How to marry a man? Marry a guy to yourself

Every woman can marry a man. Use the advice of astrologers to help you win the heart of your loved one.

Often women see their future husband in their lover, but not all men are ready to take such an important step as starting a family. The knowledge of astrologers will help you find the key to your partner’s heart. And to be confident in your choice, . This way you can create a strong family union in which you will be happy for many years.


Energetic and charming Aries are able to easily win the hearts of ladies. If you definitely decide to link your destiny with your lover, set challenging goals for him. Aries men are gambling people, they like to win a lady. You can play on this by making your partner jealous of a mythical rival or friend. Do not show your man strong affection, otherwise he may consider the goal achieved. Be seductive and charming. Wear attractive outfits, but keep your distance for a while. Such behavior will only spur stubborn Aries, and he will fall at your feet.


Men born under this Sign love to make deals. This means that simple seduction is not enough. Taurus must be sure that he is making the best deal possible by choosing you as his wife. It is important for the lady to convince her gentleman that she is the most successful and faithful proposal that will live up to expectations. You will be required to demonstrate the ability to perform practical actions and be confident in your actions. Win his heart with grace, sense of taste and sophistication.


Conquering the heart of a restless Gemini can be difficult. Representatives of this Sign often do not understand why they need to bind themselves to any obligations. But if you definitely decide to marry this energetic guy, be prepared for variety. Surprise your chosen one with your resourcefulness and desire to follow him on his travels. Win your lover's heart with your skills in an area that is inaccessible to him.


A Cancer man in most cases is looking for a life partner who is similar to his mother. To marry a representative of this Sign, you must be prepared to show care and patience. A good option would be friendship with your future mother-in-law. From her you can find out your man’s favorite dishes and pamper him with homemade cooking. Your primary task is to show your lover that he will be even better with you than with his beloved mother. By the way, Cancers are excellent family men, and the prospect of having several children will be a tempting reason for him to take you to the wedding palace.

a lion

Representatives of this Sign are accustomed to being appreciated. It is not difficult to win the attention of such a man, but marrying him is sometimes not easy. You will have to emphasize his strengths, praise his successes and refuse any criticism of him. Leos love beauty, so even when preparing breakfast, try to look great. A Leo man who sees an elegant and intelligent woman next to him will willingly propose to her.


Virgo men often have a certain idea about the family in advance, planning it in detail. All you have to do is fit into this scheme. Representatives of this Sign are practical, so don't try to force him to spend money on expensive entertainment. Lead an economical and modest lifestyle. Show that you know how to properly manage finances and plan purchases. Pedantic Virgos love order in everything, so you will need to learn how to beautifully put things in their places. Be at one with your lover, and you will definitely become happy spouses.


Men of this Sign are often attracted to women, but often do not know what they want from a relationship. You can win the heart of your lover and make him come to the idea of ​​marriage through determination. Your confidence and desire to connect your life with a Libra man will literally leave him no choice. Talk directly about what you want, plan your wedding celebration and choose a date for your happy event. However, be wise to make your lover think that this is his personal decision.


Scorpio men have a natural instinct, so you won’t be able to deceive them. The most effective way to force your lover to marry will be a shared secret. You must find his weak point, fear or phobia in order to save Scorpio at the right time. It won't be easy, but a shared secret can bind you together. Another lever of pressure on your lover will be intimate relationships. Show him your love and affection, and then you can count on a marriage proposal. Don't be false, otherwise you won't succeed.


Sagittarius cares about emotions and impressions. Convince your lover that your marriage will be full of emotions and new discoveries. Be prepared for the fact that your man will not sit still. Restless Sagittarius loves to travel, so routine and following rules are unlikely to be of interest to him. Your wedding should be memorable, not formal. If you are on the same page with your partner and have the support of his friends, then your marriage will be a done deal.


Capricorns need time. Representatives of this Sign do not like rapid developments of events, and first give him the opportunity to get used to you. Patience and love will help you, and the absence of criticism will give Capricorn confidence that he was not mistaken in his choice. Don't make your lover feel ashamed of you and your actions. Be impeccable and refined, and then he will definitely propose to you.


Aquarians are independent, so leading them to the idea of ​​marriage is not an easy task. You need to prove to your lover that he cannot live without you. Show him that he will receive family ties and personal freedom in equal shares and you will not force him to obey far-fetched rules. A tempting offer of travel can be a good incentive for an early wedding for Aquarius. Promise him an unforgettable honeymoon in an exotic location, and he won't be able to resist.


Men born under this Sign often imagine themselves as rescuers or knights. Help him feel superior and “save” you from trouble. Don't try to work things out on your own, otherwise your lover will stop trying. Pisces men believe in signs of fate. Make him believe that meeting him was not accidental and your relationship is karmic. This way you can lead him to the idea of ​​​​the need to create a union blessed from above.

Observations by astrologers will help you choose the right tactics in winning the heart of your beloved man. However, do not forget that without sincere love, your union is unlikely to last for a long time. You must be confident in your partner and that your choice is ideal. Show that you care and trust, work on the relationship together, and you will have a wonderful future together. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

It's time to give some advice that will help convince your chosen one, push him to make the cherished offer to officially register the relationship.

1. Give the man the palm

No, this is not a call to suddenly move to complete patriarchy, if suddenly you had equality in your relationship. Just value male freedom and let your chosen one make his own decisions.

Don’t be the first to talk about marriage, and especially never resort to blackmail or threats. Pregnancy and calling for responsibility are also not the best way to resolve the situation. Let the man take this step himself, and don’t force him or starve him out. Believe me, such a proposal will be much more pleasant for you, and in this case you will be sure that the desire to get married is mutual and not dictated by some external circumstances.

2. Set boundaries

For many women wondering how to marry a man, a fatal mistake is agreeing to move in together and try to live together. This is usually done under the pretext of “testing your feelings,” and it would seem that everything is logical - seeing how good you are, your lover will immediately run to the jewelry store to get a ring. No matter how it is.

In reality, everything turns out differently - living together really challenges your feelings, tests whether love will stand the test of everyday life. But at the same time, the man gets a wife who feeds, washes, cleans and makes love to him, and without registering the marriage in the registry office. Naturally, such a man will not marry, because why would he? He already got everything.

In this article I will talk about a rather narrow but important piece of male psychology, namely how to marry a man. Of course, it will be useful to read it for those women who do not have a man at all now. However, the article is mainly intended for girls who have a boyfriend, they have already been married for several months or even years, but they cannot wait for a marriage proposal.

What are the reasons that men do not propose marriage?

First of all, I want love so bad.

What conclusions can we draw?

When meeting a man and approximately in the first couple of months after meeting, you need to remove as much as possible the assessment of the man as a future husband, father of children, etc. Just try to enjoy dating, courtship, etc., without thinking too much about marriage. You will draw conclusions about whether this type is suitable for you for further relationships based on his actions in the process of communication and any established relationships. To learn how to understand whether a man is suitable for family life or not, read the article "How to choose a man" and in the article "Which men are not suitable for long-term relationships".

How else can you make sure that a man doesn’t perceive your interest only in marrying him?

It is clear that I am not talking about straightforward questions like: “When are you going to propose to me?” These are rather hints or those actions that a man perceives as your immediate desire to get married.

What actions can he perceive as a lack of love for him and only a desire to get married? (Or at least more marriage and less love)

— Too quick an attempt to meet parents, relatives and friends. It is clear that if the relationship develops, then there will be acquaintance with the whole environment, even if he does not really want it. However, if a girl tries to do this almost in the first weeks, then such an action may be perceived as a desire to get married quickly.

— Questions about income and property.

Questions about income and assets can be quite a sensitive issue, especially if a man has more than zero.

And here the question may arise: does the girl love him or his income and property? Therefore, premature questions on this topic can lead a man to the often paradoxical conclusion that you do not love him. And attempts to convince him will be pointless, since he will not even talk about his conclusions. And even if he continues his relationship with you for years, he may never propose marriage.

Therefore, be careful in asking questions about a man’s income and property in the first months, especially if they are clearly not minimal.

I will not give the entire list of standard mistakes in questions and behavior on first dates. As I already said, I wrote about them in detail in the book "23 mistakes on first dates". But the point is that a man wants love. And if he begins to think that you don’t love him (whether this is true or not, it doesn’t matter), then it’s clear that you shouldn’t think about any wedding, even in the distant future.

Secondly, I want a prince.

- he is not ready for marriage due to lack of stable income, housing, not very significant immaturity, etc. and will be ready for this in 5-15 years. It is clear that it is stupid to wait for this readiness.

If the man is from this series, then none of the most powerful and secret persuasion techniques performed with the highest professionalism may help you.

Therefore, your adequate self-esteem (and not the search for a prince), the ability to identify a man ready for marriage (and not just handsome and rich), and a little pressure at the right time and in the right place (I repeat, on the right person) is a simple recipe to marry yourself a man.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.

Your patience is running out, but your loved one is in no hurry with the desired marriage proposal? And now you are ready to marry a man with force and blackmail? Take your time. Use little tricks that will help persuade your bachelor to get married officially.

1 First and most importantly, you need to hide your burning desire to definitely acquire the coveted stamp in your passport. It is recommended to talk about freedom and independence in the presence of your loved one. This way the man will lose his vigilance and will not notice how you manage to marry him. Then you can proceed to the following methods.

2 An old and “secret” grandmother’s recipe for marrying a loved one is knowing the truth that the path to his heart lies through the central and most important organ in the male body - the stomach. Start cooking his favorite dishes (or order at a restaurant and say it’s just piping hot). Grandma won't give bad advice. Does not help? Read on.

3 If the first two methods don’t work, you can play big: arrange a romantic evening yourself and propose getting married. As a rule, men are at a loss from such a “blame-the-face” move, and at this moment they can be “taken lukewarm.” Aren't you that desperate? Go ahead.

4 If you are on friendly terms with his mother, start a conversation about the desired marriage with her. Surely she can't wait to see her grandchildren. And how you want kids! So let him put a little pressure on his dear son...

5 A subtle move: organize renovations in your apartment and ask your man to “wait out this typhoon” for a few days. What's the point? While you live with your lover, he should come to the conclusion that he has never had such tasty, clean and comfortable food. And your stay in his house is the best thing that could happen to him, because you surrounded him with love, care, affection and attention (don’t overdo it, otherwise the man will breathe a sigh of relief when you leave and promise himself never to marry).

6 Pregnancy is not the best way, but if this happens, insist that the stamp in the passport is not needed by you, but by the child, who is facing a humiliating childhood of fatherlessness.
The same arguments should apply if a man offers to have a child from him without marriage. By the way, thoughts about offspring can be gradually instilled in him by showing and talking about someone else's happiness of fatherhood and motherhood. Just don't insist or convince. Everything should happen unobtrusively, as if by itself. Don't ask if he wants children, ask why he would want a child, what the birth of a baby would bring to his life.
The excuse about “not yet ready to become a father” works well with a heart-to-heart conversation, finding out the age at which a man imagines himself when his child goes to kindergarten, school, or university. How old will he be when his grandchildren appear? That's it... It's time to start a family.

7 A risky, but very effective way to marry a man: get him drunk, and in the morning happily start discussing where you will celebrate your wedding and where you will go during your honeymoon. In general, pretend that yesterday you agreed to his marriage proposal. If a man does not run away, he is yours.

8 Regarding intimate relationships. Here men have a two-fold policy: if you give in to him, it means you’ll fall for others, if you refuse sex, you lose interest in the woman altogether. Conclusion: let everything happen, but not right away, the man must “achieve” your favor. And subsequently, it is important to assure him of boundless love, instilling in him that he is the one and only, so your “delicate color” went to him. What is not a reason for a decent man to marry a decent woman? By the way, men are very dependent on sexual pleasure, so it’s worth taking note of the secret of professional geishas, ​​namely, start training your intimate muscles.

9 The spirit of competition. As if, by the way, tell your loved one that an old admirer proposed to you, and although you dream of a real family, children, you have not yet given an answer, because you love Him. What advice will he give you?

10 Try to find out the reason why your man does not want to get married and so desperately resists the legalization of your reverent relationship. Be a personal psychologist for your loved one for a while. Convince him that everything is not as scary as he thinks. The pre-wedding fuss will not affect his precious person, you will earn money to support your family together, it will be easier for him to overcome career ups and downs with your help and support, and so on and so forth.

Have you finally received your long-awaited marriage proposal? Don't stop there. Otherwise, you will be planning your wedding, and the man will lead you by the nose for several years. After you answered “yes” (by the way, you can “think for a while”), ask when the wedding is planned. A later answer will not be accepted. I made an offer - please set a date. Take advantage of the appearance of an alternative: “When, dear, is it better - summer or autumn?” Or suggest: “This year is the best year for our marriage.” Don’t let a man “get off the hook”, because in fact, marrying an adult, intelligent man who knows perfectly well what he wants from life is not so easy...

Reading time: 2 min

How to marry a man - this question is of interest to many representatives of the fair sex who want to tie themselves in the knot of a hymen with the chosen one. Do not despair if all attempts to date have been doomed to failure. It should be remembered that in love, all methods are good, so you need to achieve your goal if you really like the man.

How can you marry a man if he doesn’t talk about it? The main rule on the path to one’s cherished desire is that the chosen one should under no circumstances immediately find out that the woman wants to marry him. This can scare him and push him away from you, since men have a different psychology from women. Men's view of the world is different and parting with freedom does not flatter them.

How to marry a man if he does not notice the woman, but only sees her as a good comrade? Don't despair. A woman will be able to captivate the man she desires only with bold and decisive actions and, of course, one hundred percent confidence that she really needs him.

So, the first step to marry a man is to search for information about your chosen one. You need to find out all the possible information about your lover. The presence of common interests will favorably contribute to the formation of attachment, since common interests are an inexhaustible topic for leisurely joint conversations. It should be remembered that every man has his own standard of beauty and ideal of femininity, the character of his future life partner. Therefore, if a woman knows what kind of women he likes, then we can assume that half the key to the heart of a representative of the stronger half is already in his hands.

However, in this case, the woman may be faced with pitfalls, since when planning to spend the rest of her life with this man, it would be better to remain herself. Because there is a danger that the chosen one will fall in love not with a woman, but with an invented image. The next male feature that should be taken into account in the fight for the heart of a representative of the stronger half is that for the most part a man loves with his eyes. Therefore, if a woman previously preferred a comfortable sporty style or a business look, then she needs to go shopping to update her wardrobe, which will make her more feminine, attractive and give her appearance elegance and mystery.

A man whom a woman seeks to conquer must see her as a woman with a capital letter. But in the pursuit of changing your image, you must not overdo it. The representative of the stronger half should have room for flight of imagination in order to create a desire to find out what is hiding under the clothes. Dressing stylishly, beautifully, elegantly, but at the same time looking feminine, attractive and seductive is an entire art that is important to comprehend in order to fight for the heart of a representative of the stronger half.

It often happens that a man liked a girl outwardly, but after communicating with her, she stopped liking her. This happens because the stronger half values ​​\u200b\u200ba woman. They like representatives of the beautiful part of the population who are interesting and smart, who know how to carry on a conversation. It is important to remember that men like women who are not overly emotional, who are reasonable, reasonable, who are not only able to maintain a conversation at the proper level, but also who know how to listen. Therefore, if a woman has a conversation with a representative of the stronger half, to whom her heart is aimed, then she should remind herself that he is not a girlfriend with whom you can chat incessantly, listing any events.

A man should be constantly surprised to keep his interest. A girl about whom everything is known becomes uninteresting. An active demonstration of a woman's confidence in her own attractiveness will help keep a man's attention on herself. If a woman has complexes that relate to external attractiveness, then you should not mention them to your chosen one. A girl who is confident in herself and her own beauty will always look more desirable and seductive.

Often in long-term relationships there comes a point when the woman wants to get married, but the man would gladly not do this. Every woman wants to feel desired and loved and someday hear the cherished words: “marry me.” How to achieve what you want?

If your loved one offers to move in with him, then it is better to immediately carefully clarify: “is the period of civil marriage only the beginning of our relationship?” And you should roughly indicate the period for checking the strength of your relationship. If your chosen one says that you can live like this for 10 years, then you should not immediately agree to move in with him.

If a woman has been living in a civil marriage for a long time and she is worried about why a man does not propose, then it is better to ask him directly about it, choosing the right moment. If the answer to the question is that he will think about it and discuss it with you later, then this is great, but if he says that there is no money for this, so good, there is no time, then it is worth thinking: is such a relationship necessary?

So, if, nevertheless, the decision to live together has been made, but the desire to marry a man persists, then you must adhere to the following basic rules of the ideal woman:

Look beautiful;

Delicious cooking;

Listen to a man when he needs to;

Make love whenever he wants;

Leave him alone when he doesn't want to communicate or is tired.

So, the woman is already ideal, but he does not propose, how can you marry a man? A huge role in attracting the chosen one is played by the behavior of the woman and her. It is important for a man to become a true friend, and not just a mistress with a pot in the kitchen. It is necessary to make sure that he has no friends closer to the woman. You always need to help, support and console him. The chosen one should feel a loved one in a woman and rest with her soul. Most of all, representatives of the stronger half value tenderness, sensuality, femininity, honesty, beauty, gentleness, sincerity, caring, unobtrusiveness, modesty, seductiveness, the ability to empathize and understand; ability to love; respect the rights to hobbies, your secrets and personal affairs. Of course, each representative of the stronger half will have his own personal preferences, but practically everyone likes the above qualities. Therefore, you should try to have as many of them in a woman’s character as possible.

You can marry a man quickly by avoiding mistakes. Firstly, you cannot put pressure on your chosen one, demand that you devote all your free time to a woman. He should always feel comfortable and, if necessary, take care of personal matters at any time. You can't be too curious. A representative of the stronger half has the right to secrets, so you cannot demand what he does not want to tell. Of course, you can’t look through his email, mobile phone, or be endlessly jealous. It is recommended to praise men and give compliments. There is no need to look for a special reason for praise. You just need to say something nice, but sincere.

How to marry a man? It is necessary to show a man that in bed he gives a woman real pleasure. Therefore, you should refuse intimacy less, be the initiator yourself and learn how to please a man in bed. It is very important to take care of a man. If a woman becomes indispensable to him, then he himself will not want to let her go. You shouldn’t overdo it by talking about the wedding, it really irritates men. As soon as the chosen one is ready to get married, he will run for the wedding rings himself, and before the woman has time to look back, she will become his wife.

How to marry a divorced man? If the chosen one was married and he did not like this experience, then it will be very difficult to get him to build a new family. You shouldn’t rush things and get bored with the desire to get married. The representative of the stronger half should feel like the master of the situation, since by nature he strives to dominate. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to make his own decisions and take initiative in relationships. First, you should become indispensable in his heart, in everyday life, in his schedule. It is necessary to be involved in the life of your loved one, to help him in business. And one day make it clear that all this can disappear in an instant. And then he will ask to register the relationship in order to keep his beloved close to him.

How to divorce a married man and marry yourself? There are different ways to divorce and marry a man, but they all require determination, endurance, and confidence in one’s actions. It is necessary to personify unpretentiousness, devotion, undemandingness and show that nothing is needed from a man except the opportunity to simply love him. You should combine naive romanticism, emotionality, care and reliability. These listed qualities will have an alluring and magical effect on the chosen one. There is no need to try to replace your man's wife. These actions can push a man away. You cannot cook, wash, or clean in front of your loved one. A man, coming to a woman, expects to take a break from everyday problems and enjoy harmony and peace. Therefore, you need to meet him with someone who is loving, beautiful, and capable of giving unforgettable moments of joy and happiness. He should not share his woman with the washing machine or the kitchen.

If a married man has set aside time to spend with a woman, then this should be appreciated. This behavior contributes to the growth of male interest, which over time can develop into a strong feeling.

To get a married man to marry you, you shouldn’t throw him hysterics for any reason or no reason. If your loved one suddenly canceled a meeting due to the need to solve some problems, you need to react calmly, supporting the man. A woman must initially understand what she is getting into, so her constant qualities in life should be endurance, patience and outward calm. This is a kind of foundation on which further serious relationships are based.

In order to marry a married man, it is not recommended to whine in front of him or express dissatisfaction with something. You should find a hobby or something to do while your loved one decides on his own affairs. Before destroying someone else's family, you should think about whether you have the strength to do everything possible for the happiness of your loved one. You shouldn't try to be very intrusive. You shouldn’t call endlessly and send SMS. If a woman is interested in a man, then it is necessary to give him the opportunity to court her. The representative of the stronger half should think that it is he who wins the woman, and not all this thanks to a well-thought-out female strategy. You should forget about groundless accusations, reproaches and excessive jealousy. This is what often overshadows relationships and leads to cooling of feelings. It is necessary to learn to solve emerging problems calmly with the help of a compromise, and not spoil the mood for both.

Whenever you meet a married man, you should always be in a great mood, and you need to look 100% stunning, while remaining a little mysterious. A representative of the stronger half must be sure that his woman has a life full of interesting events. You should not show a man that you dress up exclusively for his arrival. From time to time, do not answer your loved one’s calls and refuse meetings, citing urgent matters. This will prove to the man that a woman’s life is in full swing, and she cannot run to him on dates at his first whim. This behavior will contribute to the fact that the man himself will begin to seek dates, but you should not refuse meetings frequently, as this will lead to the opposite result.

The listed methods will not give a 100% guarantee that your loved one will immediately get divorced, but certainly such meetings will remain in his memory for a long time and he will strive for them again. The main advice to all women is to always remain unobtrusive, unpretentious, undemanding, patient, and then your cherished desire will definitely come true.