Congratulate a woman on her 60th birthday in an original way. Festive portal anniversary-na-bis.rf - everything for your anniversary. your guests will ask you to repeat the anniversary for an encore! Competition “And your legs are eager to dance”

Poems for congratulating a woman on her 60th birthday. Wishes in verses

Now the time has come for self-knowledge, because the truth is that a woman at such a respectable age is not a granny at all, but simply a mature lady. And would you dare call someone who is all in trouble, all in worries, an old woman?
And on such a day you need the most sincere congratulations on your anniversary. A woman turns 60 - the onset of a warm and so bright autumn, and, accepting gifts and the most sincere words of gratitude from her grandchildren, children, husband and friends, she can be proud that she was able to achieve a lot: isn’t it happiness when loved ones and loved ones are nearby?
We didn’t stand aside either, and prepared a bright selection of poems for the lady’s 60th birthday.

You are sixty today
And I felt a little sad...
Years like the leaves rustle
On our life's path...

It seems like just yesterday
Blood, love, suffering were boiling,
Well, now in the evenings
The past is only a memory...

How I gave you lilacs,
And confessed his tender feelings,
How we met every day
They kissed snowy ones in the snowdrifts!

Everything was bright and in bloom,
Clear sunrises, sunsets...
Poems were born on the fly,
And we didn’t skimp on salaries...

It was our time!
Now they don’t give any freedom
Prices left and right
In markets, in shops they bend...

It doesn’t matter what or where they give
What does the Duma decide about pensions?
We old people need comfort
And they instill patience in us.

It is important that granddaughters have a better life
In abundance, and not somehow...
We put our souls into them
And we can’t live without them!

Happy anniversary!
We wish you many years to come!
Today you are the cutest of all,
And younger than your age!

Kirillov Vladimir Nikolaevich for http://site/

Happy 60th anniversary to a woman
60 is the magic age
Let's tell you a secret.
Why are you laughing? everything is serious
And there is no doubt!

On this day everything came together
Like a child's puzzle
All things will go up.
pah-pah-pah, don’t jinx it.

Now you don't need to search
Strengths and energies
All the elements are united today
We got it together, believe me.

At 15 you are like air,
fluttered joyfully.
Like the echo of a forest stream,
Everyone in the world knew.

At 30, ladies are all passionate,
Like flames are burning.
It’s like being on fire next to you!
Oh, they blew the roof off.

At 45 you are older
Softer and wiser
Not fire, as they were before,
Like water - smoother...

And today at 60
because it's getting more and more
You to the dacha. For your garden
the heart is heavy.

You are like warm earth
Mom and friend
You give everything to everyone
happiness in your leisure time!

The time has come
For yourself, for your heart
Age is not a burden at all,
And good luck the door.

Important achievements await you,
Happiness and good luck.
So leave your doubts
We will solve all the problems!

Each age has its own colors,
Your meaning, your worldview,
And the days are filled with special light,
And life is especially flowing.

And the sixtieth anniversary is very good,
Everything in it is harmonious, meaningful,
He is wise and calm, strong and rich,
He sees what is valuable, what is true.

We wish you on this holiday
In a great mood
Celebrate your wonderful anniversary
And live, don’t bother, with rapture.

We wish you to follow in the footsteps of good luck,
Be cheerful, cheerful and healthy.
And so that it can be read in your eyes:
Protected, loved and happy.
Planida Natalya for http://site/

Yes, 60 is no longer a child’s age.
You are very charming and serious.
Well, what can I hide, you lady is all juiced-
I can’t remain silent about this anymore.

I wish you happiness and success,
More fun and laughter.
I also wish you good health
And many years filled with love.

You are our 60 carat diamond
Everyone will be happy to congratulate
Our beautiful goddess,
Which is not more beautiful in the world.

We wish her good health,
And more joys of love.
Let it go wild, let it bloom,
Let the soul always sing!

Good luck, joy, success,
Not a day without celebration and laughter!

Years for a woman are not scary
An aged lady, only more beautiful,
Wise speeches, well-groomed appearance,
And the lady stands firmly on her feet.

Age for a woman is a reward.
After all, behind us is only joy
Children, friends, all colleagues and grandchildren
Fears and joys, whispers and sounds.

We wish you at sixty,
More smiles, let your eyes sparkle.
Let there be more warmth and luck,
And of course, patience for your grandchildren!
Anna Akmalova for http://site/

Sixty is not so much
There is no reason to be sad here!
The road of life is wide,
It's a pity, there's only one ticket to the end.
Let the children grow up quickly,
Let the whiskey be in silver,
Not all songs have been sung yet,
And poetry is not all!
Happiness in life and health,
Optimism, bright thoughts!
Be a good mother-in-law
Lots of money and friends!

Anniversary, such a date!
Really? Sixty?
You are always young for us,
Let the years fly by!
Happy birthday greetings,
Accept from the whole family,
Stronger nerves and patience,
And live to be a hundred years old!

Sixty... Is that really a number?
Life, believe me, has just begun!
You are beautiful like a river nymph
Enjoy this day to your heart's content!

Clever, sorcerer, beautiful,
You won’t find such housewives!
Let the years go by and even tease
Forget about them! We congratulate

Happy this glorious anniversary of yours
A young girl has arrived!
We love and cherish you,
We have found the way to your heart!

That's why I'm so happy today
In our souls! So be it always
Happy! We wish you good health
And miracles for many years to come!

You're already in your sixth decade
Smoothly appeared behind him.
But this is hardly a drawback,
This is your most valuable experience.
And let everything that happened before
Serves to achieve dreams.
Let the invisible sailboat of hope
Not afraid of thunderstorms and heights.
On this day we wish you,
May you blossom more and more.
So that everything that is in your destiny,
It became the kindest and most beloved.

Let's celebrate, celebrate the anniversary,
Let them toast in your honor.
And let it be more fun at the table,
After all, it's sixty today.
We wish you to be happy
And we have nothing more to wish for.
So that in winter and rainy autumn
Grace reigned in your soul.

Light age - sixty
Came up unnoticed
Every day of all these years
Didn’t pass without a trace for you

There was a lot - it was good
Something could have been better
There were many clear days
Sometimes there were clouds

And now on your anniversary
We wish you with all our hearts
Only bright warm days
And you should always be yourself

Today I came to visit you
Soul number, simple
It looks good
And it makes me happy

Sixty years gone by
They sat down together on the threshold
Feel sad about them? No no!
Every year was something needed

And there was a lot of kindness
Created by your hands
Flowers for all the years
Will brighten the memory at times

May he come to your house on this day
Warmth of soul of all results
Good thoughts round dance
And faith in a joyful tomorrow

Sixty wonderful years
They look smiling slyly
Did they appreciate them or not -
They tried as hard as they could!

Many springs ahead
Many joyful achievements
All the bad things are behind us
Your good genius says

And today on this day
Everyone is here to wish you
So that for so many more years
We met you in the future!
Parfenyuk Oksana for http://site/

You are already quite a few years old,
You've seen a lot in life,
Survived so many losses and troubles,
But still she never lost heart.
Today is my birthday, my 60th birthday,
I wish you good health,
And to be nearby on a very rainy day
Your whole extended family was with you.

Author's script for a woman's 60th anniversary“My Clear Star” was written to order, includes many new beautiful touching moments and congratulations, and is designed for the company of relatives, friends and colleagues. Musical accompaniment can be downloaded in the script.

Before the feast, guests organize a living corridor and arrange a gala meeting called “Star Path”

Meeting the hero of the day "Star Trek".

(You can watch a similar gala meeting in this one. Guests line up in a row of three or four people, parting at the words of the presenter. The hero of the day enters the hall and stops in front of the “star path” - stars cut out on the floor.)

Presenter: Make way, friends, make way,
At this moment, smile from your heart.
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one who has a birthday.
(The hero of the day comes out.)

Dear Galina!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star to them.
So may your rays continue to grace us with affection,
And life seems to us like a big fairy tale.

So that we can extend this fairy tale,
At least for a little bit
Take your time, manage to walk
Star track.

Every star is just a mystery
You only need one guess.
Feel free to take the star path
And guess something!

First star

Each of us dreams about this,
I think that includes you,
Get it from a man's hands
Beautiful now ... (flowers)
(They give a bouquet of flowers and step on the next star.)

Second star

To remember later your biography,
We'll do this now ... (photo)
(They take a photo and step on the next star.)

Third star

From now on, pamper your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his ... (kiss)
(The husband kisses the birthday girl - she steps on the next star.)

For all the heroes of the occasion
In moments like these,
We are ready to give endlessly... (applause)
(Applause from the guests; steps on the next star.)

Fifth star

We can’t avoid miracles today,
Let it fall from the sky now ... (confetti)

(Showered with confetti - steps on the next star)

Sixth star
To always be with friends,
We all need to fulfill ... (song)

(Guests sing the song “Happy birthday” or “Let them run clumsily” - one verse. The hero of the day steps on the next star)

Seventh star

And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear us here the anniversary... (firework)
(Guests, piercing balloons, imitate fireworks).

Presenter: Galina Ivanovna, you walked the star path in a fun and beautiful way, now we are waiting for everyone to be invited to the table.

(The hero of the day invites guests to the table)

Sounds 1. Hello guests.

(to download - click file)

The first part of the anniversary script “My clear little star.”

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests and dear birthday girl!

My name is (Name), and our DJ (Name) and today

We came with you to congratulate Galina Ivanovna on !

It is not for nothing that they say that a woman is the keeper of the family hearth, a source of inspiration, and for those closest to her, a guiding star that helps them confidently walk along the roads of life. We will spend our evening today under the sign of a star named Galina - a word to the husband of the hero of the day (Name)

Guests fill their glasses.

Toast from my husband

The song “My Clear Little Star” is played, sung by my husband.

(can be replaced with a song played by a DJ - sounds 2. Mikhailov. Everything for you.

small break

Presenter: The name Galina translated from Greek means serene and clear. Next to such a woman you always feel calm and confident, so it is not surprising that she has so many loyal girlfriends and friends, a word of congratulations to long-time family friends...

Toast from friends

The guests are drinking.

Sounds 3. Allegrova. Happy birthday.

small break

Presenter: Dear guests, on our holiday the artists won’t come, and we don’t need them. As far as I know, you are talented and cheerful people yourself. Today we will have many different quizzes, competitions, reasons to sing, dance and, one way or another, express ourselves and our warm feelings for the hero of the day. Galina Ivanovna prepared a small gift for everyone, which will be presented at the end of the evening, and along with it, at the end of the evening, everyone will be awarded a nomination: the most informed, the most cheerful, etc. So today no one will leave without a gift. In the meantime, let's rehearse - everyone will try on the role of a star.

Table game for getting to know guests "Star Compliments""

Presenter: Each of us, at least once, dreamed of becoming a star, well, maybe not on a world level, but at least for our loved ones. Sometimes, in order to feel like a star, we simply do not have enough self-confidence or a person nearby who would believe in us and know for sure that we will succeed. Let everyone today, looking into the eyes of their nearest neighbor, say some kind of compliment, note a wonderful quality in his character, and emphasize any of his skills or talents. Each of us can find something good or interesting, and everyone is pleased to hear praise addressed to them.

(The presenter holds two headbands with beautiful stars (like Verka Serduchka’s): she puts one of them on her head, as if becoming a “star”, the second she holds in her hands. And turns to the guest who is next to her: “ I think that you will definitely become (or “are” - for older people it’s better to say in the present tense) a star, because you have smart and very expressive eyes." Then the presenter puts a second headband on this guest’s head, and gives her own headband into his hands )

Presenter: Like that. A guest who receives a compliment from a “star” also becomes a “star”. He turns to another neighbor and shares his “stardom” with him, paying a compliment. So, along the chain, our “stars” will talk to each other. This is just another reason to say kind words to each other and feel pleasure from the words heard addressed to you.

(table game in progress)

Presenter:(Toast) For the stellar composition of the assembled company! (drink) This is truly: “There are no uninteresting people in the world, their fates are like the history of the planets...” How well do you know the fate of our hero of the day? Let's check it now.

Anniversary quiz for a woman 60 years old.

Presenter: I will ask questions and give 3 possible answers, who knows - answers, okay?

In what city was our birthday girl born?

What technical school (university) did she graduate from? (3 options, one correct)

When she first saw her future husband, what was he doing? (3 options, one correct)

Who did little Galina dream of becoming as a child? (3 options, one correct)

Which city is Galina Ivanovna ready to go to at the first opportunity and why? (3 options, one correct)

(You can come up with other questions - about a specific hero of the day, on average, 10 questions are enough)

Song 4 is playing. Basque. Happy birthday.

small break

Presenter: It is immediately obvious that close people have gathered here who not only know Galina Ivanovna well. But they never tire of congratulating her. Word to friends!

(congratulations are heard and gifts are presented)

5. Kikabidze sounds in the background. Wishes.

Presenter: Next - a word to the son (name), who has prepared a surprise for his mother.

Star Trek slideshow and son's toast.

Sounds 6. Freestyle. Happy birthday, mom. - son invites mother to dance.

(They return to the table - everyone applauds)

Presenter: Dear Galina Ivanovna! We would like your star to shine in our sky for as long as possible and never fall. Let other stars fall, they say it’s fortunate.

Original congratulations on the anniversary

dance break

The second part of the woman's anniversary script

Presenter: Dear guests and dear Galina Ivanovna,

I suggest you refill your glasses and drink to

so that for all participants in this starfall, stars would fall more often and always to happiness!

Interactive at the table "What is happiness?"

The presenter goes around the guests and asks some of them what happiness is for them, how much is needed for happiness? Then he asks the hero of the day about her idea of ​​happiness.

A toast to happiness


Song 7 plays. Slutsky. What is happiness?

Presenter: Yes, for happiness a person needs both a lot and a little, sometimes it is enough for just a loved one to be nearby, today it is happiness for all of us that Galina Ivanovna is nearby, let’s tell her about this together, in unison. I read the first 3 lines, and you shout in unison the phrase: “It’s happiness to be with you!”

Table chant at the anniversary

small break

Musical entertainment at the table.

Presenter: I know that among you there are many fans of singing, now let’s first check how well you know old songs and films. And then we'll sing.

1. Guess the melody of their movies.

Z learns an excerpt of songs from famous films - guess the authors, performers or film.

2. Guess the name and finish the song.

Number " Bag in a circle."

(in a bag or box there are cool headbands, hats, wigs or costume elements)

Presenter: Let's assume that this was a rehearsal, and now there's another surprise. This box (bag) contains costume elements. But who will get what is unknown. While the music is playing, you pass the box around - whoever the music stops on takes out the first thing that comes into his hands and puts it on himself. And so on until the box is empty.

Sounds with stops 8. Instrumental. Cucaracha.

Presenter: Now all the happy owners of costumes come to me (distribute microphone, instruments, add costumes if desired).

(getting ready for the act)

Comic congratulations to the hero of the day

"Russian Song Ensemble".

Presenter: (announces number) Attention! From a foreign tour, especially to congratulate our hero of the day, a three-star and honored Russian song ensemble flew in! The song "Galina" is performed for Galina!

To create a greater effect, you can dress up in Russian folk costumes, such a performance will definitely impress the guests and the hero of the day

The song plays.9. White Day. Galina.

- (participants pretend to sing, dance and play instruments.)

Original congratulation "I will give you a star".

Presenter: Once again, a word to Galina Ivanovna’s beloved husband and faithful companion - (name). Remember: at the beginning of the evening he sang the song “My Clear Little Star” to her; once upon a time, their love story began with it, which they carried through their entire lives. And today he will give his wife a unique gift - from now on a star in the sky is named in her honor.

(Word to the husband, who presents a certificate from the Star Almanac)

A toast to the new star.

An old legend says: when a person is born,
A star in the sky will light up to shine for him all his life.
So let your star shine and never go out,
And may her love and kindness always warm everyone!

(The host invites guests to celebrate this event with a “star” dance. Sparklers are distributed to everyone, the lights are turned off, spouses and guests dance a slow dance to the “Moon Melody” or

10. Kortnev. If I did not have you -

dance break

THIRD Feast.

Presenter: Such an event as the appearance of a new registered star in our sky could not go unnoticed by the Astrologer, and he personally decided to attend our holiday.

Costume act "Stargazer"(one of the guests)

Happy wonderful birthday!
Happy anniversaries - six times!
Higher nose, straighter back, -
You are the most beautiful of all of us!

What an age! We know
It's not for you to count years.
You are so young -
I wish I could be so young!

Without unnecessary delays
We wish you
Bright days and starry nights,
Long years in your destiny!

Be happy and healthy
Never be discouraged.
On your birthday, live in a new way
Start every year!

What a beauty is sitting here?
Blinks his eyes
And he looks mysteriously
Right at you and me?

How old is she today?
About eighteen.
The whole world is convinced of this,
I have to admit.

We were wrong? Well, let,
After all, this mistake
Will instantly dispel your sadness
For the past years!

Like leaves along shady alleys,
The past years are circling through life.
Congratulating you on your anniversary now,
I wish you to love your heart always!

Six decades of beautiful life have passed,
With bright joy leaving your mark.
Hurry to a new spring without looking back!
Let happiness bloom in your soul for many years to come!

There is a girl standing in front of us,
Maybe Coco Chanel, who knows
Everyone wants to meet her
Adopt her posture and appearance.

It’s not for nothing that people say,
You will become the person you hang out with sometimes,
Something royal about the breed
Yours is there, in the sparkles of your eyes.

Your blush clearly shows
You have beautiful men as a favorite,
Palm of the championship which year
Hold it like a light postcard.

Congratulations on your anniversary,
Sixty is a mistake, you are sixteen!
Don't shed tears from your beautiful eyes,
After all, it's time to fall in love!

Live with all your heart, breathe with all your chest,
Enjoy the delights of life,
Let your eyes be like two ripe cherries
They will charm everyone around again!

You are sixty today!
And you can’t say it like that at a glance:
Cheerful, fresh, and more fashionable than everyone else -
And suddenly it’s an anniversary!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Be forever good
Best in deeds and song,
We can breathe easier with you.

I want to work with you,
Sing, laugh, have fun,
I want to dream with you
And don't notice the clock.

You carry happiness with you
Whether on a walk or at work.
There is a spark of God in you,
Everyone gets warmth,

Light, good fun.
Happy birthday!
Turn off the lights, bring the cake!
Light sixty candles!

You are at sixty, as if at twenty-five,
Plus only children, husband and grandchildren,
You might get lost among the schoolgirls,
If you decide to hide out of boredom.

You don’t need to wish for much,
After all, you have all this in life,
Always live together with your family,
And let life send only good news.

There are so many wonderful dates
For those who are in love with life!
It's not yet autumn sixty,
It's a velvet season!

Let your hair become whiter
And your soul is more and more cheerful.
Fate with its severity
It makes us cleaner, kinder.

Today is your big holiday.
Gather all your friends.
Don't grow old in soul any longer,
Create, love, dream!

Like an apple orchard in spring
Enchants again and again!
To meet a young soul
Love will always come.

The anniversary will remind you of the past,
Leaves a trace.
Everything that was destined came true,
We wish you new victories.

There is not a shadow of doubt in us,
You and after many years
With your spring soul
You will give warmth and light.

Happy Birthday to You!
It's your 60th birthday!
We wish you success and good luck!
Let your gaze burn as if in youth.

You are rich in spiritual strength
And your deeds are known to everyone.
We want her to be just as sweet
And you were always cheerful.

Quite a lot of kilometers have been covered
And the web of fate was intertwined.
For friends, for family and for homeland
You solved problems sometimes.

Let life be a new song
And let the cold retreat.
Always be beautiful and healthy
And she’s still young for 20 years!


If your family is soon to celebrate their 60th female anniversary, the hero of the occasion is your beloved wife, caring mother and grandmother, you are probably starting to think about organizing the celebration of the memorable date in advance. In order for the anniversary birthday to be remembered for a long time, it must be turned into an interesting event, avoiding banal gatherings at the table with excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages.

And finally, this long-awaited birthday of the best grandmother in the world has arrived. Naturally, the most pleasant childhood memories are often associated with visiting her. Especially memorable are those moments when my grandmother tried to please us. Just remember how the morning awakening came from the aroma of lush buns and fragrant pies. Of course, not everything was always smooth - sometimes my grandmother would punish me for some pranks. However, even scolding us for our tricks, she still exuded good nature and tenderness, and at this time you blushed.

Grandma always knows when and what to say, in what situations to regret, and in what to scold. And, when delivering a congratulatory speech on your 60th birthday, do not forget to emphasize in it how much your grandmother means to you, what you owe to her, all the wisdom that she taught you. And the fact that you grew up to be a good person is undoubtedly her merit. On our website you will find a variety of options for 60th birthday wishes for a woman that will help you express all the love and gratitude to your grandmother. When choosing a suitable congratulatory speech for your beloved granny on her anniversary, treat this preparation with care and love.

This is the only way you can show her your attitude. Gradually getting older, grandmothers become more vulnerable and impressionable; for them at this stage of life, the most valuable thing is the attention and care shown by their grandchildren. Being in old age, they no less want to feel needed and loved. They should know that all their work related to caring for their grandchildren was not in vain. Do you remember who put everything aside to give you the attention you needed while your parents were away? Who, secretly from your mother, indulged your little whims? Who told you interesting stories while you were enjoying the dishes your grandmother prepared? Of course, grandma does not expect an expensive gift from you; she herself is ready to give her best for your good. But sincere congratulatory words on the occasion of the 60th anniversary will be most welcome.

Both a round date and an ordinary birthday are a special event in the life of any person. The anniversary celebration must be taken seriously, however, in this situation, all organizational issues directly depend on the age of the hero of the day. They prepare for the event carefully and in advance, and often on a special scale. Choosing a present for a woman in honor of her 60th birthday is given utmost importance. If you know all the invited guests, try to find out in a sensitive manner the day before who has prepared what gift and what congratulatory speeches will be made to avoid repetition. When gathering to celebrate an anniversary, guests also carefully prepare. It is recommended to select outfits so as not to outshine the hero of the occasion. It is better to read congratulatory words by heart in front of all guests. In this section, we present to your attention various anniversary greetings that are suitable for friends and relatives, and for colleagues and superiors.


An anniversary becomes a traditional occasion for gathering all the relatives and friends of the hero of the day, colleagues and business partners, acquaintances and friends. This approach is due to the desire to organize a long-awaited holiday not only for the most dear people, but also for yourself personally.

Anniversary– this is not an ordinary event. In any case, this special holiday is important both for an individual and for an enterprise, firm, corporation, because it happens once in a lifetime. Often, at an event dedicated to an anniversary, a parallel is drawn with the passage of a certain segment of life’s path. In this regard, organizing an anniversary is not so easy. The main task of a professional toastmaster is an interesting staging of the holiday.

Specialists from a serious company that provides services for organizing celebrations know exactly what to pay attention to when preparing for an anniversary celebration in the first place, namely:

selection and rental of a suitable restaurant or other premises, possibly outside the city, at a reasonable price for a banquet or buffet table. The place where the event will be held should be convenient for both the customer and his guests;

Order catering services to any convenient place where the holiday will be held;

Development of scenarios taking into account the individual or corporate characteristics of the hero of the occasion, the profession of the hero of the day or the specialization of the company. Different scenarios when organizing an anniversary help to present in the best light the status and social status of the hero of the day, his respectability, with a clear highlight of his personality, interests, and circle of friends.

Anniversary celebration can easily be compared to a wedding feast: a large number of invited persons, holding a celebration in a restaurant, toastmaster and musicians, subsequent expressions of delight and memories, interesting and funny photographs. I especially want to surprise the woman celebrating her anniversary. Therefore, an anniversary congratulation on the occasion of a woman’s 60th birthday should remain in her memory as a fun, beautiful, interesting event, at least until the next suitable occasion. Without turning the anniversary into a “summing up” at a certain stage of life, fill the anniversary celebration with a variety of surprises and surprises for both the hero of the day and the guests. A woman will remember such a congratulation on her 60th birthday for a long time, as will any celebrant and guests.

Recently, many anniversaries celebrate their holiday outside the home, having fun to the fullest. If you want to celebrate your anniversary in such a way that it will be remembered for a very long time, carefully think through and prepare in advance everything related to organizing the anniversary. A script in verse dedicated to a woman’s 60th birthday will leave an indelible pleasant impression. You can also create an interesting scenario for celebrating the 60th anniversary in prose. Thus, a carefully thought out and developed script becomes the key to a fun and memorable holiday. Naturally, the key to an original approach to celebrating anniversaries, which distinguishes them from ordinary gatherings at the table, is an extraordinary festive scenario that is of interest to all those present.

Poems for a woman’s 60th anniversary should be selected by you so that you can hear in them a reflection of the merits of the hero of the day, her life position and merits.

A script drawn up in prose for celebrating a 60th anniversary can also be developed with a slight erotic twist, if you know for sure that this will not offend the hero of the day and the guests he invited. If there are no objections, funny congratulations and competitions with erotic overtones may be appropriate. Only with the correct preparation of the anniversary scenario can you be sure of getting a fun, exciting holiday. Smiles on the faces of those present and sincere laughter will be the best reward for this delicate organizational work. The “highlight” of a professional toastmaster is considered to be the development of scenarios that will not be repeated at the celebrations of other anniversaries.

Congratulations to a woman on her 60th birthday in prose:

(name of the hero of the day)! Happy sixtieth birthday! At 60, you can already say that a person has achieved a lot in life - to sum up a kind of conclusion. You are a wonderful woman, a loving mother and grandmother, a faithful wife and a wonderful friend. And, undoubtedly, you have achieved a lot in life, creating such a great family. Be happy and loved, prosperous, healthy and live for a long, long time! And accept these wonderful anniversary poems as a gift on your birthday!

Congratulations in prose:

Dear hero of the day! On this festive day for you, we solemnly congratulate you on your sixtieth anniversary and wish you with all our hearts mental and physical health, strength, spiritual balance and harmony. Remain the same beautiful and kind woman who gives others your attention. And we give these poems dedicated to the anniversary to you today!

Congratulations on your 60th birthday in verse:

You are sixty today!
And you can’t say it like that at a glance:
Cheerful and fresh, and more fashionable than everyone else -
And suddenly it’s an anniversary!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Be forever good
Best in deeds and song,
We can breathe easier with you.

I want to work with you,
Sing, laugh, have fun,
I want to dream with you
And don't notice the clock.

You carry happiness with you
Whether on a walk or at work.
There is a spark of God in you,
Everyone gets warmth,

Light, good fun.
Happy birthday!
Turn off the lights, bring the cake!
Light sixty candles!

It’s a glorious holiday in the team -
Our most important person
Celebrates anniversary!
Sixty springs have flown by,
Autumn has come in life
With your grace.

Life experience gained
And set up on Saturdays
Entertaining leisure.
There is still joy in life:
A mother's heart is a delight,
When the children come to the house,

They will bring their grandchildren with them, -
The house comes alive with sounds
Laughter, noise from the players.
And such is happiness -
Take part in the game
Having lost twenty-five years!

May you live a happy life,
Happiness is forged in joy,
Autumn will be golden!
We wish you on your birthday
And health and luck -
Everything you want!


In order to write a good script for a women's 60th birthday party, you need to prepare in advance. Preparation by our specialists goes through several stages.

A scenario focused on celebrating a 60th birthday at home includes, first of all, decorating the room with fresh flowers, paper applications depicting wildflowers, and posters. The choice of music is aimed at optimistic notes; songs about a happy future, dreams, a happy family and love would be appropriate here.

To begin with, specialists write and call the relatives of the hero of the day and ask them to remember important and interesting incidents from the life of the main heroine of the holiday. Based on them, the subsequent development of the 60th anniversary scenario for the woman takes place. Some moments from life were staged by the guests with the participation of the hero of the day, some were read as stories.

The next step is to think through the scenario of the festive event at home, taking into account the age of the hero of the day. Therefore, displaying the life path of the hero of the day becomes a natural moment in the celebration. However, this must be done in a way that is interesting to everyone. A small presentation using photographs shows the birthday girl from diapers to her anniversary. Each photo has an unusual background and funny captions.

Anniversary script for a woman In the summer, it is impossible to do without the ceremonial presentation of flowers. At the entrance to the banquet hall, guests with bouquets can stand in two lines and applaud when the hero of the day appears at the door.

The scenario for an anniversary celebrated by a woman in the summer can be developed taking into account spending it outdoors. This includes games and sports competitions that are suitable for all age categories of those present.

Considering that 60 years- this is not old age, but an honorable age, and in addition to a cheerful note, solemn and pathetic notes are also introduced into the scenario for celebrating a women’s anniversary. Usually our specialists ask the youngest relatives to come up with sincere, beautiful congratulations in poetic form or prose and when pronouncing each one, so that a little sad, but at the same time, very solemn music will certainly sound.

60 year old woman may have not only grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren. Modern youth can’t think of anything to surprise their beloved granny. Armed with a video camera, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren, a few weeks before the holiday, went around to all the relatives and almost all of the grandmother’s acquaintances with a request to tell something interesting about her on camera and express their wishes in honor of her 60th birthday. Next, they combined the filmed video with pieces of popular Soviet cartoons that the grandmother liked, and showed it at the holiday. The effect was amazing: a funny, but at the same time touching film amazed all the guests present, and, of course, the hero of the day.



Cool script for an anniversary


You can develop a scenario for your mother’s anniversary yourself. Who, if not you, knows all her tastes and preferences well?

The script dedicated to mother's anniversary should reflect only the best moments of her life, present the hero of the day in the eyes of guests only in a favorable light, emphasizing all the advantages of a tireless worker, a loving wife, a caring mother and grandmother.

You can entrust drawing up a script for celebrating your mother’s anniversary birthday to a professional toastmaster. If desired, the reins of the script dedicated to mother's anniversary can be given to one of your relatives or friends.

The scenario for mother's anniversary, starting with traditional congratulatory speeches and presenting flowers, gradually moves on to a variety of interesting competitions, dancing, and viewing photographs.

60th anniversary script for mom


Congratulations should not be boring and monotonous. They will please the hero of the day if they emphasize her attractiveness, liveliness, and cheerful disposition. Naturally, over the years she has become wise and experienced in various everyday situations. This combination sets her apart from those around her. Take this fact into account when choosing congratulations for a woman.

Congratulatory speeches Prepare ahead of time for your birthday. It is an ugly picture at the table when, when a guest is given the floor, he stands and, blushing and pale, tries to come up with something appropriate for the occasion or utters traditional short phrases.

An anniversary script for the 50th birthday for a woman, as well as congratulations and birthday poems for the 55th anniversary can be found on our website. You can use them either in their original form or with the addition of something from yourself.

Carefully selected and memorized poems and beautiful prose will especially appeal to the hero of the day if they take into account her tastes and preferences.

On a woman's birthday Both solemn and funny congratulations will be appropriate. Their utterance can also be timed to coincide with the presentation of a gift.

All congratulations on your 60th anniversary that you will find when searching on our website are filled only with beautiful words, wishes and parting words full of warmth and tenderness - only positive ones. Generously pamper the birthday girl on this day with compliments, remembering that women really like it, regardless of their age.

When choosing congratulations, do not focus on age, causing the woman to feel slightly sad and melancholy. After all, despite the fact that old age is just around the corner, she still wants to remain young.

The most beautiful woman in the world
Celebrating his anniversary today

But the age of adults, experienced people.

You are charming, always young at heart
And you shine the sun on your friends and family.
So stay and always be like this,

In matters of luck, joy, success
And have a great time celebrating your anniversary.

Happy anniversary,
At 60 special years
I wish you a lovely woman
Never know troubles
For the best to happen
May you always be lucky
Joy settled in my heart,
Happiness has not let you down!

You are sixty today.
Let this day be a little sad,
But there are plenty of grandchildren around,
And the children all gathered together.
We all want to tell you
How much we love you, we value you.
Live healthy for 1000 years
Let your heart be filled with love.

It's your anniversary!
It's secretly called Diamond!
Your finest hour is ahead,
At sixty, life is just beginning!

We wish you to increase optimism,
Share experience and wisdom!
Beauty, how to shine in youth
And today have fun until you drop!

We give you a huge bouquet of roses!
You are 60, we don’t believe you are serious!
You are as young and sweet as ever,
Flirty, naive, cheerful!

And on your anniversary we want to wish you -
Succeed in all your undertakings,
Love, create, don’t be discouraged
And outshine everyone with beauty!

Life is just beginning!
Oh, how many pleasant things happen on days like these!
A huge family is in a hurry to congratulate you,
And the round dance of your grandchildren will make you dance!

Oh, so many interesting things on the path of life,
But the most wonderful thing, believe me, is yet to come!
Let there be many more solemn events,
Have a pleasant adventure and joyful discoveries!

Fragrance like a snow-white rose,
You are turning exactly sixty
May life be largely serene,
And may everything always go well in her!

Let there be no fireworks on this holiday,
Let the country not declare a holiday.
But in these bright, happy moments
In the middle of winter it suddenly smelled like spring.
And we are light, comfortable, carefree,
After all, such a woman is among us.
At sixty you are still sparkling,
And the light of your radiant eyes is bright.
May you only pass the middle of your life,
We want to wish you at this hour,
So that the second half of life
I would be even happier for you!

Congratulations to a wonderful woman on her anniversary! May all your dreams come true on your 60th birthday. We wish you good health, eyes sparkling with happiness, a lot of love and attention, kindness and prosperity, prosperity and comfort. You are an amazing woman! There are still many surprising, new and amazing things ahead. May everything be even better for you than you wish!

The most beautiful woman in the world
Celebrating his anniversary today.
Yes, sixty are no longer children,
And the age of adults, experienced people.
You are charming, always young at heart,
You shine the sun on your friends and family.
So stay and always be like this -
With a brilliant look, bright, mischievous.
Health, happiness and more laughter,
After all, laughter is the key to many happy years.
In matters of luck, joy, success.
And celebrate your anniversary with “excellence”!

Sixty, so what?
It's just that a woman is more valuable
Brighter, more experienced, wiser
Every day in your destiny.
Happy anniversary!
We wish you to keep it in your soul
That spring that called into the distance,
What led you to your dreams.
Be healthy, be successful.
Let life flow slowly,
And there is warmth in the soul.
And bloom, to spite your enemies.

May life smile at you as before.
Let everything that has not yet come true come true.
So that people always support,
Who love you very much.
So that you always find something to do.
To want to be, and not seem.
May every day be wonderful and sweet,
And let everything in life be, and not “was.”
And may there be enough health and patience
Walk through life proudly, without oblivion.
Let connections and inspiration grow stronger.
Happy 60th birthday! Happy birthday!

On a wonderful holiday, on an anniversary
We wish you bright days,
Happy, joyful moments.
Let your loved ones take care of you.
You are the most beautiful of all on this day.
May success move with you,
Warmth, comfort reign in the family,
Health and dreams are blooming!

Every year you become more and more beautiful,
Every year it gets sweeter!
Today we celebrate
Your 60th anniversary!

The years go by quickly - like birds,
Then they fly by
We all understand together
You are still as young!

We wish you good luck,
Happiness, fidelity, love!
Let your eyes just cry
Only from happiness and dreams!

We wish you a happy day
A lot of peace and warmth,
We wish life to be vibrant
And it was as if a river was flowing,
We wish that in your home
There was happiness and peace,
We wish you eternal youth,
And also human joy.
Your anniversary is not yet old age,
And just wise years,
Live in joy and happiness
And never know troubles.

Our team celebrates,
A colleague turned sixty.
Congratulations on the greatest anniversary
I’m also in a hurry, let everyone forgive me.

We wish you goodness and happiness,
Good health and life without worries.
And I think everyone agrees with me,
Please accept our congratulations and love.

You radiate warmth
And with you I can breathe easily,
And often your wise advice
The light of hope comes on.

The Almighty has given us all life
One for good deeds.
You have invested the goodness of your soul
Into your worries and affairs.

By right of pride is full
For my son and his deeds.
And where can I find another mother-in-law?
So that there is love for the daughter-in-law?!

And, giving the warmth of the soul to the grandchildren,
She blossomed with happiness.
And this is your priceless treasure -
If everything is going well in your family.

How endless the road
You to everyone with whom fate brought you together.

60 is a lot, 60 is a little,
At 60 the road to wisdom is open.
It doesn’t matter that the years flash by
And my hair turns gray over time.
There would be a young soul,
But young souls do not age!
So even in these years,
While there is still “gunpowder” and agility,
The fire of enthusiasm burns within you,
Continuing to shine for people!

May you reach the shores of your hope
An old dream will land,
And, having shed the layer of former worries,
You are carried away into the clouds
Where relatives laugh, grandchildren frolic,
The house is rich in all blessings,
Where are your golden hands
Sixty will be greeted in arms!

In the worries of darkness, in the gossip of vanity
Magical moments are born
And among them you are beautiful again.
Do not express emotions of admiration
Ideas, your character.
You can solve any problem,
Be useful to both friends and family.
You have proven the theorem of female friendship!

And now sixty “knocks on the door.”
May the anniversary fill you with inspiration,
Like ripe sweet-tart grapes,
Fill your soul with pleasure!