Collective work “Organization and methods of labor education of children in a preschool institution. Labor activity of children in a preschool institution

Labor education of preschool children is associated with the physical and moral development of the child. In the process of performing gradually more complex tasks, the kids strengthen their health, they move more and more confidently, accurately.

It is through labor that stability in behavior is formed, independence and discipline are developed.

In the process of labor activity of a preschooler children's team unites: kids learn to work together, help a friend, find joint solutions to achieve the desired result. Depending on the purpose and content, the following types of work of preschool children are distinguished:

  1. self-service;
  2. household;
  3. in nature;
  4. manual.

Each of the types allows the child to master the world, develop thinking, memory, gain knowledge about the purpose and rules for using materials and tools for work. In addition, familiarizing children with the work of adults expands the horizons of preschool children, contributes to the education respectful attitude to the elders.

Self service

In the period of early preschool age, the tasks of labor education are the formation of self-care skills in the child, the development of the ability to satisfy their own needs. This is due to overcoming some age-related difficulties:

  1. the baby's fingers are not yet obedient enough;
  2. while it is difficult to memorize the sequence certain actions;
  3. the ability to volitional efforts is just beginning to form.

Such difficulties can cause denial in the little one, so the teacher, parents must remain calm, showing patience and goodwill. Proper organization of this type of labor will allow the baby to learn how to perform the required actions:

  1. undressing and dressing;
  2. washing and caring for teeth;
  3. cleaning the bed after sleep;
  4. preparation of a place for work;
  5. putting things in order in the play area.

Self-service skills are reinforced through daily implementation, compliance with uniform requirements. Adults should control the accuracy and independence of children, forming in them the habit of neatness and cleanliness. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly name the types of clothing and its parts to preschoolers, introduce new terms into their vocabulary.

Household work

This type of activity is aimed at forming a positive attitude towards peers, surrounding adults. Mastering new skills in the process of household activities, preschoolers learn to respect the results of someone else's work. Labor education with its own methods and means allows the child to age stage master certain skills:

  • A younger preschooler is able to rinse clothes and do wet cleaning for his toys, help set the table, clean his workplace, sweep snow on a bench in the yard.
  • A child of middle preschool age performs the duties of a duty officer, independently washes and squeezes rags to care for toys, can wash dolls' clothes, fully set a table for dinner, wipe shelves, sweep a path in the garden.
  • A senior preschooler prepares his workplace for a lesson, a game, washes rubber objects with safe soap, able to wash things of small sizes.

Repairing toys together or gluing books together, preschoolers learn to help their peers and take care of babies. This type of work of children is aimed at maintaining order and cleanliness. Adults should use such educational means as praising the work done, assessing the quality of assistance to another person. Then the guys have a desire to match them, to reach out for each other, to achieve their goals.

labor in nature

With the help of labor in nature, children learn the beauty of their small homeland, develop observation skills and improve their movements. They increase endurance, develop the ability to volitional effort. By means of this type, the issue of educating respect for the environment is solved.

The work activity of a preschooler becomes more complicated with each stage of growing up. This also applies to the work of children in nature. In the younger group, pupils, together with mentors, feed colorful fish in transparent aquariums, help harvest crops on the site, and feed the birds that stay for the winter. With pleasure, children water the plants in pots, wipe their leaves. They learn from adults new concepts, information about the natural world around them, learn to love pets in living corners, take care of them.

The children of the older group take care of plants and animals that need more complex care. Sow seeds with different growing seasons - get used to the systematic work. Children are becoming more attentive and caring. Preschoolers are trusted to work with a spray gun, they are able to independently loosen the ground to a given depth without damaging the roots of plants. Under the supervision of a teacher, children try to plant seedlings, feed the plants.

In the process of labor activity, preschoolers learn to notice patterns, connections between certain phenomena. They have broader horizons, increased independence. The children learn to enjoy the results of their own work, to please their parents by talking about their achievements.

Manual labor

The labor education of children of senior preschool age is also aimed at developing the ability to work with different materials. This is achieved through manual labor. Children, under the guidance of adults, make various crafts using:

  1. different types of colored or white paper - cardboard, corrugated or velvet paper, napkins;
  2. natural material - acorns, straw, cones, fruit seeds, bark, corn cobs;
  3. waste material - scraps of fabrics, furs, boxes, disposable tableware, coils.

Such labor activity of preschoolers is aimed at developing their creativity and imagination, fantasy, and constructive abilities. They expand their horizons, getting acquainted with various materials and their properties. It is also very important to develop fine motor skills of the hands in the process of working on small details of crafts. Another aspect is the inculcation of perseverance, neatness, patience. By means of manual labor, a sense of aesthetics is instilled, because the gifts that the children give to their parents should look beautiful and neat.

Organization of child labor

Labor education of preschoolers in a children's educational institution should be strictly regulated. It is very important, being carried away by the practical component of this process, not to lose a sense of proportion and carefully monitor compliance with the requirements of sanitary norms and rules for each type of work.

Dosing classes

Labor education of preschool children must comply with physiological characteristics and psychology of pupils of a certain age.

The duration of work for children 4 years old is 10-15 minutes, kids from 6 to 7 years old can do physical activity for 20-30 minutes.

If there is active work, then it is necessary to control the condition of each baby - sweating, stopping for rest, redness of the skin. If similar signs appear, the teacher must change the type of activity for the child. When dosing classes, the following are also taken into account:

  1. volume;
  2. complexity;

Hygienic conditions

Paying attention to the means and forms of organizing child labor, one must first of all remember hygiene in order to prevent the negative impact of working conditions on the health of children. For example, when gluing books or sewing on buttons, it is necessary that the lesson takes place in a room with lighting that complies with current standards.

It is important for the teacher to control the postures of children, the regularity of their change, so that posture disorders do not develop. The next point is to ensure the flow of fresh air. Before and after each lesson, the room should be aired without the presence of children. It is useful to work outside in good weather.

Equipment and materials

Each group must be equipped with the means and instruments of activity. For the organization of household work, you need:

  1. aprons;
  2. trays;
  3. basins;
  4. brushes.

Working in nature, kids use various tools: shovels, watering cans, rakes.

For manual labor, you will also need various tools and materials. Requirements for all equipment - safety, appropriate for the age of children, ease of use, aesthetic and attractive appearance. Corners should be allocated for storing the necessary funds separately for each type of labor.

Interaction between family and kindergarten

Education by work should be systematic, so the support of parents is extremely important in this matter. The requirements that sound at home must fully comply with the requirements for a child in kindergarten.

At parent meetings, it is necessary to acquaint mothers and fathers with the educational program educational institution. The educator should advise parents or persons replacing them on the means and methods of organizing child labor at home. It must be remembered that the kindergarten lays the foundation for successful labor education at school.

It is useful for parents to arrange demonstrations of crafts, drawings of pupils. Photo exhibitions are great for this, where it is clearly shown how the kids work, and each photo should be accompanied by interesting explanations. The group should be equipped with thematic stands, exhibitions with recommended books and materials on parenting. It is good if the positive experience of labor education of individual families is popularized.


  1. The importance of work for the development of a child cannot be overestimated. But adults should remember that a preschooler is only learning the basics, something may not work out for him, he may be afraid to make a mistake and not cope. Therefore, parents and educators should do everything so that labor does not bring grief to the baby;
  2. It is necessary to give feasible tasks, to welcome their implementation, encouraging any attempt to cope. Then the child will feel joy and pride from what he is already an adult and capable of all sorts of good deeds.

Diligence and the ability to work are not given to a person by nature, but are brought up from early childhood.

The problems of labor education are quite relevant for preschool children, since at this stage the child develops personal qualities, skills and desire for work.

Tasks of labor education of preschoolers

Education of a respectful attitude towards the work of adults and the desire to provide assistance;

Development of labor skills, their improvement and gradual increase in the content of labor activity;

The formation of positive personal qualities in children, such as the desire for work, caring, responsibility, thrift;

Development of work organization skills;

Education of positive relationships in the process of work between children - the ability to work in a team, if necessary, provide assistance, favorably evaluate the work of peers and make comments in a respectful manner.

1. Types of work for preschoolers

Self-service is the work of a child aimed at serving himself (dressing, undressing, eating, sanitary hygiene procedures). The task of developing self-service skills is relevant for all age groups.

Household work has a social orientation. This is the work of maintaining order in the room, on the site.

Labor in nature is the labor of caring for plants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden, landscaping the site, etc. Labor in nature has great potential for solving problems of moral, mental and aesthetic development personality.

Manual and artistic work is aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person. This is the work of making crafts from natural materials, paper, cardboard, fabric. This work develops fantasy, imagination, creativity, develops small muscles of the hands, contributes to the cultivation of endurance, the ability to bring things to the end.

2. Self-service

Self-service is the main type of work of a younger preschooler. Daily performance of elementary labor tasks accustoms children to systematic work. Children, freed from the care of adults, become more equal members of the family team. It is through self-service that the child first establishes certain relationships with the people around him, realizes his duties towards them. Through it, the child learns the value of taking care of himself and gradually acquires the ability to effectively take care of his loved ones. In the process of self-service, he learns a lot about things, their qualities and purpose. The sequence of processes of dressing, washing, undressing requires the work of memory. For

the accuracy of the action requires attention, concentration.

Repeatability regime processes, the constancy of requirements for children ensures the strength of skills, creates the prerequisites for the formation of the need for cleanliness and tidiness, the habit of self-service work. Self-service work develops a child's dexterity, coordination of movements, teaches them to order, forms independence, less dependence on an adult, self-confidence, desire and ability to overcome obstacles. Assessing the educational value of self-service, one should especially note its vital necessity, the focus on meeting the daily personal needs of the child.

The program of education and training in kindergarten for children of the 4th year of life provides for the education of the following self-service skills: eat independently and carefully, chewing food well with your mouth closed; use a spoon, fork; without a reminder to use a napkin; wash your hands yourself, roll up your sleeves, wash your face without splashing water, use soap, dry yourself with a towel, hang it in a designated place without being reminded, use a personal towel; independently dress and undress in a certain sequence, neatly fold and hang clothes, notice problems in the suit and correct them on their own, or with the help of an adult or a friend; put away toys, books, construction material to a certain place.

These skills can be formed, become sufficiently stable if the necessary conditions are created in the family: a separate shelf or a place on the shelf for storing toilet items (handkerchiefs, ribbons, socks) is allocated; a permanent and convenient place for a towel, toothbrush, soap; a stable footrest was made for washing, comfortable clothes for dressing are given (easily fastened buttons, shoelaces with tips for shoes, etc.). But, of course, only the conditions created by adults do not guarantee that children will master self-service skills. For this it is necessary

proper guidance of children's actions by adult family members.

Younger preschoolers are not yet very skillful, so parents try to do everything for the child. In this way, parents deprive children of the opportunity to know the environment. The younger preschooler does only what he likes. Here are the tights gathered in an "accordion" and suddenly straightened on the leg. Where is the harmonica? The child feels like a discoverer, a winner. This is where you need to start the skill of self-dressing. For a child, this is an entertaining and interesting work. Let the kid tinker with his tights, boots - you need to give him time if possible. Gradually, the child acquires skills and he does not need to make so much effort, interest switches to something else, the habit of doing everything himself remains. If you do not cultivate this habit, then later, it will be difficult to accustom him, to force him.

In older children, the desire to be independent is promoted primarily by approval.

The child's elementary labor activity is closely connected with play. He strives to bring play into any activity: washing himself, playing with water, playing with a spoon while eating, etc. The child’s love for the game can be used to increase his interest in self-care if this interest has faded or the child for some reason does not want to do something. For example, a child refuses to put away toys in the evening. You can remind him that tomorrow guests will come to the bear, so everything needs to be cleaned very well so that he is not ashamed.

The game is also used to consolidate self-service skills. So, with the help of a didactic game with a doll, you can consolidate the knowledge of children about the sequence in dressing and undressing. Or, with the help of game characters (dolls, bears, parsley), watch how the child eats, dresses, washes, or how these characters themselves perform various activities, reflecting moments of self-service.

Of particular importance in the formation of self-service skills is the observance of a firmly established regime in the life of children, consistent

carrying out household processes.

SELF-SERVICE: Tasks and content of group work

1st junior group

1. To form in children the ability to independently serve themselves (during undressing, dressing, washing, eating).

2. Continue to teach children under the supervision of an adult, and then wash your hands on your own as they get dirty and before eating, dry your face and hands with a personal towel.

3. Learn to clean up with the help of an adult.

4. To form the skill of using individual items with a handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot).

5. Encourage children to be independent while eating, teach them to hold a spoon in their right hand.

6. Teach children how to dress and undress.

7. Learn to take off clothes, shoes (unfasten buttons in front, Velcro fasteners) with a little help from an adult.

8. Teach in certain order neatly fold the removed clothes.

9. Learn how to properly wear clothes and shoes.

2nd junior group

1. Continue to teach children how to dress and undress themselves in a certain sequence (putting on and taking off clothes, unbuttoning and fastening buttons, folding, hanging clothes, etc.).

2. To cultivate neatness, the ability to notice a mess in clothes and eliminate it with a little help from adults.

3. Continue to teach how to use soap correctly, gently wash hands, face, ears; wipe dry after washing, hang a towel in place, use a comb, handkerchief.

4. Learn how to properly use a tablespoon and teaspoon, fork, napkin.

middle group

1. Improve the ability to dress and undress independently; teach to neatly fold and hang clothes with the help of an adult, put them in order, clean, dry

2. Cultivate the desire to always be neat, tidy

3. Cultivate the habit of washing yourself, washing your hands before eating, as they get dirty, after using the toilet

4. To consolidate the ability to use a comb, a handkerchief.

5. Teach coughing and sneezing to turn away and cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief

6. Continue to learn how to use cutlery correctly - spoon, fork, knife).

7. Learn to rinse your mouth after eating

Senior group

1. Form the habit of daily brushing your teeth and washing your face, as needed, wash your hands.

2. Strengthen the ability to dress and undress independently, carefully put clothes in the closet, dry wet things in a timely manner, take care of shoes (wash, wipe, clean, put away).

3. Learn to notice and independently eliminate the disorder in your appearance.

4. Form the habit of taking care of personal things.

5. Develop a desire to help each other

6. Teach yourself to brush your teeth, keep your nails clean

7. Keep order in your closet, lay out clothes in certain places

8. Learn to make a neat bed

preparatory group

1. Strengthen the ability to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence, correctly and accurately put clothes in the closet, put shoes in place, dry wet things in a timely manner, take care of shoes (wash, wipe, clean).

2. Learn to notice and independently eliminate the disorder in your appearance, tactfully tell a friend about a problem in his suit, shoes, and help eliminate it. To form such qualities as responsiveness, mutual assistance.

3. Learn to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson on your own

4. Teach to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth after eating, wash your feet before going to bed

Thus, labor activity is one of the important factors in the education of the individual. Involving in the labor process, the child radically changes his whole idea of ​​himself and the world around him, his self-esteem changes. It changes under the influence of success in work, which in turn changes the status of the child in the peer group. In the process of work, they are activated physical forces and mental activity of children.

Labor activity of preschoolers in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Labor education is one of the most important aspects of the upbringing of the younger generation. In kindergarten, labor education consists in familiarizing children with the work of adults, in introducing children to work activities available to them.

The main types of labor in kindergarten are self-service, household labor, labor in nature, manual labor, and the forms of its organization are assignments, duties and collective labor of children.

Self service- this is the work of the child, aimed at serving himself (dressing - undressing, eating, sanitary and hygienic procedures).

For children of older preschool age, a number of more complex self-service responsibilities are assigned.

The teacher still teaches children to do self-service work. But now he helps them to approach the implementation of a complex task in the right way, shows them how to perform it easier and better. Control continues to ensure that each item is put in a certain place, so that children clean up toys after playing. This is achieved by presenting constant demands. In kindergarten, children continue to be taught to take care of things: clean clothes, shoes, repair toys, books. This instills discipline in children.

Household work. This work is aimed at maintaining cleanliness and order in the room and on the site, helping adults in organizing regime processes.

The household work of children of older preschool age is much more meaningful, it becomes collective. This allows you to use it more widely as a means of moral education of children: the formation of purposefulness, organization.

Working with older children great importance has the involvement of children in helping adults. In the process of labor, the adult himself is a role model. It is very important to build the work in such a way that the children are not just passive performers of any task, but also see the nanny as the organizer of affairs, her diligence.

In attracting the children of the older group to household chores, general assignments play an important role, when the teacher offers several children to do some work. Since the children's self-organization skills are not yet sufficiently formulated, the teacher discusses with them the implementation of the general task: where will they start the work, what is needed for what, how to organize the work so as not to get dirty themselves, not to litter, and not to pour on the floor. The educator helps everyone to agree on who will perform what general part of the case.

The main form of organizing the household work of children in the older group is their inclusion in the collective labor activity of a socially significant content.

Duty roster - a more complex form of organizing the work of children, these are the first duties of preschoolers. Duties require children to have sufficiently formed independence and require the child to perform work aimed at serving the team. Duty involves the work of one or more children in the interests of the entire group. Duty to prepare for classes requires concentration from children. Since the content of this duty is not as constant as the dining room duty, children should be helped to be reminded of what should be on the tables when drawing with pencils, paints, modeling, and designing. When the work is completed, the teacher invites the attendants to check if everything is in place. The duty in the corner of nature is organized from the senior group, because it requires a large amount of knowledge about nature.

If the duty is introduced for the first time, then immediately before its introduction, a special training session should be held. It is necessary to arrange a duty corner. It is better to arrange it with the children. You can decorate in different ways, depending on the imagination and skills of the teacher and children. Together with the children, it is necessary to mark daily who, where and when was on duty. Photographs of children, pictures, pockets, etc. are used. In the corner of duty there must be dressing gowns, scarves, caps, you must also have rags, watering cans, sticks for loosening the earth, etc. The duration of duty varies depending on the type of work , age, educational purpose. At the end of the shift, it is useful to discuss with the children the quality of the work done. If mistakes were made, it is better to discuss them only with those on duty. Appointment of attendants is carried out daily, in older groups it is possible to appoint for 2-3 days. Observe sanitary and hygienic conditions while on duty. Duties on duty become more complex gradually. Thus, despite the seemingly insignificant result of labor, duty is of great importance in the upbringing of children.

labor in nature

A variety of work in nature gives children a lot of joy and contributes to their comprehensive development. In the process of labor, love for nature is brought up, careful attitude To her. Children develop an interest in work activity, a conscious, responsible attitude towards it. Labor in nature is of great educational importance. It expands the horizons of children, creates favorable conditions for solving problems. sensory education. Working in nature, children get acquainted with the properties and qualities, the states of objects of nature, learn the ways of establishing these properties. The teacher teaches children to focus on the properties of natural objects to perform a labor action. So, to determine whether a plant needs watering, you need to take into account its condition (elasticity, density of leaves and stem). As a result, children develop a reference idea of ​​the properties, qualities, states of objects of nature.

On duty in the corner of nature, children begin to be on duty in the older group. This form of labor organization makes it possible to improve labor skills and form social motives for labor.

Collective labor makes it possible to form labor skills and abilities simultaneously in all children of the group. These forms of labor are necessary to establish relationships in the team. Here the skills are formed to accept the common goal of labor, to agree, to coordinate their actions, to plan work together, to help a friend, to evaluate his work; collective responsibility for the performance of the task is brought up.

With the frontal organization of collective labor, when all children participate in labor age group, they together can perform one task, for example, weeding a garden. When cleaning a corner of nature, some wash plants, others clean animal cages, others wash pallets and wipe window sills. In this case, children are divided into subgroups. Collective work can be organized for one small subgroup (eg, 5-6 children water a flower garden or pick fruits).

At the beginning of the school year, children of senior preschool age in the preschool educational institution carry out daily tasks for caring for plants in a corner of nature. Duties in the corner of nature are introduced in late September - early October. First, a conversation should be held about the indoor plants that are there, about the methods of caring for them, about the conditions necessary for their growth and development; talk about the day-to-day duties of the attendants. Attendants are assigned daily. Their number depends on the number of objects in the corner of nature. The teacher helps the attendants distribute work. The constant benevolent attention of the educator to the work of those on duty, timely help and support are very necessary for children, especially in the first weeks of their work. In the spring, children should be involved in transplanting and propagating indoor plants. It is necessary to prepare for this work in advance. The teacher examines all the plants together with the children, selects those that need to be transplanted; prepares the earth, sand, pots different sizes, shards, scoops, pointed sticks, manganese solution. He does most of the work himself. Children help clean the earth from pebbles, chips, sift it. At this time, the teacher reinforces the pupils' ideas about the parts of the plant (root, stem, leaf, flower, bud).

So, the main form of work in the corner of nature for pupils of senior preschool age is systematic duty, which is introduced from the very beginning of the year. In order to interest the children of the older group in purposeful observations, it is necessary to introduce the "Diary of a Corner of Nature", where the attendants will sketch the changes they have noticed in the development of plants and the habits of animals. It is interesting from time to time for everyone to look at these sketches together, to remember what and how they grew, what they observed. In the Diary, only those on duty can draw, and only what they did and what they noticed - such a rule must be established. Watching the children during their duty in a corner of nature, the teacher notices how they work. How they relate to their duties, what business they are more interested in.

Most of the observations and work in the corner of nature is carried out in the morning, before breakfast, or after daytime sleep.

Labor activity should be regular. It is important for the educator to attach each child to it. The work of children in nature should be feasible. The physical effort expended by the child should not cause overwork. Otherwise, he develops a negative attitude towards work assignments.

A variety of work in nature gives children a lot of joy and contributes to their comprehensive development.

Manual and artistic labor according to its purpose, it is a work aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person. Its content includes the manufacture of fakes from natural material, paper, cardboard, fabric, wood. This work contributes to the development of imagination, creativity; develops small muscles of the hands, contributes to the education of endurance, perseverance, the ability to bring the work begun to the end. With the results of their work, children delight other people by creating gifts for them.

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Labor education of a preschooler

The possibility of labor and love for it is the best legacy that both the poor and the rich can leave to their children.

K. D. Ushinsky

  • The child does not create socially significant material values ​​in his work.
  • The work of preschoolers is educational in nature, because. satisfies the child's need for self-affirmation, for the knowledge of one's own abilities.
  • Connect with adults..
  • The work of preschoolers is closely connected with the game.
  • In the process of labor, children often beat labor actions.
  • The labor of children has no material reward and is of a situational and non-obligatory nature, but the emerging moral character of the child suffers from its absence.
  • All the structural components of a child's labor activity are only in development and necessarily require the help of an adult.

The main goal of labor education- the formation of a positive attitude towards work.

1) Familiarization with the work of adults, the formation of their ideas about the social significance of work;

2) Organization of labor activity of children, during which labor skills are formed, positive attitudes, character traits, labor organization skills are brought up.

Features of the formation of the components of labor activity (goal, motive, planning, process of activity, result) in preschoolers.

In junior preschool age children cannot independently set a goal in work, because do not have the ability to retain in memory the entire process and the result of labor.

The actions of the child are not purposeful, procedural in nature (i.e. the child enjoys the action itself, and not its result). Children learn ways of acting by imitating adults. It is necessary to gradually form in the child the ability to realize the purpose of his actions and the connection between the goal and the result.

Children of senior preschool age in familiar situations (making toys) set the goal themselves. But they can also be aware of individual goals (growing a crop), which an adult sets and explains. It is important to know what he is working for.

Motives can be different:

Get a positive assessment of their actions from adults; assert itself; enter into communication with an adult; to benefit others (social motive).

Work planning is an important component of work, it includes:

  • organization of work,
  • Evaluation of both individual stages and the result as a whole.

Younger children do not plan their activities at all.

At older preschool age, children often plan only the execution process and forget about the organization of labor, and outline only the main stages, but not the methods of execution.

Often there is also no monitoring and evaluation own work. Verbal planning lags behind practical planning. Planning your activities should be specially taught, while talking with the child all the stages and methods of action.

This teaches to foresee the result of labor.

The labor process should be interesting for children, because. it develops all the necessary skills and abilities. To do this, an adult should carefully consider the organization of the child’s labor, inventory, evaluation of the result of labor, etc.

The result of labor for younger children is important moral (a positive assessment of an adult). Older preschoolers are interested in achieving practical. A material result, although the assessment of adults is also important.

1.Self service - work aimed at meeting everyday personal needs (dressing - undressing, eating, sanitary and hygienic procedures).

Over time, the child is recognized as a duty.

In early preschool age, the main method of teaching is demonstration and explanation, as well as a positive pedagogical assessment.

In the middle preschool age, the complication of tasks is expressed in an increase in the requirements for the quality of actions, organized behavior in the process of self-care. It is important to form methods of mutual assistance in children, to teach them to ask each other, etc. game situations and looking at pictures are used (to form ideas about the sequence of actions).

At the senior preschool age, new skills are acquired: making the bed, caring for the hair, etc.

2.Household work - aimed at maintaining cleanliness and order in the room and on the site, helping adults in organizing regime processes.

Household work is aimed at serving peers, therefore it contains great opportunities for cultivating a caring attitude towards comrades.

At a younger preschool age, elementary household skills are formed:

  • Help set the table
  • Organize toys, etc.

An adult must necessarily evaluate the moral side of the labor participation of the child. (Example: “Katya very carefully removed the toys, well done!”). Such assessments contribute to the formation in children of ideas about how to act and cause a desire to imitate their peers.

In the middle preschool age, the content of household work expands: children completely set the table, put toys in order, etc.

An adult systematically forms in a child the habit of labor effort, develops independence and initiative in the performance of assigned tasks.

At the senior preschool age, household work becomes systematic and becomes the duty of the attendants.

The peculiarity of household work is the ability of children to independently organize it: pick up the necessary equipment, place it conveniently, put everything in order after work. This is what children should be taught.

3.labor in nature - has a beneficial effect on the education of moral feelings and lays the foundations for environmental education.

At younger preschool age, it is necessary to organize observations of plants and animals. Children help an adult take care of them.

At the older preschool age, the responsibilities of children are wider.

Features of labor in nature:

1) The result in the form of a material product (vegetables, fruits);

2) Often has a delayed result (they sowed the seeds, then we wait until they sprout, etc.), therefore, it educates children in observation and endurance, patience;

3) Communication with living objects develops children's moral feelings, respect, responsibility, etc.;

4) Develops cognitive interests, promotes awareness of the relationship between natural phenomena and objects.

4.Manual and artistic labor - aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person. Its content includes the manufacture of crafts from natural materials, paper, cardboard. tree.

It develops imagination, creativity, small muscles of the hands, as well as endurance, etc. Children learn to make crafts and decorate a room with them, to give.

Types of child labor: tasks and conditions - Page 21

Detailed display and precise explanation of each method of action.

Observation of the work of adults (determination of the goal and result).

Games - GCD, games - exercises ("How the toys ran away from Kolya").

Reading fiction ("Masha the Confused")

Average age

Encouragement of personal initiative, the use of games and playing tricks(building a ship, the building material must be clean),

Examination of illustrations ("Duty", "Preparing the family for the holiday"), a conversation based on these materials.

Senior group

Involving children in helping adults (change of clothes)


Familiarization with household appliances that facilitate work, as well as with safety rules. The complexity of the maintenance of everyday life.

Household skills acquired by children in a preschool institution are transferred to the family and vice versa.

WORK IN NATURE- this is a special type of labor, the content of which is caring for plants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden, landscaping the site, etc.

Labor in nature has a beneficial effect not only on the development of labor skills, but also on the education of moral feelings, lays the foundation for environmental education; promotes aesthetic, mental, physical development

Labor in nature has its own specifics:

The result of this work may be material product(grown vegetables, berries, flowers) .

- It has delayed result: they sowed the seeds and only after a while were able to observe the result in the form of seedlings, and then fruits.

The child is always dealing with living objects

Gives to children the ability to bring joy to others(treat with grown fruits, give flowers)

MANUAL AND ARTISTIC LABOR according to its purpose, it is a work aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person. It is associated with the manufacture of manuals, toys, crafts from paper, fabric, natural and waste materials; requires the ability to use a variety of tools.

This work contributes to the development of imagination, creative abilities; develops small muscles of the hands, contributes to the cultivation of endurance, perseverance, the ability to bring what has been started to the end. With the results of their work, children delight other people by creating gifts for them.

Manual labor carried out in senior groups kindergarten. But individual elements manual and artistic labor can be introduced already in junior groups.

Artistic labor in a preschool institution in two directions: children make crafts and learn to decorate the group’s premises for the holidays with their products, arrange exhibitions, etc.

By SANPIN 2.4.1. 2660-10 the duration of classes for children, for children of the 5th year of life - no more than 20 minutes, for children of the 6th year of life - no more than 25 minutes, and for children of the 7th year of life - no more than 30 minutes.

Children are happy and interested in doing various tasks. according to work, But he bores them. That's why duration of labor must not exceed in the senior and preparatory groups 20-25 min. Work related with intensive activity(digging up beds, weeding, watering plants, clearing paths from snow, etc.), must continue in the middle group no more 10 min, in the older 15 minutes.


Forms of labor organization of preschool children.

REQUESTS- most simple form organization of labor activity. This is an appeal to a child, a request from an adult to perform some kind of labor action (short-term-long-term; permanent-one-time; correspond to the types of labor).

Fulfillment of labor assignments contributes to the formation in children of interest in work, a sense of responsibility for the task assigned.

In the younger groups assignments individual, specific and simple, contain one or two steps(lay out the spoons on the table, bring a watering can, remove the dress from the doll for washing, etc.).

As preschoolers accumulate experience in participating in the execution of instructions, the educator complicates their content. So, in the middle group he instructs the children to wash doll clothes, wash toys, sweep paths, and shovel sand into a heap. These tasks are more complex, because they contain not only several actions, but also elements of self-organization (prepare a place for work, determine its sequence, etc.). The number of assignments in the middle group increases significantly, as the experience of children's participation in labor is gradually enriched, their skills become stronger.

In the senior group, individual assignments organized in those types of work in which children insufficiently developed skills, or when they teach new skills. Individual instructions are also given to children who need additional training or especially careful control (when the child is not attentive, often distracted), i.e. if necessary, individualize the methods of influence.

DUTY ROSTER- a more complex form of organizing child labor, involves the work of one or more children for the benefit of the entire team (in the dining room, in classes, in a corner of nature). She demands from the child greater autonomy.

In the second junior group at the end of the year can be canteen duty introduced. Only one condition is set before the child on duty: to help the nanny set the table at which he and his comrades are sitting. The child distributes spoons, puts bread bins, glasses with napkins, a plate of fruit.

The understanding of duty is still inaccessible to children of four years, and it would be wrong to put forward such a demand before them. . Leading the Children, the teacher relies on their interest in the process of activity, creates an emotionally positive attitude towards it, explains the need to work hard and in every possible way encourages any attempt by the child to show independence. It forms in children an idea of ​​the importance of the work of the duty officers, of the order in the execution of the assigned work.

A main attention the educator devotes to teaching them the sequence in work and the ability not to be distracted from the case, and also strives to create a calm environment.

IN middle group except for dining room duties , introduced preparatory duties. Duty to prepare for classes requires concentration. The teacher helps the children, reminding them what should be on the tables when drawing with pencils, paints, modeling, designing. When the work is completed, the teacher offers the attendants to check if everything is in place.

It is difficult for children of the fifth year of life to take into account the work of each other, to coordinate actions among themselves. This also determines form of organization on duty ? each table has its own attendant. He sets the table or prepares manuals, acts alone, being responsible for the result of his work to the teacher.

IN senior group on duty in preparation for classes also a sufficient amount of work, although depending on the type of occupation, its content can vary significantly. Often there is a need to offer duty do the work not immediately before the lesson, but in advance. For example, if an application lesson is planned for the next day, then the day before (after a daytime sleep) you can cut and arrange the necessary forms of colored paper into envelopes or plates, since on the day of the lesson after breakfast it will be impossible to complete such a volume of work.

It is important to form children have the idea that the duty officer should worry about preparation in advance group room to the lesson that the timely start of the lesson largely depends on their accurate work.

Working in a corner of nature should be organized so that all day long kids felt responsible for living things.

If assignments and duties have become systematic, permanent forms of organizing work in a group and the children have achieved certain success, it becomes possible to move on to a more complex form. collective labor.

COLLECTIVE WORK- a complex form of labor organization, involving the work of all children (labor side by side, general, joint, collective).

General Labor involves such an organization of children in which, with a common goal, each child performs some part of the work independently. With this form of organization of work, each child has his own area and is responsible only for himself. Even if the same task is given to two children, everyone still performs it separately.

Joint labor involves the interaction of children, the dependence of each on the pace, the quality of the work of others. The goal, as in common work, is one.

R. S. Bure proposes, with this form of organization, to distribute children into links. Each link has its own work task, and inside the link the children work in a “chain”: one removes the toys from the shelf and puts them on the table, the other washes them, the third wipes them, the fourth puts them on the shelf again.

The quality and speed of the work of one child affect the same indicators of the work of another. This form of organization increases the sense of responsibility for the common cause. Business relationships are established between children.

A break in the chain occurs if someone breaks the overall pace of work. And then the children begin to independently regulate the interaction.

TO collective can be called a form of labor organization in which children, along with labor, decide and moral tasks: agree on the division of labor, help each other if necessary, "sick" for the quality of common, joint work.

The collective form is called collective because it contributes to the purposeful education of collective relationships.

So, not every common and even not every joint work is collective. But every collective labor is common and joint.

Leadership of collective labor is as follows:

Explains to children the meaning of the proposed work, the need to divide them into several groups and gives each of them a specific task;

Having distributed the work, the teacher manages its organization, suggesting what needs to be done when performing this or that task (oilcloth should be laid on the table, as they will wash it here), checks whether all the equipment is present and whether it is conveniently located, pays attention to the appearance of children (are the sleeves rolled up, are the aprons worn).

In the process of collective work, the educator pays great attention to the nature of the relationship that develops between children, promotes the manifestation of care, friendship, suggests what to do, given the situation.

General work is already possible in the middle group of a preschool institution, joint and collective - in the senior and preparatory to school. There are more opportunities in the older group to organize the collective work of children: cleaning a group room or plot, laying out a garden, flower garden, harvesting, seeds, decorating a hall for a holiday, etc.

Moral and labor education of preschoolers: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook establishments

Topic 3. Types of work and forms of its organization in kindergarten and family

Analysis modern programs upbringing and education of preschool children. IN last years(1990 - 2001) labor education of preschoolers is not the subject of research, it is not included in the programs of education and training of preschoolers, which certainly causes concern, as it limits the effective possibility of its influence on the child's emerging personality.

Analysis of the use of labor in the modern practice of educating preschoolers in kindergarten and family. The most frequently used types of labor of preschool children, its content.

Forms of labor organization. Assignment as the most accepted typical form of organizing the individual work of children. Research by A. D. Shatova. Types of labor assignments, their content, organization of implementation, accounting, evaluation.

Assignments in kindergarten and family.

Duty as a form of labor organization. Research by Z. N. Borisova. Modern look on duty.

Methods of conducting duty, teaching children the ability to jointly be on duty.

General, joint, collective work. Differences in concepts. General labor - this is work that is performed by several (or all) children for a single purpose. Forms of organization - association in subgroups and individual work; Classes are held simultaneously for all children.

Joint work - work in subgroups. Each subgroup has its own business, the result of the work of one child depends on the other. With such an organization, the participation of all the children of the group is not necessary.

Collective labor can be both general and joint, but with the obligatory inclusion of situations involving mutual assistance, support, and common responsibility for the result. Collective work is also organized purposefully by adults, i.e., situations are specially created that form the skills of collective relationships in children.

Material from the site

1. Types of work for preschoolers. labor in nature


Labor is the most important means of education, starting from preschool age; in the process of it, the personality of the child is formed, collective relationships are formed.

Work is especially important for the moral upbringing of the child. In labor, independence is brought up, initiative and responsibility are developed.

The educational nature of labor was noted by progressive teachers of all times, they considered it natural condition the existence of the personality, a means of manifestation of its activity, vital activity and the first vital need healthy body. This has been confirmed in the classical pedagogical literature(Y. A. Komensky, I. G. Pestolozzi, K. D. Ushinsky, A. S. Makarenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky and others) and modern research (R. S. Bure, G. N. Godina, V. I. Loginov, V. G. Nechaeva, D. V. Sergeeva, A. D. Shatova and others).

The purpose of the entire system of labor education is the moral, psychological and practical preparation of children for conscientious work for the common good and the formation of the principles of industriousness. In kindergarten, this goal is solved in accordance with the age capabilities of children, as well as the characteristics of their work activity.

Tasks of labor education of preschool children:

I. Education of a positive attitude towards the work of adults, the desire to provide them with all possible assistance.

2. Formation of labor skills and skills and their further improvement, gradual expansion of the content of labor activity.

3. Raising positive personal qualities in children: habits of labor effort, responsibility, caring, frugality,

willingness to take part in work.

4. Formation of skills for organizing one's own and general work.

5. Raising positive relationships between children in the process of work - the ability to work in a coordinated and friendly manner in a team, to help each other, to evaluate the work of peers in a friendly manner, to make comments and give advice in the correct form.

1. Types of work for preschoolers

The labor activity of preschool children can be divided into four main types: self-service, household work, work to care for plants and animals, and manual labor. The division is conditional, since there are no clear boundaries between them.

Each type of labor activity has its own characteristics, its purpose, its content. This division of labor gives us the opportunity to determine the work in which it is advisable to involve children of preschool age, as well as their significance in the process of labor education.

Self-service - the formation of skills of eating, washing, undressing and dressing; development of skills to use hygiene items (pot, handkerchief, towel, toothbrush, comb, brush for clothes, etc.); fostering a caring attitude to their things and household items. Genetically, the child is the first to master self-service labor.

Its characteristic feature is the focus on oneself, and the content is the ability to serve oneself. Its social significance lies in the fact that the child frees others from serving themselves.

Household work - the development in children of household labor skills in everyday life (wiping and washing toys, children's and doll furniture, washing doll and baby clothes, cleaning toys and putting things in order in the room, helping parents in the kitchen. This type of work involves the ability to maintain order in the group room, at home and on the site, participate in the organization of household processes and educational activities (hang clean towels, set the table, prepare the group room for class, etc.).

Manual labor - independent and with the help of adults, the manufacture of

paper, cardboard, natural and waste material, the simplest items needed in everyday life and for a child’s games (boxes, needle cases, panels, play material, etc.). Manual labor appears in the senior group. Children make paper toys, boxes, bags for collecting seeds, repair books, make or make simple toys from wood and other materials. Manual labor requires the ability to use scissors, a needle, a hacksaw, pliers, a hammer, as well as knowledge of materials.

Labor in nature is the active, feasible participation of children in work in the flower garden, garden, as well as caring for indoor plants and pets.

2. Labor in nature

A variety of work in nature gives children a lot of joy and contributes to their comprehensive development. In the process of labor, love for nature, a careful attitude towards it are brought up.

Children develop an interest in work activity, a conscious, responsible attitude towards it. In a team, children learn to work together, to help each other.

Labor in nature is of great educational importance. It broadens the horizons of children, creates favorable conditions for solving the problems of sensory education. Working in nature, children get to know:

  1. with properties and qualities, states of objects of nature;
  2. learn how to set these properties.

The teacher teaches children to focus on the properties of natural objects to perform a labor action. So, to determine whether a plant needs watering, you need to take into account its condition (elasticity, density of leaves and stem). As a result, children develop a reference idea of ​​the properties, qualities, states of objects of nature.

In the process of labor in nature, children develop knowledge:

1) about plants (properties and qualities of plants, their structure, needs, main stages of development, growing methods, seasonal changes),

2) about animals (appearance, needs, modes of movement, habits, lifestyle, seasonal changes). Children learn to establish a connection between the conditions, the way of life of an animal in nature and the ways of caring for it.

Labor in nature contributes to the development of children: observation; curiosity; inquisitiveness; arouses their interest in the objects of nature, in human labor; respect for working people.

In the process of labor, the following are formed: practical skills in caring for plants and animals; intellectual skills develop: plan work, select materials and tools; plan a sequence of operations, distribute them in time and among labor participants, etc.

Requirements for the organization of labor in nature.

Labor in nature only has educational and educational significance if its organization and content meet certain pedagogical and hygienic requirements.

Pedagogical requirements for the organization of labor in nature.

  • Organization of a variety of labor content:

a) care for animals (birds, fish, mammals), plants;

b) growing plants in a corner of nature,

c) work on the site (in a flower garden, in a vegetable garden, in an orchard).

  • In the process of labor, it is necessary to form practical skills and abilities in unity with knowledge.
  • Awareness of labor, which involves the disclosure to the child of its goals, results and ways to achieve them.
  • The labor activity of children in nature should be systematically complicated.
  • Labor activity should be regular. It is important for the educator to introduce each child to it.

Hygienic requirements for the organization of labor in nature.

  • The work of children in nature should be feasible. The physical effort expended by the child should not cause overwork.
  • It is necessary to ensure the correct wear at work. For this purpose, one type of work should be alternated with another.
  • Tools of labor must be absolutely safe, correspond to the growth and strength of the child, but at the same time, it is necessary that the inventory be real.

Forms of labor organization in nature.

The labor of children in nature is organized in the following forms:

Individual assignments - are used in all age groups of the kindergarten, the child performs the entire labor process himself.

Collective labor in nature - makes it possible to form labor skills and abilities in all children of the group. Collective work unites children, forms the ability to accept the common goal of work, negotiate, etc.

According to its structure, collective labor can be organized as:

a) general labor; b) work together.

Duty - involves the alternate performance of a permanent and certain range of duties by children. In the corner of nature, children begin to be on duty in the older group.

Junior group

The kids help the educator take care of the plants in the corner of nature and on the site. They should be involved in the joint watering of indoor plants. He teaches children how to properly water plants, wipe strong leathery leaves with a damp cloth.

Children plant bulbs and large seeds in the ground prepared by the teacher (in boxes, cups, soil), water the plantings. Children should also be involved in harvesting vegetables.

Children perform individual assignments, which include 1-2 labor operations. This work is short-term, but the educator must involve all the children in turn in it.

In the second younger group, it is possible to organize the work of the entire team of children, and for example, planting onions, large flower seeds, harvesting, this work will be organized as work nearby.

Possibility to work in groups. Two subgroups can work at the same time, but each performs the same labor operation: they wipe the plants, plant peas in the garden, or water the flower bed.

This feature of the organization of labor is connected, firstly, with the great imitation of children, and secondly, with the fact that it is easier for the educator to teach them. For teaching labor skills in nature in the younger group, the fragmentation of the display of the labor operation with the simultaneous performance of tasks by children is characteristic. The educator combines the demonstration with the explanation, and the children immediately perform the labor process step by step.

The work of children takes place with the participation of a teacher or under his supervision. In the course of his teacher helps the children, encourages them, shows the methods of completing the task. Evaluation is always positive, has an educational character.

Middle group.

In the middle group, the forms of organization of children in the labor process are the same as in

junior. A large place is occupied by individual assignments, but they are of a longer duration. Children can run errands for 2-3 days.

Work by subgroups also has its own characteristics. 2-3 subgroups can work at the same time and perform different labor operations (no more than two).

A large place is occupied by collective forms of labor. They are mainly used by the teacher when it is necessary to introduce children to new labor operations, for example, with the method of planting seeds.

In children of the fifth year of life, a conscious attitude to the performance of labor operations begins to develop, the ability to see and feel the need for a particular labor process is formed.

All these features of the development of children are the basis for complicating the methodology for managing their work. When teaching a new labor operation, the teacher in the middle group no longer gives a fractional display.

The whole process is shown and explained, and then it is divided into logical steps. The teacher checks the completion of each stage.

In the course of work, he recalls the sequence of actions, ways to use the equipment, uses a show, an example of other children in helping individual children. Now the assessment of labor may not always be positive, since the quality of the performance of the labor operation is assessed.

The teacher gives an assessment in the course of the work of the children and immediately offers to correct the mistakes, if any. Gradually, in the middle group, the teacher teaches children to notice the need for work.

senior preschool age

Pupils of senior preschool age, under the guidance of a teacher, continue to take care of indoor plants: they water, loosen the ground, cut dry leaves, feed plants, get acquainted with propagation methods, and help replant plants. In a corner of nature, in a vegetable garden and a flower garden, they grow plants: they participate in digging the earth and cutting beds and flower beds, sow seeds, plant seedlings, part of which they can grow in a corner of nature, and then water, weed, loosen the earth, harvest. It is necessary for children to develop appropriate labor skills and abilities, to teach them to determine the need for one or another method of care by the state of plants and soil, to establish a connection between the state of plants and human labor aimed at meeting the needs of plants.

Pupils preparatory group take care of themselves. The teacher only controls their actions, provides assistance in case of difficulty. At the same time, it is necessary to form an understanding of the need for a way of care, the ability to establish a connection between the conditions that need to be created in a corner of nature for animals, and the conditions for their existence in nature.

The mastery of labor activity in senior and preparatory groups for school takes place in more complex forms of labor organization. At this age, it is necessary to form the ability to accept and set a labor task, present the result of its implementation, determine the sequence of labor operations, select the necessary material, independently perform the labor process with a little help from adults.

Individual assignments for the care of individual objects become longer. A child can be instructed to grow a plant as a gift for kids, mom, take care of a garden bed, a flower bed.

In the older group, children are on duty in a corner of nature. Organizing the duty, the teacher conducts a lesson in which he introduces the children to the duties of the duty officers. 2-4 people are on duty at the same time.

An important role in managing the work of those on duty has an assessment of the duty. All children are included in the assessment. Children evaluate the work performed by the duty officers, express judgments about its quality, about their attitude to duties and to each other in the process of work. When evaluating, the negative manifestations of the attendants should also be noted (he came late, did not have time to water the plants).

There is also the most complex type of collective labor - joint labor. According to this type, work can be organized in the garden, in the flower garden. One subgroup digs up the beds, the other loosens the ground, the third makes grooves, sows the seeds. This form of labor organization creates objective conditions for the emergence of relations due to the very structure of the organization.

When organizing collective work, the educator helps the children to break into links, to distribute responsibilities between the links and within the link. Observing the work of children, the educator helps them, gives advice, instructions.

The leading method of teaching children new work is the explanation: what needs to be done and how. Showing the methods of action also takes place and is used mainly when familiarizing yourself with a new labor operation.

In the process of supervising the work of children, the task of developing control and self-control is set: the educator, checking the performance of the task, asks individual children questions that direct their attention to the result of work. This technique develops self-control, the ability to correlate their actions with the instructions of the educator.

The assessment is positive, but it is differentiated by quality: “I planted it correctly, but I pressed the ground around the bulb badly.” The children themselves are also involved in the evaluation. A feature of labor management in the senior and preparatory groups for school is the fact that the educator discusses the process of work with the children. He teaches the children not only to see, but also to plan the sequence of individual labor operations, to distribute duties in advance, to prepare all the inventory on their own.


Labor education of a child begins with the formation in the family and school of elementary ideas about labor duties. Labor was and remains necessary and an important tool development of the psyche and moral ideas of the individual.

In the process of work, a preschooler has the opportunity to put into practice his knowledge, acquire new ones, and visually verify the existence of various relationships in nature (plant, animal - and the environment). He develops the necessary care skills, a sense of responsibility for living organisms.

Depending on the attitude of a preschooler to work, one can judge the formation of his moral qualities, i.e., the child’s attitude to a working person (respect for him, desire to help, etc.), to his work (a conscientious attitude to the results of labor, etc. .p.), which is an indicator of the formation and development of his moral qualities.


  1. Bure R.S. Preschooler and work. Theory and methods of labor education. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2011.
  2. Godina G. N. Education of a positive attitude to work // Education of moral feelings among older preschoolers / Ed. A. M. Vinogradova. Moscow: Education, 1998.
  3. Kozlova S. A. Kulikova T. A. Preschool Pedagogy.- M., 2004.
  4. Komarova, Kutsakova, Pavlova: Labor education in kindergarten. Program and methodical recommendations. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009.
  5. Kutsakova L. V. "Moral and labor education of a preschool child: a program and methodological guide" - M .: Vlados, 2005.
  6. Kutsakova L.V. Moral and labor education in kindergarten: for working with children 3-7 years old:. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007.
  7. Markova T. A. Education of industriousness among preschoolers. - M., 1991.
  8. Moral and labor education of preschoolers: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook institutions / S. A. Kozlova, N. K. Dedovskikh, V. D. Kalishenko and others; Ed. S. A. Kozlova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002.



Education on the example of the work activity of adults is one of the critical tasks preschool institution. An urgent task at present is the formation of a general labor orientation and activity through the correct organization joint labor children with adults.

Observation of the work of adults, reading works of art about labor, looking at pictures on this topic - this is the basis that forms in children ideas about the content of the concepts "hardworking", "responsible".

The work of the kindergarten has its own difficulties in the implementation of labor education: a significant part of the work of adults does not take place in front of children. Therefore, it is necessary to find ways and forms of bringing the work of adults working in kindergarten closer to them, to intensify its influence on the formation of labor skills in children, to determine the conditions for the most effective influence of the example of an adult, and also to outline the principles, forms and content of adult labor performed with children or children. together with them.

Various ways are possible for this: bringing children closer to the work of adults, bringing the work of adults closer to children, and, finally, the joint activity of adults and children.

The first way is widely practiced in the kindergarten - this is a specially organized demonstration of adult labor to children in the classroom, observations, organized visits to the kitchen, pantry, doctor's office, etc. Children are shown cooking, washing clothes, repairing and sewing clothes, cleaning the site, repair of furniture and toys, etc.

Observations of the work of adults in kindergarten are of great educational importance: they clarify the ideas of children, arouse curiosity, interest in the activities of adults, contribute to the development of a positive attitude, respect for their work.

Recognizing the value of special observations of labor, they still need to be supplemented and more active means impact on child development. We must, as far as possible, bring the work of adults closer to children. Everything that is possible from a hygienic and pedagogical point of view, it is desirable to do in the presence of children. Labor that proceeds systematically and naturally in front of children usually attracts their attention, arouses the desire to act themselves, imitating adults. An adult can activate the influence of his example, involving children in the work and organizing it as a joint work.

To what extent is it possible to organize the work of adults in the presence of children and even together with them, what does this give in terms of education, and what are the principles, specific content and forms of such joint activities between adults and children?

When we talk about the work of adults in the presence of children, we mean such work where the children's mind is sufficiently clear either the result of labor (the thing done, the front and cleanliness after cleaning, washing, etc.), or specific labor actions (digging up the earth , feeding animals, etc.).

By joint work we mean such activities of adults with children, when the educator (and other adults) acts not only as a person organizing and directing the work of children, but also as a direct participant in the labor process.

A strong influence on children, especially of younger and middle age, is provided by the example of adult household work (cleaning, cooking, etc.), as well as various activities medical workers(sister, doctor). This work is understandable to children, since it is aimed at satisfying their personal needs, there are many interesting actions in it, and it can often be observed. There are many moments in it that are closely related to the behavior of the children themselves in maintaining cleanliness, order, and hygiene. Children's games show that they, on their own initiative, imitate the work of adults.

It is important for the teacher of the younger group to make the most of the example of the labor behavior of kindergarten workers, especially the assistant teacher. This is a person close to the children, whose care they feel every day, whose work systematically proceeds before their eyes.

This work is clear and understandable both in terms of the nature of the actions and in terms of clearly tangible results; it contains many elements close to the skills instilled in children (for example, the skills of maintaining cleanliness and order). However, the example itself is not enough. If the assistant teacher does something unusual, the children pay attention to this (washing windows, vacuuming the carpets), but if these processes are repeated several times, the children stop noticing them. Therefore, everything that is potentially contained in the labor of an adult (in this case babysitting) has no visible effect on children.

It is still difficult for children of 3-4 years old to extract something useful from the example of the activities of others. An adult involves children in the labor process, giving them feasible assignments, establishing elementary cooperation. When a child has the opportunity to actively act on his own, he receives more accurate and complete ideas about the work of adults, begins to imitate them.

For example, during the morning cleaning, the nanny instructs the children to bring water in a small watering can, wipe the leaves of plants or toys, etc. The assistant educator acts not just as an organizer of child labor, but works together with the children, performs the main part of the work, more complex things. Since two or three children work side by side, she can follow their actions and do her job at the same time. Thus, the caregiver's assistant can influence the children personal example and at the same time becomes the organizer of a small group of children, accustoms them to work. Teaching all children the skills, organizing their work, participating in work himself - it is difficult for the educator to do all this at the same time. The assistant teacher, who is in contact with only a few children at the same time, is feasible. But for this it is necessary that she receive the appropriate instructions from the teacher.

What kind of educational influence does the cooperation of an assistant educator with children have, and under what conditions will it be effective?

The emotional attitude of an adult to work has a great influence on children. The cheerful, energetic pace of work of the teacher's assistant, her diligence arouse in children the desire to work. But even a very good example of a nanny does not always affect the behavior of children, due to the instability of their attention, the inability to single out the important. In various ways, it is necessary to draw the attention of the child to the features of the actions performed by adults. Here, a verbal explanation by adults of their actions plays an important role, which helps the child to better understand the nature of the actions, in the sense of work.

For example, speaking is very important in working with young children. But often this indirect approach is not enough. It is necessary to directly draw the attention of children to the action performed by adults. “Look,” the teacher says, “how Aunt Shura cleans the glasses, they shine, sparkle,” “Look how I hold the brush. That's the way to sweep the crumbs."

Labor, characteristic of a particular locality, often taking place in front of children, constitutes the environment from which children can constantly draw models for imitation. We must not lose sight of the fact that parents and other people close to the children often take part in this work; it reinforces the children's experiences in kindergarten

The educational effectiveness of familiarization with labor depends not only on what kind of labor is observed, but also on which aspects of it the attention of children is directed to. The teacher draws the children's attention to the general order, carefully thought-out work, to the coherence of work, to mutual assistance, to a loving attitude to work. So gradually children begin to understand the meaning of work. They see his results, they are charged with his enthusiasm. When selecting types of work for joint activities of adults and children, it is necessary to be guided by the following principles:

Labor should be natural for children, necessary, vital;

It must be acceptable from a general pedagogical and hygienic point of view;

It should easily and naturally carry out joint activities of adults and children with a certain division of functions of each participant.

The naturalness, vital expediency of labor are the most important conditions successful organization joint activities of children and adults, which can be carried out in the process of domestic labor, labor in nature, labor for the maintenance of games and activities. At the same time, it is important to take into account the compliance of work that requires a large load, uncomfortable postures, eye strain, as well as very monotonous, monotonous actions.

The last requirement is the realization of a natural division of labor between adults and children. Therefore, the work should be

more complex or more time-consuming operations that are within the power of children. If this is not the case, then joint work will not work: either an adult works, and children observe, or, conversely, children do everything, and an adult organizes and directs their work. Both can take place in life, but this is no longer a joint work.

In the process of joint work, it is important not only to divide labor according to its content, but also to combine the levels of activity of adults and children, the degree of their participation in work, which would contribute to the child borrowing the experience of elders and at the same time encourage him to work independently. Experience shows that a pedagogically effective combination of activity of adults and children in the joint performance of work can act in different forms.

Children are much more active when an adult starts work, gradually draws children into it, and then gives them the opportunity to act on their own. For example, on the site, leaves and branches are raked on the lawns, children carry them away on a stretcher. When the children are involved in the work, the teacher quietly departs. The children continue to work. The nature of their actions clearly speaks of imitation of the educator. The teacher watches over the children.

In some cases, there are more complex combination actions of adults and children: adults begin work, then children act, then both at the same time.

The organizational role of the educator in collective work with the distribution of labor is much more responsible. He has to distribute the work, provide the conditions for its implementation, observe the children, and direct their actions in a timely manner. The possibility of direct cooperation with children is sharply reduced, especially in work with children of younger groups. To ensure this cooperation, the educator needs to attract assistants who would share with him the organizational and pedagogical guidance of the children. If children are divided into two or three simultaneously working subgroups, then adults are quite able to lead them and at the same time do part of the work.

The ratio of joint work with children and management of a variety of activities varies depending on the age of the children with whom the work is carried out, and on the specific nature of the work. In younger groups, the organizational and pedagogical function of an adult dominates. In the middle and senior groups, the opportunity for adults to perform some part of the work depends on the nature of the labor process, its capacity and complexity.

Skillful selection of the content of the lesson to get acquainted with the environment is a very important factor in creating a positive labor orientation in children. At the same time, it is very important how this content is brought to the consciousness of children, what methods the educator uses.

When introducing children to the work of adults, educators, as a rule, use visual methods, skillfully combining them with verbal ones (conversations, stories); specific gravity the latter can be increased in work with older children.

Reading works of art plays an important role in shaping the labor orientation of children. With its emotionality, imagery, liveliness, the children's book infects children with the enthusiasm of work: it awakens interest, respect for work, the desire to imitate the heroes, like them, to work well. An indelible impression is made on children by the images of modest heroes from the works of S. Marshak - the fireman Kuzma ("Fire"), the postman ("Mail"), S. Mikhalkov - Uncle Stepa the policeman.

Surprisingly simply and deeply, V. Mayakovsky speaks with children about the work of a carpenter, carpenter, engineer, doctor, worker and conductor, driver and pilot, leading the children to the idea that “everyone’s work is needed equally” and that “what one does not do it, let's do it together."

In recent years, our children's writers have created a significant number of works about labor.

The most effective ways to familiarize children with the work of adults are observations and excursions. It is very important to select for observation such types of work that are valuable in educational terms, the content of which is understandable for children, makes them want to imitate.

When introducing children to labor, it is very important to observe gradual expansion of information. It should be borne in mind that the abundance of impressions leads to the fact that children receive fragmentary, superficial information that has little effect on the formation of a correct attitude towards work, on the development of labor skills and abilities. In the process of observation, it is necessary to give a small amount of information, gradually expanding and deepening it, supplementing what is known with new knowledge, and reinforcing the old. Only with such a gradual deepening of children into a cognizable phenomenon is it possible to develop in them the correct ideas about work, the correct attitude towards it.

The gradual expansion and deepening of children's knowledge of the work of adults can be traced by the example of repeated observation with children of the construction of an apartment building. For the first time, children observe the work of masons - laying walls, laying bricks. On the next excursion, the children saw the progress of the construction - the house "grew". Then they watched how carpenters, glaziers, roofers, painters worked. And now, as a result of common coordinated work, the house is ready.

Observations of the work of adults turn out to be especially effective in those cases when the cognitive material is emotionally saturated, reveals the beauty of work, and evokes a feeling of admiration in children. All this affects the behavior of children, their attitude to people, to things.

Children of older preschool age are already capable of an elementary understanding of the social benefits of their work. They take pride in being attracted to joint work with adults, and get satisfaction from the fact that they also contribute something to the general household of the kindergarten, help adults.

Children who will not only enjoy the process of labor, but also feel its benefits for themselves and others, for the common cause, will appreciate the work of adults more. They will gradually develop psychological readiness to work.

Olga Pustakina
Types and forms of labor organization in kindergarten

Raising the next generation in a spirit of respect and love for labor is one of the main tasks of a preschool institution.

Diverse types of work differ in their pedagogical abilities. If self-service has a greater educational value in younger groups, it teaches children to be independent, to overcome difficulties, then in the middle and older groups, household chores become of particular importance as socially significant, aimed at building awareness of work for the common good, and in the senior and preparatory groups, the main role is already beginning to be played by manual labor and labor in nature; they contribute formation began collective relationships, the ability to work together, amicably, overcome obstacles, plan and anticipate the stages of consistent implementation.

Self-service is the main type labor of a small child. Assessing the educational value of self-service, it should be noted its vital need to meet everyday personal needs for washing, dressing, undressing. Daily performance of elementary labor tasks teaches children to systematically labor. It is through self-service that the child first establishes certain relationships with people around him, realizes his duties towards them, therefore work self-service supplements, to a certain extent, the internal culture of the child.

The main technique formation methodical skills is to show the performance of each elementary action and their sequence.

Familiarizing children with the way to perform a new action always requires a detailed demonstration and detailed explanation of each movement and their sequence. Detailed showing and explanation of how to perform labor self-service tasks, combined with direct participation children in work will teach them to follow exactly the necessary method of action, i.e. diligence.

It is very important when teaching the methods of dressing, undressing, washing, cleaning toys and materials to keep the same method, the same sequence unchanged - this will ensure speed. skill formation. There is no need to be afraid to show and explain to children again and again what and how to do. As formation skills, the educator uses the methods of detailed verbal explanation and general reminders: "Tie the scarf well, as I taught you" etc. Such a general reminder activates the thought of children, encourages them to remember the way to perform the action, their sequence.

Those educators who constantly monitor that in the process of self-service children show attention, care, and help do the right thing. It happens sometimes So: the child knows how to dress quickly and well, but does not want to help anyone with this. It is important to ensure that from the very early age children in kindergarten worked not only to meet their personal needs, but also willingly helped each other.

Proper upbringing of children in the process of self-service is unthinkable if educators are not interested in the results of their work. Grade labor activities at younger preschoolers carried out mainly in the form of encouragement, and in senior preschool age - underlining in this moment achievements in the child and what else the child is not good at.

Household - household work- this is the maintenance and restoration of order in the group room, the premises adjacent to it, on the site and at home, participation in organization of labor processes, preparation for classes, walks.

Children of primary preschool age clean toys, books, help the teacher take toys to the site, wipe the leaves of plants, lay out the material for classes on the tables, and clean them up after class. When preparing for a meal, children lay out spoons, arrange bread bins, plates, glasses with napkins, help the nanny hang up clean towels. They take part in clearing the paths from the snow.

Children of the fifth year of life wash toys, plants, wash and hang doll linen, are on duty in the dining room, classes, wipe dust from high chairs, help the teacher take the toys to the site and bring them back, etc.

Senior preschoolers maintain order at site: sweep paths, etc.; in the warm season they wipe the dust from the play buildings, tables and benches, water and dig up the sand in the sandy courtyard; in winter they clear the paths from snow; they are on duty in the corner of nature, they clean the playroom, wipe the furniture, etc.

As you can see, there is a gradual increase in processes labor, volume expansion labor actions. For formation children's ideas about household labor adult caregiver organizes special observations, draws the attention of the kids to what the nanny is doing (washes the dishes cleanly, puts things in order in the group, how to wash doll clothes, put things in order in the toy household. It is very important to create a calm and businesslike atmosphere, not to rush the child with completing the task, not to do for him what he can do himself.Introducing children to labor, it is important that he sees both the purpose of the action and the result of the work. This is facilitated by the demonstration and explanations of an adult. If an adult is constant in the content of the requirements, the children will learn the necessary actions, learn their sequence, they will develop the habit of acting in a certain way when working.

Children's the garden has opportunities for early involvement of children in labor in nature. Children of primary preschool age are taught to perform the simplest assignments adults: with the help of a teacher, water indoor plants, sow large flower seeds, plant onions, water plants in the garden.

In the middle group, children perform labor errands on their own, taking care of the plants and animals: in a corner of nature, plants are watered, large dense leaves are rubbed, the earth is loosened; on the site, together with adults, they grow vegetables and flowers.

Older preschoolers need to be taught to work in all seasons. In autumn, children can harvest vegetables on their site, collect seeds, dig up plant bulbs, rake fallen leaves, take part in transplanting plants from the ground into a corner of nature, etc. In winter, remove snow from paths, feed wintering birds. In the spring, loosen the ground, make beds and flower beds, sow large and small seeds, take care of plants in the garden, in the flower garden. In summer - loosen the ground, water, thin out, weed, tie plants.

How to create in children a stable positive attitude towards everyday, monotonous, but so necessary work? One of the conditions for the effectiveness of any work is the correct Labour Organization. A. S. Makarenko said that only with good organizations the child experiences joy labor. Joint work of a child and an adult. The child will feel the benefit labor only then when it actively goes through all labor processes and will eventually achieve an exact result, for example, it will grow flowers from seeds and again receive seeds from the flowers growing in the flower garden.

most acceptable forms to solve educational problems consider organization of work in the form various kinds instructions: individual and group. They enable the child to perform a specific task and allow him to obtain certain labor skills and abilities, and the educator to monitor the correctness of the work, the child's attitude to obtaining the result. Orders can be long-term, systematic, short-term or episodic.

Duty - more complex compared to assignments form of organization of work of children. They demand more independence from children. Involving the child in the execution of the assignment, the educator could split the process of any case into a series of sequential tasks. The attendants learn to complete the assigned work in full, the educator gives the task in a generalized way. form: "Set the table", "Fields of the Plant". This requires children to know the sequence of work, ideas about its full scope, about the requirements for the result.

Introducing shifts, the teacher finds out how much the children know the sequence of work, the place of storage of manuals and materials. It is very important for the educator to consider the content labor on duty so that he does not wear formal, but was specific, necessary for the team. Children are regularly on duty in the dining room, in preparation for classes, in a corner of nature.

At organizations On duty, the educator has to pay attention to one more issue - the combination of the work of the duty officers with the self-service of children. What part of the work in preparation for classes should be done by the attendants, and what should each child prepare himself? Or after a meal, should the attendants clean up everything, or does everyone clean up after themselves?

From the senior group, another type of duty is introduced - in the corner of nature. The work of those on duty in a corner of nature will be successful only if the teacher constantly educates children in an interest in a corner of nature. Then its inhabitants become the subject of constant observation and caring attitude towards them.

In the preparatory school group, the teacher goes to organization of the general work of duty officers, i.e. pairing children for teamwork. Working together, they serve the entire group. With such work, the attendants are put in new conditions: to coordinate their work with the work of a friend, to be responsible together for the result, to fairly distribute the work among themselves. Often educators put children in pairs according to the principle "skillful" With "inept". But it's not always justified. desired result it will work out only when a capable child has a desire to teach skills to another child, while remaining a good friend, that is, to show goodwill, not to emphasize his inability. In older groups, selective friendly relations of children often appear, the teacher should take this into account and instruct them to be on duty together.

In the senior and preparatory groups for school, systematically general labor activity is organized, which unites all children at once groups: this is the cleaning of a group room, a plot, a breakdown of a flower garden, decor groups for the holiday, etc. Organizing the collective work of children of the whole group, it is advisable to divide them into several subgroups. Each subgroup is given a common task, for example, one subgroup is washing doll clothes, the second is washing chairs, the third is toys, the fourth is putting things in order in the play corner. The composition of children in subgroups can be constant, but things change. This ensures that every child is included in the work.

Thus, during preschool age, children gradually labor skills and abilities in different types labor: self-service, household and manual labor, labor in nature. All these labor skills and abilities purchased in kindergarten, are the basis on which the labor education in primary school.

The concept of labor activity in relation to a child is rather peculiar and in most cases does not mean the product of any labor in order to receive monetary compensation. However, it is child labor education that allows the child to quickly adapt to the outside world, the social environment and learn independence. We will talk about the forms of organization of such education, its goals and much more in this material.

What is the difference between child labor and adult labor?

The most important differences between child labor and adult labor lie in how this labor is presented and what tasks it pursues. Thus, the purpose of children's activities is to learn and imitate adult life. It is rare when a child can do the work himself so well that he does not have to redo it later for him. But he must learn and strive to get good results. Child labor is presented most often in a playful way that encourages the child to become interested in this game and take part in it. But with the growth of the baby, his maturation, some game processes can (and should) develop into duties. For example, cleaning toys before going to bed. Unlike adult labor, children's labor has practically no broad social significance, but within a narrow team, for example, in a kindergarten group, it is significant and important.

Types of labor activity of preschoolers

It is conditionally possible to distinguish several types of labor activity of preschoolers:

· Self-service.

· Manual labor.

Work in nature.

Household (household) work.

Each of these types of child activity has its own characteristics, but they all closely overlap and are closely interconnected. It is impossible to single out one thing, giving it the title of “most useful”.

1. Self care refers to taking care of yourself. This type of labor activity is vital for every person, and than earlier kid will begin to master it, the faster he will begin to become independent. So, from a younger preschool age, a child needs to be taught to wash himself, wash his hands before eating and after walking, dress and put on shoes. It must be remembered that the baby's everyday clothes should be simple and comfortable, so that he can dress them without the help of an adult. Older children, middle or preschool age, will be allowed to wear button-down shirts, jeans with suspenders, and shoes with laces. You need to know that such activities require patience, perseverance and perseverance. As the child grows older, self-care skills are added. For example, a child has the responsibility of making his bed, neatly folding clothes in a closet, and arranging toys after the game process. Be sure the baby needs to be explained and shown by example how to behave so as not to complicate the actions of others.

2. Household work helps to educate the child in cleanliness, accuracy and respect for surrounding things. This type of activity is aimed at maintaining cleanliness in the room, it is necessary when organizing a regimen in a kindergarten or at home. Toddlers can help the gardener or parents set the table, clean dirty dishes, tidy up toys, dust them, tidy up personal plot. Preschoolers in kindergartens are more active in helping to clean up their outdoor playground, wash toys and even keep a full “watch” for setting the table according to the duty schedule. It is important for adults to motivate a child for this type of activity, to explain that efforts must be made to obtain a result. It is important to praise the child and let him understand why he is doing this or that action. For example, after removing the snow, it became easier to walk along the path, and the tidy room is now clean and comfortable.

3. Handicraft is a creative activity in which you can make a variety of items for personal or collective use. It can be any toys (slingshots, cars, baskets, etc.) or useful gadgets(bird feeder), which a child can create from any materials at hand. Why do you need to make a toy yourself if you can buy it? Many parents ask this question and without thinking about the answer, they choose a simple way, that is, they get the baby what they consider necessary for games. In fact, most educators tend to believe that children simply need to be motivated to invent games for themselves. This is important for several reasons: the child understands that in order to enjoy the game, you must first work hard; more attention is paid to the world around, over time the baby will subconsciously see in different subjects the potential area of ​​​​its application (you can make a little man out of an acorn, a boat out of a nut shell, etc.); fantasy develops; the “creative” hemisphere of the brain is actively working; when a child does something himself, he becomes more careful in relation to those products that other people create; the child learns in practice the properties of materials, gets acquainted with the ways of their combination. All these reasons have a positive effect on the moral education of a preschooler and allow him to develop from different angles.

4. Natural labor helps the child not only to get acquainted with the world that surrounds him, but actively helps to develop observation, accuracy and frugality, love for nature, and a reverent attitude towards animals. This type of activity involves the child taking care of plants and pets. So, in kindergartens, kids take Active participation in growing flowers in flower beds, in caring for indoor plants, sometimes they are involved in "work" in the garden. Such "work" is more of an exploratory nature and is not aimed at obtaining a large harvest. Often in groups of kindergartens there are "living corners" in which fish in an aquarium, turtles or domestic rodents live. Parents are also encouraged to teach their children to work with plants. This type of activity is especially important in modern times, as it will teach the child to be distracted from electronic devices and pay attention to nature. baby on own experience will be able to make connections between separate phenomena, will be able to observe natural changes. When he grows up to the age of the older group, then some aspects of natural work can be complicated and transferred to duties. Parents can remind the child of his worries, but not shift them to themselves (provided that the baby is interested). Thus, children become responsible and obligatory.

Didactic games on labor education.

"Who knows and can do it?"
Target: expand children's ideas about what knowledge and skills
must have people of different professions.
Rules: The teacher asks the children questions, after the answers show the corresponding pictures.

Sample questions: Who knows children's poems, tells fairy tales, plays and walks with children? (educator).
Who plays the piano, knows children's songs, teaches to sing, dance, plays with children in music games? (music director).
Who knows the human body, can provide first aid, can recognize and treat diseases? (doctor), etc.

"Who's doing what?"
Target: expand and clarify children's ideas about labor (labor operations) of people of different professions.
Rules: The teacher shows pictures or photographs of people of different professions and asks the question: Who is this? What is he (she) doing?

Sample questions: Janitor - sweeps, cleans, waters, rakes ...
Music director - sings, plays, dances, teaches…
Junior caregiver (nanny) - washes, cleans, wipes, covers, dresses, reads ... etc.

“For a person of what profession is this necessary?”
Target: to expand children's ideas about the subjects necessary for a person of a certain profession.
Rules: The teacher shows pictures depicting items necessary for a person of a certain profession and asks the question: For a person of what profession is this necessary? Children must answer.

Scales, counter, goods, cash register ... - to the seller.
A broom, a shovel, a hose, sand, a crowbar, a snowplow ... - to the janitor.
Washing machine, bath, soap, iron ... - laundress.
Comb, scissors, hair dryer, shampoo, hairspray, clipper… - hairdresser, etc.

"Who will name more actions?" (with a ball)
Target: teach children to correlate the actions of people of different professions.
Rules: The teacher names any profession and in turn throws the ball to the children, who name what the person of this profession does.

"Continue the offer"
Target: exercise in the ability to complete sentences using words and phrases that are correlated with a particular profession of a person.
Rules: The teacher asks the children questions:

The cook cleans ... (fish, vegetables, dishes ...),
The laundress washes ... (towels, bed sheets, bathrobes ...).
The teacher in the morning with the children ... (does exercises, has breakfast, conducts classes ...)
A janitor in the yard in winter ... (rakes snow, clears areas, sprinkles sand on paths ...), etc.

"Who can't do without them?"

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the materials, tools and equipment needed by people of different professions.

Rules: The teacher calls the subject, and the children - the profession of the person who needs it.

For example: syringe, control panel, scissors, flour, garden sprayer, telephone, milking machine, stretcher, planer, wheelbarrow, police baton, drill, electric cable, nail, coil of wire, cash register, postman's bag, wallpaper roll, cash register, pencil, brush, tray, bell.

"Let's set the table for the dolls."
Target. Teach children to set the table, name the items needed for serving. Introduce the rules of etiquette (meeting guests, accepting gifts, inviting to the table, behavior at the table). Cultivate humane feelings and friendly relations.
Game progress: The teacher enters the group with an elegant doll. Children examine it, name items of clothing. The teacher says that today the doll has a birthday, guests will come to her - her girlfriends. You need to help the doll set the festive table (used doll furniture and utensils). The teacher plays the stages of activity with the children (wash hands, lay a tablecloth, put a vase of flowers, a napkin, a bread box in the center of the table, prepare cups and saucers for tea or plates, and lay out cutlery next to it - spoons, forks, knives).
Then the episode of the meeting of the guests is played out, the puppets are seated in their places.
In order to consolidate the skills of duty, children of older preschool age can be shown subject pictures depicting the items listed above and offered to lay them out in order, determining the sequence of table setting.

"What first, what next?"
Target: Clarify children's knowledge about the rules for transplanting indoor plants.
Rules: The teacher shows the children pictures depicting the stages of transplanting indoor plants and asks them to arrange them in the order of the actions.
1 Turn over the pot, take out the plant from it.
2 Washing the pot.
3 Laying pebbles on the bottom of the pot.
4 Pour sand into the pot (height 1 cm).
5 Put some earth on top of the sand in the pot.
6 Shaking off the old earth from the roots of plants with a stick.
7 Cutting off rotten roots.
8 Planting the plant in a pot so that the place of transition of the stem to the root is on the surface, and falling asleep with earth.
9 Earth compaction.
10 Place the plant pot on the pallet.
11 Watering the plant under the root.

Labor is of particular importance in the process of moral education of a child. Such personal qualities as responsibility, diligence, discipline, independence and initiative are formed in labor.

The fulfillment of certain feasible labor duties contributes to the education of a child's sense of responsibility, goodwill, and responsiveness. For the formation of all these qualities in the family there are the most favorable conditions. Here, all matters and concerns are common. Joint work with parents or other family members encourages the child to help each other, to do something for everyone. Thus, he laid the foundations of the moral qualities necessary for life in society.

How to introduce a child to work?

In the family, children constantly see what their parents are doing: they cook food, clean the apartment, wash clothes, sew. Observing how adults perform these daily activities gradually helps the child understand their importance and the attitude of parents to work: mom came home from work tired, but has to cook dinner for everyone, dad goes to the grocery store. It should be remembered that children's observations can be contemplative in nature. In order for the example of family members to become a guide for action for the child, adults can accompany their work with explanations. This usually attracts the attention of children, they ask questions, try to help their parents. So gradually the child is attracted to joint work with adults.

It is also necessary for parents to remember the importance of familiarizing the child with their work in production, about what they do and what benefits they bring to people; for example, mother is a doctor, she treats the sick; dad is a teacher, he teaches children.

In the process of adult work, the child will be taught respect for the work of all people. The surrounding reality presents great opportunities for this. When walking with a child, you need to teach him to throw garbage only into the trash can, in addition, pay attention to how clean the streets are. The kid will be interested to know that the janitor monitors the cleanliness of the streets. A clean street is the result of his work. The janitor gets up before everyone else and when the children go to school in kindergarten, he is already finishing his work. Buying bread. The factory workers worked all night, and the driver managed to bring it to the store, the loaders loaded the bread, and the sellers put it on the shelves in the trading floor. Works of fiction, illustrations, paintings will help to expand the child's ideas about the work of adults.

In the family, the child is involved in daily participation in domestic work. Children's interest in work increases significantly if its usefulness to others is obvious.

Instructions given to children should be interesting and attractive in the form of execution. If they are built only on orders: “Give!”, “Hold!”, “Bring!”, Then this discourages the child from working. Therefore, an adult, for example, carpentry, not only asks to bring some tool, but also teaches the child how to use it. When entrusting children with this or that task, adults should take into account its age-related capabilities. If the tasks are feasible, the preschooler performs it with interest. In order for children to master the right tricks performing this or that type of work, in order for them to work willingly, it is necessary to have the appropriate equipment at home.

The work of children in the family, organized by adults, brings the child closer, contributes to the influence of the adult, but his interests and needs. It is especially valuable if parents are able to contribute in the process of work to the development in children of the desire for activities that are useful for the family: to do something for a younger brother, a gift for a mother, a friend, etc.

Reminder for parents

on labor education of children.

1. You want to see your child strong, hardy and hardened - train him in a variety of physical labor.

2. You want to see him smart and educated - make him daily perform feasible difficulties in mental work.

3. You want to see him always cheerful and cheerful - do not let him turn sour in idleness and plunge into laziness.

4. You want your child to have an unshakable will and a courageous character - do not skimp on difficult tasks, make him often strain his strength and direct them towards achieving the goal.

5. You want your child to be sensitive and responsive, to be a good friend and true friend- create conditions under which he would work daily with others and learn to help people every day.

6. You want your child to be a happy person - teach him different activities, make him hardworking.

7. Education is a chain of continuous, increasingly complex exercises in various types of labor!

Questionnaire for educators

Supervision of the household work of children.

1. Does the child accept the purpose of work, does he willingly accept the offer of the educator?

2. Do children show independence in determining the objects of labor, isolate its features (signal signs of a living object: the earth is dry, dust on the leaves, etc.);

3. Do children independently choose the necessary equipment for labor activities?

4. In the process of labor activity, do children distribute responsibilities, do they agree among themselves?

5. Do children willingly accept and join labor activities, show diligence in the performance of labor activities?

6. Are children included in collective forms of work, or do they prefer to play the role of an assistant?

7. Do they possess the actions of self-control, the ability to independently achieve results?

8. Do children know how to use step-by-step cards in the process of manual labor?

9. Do children enjoy fulfilling the instructions of adults, are they responsible for the duties of duty officers?

10. Are the children on duty well without supervision from the educator?

11. Do they do off-duty work, do they help other children?

12. What are their motives, the nature of the behavior of children in the process of duty?

13. Do children pay attention to the disorder in the group and eliminate it?

14. In the process of work, do children show diligence, desire for good result are friendly towards peers?

15. Can they objectively evaluate and compare their performance with peers?

Abstract of a lesson on labor education in a corner of nature

"Care of houseplants".


The development of labor skills and abilities in children, the education of responsibility and independence in the process of joint work in a corner of nature.

Program content: Bring children to the concept of collective work, to the conclusion about its value, to the realization that work can bring joy, a sense of satisfaction. Teach children to treat plants as living beings, continue to teach practical help, empathy. The ability to properly hold a watering can with water, the skill of gently wiping strong leathery leaves, holding the leaf with a cloth from the bottom with the palm of your hand. Learn how to care for indoor plants, maintain curiosity. To consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants.

Material and equipment: oilcloths on tables, sticks for loosening, rags for wiping dust, brushes for cleaning the fleecy sheets of indoor plants, a spray bottle, watering cans, basins.

Labor progress:

Guys, today in the group, I found a letter from the Fairy of Flowers (the teacher opens the envelope and reads): "Hello guys! I flew to your group to chat with my flower friends. I liked your group. But I'm a little upset about appearance my flower friends. All of them are dusty, not watered and not well maintained. Now I flew to visit my other friends. But I know that you are smart and hardworking and will put things in order in a corner of nature, I will definitely visit you again.” Fairy of Flowers.

Well, guys, let's prove to the Flower Fairy that we can take care of indoor plants. But first, I want to give you a riddle:

Purify the air

They create comfort

Green on the windows

Bloom all year round. (Houseplants)

Tell me, what plants are in our group?

What conditions do plants need to live and grow? (water, light, heat, earth, air, food).

How should you take care of indoor plants? (Plants need to be watered, loosen the soil. It is necessary to spray, wipe large leaves so that the plant can breathe. Love flowers and take care of them properly.

Children approach indoor plants.

How do you think, how can you find out if these plants need care?

You can touch the soil with your finger, if the soil is wet, it will remain on your finger. This means that this plant should not be watered. And if there is no dust on the leaves, then you do not need to wipe it with a cloth.

Guys, I suggest you work hard. But before that, let's distribute the responsibilities: who will do what (watering, spraying, wiping, loosening, collecting dry leaves, cleaning plants from dust). Review and select those plants that need help, determine what care is needed for each plant, put on aprons, take all the necessary equipment for caring for your plant.

- There is a main condition in the work:


Educator: (approaches the first child) tell us how you will complete the task? (Water plants). List the rules for watering houseplants?

It is necessary to water with settled water at room temperature.

The spout of the watering can should be placed on the edge of the pot.

You need to water when the top layer of the earth is dry.

Why did you decide that this plant needs to be watered? (Child's answer.) Keep working. Well done. (Water the plants, wash the pot, wash the pallets.

Educator: (approaches the second child) what are you doing, tell me? (rubbing the plants) How did you get started. (She laid an oilcloth, then brought the plant, prepared the necessary materials. Since plants breathe with leaves, stems, and roots. The dust on their leaves makes it difficult to breathe, so large leaves must be cleaned of dust with a damp cloth. And how should the leaves be wiped? (answer) child)

Educator: (approaches the third child) what do you do? In order for the plants to grow better, they must not only be watered, but also sprayed with water at room temperature. First: put the pot with the plant in the basin. We cover the earth in a pot with oilcloth so that the water does not wash away the earth, you need to spray the plant carefully. Well done, you know your job well. (wiping the pot, washing pallets). During work, soft, calm music plays.

During flower care, the teacher asks the children for the name of the houseplant, the features of care.

Did you enjoy working?

Guys, why do we need flowers in a group? (Answers of children).

To be beautiful in our group. Plants release oxygen and remove dust from the air. Some houseplants can heal.

Plants need sunlight, heat, water.

Look at how cheerful, beautiful, clean houseplants have become. They breathe easily, they are glad that you looked after them well.

Children put plants in their places, put things in order at workplaces, clean equipment and attributes.

Educator: Today, you and I, guys, remembered what is needed in order for indoor plants to grow and bloom. Except natural conditions: heat, light, water and air, plants need our care and love. Plants feel good, affection. Plants are drawn to a kind person, they are not afraid of him. Flowers freeze when a soulless person who does not like to take care of indoor plants approaches them. In such people, plants grow poorly, bloom, and often die. Plants love kind hands, even gentle words. For your efforts, good deeds, I want to give you medals. And I think that the Flower Fairy will really like the results of your work.

And now you can relax and unwind. Sit on the carpet, close your eyes, relax.

Everyone can dance

Jump, run, clean,

But not everyone knows how to relax, to rest.

We have a game like this, very easy, simple.

We sit and do not play, but quietly rest.

The movement slows down, tension disappears.

We open our eyes, we stand quietly.

Look, all our indoor plants are shining, shining and they are very grateful to you. What is your mood about this? (children's answers).

Thank you for your hard work! All well done! Nice work!


1. There is no fruit without labor.

2. Will and labor give wonderful shoots.

3. A small deed is better than a big idleness.

4. Advice is good, but business is better.

5. Hurry - make people laugh.

6. Do not hurry with your tongue - hurry up with your deeds.

7. Skillful hands do not know boredom.

8. The work of the master is afraid.

9. Did the job - walk boldly.

10. Boring day until evening - if there is nothing to do.

11. What lies in place, then runs into the hands itself.

12. In business, strength is not needed, but skill.

13. You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

14. A person gets sick from laziness, gets healthy from work.

15. Where there is hunting and labor, there the fields bloom.

16. A bird is recognized in flight - a person at work.

17. Whoever is the first in labor - glory to him everywhere.

18. Hands - work, soul - a holiday.

19. Without labor to live - only to smoke the sky.

20. Whoever loves to work cannot sit idle.

21. Business is time, and fun is an hour.

22. Every business ends well.

23. Hastily done - done for fun.

24. Soap is gray and washes white.

25. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils

26. Who loves to work, he can’t sit still

27. Be lazy - and lose bread

28. Patience and work will grind everything

29. Judge not by words, but by deeds

31. If there was patience, there would be skill

32. He who does not sow in the spring does not reap the autumn

Poems and artistic works.

Poems about labor


Mom tired from work will come,
Mom has enough worries at home.
I'll take a broom and sweep the floor
I'll chop wood and put it under the stove.
I'll bring two buckets of fresh water
Well, now it's time for the lessons!
Mom will come home from work today.
Mom will have less trouble .

P. Janet

fun job

Dad plants a flower for mom.
Mom knits a scarf for grandmother.
Grandmother is ironing Katya's dresses.
Katya washes panama hats for her brothers.
The brothers make an airplane for everyone.
Fun in the house work is going on.
And why? This is understandable:
Fun to do.
pleasing to each other .

B. Belova.

And we will work

The table you are sitting at
The bed you sleep in
Notebook, boots, a pair of skis,
Plate, fork, spoon, knife.
And every nail, and every house,
And a loaf of bread -
All this is created by labor,
It didn't fall from the sky!
For everything that has been done for us
We thank the people
The time will come, the time will come
And we will work!

V. Livmitz


Here lies the loaf
I have on the table
Black bread on the table
There is nothing tastier on earth!
My bread will cry
My ruddy loaf
If I get married
If I become a slacker.
But I'm not lazy
I'm agile at work
Smile loaf
Smile, my black bread.

Don't stop me from working

Don't stop me from working
I will bring water
From well water
I will feed everyone, of course.
Drink, drink!
Don't be sorry!
Do you want to pour into the watering can -
Have a garden
He drinks water too!

Rye is ripening

On the mountain behind the grove
Good bread ripens
The grains are washed
In gentle warmth
Spikelets heavy
Tilt their heads
bow gratefully
Mother to earth.


Funny tires rustle on the roads
Cars rush along the roads.
And in the back of important, urgent cargo
cement and iron, raisins and watermelons
The work of drivers is difficult and necessary
But how people everywhere need it.


I will become a doctor like a mother
I'll probably get a tube
Being a doctor is hard work
Everyone is coming to me now.

Grain thrown into the ground

Grain thrown into the ground
And in the spring it rose
The sun came out
Up it to the sun
And the grain is glad for that
And that's what the grain needs
Give water to the sprout
Give him a sip of rain.

I will help everyone

L. Dyakonov

I have seven sisters.
I will help everyone
Sow with Pasha
Reap with Dasha
Dress up a doll with Lena,
Cook with Nyura
Sewing with Shura
With Vera to stir the hay,
Sing songs with Marusenka,
The smallest one.


G. Ladonshchikov

I'm not used to boasting in vain,

but everyone calls me a craftswoman -

For the fact that I myself am on my doll

I knit, embroider and sew and cut.


B. Zakhoder

Don't let your parents get angry

That the builders will be smeared

Because the one who builds

That one is worth something!

And no matter what for now

This house is made of sand.


V. Orlov

I learned to embroider

Hens, chicks and cockerels.

Also dresses for dolls

I sewed from scraps.

Well done, Mom said.

You are our tailor right!


E. Serova

Don't disturb us now -

Washing is urgent with us:

Me and mom, we are together

Dealing with linens.

Our rule is

Do not give linen rest!

Let's turn this way

and lather and rub.

Clean water in a trough

Need to pour more often...

Everything is ready, washed -

So, let's push!

I hung out the laundry

Kuklino and Mishkino,

Mom hangs mine

and more bro.

Mishka's shirt -

White as sugar!

The doll outfit dries ...

I'll dress up my guys!


V. Mayakovsky "Who to be",

S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?",

J. Rodari "What do crafts smell like?", "What color are crafts?".

Ponomarev E., Ponomareva T. "History of crafts" (series "I know the world")

A. Pil "Firefighters" (series "Everything about everything")

A. Havukainen, S. Toivonen "Tatu and Patu go to work"

Picture book by R. Scarry "City of good deeds"

B. Lapidus "When I grow up, I will become a railway worker"

A. Korzovatykh "When I grow up, I will build houses"

N. Ivolga "When I grow up, I will become a wood chemist"

T. Vinogradova "When I grow up, I will work for Aeroflot"

Children about work.

Konstantin Ushinsky "Children in the Grove"

Anton Paraskevin “Pashkin Treasure”, “Daria the Golden Spindle ».

E. Permyak "Hurry Knife", "Golden Nail".

Boris Shergin "Pick a berry - you'll pick a box", "Where does the bread come from"

Lev Modzalevsky. School Invitation (foreword)

Konstantin Ushinsky. Children in the Grove (story)

Anton Paraskevin. Pashkin treasure (story)

Spiridon Drozhzhin. First furrow (poem)

Anton Paraskevin. Daria - golden spindle (story)

Konstantin Ushinsky. How the shirt grew in the field (story)

Evgeny Permyak. Golden nail (fairy tale)

Boris Shergin. The carpenter thinks with an ax (short story)

Boris Shergin. Pick a berry - you'll pick a box (story)

Agniya Barto. Painter (poem)

Valentin Rasputin. Red Day (story)

Plan of educational and educational work for a month on the labor education of children

Labor education in the senior group is focused on the formation of clear ideas about the role of different types of productive and service labor. Focused on the development of independence, initiative, creativity, cooperation of the child with adults and peers.

Target: education in children of a value attitude to the work of adults and the desire to be included in children's labor activities. Create an emotionally positive atmosphere in the group. Develop the ability to work in a team.


Theme: "Cosmonautics Day"

Theme: "Spring is red"

Theme: “Flowers. Houseplants"

Theme: "Birds"

labor in nature

Garbage collection on site.

Loosening the soil in flower beds.

Spreading snow for quick melting.

Loosening the soil in flower beds.

Transplantation and cuttings of indoor plants.

Planting flower seeds for seedlings.

Target: Teach children to properly place grains in the ground; develop an interest in work

Garbage collection on site.

Loosening the soil in flower beds.

Cleaning the area from dry branches.

Household work

"Washing building material"

Learn to participate in organized labor a large number peers; develop habits of cleanliness and order.

"We make the beds"

Learn to cover the bed with a bedspread; pay attention to the beautiful view of such a bed; cultivate an intolerant attitude towards negligence.

"Taking care of indoor plants"

Learn how to properly care for plants: watering, rubbing the leaves, spraying with water.

"Toy Wash"

Build a culture of work;

learn to work rationally, efficiently, at a common pace; educate diligence, diligence.

Repair of books in the book corner.

Manual labor

"Space rockets" - crafts from waste material


Making snowdrops from napkins and felt.

Layout of the spring meadow "Spring lawn" - papier-mâché technique.

"Fresh bird" - making birds from fabric.

Duty roster

By the dining room

in the corner of nature

by occupation.

Self service

Teach kids how to tuck shirts and t-shirts; educate the desire to take care of their appearance

Teach kids how to tuck shirts and t-shirts; educate the desire to take care of their appearance

Teach kids how to tuck shirts and t-shirts; educate the desire to take care of their appearance

Working with parents

Making crafts for Cosmonautics Day from waste material

Making crafts on the theme of the week from paper and waste material

Making a Birdhouse

Conversations with children:“What can grow from seeds?”, “Why do you need to wash toys?”, “Indoor plants - What are they?”, “Migratory birds”, “Plants in spring”, “Book repair”.

Diagnostic material to identify labor skills and abilities.




1. The ability to accept the purpose of work

The child is invited to work hard - water the plants, loosen them, remove dust from them:

The child accepts the goal of labor, willingly accepts the offer of the educator;

The child agrees to the offer of the educator, but he needs additional motivation (“Help me”);

The child does not accept the purpose of labor outside the game situation ("Dunno does not know how to care for plants. Do you want to teach him?").

2. The ability to highlight the subject of labor

The child is invited to select two plants from a corner of nature that need watering, loosening, dusting, and explain why he chose these plants:

Independent in determining the object of labor, isolates its features (signal signs of a living object: the earth is dry, dust on the leaves, etc.);

The subject of labor and its features that are significant for labor are singled out with the help of an educator;

Does not single out the object of labor with its features (even with the help of an adult).

3. The ability to foresee the result of labor

The child must answer what the plants will be like after he provides care:

The child foresees the result of labor (flowers will grow well after watering, loosening);

The result of labor is determined with the help of an adult;

Does not cope with the task even with the help of an adult.

4. Ability to plan the work process

The child is invited to talk about the sequence of labor actions and explain the need for such a sequence. In case of difficulty, give the child a set of pictures depicting labor actions to remove dust from plants and offer to arrange them sequentially:

The child independently tells, explains the sequence of labor actions;

Arranges the pictures in the correct sequence and explains;

Cannot plan the sequence of labor actions.

select the necessary equipment

Invite the child to select the equipment necessary for work. Put him in a situation of choice: along with the necessary tools and equipment, put those that are unnecessary for this labor process (for example, a net for transplanting fish, etc.):

Independently selects the necessary equipment;

With the help of a little help from an adult, selects the necessary tools;

Can't complete tasks.

6. Mastering labor skills and abilities

The child is invited to show how he will take care of the plants: water the plants correctly, loosen the soil, remove dust from different plants:

All labor actions are performed quite qualitatively and independently;

Individual labor operations are carried out quite independently, but of poor quality;

The quality of the performance of labor actions and the quality of the result are low.

Evaluation of results

N - LOW - the effectiveness of labor activity is low, instructions are required, direct assistance from an adult in the performance of labor activities.

C - AVERAGE - the work of the child is effective with a little help from adults; The child has a desire for independence.

B - HIGH - the child is completely independent in the work of caring for plants. Labor is productive.




1. Skills and abilities with the participation of the child in collective work according to the type of general (the content of the tasks is the same)

A subgroup of children is invited to wash plant saucers. Everyone washes 1-2 saucers. Conclusion: all saucers are clean. When completing the task, the teacher pays attention to how the children distributed the objects of labor among themselves, selected the necessary equipment, perform the labor action, and evaluate the quality of the labor actions performed.

2. Skills and abilities with the participation of the child in collective work (the content of the tasks is different)

A subset of children are told that the paint cans are dirty. What to do?

Collective labor assumes that each child performs a certain labor action (one washes, another rinses, the third wipes, puts on a tray, etc.). Distribute responsibilities, agree among themselves, the children themselves. When completing a task, the educator pays attention to the ability to set a collective goal of work, distribute work between participants, distribute work equipment for each participant in joint work, organize a workplace, work at a common pace, etc.

Evaluation of results:

LOW - the child willingly accepts and is included in labor activity, but labor actions are hasty, of poor quality. In collective work, he prefers "work side by side".

AVERAGE - the child willingly accepts and joins in labor activity, shows diligence in performance of labor actions. Willingly joins in the collective forms of labor activity, but plays the role of an assistant.

HIGH - the child likes to work. All actions are performed skillfully, efficiently. Acts as an organizer in collective forms of children's labor activity; distributes work benevolently, interacts with other children.


manual skill

The child is invited to make a snowflake. The child must choose the paper of the desired quality, color, size and the necessary tools (scissors, pencil) and make it according to one of the variable samples.

The teacher lays out in front of the child on the table 3 options for making snowflakes and their corresponding step-by-step cards, clearly representing the method of making snowflakes.

When completing the task, attention is drawn to the presence of general labor and special skills, the formation of generalized design methods, the development of combinatorial skills, the reproductive or creative nature of the activity.

2. Ability to realize the idea

The educator reveals to what extent the child can accept the purpose of the activity, choose material and tools, organize the workplace, use step-by-step cards, master self-control actions, and the ability to independently achieve results.

Evaluation of results:

LOW - helplessness in all components of the labor process; refusal to work, low independence, the need for direct adult assistance; the result of low quality work.

MEDIUM - high independence in reproductive activities. the quality of the result is high, but without elements of novelty or close transfer, insufficient combinatorial skills and independence for the implementation of a creative idea (advice, guidance, inclusion of an adult in the labor process are required); The idea was partially realized.

HIGH - developed combinatorial skills. The use of operational maps, a generalized design method; complete independence; result High Quality, original or with elements of novelty.


Children are monitored during the process of duty in the dining room, play area, nature corner. To do this, two people are assigned to each type of duty. There is a change of types of duty every two days, and together with the children the quality of work is assessed, i.e. self-esteem is formed.

Duty on


whether the children want to be on duty, and whether their desire is reflected in the actual work process;

What are their motives, the nature of their behavior in the process of duty: do they evade duty;

Is it good to be on duty only under the control of the educator, children;

Do they work well during duty as assigned by the educator;

Whether they are on duty well, whether they do work off duty, whether they help others.

Working in the play area

Working in a corner of nature

Group A (low level) - children are on duty carelessly, willingly transfer their duties to others, refuse to be on duty, forget about it, do not finish the job, believe that order is the work of the assistant teacher, other children.

Group B (below average) - attitude to duty is unstable, the quality of work depends on mood.

Group B (intermediate level) - perform their duties well, actively, do not forget about them, but do not help others, strive to get the approval of adults without fail.

Group G (above average) - children are willing, they are on duty well, they themselves remember their duties. If they are not on duty at the moment, they still pay attention to the disorder in the group and eliminate it, asking them to appoint them on duty.

Group D (high level) - children constantly strive to participate in collective activities, work well, help comrades in various activities.


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