Photos of wild cats. The largest wild cats

Among the many interesting facts about the cat family is information about who holds the title of “the strongest cat in the world.” Since many people mean slightly different concepts by the word “strong,” several criteria for the strength of cats will be given below.

The biggest cats in the world

Some wild cats (tigers, lions, pumas, leopards and others) rightfully bear the title of the largest representatives of the cat family as a whole.

Below is a list of the largest cats on our planet.

Not everyone knows about this representative of the cat family. A liger is a hybrid of a lion and a tiger (specifically a female tiger and a male lion). Ligers grow throughout their lives because... the gene responsible for growth inhibition is practically absent in them. The weight of ligers can reach 350-400 kilograms, and the body length is approximately three to four meters.

Place number two on the list of the largest predatory cats is occupied by the well-known handsome tigers. Their weight is approximately 200-300 kilograms, and their body length can reach 3.6 meters.

In terms of “size” in the cat family, the king of beasts takes an honorable third place. Adult lions weigh about 200-250 kilograms, and their body length usually reaches three meters.

  • Jaguar

A large and beautiful predator native to America, the jaguar, takes fourth place on the list. Its body weight reaches 90 kilograms, and its length is two meters.

  • Leopard

The majestic leopard, a “cat” with an incredibly beautiful color, weighs about 80 kilograms and reaches a length of almost two meters. In addition, the cat has strong jaws.

The puma is an unusually colored animal that weighs about 80-90 kg and reaches 1.8 meters in length; it is in sixth place in our top

  • Snow Leopard

An elegant inhabitant of snowy expanses, the snow leopard (also called the snow leopard), although it does not weigh as much as the previous “cats” (about 60 kilograms), can reach two or more meters in length.

  • Cheetah

This graceful animal, living mainly in the vast expanses of Africa, although not the largest, is considered the fastest land animal. Its weight ranges from 50 to 60 kilograms, its body length is one and a half meters.

The most powerful wild cats

So, we learned about which representatives of the cat family are rightfully considered the largest and strongest in the world. Now it's the turn of the wild cats.

Top 10 most powerful wild cats:

  • Ocelot

Ocelot is the strongest cat in the world (if we take into account only representatives of wild cats). Its body weight reaches 17 kilograms, and its length is one and a half meters.

  • Chinese cat

A wild cat that lives exclusively in the vastness of China takes second place in the top 10. The animal reaches 1.4 meters in length, and its body weight averages 8-10 kilograms..

  • Serval

The so-called “bush cat” weighs approximately 17 kilograms and is about 1.4 meters long. In addition, servals are flexible and capable of jumping high.

  • speckled cat

This cute cat, known for its ability to catch fish, weighs about 14 kilograms and reaches a length of just over one meter. A very strong cat.

  • golden cat

The African cat, which is called golden because of its color, is about a meter long and weighs about 13 kilograms.

  • Amur forest cat

In sixth place in the top is the Amur forest cat, a beautiful representative of the family, her weight is only 7 kilograms, and the body length is one meter.

  • Swamp Lynx

A beautiful cat that lives in damp places, near swamps and reed thickets, weighs about 10 kilograms. Its body is 80-90 cm long.

  • Margay

The margay or long-tailed cat is very similar to our pets. Its weight does not exceed seven kilograms, its body length is about 70 cm.

  • Pampas cat

The grass cat, otherwise known as the Pampas cat, weighs about six kilograms and reaches 40 centimeters in length.. It is quite strong, although it avoids large predators.

  • Manul

The top 10 is completed by the Pallas' cat, whose color is somewhat reminiscent of a leopard. Its body length is about a meter, weight - up to six kg. Its bite is quite strong, despite the small weight of the animal.

Strong domestic cat

The strongest domestic cat we are used to is, of course, the Maine Coon.

Cats of this breed are distinguished by their intelligence, fairly developed muscles and endurance. Nevertheless, they are beautiful and graceful, move gracefully and look truly luxurious (this can be seen in the photo). In addition, this breed is very expensive.

So, the strongest cats are the Maine Coon breed.


Man's desire to show his strength and power was reflected in the domestication of wild animals. Of course, domesticating serious predators like a cheetah or a tiger is an initially unpromising and downright dangerous idea, but it turned out to be quite possible to “deceive” nature with the help of genetics. Let's see what came out of this using the example of cat selection. Here are the names and photographs of rocks that were the result of scientific experiments. And I must say, very interesting and successful.

One of the wildest and most exotic cat breeds, in which the blood of the temperamental and freedom-loving African serval flows. The official date of appearance of the standard is considered to be 1986, but Savannah received its official recognition only in 2001. Externally, the cat looks very striking and thoroughbred due to its characteristic color and noble posture. She is energetic, cunning, agile and has remarkable intelligence. Endowed with amazing jumping ability, and its habits are similar to its distant relative - the cheetah. Adults can reach a weight of up to 14 kg. In terms of intelligence and intelligence, it is more reminiscent of a dog than a cat. He gets along well with a leash, loves to swim and is quite easy to train.


A rare breed bred in America in the 70s of the last century. The result of crossing a wild Geoffroy cat and a simple domestic cat. They have powerful muscles and a large skeleton. In adulthood they can reach a weight of 13 kg. The coat is short, soft, dense in structure.

Traditionally they have a spotted brindle color of a golden-brown hue, but sometimes there are animals with a silver tint to their coat. Safaris have a violent temperament, which makes them tireless in active games. Like all representatives of wildlife, they are wonderful hunters and will never miss a moment to practice their skills on birds, rodents and other small “prey”. Despite their independent character, they quickly become attached to their owners and get along well with children.

African grace and beauty - this is how this big wild cat can be described. The name of the breed in translation means “endless valley”, which in principle reflects the entire essence of the animal’s character: willfulness, pride and natural originality. It is interesting that the Serengeti was originally conceived as a similarity to the serval, but in practice its “progenitors” were the Bengal, Abyssinian and Oriental shorthair cats. The breed began its life in the 90s of the last century and today is the rarest in the world. There are only a few hundred of its representatives, and the number of official breeders does not exceed ten people. The cat is very graceful, curious and has obvious leadership qualities. Fearless, but at the same time unusually talkative and literally follows on the heels of her master.


The breed acquired its current appearance both through the efforts of breeders and natural evolution, which modified the cat in natural conditions. She is equally suited to both statuses - wild and domestic. The first standard was announced in 1988. The distinctive features of the animal are a large, developed body with powerful paws, as well as long, hard and thick hair with water-repellent impregnation. To bathe such a fluffy ball, you need to try hard. The color of the “Siberian” can be different: from silver-ash to peach and red with tan. In Russia there are a lot of different color names, photos of which can be easily found on the Internet. Cats are very affectionate, friendly and have a sharp mind. They love to roam free, happily hunting birds and mice.

Chausi (chausie)

One of the most expensive breeds in the world, officially recognized only in 2003. It is considered a hybrid, bred by crossing the Bengal, Savannah, Abyssinian and ordinary domestic cats. The result was an animal with a domestic character, but inside retaining the temperament of a savage. It is very difficult to breed and is practically not found in the post-Soviet space. Many features of the Chausi have been preserved from her distant ancestors: long strong legs, proud and graceful posture, high cheekbones and large ears that capture the slightest nuances of sounds. Cats are active, inquisitive, love heights and are ready to spend hours jumping on the mezzanines of closets and the backs of sofas. They do not tolerate loneliness well, missing everyone in the household.


A real Tarzan cat, inherited from its descendants a courageous disposition and domestic obedience. The breed appeared as a result of crossing a Bengal cat and an Ocicat. The external resemblance to cheetahs is no coincidence, although many generations separate it from its wild relatives. Despite their fearless nature, such cats do not live independently in nature, although their behavior is very willful and energetic. Chitos are smart, devoted to their owners, willingly allow themselves to be petted, and are distinguished by their enviable obedience. A distinctive feature of this breed is that the males show tender care for the kittens - a rather rare phenomenon in the cat “world”.

The breed was registered in 1995, although trial crossings were carried out long before official recognition by TICA. The cat's name translates as "elf with a short tail." In addition to the chopped off tail, the uniqueness of the animal is given by the mischievous tassels on the ears, making it look like a wild lynx. Because of the lowered eyebrows, the muzzle seems somewhat gloomy and gloomy, although in fact the cat has a cheerful, kind and inquisitive character. She is very tactful and self-possessed, easily gets used to a leash, loves to talk and play active games. For all its openness, the pixie-bob is wary of strangers, but this quality is inherent in them, rather from a jealous attitude towards the owner than from distrust or suspicion.


A domestic mini-panther is the first thing you want to say when you see this cat. Work on developing the breed began in the USA back in 1956, and only after 20 years of painstaking breeding experiments did it receive the long-awaited standard. The result of crossing the Burmese and the American Shorthair cat was the beautiful Bombay - perfectly black, orange-eyed and incredibly graceful in her posture. The cat's fur is so smooth and shiny that it feels as if it has been treated with a special mastic. Animals of this breed are very affectionate, sociable and active. They also have a high sense of self-esteem, not tolerating unnecessary liberties with themselves, especially from children.


The result of crossing an Asian leopard cat and a short-haired domestic cat. The ancestors of this breed continue to lead a wild lifestyle, but their “heirs” are perfectly domesticated and, perhaps, have retained only their unusual color and flexible powerful body from the old days. The coat of a Bengal cat deserves true admiration - smooth, shiny, distinguished by a dense texture and a characteristic coloring in the form of spotted tan marks of a golden-orange hue. This mini-leopard has a tolerant character, which allows him to get along even with dogs. Due to its genetics, the animal loves to climb trees, is not afraid of water and has an instant reaction.

The birthplace of this breed is Israel. It was based on the genes of a Bengal, Abyssinian cat, Ocicat, as well as a wild Libyan cat and outbred individuals. The result of this “vinaigrette” was a cat with a very interesting character and appearance. The color of the animal can change from apricot to chocolate, but several details must remain unchanged - three rings at the tip of the tail, black socks on the paws, a necklace on the neck. The forehead is necessarily decorated with a clearly visible pattern in the shape of the letter “M”. Despite all the kindness, playfulness and affection, the cat is quite stubborn and self-confident. She does not like to sit on her lap for a long time, moves a lot and organically cannot stand loneliness. He quickly learns household rules and becomes attached to a person.

In addition to the above names and photos of wild cats, there are a number of breeds that are still classified as experimental. It is quite possible that in the near future this list will be replenished with new interesting representatives of the cat family, which will be among the pets in many families around the world.

There are several large feline hybrids in the world: liger, tigon, liliger, taliger. Of these, the largest liger is a hybrid of a lion and a tigress. IN wildlife these hybrids have not been recorded, because Outside the walls of zoos and circuses, lions and tigers are almost never seen. The largest male ligers currently are Sudan, almost four meters tall, and Hercules, 3 meters 70 cm tall. The latter weighs just over 400 kg. However, the largest recorded individual entered the Guinness Book of Records with a weight of almost 800 kg. Male ligers are sterile - they do not give birth to offspring; in contrast, females are quite capable of reproducing; they give rise to hybrids of liligers and taligers, which are much smaller than their parents.
Kiara, the daughter of the ligress Zita and the lion Samson, was born in the Novosibirsk Zoo in 2004, she became the first liliger in the world. When Zita refused to feed Kiara, the house cat Dasha took over raising and feeding the baby.

It is noteworthy that all representatives of large cat species belong to the genus Panthera. However, it itself is not an independent species, because like albinos, panthers are just leopards and jaguars with a rare black and even rarer white coloration. Their body weight can reach 115 kg; compared to the handsome ligers, this rare representative of the cat family is a kitten.

The largest domestic cat

The largest cat breeds are Maine Coon and Ragdoll. Some representatives of these animal breeds weigh from eight to twelve kilograms, which puts them in first place among all domestic cats that have ever existed. The fluffy, huge Maine Coon looks like a fairy-tale Bayun cat, but has a very sociable and affectionate disposition; he loves his family to the point of adoration and is wary of strangers.
Domestic cats resemble the Domestic Lynx and Manul in appearance; fairly large representatives can reach up to 6 kilograms. If the Domestic Lynx adapts to being kept in the house, then the Manul is an exclusively wild cat.

The largest extinct cat

The largest representatives of extinct felines are the cave lion, miracinonyx and saber-toothed tiger. However, these “dinosaurs” did not have gigantic sizes and were much smaller than modern tigers and ligers. Scientists are confident that ligers are an extinct species that has been revived in an artificial environment. Perhaps, previously, lions and tigers were not separated by such large distances as they are now, and joint offspring could have resulted from a natural meeting of representatives of these species.

There are many different animals in the world. They are all very different from each other. Some live in the sea, others on land. Some eat plants, others are predators. Some of them are small, others are huge and heavy.

The heaviest aquatic animal

The largest and heaviest aquatic animal in the whole world is rightfully the blue whale. Its length can be about 30 meters, and its weight starts from 180 tons and more. This animal has a dark blue color with bluish tints on the sides. The heart of a blue whale can weigh about 600 kilograms, and the tongue can weigh about 2.5 tons, which in size can be compared with.

The volume of a blue whale's lungs exceeds three thousand liters, which is an absolute record among all known animals.

Such whales feed on tiny organisms that are found in the sea - krill. A blue whale can eat up to 40 million of these individuals per day. Most often, blue whales prefer to stay alone or in pairs. Such animals communicate using echolocation. The sound that blue whales make when communicating is similar to the sound of a working jet plane and can travel over enormous distances, more than one thousand kilometers.

Female blue whales give birth to their calves once every three years, following a previous pregnancy that lasts about a year. The weight of a newborn whale fluctuates around 3 tons.

The blue whale is a rather peaceful animal that has lost its warlike abilities, which contributed to the almost complete extermination of this species.

The largest and heaviest land animal

The largest land animal is the elephant. The animal is characterized by a heavy, massive body, a short neck and a large head, as well as huge ears and thick limbs. The weight of a male can reach 6 tons, a length of about 7 meters and a height of just over 3 meters.

Female animals weigh almost half as much. Their height is about 2.5 meters and their length is about 5 meters. Adult elephants, due to their large size, are most often not found in their natural habitat, but small elephant calves are quite often subject to bloodthirsty attacks from crocodiles, hyenas and leopards.

According to the latest statistical estimates, the population size of these animals in the wild is about 550 thousand individuals. The largest animal killed is the African elephant, which was shot in Angola; its weight was more than 12 tons, which is a record.

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Hunting, destruction of forests and water bodies, pollution of nature with waste are factors that over the past 500 years have contributed to the extinction of almost 850 species of the animal world.

Main causes of species extinction

Any changes on the planet affect the world. Both global (natural disasters, wars) and the most insignificant (forest fires, river floods). The most detrimental effect of animals is human activity; many have disappeared precisely because of it.

10 Most Famous Extinct Animals

Species of animals that humans will no longer be able to see in nature:

Tyrannosaurus Rex was one of the largest sushi carnivores. It could reach 13 m in length, 5 m in height, and weigh 7 tons. Bipedal predator. He had a weapon in the form of a long tail and a powerful skull. Fossilized remains of individuals have been found in North America. According to scientists' hypotheses, the species, along with other dinosaurs, more than 60 million years ago was the result of a comet collision with the Earth.

The quagga (extinct since 1883) is a subspecies of the common zebra with stripes on the front half of the body. They occupied a vast territory of Africa. They were exterminated by people for the sake of meat and to make room for pastures for livestock.

The Tasmanian tiger (or wolf) was the largest marsupial carnivore of our time. Inhabited the territory of Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea. It got its name for the stripes on its back and its habitat. Intensive hunting, diseases (introduced by humans into areas isolated from civilization), and the appearance of dogs are to blame for the extinction of the species. The species has been considered extinct since 1936, but even today there are people claiming to have seen living specimens.

The sea cow (Steller's subspecies) is an absolutely defenseless animal. The species was discovered in the Bering Sea in 1741 by Georg Steller. The individuals were similar to modern manatees, only much larger. An adult sea cow was 8 m long and weighed about 3 tons. In just 27 years, the animals were exterminated by humans for their thick skin and fat.

The Chinese river dolphin became extinct as a result of pollution of river waters by waste from cargo and industrial ships. In 2006, the extinction of the species was registered.

Caspian tiger (extinct in the 1970s) - ranked third in size among all species. It was distinguished by unusually long hair, huge fangs and an elongated body. The color resembled a Bengal.

The aurochs (extinct since 1627) is a primitive bull. Only aristocrats hunted them. When, in the 16th century, the threat of extinction loomed over the species, hunting was prohibited and violation of the ban was severely punished. This did not save the population from destruction. At the beginning of the last century in Germany they tried to revive the species, but without success.

The great auk (extinct since 1844) is flightless, reaching 75 cm in height and weighing about 5 kg. Representative of an extensive family, the only one before modern history.

The cave lion is the largest lion. The main part died out during the Ice Age; the remnants of the species were unable to recover after a series of cataclysms and finally disappeared 20 centuries ago.

The dodo (extinct at the end of the 17th century) is a flightless bird from the island of Mauritius. It belonged to the family of pigeons, although it reached 1 m in height. The species was also exterminated by humans.

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Tip 4: What species of cat did domestic cats come from?

Domestic cats descended from wild representatives of the forest cat species, although most biologists still classify them as this species and consider them only a separate subspecies. The period of domestication dates back to the Neolithic Revolution, which occurred about 10 thousand years ago.

Domestic cats

Biologists have not yet reached a consensus on whether cats should be classified as a separate species or not. For a long time The most common and beloved pets among people were considered representatives of the forest cat species, forming a separate subspecies along with such groups as the Omani cat, the steppe cat, the cat and others. Despite some differences in appearance and behavior, all these groups really belong to the same species, as they can interbreed and produce healthy offspring.

The same applies to domestic cats: once in the wild and becoming wild, they can find a mate among their wild counterparts and continue the family line, which allows them to be classified as the same species.

Nevertheless, some biologists propose to distinguish a separate species of domestic cats on the basis that they are separated by a huge gulf from their brothers: it is difficult to imagine that the sleek Sphynx or the blunt-nosed Persian cat belongs to the same species as the graceful, aggressive and forest cat.

History of domestic cats

Thus, the ancestors of all domestic cats were forest cats - small predatory mammals that today live in Africa, northern Asia and Europe. These are fast, cunning, timid and aggressive animals.

They, in turn, descended from more ancient representatives of the cat genus and have close family ties with the sand cat - a small animal resembling a small lynx.

Several thousand years ago, forest cats inhabited the territory of the Middle East and at first tried not to meet representatives of the human race. During the Neolithic Revolution, people learned to grow plants, and grain reserves began to attract rodents to people's homes. It is believed that the small mammalian pests were followed by predatory cats who hunted them.

Gradually, people began to cooperate: the neighborhood was beneficial to both. The domestication of these animals occurred about 10 thousand years ago, presumably in the area of ​​the so-called Fertile Crescent, where the first settled settlements and the beginnings of human civilizations were formed.

Genetic studies have made it possible to identify the origin of domestic cats more accurately: all representatives of the domestic subspecies descended on the maternal line from several steppe cats. Steppe cats are a subspecies of forest cats that separated from other predators of this species about 130 thousand years ago. It was these animals that lived in the Middle East, and it was they who were domesticated by the ancestors of modern people.

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The Maine Coon is a large, muscular cat with wide, strong paws and large ears. The hair on these animals is short on the head and neck, but longer on the back and sides. In addition, Maine Coons have a luxurious fluffy collar and tufts on their already long ears. The coat color of representatives of this breed can vary. The color may include black, white, gray, brown, as well as any combination of these shades. There are also bright red Maine Coons.

The fruit of love between a cat and a raccoon

"Maine Coon" literally means "Maine raccoon". The breed received this name due to the similarity of the animals with raccoons. For a long time, people who did not understand biology considered the shaggy Maine Coon with tufted ears and a characteristic striped color to be the result of a love affair between a raccoon and a cat. Of course, there are no raccoons among the ancestors of Maine Coons, but the name stuck with the breed.

Character of a huge cat

Despite its impressive size, the Maine Coon is a meek and docile animal. These cats become very attached to their owner, which is why they received the nickname cat-dog. They can, like a devoted dog, walk around the house all day long, watching what he does and patiently waiting until the owner is free and can give them attention. At the same time, Maine Coons are not intrusive. They won't rest on your keyboard when you're working on your laptop, and they won't get between your face and the book while you're reading. Raccoons are usually wary of strangers, but do not show aggression.

The Maine Coon may seem clumsy in appearance, but in fact it is very active. It is better to own this breed for people living in their own houses or spacious apartments, as the Maine Coon loves to run, hunt for a ball, or. Until recently, the ancestors of cats caught mice on farms, so their hunting instincts are very strong.

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The domestic cat has many wild relatives, large and small. All of them, despite noticeable differences in size, color and physiology, have much in common and are incredibly similar to their domesticated relative. All cats belong to one family, Felidae. The cat family is divided into two subfamilies, Pantherinae and Felinae, i.e. big and small cats.

Such a classification is not based at all on size, as it might seem at first glance, but on morphological characteristics, in particular, on the structure of the hyoid bone. Because of this, large cats such as pumas and cheetahs do not fall into the subfamily of big cats. At one time, the division into large and small cats was associated with the ability of cats to make certain sounds. It was believed that due to the structure of the hyoid bone, large cats (Pantherinae) can growl, while small cats (Felinae) cannot. However, scientists have now concluded that the ability to growl is based on other morphological features, primarily on the elasticity and length of the vocal cords. In this regard, the clouded leopard and snow leopard are considered big cats, although they cannot growl.

While cats express their anger in different ways - by growling or purring - purring is a sign of peace and pleasure in all cats, big and small. The only difference is that big cats can purr only when exhaling, while small cats can purr both when exhaling and inhaling.

Of course, the differences between representatives of the cat family do not end there. The subfamily of big cats includes 3 genera, small cats - 11 genera. Genera, in turn, are divided into species. Here scientists have not yet come to a consensus - the entire diversity of wild cats can be divided into species in many ways, therefore, depending on the method of classification, there are from 35 to 38 species of cats. Some scientists distinguish some wild cats as a separate species, while others consider them to be a subspecies of some kind.

This happens, for example, with the wild steppe cat (Felis silvestris lybica). Most biologists consider it a subspecies of the European forest cat (Felis silvestris). These wild cats are indeed similar - the same color, size, morphology and physiology. However, there are differences: the steppe cat lives in the steppes of Africa and Asia, and the European forest cat, as the name suggests, lives in forests. The habitat of the European forest cat lies further north, so its fur is thicker and longer. The steppe cat is slimmer, has lighter bones and long legs. The colors, despite all the similarities, are still different - there are no stripes on the body of the steppe cat. Because of all this, some scientists believe that the steppe cat and the European forest cat are two completely different species, and not subspecies of the same species.

Be that as it may, both the steppe cat and the European forest cat are the closest relatives of the domestic cat. Some wild cats have been successfully crossed with domestic cats to create new breeds. The Siberian and Norwegian forest breeds most likely originated from the European forest cat (Felis silvestris). The Bengal breed was developed based on a relatively distant relative of the domestic cat, Prionailurus bengalensis (Bengal cat, a species of wild cat). The Savannah breed was created by crossing domestic cats with servals. It is believed that the Abyssinian breed was bred on the basis of the steppe cat (Felis silvestris lybica).

In total, eight species of the cat family live in Russia: in addition to the European forest cat, you can find Pallas's cat, jungle cat, Far Eastern cat (a subspecies of the Bengal cat), lynx, snow leopard, leopard, and tiger. The Amur tiger, by the way, is the largest representative of the cat family.

The cat family is very careful, mysterious, graceful and unusually attractive animals. Unfortunately, many of them are already listed in environmental books or are even on the verge of extinction; hunting is prohibited. We decided to compile Top 20 most beautiful representatives of the cat family, living throughout the world and occupying a wide variety of habitats. You can also check out the Rating of the most beautiful cat breeds.

In addition, on the site you can see a collection of photographs on the topic: Friendship between man and lion, Friendship between man and tiger.

20. Serval (bush cat)

A predatory mammal of the cat family. Servals are distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Africa, excluding the Sahara, forestsequatorial zone and the extreme south of the mainland (Cape Province). North of the Sahara (Algeria, Morocco) this animal is now extremelyrare, but still quite common in East and West Africa. There are about 14 subspecies. Ninhabit open spaces with bushes and grassy thickets, settling, as a rule, not far from water. TheyThey avoid deserts, dry plains and tropical rainforests, staying on the edges of the latter.It is an object of trade, as its skin is used for fur products; it is also prized in some areas of Africa due toyour meat. It is also exterminated due to attacks on poultry.As a result, in densely populated areas of Africa, the number of servals has dropped noticeably. They are quite easily tamed andcan be kept in captivity as pets. Male servals can mate with ordinary domestic cats, producing hybrids -"savannah".

19. Jaguarundi

A species of predatory mammals, which also includes the genus Puma. Externally, the jaguarundi somewhat resembles a member of the familymustelids or civets: she has an unusually elongated, flexiblethe body has short strong legs and a long thin tail, which overall gives it a resemblance to a weasel or Madagascar fossa.Shows great flexibility in choosing habitats. These cats were found in savannas, in the thorny thickets of chaparral, intropical rainforests. The structural features of the body allow it to easily make its way through thick grass and bushes.Jaguarundi often live near water - in wetlands, along the banks of streams, rivers and lakes. In the mountains they climb to heights of up to3200 m above sea level. secretive animals leading a predominantly solitary lifestyle (except for the mating season).Unlike most felines, jaguarundis are active mainly during the day; their peak activity occurs at 11o'clock in the morning. Jaguarundis are terrestrial animals, but they can climb and swim well. Due to its wide range, this animal is notIt is a protected species, although it has become rare in the southern United States. Little is known about its abundance and ecology.

Wild cat of southeast Asia: in the eastern Himalayas, Sumatra and Borneo. Marbled cats are slightly larger than domestic cats. Their length is about 55 cm, not including the 50 cm tail. The fur pattern resembles a clouded leopard. Their immediate habitat is tropical forests. Being a nocturnal hunter, the marbled cat feeds on rodents, especially from the squirrel family, toads, birds and insects. Unlike the Bengal cat living on the ground, it moves mainly in the branches of trees, and thus both species do not pose much competition to each other. Hunting it is prohibited in Bangladesh, China (only in Yunnan province), India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal and Thailand.

A wild small cat from the genus of Asian cats. A close relative of the Bengal cat. The smallest representative of the cat genus. Lives only in India and Sri Lanka. The species is endangered as there are fewer than 10,000 adults in the speciesrepresentatives with a constant decline due to changes in their natural habitat.Ceylon rusty cats live in tropical forests, while the Indian population inhabits dry, open areas.Rusty cats are nocturnal and solitary. Their behavior is very close to that of the Bengal cat. To theirprey includes mice, lizards and insects. Despite their ability to climb trees well, cats are rusty most of the time.usually carried out on the ground.

16. Cheetah

A predatory mammal of the cat family, the fastest land animal. Noticeably different from other representatives of the cat family. The body is slender,with developed muscles and practically no fat deposits, he even seems fragile. The claws are partially retractable, which is not typical for cats, exceptThe cheetah is observed only in the fishing cat, Sumatran and Iriomotean cats. Cheetahs are diurnal predators. They are huntingmainly on small ungulates: gazelles, impalas, wildebeest calves, as well as hares. Three cheetahs can defeat an ostrich.87% of the cheetah's prey is Thomson's gazelle. Cheetahs usually hunt early in the morningor in the evening, when it is no longer very hot, but still quite light. They navigate more by sight than by smell. Unlike other cats,Cheetahs hunt by stalking prey rather than by ambush. In pursuit of the victim, it reaches speeds of up to 110-115 km/h, accelerating to 75 km/h in2 seconds. In Africa, the cheetah is the weakest of the large predators. Hyenas, leopards and lions can take prey from cheetahs,taking advantage of the fact that a cheetah needs up to half an hour to rest after a chase. The cheetah only eats the animals it kills.himself, sometimes drags prey into the bushes,to hide it from predators and eat it later, but more often it hunts anew each time.

The Margay is sometimes kept as a domestic cat in South America. Forest margays differ from ordinary pets in their strong, long legs, and in addition, they are somewhat larger. The length of the cat without a tail is about 60 centimeters. They are also called a smaller copy of an ocelot. But the margay's tail is special - it is two-thirds the length of the entire cat, it is decorated with stripes and rings. This is why the margay is also called a long-tailed cat. It balances with its tail, moving in the crowns along thin branches. It lives in trees and finds its prey there. Just like an ordinary cat, the margay hunts lizards or small birds. The only one of all cats, the margay can twist its ankles 180 degrees and climb a tree just like a squirrel - up or down. Due to deforestation and the zeal of hunters, margays are becoming increasingly rare, and are already recognized as an endangered animal. Alas, they reproduce very poorly in zoos.

A wild cat of the genus Catopum that lives in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Previously, it was classified as a member of the now abolished genus of golden cats. Today it is believed that its similarity to the African golden cat is based on convergent evolution. The species is named after the Dutch zoologist Konrad Temminck. More than twice the size of a normal domestic cat. Its length is 90 cm, not counting its tail, which is 50 cm long. The Temminck cat's range stretches from the Himalayas and southern China to the Indochina Peninsula, and it is also found in Sumatra. Inhabits forest biotopes. Due to deforestation and hunting, the Temminka cat has become a rare animal. In China, its meat is considered a delicacy, and its bones are used in traditional Chinese medicine. In Thailand, there are a lot of legends around her, according to one of which it is believed that burning the fur of the Temminka cat drives tigers away from the surrounding area, and carrying at least one hair from her fur, according to local superstitions, protects against tiger attacks.

A predatory mammal from the cat family, common in Central America, northern and centralparts of South America. The northernmost region inhabited by ocelots is the American state of Texas. Its population is concentrated inThe ocelot avoids tropical forests and open spaces. Ocelots live solitary lives and hunt primarily at night. DuringDuring the heat of the day, they like to hide in tree hollows. Despite their excellent ability to climb trees and rocks, they huntearth. Ocelots' prey includes mainly small mammals and birds, howeversometimes they do not disdain snakes. The largest specimens of the ocelot also overpower small donkeys and pigs.Due to intensive hunting for it, the ocelot has become an extremely rare animal in our time. Thanks to the new interstateAgreements prohibit ocelot hunting, as well as the sale of any products made from ocelots.

A member of the cat family, living in Southeast Asia. It vaguely resembles a leopard and is considereda rather ancient species, as well as a possible ancestor of the current large cats. Its value corresponds approximatelythe size of a shepherd dog. The clouded leopard is found in southeast Asia: from southern China to Malacca and from the eastern Himalayas toVietnam. The subspecies found in Taiwan has become extinct. Its biotopeare tropical and subtropical forests located at altitudes up to 2000 meters. They live alone and move around usuallyin the thickets. The long tail helps them maintain balance in difficult environments. Among the felines, smokyLeopards are the best at climbing trees. They are also good swimmers. Their prey includesdeer, wild boars, monkeys, birds, goats, reptiles. They wait for their victims on branches and suddenly jump on top of them.Because of its precious skin, the clouded leopard has been hunted a lot in the past. Today it is threatened by poaching, butthe greatest danger to its preservationrepresents the progressive deforestation of the tropical forests that are its home.

Species of the cat family. The sand cat is distinguished by the smallest size among wild cats: its body length is 65-90 cm,with 40% occupied by the tail. The feet are covered with hard fur, which protects the soles of the paws from burns from hot sand.The fur is thick and soft, protecting the body from low night temperatures. The range of the sand cat looks like a stripe startingin the Sahara (Algeria, Morocco, Chad, Niger) and across the Arabianpeninsula to Central Asia (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan) and Pakistan. Lives exclusively in hot, dry climatesareas. Its habitats are very diverse, from sandy deserts. Dune cats are strictly nocturnal.Only the Pakistani subspecies is active mainly at dusk in winter and early spring. They escape from the heat of the day inshelters - in old burrows of foxes, corsacs, porcupines, as well as in expanded burrows of gophers and gerbils.Cats are carnivores; Their diet includes almost all the game they can find. It is based on gerbils,jerboas and other small rodents, lizards, spiders and insects. Sometimes tolai hares and birds whose nests are destroyed.The sand cat is also known for its hunting of poisonous snakes (horned viper, etc.). In winter it sometimes approaches villages,but does not attack domestic cats and birds. Dune cats get most of their moisture from food and cando without water. Natural enemies of sand cats are snakes, large birds of prey and jackals.Sometimes they independently dig shallow holes or holes where they hide in case of danger. Palmost devoid of vegetation, to rocky valleys overgrown with bushes. They are not huntedhowever, they are caught for sale. They also suffer from the destruction of their natural habitat.In general, the sand cat is the most “prosperous” species among wild cats.

A predatory mammal of the cat family. He received his second name - Pallas's cat - in honor of the German naturalistPeter Pallas, who discovered the Pallas cat on the coast of the Caspian Sea in the 18th century. Manul is an animal the size of a domestic cat.Pallas's fur is the fluffiest and thickest among cats. Distributed in Central and Central Asia, from South Transcaucasia andwestern Iran to Transbaikalia, Mongolia and Northwestern China. Pallas' cat habitats are characterized by sharply continentalclimate with low winter temperatures and low snow cover; It is most numerous in areas with little snow. InhabitsPallas's cat inhabits steppe and semi-desert areas. Leads a sedentary lifestyle. Active mainly at dusk and early morning; sleeps during the dayin the shelter. The slowest and clumsiest of wild cats. Pallas's cat feeds almost exclusively on pikas and mouse-likerodents, occasionally catches gophers, tola hares, marmots and birds. The Pallas's cat is not adapted to fast running. In case of danger forit is characterized by hiding; he also escapes from enemies by climbingon stones and rocks. An alarmed Pallas' cat emits a hoarse rumbling or sharp snorting.Pallas's cat is rare or extremely rare, and its numbers continue to decline. In some places it is on the verge of extinction.included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, in the IUCN Red List with the status of “close to threatened”. Hunting for manulaprohibited everywhere.

A species of mammal of the lynx genus, the northernmost of the cat species; in Scandinavia it is found even beyond the Arctic Circle.It was once quite common throughout Europe, but by the middle of the 20th century it was exterminated in most countries of Central Europe.and Western Europe. Successful attempts have now been made to revive the lynx population. Preference is given to deaf dark conifersforests, taiga, although it is found in a wide variety of plantations, including mountain forests; sometimes enters the forest-steppe and forest-tundra.She climbs trees and rocks very well and swims well.She also survives well in the snow (in the Arctic Circle), catching fur-bearing animals. When there is an abundance of food, the lynx lives sedentary, whendisadvantage - wanders. It can travel up to 30 kilometers per day. The basis of its diet is hares. She alsoconstantly hunts grouse birds, small rodents, and less often small ungulates, such as roe deer, musk deer, spotted andreindeer, occasionally attacks domestic cats and dogs, and also attacks foxes, raccoon dogs and other small animals.According to Russian zoologist Mikhail Kretschmar, there is not a single confirmed case of a lynx attacking a person.Moreover, the lynx is known as one of the most easily tamed animals.

A predatory mammal of the cat family. For a long time, the caracal was classified as a lynx, which it resembles in appearance, but a number ofgenetic characteristics separated it into a separate genus. Despite this, the caracal is closer to lynxes than other cats.Although the caracal looks like a lynx, its morphological characteristics are closest to the puma. The caracal is also close to the Africanserval, with which it interbreeds well in captivity. Found in savannas, deserts and foothills of Africa, in the deserts of Arabiapeninsula, Asia Minor and Central Asia. It is rare in the CIS: it is found in the deserts of Southern Turkmenistan, along the coastThe Caspian Sea reaches the Mangyshlak Peninsula, in the east it sometimes appears in the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan.The caracal is active mainly at night, but in winter and spring it also appears during the day. Its shelters are rock crevices andporcupine and fox burrows; sometimes they are used for several years in a row. Rodents (gerbils,jerboas, ground squirrels), tolai hares, partly small antelopes, and in Turkmenistan - goitered gazelles. Sometimes it catches hedgehogs, porcupines,reptiles, insects, small predatory animals such as foxes andmongoose, young ostriches. Can abduct poultry and attack lambs and goats. Caracals are easy to tame. In Asia(India, Persia) with tame caracals they hunted hares, pheasants, peacocks and small antelopes. In Africa, especially South,The caracal is quite common and is considered a pest. There is a special culture of caracal hunting: it is lured with instruments,imitating the cry of a wounded hare or mouse, and at night they shoot from under the headlights. In addition, in South Africa, caracals are usedto drive away birds (mostly guinea fowl) from the runways of military airfields.Asian subspecies of caracal are much rarer.

7. Leo

A species of predatory mammals, one of four representatives of the panther genus, belonging to the subfamily of big catsas part of the cat family. Is the second largest living cat after the tiger -the weight of some males can reach 250 kg. The historical range of the lion was much wider than the modern one - even in the earlyIn the Middle Ages, the lion was found throughout Africa, except for deserts and tropical forests, and it could also be seenin the Middle East, Iran and even in a number of places in southern Europe (for example, it lived in part of the territory of modern southern Russia,rising to approximately the 45th parallel north). In Northern and Northwestern India, the lion was a common predator. HoweverHuman persecution and habitat destruction have meant that in Africa the lion remains only south ofSahara, its range is currently disrupted. In Asia, a small population exists in the Gir Forest (in the Indian stateGujarat). Lions are a vulnerable species due to an irreversible decline in their population. For the last twodecades, the number of lions in Africa has decreased by 30-50%. Populations are vulnerable outside protected areas.The cause of the decline is not fully understood, but the biggest threats are habitat loss and conflict with a person.

6. Black Panther

The name of dark-colored individuals of a number of species of large cats, which are a genetic variant of coloration - a manifestationmelanism, caused by a gene mutation and is characteristic almost exclusively of females. An example of a strong mutation spread,which leads to melanism, in the cat population, is the populationleopard in Malaysia, where about 50% of animals are black in color.The black panther is not an independent species. Most often it is a leopard or jaguar. The existence of melanistic pumasnot confirmed. The word "panther" is often applied not only to individuals with a black color, but also to others with a normal color(reddish or spotted), even white - the so-called “white panthers”.

5. Jaguar

Big cats. The only representative of the genus in North and South America. The third largest in the world, and the mosta large representative of the cat family in the New World. The species range extends from Mexico south to Paraguay and northArgentina. The main habitats of the jaguar are tropical rain forests and grasslands. Jaguars have a solitary lifestyle.The jaguar is a crepuscular predator. His most active hunting hours are after sunset and beforeat dawn. Its main prey are capybaras and ungulates such as mazama deer, peccaries and tapirs, but it also attacks birds,monkeys, foxes, snakes, rodents. The jaguar also hunts turtles - its powerful jaws are capable of biting through their shell. In contrastfrom the puma, the jaguar willingly and often attacks livestock. The predator is an excellent swimmer and rarely misses a prey that is looking forrescue in water. He also digs out of the sand on the ocean coastturtle eggs, sometimes rushes at sleeping alligators or snatches fish from the water. Throughout much of its former rangethis species is almost or completely exterminated. Human changes in the natural habitats of jaguars and fishing played a rolefor the sake of valuable skins, as well as shooting by cattle breeders who feared for the safety of their herds.The jaguar is listed in the International Red Book and is protected in many countries. Shooting of jaguars in limited quantitiesallowed in Brazil, Mexico and some other countries. Hunting for trophies is allowed in Bolivia.

4. Leopard

In the 20th century, it was included in the IUCN Red Book, the Red Book of Russia, as well as in the protection documents of other countries. However, in many African countries, the relatively high number of leopards makes it possible to allocate an annual quota for their production. A large cat, however, is significantly smaller in size than a tiger and a lion. The leopard's range is wider than that of any other member of the cat family, with the exception of the domestic cat. The plasticity of the species is explained by its secretive lifestyle and its ability to hunt a wide variety of animals. The range of the leopard in the Caucasus by the middle of the 20th century had declined catastrophically, its numbers are negligible, and in fact this subspecies is on the verge of complete extinction. Inhabits forest, partly forest-steppe regions, savannas and mountainous regions of Africa and the southern Anterior and southern half of East Asia. The leopard feeds mainly on ungulates: antelopes, deer, roe deer and others, and during periods of starvation - rodents, monkeys, birds, and reptiles. Sometimes attacks domestic animals (sheep, horses). Like a tiger, he often kidnaps dogs; Foxes and wolves suffer from it. It does not disdain carrion and steals prey from other predators, including other leopards. The number of leopards throughout their range is steadily declining. The main threat to it is associated with changes in natural habitats and a reduction in food supply. The main concern is the poaching of animals for the needs of oriental medicine.

3. Puma (mountain lion, cougar)

Species of the cat family. The word "puma" comes from the Quechua language. The puma's closest relatives are the jaguarundi and the extinct North American genus Miracinonyx. The cougar is the second largest feline in the Americas; The only thing bigger than her is the jaguar. Historically, the cougar's range was the largest of any land mammal in the Americas. Even now, in terms of the breadth of its distribution, the puma is comparable (among the felines) only to the red lynx, forest cat and leopard. Pumas were originally found almost everywhere from southern Patagonia to southeastern Alaska; the area of ​​its distribution coincided quite accurately with the area of ​​its main prey - various deer. Nowadays, in the United States and Canada, the puma remains mainly in the mountainous western regions. In eastern North America, the puma was completely exterminated; the exception is the tiny population of the subspecies Puma concolor coryi in Florida. Cougars lead a strictly solitary lifestyle. The puma hunts mainly at night. Its diet consists mainly of ungulates: black-tailed, white-tailed, pampas deer, elk, elk, caribou, bighorn sheep and livestock. However, the cougar can feed on a wide variety of animals - from mice, squirrels, opossums, rabbits, muskrats, porcupines, Canadian beavers, raccoons, skunks, armadillos to coyotes, bobcats and other cougars. They also eat birds, fish and even snails and insects. Unlike tigers and leopards, the puma does not distinguish between wild and domestic animals, attacking livestock, dogs, cats and birds when the opportunity arises. At the same time, she slaughters more animals than she can eat. Although cougars are hunted and their range is shrinking due to environmental destruction, most subspecies are quite numerous because cougars are easily adapted to life in different landscapes. It is also interesting to note that some people have now begun to tame pumas as their pets.

2. Snow leopard (irbis or snow leopard)

A large predatory mammal from the cat family that lives in the mountains of Central Asia.Weighs up to 55 kg. Due to the inaccessibility of the habitat and the low density of the species, manyaspects of its biology. Currently, the number of snow leopards is catastrophically small; in the 20th century it was included in the Red BookIUCN, in the Red Book of Russia, as well as in the protection documents of other countries. As of 2012, hunting snow leopards is prohibited.The snow leopard's range in central and southern Asia covers approximately 1,230,000 km² of mountainous regions andextends through the territory of the following countries: Afghanistan, Myanmar, Bhutan, China, India,Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.The snow leopard is a characteristic representative of the fauna of the high rocky mountains of Central and Central Asia. Among the big catsThe snow leopard is the only permanent inhabitant of the highlands. It predominantly inhabits alpine meadows, treelessrocks, rocky areas, rocky outcrops, steep gorges and often found in snowy areas. Active at dusk, but sometimes during the day.The snow leopard is able to cope with prey three times its mass.The main prey of snow leopards is almost everywhere and all year round- ungulates. It should be noted that due to the constantDue to human persecution, the number of snow leopards is continuously declining.

1. Tiger

A species of predatory mammals of the cat family, one of four representatives of the panther genus, which belongs to the subfamilybig cats. Among the representatives of this species there are the largest animals of the cat family. Tiger is one oflargest land predators, second in mass only to the white and brown bears. Nine subspecies of tiger have been identified.In the 20th century, it was included in the IUCN Red Book, the Red Book of Russia, as well as in the protection documents of other countries.As of 2012, tiger hunting is banned worldwide. The tiger is an exclusively Asian species. Historical range of the tiger(now strongly divided into separate populations, sometimes very distant from one another) is located on the territory of the FarEastern Russia, Iran, Afghanistan, China, India and Southeast Asian countries, including the Sunda archipelago(Indonesian Islands). In the wild, tigers mainly feed on ungulates, sometimes they can hunt domestic animals,such as dogs, cows, horses and donkeys. Throughout its range, the tiger is the top of the food pyramid and almostdoes not experience competition from other predators.