How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes. How to remove sweat odor from a leather jacket

The unpleasant smell of sweat can seriously poison life all year round. In summer, sweat is released from the heat outside; in winter, sweating occurs in warm rooms. There is no escape from this - you can only fight the problem. It can be embarrassing, so it is important to know how to remove the smell of sweat without constantly visiting the dry cleaner. Not the most pleasant aroma can ruin your favorite blouse, mood and reputation, so you need to fight with it.

What is the reason for the unpleasant odor? This question becomes the most important, because simply masking the aroma is not enough, you need to get rid of the root cause. Experts identify several reasons why sweat occurs:

  • overweight and thyroid problems;
  • overheating of the body (in the sun, in a full minibus, etc.);
  • hyperhidrosis is a disease that causes profuse sweating;
  • disturbed or unstable hormonal levels;
  • diabetes of any type;
  • uridrosis (kidney dysfunction);
  • period of illness (for example, when it is useful to sweat during the flu);
  • adrenaline rush and stress.

A healthy person's sweat has virtually no odor. If you feel very strong odors of sweat under your arms, this is a reason to consult a doctor. The smell of sweat also remains on clothes, especially if you have kidney problems. An unpleasant odor in this case is not the only problem. The skin of the armpits turns yellow, and no amount of deodorants or shower gels can help solve the problem.

Sweating due to stress

We should also talk about those who are faced with the problem of sweat odor in the armpits due to the release of adrenaline. Here the situation is completely different - it is almost impossible to control stress emissions. And the reason is not the smell of sweat, but what caused the stress. If it is possible to get rid of the cause of your anxiety, then this should be done. If sweat only appears during times of fear or frustration, then all that remains is to fight the smell and avoid trouble if possible.

Getting rid of the smell of sweat

Even if you have gotten rid of the reasons that cause the smell of sweat, this does not mean that it will never be released again. This is one of the protective systems of the human body, laid down by nature itself. Therefore, the aroma will still arise. The easiest ways to use deodorants and antiperspirants. They practically do not remove the sweat itself, but this method helps to remove the smell well. The main problem is how to remove sweat odors from clothes under the arms.

Does dry cleaning remove the smell of sweat? Yes, it cleans, but instead there is a strong smell of chemicals.

On the other hand, the easiest way to remove the smell of sweat from a coat is this method. You can achieve a similar effect yourself. Just wash your clothes with a perfumed powder - in less severe cases, this helps a lot. So how can you remove the smell of sweat from clothes under your arms?

There are quite a few ways to get rid of smells when washing:

  • add baking soda and vinegar directly into the drum;
  • chlorine-free stain removers (suitable for colored items);
  • increased dose of powder;
  • special products designed specifically to combat the smell of sweat.

How to remove the smell of sweat from a leather jacket is also worth talking about separately. Leather is a very sensitive material, so the smell of sweat cannot be removed without washing. Regular washing may also not cope, because the skin absorbs odors instantly. You need to act carefully so as not to spoil the item. First, the jacket needs to be soaked in warm water. You need to add a glass of vinegar to the basin, and then leave the item of clothing overnight in this liquid. In the morning you need to take out the jacket, wring it out a little and leave it until completely dry. After this, the jacket must be washed on a gentle cycle using liquid detergent.

There is another problematic wardrobe item - the smell of sweat from a jacket is not so easy to remove. This is where ammonia comes to the rescue. It is mixed with vodka in a one to one ratio. The resulting solution must be treated with contaminated areas and then rinsed with water. Some manufacturers allow their jackets to be machine washed, but at low temperatures.

Removing odors using home methods

It is possible to eliminate the smell of sweat from clothes at home. Funds that can be found in almost any apartment can be used. It is often advised to use boric acid and aspirin, but practice has proven that these methods are completely ineffective. But there are ways to clean clothes where even the old smell of sweat is present.

  1. How to remove sweat odor from clothes? You can use extreme methods. Deep freezing of clothes copes well with the problem. It is advisable to leave it in the freezer overnight. In winter, you can simply hang your clothes on the balcony or outside.
  2. Another unusual method is gasoline and ammonia. First, the clothes are treated with gasoline, very carefully. Ammonia is applied on top in a thin layer. True, after this the clothes will have to be ventilated for a very long time and persistently.
  3. Leather products and some clothing can be treated with a mixture of turpentine and milk. Liquids should be taken in equal proportions, mixed well and wiped over problem areas on clothing. When the product is absorbed, the clothes are treated with a colorless protective agent.
  4. Another good method that answers the question of how to remove the smell of sweat is treatment with ground coffee. Place the item in a tight box and add a few tablespoons of coffee there. Shake the box and leave it for several days. Then clean the item from coffee granules and wash it. This method is only suitable for dark things.

Folk methods of war against the smell of sweat

Unpleasant sweat odors under the arms have been causing inconvenience for a long time, so people began to look for their own effective methods of dealing with the problem. Now there are many tips on how to remove the smell of sweat, and all of them have been tested by hundreds of people, and the effectiveness and usefulness of each has been proven in practice. There is nothing complicated about them; the necessary components are easy to buy without spending a huge amount of money.

  1. Alcohol even removes the smell of sweat from a down jacket. To one hundred grams of pure alcohol you need to add the same amount of water and 50 grams of formalin solution. Rub the mixture onto your clothes and wash off after 15 minutes.
  2. Removing stains and odors with laundry soap is a proven and reliable method. Problem areas are rubbed well with soap and then left in warm water for half an hour. Clothes should be washed by hand and then, if desired, put in the washing machine to get a pleasant smell.
  3. Removing yellow stains from clothes is a difficult task, but hydrogen peroxide does a great job. You just need to moisten the areas with a weak solution of peroxide and water. Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse with water. This method will also remove the unpleasant odor.
  4. Citric acid helps combat odors on woolen items. Just one tablespoon needs to be dissolved in a glass of water. Wipe the desired areas and leave the item for two hours. Then you can carefully wash it in a machine.
  5. Ammonia effectively removes odors. Three tablespoons of the substance must be dissolved in 100 ml of water. You also need to add a spoonful of salt there. Treat the clothes, wait a little, and then rinse and wash as usual.
  6. Another reliable method is a solution of vinegar and citric acid. No microbes can withstand such an onslaught. 2 teaspoons of citric acid should be dissolved in one hundred ml of water. Moisten a cotton pad with the solution and treat the product. Leave for an hour. Then the clothes should be rinsed with lukewarm water and soaked in a vinegar solution (1:10). Leave for another hour and then wash.
  7. Baking soda also works well to remove unpleasant odors. The powder should be diluted with water so that a not very thick porridge is obtained, applied to clothes and left for two hours. Then you need to rinse well with water so that there are no streaks left.
  8. Vinegar without additives removes odor well. Gently apply a solution of vinegar and water to dirty areas, leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse well in water.
  9. You can also use ordinary salt. Rub it well into the armpit areas. Pour three tablespoons of salt into a bowl of warm water and stir until completely dissolved. We soak the clothes for half an hour and then wash them.
  10. Potassium permanganate removes odors well from natural fabrics. From powder and water you need to prepare a very strong, dark-colored solution. Things are placed in the solution for about half an hour, and then washed very thoroughly.

In such personal matters, prevention will be a reliable guarantee of your peace of mind. If you know you have problems with sweating, pay more attention to personal hygiene, including removing underarm hair.

If you sweat, you should wash the item immediately after taking it off.

Avoid wearing the same item several times in a row without washing. Dress appropriately for the weather, and wear clothes made from natural fabric closer to your body. And, of course, don’t be shy about using deodorant.

There are several useful secrets that will help you worry less about the smell of sweat under your arms letting you down at the most crucial moment. Take a contrast shower - it is good for health and helps fight excessive sweating. Those who like to take baths should add essential oils of coniferous plants, eucalyptus and cypress. The best natural deodorant is a strong tincture of kombucha, and also water with a drop of rosemary essential oil.

Bacteria can also cause an unpleasant smell of sweat on clothes, so you need to fight them with tar oil. Half an hour before bedtime, rub peanut butter into problem areas, and in the morning - Teymurov's paste. Don't forget to drink soothing teas and infusions with lemon balm, valerian, sage and mint. Experts advise drinking lemon water - it will reduce sweat production.

Practice shows that it is quite easy to deal with the smell of sweat; the main thing is not to let things take their course. If you have never had problems before, but they suddenly start, visit your doctor immediately! In the most difficult cases, surgical intervention may even be required.

No perfume or deodorant can eliminate the smell of sweat on clothes? How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes? To better understand what will make getting rid of the “odor” more effective, it is worth understanding the reason for the persistent and unpleasant smell of sweat on things.

On white clothes, sweat marks appear as unsightly yellow spots under the arms.

It is important to understand that a person’s sweating does not always depend on external factors. For some, this strange and practically undetectable “aroma” on clothes is the result of a disease such as hyperhidrosis. For a healthy person, sweating is the natural work of the sweat glands, which regulate body temperature. For those with hyperhidrosis, any excitement or stress leads to profuse sweating. As a result, an unpleasant odor and stains appear on clothes, and it becomes difficult to remove the smell of sweat.
Synthetic fabric can also cause odors and sweat stains. It is important to understand that such clothes are very poorly breathable, and wearing them for more than one day is not recommended.
Clothes become saturated with sweat, and microorganisms living on human skin begin to actively absorb this moisture, emitting a terrible stench. You will have to make a lot of effort to get rid of the smelly amber forever.

How to remove sweat smell from clothes

To ensure that the smell of sweat disappears after washing and things smell fresh, you must follow some rules:

  1. Before removing the unpleasant odor from things, they are thoroughly rubbed with soap and soaked separately in a basin for 45 minutes.
  2. It will be much easier to remove the stench from sweat from clothes if you add 2 tbsp to the washing machine along with the powder. baking soda and 2 tbsp. vinegar.
  3. When washing clothes, you can use bleaching agents. For clothes made of colored fabrics - oxygen-containing powders, and for white fabrics - chlorine-containing agents. The amount of powder should be taken a little more than the manufacturer recommends.
  4. If an item of clothing that has already been washed retains a persistent “aroma” of sweat, you need to rinse it again using fabric softener.

    It is better to dry washed clothes outside, in a well-ventilated place.

How to remove sweat odor from clothes without washing

You can remove ingrained drops of sweat and the corresponding smell from things without washing. There are quite a few recipes on how to solve such a delicate problem quickly and without much effort:

Important: all of the above products must be applied with caution, having first tested their effect on the wrong side of the product.
Do not allow prolonged exposure to aggressive substances on the fabric.

Timely ventilation of a fur coat is the best prevention of sweat odor.

How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes made from natural fabrics

A persistent “aroma” on clothes made from linen, silk or cotton fabrics will help remove a strong salt solution. To prepare it, you need to move 3 tbsp. table salt in 250 ml of warm water. The desired area of ​​fabric is generously moistened with the prepared product and left for 10-15 minutes, after which the item is rinsed in clean water.

How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes using chemicals

On store shelves you can see a large number of a variety of chemicals that can clean clothes from stains and sweat odors. Any disinfectant is suitable for this procedure. The most effective disinfectant solution is Rodalon. The principle of its operation is similar to domestic Whiteness, the only difference being that it does not corrode the skin on the hands and retains the color of the fabric. You can also find special remedies for the smell of sweat. As a rule, they are produced in the form of a spray.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes made from fur

A fur coat is expensive clothing that requires special cleaning methods. But what to do if there is a persistent smell of sweat on clothes, how to get rid of it? That's right - take your fur coat to the dry cleaner. But if you follow some simple rules for caring for fur items, you will not often need the services of professionals.

  1. Newspaper will help eliminate the smell quickly. A fur product is stuffed with it and left in this form for some time.
  2. It is good to ventilate fur coats in the air, in a well-shaded place.
  3. For leather products, not-so-pleasant odors can be removed using shoe deodorants.
  4. Removal of sweat stains from a fur coat is carried out only on the wrong side of the product. Dry powder is well suited for this procedure; rub it into the stain with a toothbrush, leave the item alone for a few minutes, and then shake off the excess powder.

How to Remove Odor and Sweat Stains from Delicate Fabrics

When thinking about how to remove “fragrance” from delicate fabrics, it is important to remember that the chosen products should have a mild, gentle effect.

A proven recipe is a mixture of salt, ammonia and water.

The stain is treated with a cloth soaked in the resulting solution and dried with an iron or hair dryer.

Preventing sweat odor

You can avoid an unpleasant situation when a suffocating “aroma” emanates from your clothes. The main thing is to do it every day

Deodorant will prevent sweat odor!

hygiene procedures and carefully monitor the cleanliness of clothing.

  1. It is necessary to wash things as often as possible, because the more worn the clothes, the more difficult it will be to remove the stain.
  2. Regular water procedures, regardless of the time of year, not only cleanse the body, but reduce sweating. Special combination antiperspirants will help you avoid sweating and, accordingly, not smell.
  3. In winter, you should wear a T-shirt made from natural materials under a sweater or jacket. This additional layer of clothing absorbs most of the sweat and does not allow the “aroma” to spread throughout the outer clothing.
  4. Whether a sweaty person “smells” is influenced by his diet. Studies have shown that the sweat of a person who eats a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits and does not drink alcohol has virtually no unpleasant odor. The occurrence of a fetid odor is influenced by the abuse of fried and fatty foods, flour confectionery products, and alcohol.
  5. It is better if the clothes are made from natural fabrics that allow air to pass through well.
  6. If there is a problem with excessive sweating, you should use special underarm pads.

By getting rid of the problem of odor and sweat stains, a person gains self-confidence, and high-quality and regular care of his body and clothes will record the result.

Sweat is a natural reaction of the body to various changes in the external environment. A person sweats when he is hot, thus the body restores normal thermoregulation. We may sweat when we are worried or stressed. For mammals, sweat is not only a way of thermoregulation, but also a method of attracting a representative of the fair sex - sweat contains a lot of pheromones. In addition, with sweat we get rid of many harmful substances, excess salts and mineral metabolism products. If a person does not sweat, he has serious health problems.

That is why it is generally accepted that human sweating is absolutely normal. But the color, intensity and smell of sweat may vary from person to person. Depending on the state of the body and its health, on gender (it is known that men sweat more intensely), as well as on hygienic conditions, the smell of sweat can be completely unnoticeable or, conversely, corrosive. Often, even intensive washing does not help get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes. How to get rid of this amber? Are smelly clothes really lost forever and the only way for them is in the trash?! No! Don't rush to throw away your favorite wardrobe items. With the right approach, they can still be saved.

How to get rid of sweat odor quickly

Here are ways to quickly clean clothes that do not require washing or large amounts of liquid. They can be used in emergency cases, when you absolutely need to wear one or another blouse that has a slight unpleasant odor. Often this can happen even after washing. If you dry your clothes after washing, but the smell of sweat is still present, use the following methods.

  1. As you know, unpleasant odors are not sweat at all, but bacteria that actively multiply and colonize neighboring areas. If there is an unpleasant odor on your clothes after washing, you probably washed them at a standard temperature, no higher than 40 degrees. For a quick fix, place the item of clothing in the freezer for a few hours. The low temperature will kill all germs and there will be no smell left on the clothes.
  2. If the odor is only present in the armpits, treat these areas with vodka. After some time, the liquid will evaporate, and its remains can be dried with an iron.
  3. Prepare the following composition. Dissolve salt and ammonia in equal quantities in a glass of water. Use the prepared solution to treat those areas that have the most pronounced unpleasant odor. Often these are the armpits and collar. After an hour, dry your clothes with a hairdryer to get rid of not only the unpleasant odor, but also excess moisture.
  4. If you need fresh clothes here and now, try this method. Soak a cotton swab in clean gasoline and apply it to the contaminated areas. Then take a clean cotton pad, soak it in ammonia and apply it to the fabric. After an hour, you can dry your clothes with a hairdryer or iron; there will be no trace of the unpleasant smell left. This method cannot be used constantly, otherwise the fibers of the fabric will become weak and the clothes may tear.

These tips can be used not only in emergency situations, but also in the case of delicate fabrics. They do not need to be completely soaked in an aggressive composition; it is better to treat only part of the fabric.

We have collected for you the most effective ways to remove unpleasant sweat odor from clothes.

  1. Laundry soap. Before putting your clothes in the wash, soap your armpits and shirt collar with regular laundry soap. Then run a brush through the fabric before putting the item of clothing in the washing machine. This will not only get rid of excess odor, but will also remove yellow marks of sweat on white fabric.
  2. Salt. A saline solution will help rid delicate fabric items of the smell of sweat. Dilute more salt in a glass of warm water, 2-3 tablespoons. At a certain point, the salt will stop dissolving; this is the concentrate we need. Dampen some areas of clothing with this solution and leave for a couple of hours. After this, wash your clothes as usual. Rinse the fabric thoroughly so that no salt stains remain on it. After this treatment, not a trace remains of the smell.
  3. Baking soda. Dissolve five tablespoons of baking soda in two liters of water. Soak your clothes in this solution and leave for a couple of hours. After this, the fabric needs to be rinsed and hung to dry.
  4. Ammonia and salt. Dissolve a tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of salt water. Treat the armpit area of ​​your clothing with this mixture. Leave the fabric for a while and then rinse it in plenty of running water. However, remember that this composition can only be used to clean white fabrics.
  5. Lemon. If there is a slight smell of sweat on your clothes, you can get rid of it by wiping the armpit area with lemon peels. If the smell is quite persistent, prepare this composition. Take two tablespoons of pure lemon juice and mix with one spoon of vinegar. Soak a cotton pad in the prepared solution and treat the fabric. Instead of lemon juice, you can use citric acid.
  6. Vinegar. Usually this composition is used in difficult cases when other methods of getting rid of an unpleasant odor are powerless. To get rid of the smell of sweat, pour pure undiluted essence (food grade) onto certain areas of the fabric. After 30 minutes, when the fabric is well saturated, pour water into a basin and lower the item of clothing into it. Leave the item to soak in vinegar water for another couple of hours, and then wash as usual. Be careful, vinegar should not be used for odor control on delicate fabrics.

These methods will help you remove even the most stubborn sweat odor from clothes.

Rules for washing in a washing machine

To ensure that clothes stretch well and do not leave an unpleasant odor on them, they must be washed correctly. Many women have not used basins for a long time and wash by hand only in exceptional cases. For machine washing to be effective, you need to know several rules, subtleties and nuances.

To begin, pre-soak the item of clothing in a basin, for example, with the addition of vinegar. Dilute in three liters clean water 5 tablespoons of essence, leave the clothes in this solution for three hours. After this, treat the armpit area of ​​your clothing with simple shampoo. It contains powerful rinses and conditioners that will definitely get rid of unpleasant odors. When placing clothes in the washing machine drum, add half a glass of salt, baking soda or lemon juice. When setting the washing temperature, choose the maximum - 90 degrees. High temperatures will help kill smelly germs. You can add fabric softener to the special compartment. It will not only get rid of foreign odors, but also give the fabric a pleasant aroma.

How to prevent the smell of sweat from appearing on clothes

Often, simple hygiene rules can get rid of the corrosive odor of sweat on clothes.

  1. Take a shower twice a day, especially during the hot season.
  2. Be sure to use deodorant. Apply it to clean and dry skin. Take your time to put on clothes until the deodorant has completely dried. This personal hygiene item should always be used - even in winter.
  3. If your clothes smell of an unpleasant odor, do not put off washing them. Getting rid of fresh sweat odor is much easier than cleaning old fabrics.
  4. Change your clothes regularly, especially on hot days. Wear fresh shirts on a clean body every day - this will help you get rid of the corrosive odor of sweat.
  5. Do not iron dirty clothes. Not even dirty, but worn only once. The fact is that a hot iron drives the unpleasant odor even deeper into the fibers of the fabric, and then it will become much more difficult to get rid of it.
  6. On hot days, wear fabrics made from cotton, linen and other natural materials. In synthetic clothing, a person sweats much more intensely.
  7. To get rid of the persistent smell of sweat, clothes are hung outside after washing. There's nothing better than the smell of fresh laundry. In well-ventilated conditions, no unpleasant odor remains on the fabric.
  8. If you have shirts and blouses made of thin and delicate fabrics that you don’t want to wash and iron often, you can wear a cotton T-shirt or T-shirt when wearing them. They will help keep your blouse fresh for a longer period.
  9. If your sweater smells like sweat, don't put it in the machine with the rest of your clothes. The smell of sweat is so corrosive that all other clothes can also acquire a bad smell.
  10. According to doctors, the sweat of a healthy person has almost no odor. If you suffer from severe sweating with a pungent odor, perhaps you should consult a doctor? This condition can cause obesity, as well as disruptions in the body's endocrine system. Often, simple treatment can relieve a person of a problem they have been struggling with for years.

These simple tips will help you protect your favorite things from persistent sweat odor. You don't have to look for methods to eliminate excess odor - with proper hygiene, it simply won't exist.

The smell of sweat on clothes is a small but very unpleasant problem. Especially if this smell begins to be noticed not only by you, but also by those around you. To keep your look fresh, you need to regularly change clothes, follow hygiene rules and clean fabrics with special products. And then the problem will disappear like an unpleasant smell.

Video: how to get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes


Choosing a solution smell depends primarily on the material from which the thing is made. Otherwise, the smell may go away, but stains or even holes will remain on things. Therefore, carefully read the label what yours is made of. The next point is how long ago and how strongly the smell penetrated into the clothes. If it is not old, then simple ventilation on the balcony will get rid of the unwanted. But just remember that clothes should not be exposed to direct sunlight to prevent them from fading. If after a few days the jacket still smells fragrant, then try to remove the smell using the following methods.

Ventilation can be replaced with a vacuum cleaner. This method is especially effective for things that cannot be put in the washing machine (fur coats). The fact is that the smell is caused by microparticles that settle on the surface, so a vacuum cleaner can very well help you remove various odors, in particular tobacco.

Look for special sprays and products on sale to remove odors from all types of fabrics, for example, the German product “Sagrotan”. Then proceed according to the instructions.

You can remove odors from any top using the so-called. aromatic makers This could be a plate with coffee beans or mint. Place the saucer on the radiator and hang the smelling one next to it. Another option is to hang the jacket on a hanger, put a special clothes bag on top, place an incense bottle underneath and close the bag. After the smell goes away, air the jacket in the fresh air. Instead of mint or coffee, you can use dry perfume, soap or store-bought sachets.

If the jacket is made of a fabric that can be soaked and washed, add diluted vinegar (about 1 tablespoon per liter of water), citric acid (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) or concentrated salt solution to the water. These methods will help in fighting fish, etc.

When entering an apartment, the first impression is always based on smells and the aromas that the home contains. It often happens that instead of the pleasant aromas contained in the apartment, you can detect an unpleasant odor dampness. Get rid of dampness Of course it is possible if you follow certain recommendations.


The most effective way to get rid of odor is to install an ozonizer. Thanks to it, the air not only gets rid of unpleasant odors, but also disinfects the space.

A pleasant atmosphere can be created with the help of air fresheners. But such a remedy has a disadvantage - it has a harmful effect on humans. Such aerosols cause especially great harm to allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

Unpleasant smell dampness can be eliminated by wiping down the walls with a bleach solution.

Good for getting rid of bad odor dampness dehumidifiers. They very quickly and effectively normalize the humidity level in the house.

Helpful advice

Before taking any action to eliminate the smell of dampness, you must contact a diagnostic company that will determine the causes of dampness and prescribe a method for eliminating it.

Sometimes unpleasant situations happen with your favorite things. If your clothes, for example, smell of fish, then don’t despair. It is, of course, not easy to remove this smell, but it is quite possible. You can cope with this task even at home. There is no need to throw away your favorite product.

You will need

  • Lemon juice, powder, dish soap, vinegar.


First, wash your item as usual. If the unpleasant smell still persists, then start using improvised means. Dilute the powder in water and add lemon juice when washing. Wash your item by hand. The aroma of lemon should absorb the unpleasant odor fish. If necessary, wash your item in a machine with added conditioner.

Good for getting rid of fish regular dishwashing detergent with lemon. Wash your item using dishwashing detergent. Under no circumstances should you add any detergent you use to wash dishes to your washing machine. It creates a lot of foam, which can lead to equipment failure.

Wash your item by hand using regular detergent. While rinsing, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to the water. It neutralizes unpleasant odors. If none of the recipes help you, then contact the dry cleaner. Professional fabric care products can easily cope with this problem.

Natural fur absorbs perfectly smells. By the end of the winter season, industrial emissions and exhaust gases from a big city will be firmly absorbed into your fur coat. You yourself can increase the problem if you smoke or spray your fur with perfume. The combination of natural smell and perfume gives a very unpleasant effect. In addition, a fur coat often has an odor, even when it is completely new. How to remove the smell fur coats?


Take a napkin and sprinkle it with a 7–9% acetic acid solution. Wipe your fur thoroughly fur coats and hang it out in the fresh air for ventilation. Vinegar is good at destroying foreign substances smells and it dissipates quickly enough.

Follow the same procedure with slightly diluted orange juice. He is good at interrupting unpleasant smells. Or try wiping the fur with ethyl alcohol.

Roll the fur coat tightly, fur inside, and place in the freezer for several hours. Freezing often removes even stubborn smells. Just be sure to make sure the fur coat is dry. Do not place wet fur in the freezer, you may damage it!

Grind coffee beans in a coffee grinder and sprinkle them on those places on your fur coat from which you smell especially strongly. Roll up the fur coat, put it in a plastic bag and leave it for a day. After a day, take it out, shake it well and hang it on the balcony to air. Even if a faint smell of coffee remains, it will be more pleasant than the smell of tobacco. Do not use this method if the fur coat is light in color. Otherwise, you will puzzle over the wrong smell fur coats, and above that, there are stains on her! Do the same with lavender talc. But it is difficult to find on sale. If you find bags of lavender, buy them, you won’t regret it, it leaves a light, pleasant scent. Place the bags in your pockets fur coats and put it away, preferably in a cool place.

If your fur coat has absorbed the smell of gasoline, wipe the fur with starch. Rub thoroughly but gently until the smell disappears. Then shake the starch off the fur and clean the coat with a sponge. Do not use a brush to avoid damaging the fur.

Buy special flavors. They are sold in small bags. Place one bag under your collar fur coats. Place two more in your pockets.

Fish is one of the healthiest and most useful foods. Unfortunately, fish has one peculiarity - a rather pungent characteristic odor that can remain in your kitchen for a long time after you have finished cooking. Fish can also leave an unpleasant residue on dishes and cutting boards. However, there are some simple ways to prevent and remove fishy odor once and for all.


Before processing and cooking, place strongly aromatic fish with the smell of mud in water for 2 hours, after adding vinegar to it (2 tablespoons for every 1 liter of water).

Before cooking, cleaned fish can be thickly sprinkled with salt (1-2 tbsp per kg fish), rub it in and leave the fish for 15 minutes. Rinse the pieces to remove salt. This way the swamp smell will be eliminated, and the fish itself will not fall apart during cooking or frying.

Before frying fish Throw peeled and cut into slices raw potatoes onto a preheated frying pan. This is guaranteed to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant smell in the air.

You can pour 1-2 tsp into the frying pan. vinegar (in a separate bowl, not the one in which you fry the fish) and evaporate it over low heat. Not only will there not be smell fish, but also children.

If you are going to boil fish, add fresh milk to the water. This will eliminate the unpleasant aroma and give the fish tenderness and juiciness.

If a fishy smell still appears in the kitchen and you need to quickly get rid of it, melt granulated sugar in a tablespoon over the fire. This will absorb the unpleasant odor.

Another option to neutralize fishy flavors is to burn dried orange zest.

If your hands smell like fish, simply wipe them with sunflower oil or the squeezed juice of half a lemon. Then just wash them with water.

Dry mustard will do a great job of eliminating the fishy smell on dishes. Use it to scrub your plates and cutlery, then wash them as usual.

Dishes can be washed in water and vinegar. Use the same solution to wipe off smelly countertops and walls if there are any splashes left on them during the cleaning process. fish.

Cutlery, baking sheets, pots, meat grinders can be washed with soap and a cloth soaked in vegetable oil. Or, after washing, wipe kitchen utensils with lemon peels.

If after rinsing the pan or pot still smells like fish, pour wet brewed tea into it and close the lid tightly, leaving the dish like that for 1 hour.

From smell fish A package of activated carbon will help get rid of it in the refrigerator by opening it and leaving it on the middle shelf of the refrigerator for 1-2 days. A few slices of black bread, laid out on different shelves of the refrigerator, will cope with the same task. The bread should naturally be thrown away after this.

Video on the topic

Constant smell dampness- a problem familiar to many residents of not only individual but also apartment buildings. It can come from both walls and furniture, especially soft ones, or from clothes hanging in the closet. You can cope with this unpleasant phenomenon by following certain recommendations.


To cope with smell ohm dampness in the apartment, try to first find out the reason for its appearance. Moisture can penetrate through cracks in the walls, roof (on upper floors) or from the basement (on lower floors). Reason smell A dampness the apartment may also be flooded by neighbors above or a non-functional ventilation shaft. Once the cause has been identified, contact the appropriate utility company to have it corrected. You can try to seal the cracks in the joints of wall panels yourself using polyurethane foam.

Check that the cold water pipes are well insulated. Condensation forming on them is a common cause smell A dampness in the apartment. If necessary, insulate with polyethylene foam. To avoid condensation on the windows, take care of their insulation.

Make some cosmetic repairs. If this is not possible, at least change the old wallpaper - it is they that most often exude smell dampness.

Go through old things, get rid of unnecessary junk. Air the remaining clothes on the balcony for several hours. It is advisable to wipe the drawers in the closets with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dry them thoroughly before putting laundry in them. Place several small linen bags with dried aromatic herbs or coffee beans on the shelves with things.

Treat furniture upholstery, carpets and runners with a steam generator. Wash the curtains. Change your bedding and do this as often as possible from now on. Take your pillows to the dry cleaner.

Ventilate the apartment regularly, especially in the warm season, and in the cold season, make sure that it is well heated. If necessary, use heating devices.

To add a pleasant aroma to the air in your rooms, use natural essential oils or scented candles, after making sure that family members are not allergic to them. It is not advisable to use aerosol air fresheners for this purpose, especially if there are asthma patients in the apartment.

Buy an air ozonizer. It will not only help eliminate smell dampness in the apartment, but also to avoid its appearance in the future.

Fish is a valuable and indispensable food product. The content of nutrients in some cases is higher than in meat and dairy products. Fish contains large amounts of calcium and phosphorus, and the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 3) lowers blood cholesterol levels. Many more advantages of fish can be listed, but the main disadvantage is the smell, which remains not only on the hands and dishes. Here are some simple but effective ways to neutralize this: smell.


Before cutting fish, you need to prepare a knife and cutting board. Fish has the ability to leave an odor on any surface, but plastic utensils are especially prone to absorbing any aromas. Therefore, a glass cutting board is recommended for cutting fish. Pre-wipe the board and hands with a slice of lemon or a solution of diluted water. After cutting, place fish waste in a plastic bag, tie it tightly and throw it in the trash. The board and knife must be washed immediately. The smell of fish from a knife can be easily removed by wiping the blade with a cotton swab and sunflower oil. If the fish smells too strong, before cooking, you need to immerse it in a solution of water with the addition of vinegar, bay leaf and pepper for a couple of hours. The smell will disappear.

During frying, the smell of fish will be less pronounced if you add a few drops of lemon juice to a heated frying pan with vegetable oil. If you add a little milk to the water in which the fish broth is prepared, the smell will disappear, and after cooking the fish will acquire a more “subtle” taste. After use, you must immediately discard the cans, after rinsing them with running water and then with vinegar. Fish very convenient when using foil, parchment or a special “baking sleeve”. The cooking smell will be low and the dishes will be clean.

It is best to use enamel or glass utensils when working with them. To ensure that there is no “fishy spirit” left on the plates and cutlery after washing, you must first remove any remaining grease with paper napkins or dry water. Next, soak the dishes in cold water with salt for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water. If you used a meat grinder or food processor to prepare the fish, after rinsing with water, you need to grind a slice of lemon in the units. Lemon will not only relieve smell, but will also fill your kitchen with aroma. After washing dishes from under fish, you can pour baking soda into the sink and quench it with vinegar. After an hour, rinse the sink with hot water.

Sweating is a natural process. But sweat has a rather unpleasant odor. This is what causes problems for many people. Athletes and just people who sweat intensely know firsthand how difficult it is to wash clothes from the smell of sweat. From this article you will learn many options for solving this delicate problem, namely: how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes.

Supporters of everything environmentally friendly try to use traditional methods even in the fight against traces of sweat under the arms. We have collected the most common methods that will help you get rid of odor and sweat from clothes.

How to remove armpit sweat odor from clothes without washing

It happens that it is not possible to wash clothes or the fabric from which these clothes are made will not survive such treatment. What to do in this case? How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes? Here are some no-wash cleaning options:

  • On the contaminated area of ​​clothing, in the place where the armpits are located, you need to pour a thick layer of baking soda, rub a little and leave it like that until the morning. The baking soda will absorb the unpleasant odor and all you have to do is shake it off the product.
  • Boil water in a small saucepan and add a few tablespoons of 9% vinegar to it. While the water and vinegar are boiling, hold the item that emits unpleasant odors over the steam.
  • You can wipe problem areas with pure vinegar 9%. No need to rinse. Wait for the clothes to dry. It is best to air dry; the smell of vinegar will disappear quickly.
  • The smell of sweat on clothes can be removed using this method. You need to mix 1 unit of salt, 4 units of water and 4 units of ammonia. Mix thoroughly and apply with a sponge to the stained area. Rub in lightly, and after 10 minutes wipe with a sponge soaked in clean water.

How to remove ingrained sweat odor from clothes

The longer dirty clothes sit unwashed, the more the smell from sweat will be absorbed. And the more difficult it will be to get it out. Therefore, try to clean such products as quickly as possible.

  • Table salt works great for stubborn sweat stains. You need to add 2 tablespoons per glass of water. Rub this solution well into the fabric and leave for half an hour. Then wash. This method is more suitable for natural fabrics.
  • The “smelling” mark can also be washed off using laundry soap. Lather generously on sweaty areas and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash as you are used to.
  • In a salt solution (a tablespoon of salt per glass of water), add one tablespoon of ammonia. Treat contaminated areas and leave for 15 minutes.

How to remove sweat smell from a jacket

There is no need to send outerwear to the dry cleaner. You can get rid of the unpleasant odor yourself. There are several ways to keep your jacket fresh.

  • It is necessary to regularly ventilate it in the fresh air.
  • You can stuff your jacket with newspapers. They absorb odors and moisture well. To do this, you need to fasten the product and fill it with crumpled newspapers.
  • Places where excessive sweating has left its mark can be treated with ammonia and water. After that, just take the item outside and ventilate well.

How to get rid of sweat odor on a leather jacket

Leather has a special porous structure. Therefore, it absorbs various odors very well, including unpleasant ones, like sweat.

  • If the smell is not strong, try gently washing the area of ​​the lining where the armpits are located. Try not to wet the skin so as not to spoil it.
  • An unpleasant odor is caused by pathogenic bacteria. They can be easily destroyed using a disinfectant such as soda. You need to make a thick paste out of it, adding a little water to it. Treat the inside of the jacket with the resulting mixture. It must be applied in a thick layer. Wait for the baking soda to dry. After this it should be removed.
  • A leather product can be removed from an unpleasant odor using citric acid. It needs to be diluted in half with water and treated from the underside of the skin. After wiping, leave the jacket in the fresh air.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat on a jacket

Some people, due to their profession, have to constantly wear a jacket. In this case, of course, one cannot do without problems such as an unpleasant odor. Then the question arises of how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes, namely from a jacket.

  • Take one part rubbing alcohol, one part ammonia and three parts water. The solution needs to be mixed and treated with it on problem areas from the inside. Next, blot with a clean cloth. After the jacket dries, the odor removed should disappear.
  • If you need to clean your jacket in winter, it will be enough to take it out to the balcony. In the cold it will be well ventilated and the smell will go away. Or you can use the freezer. Before sending your jacket there, pack it in a plastic bag.
  • If the product can be washed (check the tag on it), then do this by adding grated laundry soap to the water. You need to rinse in water with a small amount of vinegar.

If the smell of sweat remains on clothes after washing

Fabric softeners and fabric softeners will quickly deal with the problem of unpleasant odors.

In the wardrobe of each of us there are many things made of synthetic materials. Namely, they absorb odors remarkably well and do not “let go” of them for a long time. It is enough to wear such clothes once, and you will already need to wash them. But it often happens that even this does not save you from the pungent aroma. How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes in such cases?

To avoid such unpleasant surprises after washing, you need to carry out the procedure correctly.

  • Before washing soiled clothes, soak them in warm water for 45 minutes. Pre-soap under your arms with laundry soap. Add a little vinegar or soda to the water. You need to soak it separately, without mixing it with other clothes, otherwise the smell may be absorbed into other things.
  • Before turning on the washing machine, add half a glass of 9% vinegar and 3 tablespoons of soda to it, namely to the drum.
  • The amount of powder needs to be increased slightly.
  • You can use oxygen bleach; you can also wash colored items with it.
  • Use fabric softener.
  • All washing machines have a pre-wash function. Use it, as it will help rid your clothes of unpleasant odors and heavy dirt.
  • Dry washed items only in air.

How to get rid of sweat odor on white clothes

Yellow sweat stains are especially visible on white items. Getting rid of them and the smell will not be easy, but it is possible even at home.

  • Mix water and vodka in equal proportions. Treat the area where your armpits are with the resulting solution. And then wash as usual.
  • Hydrogen peroxide will do an excellent job of removing yellow marks and a strong aroma. You need to add one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide per liter of water. You need to soak the product in this solution for half an hour. After treatment, wash the items in the washing machine. You can add a whitening agent to the powder.
  • Add two aspirin tablets to a glass of lukewarm water. They need to be crushed first. Stir until completely dissolved and treat stained areas. Leave for 2-3 hours. After this, rinse and wash with powder.

Special sweat liners prevent stains on clothes.

Removing the smell of sweat and its traces is a rather difficult process, so try to prevent the problem. Maintain personal hygiene. Wash things more often using high-quality powder. In winter, wear a T-shirt under your sweater. If you still cannot control your sweating, you can purchase special anti-sweat pads. They are very thin and will be invisible to others.

Important! When using any product, do not forget about the possibility of ruining the thing. Therefore, be sure to test before use. Apply a small amount of the selected product to an inconspicuous area of ​​fabric. If its structure and color do not change, you can safely use this method.