How to return natural hair color after dyeing. How to return natural hair color after dyeing? How to return natural hair color after bleaching

Constant coloring leads to split ends, brittle and dull hair, and loss of healthy hair. Many ladies think about returning their original color after dyeing, but this is not so easy. Experts have developed recommendations that will help you in all your endeavors, but you need to be patient. Let's look at effective methods in more detail.


This method is suitable for those who have natural curls that are lighter than dyed ones. Professional cosmetics are sold in all specialized stores for hairdressers. The procedure is somewhat reminiscent of bleaching; you apply the emulsion and leave it on for the time specified in the instructions. The product is soft and easy to use; you can do the wash yourself without turning to a professional for help. The composition of the rinsing agents penetrates the hair structure and neutralizes persistent pigments, returning the hair to its original color.

Before starting the procedure, read reviews about products from various companies, and then choose the right product for yourself. Read the instructions carefully, then purchase all the necessary tools (brush or sponge for application, mixing container, hair clips). As practice shows, the paint is not washed off after the first use; it is recommended to repeat the procedure 3-4 times with an interval of 14-21 days. Please note that all this time you will be walking around with, to put it mildly, an ugly shade (yellow, marsh, orange).

Also, do not forget about the roots, if they are grown, the emulsion is applied to them in smaller quantities and washed off faster than the rest of the hair. Otherwise, you risk becoming the owner of “transparent” roots, as a result of which your head will appear bald. If, as a result of washing, everything did not go according to plan, contact a specialist, he will correct the mistakes made, even out the color and suggest optimal care.

Haircut and hairstyle

The most harmless option is to cut the ends by about 5-6 cm every month, more if the length allows. Hair will begin to grow faster if you get rid of unnecessary “ballast”, try to cut it as often as possible. If you want to not only return to your original color, but also maintain the length, be prepared for the process to be long and painstaking.

In cases where you are not ready to wait and want to get rid of dyed hair in a short time, change your hairstyle radically. Those with long and medium hair are advised to choose a short haircut. This option is not suitable for everyone, perhaps short hairstyles do not suit you, look at the circumstances.

Regular washing

It is known that the dye will wash off faster if you wash your hair more often. Hairdressers recommend using hot water; it has a better effect on the pigment and removes it, but the procedure has a bad effect on the general condition of the hair and scalp. Visit a specialty store and buy a professional paint remover shampoo.

Coloring and bleaching

This method involves dyeing to return the natural color. It all depends on the initial shade of hair, as well as on what tone you want to achieve.

Harsh effect on hair

Natural blondes dyed dark will have to try hard. If the hair has been dyed for a long time, the pigment has already been ingrained into the hair, so it will be difficult to remove it. It is known that persistent cream dyes have a cumulative effect, due to which the pigment stays in the hair for a long time. It is for these reasons that it is not recommended to use lightening paints; they will only worsen the situation. Blonde hair is very thin, exposure to lightening ingredients will make it fragile, and you risk losing most of your natural strands.

However, you still need to resort to bleaching, but not on your own, but with the help of a qualified professional. A skilled hairdresser will select the optimal composition, after application of which unwanted shades (green, red, red) will not appear on your hair. This method is not considered harmless; your hair will be damaged in any case, so be prepared to regularly use all kinds of masks and balms.

Gradual return to natural color

If your hair is, for example, dark brown, and you are dyed chestnut, there is an option to switch to a natural shade gradually. Previously, you probably dyed your hair along the entire length, now start dyeing only the roots. The pigment will be washed out from the length of the hair, as a result of which the need to color the root zone will soon disappear.

An important point: when choosing a paint tone, give preference to products that are 2-3 shades lighter than the overall color of the dyed curls.

Transition from blonde to brunette

If your natural hair color is dark, but you have previously bleached it or dyed it light, it is easiest for you to return your natural shade. Do not wear makeup for 1 month at all, wait until the roots are clearly visible. Next, purchase dye or visit a salon to dye your bleached hair a color similar to the shade of your roots. It is important to understand that the pigment will quickly be washed off from blond hair, so the procedure must be repeated regularly. Gradually, the curls will grow back, so you won’t have to apply makeup at all.

Transition from brunette to blonde

If you want to become a blonde again after being dyed a brunette, use the highlighting procedure. Visit a hairdresser every month to have him dye individual strands, this way you can easily achieve your color transition without harming your hair.

Gray hair restoration

The most difficult procedure is considered to be the transition of dyed hair to natural hair with gray hair. Due to prolonged dyeing, the curls acquired a yellowish tint with a grayish undertone, so the pure ashy color is not visible. Use a mixture of vinegar and water (1:1 ratio) or freshly squeezed lemon juice, which must be left on your hair for at least 25 minutes. The products are exclusively natural, the procedure is harmless without the use of chemicals.

Folk remedies

Citrus fruit blend

  • lemon juice - 120 ml.
  • orange juice - 80 ml.
  • grapefruit juice - 100 ml.
  • pomelo juice - 70 ml.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the hair that has been dyed. Keep the mask on your hair for 40-50 minutes. The composition is suitable for lightening hair, when the return to natural color should be insignificant. The recommended course duration and frequency of use is 3 times a day for 18-20 days.

Kefir-based mask

  • kefir or yogurt - 150 ml.
  • lemon juice - 50 ml.
  • burdock oil - 70 ml.

Combine the ingredients and cover your hair with the mixture. Wrap your head in a bag or put on a shower cap, then cover with a towel. Duration of use: 1 time every 2 days for a month.

Tea decoction

  • tea with lemon balm - 40 gr.
  • tea with lemon / juice of 1 lemon - 30 g / 40 ml.
  • rosemary essential oil - 6 drops

Make a strong brew of tea, add some oil, and rinse your hair with the mixture daily. It is advisable to repeat the procedure for two months.

Onion based decoction

  • onions - 5 pcs.
  • lemon juice - 200 ml.

Pour boiling water over the bulbs and leave for 5 hours. Add lemon juice, apply the mixture to your hair during bath procedures, wait 45 minutes and rinse with water. Don't worry about the smell from the onions, the lemon will neutralize it. Frequency of use: 5 times a week.

Herbal mask

  • calendula - 35 gr.
  • chamomile - 35 gr.
  • sage - 50 gr.
  • glycerin - 20 gr.
  • sour cream with fat content from 20% - 120 gr.
  • honey - 35 gr.
  • corn oil - 50 ml.

Brew the herbs and let the broth sit for 6 hours. Heat it and add glycerin, wait until it swells completely, then mix with honey, sour cream and butter. Warm the mixture thoroughly in the microwave and cover your hair, wrap your head in a plastic bag or cling film. Go to rest for 4 hours. Please note that the mixture may flow onto your neck, back and décolleté, so cover these areas with a towel or cloth in advance.

Can't go back to your natural hair color? Do a wash if you want to quickly get rid of dyed curls, but keep in mind that the procedure damages the hair follicles. If you have the patience and time to wait, visit the hairdresser every month and have your hair cut. Make all kinds of masks and rinse your hair with the decoction. Be irresistible!

Video: how to restore natural hair color

Changing your hair color is much easier than later returning your natural shade. It is important to choose methods that will preserve the structure and will not spoil the hair. It is more difficult to do this at home, so professionals advise contacting special salons. Correction of unsuccessful painting can be done using coloring and mixing compositions.

Ways to restore hair color

If a girl decides to go blonde and doesn’t like it, then it will take several times to return her hair color after dyeing. The hairdresser will be faced with a very responsible job, because he will have to hit exactly the tone with which it all began. The natural color is returned not only through simple dyeing, since various pigments are added to the solution to obtain a specific tone.

The disadvantage of bleached curls is that their structure changes greatly. They become dry, lifeless, porous, and their own pigment is absent. Therefore, correcting hair color in one go is impossible.

During the first dyeing, the strands will absorb as much pigment as possible and the color will be dull. But for the second time, it will be possible to successfully correct unsuccessful tinting by using special techniques, for example, tinting.

There is a basic check on the quality of the color coating. The color of the regrown roots should not differ in tone from the main mass of hair. Unsuccessful dyeing will only emphasize the difference in shades between the roots and ends.

Expert opinion

Catherine the Great

Dermatovenerologist, trichologist and cosmetologist

Taking dark color out of light hair is much more difficult than it seems at first glance. It is even more difficult to restore the structure if the coloring was carried out more than once.

This issue is resolved by lightening, which is preceded by washing off the dark pigment from the hair. Making a brunette blonde is much more difficult, because this procedure is carried out in several stages. First, the curls are bleached. The number of manipulations depends on how much the pigment is ingrained. There can be from three to five. But it is worth noting that all of them are carried out at certain time intervals (several months). You can’t sit in a chair with dark hair and stand up with light hair.

In between bleaching sessions, locks should be treated and maintained. Their weakened structure needs to be nourished with compounds, oils, and masks must be made. Salon treatment is recommended, which includes keratin straightening and lamination.

There are situations when it is not possible to return the natural shade. This happens due to frequent dyeing in dark colors. Then only radical methods help, that is, cutting.

If the client is determined to return to an ashen shade (if she has gray hair), then she needs to completely wash out the coloring pigment. The older a person gets, the less important substances, such as collagen, are present in his body. This leads to changes in the structure, split ends, and loss of shine. This means that radical measures to remove color or lighten the color may not be tolerated.

Expert opinion

Selyutina Marina Valerievna

MiracleMed Medical Center, 23 years of experience

Nourishing masks, balms, and restoring strands help wash out the pigment.

Professional products

The professional care market is saturated with a variety of products. But they all have approximately the same composition.

  1. Estel Professional is a corrective product that affects hair color. It removes old pigment only if very little time has passed since dyeing. Price – 455 rub. Suitable for all types of hair. The advantage is that the natural pigment remains intact because there is no ammonia in the emulsion. The product removes color, but does not make curls lighter. Among the ingredients there are sprouted wheat grains and soybeans, they restore the condition of the strands. The purpose of the emulsion is to wash away the pigmenting substance from the hair. The manufacturer claims that there will be no problems even after using black paint. How the product works: pigmenting correctors envelop the rods, washing away color particles from it.
  2. Brelil Professional Colorianne Remove Color System Kit is a product from an Italian brand that not only decapitates hair, but also lightens it. The cost of the set, which includes two tubes of 125 ml, is 1300 rubles. The system corrects color and does not affect the structure of the rods, because it only surrounds the pigments that are on them. This is an alternative to all known bleaching powders. But the product cannot lighten natural strands or remove direct dyes. It contains fruit acids that nourish the hair during the procedure. Any washes should not be used if the patient has serious skin diseases. To consolidate the effect, after the procedure you need to tint your hair with an ammonia-free color.
  3. Nouvelle color back is another product from the Italian brand. It consists of two components, which, when mixed, carefully remove color pigment from the hair. Its price is about 900 rubles. The operating principle is to reduce the amount of color without disturbing the structure of the rods. The remover can be used on individual areas of the hair. The main rule is not to use it if the hair has been previously dyed with henna.
  4. Backtrack Paul Mitchel is a remover from the American concern Paul Mitchel, which has proven itself as a lifesaver after unsuccessful staining. The natural shade remains unchanged. The product consists of three components (remover, color neutralizer, nutritional base), its price is 4900 rubles.

Manufacturers advise using it for home use. It has many advantages:

  • the wash is safe;
  • ease of preparation;
  • suitable for all types of hair;
  • contains protective components.


During the bleaching process, the pigment inside the hair is simply destroyed. Unfortunately, this cannot be avoided, especially for those who have dark, reddish or red-tinged hair. To return to your natural shade, you need to resort to bleaching.

Nuances that determine how light the curls will be:

  • temperature regime;
  • time;
  • base color;
  • ratio of dye used.

Even if you lighten your hair by half a tone, the structure of the hair will still deteriorate. It will become more brittle and fragile. To seal, use tinting.

  1. Ammonia cream paints. They eat into the structure of the rods and retain their color for a long time. Indispensable for blondes who want to return their natural dark shade.
  2. Tint paint. It has a softer effect on the rods, but the pigment is washed out faster. It should be used after the bleaching procedure to fill the porosity of the strands.
  3. Detergents for hair with any tone. These are shampoos and conditioners. They give the curls a temporary tint.

A haircut

Sometimes this is the best option, albeit the most radical. Here you need to choose a hairdresser to cut your hair as much as possible and look stylish and fashionable.

There is another way. It consists in cutting off colored locks gradually. But the hairstyle does not always look beautiful, especially if the appearance of the natural color is very different from the dyed one. In any case, this is a solution for those who do not dare to radically change their image.

Growing hair is not an easy task. The process is long and requires patience. But it has an undoubted advantage - efficiency. No need to spend money on expensive removers.

Decided to radically change your hair color, but the result disappointed you? Or maybe you're tired of endless coloring of your growing roots, and you want to return to your natural shade? To be honest, this is very difficult to do, but it is quite possible. You just need to be patient and have an extensive arsenal of products to nourish and restore your long-suffering hair.

How to get your hair color back: Method No. 1. Use a wash.

A remover or emulsion for removing stubborn dyes from hair is the most effective way to restore natural color. In case of emergency use of the remover, when very little time has passed after unsuccessful painting, 2-3 procedures may be enough to completely wash off the paint. If you have been wearing dark colors for several years and suddenly want to return to your natural blonde, you may need from 5 to 10 sessions with breaks of 1-2 days.

Don't be surprised if the hair color you end up with after the dye is completely removed doesn't look much like your natural hair color. The fact is that the effect of chemical dyes occurs in two stages:

    Removal of natural pigment to create a base for subsequent coloring;

    Applying cosmetic pigment to hair.

After the natural pigment is removed, the hair turns from pale yellow to red. You will see one of these shades after washing. Next, you need to dye your hair in a color as close to natural as possible and seriously begin restoring the health of your hair, which will be significantly spoiled by the procedures described above. Be prepared for this.

Method number 2. Dye your hair a color close to natural

This method is more suitable for blondes who were brunettes or brown-haired in their “past life”. If you belong to this group of girls...don't rush to run for paint. First, consult with professionals who will advise you on the appropriate tone. Uncontrolled coloring can lead to unexpected consequences, and instead of a perfect light brown color, you will get a cheerful green color. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to apply makeup more than once, since the dye on light hair is quickly washed off.

For those girls who want to transform from brunette to blonde, an additional step is required - hair lightening. This procedure is quite aggressive and has a devastating effect on the hair, so it is better to use a wash or method No. 3.

Method No. 3. Do highlighting or coloring.

The gradual return of natural color through highlighting or coloring is equally suitable for “former” brunettes and blondes. Dye individual strands a darker color or lighten them and tint them to a natural shade. This method is less harmful to the hair and gives time to think about whether it is worth returning to the natural hair color. In addition, coloring techniques that involve a combination of dark and light shades (ombre, shatush, balayage) are at the peak of popularity today. Therefore, feel free to go to the salon and get ready to appear in public in a new, trendy look.

How to get your hair color back: Method No. 4. Try using folk remedies.

Until humanity invented dyes and washes, girls all over the world changed their hair color using improvised means. For example, to lighten hair, they rinsed with a solution of lemon juice, and to give it a red tint, they used baths with beetroot broth. You can also use folk remedies, but don’t count on instant and dramatic results. If the dye is firmly ingrained into your hair, kefir masks and honey wraps will not help, but nevertheless, such procedures will clearly benefit the health of your hair. Here are some recipes:

Kefir mask for hair lightening: slightly warm the kefir and apply it to your hair, put on a shower cap and wrap your head in a terry towel. After 2-3 hours, wash your hair with shampoo.

Honey wrap: melt 200 grams of honey in a water bath, soak a little and apply to the entire length of your hair. Put on a shower cap, wrap your head in a towel and go to bed. The next day, wash your hair with shampoo.

After washing, rinse your hair with chamomile infusion or lemon juice solution. This will help lighten your hair a little.

Rinse with tomato juice - this is in case your hair has acquired a green tint during the experiments.

Some sources talk about means of restoring natural color, such as using a mask based on soda and salt or washing hair with laundry soap. Such methods are only suitable for very oily hair and do not guarantee results at all. They do more harm than good to dry or normal hair. So, be careful.

Method No. 5. Think about having a short haircut.

This method is the most radical, but at the same time the cheapest and fastest. It is not at all necessary to have a crew cut. Today there are so many options for short haircuts that are easy to style and suit many girls. Perhaps you are one of them. Consult with your friends, stylists, try to model a new look using the hairstyle selection program on the website. Maybe a short haircut is exactly what you need. In addition, there is an opinion that hair stores negative energy that is sent to us by ill-wishers, so we need to cut it off periodically.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is quite possible that in the struggle for natural hair color you will have to use several methods. The main thing is not to give up and confidently move towards your goal!

Very often, after an incredible amount of hair coloring experiments, a girl or woman realizes that the most suitable shade for her is her natural one. How to get yours back if it has long been lost under countless layers of bleaching and paint?

The simplest and least traumatic way is to wait for new ones to grow in before cutting off the colored ends. Here the question arises: how to grow yours so that you can cut it off as quickly as possible? This may turn out to be a rather slow method, as it will take a fairly long period of time, and most importantly, the natural shade may differ significantly from the color of dyed hair, which is why the hairstyle will look untidy and neglected.

If you are seriously concerned about the question “How to get your hair color back,” then you should resort to gentle coloring, choosing a shade that most closely matches your natural color. In the event that you've changed your hair color so often that you can no longer remember what your natural one looked like, you can look at your eyebrows or wait until your hair grows out a little. In this case, it is worth choosing a dye that suits the hair roots.

Of course, this method is perfect for brunettes and brown-haired women, but the question arises: how to restore blondes who have dyed their hair dark for a long time? Their path to returning to their natural ash or golden hue may be too difficult. Repeated coloring is unlikely to give the desired result, since it is necessary to make a transition from dark to light tones. Not everyone can afford a short haircut, because it’s a shame to part with your curls because of an unsuccessful experiment with color. To return in this situation, you can use one of two methods. The first option is simple; you need to go to a salon, where they can wash off the dye using a special procedure. Of course, this procedure is similar to bleaching, which causes considerable damage to the hair, but a professional hairdresser can reduce the harm of this process to a minimum. After this, the bleached hair will be dyed in a tone similar to your natural one.

The second way to return blonde hair is to gradually periodically highlight it with light feathers. This method is very time-consuming, but it is less harmful to the hair follicles and scalp. Even the most durable dye will eventually wash off, so highlighting here is designed to make the transition from your natural color to your colored hair smoother. While the light roots grow, it is necessary to make an increasing number of light strands, which will gradually replace the darker tone with a light one.

How to get your hair color back

Many women start to change themselves, and then want to restore their original color. Let's take a closer look at the question: how to restore your hair color using a remover? There are medications used by professional hairdressers that are designed to restore your own hair color if the client is unhappy with the result or is already tired of this option. The concentration of the remover can be different; if the concentration is successfully selected, it can destroy the artificial pigment, restoring the natural tone of the hair.

Removers can be natural, bleaching or acidic. The master chooses the type of wash depending on the original hair color and the shade in which it is dyed. Bleaching remover is designed to remove dark tones and is very harmful to hair. Two or three sessions allow you to achieve the desired result. An acid wash can remove the coloring pigment from the hair; this wash is not so harmful, but it will take many sessions to achieve the result. After rinsing, it is imperative to treat your hair with balms and masks.

The desire to dye your hair and radically change your appearance can be impulsive and thoughtless. In addition, sometimes the results of the procedure are far from the desired goals. Therefore, after some time, women begin to look for ways to get their hair color back. Despite the abundance of modern cosmetics that allow you to do this, you will have to be patient - it is impossible to instantly restore the natural shade.

How to quickly return to your natural hair color after dyeing it darker?

This is perhaps the most difficult task. You won’t be able to simply grow your curls, since the natural shade of the roots will contrast too much with the bulk of the strands and will look like bald patches.

The only effective method to return your hair to its previous light color is to use professional hairdressing removers. Recommended brands:

  • London;
  • Wella;
  • Estel.

Of course, you won’t be able to restore the shade of your strands in one go. It will take 2-3 procedures with a break of at least 2-3 weeks to avoid brittleness, hair loss, and minimal damage.

At home, you can try applying a solution of lemon juice and water (1:5) to your strands for 1-1.5 hours. These products also help wash out the pigment.

How to get your hair color back after bleaching or bleaching?

Going brunette again is a little easier. In this case, it is important to choose the right paint.

After the curls at the roots grow 1-2 cm, you should purchase a pigmenting agent that is closest to the natural hair color. In this case, you need to avoid any paints of a light brown tone, because as a result they give a greenish tint. Stylists recommend using ashy colors mixed with a purple corrector, which enhances the saturation and compensates for the lack of pigment in the hair.

It is worth noting that you will not be able to immediately return the natural tone of your curls. It will take 2 or 3 reverse dyeing procedures and constant correction until your own hair is will grow to the desired length, since even very high-quality pigment is gradually washed off from bleached strands.

How to get your hair color back after highlighting?

The situation under consideration is considered the easiest problem to solve. It is not necessary to completely paint it in a natural shade. Hairdressers advise coloring or using a pigment composition that is slightly lighter than the natural color. This will ensure a simultaneous return to your hair tone and give it shine, as well as tints and volume due to soft transitions from one shade to another.