Vector marriage: who is more dependent? Vector marriage. unpredictability. We characterize vector relationships

Astrology of love and relationships. Your date of birth will tell you how to meet your other half and create a strong family Solyanik Katerina

Year of birth and vector couples

Year of birth and vector couples

Of course, eastern astrology is much more complex than those horoscopes based on the zodiac signs of the eastern calendar, which are widely known. However, even these twelve characteristics can at the first stage clarify the situation with the prospect of building a relationship between two people. And the point here is not so much in the own characteristics of each sign from the Rat (Mouse) to the Boar (Pig), but in certain combinations between them. There are very few astrologers in the Western world who have penetrated to the very essence of Eastern astrology. On the one hand, this is due to too large a gap in the worldview of peoples and with differences in cultural traditions, and on the other hand, due to the fact that Western astrology itself can reveal so many secrets about each person and his life that it simply does not make much sense master parallel methods of considering the same thing. However, some methods of Eastern astrology have no analogues in the Western tradition. And first of all, this is the patronage of certain animals every year of the 60-year cycle.

To accurately determine your eastern calendar sign, you should remember that the new year in the eastern calendar does not begin on January 1, but with the onset of the first new moon after the Sun passes into the zodiac sign of Aquarius.

Data on the beginning of the new year according to the eastern calendar and the zodiac protection of your year of birth can be found in table 1.

Table 1

The beginning of the new year according to the eastern calendar and zodiac patronage

Being born in a year under the auspices of one of the signs of the eastern calendar determines, as it were, a general style of behavior and attitude towards the world, the ability to establish connections with society in general and with a specific person in particular. It would seem that further we should outline the general characteristics of each sign of the eastern zodiac. But in this case, what is more interesting is that there is a strange, almost mystical connection between these signs, which lays down an inviolable law of attraction between people born under these signs. This connection is called a “vector ring” or “vector relationship”.

Vector relationships are 12 combinations between the signs of the eastern calendar, which determine an inexplicable, but almost fatal attraction between people born under these signs.

Here are the 12 combinations:

Rat – Horse

Horse - Boar

Boar - Dragon

Dragon – Rabbit

Rabbit – Rooster

Rooster – Dog

Dog – Cow

Cow – Tiger

Tiger – Goat

Goat – Snake

Snake - Monkey

Monkey – Rat

Relations between people born under the signs that make up a vector pair in no way depend on the character that each of these signs promises a person.

In Fig. 1 shows the circle of the eastern zodiac indicating these pairs. As is easy to see, there are no geometric patterns or symmetries that define these pairs.

In the same way, it is impossible to find a proper explanation for the attraction between people born under the signs of a vector pair, no matter how much you read into their characteristics. But it exists, and in confirmation of this you can find an endless number of examples of fatal love in history.

Rice. 1. Vector eastern zodiac couples

And here the question arises: does meeting your vector match promise happiness in life? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. The fact is that a vector pair does not determine the quality of the relationship; it indicates a completely different piece of information. People born under the signs that form vector pairs can love each other to the point of exhaustion, or they can also hate each other to the point of frenzy. A vector couple is an inexplicable attraction to each other. In such couples, nothing is gray and inconspicuous, all feelings are heightened to the limit, however, for each of the couple it is different.

The fact is that in every vector pair there is a “master” and a “servant”. In the list above, the first in the pair is the “master” and the second is the “servant”. This is also shown in Fig. 1. The terms themselves that define the role in a vector pair are very symbolic and fully reflect the essence of the interactions between the people forming this pair. If we take for comparison any other relationships, that is, those not determined by a vector couple by year of birth, then we can say that throughout life, either the first partner will dominate the second, or, conversely, the second will dominate the first. It depends on so many factors. In a vector pair, the “servant” partner is an eternal energy donor, and the “master” partner is, if not a vampire, then the one who takes a place on the pedestal of honor. The most interesting thing is that the distribution of roles in such relationships is always completely voluntary, and sometimes unconscious. The “servant” is ready to give all of himself without fail and sacrifice himself for the sake of the “master”. The “master” is absolutely sure that he has undivided power over the “servant”. But this characteristic in no way speaks of what the union will turn out to be - giving both happiness and joy or destroying the very essence of the personality of one of the couple or even both.

If all other indicators of compatibility are excellent and people are in love with each other, then they can live their whole lives happily, and this will be a fairy-tale union of people infinitely devoted to each other. If the relationship is ambiguous in all respects, or even bad, and people need to break up, then it will be a difficult breakup. Here a strange rule comes into play: “I’m worse off without you than with you.” Of course, nothing is impossible in this world, and divorce is also possible for such a couple, but it will not go smoothly for either one or the other partner.

Having become acquainted with the concept of “vector pairs,” someone may decide: “Wow, that’s a blast!” Others, on the contrary, will be inspired by the idea of ​​​​searching for their vector half. It must be said that both are wrong. Vector relationships promise neither happiness nor troubles. This is only the strongest energy connection between people, forcing the “servant” to sacrifice himself to the “master”, to give him all of himself without reserve, and the “master” to consume energy and patronize the “servant”, forever remaining unattainable. And only due to personal characteristics and individual character, some are able to take one of the roles in such a pair, while others are not. But the main thing is that it is never easy.

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There is such a thing as a vector relationship between a man and a woman. They began to be studied relatively recently, but they help explain many phenomena in our lives and connections between people.

What are they and why are they sent?

The concept of vector relationships appeared at the end of the twentieth century, thanks to astrologer Gregory Kvasha. He compiled a detailed marriage horoscope, in which he paid special attention to vector relationships.

In the eastern horoscope there are twelve signs that form a vector ring. They line up according to the master-servant principle, walking one after another: Rat and Horse and Boar, Boar and Dragon, Dragon and Rabbit, Rabbit and Rooster, Rooster and Dog, Dog and Bull, Bull and Tiger, Tiger and Goat, Goat and Snake, Snake and Monkey, Monkey and Rat.

A special attraction forms between these couples, which is quite difficult to explain. Moreover, the relationship does not depend on the personal characteristics of the signs. The term “master” means that this partner will be dominant throughout their life together. The distribution of roles occurs unconsciously, the second in a couple, that is, the “servant” gives himself completely to his partner, not understanding his pathological dependence and desire to be close.

The “servant” sacrifices himself, and the “master” dominates and enjoys power. Such relationships cannot be called happy, there is no equality in them, they often destroy the personality, causing a lot of negative emotions. At the same time, the energy of the relationship is strong, passion boils in them.

If you meet people who are compatible in many respects, then the relationship can last a long time. However, if it is necessary to destroy the union, separation occurs very difficultly, sometimes for a long time with periodic returns or separation “not completely”. Vector relationships do not predict happiness or great troubles, there is simply a strong energetic connection between the signs.

Such relationships are sent to someone who needs a sharp change in circumstances, who needs to develop and undergo trials, but he just can’t decide to do it. Vector marriage can help a person become more understanding and developed and move to a new stage in their development.

Distribution of roles by year of birth

Vector relationships based on the influence of the year are built in different ways. Who is the master and who is the servant can be seen in the table:

  • Rat and Horse. High level, developed intelligence of both partners. They love communication and always have a lot of friends. The Horse's daydreaming does not always please the Rat. The Rat is more practical, so the Horse with its head in the clouds can irritate it. They will not give in to each other, which will lead to certain problems.
  • Horse and Boar. The Pig is carefree and a little stubborn. The horse is endowed with passion and romance. Relationships are made up of emotions, and not always positive ones. Quarrels often arise, attempts to solve everyday problems from different sides. For a marriage to work out, the Horse needs to become more humble, which is problematic for it.
  • Boar and Dragon. Such a union can be harmonious, since the signs understand each other well.
  • Dragon and Rabbit. The Dragon has a high level of energy and will take care of the Rabbit, so they have every chance of living for a long time. The Dragon is practical, and the Rabbit has a developed spirituality, which will help them in their life together.
  • Rabbit and Rooster. The beginning will not be easy. They will have to learn to understand each other in order to live together.
  • Rooster and Dog. The union is complex; these two signs have little in common with each other. Both are active and combative, defending their point of view. The Rooster loves to lead and be a leader, but the Dog is also looking for its place in the social group, which creates certain problems in the couple.
  • Dog and Bull. They have devotion, so they can build quite successful relationships. The Ox is stubborn, so the Dog will have to come to terms with this, otherwise constant conflicts are inevitable.
  • Bull and Tiger. They are opposites. The Tiger is playful, the Ox is practical and serious. It is difficult for their energies to intersect.
  • Tiger and Goat. is a support in a couple and brings stability. He protects the Goat and helps her. Harmony will reign in such a relationship, but at the beginning it will not be possible to avoid some mistakes.
  • Goat and Snake. Both want relationships and family. The energy is strong, there is passion between them, as a rule there are no quarrels, but they keep grievances inside themselves.
  • Snake and Monkey. The love of such a couple will not last long. The Snake will strangle the Monkey, which will ultimately destroy love, although energetically they are quite compatible.
  • Monkey and Rat. They have every chance of success, as the partners will support each other. There is comfort and prosperity in their home.

According to zodiac signs

Relationships based on a vector can be based not only on years, but also on zodiac signs. This is called a “small vector ring”.

Vector relationships can develop only by year, only by month of birth, or be double, which is an increase in energy and the receipt of a “double master”, and this makes the union unpredictable, full of emotions and contradictions. As can be seen from the table above, for example, for the sign of Pisces, the servant is Leo, and the master is Libra.

The owner may show strong neglect of the partner, a tendency towards manipulation, and cruel dominance. However, there are also strong alliances between such vector pairs, if the combination is successful.

What kind of relationship do the partners have?

Between vector partners it is characterized by unpredictability. Love and passion arise quickly and their subsequent lives are filled with various emotions and chaos. At the same time, the Master rules, takes, and the Servant gives energy, completely submitting.

If the dominant is strong, then he can become extremely selfish, completely suppressing the will and personality of the partner, while it is quite problematic for the Servant to break out of this circle, since he is dependent without understanding why.

Their relationship develops regardless of logic. It would seem that incompatibility should destroy the union, but it continues to hold on, sometimes for a long time, exhausting both partners.

In a relationship:

  • High emotionality.
  • Chaos reigns.
  • If a personality has vulnerabilities, this leads to its destruction.
  • Partners open up to each other easily.
  • Partners are in constant tension.


To understand whether you really have a vector relationship, evaluate the following signs:

  • The vector connection is hard to break, it lasts for years without understanding what actually keeps partners close.
  • The owner is jealous, strives to return the Servant if he suddenly decides to leave.
  • Relationships thin the energy field. You get tired of them, vulnerabilities appear, and any criticism is perceived painfully.
  • The Master is annoyed by the actions and actions of the Servant, and the Servant depends on compliments.
  • The Master does not value the Servant enough, which ultimately leads to the appearance of complexes, self-doubt, dependence on a partner and his opinion.

Pros and cons of marriage

Vector relationships have both pros and cons.


  • Variety of feelings, a vivid expression of emotions, the opportunity to experience strong love.
  • Partners open up easily to each other, there is rapid development of relations.
  • Feeling mutual understanding.


  • Constant conflicts even for minor reasons.
  • Vulnerability, thinning of protection.
  • Constant stress which is mentally exhausting and undermines mental and physical health.

What to do if you are already in such a union?

Rarely does anyone act wisely and practically, so one day you may realize that you are in a vector union. There's no need to give up everything at once, There are a few tips to help you cope with situations and maintain mental stability:

  • Necessary show maximum calm.
  • Rate how much such relationships affect you, your well-being.
  • Whatever you do, but The Master will always be right, and the Servant will also think so.
  • If you are in the role of a Servant, you will have to forget about equality and especially about attempts to dominate; it will bring nothing but quarrels.
  • If you want to take a break or see each other less often, then you should take advantage of this. This way you can take a break from each other.
  • If you are the Master, but learn to understand your partner and feel sorry for him.
  • Don't rush into an official marriage, evaluate whether you can really stand it in such a relationship.
  • If you decide to have a relationship, then be prepared that everything life will be stormy, sometimes exhausting.


A child in such a union requires special treatment. Parents' nervousness and constant scandals affect their children. In such families, the development of sociopathy and neurasthenia in children is common.

Often vector partners give birth to children with highly developed intelligence, creativity and even genius. in a vector marriage it may be uncontrollable, as it adopts the parents’ communication model.

How to leave a couple?

It is quite difficult to leave such a union; it will require a lot of strength, motivation and desire to change your life. First, you need to understand why you want to break up. The motivating factor will be the destruction of personality, the presence of negativity, and constant conflicts.

The best way to end such a relationship is to decide to leave immediately and forever, closing all avenues of communication. It’s good if you have the opportunity to go to another city. A change of scenery, new acquaintances will help destroy the created karmic connection. Leaving will require willpower, so as soon as you feel it surge, immediately pack your things and leave.

The gap can take years. A woman may say that she can no longer live with a man, but at the same time she continues to do this, since she is emotionally, physically, mentally dependent on him.

If you manage to break out of such a relationship, then not only relief comes, but your life changes dramatically. Freedom, success, new people and a new, more prosperous union with another partner come.

The master may not let the servant go and wants to renew the connection. And at this moment it is important that the Servant does not listen to him. That is why it is recommended to cut off all contacts and not try to find out anything about your partner’s life, so as not to hide him again.

When trying to communicate, you should deviate from it and not agree to meetings, even friendly ones. The likelihood that the couple will get together in this case is very high, only the relationship itself will remain the same.

Vector relationships at work

In the professional sphere, such relationships are also unpredictable. If there is a subordinate in the role of the Master, then he will look for any ways to reduce the authority of the boss. If a subordinate is a Servant, then sooner or later he will be able to understand this or someone will open his eyes, after which he will drop everything and leave.

It will be difficult for a master-subordinate to make a career if the boss is in the role of a Servant. The downside prospects are also small. It will be difficult and sometimes completely impossible for business partners in a vector relationship to come to some kind of common decision.

Whether or not to stay in such a relationship is up to everyone to decide for themselves.. If you love a person and are ready to make concessions, then your life together can be happy. If the union causes only negative emotions, exhausts and does not give a feeling, then you will have to think about whether it is really worth saving.

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Boar The Dragon Horse Boar Rat Horse


I don’t want to call a vector union between a man and a woman a marriage. Marriage is something stable, natural, balanced, something that can be built, predicted, explained, in the end. But all of the above has nothing to do with the vector union. This, now a whirlwind, now a calm, now a fire-breathing volcano, now a rotting swamp, does not in any way fall under the concept of marriage. Rather, a vector union should be called not a marriage, but a riddle, Pandora's box, a breakthrough into the fourth dimension, or something else like that. Therefore, it is impossible to come up with any commandments for vector marriage. And the only real commandment could be the formula about the absence of any commandments. Therefore, all the commandments that will be set forth are very conditional and relative.

Well, for now, let’s announce, as they say, the entire list of characters. Rat - Monkey, Monkey - Snake, Snake - Goat, Goat - Tiger, Tiger - Bull, Bull - Dog, Dog - Rooster, Rooster - Cat, Cat - Dragon, Dragon - Boar, Boar - Horse, Horse - Rat. At the same time, for the first time, we have to stipulate in advance that in the listed couples the position of the spouses is not equivalent. In each pair listed, the servant is in first place, the master in second.

a) For some, vector marriage is obvious evidence of divine intervention in our lives, for others it is an equally obvious consequence of the devil’s machinations. Hence the main commandment, when entering into a vector marriage, do not expect to remain in the shadows. A vector union is a guarantee of, if not adventure, then at least anomalousness. Expect that aliens will visit you, a poltergeist will settle under your bed, drums, little devils, angels will appear everywhere, everything will mix up in the house and will spin under your feet. In a word, your life, already not simple and clear, will become completely beyond the control of reason. You can, out of fear, rush through churches, driving out an evil spirit, or, on the contrary, illuminating a strange union with the blessing of the church. Neither one nor the other changes anything; the church has no power over the vector ring.

b) You can get into a vector marriage out of great love, you can get into it completely by accident, you can pretend that the vector marriage didn’t mean anything to you, but you will never be able to prove that the vector marriage didn’t turn you inside out. This is a scalpel, God or hell, but it is the sharpest surgical instrument, it is not used for trifles. So don’t worry about worry, even if you manage to get out of the vector marriage alive and unharmed, the scar will remain for life. It is possible that vector marriage is some kind of vaccination, or maybe even initiation into a certain order of knights who have gone through vector purgatory. But in any case, vector marriage is the gate, the eye of the needle, through which a person becomes a Human.

c) In this sense, try to perceive the vector union as a test, as a dilemma. Moreover, not a single answer is obviously correct or incorrect. This is not a guessing game or a quiz. You say to the vector union - Yes! And go right, or say - No! And go left. And since then there is no turning back for you. A vector scalpel cuts out half of your soul and throws it away forever. And no one will say which half was better and more necessary. The choice is not between darkness and light, not between good and evil, which would be very comforting for us, but rather between order and chaos, between love and morality, that is, between things that everyone would like to preserve in their entirety. But you can’t, because you always have to choose. One chose love and forever lost the right to the path to truth. Another chose the truth, and since then, instead of a soul, he has a black hole, unable to love himself, unable to sympathize with the love of others.

d) The number of vector scenarios is unlimited. One of the main entertainments of humanity is a collection of vector essays. And yet, first you should understand the main thing about your vector marriage: are you growing together, or, on the contrary, are you rejecting each other. We are talking not so much about mental interactions as about purely physiological reactions. Any drug analogies are possible: smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. If you feel sick from cigarettes, then no matter how strong your addiction to nicotine is, you need to pull yourself together and quit smoking. If you realize that vodka is killing you, gather your strength and kill vodka first. If smoking and drinking leave you with the opportunity to live a comfortable life, then live to your health. Not every vector marriage needs to be destroyed.

d) But if you still managed to get out of a vector marriage, then rejoice immensely. You have reached a new level, God kissed you. Now you simply have to make a fantastic career, especially if you were a servant in a broken vector marriage. Theory always congratulates people who have left a vector marriage. If the collapse of any other marriage is always a recognition of weakness and helplessness, then the collapse of a vector marriage is always a recognition of a person’s strength, the power of his spirit. Don’t rush to destroy a vector marriage, but once you decide, know that a reward awaits you. However, also remember that great rewards are not paid for trifles. Destruction of a vector union is the hardest, most unique work. Breaking up a vector marriage is just as difficult as maintaining a balanced marriage.

f) Vector interaction is directly proportional to the time of communication and the density of contact, and therefore always try to manage your condition through time management. Learn to manage time, learn to control vector. Learn to control the vector and become the manager of life. If your vector union follows the principle of “24 hours together” and you are still alive, then spit on everything and don’t read any commandments, everything is fine with you, you have long grown together, you have one body, one soul and two brains in synchronous mode, you don’t need anyone and no one is interesting.

It’s a completely different matter if every minute spent together changes your mood, if you look like a kettle forgotten on a burning stove, heat up, boil and, finally, burn. Everything is more complicated here - vector allergies are treated with harsh methods.

g) To scare people with vector marriage - or not to scare, that is the question. On the one hand, you won’t be intimidated, but you will end up withholding strategic information. Still, a vector marriage is cooler than the Bermuda Triangle - the immune system breaks down, the roof goes crazy, and so on. On the other hand, if you intimidate a person, and the vector marriage turns out to be happy, calm and peaceful, who will you find yourself after that? Therefore, the main commandment, which follows from the unpredictability of a vector marriage, is not to try to predict how it will all end and what scenario it will follow. Nothing is known in advance.

h) Do not look for a golden mean in a vector marriage. He's either too good or too bad. Everything average, ordinary, universal for a vector marriage is impossible. Either delight or despair. Hence the main tactical commandment of the vector alliance - go to the end in the chosen direction. Either together until the end, or apart until the end. But running back and forth in a vector marriage is not advisable. Nothing will settle down, will not be tolerated and will not fall in love, will not settle down and will not settle down. If you decide to leave, go away. I decided to stay - stay. This commandment is especially important precisely because in a vector union the will is weakened many times over and may completely disappear. Any exaggerated assessment is only beneficial, because it helps to make a clear decision whether to stay or leave.

i) For those who like to look for a higher meaning in everything, it is very important to understand why a vector marriage exists at all, and why it happened to a specific person. According to the latest ideas, vector interaction is omnipresent and inevitable, whether the vector is large or small, karmic years or karmic months. And everywhere vector influences help a person to interrupt the ordinary course of life and reach a new level. Yes, through stress, through humiliation, sometimes catastrophe... But there is apparently no other way to deprive a person of his sheepish self-confidence, stubbornness and stupidity. Thus, vector tests are sent to someone from whom a sharp change in circumstances is expected, who has already outgrown his old pants, but does not dare to change them. This is where the vector union appears, that very nightmare that explodes the old established life and at the same time serves as a control test for passage to a new level.

j) Thus, vector marriage also has its own achievements, its own register of exploits. The vector marriage ruined some, but exalted others, taking them to a completely transcendental level, placed others in the ring of time, forcing them to move in a circle, and pulled others out of the ring and placed them on the axis of ultra-fast progress. So be proud. Whatever happens to you in a vector marriage, be proud. The universe itself has challenged you. If you lost, it means you were the main figure interfering with higher powers, and therefore do not be afraid to ask for good compensation for your defeat. If you win, then don’t complain about troubles, bad luck, lack of money, unpopularity and other details. Be proud of the victory itself.

k) If a spiritual marriage allows spouses to spit on public opinion, then a vector marriage allows everything in the world. In a destructive scenario, everything is allowed, because there are no forces. In the creative scenario, everything is allowed because the fused vector spouses are no longer people, they are some kind of new being, with a new physiology, a new psychology, a new morality, or rather with an absent morality, because the very concept of morality is purely human. All the meanness of an equal marriage, all the arrogance and arrogance of a spiritual marriage are trifles compared to what a successful vector union allows itself. Truly there is no limit. A person who has surrendered to the mercy of the vector can afford everything.

m) Describing the details of so-called equilibrium marriages, we were forced to recognize the symmetry in the position of the spouses. Emphasizing the inequality of the sexes in romantic and patriarchal marriages does not deprive them of balance. Each remains a dominant figure in his element. A vector union is a completely different matter. There is a master, there is a servant. The position of the spouses is initially different. The master can and must become a master, the servant must and can become a blind executor of the master's will. Alas, in real life everything is not so simple, and often it is the offended servant who strives for power, and the relaxed master who does not want to command. Still, let everyone play their role. If you have a chance to command, pull yourself together and command, if you have a chance to serve, serve and don’t rock the boat. There are even certain benefits to being a servant. The servant is a suffering figure, morally purified. The owner is an impudent, boorish, ungrateful and indifferent monster.

n) Spiritual marriage moves a person away from his native sign, but does it slowly and for a long time. In addition, in a spiritual marriage, the sign shift occurs in a very precisely defined direction, according to the normal logic of the elements. The vector union literally hacks all defense systems, rips open all protective shells and throws two completely different people into the most powerful embrace. As a result of this nightmare surgery, the shift of signs occurs quickly, chaotically, roughly. Finally, the shift is going in a direction that cannot be explained by ordinary logic. Moreover, if only one structure was crushed in the spiritual shift, then everything is here at once. The loss of a sign means the loss of all the most precise settings. Continuing the computer analogy, we can say that all programs freeze, a person begins to glitch, sometimes very strongly.

o) A vector defect is a situation in which rotation always goes in one direction; there is practically no concept of reverse motion here, just as there is no concept of trial and error. Everything is always here once and for all. Therefore, counseling such a marriage is almost impossible. There is almost no clear and obviously useful advice. Today, a consultation is an attempt to open their eyes, to help spouses see themselves from the outside, and also to help the spouses themselves find the main decision - to continue the vector experiment, or to stop. If the decision is made (by at least one of the spouses), then the consultant helps in full force, because the technique of leaving a marriage is known, the technique of preserving a vector marriage is also clear.

p) So: you decided to leave the vector union. Learn to manage time. Reduce communication time. If there is a physiological addiction, then try to replace it with another addiction, it doesn’t have to be about another person, it can be anything - alcohol, sports, travel, a car, and so on... Finally, you feel that your spirit has become stronger, in the trembling in your knees is not so bad... Run, run as hard as you can, and if you have no strength, then crawl, crawl until you lose consciousness. And when you crawl away, then freeze and hide, not responding to cries for help, or messages of death, or screams, or crying. Plug your ears, close your eyes and take as long as you can. But even when you have already won and confidently broken the vector alliance, continue to be careful and do not lose your vigilance. All this applies to a particularly large extent to departing servants.

p) If you decide to stay, then realize that this is forever. Imbue yourself with fatalism, outline the range of issues that you refuse to discuss and refuse to think about. From now on you are deprived of freedom of choice, you are a lifelong slave to the decision you made. Don't complain, don't grumble, don't seek consolation. Relax your muscles, ignore everything, live as you live. You will be fine, everything will be fine.

And now a list of horoscopes of people who feel even better in a vector marriage than in other marriages, because a vector marriage was intended for them.

Rooster - Aquarius, Rooster - Cancer, Dog - Capricorn, Dog - Taurus, Pig - Leo, Pig - Libra, Rat - Libra, Rat - Sagittarius, Ox - Aquarius, Ox - Gemini, Tiger-Taurus, Tiger-Scorpio, Cat - Capricorn, Cat - Leo, Dragon - Pisces, Dragon - Cancer, Snake - Scorpio, Snake - Sagittarius, Horse - Pisces, Horse - Aries, Goat - Gemini, Goat - Virgo, Monkey - Aries, Monkey - Virgo.

In astrology there is the concept of “vector marriage”. This is the name given to the union of two representatives of certain signs of the Eastern horoscope, which is characterized by unpredictability and is based on a “master-servant” relationship.

Vector ring structure:

Rat – Horse – Boar – Dragon – Cat – Rooster – Dog – Ox – Tiger – Goat – Snake – Monkey – Rat.

Neighbor on the left - this is the owner sign, and the neighbor on the right - this is a sign - a servant.

For example, in alliance with the Boar, the Horse will be the master, and in alliance with the Rat, the servant.

The principles of the existence of the vector ring influence everyone who enters into such relationships, and disbelief in horoscopes is not a defense against them.

Let's highlight a few main points:

  • vector relationships are characterized by increased emotionality and require serious energy expenditure; the interaction of partners resembles a conflict of natural elements;
  • everyone is equal in front of a vector ring: neither logic, nor intuition, nor will will help to resist its principles;
  • vector relationships easily destroy a person’s own protective field or find his vulnerabilities;
  • the advantages of vector relationships are quickly established contact between partners, a complete feeling of comfort,
  • the simultaneous possibility of the hottest passion, spiritual understanding, and intellectual harmony.

What should a person do if he suddenly finds out that he is a member of a vector union?
Here are some tips:

  • don’t panic and try to figure everything out calmly;
  • try to calmly assess how much your existing relationships influence you;
  • remember that the “master” is always right in his own eyes, in the eyes of others, and even in the eyes of the “servant”;
  • The “servant” should abandon all thoughts of justice and equality;
  • there is no need to try to change fate, and if there is a desire and opportunity to see each other less often, do not resist this - this way both you and your uneasy union will get a break.

Vector marriage: + and -:

  • people open up to each other as much as possible, this leads to a merging of souls;
  • in no other union is a person capable of experiencing such strong and varied feelings;
  • marriage becomes a source of conflict - partners often hurt each other, in such relationships jealousy and resentment manifest themselves more strongly than in any other, each participant in such a union feels dependent on the other;
  • At any moment and for any reason, a conflict can begin, the situation is very mentally exhausting, and constant stress undermines health.

From life experience we know that the most powerful emotions in married life fall precisely on those who are in a vector union. When the euphoria of the beginning of the novel ends, and the relationship takes a more stable form, its “consequences” become obvious - it turns out that someone has problems with the nervous system, someone has unbalanced basic body functions, someone has become too aggressive, and someone completely lost interest in what was happening.

This is what often happens in a vector marriage:

  • the “servant” may degrade, and the “master” may lose his conscience;
  • the “servant” can become hysterical, eccentric, and the “master” is forced to follow him like a nanny;
  • the outcome of the development of such relations cannot be predicted, just as not a moment of calm can be guaranteed;
  • participants in such a union do not notice their personal transformations, cannot be apart for a long time, and as soon as they get together, they begin to quarrel;
  • spouses grow together in all areas of life, like Siamese twins, lose interest in the world around them, plunging into the abyss of their experiences.

A person who has fallen into a vector trap must decide for himself what is more important to him - the preservation of his own personality or the pleasure that can be obtained in such a union. The immediate environment of each partner can play an important role - from the outside, as a rule, it is clearer that something wrong is going on with a person.

A very serious topic – children in a vector marriage:

  • “vector” children are uncontrollable, just like vector marriages themselves;
  • children copy “vector chaos” even when outwardly everything is fine in the family;
  • a child in a vector marriage requires tenfold attention, a special approach, he should not be a hostage to the situation.

Vector marriages, depriving spouses of a protective field, make them more impressionable and sharpen their perception. Such qualities contribute to success in some professions and creative activities. Children of vector marriages are also susceptible to this influence - they can be both unbalanced and brilliant.
Is it worth running away from such a union as fast as you can, or can you still try to start a family and save your nerves? Despite the passionate love, the relationship in such couples can hardly be called cloudless.

If you decide on such a relationship, then:

  • do not rush to formalize your marriage and give birth to “vector” children until you are sure that you are capable of such a relationship;
  • the “master” must (simply must!) feel sorry for the “servant”, whose personality is gradually losing its individuality;
  • The “servant” should remember the material and psychological conclusions that he draws from this marriage;
  • sometimes you can resort to the option of a “temporary divorce”, which will ease the situation before a new reunion;
  • the more often the separations, the weaker the hurricane raging in your family;
  • The “servant,” having decided to break up, should look as insignificant as possible in the eyes of the “master” - in this case, you can get out of the situation with the least losses;
  • Having parted with the “master”, do not try to take revenge, much less return to him - distance yourself as far as possible, it is better not to communicate at all until the emotional wounds heal.

Did you find out that you live in a vector union? Imagine that in 10 or 20 years your life will not be stable, and your partner will still irritate you, and sometimes even offend you. If you understand that you are not ready for the fact that the relationship will periodically become unbearable, nervous tension will reach its peak, and you will feel that you are slowly fading away, then it is better to run away.

Life confirms that a servant who has escaped from the influence of his master immediately begins to achieve success in areas that were previously inaccessible to him.

If, despite the unevenness of your relationship, you are able to receive satisfaction from it, then take everything for granted, do not complain about fate and do not try to change it. Forget about fairness and stop proving anything to your partner. It must be said directly that passion and love help hide neurotic attachment, which will only bring oppressive jealousy, fear of loss, fear of being alone and self-doubt into sunny relationships.

If the spouses have a large age difference, or the marriage was concluded already in adulthood, then you can hope for luck, but even in this case, tolerant relationships must be properly built. If you want to give such a marriage a chance to exist, never oppose yourself to your partner, do not draw attention to the differences that exist between you. Stop the dialogue if there is a danger of a quarrel, take a break from each other. By demonstratively defending your position, you only aggravate the conflict.

And yet, is it possible to live in a vector relationship all your life? Yes, you can. But only if you are not ready for marriage as a fairly calm and balanced union, created for raising children, joint housekeeping, mutual support, and cannot imagine life without inspiring love and passionate marital relations with the closest person in the world.

Dependency in master-servant relationships is considered not only from a psychological point of view. Astrology also deals with this issue.

Astrologers have identified a certain pattern in love relationships between representatives of different signs according to the Eastern calendar. This pattern resulted in a certain structure and became known as a vector ring. In a simplified form, the ring looks like this: Rat - Horse - Boar - Dragon - Cat - Rooster - Dog - Ox - Tiger - Goat - Snake - Monkey - Rat.

The concept of “vector marriage” is based on this structure.

In addition to vector marriage, patriarchal, romantic and spiritual are also distinguished.


A vector marriage is a love union between representatives of those signs that are in the “master-servant” relationship. By looking at the vector ring, you can identify the location of the signs. The sign on the left is the “master”, and the one on the right is the “servant”. The “master” in a relationship always suppresses the “servant”.

For example, for a sign a dog is the “master”, and the dog, in turn, is the “master” of a bull, etc.

Such relationships stand out from others because of their instability and confusion. Some astrologers, jokingly, note that the phrase “vector marriage” is an oxymoron, since an ordinary marriage is, first of all, a symbol of stability and tranquility.


Quarrels and misunderstandings in vectors are much more common than peaceful resolution of disagreements. It is especially difficult for the servant sign, since the master sign does not allow it to develop. While in relation to the “owner” everything happens exactly the opposite. But if the “servant” manages to get out of such a marriage, then he will definitely feel more confident and will achieve heights even in those areas that were previously beyond his control.
The “master-servant” relationship is also characteristic of ordinary unions not associated with a vector ring. Moreover, the signs of these relationships are similar to the signs of a vector marriage.

Astrologers advise to perceive vector marriage as a life test, during which it is important for a couple to learn to put their “I” below common interests and listen to the opinion of their partner.

Another characteristic feature of marriage is jealousy. Both “spouses” experience great emotional and physical attraction to each other and do not want to share their other half with someone.


Children in a vector marriage are particularly uncontrollable and unbalanced. In a sense, they carry within them the personifications of their parents' marriage. Even if outwardly everything is good and calm, internal tension still affects the child’s psyche.

Such children need a special approach and increased attention. Very often, it is in a vector marriage that creative individuals are born.