What is deep facial peeling? The advantages of this procedure include: Carrying out a deep facial peeling procedure

Deep peeling is a procedure based on applying high concentrations of trichloroacetic acid (or carbolic acid) to the surface of the skin. The procedure can only be performed under the supervision of a dermatocosmetologist on an outpatient basis and under anesthesia.

Acids, acting on the skin of the face, have a burn effect, thereby destroying old, withered skin, and new cells are regenerated in its place. The renewed layer of skin has a homogeneous composition, which is rich in collagen and elastin. Such skin becomes young, healthy and blooming.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Age-related degenerative changes in the skin (wrinkles, sagging facial skin, senile pigmentation);
  • Structural skin disorders (scars, stretch marks).

Features of the procedure

  1. Preparatory stage. Before deep peeling, antiherpetic therapy is required. The deep peeling procedure itself can take 1-2 hours. At the beginning of the session, you need to wash off all sebum and remove dead skin cells, as well as completely dry the skin. To do this, the face is treated with a rough sponge and an alcohol solution or acetone.
  2. Once the skin has been successfully dehydrated and degreased, a solution of carbolic acid (phenol) is applied to it. Processing is carried out by zones. What is it for? Firstly, zonal application allows you to evenly distribute the acid solution on the skin. Secondly, the skin on different parts of the face requires an individual treatment method.
  3. Next, a silicone film is applied to the skin, after which it dries, a special product, jelly, is applied on top.

After deep peeling, direct ultraviolet rays should be avoided. But, despite this recommendation, the procedure is not prohibited in the summer, and sunscreen should be used to avoid adverse effects.

Deep peeling does not require serious preparation and has a short recovery period. The disadvantages of the method include two points:

  • After the procedure, the skin remains pale for a long time;
  • There is a clear boundary between the area where peeling was carried out and where it was not.

For women with fair skin types, this procedure will be most preferable. As for representatives of dark skin, it entails the need to constantly apply makeup to even out the skin tone.

Types of deep facial peeling

The cosmetic procedure is aimed at rejuvenating the skin and solving various cosmetic problems. After deep peeling, microcirculation of blood in facial tissues improves and lymphatic drainage increases.

Depending on the depth of impact, peelings are divided into:

1. Super-superficial – can be done at home. In this case, a scrub or gommage is applied to the previously prepared skin and circular movements are made with a hand, a sponge or a special brush for several minutes. This procedure can be repeated no more than once every 10 to 14 days. The scrub contains solid particles of various diameters, natural (coffee, ground fruit seeds, sugar, etc.) and artificial (various synthetic polymers). Gommage is a creamy substance that coagulates when it dries and provides exfoliation.

2. Superficial chemical peeling. It is carried out in a salon; it is not recommended to carry it out at home. Acids are applied to the skin of the face, most often lactic or various fruit acids. The effect is based on a chemical burn of the epidermis layer, as a result of which an active regeneration process is launched. Before chemical peeling, preparation is carried out - which consists of adapting the skin to the chosen acid; it can take from 15 to 20 minutes immediately before the procedure or several days.

Indications: “tired” complexion, skin molluscum, blackheads, acne and various types of skin pigmentation disorders.
Contraindications: purulent inflammation of the skin, wound surfaces, allergic reactions.

3. Medium peeling is a method in which the epidermis layer is removed as much as possible, the effect occurs down to various levels of the dermal layer. There are two options for the medium peeling method: physical and chemical.


  • Fractional thermolysis: a laser beam, when exposed to the skin, creates microholes, due to the appearance of which rapid regeneration processes begin.
  • Laser dermabrasion: the laser beam in this case is more voluminous and penetrates to the upper layer of the dermis, which causes the evaporation of a certain number of cells. The process, again, is aimed at cell renewal.
  • Diamond dermabrasion: performed with a device with diamond attachments that act as a grinding machine.

Chemical: trichloroacetic or salicylic acid is used. A chemical burn is deeper than a superficial chemical peel and extends into the dermis.

Indications for performing medium peeling: decreased skin elasticity, changes in facial contour. Pigment spots, including freckles, warts, papillomas, keratomas, areas of skin with increased keratinization, superficial scar changes.


  • Inflammatory processes on the skin and surrounding areas;
  • Oncology;
  • Acute stage of the infectious process;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • History of keloid scar formation;
  • Mental illnesses and epilepsy;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Wounds to the skin at the site of the proposed procedure;
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women may be denied the procedure.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • Peeling of the skin;
  • The rehabilitation period is at least one week after the procedure;
  • Pain during the procedure.

4. Deep peeling

This species is the most aggressive and dangerous. In this case, phenolic acid is used, which is toxic to the heart muscle and kidneys. If it comes into contact with the skin, a weak solution of phenol causes a chemical burn to the middle layer of the dermis. Collagen fibers and elastin are destroyed, and the regeneration process begins.

Contraindications: the same as for medium peeling, as well as the age of women over 40 years old. Medical examination data to identify pathologies of internal organs (primarily the heart and kidneys). For women taking aspirin, deep peeling is absolutely contraindicated.

Benefits of the procedure

Deep facial peeling is an effective and efficient cosmetic procedure for facial rejuvenation and renewal, which can only be performed by a highly qualified specialist.

The benefits cannot be underestimated.

  1. Penetrates into the deepest layers of the epidermis, to 0.6 cm.
  2. After the procedure, the face becomes refreshed, smoother, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the level of hydration and elasticity increases.
  3. Transformation begins within a week, when the first positive results become noticeable. These include tone alignment, matteness, and light lifting. The protective functions of cells are also activated.
  4. The effect achieved by deep peeling lasts from 3 to 10 years and is similar to some plastic surgeries and better than laser resurfacing.
  5. It is used for pigmentation, scars, deep facial and senile wrinkles, and skin aging.

This procedure is irreplaceable for those who have unpleasant consequences from acne, the so-called post-acne. Even sunburns are an indication for peeling.

  1. From 25 years old with scars and post-acne, hyperpigmentation, freckles.
  2. From 35 years old with deep wrinkles and severe age-related changes.
  3. From 45 years old, it is recommended to use a maximum of once a year in winter.

The basis of deep peeling is most often phenolic acid. It is aggressive not only towards the upper layer of the epidermis, but also to the first two layers of the dermis. The rather long recovery period after the procedure more than pays for the results obtained.

A special feature of the correct procedure is very pale skin after redness. This is a skin reaction to phenolic acid.

After the procedure, under no circumstances should you sunbathe, as the skin becomes hypersensitive to the sun.

Peeling price

The cost of deep peeling varies widely. Do not forget that a certified, qualified specialist with extensive experience, guaranteeing 100% results, will appreciate his work highly. The average price of deep peeling in Moscow is from 13,000 rubles. In beauty salons in the regions of Russia, the price starts from 10,500 rubles.

Deep facial peeling: Reviews

Ekaterina, 45 years old, Moscow,
I did peeling for the first time. The skin was covered with crusts and falling off in scales - this was the reaction to the procedure. Four sessions are already behind me, and my skin is amazing with its condition! It is tender and soft, like velvet. I look younger, no one gives me my age! It is very nice. Look at 45 years old, more than 30 years old.

Anna, 35 years old, Krasnodar

In my youth, eels were my constant companions. This made the skin look unattractive: small scars from traces of acne squeezing, uneven skin color. And only a cosmetologist was able to select the percentage of concentration of the drug so that all the shortcomings would disappear as if by hand. I did a deep peeling and my skin began to transform! There are two more treatments left to achieve the perfect complexion.

Deep chemical peeling is a serious procedure that allows you to visually look 8 to 10 years younger. The results of peeling are comparable to the effect of laser resurfacing and surgical tightening.

Not many people decide to undergo such a dangerous procedure, but the result often exceeds all expectations.

Let's take a closer look at how deep peeling is carried out and what complications may arise after it?

Chemical peeling is carried out using various acids, the concentration of which depends on the required depth of exposure. The purpose of peeling is to remove the top layer of skin damaged by time and adverse environmental influences.

After the procedure, activation of regenerative processes and acceleration of the synthesis of elastin and collagen molecules are noted. The duration of the results obtained largely depends on the depth of penetration of the drug used.

There are three types of chemical peeling:

  • Superficial, affecting only the keratinized top layer. Indicated for correcting minor skin defects and giving the face a healthier, fresher appearance. The most commonly used are fruit, lactic, and retinoic acids. The result of superficial skin cleansing lasts up to six months;
  • Median, in which the chemical acts on the upper layer of the skin and part of the epidermis. It is carried out using more concentrated preparations and is intended to remove deep wrinkles and acne marks. The results of the procedure last for a year;
  • Deep, affecting the dermis layer up to 0.6 mm. Phenol and croton oil are most often used for peeling. Chemical peeling is designed to correct scars and scars; the procedure allows you to get rid of even pronounced, deep wrinkles.

Deep facial peeling is considered a rather dangerous procedure; it is essentially a controlled chemical burn. Due to unpredictable consequences, the procedure is rarely used throughout the world, with the exception of the USA and Russia. Most often, cosmetologists prefer to replace phenol with trichloroacetic acid.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the procedure is its high efficiency. Peeling helps to cope even with such serious cosmetic defects as scars, acne marks, stretch marks, deep and fine wrinkles. The effect of one procedure lasts for several years.

For those who want to look younger and do not want to resort to surgery, deep peeling is an excellent alternative. The results are impressive - the skin looks approximately ten years younger.

But the procedure has significant disadvantages:

  • the rehabilitation period is quite long;
  • the recovery period is painful;
  • there is a risk of wound infection;
  • sometimes complications arise in the form of scar formation;
  • the skin after the procedure acquires an unnatural shade;
  • possible formation of pigmented areas;
  • there is often a noticeable difference between the treated area and the rest of the body;
  • The procedure is not suitable for use on dark-skinned people.


Chemical peeling may be recommended in the following situations:

  • acne scars;
  • severe rashes;
  • scars;
  • stretch marks;
  • deep and fine wrinkles;
  • sagging skin;
  • loss of skin elasticity.


It is the stunning results that force women to resort to this dangerous and painful technique:

  • complexion is evened out;
  • even deep scars are smoothed out;
  • expression wrinkles completely disappear;
  • deep wrinkles are eliminated or become almost invisible;
  • the skin is noticeably tightened.

Of course, deep peeling cannot create a miracle - it will not turn an old lady into a girl, but the difference between “before” and “after” the session is obvious. In addition, there is no need to take a whole course; one single procedure allows you to enjoy the results for several years.


Since chemical peeling is a rather dangerous technique, and it is based on contact of the skin with concentrated acid, there are many restrictions for the operation:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • oncological diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • skin damage at the treatment site;
  • kidney diseases;
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • liver diseases;
  • intolerance to the drugs used;
  • diabetes.

Relative contraindications include a tendency to form keloid scars, rosacea (see) and the use of laser and photo techniques over the past six months.

What is it, the pros and cons of the method, who benefits, and who should abstain - details about the procedure on our website.

A new hair removal procedure has appeared in cosmetology - QOOL hair removal; the operating principle of this technique, advantages and average prices can be found out.

What is laser hair removal for men, how does it work for the stronger half and read reviews about the procedure.

Preliminary stage

Deep peeling should only be performed by a doctor in a hospital setting. The operation is almost always performed under general anesthesia; in rare cases, local anesthesia with strong sedatives is possible.

Preparation for peeling includes a mandatory consultation with an anesthesiologist, who will determine whether you have any contraindications for general anesthesia.

It is also necessary to consult with a plastic surgeon, since in some cases the operation can lead to the formation of keloid scars.

Before peeling, it is necessary to conduct trial tests to determine the sensitivity of the skin to the drug used. Sometimes washing with special products containing glycolic acid is prescribed. Such preliminary preparation is necessary to level the surface layer of the epidermis and subsequent uniform absorption of the drug.

Several months before the session, it is prohibited to subject the skin to other cosmetic techniques. In addition, it is recommended to use sunscreen to reduce the intensity of the tan - otherwise the difference between the area sanded with acid and the rest of the body will be very noticeable.

Progress of the operation

During the operation, some precautionary measures must be taken:

  • Electrocardiographic parameters should be closely monitored. If there are signs of arrhythmia, the procedure is usually canceled;
  • Intravenous hydration is necessary to flush out phenol from the blood. The substance has a toxic effect on the liver, kidneys and heart;
  • The phenol solution is applied gradually, maintaining intervals between zones. The entire operation takes at least 1.5 hours.

The occlusive technique is most often used - a waterproof tape is applied over the applied solution for deeper penetration of the active substance.

Since this technique causes deep damage to the dermis, the risk of possible complications (scarring, hyperpigmentation) is quite high.

Before administering anesthesia, the doctor applies markings to the face necessary to apply the solution slightly beyond the jaw (for an imperceptible color transition). Then the face is cleansed and degreased. After anesthesia, acid is applied and the face is covered with occlusive tape. After the required time, the phenol is neutralized and removed.

The first day requires the use of a special biosynthetic dressing. To relieve pain, you can apply ice packs to your face. Over the course of two weeks, the skin treated with acid becomes inflamed and coagulates. In its place, new, young tissues are formed. The process of collagen formation continues for at least 4 months after surgery, during which time the skin texture noticeably improves.

We invite you to see the results of deep chemical (phenol) facial peeling, photos before and after the procedure:

Rehabilitation period

The recovery period is long - from 10 days to three weeks. The healing process must be monitored by a doctor - slow recovery may indicate infection of the wound. Under no circumstances should the resulting crusts be peeled off, since after chemical peeling there is a possibility of permanent scars forming. It is necessary to adhere to the specialist’s recommendations regarding the use of compresses and medicinal ointments.

In some cases, it becomes necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs.

The use of cosmetics is prohibited until the crusts have completely disappeared, which may take two to three months.

Skin after deep peeling should be especially carefully protected from sunlight; it is recommended to use products with the highest protection factor.

In rare cases, the following complications are possible:

  • infection in the wound;
  • scarring;
  • thickening of the skin;
  • increased photosensitivity;
  • formation of pigmented areas.

Where to go and average prices

It doesn’t hurt to remind you once again that deep peeling can only be done under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital. Home use, as well as performing the procedure in a dubious beauty salon, are not allowed, since the risk of irreversible skin damage is very high. The average price reaches 6 – 8 thousand rubles.

Deep peeling is a dangerous and painful procedure; it requires medical supervision and long-term rehabilitation. At the same time, few cosmetic procedures can compare with its effectiveness. Is beauty worth such sacrifices? The choice is yours.

, as well as everything you need to know about the procedure, you will find on our website.

You can find out how pigment spots are removed with laser and what the average prices for the procedure are.

The principle of operation of laser biorevitalization, advantages and results, photos before and after the procedure - all this is detailed.

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Among all peelings, the most effective is deep facial peeling. But at the same time, this is the most traumatic type of peeling. We will tell you in the article what problems it will help you get rid of and what else you should know about the procedure.


  • with increased oily skin;
  • age spots, freckles;



Deep chemical facial peeling is a very effective, although quite aggressive, method of rejuvenating and improving skin condition.

The effect of peeling with a high concentration of acid is similar to the effect of laser procedures.

Indications for deep chemical peeling

Compared to other types of peeling, deep peeling affects not only the visible layer, but also deeper ones. As a result, dead cells are completely exfoliated and removed on their own, activating regeneration and metabolism processes at their level, including collagen and elastin fibers, which are the main components of young skin.

The deep facial peeling procedure is indicated in the following cases:

  • with increased oily skin;
  • open and overly enlarged pores;
  • in the presence of open and closed comedones;
  • acne, predisposition to rashes;
  • at the first signs of aging on the face, neck and photoaging of the skin;
  • age spots, freckles;
  • post-acne, scars on the skin of various nature.

How is deep facial peeling performed?

This procedure will take you about 40-50 minutes.

  1. The cosmetologist removes makeup using a special lotion, which also expands the pores.
  2. Local anesthesia is only given to people with very sensitive skin. In fact, it reduces the effect.
  3. Application of peeling solution.
  4. You will have to spend 15-20 minutes with the solution on your face for the peeling to start the regeneration process.
  5. The last stage of the procedure is the application of a post-peeling mask, which will help strengthen the result and have a soothing effect on the facial skin.

It is recommended to spend the next few days at home, since the procedure is quite harsh, and the skin will recover after it. Take 3-4 days of vacation. These days it is necessary to smear the skin with Panthenol and sprinkle with thermal water.

How much does deep facial peeling cost?

The cost of the procedure depends on the active substance that is included in the peeling preparation. The price of the deep chemical TCA facial peeling procedure is 10,500 rubles.

Please note that to achieve maximum results, it is better to repeat the procedure three more times with an interval of 3 weeks.

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Deep chemical facial peeling is a very effective, although quite aggressive, method of rejuvenating and improving skin condition.

The effect of peeling with a high concentration of acid is similar to the effect of laser procedures.

Indications for deep chemical peeling

Compared to other types of peeling, deep peeling affects not only the visible layer, but also deeper ones. As a result, dead cells are completely exfoliated and removed on their own, activating regeneration and metabolism processes at their level, including collagen and elastin fibers, which are the main components of young skin.

The deep facial peeling procedure is indicated in the following cases:

  • with increased oily skin;
  • open and overly enlarged pores;
  • in the presence of open and closed comedones;
  • acne, predisposition to rashes;
  • at the first signs of aging on the face, neck and photoaging of the skin;
  • age spots, freckles;
  • post-acne, scars on the skin of various nature.

How is deep facial peeling performed?

This procedure will take you about 40-50 minutes.

  1. The cosmetologist removes makeup using a special lotion, which also expands the pores.
  2. Local anesthesia is only given to people with very sensitive skin. In fact, it reduces the effect.
  3. Application of peeling solution.
  4. You will have to spend 15-20 minutes with the solution on your face for the peeling to start the regeneration process.
  5. The last stage of the procedure is the application of a post-peeling mask, which will help strengthen the result and have a soothing effect on the facial skin.
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It is recommended to spend the next few days at home, since the procedure is quite harsh, and the skin will recover after it. Take 3-4 days of vacation. These days it is necessary to smear the skin with Panthenol and sprinkle with thermal water.

How much does deep facial peeling cost?

The cost of the procedure depends on the active substance that is included in the peeling preparation. The price of the deep chemical TCA facial peeling procedure is 10,500 rubles.

Please note that to achieve maximum results, it is better to repeat the procedure three more times with an interval of 3 weeks.

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Deep facial peeling. What do you need to know about him?

We inevitably age, so sometimes the skin needs an additional incentive to regenerate. Deep peeling is a cosmetologist’s “magic wand” that allows you to refresh your skin and get rid of fine wrinkles.

Deep chemical facial peeling is a very effective, although quite aggressive, method of rejuvenating and improving skin condition.

The effect of peeling with a high concentration of acid is similar to the effect of laser procedures.

Indications for deep chemical peeling

Compared to other types of peeling, deep peeling affects not only the visible layer, but also deeper ones. As a result, dead cells are completely exfoliated and removed on their own, activating regeneration and metabolism processes at their level, including collagen and elastin fibers, which are the main components of young skin.

The deep facial peeling procedure is indicated in the following cases:

  • with increased oily skin;
  • open and overly enlarged pores;
  • in the presence of open and closed comedones;
  • acne, predisposition to rashes;
  • at the first signs of aging on the face, neck and photoaging of the skin;
  • age spots, freckles;
  • post-acne, scars on the skin of various nature.

How is deep facial peeling performed?

This procedure will take you about 40-50 minutes.

  1. The cosmetologist removes makeup using a special lotion, which also expands the pores.
  2. Local anesthesia is only given to people with very sensitive skin. In fact, it reduces the effect.
  3. Application of peeling solution.
  4. You will have to spend 15-20 minutes with the solution on your face for the peeling to start the regeneration process.
  5. The last stage of the procedure is the application of a post-peeling mask, which will help strengthen the result and have a soothing effect on the facial skin.

It is recommended to spend the next few days at home, since the procedure is quite harsh, and the skin will recover after it. Take 3-4 days of vacation. These days it is necessary to smear the skin with Panthenol and sprinkle with thermal water.

How much does deep facial peeling cost?

The cost of the procedure depends on the active substance that is included in the peeling preparation. The price of the deep chemical TCA facial peeling procedure is 10,500 rubles.

Please note that to achieve maximum results, it is better to repeat the procedure three more times with an interval of 3 weeks.

Cosmetic procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Deep peeling is a particularly traumatic procedure that requires rehabilitation. You will need to spend the next 2-4 days at home. The skin should be constantly smeared with rich cream or Panthenol.

Deep is one of three types of peeling based on the type of effect (besides it, there are also superficial and medium). Traumatic method of rejuvenation and correction. In fact, the epidermis is carefully removed, after which independent regeneration is supported with medication. The procedure can be done from October to April and no more than 2 or 3 times in a lifetime.

The result of therapy is noticeable rejuvenation, the absence of aesthetic defects, the elimination of wrinkles of varying depths, retracted atrophic scars, and a reduction in skin area.

Procedure process


The session begins with degreasing, cleaning, normalizing the acidity of the skin. Since the process is painful and there is a possibility of scarring, the patient is given anesthesia or sedatives as part of the preparatory measures.

Using special chemicals containing phenol, croton oil, carbolic acid, individual layers of the skin (up to the middle of the reticular layer) are affected, which destroys old collagen fibers and promotes the formation of new cells.

Rehabilitation period

Rehabilitation is necessary because the entire epidermis is removed and the dermis is affected. There is a risk of infection. A home regimen or observation in a clinic is required for 14 days. At this time, bed rest is recommended. After the session, a crust forms on the surface of the skin, which will gradually peel off over 2-3 weeks. You should not remove it yourself.

Be sure to apply restorative agents that stimulate regeneration. It is strictly forbidden to expose your face to direct sunlight.


  • pronounced scars, stretch marks, pigmentation;
  • rough terrain, sagging skin;
  • age spots;
  • presence of wrinkles;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • biological aging.


  • active stage of any viral infection;
  • oncology;
  • seborrhea;
  • individual intolerance to one or more components of the active composition;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • skin diseases of an allergic nature.


If the rules regarding the specifics of rehabilitation are not followed, consequences may arise that are expressed in serious pigmentation disorders, scarring and prolonged hyperemia.

Prices and clinics

All women want to look charming at any age. Delicate and fresh facial skin is everyone’s dream. This result can be achieved in many ways, one of them is deep peeling. It is this procedure that will be discussed below.

A cosmetic procedure called peeling is an effective, but rather aggressive effect on the skin, helping to restore skin elasticity, get rid of wrinkles, scars and small tattoos without surgical intervention.

After the procedure, the skin is restored, collagen production increases, and the skin rejuvenation mechanism is launched.

Peels can be divided into several types depending on how deep the subcutaneous layers were involved in the renewal process, as well as on the aggressiveness of the effect:

  • superficial peeling is the simplest and safest procedure that affects only the superficial layers of the dermis. It is considered quite safe, can be used by women with young and mature skin, but the effectiveness of the procedure is not too high;
  • medium peeling affects the deeper layers of the skin, is considered more effective and efficient, but has a number of contraindications;
  • deep chemical peeling of the face is the most effective method of combating wrinkles and sagging skin. It is considered a dangerous and quite complex procedure that affects even the deep layers of the dermis. Never performed on areas of the face with thinner skin (the area around the eyes and mouth) due to possible damage. It has many contraindications and can only be performed after consultation with a doctor. The procedure is considered quite painful; after the procedure, a rehabilitation period is required, during which the skin heals.

Deep chemical skin peeling: what are the features of the procedure?

Deep chemical peeling for the face - exposure of the skin using a chemical called phenol, sometimes the procedure is carried out using high concentrations of trichloroacetic acid. Shown:

  • people with increased skin pigmentation,
  • having appearance defects such as scars or cicatrices,
  • women over fifty who want to minimize age-related changes.

After the chemical peeling procedure, the skin is renewed and regenerated; the catalyst for these processes is a severe chemical burn received during exposure. It should only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist under sterile conditions. Subsequent care is also extremely important, during which the skin should heal under close supervision.

Facial peeling is carried out in the salon under the supervision of a cosmetologist and anesthesiologist.

How long is the skin exposed to chemicals during the procedure?

The duration depends solely on the condition of the skin: it can vary from 10 minutes to an hour. During the treatment, the cosmetologist carefully monitors the changes occurring in the dermis. Afterwards, it treats the areas of the skin on which the chemical composition was applied with a special neutralizer that completely stops the chemical reaction, and carries out a series of restorative procedures to promote speedy healing.

At the end of the effect, the face does not look very attractive. The skin has a reddish color, there is swelling on the face, and it is very flaky. After about a week, the skin stops peeling, and later the complexion is restored.

After about 2 weeks, it becomes possible to apply cosmetics to your face and go for walks. But the dermis is finally restored at least 2 months after exposure. This is when it becomes possible to evaluate the results of chemical peeling.

Why it’s worth doing, benefits

The chemicals used for deep peeling are so aggressive that they almost completely destroy the upper layer of the dermis. Due to this, the recovery process is very intensive, leading to skin rejuvenation and the disappearance of deep wrinkles, scars and scars.

The effectiveness of the impact is very high, the resulting effect surpasses the results of laser skin resurfacing.

The chemical treatment procedure is carried out once, and the result lasts for at least 5-10 years.

  • No preparatory procedures are required for this.
  • The rehabilitation period can be spent at home, following the recommendations of a specialist.
  • After complete restoration, the face acquires an even color, wrinkles and old scars disappear.

Result and contraindications

Cleansing your face with chemicals has the following effects:

  • wrinkles disappear,
  • the skin on the face becomes smooth and soft,
  • even facial tone
  • pigment spots, scars, scars disappear,
  • the skin is elastic and rejuvenated.

The use of chemical peeling (an aggressive procedure with a deep effect on the skin) is impossible for a number of diseases; it is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • oncological diseases,
  • kidney and liver diseases,
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, vitiligo, eczema).

It should not be performed on women during menstruation, during pregnancy and lactation, or in case of damage to the skin of the face in elderly women.

Hardware peeling, its features

There are other methods of facial peeling, deep cleansing and rejuvenation are the result of hardware influence.

Ultrasound and laser methods are most often used in cosmetology.

  • no contact of the device itself with the skin, which completely eliminates the possibility of infection through the instruments;
  • the point effect of the procedures, allowing correction only on those areas of the facial tissue that need it;
  • no negative consequences in the form of scars or cicatrices after the end of exposure.

But even such methods of correcting appearance are traumatic and painful; both procedures are carried out only by specialists using anesthesia. Complete restoration of the skin is recorded after about 2-3 months; the recovery period itself is quite long and painful.

Laser exposure

The procedure goes as follows: a laser beam destroys (burns) the top layer of facial skin, removing dead cells and simultaneously eliminating minor defects. This facial roller has a stimulating effect on the skin, causing skin cells to regenerate at a high speed, and the entire body to produce collagen (a substance responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin).


  • getting rid of scars and deep wrinkles,
  • getting rid of age spots,
  • skin is tightened and refreshed.


  • inflammatory processes on the skin of the face or in the body,
  • skin diseases,
  • epilepsy,
  • diabetes,
  • pregnancy or lactation.

A huge advantage of laser exposure is that during its implementation, the laser beam completely disinfects the skin, so the likelihood of infection is practically reduced to zero.

Ultrasonic exposure

Ultrasound effects on the skin of the face are positioned as a painless and harmless alternative to other peels. But calling the procedure deep is a stretch. Rather, it can be attributed to superficial peeling, exfoliating the upper layer of the dermis.

But the ultrasound itself penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, causing cells to activate. With this effect, the body starts the regeneration process and begins to intensively produce collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin.

The advantages of this type of influence can be considered:

  • no pain,
  • wide range of applications,
  • minimal recovery period,
  • the result is immediately noticeable,
  • no damage to the skin.

The main disadvantage can be considered not very high efficiency. This facial roll should be done quite regularly and often. A large list of contraindications does not make it particularly popular: ultrasound exposure is not recommended for people with skin, cardiovascular, nervous, or allergic diseases; not possible during pregnancy or if you have an intrauterine device.

Radio wave exposure

This kind of peeling, also classified as deep, is based on the effect of radio waves on the skin of the face. The method of implementation, manufacturability and safety are almost the same as with laser exposure.

The only difference can be considered that the recovery period is much shorter, the skin exfoliates faster, and the redness goes away. But pain after the procedure will be felt for several days. The result becomes noticeable in about a week; over the course of several months, the effect will increase.

This effect perfectly removes moles, freckles, and benign tumors. Radio waves help remove tattoos and facial tattoos. The skin becomes more elastic and toned.

The procedure helps get rid of enlarged pores, wrinkles and blackheads.

The following are considered contraindications:

  • skin diseases,
  • allergic diseases,
  • epilepsy,
  • diabetes,
  • tendency to form keloid scars.