Correct weight for height 160. Calculation of ideal weight taking into account body type

It is necessary to take into account parameters of weight and height, for example, to calculate an individual dose of drugs, to carry out physiological measurements and standardize these data. Scientists call the ratio of height and weight body surface area and believe that each person should know his own figure in order to easily calculate, if necessary, metabolic rate, Quetelet index, cardiac index. The vast majority of experts believe that this indicator is much more important than body weight.

How to correctly calculate the ratio of height and weight

Usually people adjust their weight without knowing the end result. However, when losing weight, you need to know exactly how many kilograms to lose so that your weight is ideal. Knowing the exact answer to this question, you will reach your goal much faster and easier. Many women make a big mistake when they try to adjust their parameters to the 90x60x90 standards. You shouldn't do this for several reasons:

  1. People who meet these parameters spend too much money and time on maintaining an ideal appearance.
  2. A person's physique is influenced by genetics, so if you or your immediate family have large bones, short stature and a tendency to be overweight, it will be impossible to achieve a model figure.
  3. For some, the model parameters will not be suitable at all, since the person will be too thin or overweight.

A reliable way to calculate your optimal weight gain is to remember the times when you felt in ideal shape. Look through old photographs, remember your feelings. Sometimes it is better to remember positive emotions about your appearance than numerical parameters. Many people feel great when they weigh 5 kilograms over their ideal weight, and some consider their ideal weight to be higher.


There are several formulas by which the required weight is calculated. For example, an anthropologist from France Paul Broca proposed the simplest calculation: the ideal height/weight ratio for women from 40 to 50 years old is height minus weight, for women from 20 to 30 years old it is weight 10% less than height minus weight, and for women over 50 – 7% more. Another simple method for determining ideal weight is by looking at the fat fold, which is located on the abdominal wall 3 cm above the navel. The weight is normal if this fold is 1-2 cm in size.

Table of weight in relation to height

The ratio of weight to height is influenced by age, gender and body type. It is believed that for an ideal weight you should know your individual body type, of which there are three:

  • Asthenic (thin-boned). When a person has thin bones, long limbs, a long, thin neck and underdeveloped muscles. Typically, people of this type weigh little, are active, and even with increased nutrition do not gain weight, wasting energy.
  • Normosthenic (normal). Lucky are those people who have this body type. They usually have a proportional figure.
  • Hypersthenic (wide-boned). People of this type have slightly larger transverse body dimensions than all other types. They have broad shoulders and chests, heavy bones and short legs. Such people are the most likely to be overweight, so they have to watch their weight the most.

For women

In determining the ideal parameters of a woman, her height is of great importance. For a long period, the following ratios of height and weight were considered classic:

  • below 150 cm – low;
  • 151-156 cm – below average;
  • 157-167 – average;
  • 168-175 – high;
  • more than 176 cm – very tall.

In our time of acceleration, some changes have been made to this scale, so now normal height is considered for women with normosthenic and broad-boned women from 166 to 170 cm, and the thin-boned type of women has a normal height from 168 cm to 172. Also, height depends on the length of the legs, which measured from the floor to the trochanteric point (the bump on the thigh opposite the hip joint). It is believed that a woman’s ideal figure is if the length of her legs is more than half her height by the following amount:

  • in the asthenic type - by 6-9 cm;
  • in hypersthenic – by 2-4 cm;
  • in a normal person - by 4-6 cm.

Women in the race for the ideal weight often bring their bodies to the point of being too thin. It is especially important for them to know their normal body index in order to avoid the unpleasant consequences of strict diets.

For nutritionist E. Chudinova’s version on how to correctly calculate individual body mass index indicators and avoid anorexia or obesity, watch the video:

For men

Modern men, no less than women, have become interested in weight problems. The fashion for a healthy lifestyle has left its mark on the stronger half of humanity, so they also need to know their body mass index. To determine it, different formulas are used. For example, for most athletes, ideal body weight is determined by calculating between height and chest volume using the formula: multiply height by chest circumference in cm, and divide the result by 240.

For ordinary men, the Quetelet method is common, to calculate which the weight must be divided by the person’s height squared (calculated in meters). For example, if a man weighs 65 kg and height is 170 cm, then the ideal ratio of parameters will be 22.49. That is, we divided 65 by 1.7 squared and got 22.49. If you check this figure against the list below, it indicates normal weight.

Body mass index indicators according to Quetelet’s method are as follows:

  • from 6.5 to 8.5 – insufficient weight;
  • from 8.5 to 25 - normal weight;
  • from 25 to 30 – overweight;
  • from 30 to 35 – obesity;
  • from 35 to 40 – second degree obesity.

Too high an indicator in the Quetelet body weight ratio indicates a sedentary lifestyle, excessively high-calorie nutrition and metabolic disorders in the body. These factors form obesity to varying degrees, which contributes to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, and digestive systems. Such people are at risk of developing.

For children and teenagers

For teenagers and young children, we often see body index standards on signs near children's doctors' offices. However, these parameters are relative, because physical indicators are influenced not only by the child’s age, but also by heredity, and even lifestyle. Modern children differ in body type and bone mass, so when calculating body mass index, one should rely on tables developed no more than 10 years ago.

In the table below, the data in the three middle columns characterize the normal indicators of the weight/height ratio, and in the “low” or “high” columns the jumps are caused by the individual characteristics of the body, so you should not attach much importance to this. You should contact your doctor for advice if your child's parameters fall into the extreme "very low" or "very high" columns at any age.

The pediatrician should refer the teenager for hormone tests to rule out diseases of the endocrine system. If the child does not fall within the normal parameters at any time, then he needs to be measured again after a month, and based on the repeated data, make a decision about contacting a pediatrician. The doctor in this situation, as a rule, first finds out how tall or short the parents are and what they were like at the age of their child.

Ideal weight calculator for children and adults

The exact method for calculating the ratio of weight and height is considered to be a calculator using Brock's formula, which you have already become acquainted with above. Let's take a closer look at it. The popularity of this method is that it takes into account the entire set of human parameters:

  • age;
  • body type;
  • height.

Scientists have proven that weight usually increases with age. This is considered normal physiological changes, and Broca's formula takes these points into account. And if before the age of 40 a couple of kilograms are considered extra, then after 40 these 2 kg are normal. So, according to Brock’s formula, the ideal parameters for people under 40 years old will be equal to height in cm minus 110, and if age is more than 40 years old, then height in cm minus 100 is calculated.

In addition to the ratio of height and weight, body type is also taken into account. For example, thin-boned people should subtract 10% from the result obtained, people with a normal build should leave the parameters as they are, and large-boned people should add 10% to the result. For example, if you are 160 cm tall, weigh 55 kg, are 35 years old and have an asthenic body type, then according to Brock’s formula your ideal weight is 50 kg.

The ratios of anthropometric parameters are especially important for newborns, so pediatricians force young mothers to measure their babies’ data monthly. These numbers will tell a competent specialist whether the baby’s routine and living conditions are correct. Calculating the ideal ratio of parameters for a child is no more difficult than for an adult, taking into account his age and gender.

To assess a newborn, doctors calculate the required body weight using special formulas. For example, to get the ideal body weight of a baby in the first six months of life, you need to add 800 to the birth weight and multiply by the number of months of the child. After 6 months, body weight is calculated using a different formula: birth weight plus weight gain for the first 6 months, plus 400 and multiplied by the number of months minus 6.

How to find out your body type?

We looked at body types above, but how do you find out your body type? It can be easily calculated using Solovyov's method. To do this, you will need a tailor's centimeter, which you need to measure the thin part of the wrist. A person is called normosthenic if the result is from 15 to 17 cm (in a woman) or from 18 to 20 cm (in a man). If a man’s wrist is less than 18 cm, and a woman’s is less than 15 cm, such people are called asthenics. If a man’s wrist is more than 20 cm, and a woman’s is more than 17 cm, then they are hypersthenic.

Does age affect height-weight ratio?

Scientists have long established that the ideal body index for each age is different. Kilograms should increase with age, therefore, to determine the optimal parameters, experts propose the following formula: mass = 50 + 0.75 (P - 150) + (B - 20): 4. However, it cannot be said unequivocally that this formula is suitable for everyone, without exception, After all, each person is individual and it is quite possible that with age they will not gain a single extra kilogram.

The weight of the human body is determined by its constitution and general state of health. The calculation and proportions of height and weight in men directly depend on these indicators - the taller a person, the more he weighs, and vice versa. There is also a certain formula by which you can calculate your ideal parameters.

Some representatives of the stronger sex pay considerable attention to their appearance

The optimal proportions of height and weight in men are determined by:

  1. their height;
  2. heaviness of bones;
  3. chest volume;
  4. the amount of fat relative to muscle tissue in the body.

The last factor is not always taken into account, but plays an important role for athletes. The normal ratio of height and weight in men, if they do not have health problems, is a constant value, strong changes in which indicate the presence of internal problems. How to establish the correct proportions?

Methods for calculating the ratio

There are many options for calculating your ideal indicators. A quick way to calculate the ratio of height and weight in men is to use one of these schemes:

  1. Brunhard's formula - chest circumference and height in cm are taken into account, the values ​​are multiplied and divided by 240, the resulting result is determined in the corresponding table;
  2. Neger's formula - 152.4 is subtracted from the height in centimeters, the resulting number is multiplied by 1.1 and 48 is added to it, the description is similar to the previous one.

By body type

To determine the correspondence of height and weight in men, you can use the standards for each body type; there are three of them:

  1. normal - normosthenic;
  2. thin - asthenic;
  3. dense - hypersthenic.

Belonging to one of these species is assessed visually. If in doubt, use the test:

  1. clasp the wrist of the other with the thumb and middle fingers of one hand;
  2. if this is easy to do, you have an asthenic type;
  3. the wrist is difficult to grasp - normosthenic;
  4. fails at all - hypersthenic.

Another method suggests measuring the length of the wrist, where 17cm or less is a thin build, from 17cm to 20cm is normal, and over 20cm is obese.

Also for evaluation, auxiliary tables are used, which indicate the optimal mass for different types of addition.


Such a person has virtually no body fat, which normally ranges from 11% to 18% of body weight. It has narrow and light bones, narrowed shoulders and elongated limbs. Often such people are called thin-boned and are characterized by an accelerated metabolism.

All these data serve as a physiological prerequisite for a small number of kilograms. At the same height, the weight of an asthenic person is lower than that of a normosthenic person by an average of 2 kg (or 10%).


This is the most balanced type of constitution, conventionally accepted as normal. It is characterized by an average rate of metabolic processes in the body.

The weight and height norm for men of this type are on average higher than for asthenics by about 10%, which is about 2 kg and 12-14% lower than for hypersthenics.


This physique has pronounced external signs:

  1. broad shoulders;
  2. shortened limbs;
  3. dense short neck;
  4. voluminous massive bones.

Such people are characterized by a slow metabolism and are often called large-boned or dense.

Depending on age

Not all calculations take into account the number of years lived, although it is directly related to a person’s mass indicators. A strong young guy is taller than an elderly person, therefore body weight for each age will be different.

The ideal weight for your height for men can be calculated in a simple way, taking into account the age and structural features of your body:

  1. a certain number is subtracted from the height in cm - up to 165cm - 100, 166-175cm - 105, more than 175cm - 110;
  2. so you get the norm for 40-50 years, for 20-30 years this result is reduced by 10-12%, over 50 years it is increased by 5-7%.

According to Broca's formula

This weight and height formula for men has two options, the second takes into account not only the year of birth, but also belonging to one of the types:

  1. 110 is subtracted from the measured height in centimeters if the young man is under 40 years old, and 100 if he is older;
  2. this value is standard for a normosthenic person; with an asthenic build it is reduced by 10%, with a hypersthenic build it is increased similarly.

Quetelet index

An approximate method of assessment that does not take into account the number of years a person has lived. Calculation of weight and height for men using the Quetelet index focuses on belonging to the ideal weight or going beyond acceptable limits. Normally, the index varies from 19 to 25.

where m is the available body weight, and h is the height in meters (it is measured in kg\m²).

Table of height and weight ratio for men

The most accurate data is obtained by specialists who measure the proportions of the human body. The height to weight ratio table for thin men looks like this:

  1. 155 cm - 49 kg;
  2. 160 cm - 53.5 kg;
  3. 165 cm - 57 kg;
  4. 170 cm - 60.5 kg;
  5. 175 cm - 65 kg;
  6. 180 cm - 69 kg;
  7. 185 cm - 73.5 kg.

Height and weight chart for men with a normal build:

  1. 155 cm - 56 kg;
  2. 160 cm - 60 kg;
  3. 165 cm - 63.5 kg;
  4. 170 cm - 68 kg;
  5. 175 cm - 72 kg;
  6. 180 cm - 75 kg;
  7. 185 cm - 79 kg.

For dense masculine representatives:

  1. 155 cm - 62 kg;
  2. 160 cm - 66 kg;
  3. 165 cm - 69.5 kg;
  4. 170 cm - 74 kg;
  5. 175 cm - 78 kg;
  6. 180 cm - 81 kg;
  7. 185 cm - 85 kg.

The most accurate parameters are given by the table: weight, height, age of a man:

Height and weight calculator for men

substitute your values ​​into the existing formula;

body weight is 50+0.75 (P-150)+(B-20)\4;

where P is your height and B is your age.

Every woman tries to determine this rather important indicator for herself. The height and weight standards for teenage girls are very different from the same ratio for girls or adult representatives of the fair sex. They serve not so much as parameters for a beautiful figure, but as indicators of health.

Each girl has her own unique figure with unique proportions

There are many ways to establish this ideal match, the simplest of which is a table of height/weight ratios for girls.

Usually the average value varies between 3-6 kg, down or up. For owners of average height 164-176cm, waist circumference plays an important role. It should be proportional to body weight - within 65-70 kg.

The ratio of height and weight in girls is normal if:

  1. their height is 156-166 cm and when subtracting 100, the result is 55-66 kg;
  2. 167-176 cm subtract 105 and get 61-70 kg;
  3. from 176 cm and above, the number 110 is subtracted and the result is 66 kg and more.

Height and weight standards for girls by age

Each of the specialists in this field offers their own version of determining the ideal parameters. The easiest way to calculate the norm of weight and height for girls is according to the following scheme:

  1. body height in cm minus 100 = ideal body weight;
  2. those under 30 need to subtract another 10-12% from the resulting figure.

Norms of weight and height for teenage girls are given in the table:

The proportions of weight and height in girls vary greatly depending on:

  • body structure - figures;
  • bone density and heaviness;
  • muscle tissue development;
  • the presence of fat deposits;
  • physical activity and sports.

Main body types

The correspondence between girls’ height and weight is influenced by their constitution; in total, three types of structure are distinguished:

  1. fragile - asthenic;
  2. normal - normosthenic;
  3. dense - hypersthenic.

To determine your body type you need to:

  • clasp your left hand with the thumb and index finger of your right hand;
  • if your fingers wrap around it easily, you are asthenic;
  • fingers almost touching - normosthenic;
  • this is impossible to do - hypersthenic.

Determination is also possible by external signs:

  1. fragile girls have thin bones and necks, legs longer than the body, poorly developed muscles, and no folds of fat;
  2. those with a normal and average build are proportionately developed and slim;
  3. dense women have wide and heavy bones, are wide in the pelvis and chest, they have short arms and legs, a stately and strong appearance.

Three types of human body structure, which differ in the proportions of bone structure and muscle mass


The amount of body weight of women of this somatotype greatly depends on a properly selected diet. Despite their thin build, they quickly gain weight, which is not compatible with weak muscles and thin bones.

The benefits of good metabolism, activity and energy play into their hands, allowing them to stay slim for a long time.


Owners of this type are the luckiest. They have a beautiful, proportionally built figure. All body sizes and parameters are perfectly correlated with each other. The average metabolic rate serves as a reliable insurance against unexpected kilograms.


Representatives of the hypersthenic type are quite large in themselves. At the same time, they have a small amount of fat with decent muscle mass. As a rule, they are short, have wide bones and short legs.

Does age affect the correct ratio?

It is easy to notice that the ratio of height and weight in teenage girls has better indicators compared to the same parameters for adult women.

Every year, the body's metabolic processes proceed more slowly, which leads to an increase in weight and the formation of fat deposits. It is also worth considering that with the onset of menopause, many women aged 45 to 55 years are faced with the problem of extra pounds.

Table of weight and height ratio for girls

Everyone has their own different body features that influence how slim and attractive they are judged. From a medical point of view, the height-to-weight ratio table for girls gives the answer to the question of ideal proportions, as it is based on calculations of a person’s body mass index.

Table of body mass indexes, which show the degree of normality of weight, its excess or deficiency

Height to weight ratio calculator

For these purposes, it is most convenient to use a calculator for the ratio of height and weight for girls, substituting your values ​​​​into the Lorenz formula:

body weight=(height-100)-(height-150)\2.

Nagler's method offers a more complex calculation scheme:

  1. with a height of 152.4 cm it should be 45 kg;
  2. for every 2.45 cm plus 0.9 kg and another 10% of the resulting number;
  3. for asthenics, no further calculations are made;
  4. for the normal type, the result is increased by 10%;
  5. hypersthenics add 15% to their indicator.

Paul Broca's formula

This is one of the most famous formulas, which takes into account all the main parameters. But it is suitable for people from 40 to 52 years old. For young people, including girls and teenagers, the resulting number should be reduced by 12.5%.

Nutritionists have developed an improved version for them, taking into account the maximum permissible kilogram:

  1. 50+0.75*(height-150)+(weight-20)\4=body weight recommended for a specific height;
  2. where body weight=(height-110)*1.15.

Types of female body structure in comparison with geometric shapes

Definition from the table

You can see the ideal ratio of height and weight for girls in this table, where the normal value can vary +\- 2-5 kg:

  • 143cm - 42kg;
  • 146cm - 44kg;
  • 149cm - 47kg;
  • 152cm - 50kg;
  • 156cm - 53kg;
  • 159cm - 56kg;
  • 162cm - 59kg;
  • 165cm - 63kg;
  • 168cm - 65kg;
  • 173cm - 66kg;
  • 176cm - 68kg;
  • 178cm - 69kg.

Quetelet's formula

This method does not provide highly accurate results for adolescents under 18 years of age and people over 65 years of age. Body mass index is an important indicator of problems such as anorexia or obesity.

You can calculate this ratio of height and weight in girls using Quetelet’s formula:

  1. weight in kg must be divided by height squared;
  2. BMI=B\(P*P), where BMI is the index, B is weight, P is height;
  3. for example, a girl’s height is 173 cm, her body weight is 52 kg, her BMI = 17.9;
  4. where is BMI<17.5 - анорексия, равен 17.5-18.5 - недостаточный вес;
  5. indicators 19-23 are the norm for 18-25 years old, and 23-27.5 are above the norm for this age;
  6. 20-26 is the optimal value for people over 25 years old, and 26-28 is overweight;
  7. 5-30 - first degree obesity (18-25 years), similar to 28-31 (>25 years);
  8. 30-35 and 31-36 - second degree of obesity, respectively, and 35-40 and 36-41 - third;
  9. BMI>40 or 41 - morbid obesity, life-threatening.

By choosing a diet, any woman hopes to become more attractive, to be liked by others, and to get a chance to climb the career ladder. Once you set a goal, you can accept some dietary restrictions without them seeming debilitating. But first, you should still find out what result you need to strive for.

Ideal figure - ideal weight

First of all, you will have to buy scales to use them to find out your real weight. Only after this will it be possible to determine how many kilograms you have to get rid of. True, there are situations when you have to increase weight to get an ideal figure. After all, people differ from each other not only in character, appearance, but also in body structure. Therefore, to establish ideal proportions, it is very important to correctly determine your individual body type.

Women's body types

There are 3 main body types:
1. Thin-boned (asthenic) body type. Women with this body type have long limbs, thin bones, a long and thin neck, and relatively weakly developed muscles. As a rule, representatives of the thin-boned type are light in weight; they are active, active, and even with increased nutrition, they do not gain weight immediately, since they spend energy faster than they accumulate.
2. Normal (normosthenic) body type. Women of this physique are lucky. As a rule, they have a beautiful, proportionally built figure. The main body dimensions are distinguished by the correct ratio.
3. Broad-boned (hypersthenic). Representatives of this body type have larger transverse body dimensions than normosthenics and asthenics. They are distinguished by wide, thick and heavy bones; their shoulders, chest and hips are wide; legs are short. Women with this body type are most likely to be overweight. They have to be especially strict about their diet.

To determine your body type, it is enough to measure the circumference of the wrist of your working hand: for asthenics it is less than 16 cm, for normosthenics it is from 16 to 18.5 cm, for hypersthenics it is more than 18.5 cm.

Growth rate

A woman's height plays an important role in determining her ideal weight. For a long time, the following gradations of female growth were considered classic:
- low - 150 cm and below;
- below average - 151-156 cm;
- average - 157-167 cm;
- tall - 168-175 cm;
- very tall - 176 cm and above.

In the last quarter of the 20th century. In connection with acceleration, changes were made to this scale: for women with large bones and a normal body type, average (normal) height can be considered from 166 to 170 cm, and for thin-boned women - from 168 to 172 cm.

Leg length

Obviously, height largely depends on the length of the legs. After the profession of a fashion model became one of the most prestigious and highly paid, long legs became fashionable. But in practice, of course, one has to be content with what nature has given. The length of the legs should be measured from the trochanteric point (this is the tuberosity of the femur located opposite the hip joint) to the floor.

As a rule, long legs are characteristic of tall women of normosthenic and especially asthenic body types. Small women usually have short legs, but if they are proportional to their height, then the figure does not suffer. If the length of the legs is more than half the height, the physique can be considered correct (the proportions are met). Legs are considered short only if their length is less than half the height. Most often, such disproportion occurs in short women with a hypersthenic body type. But even in this case, you can visually hide the existing imbalance with the help of high-heeled shoes.

A figure can also be considered beautiful if the length of the legs is more than half the height by the following amount:
- for big-boned people - by 2-4 cm or more;
- for those with a normal body type - by 4-6 cm;
- for thin-boned ones - by 6-9 cm.

For example, if with a height of 168 cm and a normal body type, the length of a woman’s legs is 90 cm, then the proportions of her figure can be considered ideal: 90 - (168: 2) = 6.

Harmony of horizontal lines

Having found out the norms of vertical proportions, you can begin to determine the horizontal proportions. First you need to measure the circumference of your chest, waist and hips. Traditional standards for fashion models (90-60-90) are good for tall beauties performing on the catwalk. A short, plump woman who wants to look stately and attractive should strive for different standards.

For women with a normal body type, the ideal ratio is where the chest circumference is equal to half the height plus 2-5 cm. To determine the bust size, you need to measure the chest circumference and add 8-10 cm to the resulting result. To calculate the ideal waist size from the height indicator should be subtracted 100-105 cm. The size of the hips should exceed the waist circumference by about 30 cm.

For thin-boned girls, a ratio in which the chest circumference is 84-86 cm, and the bust circumference is 4-6 cm larger than these values, can be considered normal. The waist of such girls is usually thin - 60-64 cm, and the hip circumference is about 30 cm larger. In women with a large-boned body type, these figures are significantly higher. So, the chest circumference should exceed half the height by 8-10 cm; to determine the bust circumference, another 8-10 cm should be added to the chest circumference. With a height of 166-168 cm, a waist with a circumference of 70-76 cm would be ideal; The hip circumference should be 25-28 cm larger.

Height to weight ratio. Methods for determining weight

So, body weight depends on the body type, height and age of a person. The easiest way for a modern woman to determine her normal weight is to trust the calculations of science. The easiest way is to use the formula proposed back in the 19th century. by the famous French anthropologist Paul Broca: weight in kilograms is equal to height in centimeters minus 100. Today this formula can be left for older people. For 18-50 year olds, according to the latest ideas, it is necessary to subtract another 5-10% of weight from the resulting result.

You can calculate normal weight quite accurately using the so-called Quetelet index: weight in grams must be divided by height in centimeters. For women aged 16 to 40 years, height in centimeters should be multiplied by the weight-height coefficient corresponding to age and body type. On average, it may look like this: with a thin-boned body type, for every centimeter of height it is enough to have 325 g of weight; for women with a normal body type - 350 g, and for those with a large-boned body type - 375 g.

It must be emphasized that the ideal weight of women (especially those whose height is below 160 cm) should be 10-15% less than normal. For short women up to at least 20 years of age, it is advisable to weigh 3-5 kg ​​less than normal.

Table of height and weight ratio for women

Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg
148 46,4 149 46,8 150 47,4 151 47,8
152 48,3 153 48,9 154 49,4 155 49,9
156 50,5 157 51,0 158 51,6 159 52,1
160 52,6 161 53,2 162 53,9 163 54,5
164 55,1 165 55,8 166 56,6 167 57,4
168 58,1 169 58,8 170 59.5 171 60,2
172 60,9 173 61,7 174 62,4 175 63,1
176 63,8 177 64,5 178 65,2 179 65,9
180 66,7 181 67,4 182 68,1 183 68,8
184 69,5 185 70,2

Table of height and weight ratio for men

Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg
158 56,4 159 57,0 160 57,6 161 58,2
162 58,7 163 59,2 164 59,8 165 60,3
166 60,9 167 61,5 168 62,2 169 62,9
170 63,7 171 64,4 172 65,2 173 66,0
174 66,7 175 67,4 176 68,1 177 68,9
178 69,6 179 70,4 180 71,2 181 72,0
182 72,8 183 73,6 184 74,4 185 75,2
186 76,0 187 76,8 188 77,6 189 78,5
190 79,4 191 80,3 192 81,2 193 82,1
194 83,0 195 839

There is a value that differs for women and men as the weight and height index (BMI), which helps assess the correspondence of a person’s weight to his height.

Helps to identify excess, normal or underweight, which is very important if you need to treat the body or for self-correction of your figure.

What is "body mass index"

Back in the 19th century, doctors determined that the occurrence of diseases was directly related to the presence of fatty tissue in humans. To identify the optimal weight, it was necessary to calculate the ratio of human height to his weight.

In 1869, the doctor A. Quetelet invented a method for calculating the index, which allows one to assess how much body weight matches the existing height. Over time, many scientists made various amendments and new formulas appeared. But the standards differed in different periods.

Recently, the optimal BMI has decreased, and this has caused an increase in the number of people who are overweight and obese.

Optimal body weight is a set range within which weight can move without affecting the functioning of the body

How is BMI determined?

Sometimes, calculating BMI does not provide accurate data. This is because people have different ratios between muscle and fat mass, which is due to many factors. Therefore, individuals with the same indicator do not look the same.

To correctly calculate BMI, take into account age, gender and type (small-boned, medium-boned and large-boned) of build, determined based on measurements of wrist circumference.

An objective value is considered to be the proportion expressed as a percentage between fat and musculoskeletal tissue for women - 13-20%, for men - 10-15%.

Thin people with narrow bone formation have a lower standard compared to those with large shapes. Sometimes, to determine the constitution of the body, the volume of the chest is measured.

Due to the structural features of female and male figures, their BMI is different. It is also necessary to take into account the age of the person being tested, because the optimal weight will differ for a young and an older person.

When analyzing the body mass index (the ratio of weight and height), it should be taken into account that it will be different for men and women due to the structural features of the female and male figure.

Over the years, a layer of fat is added, which is heavier than muscle tissue. Because of this, a mature person can have an ideal ratio and at the same time be overweight.

Special calculations are used to determine the optimal mass index of children. BMI is calculated in a special way for athletes. Thanks to training, they have powerful muscles, and their ideal weight will be much higher than that of an ordinary person.

How to calculate BMI using formulas

When calculating the weight and height index, they mainly use the following simple steps: for women, 110 is subtracted from height (cm), and for men, 100. But this formula overlooks the age, constitution of the individual, and other factors.

It is quite difficult to calculate the correct indicator yourself, taking into account all the subtleties. For people who want to maintain their weight in order, an online calculator was invented.

You just need to write down your data (height, weight) in a certain form and after 2-3 seconds. the display will show the result. Additionally, mention of hip and wrist circumference may be required.

The results obtained must be compared with the table, and a conclusion must be made about the body weight of the subject.

Calculation of body mass index using different methods

There are various ways to calculate the index, by which you can independently determine your appropriate weight and determine how many kilograms you need to lose. It is very important to remember that none of the methods will give an accurate idea of ​​​​the existing body composition, because Each organism has its own characteristics.

Only a highly qualified specialist will help to correctly assess the condition of the patient’s physical body. If your current weight is slightly different from the calculated norm, but you feel excellent, do not panic. Most likely, this is the individual norm.

Brocca's formula

The most recognized and widespread is the formula of the French anthropologist Broca, suitable for people of normal build who are above 150 cm and below 185 cm.

Having a certain growth, you need to subtract the coefficient:

  • up to 165 cm – 100;
  • up to 175 cm – 105;
  • from 175 and above -110.

In this calculation, you need to take into account your body type and change the result:

  • Asthenic (thin bone) – reduce by 10%;
  • For normosthenic (middle bone) – subtract 110 from height;
  • Hypersthenic (wide-boned) – increase by 10%.

Optimal weight for women and men is calculated differently depending on the type of build

To determine your type, you need to measure the circumference of the wrist of your working hand. Women's sizes for all types in order - up to 16, 16-18, 18 and above. Men have such girth sizes - up to 17, 17-20, more than 20.

Quetelet's formula

A mathematician of Belgian origin, Quetelet proposed his own method for calculating BMI. The formula is elementary, and consists in the need to divide the subject’s weight by height (meters) squared.

Classification based on BMI BMI What to do
Lack of body weight19 recommended to increase weight
-great shortageUnder 16
-average deficit16-17
-small shortage17-19
Normal weight19,5-25,0
Excess body weightMore than 25need to lose weight
1st stage of obesity25-30
2nd stage obesity30-35 strongly recommend reducing weight
3rd stage of obesity35-40
4th stage of obesitymore than 40you need to lose excess weight immediately

These indicators are applicable to representatives of both the stronger and weaker sex.

This calculation has some adjustments. For example, it is not suitable for pregnant women, the elderly and children. The coefficient may vary depending on the build or amount of muscle mass.

If the indicator is above 30 units. It is advisable to take serious measures: visit a qualified specialist, consult a nutritionist and exercise.

Lorentz formula

The weight and height index for women can be calculated using a very simple Lorenz formula, which will help to obtain a value very similar to the results of other, more painstaking calculations.

To calculate the coefficient, you need to know your height in centimeters (P) and carry out the following calculations:

  • R-100-(R-150)/2. The resulting number indicates normal weight, favorable for humans;
  • For the abbreviated Lorentz formula, P/2 -25 is required. In other words, subtract 25 from half your height.

This technique is relative and does not allow you to find out the optimal weight with absolute accuracy. Body type is not taken into account here and the age factor is overlooked. After all, different body weights are considered normal at different ages.

Breitman formula

To derive the weight and height index using the Breitman formula for women with a height of 165, you need to subtract 100 from 165. For a universal calculation, you need to multiply your height by a factor of 0.7 and subtract 50.

Body mass index for women

The mass index of weight and height can be easily calculated for women by applying Brock's formula: subtract 100 from height in cm. If you subtract 10% from the result obtained, you will get the ideal weight.

Having received too high a value, it can be stated that the subject is at risk and is susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, impaired functions of the respiratory system, etc.

The obtained norm can be considered for each lady individually. It is determined by age and differs between young girls and mature women. For a more accurate determination, it is also worth taking into account the proportion of muscle and fat tissue.

So, if we use the Quetelet form to calculate a girl’s BMI using average parameters, then with a height of 1.71 and a weight of 64 kg, we get: 1.71 * 1.71 = 2.9241; 64/2.9241= 21.89. A value from 19 to 24 is considered normal for the fairer sex, and in this example it is normal.

Body mass index for men

A man’s weight depends on individual physical fitness, well-being, and is proportional to the height and width of the chest. The presence of excess kilograms indicates deviations in the functioning of many body systems, therefore it is very important to determine your ideal weight and stick to it.

You can calculate BMI for a man with average parameters (height-176, weight-88) using the formula: 88/(1.76*1.76)=28.4. A normal ratio is considered to be between 19 and 25. The ratio found above indicates extra pounds.

A clearer idea of ​​the distribution of fatty tissue can be determined as follows: divide the waist volume by the volume of the buttocks. For the stronger sex, the norm is 0.85.

By applying Nagler's formula, a man can independently find his optimal ratio.

Having a height of 152 cm, body weight should be 45 kg. By adding 0.9 kg to the weight for every next 2.45 cm of height, we derive a number, and if it coincides with the actual kilograms, then this is regarded as the norm. If there is a large discrepancy, it is advisable to take the necessary measures.

Using height (P), BMI for the stronger sex can also be calculated as follows: P-(100+(P-100)/20)

Body mass index for children

Similar to calculating BMI for adults, you can calculate this indicator for children and identify excess kilograms, or a tendency to obesity.

BMI = weight in kg/height squared in m.

For example, if we take the average value, when a child is 1.5 m tall. weighs 45 kg, we get: 45/2.25 = 20. For a girl or boy of 13-14 years old this is considered normal. Children are constantly growing, and this means that this factor must be paid attention to. The table below shows the optimal indices for different ages.

Child's age Girl Boy
0-2 13,3-15,4 13,4-15,7
2-3 15,3-16 15,3-16,5
4-5 13,5-16,5 13,8-16,8
5 13-17 13-17
6-8 13,5-18 13,5-18,5
9-10 14-20 14-21
11 14,5-20,5 14,5-21,2
12 16-21,5 15-22
13-14 16-23 16-23
15-16 17-23,5 17,5-24

Even with the available data, the indicators are not easy to interpret. If in any doubt, it is better to consult a pediatrician. He will help determine the optimal weight and overall development of the child’s body, and in case of deviations he will be able to give the necessary recommendations.

Body mass index for teenagers

To correctly determine a teenager’s BMI, it is necessary to make the same calculations as for children, because using adult measurements is not entirely correct. During puberty, it is necessary to especially carefully monitor a teenager’s body weight. The coefficient is calculated using percentiles.

To find it, weight must be divided by height squared.

The resulting value does not contain the proportion of tissue types commensurate with growth, which is why there is a possibility of inaccuracies and misinterpretations.

The obtained result must be compared with certain data determined by the age of the teenager, and we will obtain a comparative value (CB BMI).

This figure may differ for boys and girls because the average level of muscle mass in men is higher than in women.

The found result of SV BMI corresponds to the following indicators:

  • more than 95 - obesity;
  • from 85 to 95 - overweight;
  • from 5 to 85 is the norm;
  • less than 5 - underweight.

Body mass index during pregnancy

The weight and height index for women during pregnancy is calculated using Quetelet's formula. This coefficient is determined by the duration of pregnancy, and by comparing it with acceptable standards, you can find out how many kilograms the expectant mother can gain. To do this, you still need to know the woman’s weight before conception and her height.

Insufficient weight gain by a pregnant woman can cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Excessive weight gain can make it difficult to give birth on your own.

The norm during pregnancy is considered to be an increase of 7 to 16 kg. But in practice, it happens that mothers with extra or missing kilograms gave birth to healthy babies.

If there is any doubt that the weight of the expectant mother can cause negative consequences for the baby, there is no need to worry prematurely.

Maximum permissible body weight based on age

The weight and height index can be easily found for women under 40 years old by subtracting 110 cm from their height in centimeters, and for women over 40 years old they need to subtract 100 cm.

It is obvious that with age, weight increases due to changes in carbohydrate metabolism, and this process is natural. This reduces:

  • metabolism;
  • energy and physical activity changes;
  • volume of muscle structure;
  • metabolic movement;
  • hormone activity.

Optimal body weight varies for different ages

Many scientists use the Egorov-Levitsky standards to calculate the permissible weight coefficient for women. These indicators indicate the maximum permissible weight at a given age. Exceeding the BMI below indicates excess body weight.

Height, m Age, years
20-30 31-40 41-50
1,66 65,2 71,8 76,5
1,68 68,5 73,7 78,2
1,70 69,2 75,8 79,8
1,72 72,8 79,3 82,8
1,74 74,3 79,0 83,7

Why you need to know your BMI

Those who care about their health and their figure need to know their BMI. Doctors use this coefficient to select the dose of medications. At home, you can use it to control your weight.

Calculating the indicator will help identify the presence of abnormalities in the body and their severity. Thanks to the data obtained, nutritionists can prescribe appropriate diet and exercise for obese patients.

BMI is the standard way to determine obesity levels in men and women

However, with any weight adjustment, it is not recommended to trust only the obtained indicator. If it does not correspond to the norm, then it is worth doing additional research.

Analysis of results by BMI

It is worth emphasizing that the BMI standard changes periodically. For example, in the USA at the end of the 20th century, the normal index was 27.8. Then the standards changed, and the indicator dropped to 25. This caused an increase in the number of citizens who are overweight.

According to research by Israeli scientists, the optimal ratio for men is 25-27. For women, the normal weight and height index completely coincides with the standard.

BMI is a guideline and is used primarily by doctors and nutritionists. Having calculated the number yourself, it must be compared with WHO standards using a separate table.

When identifying obesity or underweight, you should not rely with complete certainty on the derived index. So, people who have highly developed muscles and do not have extra pounds may have an overestimated figure.

Degrees of obesity by BMI

Having determined your weight and height index using Brock's formula for women, and having identified extra pounds, classify overweight from optimal body weight using the table:

Excess,% Obesity stage Actual BMI
20-30 1 25-30
31-50 2 30,1-36
51-99 3 36,1-40
More than 1004 More than 40

Obesity levels 1 and 2 are considered a minor cosmetic flaw. It may cause mild discomfort and cause further weight gain. At the extreme stage of obesity, pathological abnormalities are formed that affect all vital systems of the body.

Obesity can have the following types:

  • stable level that lasts for a long period of time;
  • progressive- characterized by rapidly increasing or slow continuous gain of kilograms;
  • residual- weight may increase significantly after a long period of weight loss.

Disadvantages and limitations in using the BMI method

The interpretation of BMI values ​​proposed by WHO does not take into account the age and gender of the individual. Data from many countries show that the optimal weight index for women is lower than for men. In addition, it is higher among middle-aged citizens compared to young and old people.

The word “norm” means “average values,” but statistical data show that BMI “standards,” according to WHO regulations, do not correspond to the typical normal distribution of BMI indicators among residents.

It may be that the weight and height index, which is optimal for women in one country, will be overestimated among women living in many other countries of the world. For example, in Russia, if you adhere to WHO recommendations, then the majority of the population over 30 years of age are overweight.

How to normalize your body mass index

Excess weight, as well as insufficient weight, lead to serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. If there are minor deviations from the standard, there is no need to worry.

If the discrepancies are significant, you should first consult a specialist. He will select the optimal diet and prescribe a diet.

  • increase the calorie content of portions by increasing food intake and more frequent meals using protein foods;
  • engage in physical exercises aimed at gaining body weight, excluding workouts that deplete the body;
  • create conditions for healthy and sufficient sleep.

Those who are not critically overweight should adhere to the following rules:

  • reduce the amount of food consumed;
  • exclude fatty foods from the diet, reduce intake of eggs, coffee, alcohol;
  • diversify your diet with a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, cereals, lean meat and fish;
  • follow the meal schedule. At night it is better to drink kefir or eat fruit.
  • choose sports activity that promotes fat burning;
  • Breathe fresh air as much as possible and get good sleep.

It is advisable to track your weight and height index, which is especially important for women, because its deviations can cause hormonal imbalance. Lack of body weight leads to loss of strength and decreased immunity. Extra pounds create problems with the cardiovascular system and contribute to loss of activity.

When looking for optimal BMI indicators, you should first of all listen to your body. If the numbers indicate deviations, but your health is quite comfortable, then you can live a full life without achieving an ideal weight.

Useful video materials about the height and weight index for women

Ideal weight to height ratio for women:

Body mass index: how many extra pounds you have and how dangerous or safe their amount is for health:

Height to Weight Ratio: Windows App Review: