Congratulations to the kindergarten staff on their graduation from parents. The best congratulations for graduation in kindergarten

Kindergarten is already behind us.
So many words for you in my chest!
To all employees and relatives
We say thank you.
That they gave warmth to the children,
They cooked delicious porridge,
Cleaned and washed
And they created comfort,
They shared their kindness,
Always tried to please.
Happiness and health to you!
And good luck to everyone.
Goals, plans to achieve
And always good luck in everything!

Time flew by quickly
And the kids have graduation.
Thank you to all employees!
Your work is very difficult.

We wish everyone good health,
So that the strength does not end,
To work with love,
We were never upset.

Congratulations on graduation to all the employees of this kindergarten and we want to say that thanks to you, this is not just a kindergarten, this is a land of children's dreams and ringing voices, a world of amazing adventures and bright smiles. You are all great fellows. And, first of all, I need to say “thank you so much” for happy children who believe in themselves and strive for great success. We wish you, dear employees, patience, strength and health, warmth, inner peace and all the good things in life.

Thanks to the whole team
Because you loved us,
For a sea of ​​warmth, positivity,
After all, you didn’t take your eyes off us!

Thank you all for your concern,
You gave so much kindness!
May your work give you joy,
After all, the kids love you all!

Today is a big day
And we will say with gratitude:
Thank you very much everyone,
Who is connected with our children?

Your work is a gift from heaven,
Patience, love is limitless.
So let it always be in your life
Everything will be just fine!

Fly away into the sky
Graduation today
For our children.

Kindergarten employees
We say thank you,
For kindness, love
We thank you.

For your kind words,
For bedtime stories,
For pies and porridge,
Behind the flowerbed under the window.

We say goodbye to you,
Life is calling me to school
Thank you says
Little people for you.

To all kindergarten employees
We want to wish you warmth,
So that your reward comes to you,
And the salary has increased.

It was your concern
Teach the kids everything
Together in friendly work
You gave the guys a start.

Inspiration to everyone in their work,
And better rest
Gain strength, patience,
We will continue our journey in September.

A short

You have invested a lot in our children,
We gave them many fabulous days,
We wish you good health on your graduation day,
Patience, success, and great happiness.

We want to congratulate you today,
You release children
We had a lot of fun
Sometimes very nervous days.

Thank you for your understanding,
Love, patience, kindness,
For your bright calling,
For tenderness towards children, warmth.

Thank you for your love and education,
We say thank you for everything!
Special thanks for the food
To our super-cool chefs!

You know, we will never forget you,
Our sweet and beloved kindergarten!
We will always remember the kindergarten,
After all, kindergarten is a paradise for all children!

Thanks to everyone who gave us
Love, care and attention!
After all, you gave so much effort,
To give us education!

Thanks everyone for this contribution,
Thank you for the “carrot and stick”!
We love this kindergarten
All teachers and nannies!

What words should you use to say goodbye to preschool children when you see them off to school? What do you wish them goodbye? Remember funny or good? Can you use poetry, song or prose to express your feelings? Everyone must decide for themselves. The most important thing is that kindergarten graduates should come from the heart. Where to start, how to finish, what to start from in preparing a solemn farewell speech? If these questions are facing you, then this article is designed to help. It contains poetry and prose, sample words and speeches, as well as advice to everyone who congratulates preschoolers on graduating from kindergarten.

The kindergarten children are graduating, we really need to congratulate them!

The end of kindergarten is a touching and solemn date in the life of children and parents. From very tiny kids, preschoolers have grown to first graders. During this time they learned a lot, read, counted, drew, played, sang, sculpted and glued. The teachers have become close people to the children and, bidding farewell to the children, they will solemnly give parting words to the kindergarten graduates. On this day, future first-graders will hear kind words from parents, kindergarten workers and, of course, from the principal.

Give your word to the teachers to accompany you to school

Every day, teachers were with the children, who sometimes know more about children than their parents. They are witnesses of successes and failures, ups and downs, assistants and senior comrades. Their kids respect and love them. Together with them, the children have gone through a long and interesting journey, so at the farewell party, the kindergarten graduates traditionally hear parting words from the teacher. You can remember interesting moments, statements of the children, their discoveries and successes, wish them successful studies and new good friends in poetry or free form.

Poetic speech of the teacher

My dear preschool children!

Oh, how big you have become!

You're going to first grade

And I remember little bits of you.

How did you come to the group timidly,

He didn't sleep, and this one didn't eat,

Almost everyone asked to be held,

And you have changed!

How many books have you and I read?

You probably don’t remember yourself!

And through fairy tales we understood life,

Where good and where evil were distinguished.

The blots were made clear with a brush,

But they learned to draw well,

And everyone admired the work,

We even placed them in competitions!

We struggled with mathematics for a long time,

We took knowledge for a walk,

Pine cones, fir trees, steps were counted.

And how you loved music!

They clapped loudly and marched.

And now in the music room

You sang and danced!

It’s not difficult to be friends with physical education,

If you can run and jump,

Jump with a rope

And, of course, play ball.

We became a sports group,

And more than once they defeated others!

We started every day with exercises,

So that your health is in order!

My dear guys!

You used to be preschoolers,

But go to first grade,

I'm very sorry to let you go!

You try to study at school,

And I will be proud of you,

Don't forget kindergarten

Report your successes!

Keep everything we learned,

Treasure your friendship dearly,

Be patient, pay attention,

Good luck, friends, goodbye!

You need a hint, so be it, so you don’t forget the words!

Parting words to kindergarten graduates from the teacher can also be given in prose. Then the teacher selects words that, in his opinion, will reach the hearts of the children. In any case, the congratulations must be prepared in advance and preferably placed on a beautiful postcard. Even if you plan to speak by heart, at such an exciting moment the words may simply fly out of your head, and, having lost your bearings, it will be difficult to continue speaking. And a small, beautifully designed “cheat sheet” in your hands can help you out a lot in this case.

The administration of the kindergarten for kids is happy to try

The first person who meets children and their parents in the kindergarten is the head of the kindergarten. It is from a meeting with her that the child’s life begins, she will accept documents, distribute them into groups, organize meals, cleaning, repairs and other issues. Solving hundreds of important issues every day, this person creates all the conditions for a comfortable life for a child during preschool childhood within the walls of a preschool institution. Parents and children are sure to invite the head to the farewell party, thank them for the difficult and hard work, and in response, the kindergarten graduates traditionally receive a parting message from the head. And it is very good to choose not pompous and official words, but those that will come from the heart.

As has traditionally been the case, the teaching staff annually prepares parting words for kindergarten graduates. It will be spoken in prose or poetry, it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is that children will hear words of love and wishes for further success. When they leave the walls of the preschool institution, they will take with them the warmth and care with which they were surrounded.

Congratulations from relatives (pronounced by fathers and mothers)

Leaving the kindergarten, the children say goodbye to its staff. The only ones who always stay close are moms and dads. It is with their help that future schoolchildren will begin to scale the heights of knowledge, begin to do their homework and receive their first grades, so it would be logical to hear parting words from parents to kindergarten graduates at the festive event.

Our dear children!

You are going to first grade

And on such a day, of course,

We are very happy for you!

We used to be very afraid

Even bring you to the garden.

What if my daughter starts crying there?

Will your son suddenly become sad?

But then we realized:

It's comfortable here for the guys,

A cheerful laugh will tell us

That the child is happy to be here.

Are you going to school?

We worry. Oh oh!

Teacher and nanny

Could you take it with you?

What if the teacher is strict?

Will the child not understand something?

And they will cook in the dining room

Compote, but he doesn’t drink it?

But those torments are in vain,

Children go to first grade

Let them get knowledge there

And they grow healthy.

You guys try your best

To behave,

So that not only mom and dad,

And don’t let your garden down.

Our children grow up

This is, in general, the whole point.

To the teachers - thank you,

Well, good luck to the children!

Here's a treat for the ears - the wishes of the kids

Today is not an easy day -

Joyful, cheerful.

Today is your graduation,

You are going to school.

We remain for you

To play with toys

Let's roll the truck

Place dolls in pillows.

Collect for your briefcases

Pens and notebooks,

And bookmarks in it,

And take it with you for breakfast

Dough pie.

Is it really for a toy?

Don't have room?

But I'll grow up a little

Just don't be lazy!

To distinguish letters,

Make friends with them.

Once I stood next to a cow

It turned out to be three at first,

And then I decided it was five.

To solve a problem

Look more carefully

Do you remember that the cow

Four legs, not three.

In general, don't be bored at school,

Visit our kindergarten!

How to prepare a farewell speech?

It is better to start wishes with some kind of appeal that attracts the attention of children. Often the speakers exclaim about how the children have grown and how beautiful they are today. You can express surprise: “Are these really the same children who were crying and calling for mommy a few years ago?”

Each group has its own characteristics, its own traditions, its own successes. This “zest” is what you need to remember on such a day. For example, if children were distinguished by artistry, then remind them of their best performances or performances, some event or award. If the group is sports, then it is worth naming the best athletes and remembering victories in competitions and tournaments. Children with creative abilities can be spoken of as future soloists of the big stage and great artists. Mentioning specific deeds and merits of the group will enliven the farewell message to kindergarten graduates, making it targeted, prepared for specific children, and not just faceless, taken from the Internet.

The next point of speech should be wishes. Traditionally, graduation from the walls of the garden aims children at school, so there are calls to study well, to be diligent, attentive, polite, to find new friends and not to forget old ones, to remember everything that kindergarten has taught.

The farewell message to kindergarten graduates usually ends with the words: “Good journey!”, “Good hour!”, “Congratulations!”


We looked at the exciting moments associated with preparing for the solemn moment of graduating from a preschool institution, told how to write parting words for kindergarten graduates, and gave examples of congratulations and wishes. We hope our article will help you send your future first-graders to school with dignity.

The graduation party in kindergarten is a significant and exciting event for children, their parents and teachers. On this day, children say goodbye to their beloved teachers and nannies forever, leaving the walls of the kindergarten that has become their home. According to tradition, for graduation they learn poems and touching lines in prose, dances, thematic scenes and funny songs based on well-known motives in advance. Such entertaining numbers are the response from parents at kindergarten graduation for all teachers and staff. Indeed, for several years, teachers, nannies, music director and other kindergarten workers spent a significant part of the day with the child, cared for him, invested work and mental strength. Therefore, when drawing up a graduation script, it is customary to include different variations of such congratulations and thanks from the parents of little students. With the help of our ideas and videos, you can easily prepare interesting and unusual responses - we are sure that the teachers will be touched by the attention shown and will remember such a wonderful graduation party for a long time.

For parents, speaking back at graduation is an excellent opportunity to express gratitude to educators for their invaluable contribution to the physical and moral development of their charges. Preparing a response word requires some time and effort, so it is better to approach this part of the script with full responsibility. In addition, the selected texts need to be properly rehearsed so that the performance at the graduation is clear, beautiful and harmonious. As a rule, for the matinee, little graduates learn children's poems and songs and prepare dance routines. Parents can also show their enthusiasm and prepare an unusual response - with the help of our original ideas and options.

Options for an unusual response word for kindergarten graduation - from parents:

A response from parents to teachers at graduation has long become a good tradition in many kindergartens. As a rule, these are poems and solemn speeches of gratitude in prose, dedicated not only to teachers, but also to all employees of the preschool institution. However, if you wish, you can “break stereotypes” and prepare an unusual response - as an option, stage an original dance or a funny scene with the participation of parents. Teachers and children will be delighted with the colorful wall newspaper, with funny photographs “from the life of the group” posted, as well as touching words of congratulations and wishes.

Parents' response to kindergarten graduation - remake song, text and video

Today, at many festive events in kindergartens and schools, you can hear cool songs adapted from works by famous performers. The original response at the kindergarten graduation will be an original song-remake performed by the parents. For such a performance, you can choose accompaniment on the piano or simply turn on the “minus” recording on the music center. We bring to your attention the texts and video of the song-remake - such a response from the parents will lift the spirits of everyone present at the graduation party.

Text and video of a remake song for kindergarten graduation (to the music of S. Zverev “Districts, Quarters”):

We are leaving light, our kindergarten, goodbye.

Kindergarten teachers, we thank you all!

Your efforts were not in vain, children - our common success!

- 2 times

Everything will be “class” for the guys, the clouds will be closer.

But we are leaving now, teachers, bye!

Girls, boys, we will overcome everything together,

It's time to leave, we'll leave gracefully.

There is nothing more to say, breaking up is painful.

But it’s time for us to leave, the school period is ahead.

This door has opened for our children, the path is clear!

We are parting and now both they and we are leaving.

Girls, boys, we will overcome everything together,

It's time to leave, we'll leave gracefully.

We will say “thank you” to our own kindergarten,

It's time to leave, we'll leave gracefully!

Touching response from parents at kindergarten graduation - video scene

Each scenario for kindergarten graduation contains funny skits and mini-productions from children. However, parents look much funnier as actors! An unforgettable impression on teachers and children will be made by a cheerful scene “from school life” with the participation of parents - in uniform, with white bows and backpacks. For musical accompaniment to the scene, you can use “cuts” from popular children's songs and cartoons. Such a touching response from parents will remind everyone that time is fleeting and childhood years fly by quickly - let's appreciate every moment! The video shows a funny scene with the participation of parents who have once again turned into naughty “schoolchildren”, disrupting the lesson of their strict “teacher”.

Sketch for graduation in kindergarten - “Parents go to school”, video:

A beautiful response from parents in prose at the graduation in kindergarten - to the head and teachers

Graduation in kindergarten is the very first “adult” holiday for every child. Therefore, it is so important that this event leaves only bright, good impressions in the children’s memory. As a rule, the response from parents at graduation is pronounced at the final part of the event, after all the performances and creative performances. Of course, for the response word it is better to choose short texts, with simple content and succinct phrases. One person can act as a “speaker” - most often this is someone from the parent committee. With the help of such a response speech in prose, you can express gratitude to the head, teachers and staff of the kindergarten for the warmth and care with which their pupils were surrounded. In our selection you will find examples of beautiful response words in prose - from grateful parents.

A selection of beautiful responses from parents to kindergarten graduation - prose texts:

Dear teachers! Today is a wonderful day – today is our children’s graduation. We are sincerely happy about this event, because we have been waiting for it for many years. At this exciting and solemn moment, I would like to thank you very much for your work. You didn’t just do your job, you did it with soul and desire. The best reward for all of us will be success in the lives of our children and your students.

I am very pleased that on such a joyful and solemn day it was me who was entrusted with giving a thank-you speech to the kindergarten workers. And I would immediately like to thank all the teachers who worked day after day and helped educate and raise our children. You were with them for more than four years, and during that time you taught them a lot. You taught them to respect adults, to be independent, to share with others and to simply live. Thank you for this and everything else. We also thank the nannies who ran after our children and babysat them. You could even say they wiped their noses and changed their pots. Thank you for your efforts. The fish rots from the head - it wasn’t me or anyone else who came up with this idea. This is actually true. But in our kindergarten there is simply an excellent head - this is our head. It is thanks to her sensitive leadership that there is always order and mutual understanding in our kindergarten. Thank you for your hard work. I would also like to say thank you to everyone, all the workers: the cooks, the cleaners, the security guards, the janitor, the doctors and everyone who was not named. You also contributed to the upbringing of children and their development. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone or offended anyone. Once again thank you and bow to you.

Raising one child is a lot of work, but you are raising hundreds of children every year. You are true professionals in your field. For your work you should be awarded medals and orders, but that’s not about that now. Now we, parents, want to thank all the kindergarten staff for being able to educate our children. You were able to bring them to graduation, and not just bring them, but at the same time, teaching them how to live, teaching them the necessary things. So many children already know how to read, write and even count and multiply. And some already know how to make interesting crafts on their own. Many children have acquired hobbies and found interesting activities for themselves. You have discovered hidden talents in them that could have remained buried somewhere inside them. Kindergarten is a school for every child. This is a school where they learn to live in this world, learn to communicate, and make new friends. Educators are the first teachers, they are mothers who help them in everything. Thank you for your work, for our children. We will never forget what you did for us. And we will try to ensure that your students do not let you down in later life.

Parents' response at kindergarten graduation - in verse

For every child, kindergarten becomes a “second” home, because children spend most of the day within the walls of their family group. While parents are at work, teachers take care of the little ones - they play fun games with them, read fairy tales, draw, and put them to bed during a “quiet” hour. And now it’s time to say goodbye to the teachers, and give up your favorite toys and cribs to the kids. At the graduation party in honor of the end of kindergarten, parents say a response to the teachers in poetry and prose - such beautiful texts will touch the most delicate strings of the soul and create a unique joyful and touching holiday atmosphere. Our pages contain the best examples of poems for parents' response, which can be read from a postcard or memorized for the graduation party in kindergarten.

Examples of response words from parents to kindergarten graduation - poems for teachers:

You became second mothers to our children.

And let’s be honest, without pretense:

There are no better teachers in the world,

Than those who stand here in front of me.

Low bow to you, our teachers,

For all the love, patience, warmth,

Because they were both gentle and strict with children,

For giving them kindness.

Because they are all ready for school,

For learning to be friends here,

For the fact that you were with us both in joy and in sorrow,

We are ready to thank you a hundred times.

So let your strength increase,

And your work will also be fruitful.

After all, new kids are growing up

And we look forward to meeting you!

Your golden hands are priceless,

And it amazes you with the breadth of your soul.

All the children in the group became your family,

Taking care of them was important to you.

Like a mother, like a grandmother, they warmed you with their warmth,

They were taught to help adults.

You always looked after everyone on time,

To be fed, to make the bed.

From all the parents a huge “thank you”

We appreciate all your hard work,

Because the group was so beautiful,

That you have created comfort here in the garden!

Congratulations, dear, glorious children, on your first graduation. May your happy childhood never end, may every day be cheerful, bright, sunny and kind for you. Don’t be afraid of change, don’t forget to dream and enjoy life, go for walks, start something incredibly interesting, paint pictures, sing songs, surprise your family and the whole world. May each of you be able to reveal your talents and achieve great victories in life. Be happy, dear children.

Our dear children,
It's time for us to part,
We wish you goodbye
Good luck and goodness to you,
Leaving today
You are a favorite kindergarten,
School is waiting for you very soon,
And there's no turning back
You are an excellent student
Never give up
Smile, don't be sad,
Be happy always!

Our dear and wonderful children, today you are leaving the walls of your favorite kindergarten, and soon a new adventure and a new journey called “School” will begin for you. May you not be afraid of obstacles along the way, may letters and complex numbers not be intimidating, may everything always work out for you, may you always have enough time to study well, play fun with friends, read interesting books and live good fairy tales.

It seems like it was just recently:
You came to this kindergarten,
But time quickly passed
For all kindergarten children!

Now you are adults
And soon you will go to school,
Let there be great success
They are waiting for you on your life's journey!

Always, kids, remember
Everything the garden taught you:
Be friends, help your neighbors,
May a ray of happiness shine on you!

Our dear children, congratulations on your graduation. Today you will leave the walls of this kindergarten and set off on a new journey along the roads of other interests and hobbies. We want to wish you to never doubt yourself, never be upset, dream beautifully and believe in miracles, show your talents in everything and successfully gain new knowledge of life.

At your first graduation
We will accompany you on your way,
All doors let the huge world
It opens before you.

Kindergarten finished, ahead
The road to school awaits you.
We wish it was easy
You were given education.

Let them meet along the way
You have new friends,
Into my circle, children,
Let the school family accept it.

You have completed kindergarten
And today is graduation,
This is where you were little
The world is now big and waiting for you.

The first step in life
You have passed now,
Prepare well:
Next is school, first grade!

Today is a holiday - graduation! And I wish our kids a long and bright path in life. May the coming school years bring you a lot of knowledge, skills and abilities. May joy always accompany you, along with luck, sincerity and success. Good mood, courage and victories!

Today, kids,
We say goodbye to you,
From kindergarten to a new world
The doors open.

Right on the threshold
The road of knowledge lies
Go boldly
On a new journey with friends.

We wish you to study
You're doing great at school,
Grew up and became
Real people.

In parting, kids, what should I say?
It's very sad to part with you.
The days, however, fly by like birds,
It's time to say goodbye to the kindergarten,
Let the school welcome you warmly,
You are adults now,
Maybe you'll remember us
Well, we definitely won’t forget you!

For many children, kindergarten is the first and important step into the big world, an opportunity to gain communication skills with peers, new knowledge and skills. When a child crosses the threshold of kindergarten for the first time, he leaves his usual home environment and finds himself in a special world, interesting and mysterious. As a rule, within a few preschool years, the kindergarten becomes dear and loved, and the teachers become real “second mothers.” However, time passes, and prom is just around the corner! With bated breath, grown-up girls and boys are preparing for the first “adult” holiday in their lives - learning poems and songs to teachers and parents, trying on elegant ball gowns and fashionable suits. In turn, parents address their children with beautiful congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten - kind words of parting words and wishes in their new school life. Thus, official congratulations in prose are best suited for kindergarten staff, and funny rhymed lines with a touch of humor can be dedicated to the little “heroes” of the occasion. We are sure that among the congratulations presented below for kindergarten graduation, you will definitely find excellent options for all participants in this wonderful event.

The best congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten from parents to staff

In a kindergarten, many employees take care of the well-being, health and development of children - teachers, nannies, music director, nurse, cooks, caretaker. Each of them puts a piece of their soul into their work, contributing to the harmonious development of the child’s personality. By tradition, the best congratulations on graduation in kindergarten come from parents to the staff of the preschool institution. In connection with the upcoming graduations, we have made a selection of beautiful congratulations in prose - for all kindergarten staff from grateful parents of future schoolchildren.

A selection of the best congratulations for the graduation year from parents to kindergarten staff

We gathered together for the last time today in this cozy room! Our children have finished kindergarten and their first lessons, first textbooks and first discoveries await them! I would especially like to express my gratitude to everyone who raised our little tomboys these years, took care of them, helped them get to know this world and find new friends. I would also like to wish our little graduates to be brave, inquisitive, responsible and diligent! Congratulations to everyone on your graduation!

On behalf of all parents, I want to say a big thank you to all the kindergarten staff. You helped our children grow up a little and prepared them for future achievements at school. We wish you professional growth, prosperity and simple human happiness!

Thanks to everyone who works in kindergarten! You guys felt comfortable, warm, and interesting. You did everything for our children to make friends and develop together, learn something new. They have grown up, school awaits them, but their beloved teacher and nanny will forever remain in their memory. All the best to you and remember us, because we will never forget you!

Today our children are graduates, today they say goodbye to their beloved kindergarten. Thank you very much to our wonderful teachers and nannies, as well as to all the employees of the kindergarten, you are wonderful people and truly deserve the best wishes for happiness and health. And we wish our flowers of life interesting studies at school and fun hobbies in life.

Today is a big holiday for all of us, today is the first graduation for our children. We thank all the teachers and staff of this wonderful kindergarten for the excellent education of our mischievous children, for their happy smiles and interesting hobbies. May this kindergarten produce many more talented and self-confident children, may a new path to the world of science and school knowledge open for our children, may a ray of happiness and good luck continue to shine for all of us.

Beautiful congratulations from children to kindergarten staff on their graduation of the year

Every day the children are surrounded by the attention and care of adults - not only teachers, but also kindergarten staff. Thus, the most beautiful graduation congratulations from children are traditionally dedicated to their beloved nanny, nurse, or speech therapist. The kitchen and laundry workers, the supply manager, and the watchman also deserve many sincere and warm words of gratitude - the children learn poems and songs for them. Cute and childishly touching, such lines best convey the whole gamut of feelings and emotions, emphasizing the solemn significance of the moment. We offer a choice of several beautiful congratulations in verse for staff - from little kindergarten graduates. Undoubtedly, every employee will be pleased with such attention, and poems performed by children will be remembered for a long time by everyone present at the holiday.

Examples of beautiful congratulations from children for graduation - in kindergarten for staff

For the first time I came to kindergarten, as if in a fairy tale -

And the fairy tale turned out to be like this for a long time:

I found friends, beauty and goodness there,

And the nanny turned out to be a fairy for us!

In her golden and beautiful hands

Any work will seem like a miracle,

She will also serve semolina porridge

So it’s impossible to answer “I won’t”!

In a beautiful and affectionate fairy tale.

Thank you from moms and kids

For your care, patience and affection!

Who came to kindergarten in the morning?

These are our chefs.

Porridge is ready for breakfast

The porridge is cooked. Hooray!

Who cooked the fragrant soup

And a side dish of different cereals?

Who baked us buns

Or apple pie?

These are our chefs

They've been working since six in the morning.

Dear chefs,

Adults and children

They say thank you

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts

For borscht, cutlets, porridge...

We appreciate your work!

You do a magical job:

The sounds and notes obeyed you.

You can command

There are melodies in the soul.

Thank you for your songs,

That they danced with us together,

What is the music of all our days

Sounded more fun with you!

If the kindergarten roars, -

This means that everyone will be vaccinated.

Come on, line up with the nurse,

And don't be afraid, like in the game.

They’ll just put a “button”

Sweeten it with a vitamin

Tears dry quickly

And the kindergarten is happy!

Eh, you have a special talent

Calm the guys down

So that with a smile and health

Everyone off to kindergarten!

And we are the watchmen

Let's not pass by

Thank you for being

Kind like that.

Decent, honest,

Doesn't sleep at work

And no fly will fly by!

Congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten from parents to children in poetry and prose

Growing up children always causes conflicting feelings among parents. On the one hand, it is joyful to watch the successes and achievements of preschoolers - after all, it would seem that just recently these were tiny toddlers who crossed the threshold of kindergarten for the first time. However, at the same time, many parents experience anxiety when thinking about the upcoming life changes of their offspring. Traditional congratulations on the kindergarten graduation of the year from parents contain touching words of parting words and wishes - excellent grades, new interesting discoveries and true friends. After reading out poems and congratulatory prose, representatives of the parent committee usually present each graduate with colorful diplomas of completion of kindergarten and gifts. On the eve of the graduation party, we have collected various options for congratulations in poetry and prose - to future first-graders from loving parents.

Options for parents to congratulate their children on their graduation year in kindergarten

So the boys have grown up,

First graduation in my life.

Group, cots –

Our dear kindergarten!

And mom and dad's eyes

They're already sparkling with tears.

It's very sad to part,

But we are happy for the guys.

To you, parents, patience,

And for the kids - nothing but praise.

So that your child is at school

I only got straight A's.

Happy first graduation, kids!

You have become quite big.

My dear boys

And the girls are golden,

There are roads ahead of you -

Only you walk boldly,

Meet a lot of happiness

And good, faithful friends.

You will read a lot of books

And learn science.

Growing out of my pants,

Don't forget kindergarten!

First graduation ever!

Whose is it? He is, of course, yours.

We congratulate you together,

We hug you tightly.

We wish you joy at school,

Only get "A's"

Make your mom proud...

And in the corner so as not to stand.

And your friends, girlfriends,

More new toys

After all, you are a big child.

There's a children's graduation in the kindergarten!

Today is a very important event in the lives of our children. Our children have grown up and are saying goodbye to kindergarten. On this day we want to wish them happy days, joyful events, carefree. May your childhood last a little longer, and may school welcome you with open arms!

Our dear children, the most touching hour has come. How amazing it is to realize that you have grown up so quickly and are now on the threshold of school. We hope that you will not lose your friendship, and that you will also conquer new heights at school hand in hand. We owe the teaching staff a big thank you for your work and great patience!

Touching congratulations to children on their graduation from a kindergarten teacher

It is not at all easy for a kindergarten teacher to say goodbye to her students - in just a few years these little fidgets have become so dear and loved. But it was thanks to the teachers that the children received their first lessons of kindness, respect for loved ones, and a caring attitude towards nature. And what beautiful crafts the kids learned to create with their own hands - under the strict guidance of their “second mother”! Touching congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten, children dedicate to the teacher who has invested so much mental strength in his difficult and important work. Each graduate recites poetry beautifully and “with expression,” touchingly saying goodbye to the kindergarten, younger friends, beloved teacher and other employees. In turn, the mentors sincerely wish the children happiness, good luck and inspiration on their new school path - in kind parting words.

The best examples of congratulations for graduation - in kindergarten for children from teachers

You came to the garden as little children,
In September I will start first grade.
Today is your graduation
With which we congratulate you.

You've learned a lot here:
Write letters and count a little.
Your hands have worked hard:
Glue, sculpt and make a bouquet...

Study hard at school, guys.
Remember everything you and I have been through.
We wish you all health and happiness,
Find the right path in your life.

We wish all the best to the young kindergarten graduate. Let the school that lies ahead not disappoint and not extinguish the joyful, curious light in children's eyes, and may the world always present only the most pleasant and interesting surprises.

We are very happy for you
And we have a reason for this -
You graduated from kindergarten!
Congratulations, well done!

You're growing before our eyes,
You'll be going to first grade soon.
You will recognize the world around you.
And you will find more friends.

Dear, dear, dear children,
You are all so different - funny, funny,
Beautiful, elegant on their first graduation,
Let the holiday be bright, beautiful, unearthly!
For us, you kids have become our pride,
You worked hard with us, learned and played.
Be more attentive at school
Don't forget us educators.

Guys, we are all very happy for you!
Today is your kindergarten graduation!
Even though it was a happy time with you,
But we understand that it’s time for you to go to school!

Now you have become quite big,
Boys are real men
The girls are all beauties and a treat for the eyes!
Your success is a reward for educators!

Official congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten from parents to teachers

Parents of young graduates are rightfully proud of the success of their children. Indeed, today these are not just kids, but preschoolers who are on the verge of new exciting discoveries in the Land of Knowledge. Of course, such a wonderful result of education was largely achieved thanks to the professionalism and personal qualities of the teachers who were always there for the children - supporting them, teaching them, caring for them. Therefore, at graduation - in kindergarten, congratulations from parents to teachers are most sincere, with words of gratitude for their everyday and difficult work. According to established tradition, congratulatory speeches for kindergarten teachers and staff are given by the most “active” mothers and fathers, most often representatives of the parent committee. The texts of official congratulations on graduation are presented in our collection - a beautiful bouquet of flowers presented to the group teacher would be an excellent addition to the words.

Texts of official congratulations in prose for teachers for the graduation year from parents

Dear and respected educators, today your pupils, glorious and wonderful children, are leaving the walls of kindergartens. Congratulations on finishing. Even if the moments of parting are joyful and sad, but still time does not stand still, it is time for the children to continue their journey and strive for something new, and new pupils are waiting for you, to whom you will give your care and love. Thank you for the wonderful upbringing of children, for the first and important knowledge, for interesting and vibrant hobbies. You helped children overcome fears and self-doubt, taught them to go to the end and achieve their goals. This is your merit, and you should be proud of it. We wish you many years of successful activity, wonderful children and great happiness in every day.

Dear and respected teachers, we congratulate you on your holiday - happy graduation! Let this day be remembered with touching children's smiles and sparkling eyes. You gave our children a piece of yourself, surrounded them with care and love. Thank you, sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you health for many years, happiness and unbridled vitality. Thank you!

Dear educators, today say “Goodbye” to our children. And we thank you because the children felt like they were at home in the garden. We wish you health, good luck, creative and professional success. Let your new students be as glorious as today's graduates!

Dear, beloved, patient, kind, sweet teachers, we express our deep gratitude to you for your work, for your care. Thank you for your understanding at any moment, for your help and your efforts. You are doing a great job, helping parents raise and educate their children. Thank you very much. We wish you good health and happiness, strength and good luck.

Dear teachers, congratulations on your graduation! Let children's smiles, sincere, clean eyes, parents' gratitude, endless respect be your reward. May life give you only goodness, happiness, love, everything that you put into the souls of your children. Patience, understanding, health, fortitude, positivity!

Congratulations from children to teachers at graduation - in kindergarten

Every year a huge number of children become graduates, leaving the walls forever preschool institutions. On the day of farewell to their beloved teachers, the children read poems with words of gratitude - for their boundless patience and care, maternal affection and love. In their congratulation poems, graduates express regret for their passing childhood, but at the same time they look to their school future with hope and optimism. Listening to the performance of preschoolers, many teachers can hardly hold back tears - it is not at all easy to part with those in whom they have invested so much effort, labor and warmth. Beautiful congratulations for graduation - in kindergarten it is best to prepare in advance so that the child has time to properly learn and rehearse the poems. Every teacher will be pleased to hear a touching children's “thank you” from their charges, who will very soon conquer new heights. We are sure that among the children's congratulations in verse that we offer, you can choose the most interesting options for a kindergarten teacher for the graduation holiday.

We choose a congratulation for the kindergarten teacher from the graduates of the year

Today we say goodbye
With my beloved kindergarten,
We've grown, we've grown,
We need to go to school.
Thanks to the teachers,
Thanks to our nannies,
And the doctor and the cook,
We will say “thank you” to everyone.
On this special day -
Both sad and cheerful.
We have grown, we have grown!
Let's go to school!

There is no position more important -
Deputy of our mothers!
He knows and can do everything:
How to settle quarrels,

Make you laugh or comfort you
To answer questions...
Walls in the hall, snow caps
And dress up the girls...

Our teacher,
We remember you forever!
And let everyone know that it’s yours
The position is great! Top class!

Thanks to the teachers
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day it is light.
You pitied us, you loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
It's a pity that we can't see you
Take it with you to first grade.

"Goodbye! Goodbye!" —
Today we tell you,
Only our favorite kindergarten
We don't want to forget.

You tried to do for us
The kindergarten is warm and familiar.
To our beloved teachers
We say thank you.

You taught us a lot:
Draw, sculpt, play.
We learned to dance with you,
Sing songs, read poems.

We learned a lot of fairy tales
And they got smarter every day.
We are grateful for this.
The kindergarten was like home.

For a long time you were like mom and dad to us,
And days, and weeks, and even years.
For this I am very grateful to you,
We will always love and remember you.

More patience and health to you,
Be satisfied with your work.
We wish you success in your work, which is so difficult,
And many bright and juicy ideas.

Beautiful congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten - are an excellent opportunity to express the most sincere feelings of gratitude to the teachers for their kindness and care for their little pupils. Here you will find a wide selection of congratulations from children and their parents to the entire kindergarten staff, as well as touching poems and lines of prose for young graduates from loving mothers and fathers. Happy graduation!