A few simple ways will help you get your relationship back with your girl. How to restore a relationship

Three years later, it turned out that you would gladly quit your job, change your business suit to a cozy house dress, and instead of weekly reports, you would cook salmon in batter. But you can’t sit at home with a gentle man - he himself would sit there, lie down, and even cook salmon. What you chose each other for has crumbled into sand through your fingers and there is no need to continue further. Another option is that one deeply hurt a partner, and he is unable to forgive it. Classically it looks like “he cheated, I kicked him out, I can’t forgive him and don’t want to, the relationship is over. The option when she cheated is less classic, but also painful. In any case, it is unbearable to continue living in an atmosphere of total mistrust and constant tension. The third option is that circumstances are going against your relationship. For example, he has been working successfully in Moscow for a long time, and you are offered a job in Berlin - and one that is impossible to refuse! Impossible, unbearable, no need... now. Because the only reason to seriously use the word “never” is in the phrase “never swear.”

After a pause

What happens after a breakup? Each of you lives your own life: meets new people, starts other relationships, gets accustomed to new conditions and circumstances... You can be absolutely happy and content, just like him, somewhere out there, far away. Until enough time passes (a year, two, five...) and circumstances change, and most importantly, both of you change. And those who have changed will never meet again. And when you meet, it turns out that the chemistry between you is still the same, the attraction has not gone away; so much time has passed that the pain and insults inflicted on each other have been forgotten; circumstances have changed again, but this time exclusively in your favor; You have both matured enough and gained enough experience to understand the causes of the problems then and not repeat them now. After all, as the old saying goes: life is long. And what is happening now is only happening now, and then we’ll see!

Step 1: Accept the Breakup

First of all, you need to understand the reasons why you broke up. If this is not done, then any attempt to restore communication you will encounter the same problems, only on a larger scale. Accept as a fact that your relationship - at least in this form and at this stage - is over. And urgently engage in self-healing! Use “Me-time” to return to activities and hobbies that were abandoned for the sake of your loved one. Focus on your health: eat, sleep, walk - and finally start going to the gym regularly!

Step 2: Understand why you broke up

Use “Me-time” to get to the bottom of the problem that is ruining your relationship. Only by getting to the core can you build healthy relationships in the future. As you think about this, don't forget to evaluate your own actions throughout history: whether you had problems with trust and honesty, with self-esteem for each of you, and consider how much they may have contributed to the breakup. Figure out what you and he want, and honestly admit how much your desires coincide.

Step 3: Reconnect

At least two months must pass after the breakup. And no matter how hard it is - no contact! Focus on steps 1 and 2: then the time will pass very quickly. And after two months (if you haven’t started a new relationship), you can, for example, send your ex a letter or CMC, or even call yourself and calmly ask how things are going. During the conversation, find an opportunity and offer to drink coffee sometime. When you finally meet... remember step 2 and take action!

There are a lot of cases when couples reunite after breaking up. It happens that ex-spouses get married again after a divorce. The fact is that very often, after breaking up, people realize that they rushed to conclusions, that they made the wrong decision. And, of course, the most important reason for the reunion is uncooled feelings. It is love that helps you forget all mistakes and forgive many actions. But stubbornness and pride sometimes prevent you from doing this. We will find out how to get a relationship back after a breakup in this article.

Is it possible to restore a relationship after a breakup?

You need to understand that any relationship requires work, love and patience, and this is especially true if you are trying to fix a broken relationship.

In this case, it is also important to determine whether your ex-partner wants to restore the relationship. There's no point in trying to fix something if you're the only one willing to do the work. If your partner is intolerant of mistakes, ignores your desire to talk and continues to be offended, it may be time to move on without him. It takes two people to mend a broken relationship. If you are the only one trying to save feelings, you will never succeed.

Analyze why you broke up or why your relationship is at an impasse. All relationships go through crisis situations at one point or another. As the novelty of starting a relationship wears off, problems and stress begin to pile up, and things you once found endearing begin to irritate. It is the lack of mutual understanding that leads to quarrels, betrayals and separation.

What to do if you broke up and the feelings haven't gone away

First of all, you need to talk to your partner. If, despite the difficulties, you are ready for dialogue, then there is hope for eliminating problems and restoring relationships. But sometimes it’s so difficult to talk. For some reason, it is easier for people to quarrel, make scandals and do other stupid things, instead of just sitting down at the negotiating table and trying to solve the problem. How to talk to your ex-boyfriend?

  1. Have dinner with him. The conversation will be easier and more open in a relaxed atmosphere.
  2. During the conversation, allow yourself to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is important in any relationship because it allows you and your partner to bond through a sense of intimacy.
  3. Make a conversation plan on paper or consult with someone close to you about what and how to say. This will make you feel more confident and comfortable during the conversation.

Have patience and listen to your partner instead of arguing. Instead of trying to think about what you need to say next, stop and try to understand what they are saying to you. Listening carefully shows respect and will help you understand what was wrong in your relationship.

Look at the problem through the lens of your partner's thinking. Too often, couples get caught up in their own emotions and neglect to understand their other half. Stop for a moment and think about why your man is upset or unhappy. What mistakes have you made in this relationship? Don't be afraid to admit it. Everyone makes mistakes. It's important to own them in a relationship rather than try to ignore or avoid them.

Where to begin?

Of course, you need to understand that one conversation will not solve anything. After a conversation, you will not return the relationship. But this will give you an idea of ​​how to proceed. Is your young man inclined towards reconciliation, is he considering such a possibility?

It's not enough to just talk about your problems together. You need to do something to solve them. Once you have figured out what is wrong between you, you should come up with at least 2 things you are going to do to solve the problems. The only way to fix a broken relationship is to do the healing.

  • if your partner accuses you of inaction, make a list of 4-5 things that you will do every day for the sake of your relationship;
  • if the young man lacked romance in a relationship, then give it to him;
  • become more attentive and caring.

As you can see, you need to change your attitude towards the situation. Sometimes you need to change something in yourself in order to improve your relationship.

The next step is forgiveness. In a disagreement, both are always to blame, which means that each partner must ask for forgiveness and forgive. This may be the hardest part of fixing a relationship, but it is also the most important. Forgiveness releases anger, pain and emotions so they don't come back into your life, sabotaging all the progress you've made. Remember that no one is perfect, and without forgiveness there would be no relationship on the planet. The main thing here is sincerity. If your man sees you sincerely asking for forgiveness for your mistakes, the ice will undoubtedly break. Also, if he is to blame, his sincere intentions to improve need to be heard and understood. But, on the other hand, resentment does not go away instantly. Give each other space and time to recover.

If you broke up because you cheated

Know that it takes a lot of time to restore trust after a breakup, especially if the cause was infidelity. Be prepared to work hard and spend several months rebuilding your broken relationship:

  1. Take responsibility for your mistakes. Avoid making excuses and blaming. To ask for forgiveness and move forward, you need to take responsibility for your mistakes. By looking at yourself from the outside, you will eventually understand what caused you to do wrong things and find ways to avoid them later.
  2. Ask for forgiveness. This may be the most difficult thing after cheating, because, as it seems at first glance, such an act is difficult to justify. However, asking for forgiveness is the only way to begin the healing process—you can't move forward if your partner is still angry at you. Even if he doesn't forgive you right away, you need to humble yourself and ask for forgiveness anyway, even if you have to do it several times.
  3. Become an open book . If you've deceived your partner, the fastest way to regain trust is to be completely open. Make your schedule and communication contacts available to your partner. Avoid hiding things, even small things, as they can lead to mistrust.
  4. Keep all your promises. You need to show that you are reliable. Never make promises that you cannot keep.

How to save a restored relationship

Once the relationship can be revived, the most difficult thing is to maintain it. After all, every person still harbors resentment, mistrust, anger, and at the slightest opportunity they can escalate and come out. To make your relationship stronger, follow these tips:

  1. Spend time together. It seems obvious, but you have to be together to keep your love alive. Find something you enjoy doing together and do it, from cooking dinner to Sunday fishing. Relationships take work to stay healthy, so don't neglect your partner. If you cannot be together for certain reasons, write letters to each other, call each other, communicate on the Internet. Take a vacation together. If you can't go on vacation, find a way to get away from home. Go out to dinner and a movie, get a hotel room in the city, or spend a rainy Sunday in the bedroom together.
  2. Communicate openly and honestly. Honest communication eliminates problems and prevents them from developing. When something is bothering you, talk about it instead of keeping it inside. Jealousy, misunderstandings and selfishness can lead to new conflicts, so be trusting and caring.
  3. Be a team. Your partner is your other half and you need to remember that when things get tough. You have each other to help overcome stressful situations and negative emotions.
  4. Invest time in physical and personal development. Get up early and eat healthy, exercise and just take care of yourself. Do what you love, hobbies. Not only will this make you happier, but it will also make it easier to focus on loving your partner. You have to be in the right physical and mental space to love your partner and yourself.
  5. Acknowledge your loved one's mistakes. No one is perfect, and we often judge our men more harshly than anyone else. The only way to maintain love is to know and accept that your partner is not perfect and forgive him when he makes mistakes. Accept and appreciate his personality traits instead of trying to change them. Don't forget that you are not perfect either.

If restoration of relations is impossible

The struggle for relationships shows that people care about each other. But if you are constantly fighting for your love, then you are stuck in an unhealthy relationship and you need to get out of it.

Healthy relationships can also be subject to various conflicts, but they usually resolve themselves quickly, without violence or yelling. If quarrels and scandals are too frequent in your couple, this is unlikely to stop. In this case, it is wiser to understand that nothing can be changed.

Leave a relationship when you are more unhappy than happy. Love is about having fun, feeling safe, and enjoying life together. If you find yourself regretting your time together, it's time to move on, but only separately.

Sometimes spouses who are in the most severe crisis, with a lot of grievances and anger at each other, come to us for consultation. But later it turns out that this is only one part of their relationship. The other is love, tenderness, affection, care and a sense of the value of the other spouse. But it is much more difficult for them to talk about these feelings. And when spouses stop talking about their love, the meaning of living together is lost.

Attention is a manifestation of love

To improve your relationship, it is important to find that secluded corner within yourself where your love is hidden. She needs to be raised carefully and carefully and shown to her partner. When you start expressing love, your partner responds to it over time and becomes more loving too. However, love is not demanded, it is given. There is no need to “force” your spouse to talk about love; there are various ways to express it without the help of words.

The first way is touch. How long has it been since you touched each other tenderly? Do you want this? For touches to become a manifestation of love, they must be pleasant to the partner and express care and attention. There is no need to be zealous and smother each other in hugs. Sometimes we hug our partner when we ourselves want to be hugged. Be careful! If he (she) moves away from touching, if he doesn’t want it now, there is no need to insist and be offended. Maybe you need to wait for the right time, choose the right place, ask what kind of touches are pleasant to your spouse.

The second way is gifts. For gifts to be an expression of love, they should not be given for show, they should not be payment for something or the purchase of something. When giving a gift, you don't need to expect anything in return. Such gifts should be given when you want to please your spouse, and they are more pleasant than useful. If you took the time to prepare a gift, organized a special presentation ceremony, and present it in person, such a gift will be more valuable. It will be more pleasant for a woman to receive flowers as a gift rather than a food processor, and for a man to receive a football ticket rather than a shaving kit. A particularly valuable gift is the fulfillment of erotic fantasies. For a husband, a gift could be new attractive clothes for his wife, for a wife, the husband’s organization of a romantic dinner.

The third way is help. For help to be a manifestation of love, it must be voluntary and selfless. Try not to confuse it with an ultimatum or a mutual exchange agreement. The husband can help his wife with household chores, doing that part of them that he was not asked to do. A wife can help her husband realize his ideas: find the phone he needs on the Internet, support him with her faith in him.

The fourth way is words of encouragement. Over time, the good that spouses do in the family is taken for granted. A tradition is being created to perceive the fulfillment of your wishes as a norm that does not deserve attention. But mistakes are criticized and inflated to unimaginable proportions. This is typical for most of our families. Sometimes a husband or wife tries to do something differently, but is often met with criticism from the other spouse. This brings particular bitterness, resentment, desire for revenge, hopelessness and a feeling of loss of love into the relationship. The desire to please your partner disappears. So a thin thread of hope gradually winds up into a tangle of mutual resentment and anger.

If you take a close look at each other, you will probably discover what you like about your partner. Think about what you can thank each other for. For example, the husband provides for the family, plays with the children, and the wife raises the children and takes care of the house. Perhaps your partner has taken on a part of the collaboration that you particularly dislike. Recognize your partner's contribution to family life, praise him for what you like about him and his actions. Don't ignore your partner's efforts that please you. Say words of gratitude when you receive a gift, accept help with gratitude, say when you enjoy its touch. The more sincere your words are, the more love your partner will feel. Words of affirmation will not ruin it, but will allow you both to be happier.

The most surprising thing is that accepting positive feedback can also be quite difficult. Listen to yourself - what is easier for you to perceive: praise or blame? It happens that compliments and approval can confuse, cause anxiety and worry. This is explained by the fact that many in childhood are accustomed to receiving pokes and slaps on the head, and what is familiar is safe and therefore more comfortable.

The fifth way is time to communicate. When you make time for each other, you feel important and loved. Spending time with a person means paying attention to him, being in dialogue with him. If you begin to notice that you listen to your spouse “like the radio,” then think about what you lack to be absorbed in conversation with each other. Perhaps you don't listen well or are distracted by other problems? In order for your partner to understand that he is being heard, you need to look at him when he speaks, not do anything else at this time, be attentive to his feelings and not interrupt. If you do not understand what your husband or wife is saying, ask questions and show sincere interest in what your spouse is saying. It is very useful to speak only in the first person in such a dialogue. For example: “I’m so hungry that I can’t think of anything,” instead of “Well, how long can you wait for dinner?!”

In addition to talking, you can do something that you both enjoy, for example, cooking a holiday dinner or... skydiving.

Answer these questions for yourself. How often do you and your husband/wife stay together, just the two of you? When was the last time you talked not about children and affairs, but about your relationship? Do you want to be alone? If you want it, then the opportunity will definitely appear. There will be grandparents, nannies, kindergarten or something else. If you feel even the slightest bit of doubt and reluctance, ask yourself: “What might happen if you were suddenly alone and started talking to each other?” If the answer to this question is that there is no topic of conversation, then here is a hint where you can start discussing your relationship.

Say the "Marriage Contract"

In every relationship there is an unspoken "agreement". It may contain items regarding what joint goals you have, what each of you is responsible for in the family, how it is customary to communicate with each other, how to show love, what distance in a relationship is acceptable to you, etc. Unspoken agreements are rarely voiced, agreed upon or discussed. Both spouses evolve and change, and the original contract may not meet the needs of the spouses today. And then the agreement needs to be revised. Think about your contract, write down its clauses together. Discuss them. Are each of you satisfied with them? Are the requirements appropriate for the situation? For example, initially you had an unspoken contract about a shared wallet. But this agreement was made a long time ago, when there was little money in the family. Perhaps now each of you has a need to share finances, but you are silent about it, and don’t even know that your half wants the same thing as you. Remember the parable about how two elderly spouses wedding discovered the mistake of a lifetime. The husband thought: “All my life, taking care of my wife, I gave her the crust of bread that I love so much, today I can finally eat it myself.” The wife thought the same thing about the bread crumb. After that, they found out that the wife liked the crumb all her life, and the husband liked the crust.

Check your guesses about your partner, bring clarity to the relationship

Sometimes communication with a spouse leaves a bitter aftertaste of resentment or disappointment, anger or fear. In this case, you can try not to avoid further interaction, but to clarify what happened. It is important to talk about yourself and your experiences and listen carefully to your partner. Describe your feelings and the actions of your partner that caused these feelings.

Let's say you hug your husband while he plays on the computer. He says irritably, “Go away.” You may get offended and stop talking, sulk and wait for your husband to feel guilty and pay attention to you. And you may even decide that your husband has completely stopped loving you. Or you can wait until he comes out from behind the computer and ask about his feelings and attitude towards you, i.e. test your fantasies. Perhaps you will find out that your husband loves you very much, but now he is just tired and resting like that.

And remember that if your spouse is angry and yells at you, this does not mean that he does not love or accept you at all. Each person has different, sometimes directly opposite, feelings even for the closest people. We can hate our partner and love him passionately, sometimes feel tenderness for him, and sometimes fear rejection.

Pause in conflict

In a conflict of interest, when the partners’ feelings are very strong, each spouse wants to insist on their own and win. The loser is forced to sacrifice his interests. However, this is why a family is needed to satisfy the needs of all its members as fully as possible. When just one loses, the whole family loses. When your emotions overwhelm you and you start insulting each other, pause the conversation. Explain to your partner that you need a pause to calm down and think. Listen to yourself. What is stopping you from understanding your partner now? Think about what you want. What do you feel? Think about your partner, what does he want, what feelings does he have? Try to understand his positive intentions. It is unlikely that he lives with you to ruin your life. And when you calm down, tell your partner what you understand. Talk about your feelings, your desires. Ask him if you understand him correctly. Then, when making decisions, you will be able to take into account both your interests and the interests of your partner.

Explore the give-receive balance

Respect each other's needs. Try to apply to your family the idea that each of you can have maximum pleasure, and for this it is not necessary to suffer. Explore together the balance of your give-and-receive relationship. Partners are especially happy with each other when they both feel that they are getting a little more in the relationship than they are giving. In order not to find yourself in a situation where one of you has only pleasures on the side, and only responsibilities on the other’s side, each of you needs to defend your desires. This can lead to your spouse being angry that you are selfish and completely unwilling to think or care about them. Do not be afraid of this anger, it does not mean the loss of love, but your willingness to fight for love and happiness.

We hope that you will not only use these recommendations, but also come up with your own ways to grow and maintain warm feelings for each other.

Yulia Dunaeva
Olga Vasilyeva


The article is like a breath of fresh air. While reading, it calms you down and allows you to put all your thoughts in your head on the shelves where they should be. Reminds us of why it all began. Many points are known and understandable, but in the everyday bustle, all feelings and thoughts get mixed up. In this case, it is difficult for a person to understand what he wants from himself and the loved ones around him. It’s a good idea to write down the points of this article in your head and look at them periodically. Then you can rethink your behavior, desires and feelings, and realize your mistakes. I’ll be happy to show the article to my wife so that she doesn’t forget who we are to each other.
Thanks to the author.

11/23/2008 02:03:32, Evgeniy

A brief retelling of the book “5 Love Languages” :) No, it’s useful, of course, but only if both want it.

Everything is certainly well written. Interestingly, I tried all the methods. But... it turned out that this was a one-sided game. He took the path of least resistance - he left.

05/15/2008 23:21:10, went to see the light

One most important detail is not taken into account: when there are both changes, then you can look for ways. Usually one person wants to save the marriage, but the other does not. Such articles are apparently written by students :) And as you know, the best narcologist is a recovered alcoholic...

05/15/2008 11:04:49, Something like this

Comment on the article "How to get love back?"

Maybe we’ve been together for too long and that’s why the old feelings have faded away... Girls, how to get it back I don’t want to lose my husband, he is a very good person - kind, gentle, but the same. My husband and I also had a very friendly and calm relationship for two years, without quarrels , no sex.


Most likely he has been banging someone for a long time. And of course he loves you, but since he doesn’t get what he needs with you, he probably takes it from someone else. Well, or it will happen soon.

09.29.2018 22:25:26, uuu22

My husband and I have been friends and parents for many years, without a marital relationship. Complete harmony, he doesn’t want it, but I don’t need it :)) I don’t worry, he’s a reliable person, an excellent father.

09/27/2018 07:00:11, no ideals

How to improve family relationships? I was able to get my husband back. Due to the nature of my employment, I spend quite a lot of time communicating. Section: What to do? (how to bring your husband back to life in a crisis). I look bad (no, well, I put on makeup for work - it seems okay, but in the morning I get scared)...


I'm a little older than you. I am sharing my own, very recent experience. I was hit with exactly the same thing this fall, although I love my job (apparently, professional burnout), and the children are golden, and everything is calm in family life.

I decided to act this way: I’ve been working with my head all my life, now I’ll work with my hands for a change. I remembered that 30 years ago my grandmother taught me to knit, I took the book “Household Economics” that my grandmother had left behind and refreshed my knowledge. I found a model for a blouse and literally began to devote every free minute to knitting.

At first it was very difficult, I dissolved already connected rows several times, but, oddly enough, it was this struggle with difficulties that distracted me from heavy thoughts. And when it started to work out, it gave me strength: I can create a beautiful thing. I bought more books on knitting and improved my work so that now it’s a pleasure to look at.

Little by little, I decided to aim for more: the blouse began to turn into a dress. But my hands were already moving mechanically, and I became bored with knitting looking only at the knitting needles. I started downloading various films that are considered masterpieces of world cinema, but which I somehow didn’t have time to watch before, and I knitted, looking at the screen with one eye. I got a lot of emotions from watching a really great movie.

Sitting for a long time at the knitting needles began to strain my back, and I drove myself to the pool, where I began to walk with pleasure and lose weight. Meanwhile, my health was getting better and better - both psychological and physical. The whole family has gained new respect for me for the dress that will be ready soon. And I became so interested in working with wool that I signed up for art felting courses and am going to make my own jewelry and clothes. And what if my products can ever be monetized!..

This is just one of the possible recipes, but in my case it really worked. I wish you to find yours too!

Engage in community service. Do not want? Well, okay, move on with your life as you wish.

Restoring relationships after betrayal. Treason. Family relationships. Betrayal for me is when a person puts his soul into a relationship on the side, when his mistress How to get love back? How often do you and your husband/wife stay together, just the two of you?

I lost my feelings for my wife. Wife and husband. Family relationships. Discussion of family issues: love and jealousy, marriage and infidelity, divorce and alimony, relationships between relatives.


You can already create a separate section in the conference :)) And you will write your heart-warming stories there :)))
At least you can filter your topics :)

AAA. IT'S coming back...:-)))))))
Tyapnitsa, motherfucker...

I am sure that feelings are generated by needs, sometimes unconscious. You didn’t need this person, and this was expressed in a feeling that seemed impossible to cope with. It so happened that we did not live with my husband for 9 months. How to get your husband back?


"Two months of separation greatly turned my life upside down, at first there was stress.....then I began to take care of myself, go to visit. Suddenly, suddenly, I am with my husband again,.....I'm scared." These are the keywords. Admit to yourself that without him it’s even easier for you to breathe. Now is your chance to change your life for the better. With or without him.

Why should a husband feel guilty? Unclear.

Sexual relationships: love and sex, husband and wife, lover and mistress, contraception, family. Everything seems to be fine in the family. But after the birth of my second child, I just can’t return to those feelings and lightness that I had before.


In a similar case. A drastic remedy helped, changing the partner. But!.. Thanks to my Husband, he was smart enough to forgive, but I stayed. We lived on the verge of divorce for about a year, until everything settled down in our heads, everything passed. But now, like new, such a charge of new sensations! Although it's worth the effort, it's better not like this...

05/07/2006 21:34:21, Anonimo

Girls, please share how anyone can add something new to their relationship with their husband? We’ve been married for 8 years now, I’m staying at home with a 2.5-year-old child, he works a lot, I know for sure that he’s not cheating, but when everything is the same every day, anyone can go crazy. How do you add variety...


Hello everyone and thank you for your understanding. Indeed, when a woman is not busy with anything except the child and the house, and before that she was an ardently active person in life, it is very difficult not to find a reason that can upset her. Stockings and drugs are simply unacceptable to me, it’s just somehow stupid. After all, family life is not only about sex. At least for me. And we don’t have grandmothers in Moscow, there is no one to leave the child with, while, as some suggested, you can hide in the bushes with your husband in the forest. Childishness doesn't go away like that anymore. We are adults, wealthy people who have everything, but who have simply lost the taste for life and each other. Previously, we worked together with my husband, we had two pairs of boots, but after my birth he began to pull the cart himself, and I miss this very cart :)). Artificially inventing entertainment for myself is not for me - shopping trips, salons, etc. I’m used to just living in such a way that everything cool and interesting comes by itself, but now, it turns out, you need to invent everything in order to entertain yourself, your beloved... Ugh, how disgusting. I don’t want to hand over my child to nannies, but we still have 2-3 months at home before kindergarten. I can't tear myself away from him. I hired a wonderful nanny for a trial, but I couldn’t cope with it psychologically. While they were walking, I sat at home, shedding tears. That's it. Everyone is different.

09.28.2005 16:56:33, Marina-Marina 12/18/2004 6:12:31 PM, Mr.

Conference "Family Relations" "Family Relations". Section: (It so happened that we So it turned out that a chasm appeared in our relationship, through my fault. Maybe we can talk to you frankly, explain what happened then, your feelings, emotions, what happened then...


Counter question (for men) - what should you do to NOT lose this love??????????

02/29/2000 11:13:32, VIKA

How long has your cooling-off with your husband been going on?
If everything happened recently, then you should not pester your husband too much with kisses and hugs; these expressions of love will make him once again remember your alleged infidelity with a friend. Give him time to come to his senses.
Let him pour out his love on his daughter for now, do not interfere with him. Gradually begin to take part in joint fuss with the child, play, walk, the three of you, but so that it happens naturally. Over time, the husband will get used to the fact that a family consists of three :)) Then kisses will be perceived normally..
If everything happened a long time ago, and your husband’s reaction to you does not change... then it is very difficult, you just can’t get by with sexual tricks and cunning. It may happen that you will live like neighbors... for the sake of the child... although for some reason it seems to me. that you have the first option .. and the problem is a month or two ..
Good luck, Elena

02/29/2000 01:37:07, Hel

How to get your relationship back?

Narushevich, a well-known specialist in the field of family relations, said in one of his lectures that if doctors, trolleybus drivers, teachers, representatives of any profession carried out their activities with the same level of competence with which people now build relationships, then we would be here tomorrow nuclear war awaited. It's no wonder we see such a catastrophic rate of relationship breakdowns.

In some cases, relationships end by mutual desire, and everything ends peacefully, calmly, without emotions. In percentage terms, there are fewer such scenarios, and when this happens, the issue of return is either not raised at all or is resolved very quickly, since it is easy for people to engage in dialogue and there is no emotional tension between them.

If one of the partners or both begin to study this topic, communicate with specialists and worry internally or externally, then resolving the issue turned out to be not so easy.

Is it possible to return?

Some relationships cannot be restored. If a person cannot accept this thought, then this is a signal of excessive attachment to a partner. Namely, it could be the cause of the collapse. With this approach, no matter from whom it happens, happy relationships are almost impossible to build. A person should set higher goals and values. Studying spiritual practices and religious traditions can help with this. It is difficult to agree that the usual attitude towards a loved one is wrong, but this is the key to improving the situation.

You can find out whether a relationship will return, or whether yours falls into the “irretrievable” category, only by doing everything necessary. Many seemingly broken marriages are easily restored when a person gains the knowledge and support of wise people. The fact that this question exists, and that there are painful expectations of one or both partners, may just mean the possibility of a return. When there are no emotions, then there is no need, and therefore there is no opportunity.

How to get your relationship back?

There is an expression “don’t be afraid of breakups, be afraid of divorces.” Not every breakup is a breakup. Often people do not know the rules of building relationships and their own nature, which leads to mistakes. For example, it is common and normal for a man to withdraw from time to time. He feels a psychological need for this. Not understanding what is happening, the woman is inclined to think that the relationship has deteriorated.

It’s worth asking yourself the question: did the relationship really fall apart, or maybe this is a “preventive” separation? If so, then you need to notify your loved one that the relationship still exists and you are still waiting for a reunion. And then an understanding may arise that there is a desire to return, but at the same time it is very difficult to be with a loved one. It is difficult to communicate, and sometimes even to be close. What is this connected with?

It is important to work through one of the most possible reasons that is common in modern society. This reason is blocked emotions.

How to bring back joy?

When a person suppresses the expression of anger, grief, guilt or fear, he thus freezes not only them, but also the entire range of emotions. Such emotions are only called “negative” in society; in fact, they are an essential component of any relationship. There is nothing wrong with them; the harm is caused by the inability to get rid of them correctly. Not understanding that anger or fear is normal, a person hides it inside, and thus can no longer experience feelings of love and joy.

Having accumulated a large amount of unspoken things, a person sometimes begins to behave inappropriately, since an emotional burden is constantly present with him. Sometimes, in the presence of a loved one, physical reactions may appear - trembling, tension in the body, and so on. This is how restrained emotions work. It is necessary to show these emotions.

A simple way is to express them. At the same time, it is not necessary to do this to the person to whom these emotions are directed. It is important that the person listening has three qualities.

  • Had enough emotional strength. A person must be able to “absorb” emotions, take them for himself, saying something like “Everything is fine!” In this case, it is not the words that are important, but his condition. When a stronger person listens, there is an opportunity to express more accumulated emotions.
  • Wasn't interested in your situation. For example, parents are often emotionally stronger than their children and they want to help, but at the same time they have their own idea of ​​how their child should live. And if you reveal the secret to them, you can incur criticism, advice and other emotions from your parents.
  • I wanted to help you. Any passerby may be completely uninterested in the situation, but at the same time he will not have the desire to help.

You can express your emotions to a priest, an older relative, a friend, a psychologist, or a consultant. A good option is when the partners together, in the presence of an experienced elder, express their accumulated emotions. If it’s difficult to do something like this right away, you can start with a simpler method - write a “letter of love.”

A simple way to get rid of negative emotions

For this:

  1. Take one or more blank sheets of paper.
  2. We write at the top of the first sheet “a letter to...” and then the person’s name. We are determined that we are addressing him specifically. Everything that we write on these sheets, we seem to say to this person. At the same time, it is important to know that it is not necessary that he then read it. If you think that a person will not be able to accept what is written, you can read your own letter yourself.
  3. The first emotion is fear. We write down everything we fear about our loved one. It could be the fear of losing him, that he will stop loving you, that you will have nothing to eat, that a war will start. Everything connected with this person, including his own fear.
  4. The next emotion is anger. Having released fear, we find irritation within ourselves. The phrases “it pisses me off...”, “it makes me very angry...”, “I can’t stand it anymore...” would be quite appropriate. We write everything that is connected with a person, and that we have been wanting to say for a long time, without saving paper. With each line we make room in our psyche for joy, love, peace.
  5. Let's move on to guilt. It is especially common for a girl to blame herself for everything. The male type of behavior mainly involves blaming everyone around. What does a person blame himself for and what is somehow connected with the person? It could be guilt for breaking a vase in childhood. And this is connected with the young man, because this guilt does not make you feel good in your relationship with him.
  6. We write down everything related to the remaining emotion - grief. The young years that have passed, the frustration that the relationship has fallen apart, and everything like that remains on paper.
  7. Having freed all emotions, perhaps dryly and calmly, or perhaps drenching the sheet of paper with tears, we write the last part - what we want. This is an appeal to a person with the wording “I really want that...”. For the relationship to be restored, for us to be in a place, for us to break up completely - whatever you want. Imagine that in this part you are making an order for yourself.

I want my relationship back!

A great option when both people want to reunite. But what if one of them leaves, and only the remaining one wants their union back? Russian fairy tales describe how the main character approaches a crossroads - “if you go to the left, you will lose your horse...” and so on. There is wisdom in these tales. When a loved one leaves, there are three options. The first way is “he is to blame.” This is also true, since it is his fault. But only this truth will not help the abandoned one; he will bury himself with it in loneliness and despondency. This position excludes the possibility of correcting something, since the guilt, and therefore the opportunity to act, lies with the departed person.

The second way is “we are both to blame.” This is precisely the loss of a horse, since the family, as a rule, in such a position is not reunited. But at least the person will be able to create new relationships.

The third way, the most difficult, and the most correct is “I am to blame” or “I am to blame.” A person looks solely at his responsibility in breaking up a relationship. And that means he can correct the situation.

What can a person do in this case?

  1. Forgiveness. When we hold a grudge against someone or offend someone, then we have a burden hanging over us. Subconsciously, we remember well who and how we offended, even if the memory of this is blocked at the levels of consciousness. Forgiving a loved one also means understanding his side, that he is also a person who can make mistakes. This frees you from resentment. When we ask for forgiveness, we are thus freed from the subconscious feeling of guilt. At the same time, as in the case of a chain letter, it is not necessary that the person knows that you are asking for his forgiveness. On an unconscious level, he will still feel it.
  2. Adoption. Yes, anything can happen in this world. And accepting any option gives peace of mind. No one is immune from difficult trials, and in the same way, in just a moment a miracle can happen to us. When we do not accept what is happening to us and what our loved one is doing, then we are overly stressed and, as a result, unhappy. We make futile attempts to control the world around us.
  3. Maintain dignity. It is necessary to inform your loved one that you are waiting for him. But this must be done with a sincere detachment from whether he will return or not. It will still not be possible to do this completely, but if you call and tearfully beg to come back, the opposite effect is guaranteed.

The goal is for the person to know that it is possible to return. And at the same time, if he sees a blossoming person, joyful and happy, then he will have doubts about the correctness of his departure.

How to restore family relationships?

Sometimes illiteracy in relationships goes so far that people do not understand that they are simply “walking in the same kitchen.” And there is no longer any relationship between them. There is cohabitation, some joint affairs, perhaps convenience, but there is no relationship itself. In this case, you should stop deceiving yourself, start freeing yourself from “packed” emotions, and desires will begin to appear, and an understanding of the impossibility of continuing to coexist in the same apartment.

Not every relationship can be returned to its previous state, but you can only find out by doing everything possible. The key lies in forgiveness, acceptance, and self-esteem. By penetrating deep into his own psyche and removing fear, anger, grief and guilt from there, a person makes room for joy, love, and peace. And then he is ready again either to restore the old ones or to create new relationships.

These days, relationships are destroyed no less often, and sometimes even more often, than new ones are formed. This is because in most cases people act first and then think.

It happens that after a breakup with a man , you very soon begin to understand that you really cannot live without him. There comes an understanding of how important he was to you.

And then natural questions arise:« How to get your relationship back ? How can I correct the mistake I made?” .

Common situation?

If you are interested in the topic of this material, then it is close to you.

Let's not try to figure out why this happened. After all, you didn’t come for this, but for specific advice on how to get out of this situation. So let's get straight to the point.

Here are step by step instructions
, how to get your ex backlover and make him fall in love with you again.

How to get your ex backif you still love

First of all, you need to decide is trying to get the relationship back really a good idea? . Maybe you're just not right for each other and ending the relationship was the logical conclusion. This is the first option.

And the second, more common situation : breaking up due to unwillingness or inability to listen and compromise.

Excessive emotionality in communication could lead to another quarrel, in the heat of which hurtful words were spoken, causing a breakup.

And even when the emotions have subsided and the opportunity has arisen to think about the causes of the conflict, the fear of taking the first step leads to a sad ending.

He thinks that he is not needed and leaves. But she doesn't stop him. Pride does not allow her to do this and ask for forgiveness. so what? Which situation is closer to you?

If the first, then there is no point in returning the relationship.

But if the second one and you are sure that the feelings have not gone away, but have simply become hostage to pride and fear, then tryimprove relationsOf course it's worth it.

So where do you start? After a breakup, the established connection is usually lost and former lovers stop seeing each other.

If you're thinking abouthow to get your ex back and, most importantly, how to improve relationships with him, you will have to find him and establish contact again. In this case, most likely, there will be certain awkward feelings, but you need to find the courage in yourself and talk to him again. And not just any way, but truly sincerely, so that he feels your desire start over from scratch.

1. Call him

Many people are very It's hard to meet your ex-partners face to face. But you don't have to see him in person to start a dialogue that will allowimprove relations between you.

Nowadays, this problem can be solved very easily -just call him(write an SMS, send an email).

First, think carefully about what you want to talk to him about, and only after that dial his phone number (or start writing a letter). Choose your words carefully. Speak in a warm and friendly manner.

About what? Find out how he is doing, how he feels. Thank you for the pleasant moments you had in your relationship. And which you are pleased to remember.

Such questions, of course, will not help you right now.get the relationship back, but they will allow you to maintain a conversation for the time necessary to determine his reaction to your call: whether there is irritation, resentment or anger in his voice.

If the conversation is quite comfortable for both of you, then you can move on to the next stage - hint what you wantimprove relations(at least friendly to begin with) andmake an appointment.

2. Ask for forgiveness

If you really want to get your ex back, you'll have to learn to talk "I'm sorry" .

If you don't knowhow to improve relationshipsthat were torn apart because you made a mistake, acknowledge that fact and bring your apologies to your lover's ears . You must make sure he knows how much you regret what you did.

And even if it was not you, but your partner who was the culprit of the breakup, ask for forgiveness for not stopping him then.

3. Talking to his friends

It might be a very good idea to talk to his friends. It may well happen that they will become your allies and helpget the relationship backthat were so recklessly lost. In addition, you can find out from them about how his life turned out after your breakup.

They can know if he still loves you, if he still wants youget the relationship backwith you and how good your idea of ​​talking to him is.

Considering the fact that they are his friends, and not yours, not all of them will agree to help you. But if you sincerely talk about your feelings and regrets, there will probably be someone among them who will help.

4. He needs to know that you have changed.

Have you thought a lot about your past behavior that led to your current situation? Have you made every effort to change yourself for the better?

If you want your ex back, let him know that you have turned the page in your life. . Promise (first of all, to yourself) that you will no longer repeat the mistakes you made. You now know what you want from a relationship and you are ready.

5. Impress him again

Not so easy make an unforgettable impression on a man when meeting. But doing it again is even more difficult. We'll have to try.

You can go a slightly down-to-earth route and start giving him creative gifts, arranging surprises and showing other signs of attention.

In case all these things do not work on him, come up with another approach. For example, start doing something new that you haven’t done before.

If you are:

– if you didn’t like or didn’t know how to cook, make an effort and feed him a delicious dinner that you prepare yourself;

– I wasn’t particularly interested in his affairs at work, start taking an interest.

Do everything to not onlyget the relationship back, which were before, and surprise him a second time. Forget that you know each other thoroughly. Act like you do on first dates . The same mystery that intrigued him so much should appear in you."That" once.

But don't overdo it. He shouldn't feel like you're intruding and trying to control his feelings. If he suspects this, then it will definitely not be possible to improve the relationship.

Everything should happen naturally. Do you think it's impossible? For one wonderful girl, everything turned out very well:

6. Memories

Each of you has pleasant memories from your shared past. Remind him of some of them.

Show him old photos together or offer to meet in one of the places where your first dates took place.

Memories have the ability to ignite emotions that have long died out and remind you of the importance of certain things. And this is exactly what is needed in order toimprove relations after a quarrel.

Memories can help get your ex back and let him understand that the connection that arose once in the past between you is much more important than the troubles that caused the breakup.

7. Don't waste time

You have to understand that no opportunity should be wasted to express your feelings to him. If in the past it seemed to you that you still had a lot of time ahead and you would have time to tell him about your feelings someday later, now you know that this is not so.

After all, at any moment an event can happen that will separate you again, andget the relationship backthe third time will be almost impossible.

Therefore, do not forget to remind him as often as possible that your love for him becomes stronger over time.

8. Reason

Your ex may ask about the reason for your desire to return to him.Remind him of what a great couple you were before you broke up and how much you loved each other. Isn't this the most important reason toget the relationship back?

There was only one parting, but before that there were many pleasant moments.Tell him how you would like