one end with their lips and wrap the garland around their lady. The winner will be the couple whose “Christmas tree” turns out more beautiful and elegant, or who does it faster.

New Year's competition "Pins"

This New Year's fun will require several married couples. Both couples need to be blindfolded, then take five pins and pin them on their clothes. Now the competition begins: the first couple to collect all the pins from each other’s clothes wins. All this happens to the accompaniment of slow and romantic music. But in the end, the winner is the couple who will be the first to understand what the catch is, and this catch lies in the fact that, for example, five pins were pinned on the girls’ clothes, as was said, but four on the guys’ clothes. Before the contestants understand the meaning of the deception, they will spend a long time feeling the body of their significant other in search of the lost fifth pin. From the viewer's perspective, it looks quite interesting.

New Year's competition "Mittens and buttons"

Several pairs are called. Male players are provided with thick winter mittens. Their task is to fasten as quickly as possible the most buttons on a shirt or robe that is worn over their playing partner's clothes.


We place small pieces of paper in the hat on which one word is written (Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, etc.) Everyone takes turns taking notes out of the hat and performs a song - always a New Year's or winter song, in which the word written in his leaf!

New Year's game "Smeshinka"

Each player gets a name, say, a cracker, a lollipop, an icicle, a garland, a needle, a flashlight, a snowdrift... The driver goes around everyone in a circle and asks various questions: - Who are you? - Firecracker. - What holiday is today? - Lollipop. - What do you have (pointing to your nose)? - Icicle. - What drips from the icicle? - Garland... Each participant must answer any questions with his “name”, while the “name” can be declined accordingly. Those answering questions should not laugh. Whoever laughs is out of the game

New Year's competition "Dancing with a ball"

Each pair is given a ball. They place the ball between themselves and, holding it with their bodies, dance with each other. At the same time, it is prohibited to touch the ball with your hands. It will be very fun and entertaining to use musical excerpts of different styles and tempos for this competition. It is better to start with a slow dance, for the participants it will seem easy, but the funniest thing is yet to come - rock and roll, lambada, polka, folk dances, this will be a real test.

New Year's competition "Who's last?"

Requires 5-6 participants and one less glass than players, as well as drinks. Guests stand around a table with glasses on it. They turn on the music, the guests begin to run around the table, and when it turns off, the participants grab the glasses and drink the contents to the bottom. Whoever is left without a glass is eliminated. And so on. The most important thing is that there are always fewer glasses than there are players. The winner will be one of the remaining two who drinks the last glass.

Funny New Year's competition "Faces"

Santa Claus asks contestants to put an empty matchbox on their nose. It is necessary, solely with the help of facial expressions, without helping with your hands, to remove the boxes.

New Year's competition "Santa Claus's Magic Bag"

All participants stand in a circle. Santa Claus is in the center. He has a bag in his hands. The contents of the bag are known only to him. There are a wide variety of things in the bag. These can be panties, Panama hats, bras, etc. Anything, the main thing is that they are funny and gigantic in size. The music turns on and everyone starts moving in a circle. Santa Claus gives the bag to one of the participants. He must quickly get rid of it, give it to someone, because if the music stops and he ends up with him, then he is a loser. Next comes the punishment. In this case, it is like this - Santa Claus unties the bag, and the loser, without looking, pulls out the first item he comes across. Then, to the Homeric laughter of those gathered, he puts this item on himself - over his clothes. After that everything continues. The losing guest dances in a new outfit. The music stops again and now the next participant who happens to have the bag at that time tries on a new suit.

New Year's competition "Compliment to the Snow Maiden"

Santa Claus invites men to participate in the competition. Santa Claus must put a match on the man's eyelashes, and he, in turn, must compliment the Snow Maiden. Whoever says the most compliments until the match falls wins.

New Year's competition "Contest with glasses"

Guests run around the festive table at speed, holding the glass by the stem with their teeth. The longer the stem of the glass, the better. Whoever runs the fastest without spilling the contents is the winner.

New Year's competition "Winders"

Ribbons are tied to the waists of 3 girls. The girls wrap ribbons around their waists. Male participants must quickly twist the ribbons around their waists... Whoever is faster and more careful wins and deserves a kiss from the girl.