Caucasian toasts and table jokes on a man’s anniversary. Funny birthday toasts: short and funny greetings for women and men

It's okay that birthdays only come once a year. With our toasts you can decorate any feast and create a holiday almost every day. There is always a reason for fun. And with the help of a variety of toasts for every taste, you can create a festive atmosphere and give everyone present a great mood.

If you don’t have enough imagination to come up with an original and funny greeting yourself, don’t despair! With our selection you will become known as a merry fellow and a ringleader. In this article we have collected for you toasts for a birthday, or any other holiday, which can be selected for men and women for any feast:

  • Short;
  • In verse;
  • Funny;
  • Cool;
  • Vulgar.

Happy birthday, dear!

I wish you money and more fools,

To get rid of the shackles

Our life is not easy.

Fur coats, clubs, diamonds

And champagne flows

To flow from the tap.

I didn’t even get up from the couch.

Chocolates, marmalades

For breakfast and lunch.

All whims were fulfilled

And you didn’t hear no.

Here's to you, my friend!

We're drinking Martini, where's the mug?

Pour it, my old lady!

One day a girl was wandering through the desert with a bottle of drink. And he sees in front of him a weakened guy who was almost dying. He was thirsty. In a weak, barely audible voice, he asked the woman for a drink, but she refused him. The girl wanders further and there is an oasis in front of her. She is very happy, splashing in the water, bathing. And then she remembers about the poor guy she met along the way. The girl got him some water and decided to give him something to drink, she returned to the place where she met him, but he had already given up... So let’s drink to the fact that women and girls always give on time! This also applies to the birthday girl. Here's to you, friend!

A beautiful and slender, completely naked woman walks through the desert and meets a handsome young man. He is also naked, but his male genitals are covered with a hat. The woman wanted to look at everything without a hat, came close to the guy and quickly removed both hands. But the hat began to hang there. So let's drink to the indescribable beauty of the girl, which gives you the strength to hold your hat!

You are as beautiful as a llama.

Graceful as a peahen.

Delicious like a bun

And it smells like Chanel.

You tear down a tower worse than alcohol

I want to flirt with you.

Overhaul in your bed

Set it up for a few weeks.

For you, my dear!

I drink and pour myself,

I raise this toast

And I stand up to my full height.

Happy birthday!

If you have small troubles in your life, be ironic. If you have huge troubles, laugh heartily. If they ask about your age, lie shamelessly! Happy holiday, friend, you have become another year older! Happy birthday!

So that you don't get jinxed,

So that they don’t get off you,

So that you always have something to wear

And there was always someone to be naked in front of!

Let's raise our faceted glasses so that the birthday girl has as much grief in her life as there is liquid left in our containers!

I wish you a lot of luck and a dacha by the sea. Happiness, health and everything blah blah blah. Such are the things...

Let's drink so that your desires will be to hell with my capabilities.

Girlish melodrama: “Before I had time to look back, they stopped looking back.” Let's raise a glass to those who don't look back. For you, newborn!

Vulgar toasts for a fun company

And so that they put you in prison imprisoned for 100 years for the gross rape of a young wife!

I want to get drunk for "MOOSE"!

To want

F*cked a moose and lived!

Let's raise our glasses for the ladies! After all, “I won’t give” is a bad phrase!

Let everything pass you by, of course, except intimacy!

For the men! Women drink on the laps of men!

A stray dog ​​is walking down the street, and a well-groomed lap dog runs towards him. -Hey! “Who are you?” asked the dog. “I’m a beautiful lap dog,” she answered playfully. “And I just decided to pee... I’ll make a simple toast, like this stray dog.” So that there will always be a stopper and there will always be money!

Cool toasts for a man's birthday

A man is like good wine: every year he becomes better, wiser. Let's drink to being healthier, wealthier and more successful!

You can just hear it on every corner: a man should do this, a man should do that... Enough! Today, my friend, you have only one thing to do - be happy! After all, birthday, as the crocodile Gena sang in one children's song, is only once a year! So have a blast and don’t worry about debt!

You're cool, like Bruce Willis. Handsome, like Brad Pitt. Strong like Schwarzenegger. Gentle, like Dima Bilan. So let's drink to your split personality!

Guys are like little children, honestly! They always need new beautiful cars and lots of them, so they can have their own airplanes and other toys. So let's drink to our stronger sex and their passions and that they always have cute dolls with them in their cars!

We always drink on days starting with the letter “S”: Wednesdays, Saturdays and today!

Once upon a time there lived a very unlucky guy. He did not see happiness, did not laugh or even smile. Everything was very bad for him. And so it went on day after day, month after month, year after year. But suddenly one fine day a miracle happened! Lady Fate herself appeared to him and offered him one of the three royal gifts. She suggested choosing between Love, Luck and Health. So let’s raise our glasses so that our dear friend never has to choose and all three of these gifts are present in abundance in the life of our birthday boy!

Cool short toasts

I am not a thirty-year-old lady, but a young 17-year-old girl with 13 years of experience!

The only wife - no matter what, the mistress - not bad. Two mistresses are possible, but several spouses are too much! So let's raise our glasses to a sense of proportion!

Such a treasure as an ideal woman cannot be found, it can only be created with one’s own hands, back-breaking labor, sweat and blood. So let's drink to the men who work tirelessly around the clock!

The girl is ready to do absolutely anything for the feeling of love - and even make love. The guy is ready to do a lot for just making love - and even to fall in love. So let's drink to a wonderful and bright feeling!

Expensive! Alcohol makes you look simply gorgeous! - But I didn’t use it! - That’s not the point, I used it! So let's raise our glasses to female attractiveness!

Cool toasts in verse

So that it always stands with us

And you had ** yes.

So that the beds break

The parties didn't end there.

Let's drink to the girls!

So many bows and skirts.

Tights, ruffles, thongs, bodices

And there are so many myths floating around!

There are a lot of them - all sorts of simpletons,

Aristocrats, fuckers,

Their legs will grow from their ears,

And we kiss them, little Ukrainians.

They are so passionate and hot

And they love the tenderness of veal.

We will drink vodka slowly,

Girls, let life be yours

Fresh, sweet and good!

This toast is a little simple,

But there are immense feelings in him.

Pour the third toast

And we drink to our girls!

As they say, the stronger sex is weaker than the weaker, due to the weakness of the stronger sex towards the weaker. What a twist! Let's drain our glasses to the bottom!

Attention, TODAY only!

There are many people who don't like to celebrate their birthday. And let them say that there is no longer that delight from gifts and a festive table, but still, everyone is pleased to hear pleasant words addressed to them from friends, and for a man, the most dear wishes come from his beloved woman, who chose him as her life partner.

Life is such a strange thing that you don’t always manage to get what you want on time. So today I wanted to congratulate you first, but I’m probably doing it last. But I hope you won't be less pleased. Since this happened, I want to wish you that you will always be in the right place at the right time. This will be called the favor of fate towards you. Always be her darling. Congratulations!

God sends some into the world to suffer, some to boredom, some to a drab existence, and some to the joy of everyone. The latter includes our dear birthday boy (Name)! Charm and talent always sparkle around him. With him it becomes clear that life is much more interesting than you usually think about it. So let's drink to you, dear (Name). May you always glow with joy!

Everyone says wonderful things about the exclusivity of this day. And I propose to raise our glasses to the fact that the “newborn” has many more such days in his life!

On this day I wish only one thing: that you never stop... getting younger! Be always young, happy, inspired! May luck accompany you in everything! Congratulations! For you!

One Chinese philosopher said: “A dream is not something that already exists, but also not something that cannot exist. It’s like on earth - there is no road, but people will pass by and pave the way.” So let's drink to the birthday boy to pave his own unique road on earth - the road of his dreams!

He will not lose the honor of his uniform, he is talented, cheerful and smart.

And in the role of a ladies' idol, he seems to be unsurpassed.

And, celebrating his birthday, one cannot help but pay tribute to him,

Raise your glass without delay and salute him with champagne!

Dear birthday boy! On your birthday, we wish with all our hearts that the green Mercedes will easily and happily carry you through life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, that the road will go through a blooming garden and that all those you need will be nearby. For your well-being and success!

Youth is a state of delightful anticipation and the feeling that anything is possible. Let's drink to the fact that the hero of this evening always maintains mental youth, good health and always has success in achieving his goals.

Why do I love the birthday boy? He's as smart as me. Let's drink a glass of wine to a good man and wish him to always have joy for the eyes, delight for the soul, and may the grains of his labors fall on fertile soil and always yield a rich harvest!

As you know, women without male attention fade, and men without female attention become stupid. My friend, let's drink so that you never become stupid!

There is an old New Year's custom: how you greet it is how you spend it. For the birthday boy, a new year of his life begins today.

So let it be as fun as tonight!

What could be the best wish? This is, first of all, a wish for health of soul and body, a wish that love always blooms in the heart and celebration sounds. So let's raise our glasses and wish all this to our dear (Name)!

I raise my glass to express my warm feeling, warmed by the drinks, to the hero of the evening and congratulate him on his birthday. I wish you to be like light, live for two hundred years, sing songs and be blown away by love.

Let's ring out a loud "Hurray!" in his honor.

A man sounds proud, if he is, of course, a real man. And believe me, someone who has known you for a long time, you are just such a man! Therefore, let me raise my glass and wish you to continue to remain as courageous as a rock, but at the same time soft and gentle in the warm hands of your beloved!

A toast on a man's birthday should be short, but not so short that everyone thinks that there is nothing worth saying about him. He should be witty, but not so much that everyone laughs for 2 hours, and, finally, he should be smart, but not so smart that everyone gets busy and forgets to drink, in general, something like this: “Here’s to you, you nanotechnological one!” .

It would be better to celebrate a birthday not once a year, but every day, so that during this long time you have time to list all the advantages of the birthday person! So let's drink to at least two of his main virtues - for the fact that he exists, and for the fact that he is with us!

Let's drink to the hero of our feast! He is a wonderful husband, a wonderful father, a wonderful specialist and a wonderful person.

Our birthday boy has a beautiful, noble and sublime name, and it naturally leaves an imprint on the person who bears it. The hero of today's celebration has an abyss of spiritual nobility and other virtues. He always tries to treat others the way he would like them to treat him. I propose to drink to our friend, to his beautiful heart and wish him long life!

Dear birthday boy, we wish you a sea of ​​smiles and greetings, a sea of ​​flowers and a sea of ​​joyful meetings, happy moments and the Canary Islands on your vacation days! For the birthday boy!

Dear (Name)! On your birthday, I am very pleased to express our best wishes to you. May you always feel good, may you be valued at home and at work, may you have iron health, may you be surrounded by the kindness of your neighbors and colleagues!

A birthday is an annual gift given to a person to rejoice in the love and affection that close friends have for him. And so we resolutely declare that this event is valuable and dear to us. May the days of your life go long, and may your love and affection for us always be. Long live the birthday boy.

Today a man has been born who has a lot to learn from. You are smart, worthy and very beautiful, God forbid everyone should be born like that. We certainly hasten to congratulate you, good luck, love and excellent health, so that everyone will envy your strength and so that at work there is a high paper equivalent. We wish you boundless good luck and luck in life today. And congratulations on your birthday, be free, successful, free.

Sorry, I'm late! I hope that during the time that I was gone, no one had time to wish you that every day of yours would be a holiday for which you would not be late, like me!

Dear birthday boy! Let me wish you good health, because it is so necessary, happiness, because it is always lacking, joy, because it is desired, fulfillment of desires, because this is what you live for, friendship and love!

Never give up

After all, there is no need for despondency!

You hold your tail up

And live wisely, brother!

Let's drink to you now -

You are a real man!

Raise your glass quickly

And be happy every moment!

Well, for fishing, for hunting,

For good weather.

For you, my friend, we drink

And we'll pour it one more time.

I raise a toast to friendship,

For study and service,

For beautiful, smart ladies,

For our friendly, strong clan.

For your birthday, for happiness,

Let bad weather go away

For luck, for fun

And for the birthday celebration.

My toast to true friendship,

My toast to you, man,

My toast needs to be repeated twice,

My toast will teach you a lesson.

In it I send you joy,

And I give happiness for the holiday,

Man, congratulations to you,

And I love him as a person.

We drink to you today,

And if we get drunk, it means

We only live one life -

Always seize your moment of luck!

And let the crystal chime

He composes a hymn to the birthday boy,

May he always be happy

And those who keep pace with him!

Long may your youthful enthusiasm

Caresses our ears and eyes!

I want to raise a glass of wine today,

A couple of lines of wishes to say.

We wish you a happy birthday

And we will send you our congratulations.

So that everything in life always goes well,

And so that everything is always fun.

So that joy would always be nearby,

And life would be like sweetness.

It's time to raise our glasses

And happy birthday!

Be healthy and be strong

Let your career grow!

Be inspired by love

Be happy beyond measure!

Like a hot coal

Congratulations will not cool down,

The candles won't go out

The speeches will not stop!

We won't go home for a long time

On your birthday!

Dear birthday boy! We wish you not to experience irreparable losses and intelligently adjust your outlook on life so as to always be happy. Cheers!

The website will help you choose the right words not only for a toast on a man’s birthday, but also for other holidays, such as Name Day, Christmas, Maslenitsa, New Year and many, many others...

When they court us, they bring flowers and gifts. And after the wedding - dirty shirts and only half the salary.
When they care for us, we hear beautiful words and songs. And after the wedding - a rare muttering about the newspaper.
So let's drink to our loved ones looking after us for the rest of our lives!

Toast for a man's birthday

I want to raise my glass
For a real man!
You've seen a lot in life,
You have reached the pinnacle of your career!
So may God protect you,
From all the sorrows and adversity,
Let love beckon you,
And let your life flow in full swing!

Toast for a man's anniversary

Dear hero of the day!
I suggest we raise our glasses and drink to
so that in a certain number of years we will celebrate your birthday again
and you told us, as Bernard Shaw did:
“You see, I turned 68 years old.
I have two more years of youth at my disposal, so I have to hurry..."

Congratulations to the man toast

Once upon a time there lived a man. He was very wise, hardworking, worked a lot. He built a house, hunted, and took care of animals. The man was very tired and wanted to rest. So he came up with beer and stag parties on Saturdays. But he was still bored. And he came up with football. And he had beer, football and a group of friends on Saturdays. But there was still Sunday, which he still missed. And the man came up with fishing. And he had fishing trips on Sundays with friends and beer. But the man wanted something new. And he met a woman. And he married her. And the woman forbade him beer, football, and fishing on Sundays.
So let's drink to the fact that men know exactly what they want and do not regret it after their desires come true!!!

Short toast for a man's birthday

My toast to true friendship,
My toast to you little man
My toast needs to be repeated twice,
My toast will teach you a lesson.
In it I send you joy,
And I give happiness for the holiday,
Man, congratulations to you,
And I love him as a person.

Cool short toast for a man's birthday

A man is a steel spring,
A motor singing in the sky,
A single menacing step of the squad,
Eagle screeching in the heights of the mountains.
A man is a bunch of pepper
A master's firm hand
And a heart that loves women:
So let's drink to the man!

Funny toast to a man

They say that the ideal man is the one who does not smoke, does not drink, does not gamble, agrees with the woman in everything and fulfills all her desires. Do they exist? Doubtful... So let's drink to our men, who are real and have some weaknesses!

Toast happy birthday to a man

Friends! Let's drink to my very good friend, whom I remember often. I remember him day and night, early in the morning and late in the evening. I remember him when I go to work, and even during work, when I am visiting and on a walk, on hikes and on vacation, and in the rain, and in the slush, and in the cold. In general, I remember my friend everywhere and everywhere, and even when I’m sitting with you, my friends, at this table... and I just can’t remember my good friend, damn him... So let’s drink to my friend!

Toast to a man with humor

May you have as much money as your wife wishes for you, and as much health as your mother wishes for you. And if you do not come home late at night, let it be for the reason that your wife, and not your mother, thinks about.

Cool toast for a man's birthday

Anniversaries are always taken much more seriously,
than for a normal birthday.
This causes superstitious horror at the approaching figure.
But it's only been another year, we haven't aged much at all,
and life goes on.
There are still many such years ahead, many such anniversaries.
I want to congratulate you on one of them!

Toast to a man's 30th birthday

Someone once said very wise words, which I would like to repeat today with pleasure: “All the beauty of our life lies in unique moments!” Therefore, I propose to drink to this unique moment in the life of our dear and beloved birthday boy, to his thirty years, to family, loved ones and friends who have gathered at this festive table, and to the fact that the warmth and joy of this unforgettable moment will warm us for many years to come. his soul!

Toast to a man on his 45th birthday

Dear hero of the day! I wish with all my heart,
so that the “carriage of your life” rolls easily and happily,
overcoming all obstacles and difficulties,
so that the road goes through a garden strewn with fruits,
and so that everyone you need is near you.
I raise a glass to your well-being and success!

Toast to a man's 50th birthday

The anniversary is compared to a milestone. A person has years behind him - years of happiness and bitterness, victories and defeats, success and mistakes. But I raise a glass not to the past, but to the future of our hero of the day, in which everything will be, but only even better! For your victories!

Toast to a man on his 55th birthday

You can surpass a person, but it is impossible to surpass the sky of his soul.
Our dear hero of the day, let me congratulate you and wish you
May the bright spring sun always shine in the sky of your pure, bright soul!

Toast to a man's 60th birthday

You bravely brought out congratulations,
But I want to repeat again,
I wish you only happiness and fun,
So that you can live your life without losses.
For the anniversary, for the holiday for adults only,
For your boundless courage,
I want to support other toasts,
Drink up to the dregs, today anything is possible!

Toast for a man's 60th birthday

These were sixty years that shook the world... I want to wish you to continue to shake it for at least another 60 years, but more is possible! After all, all that is needed for this is good health, excellent mood and good spirits, for which I raise my glass! For our dear hero of the day!

Posts 1 - 20 from 34

For the birthday of a unique, creative, crazy, attractive, desirable, sweet, gentle, seasoned, loyal, cheerful, crazy man. For you, dear!

A birthday is a good reason to think about life. Over the years, you understand more and more that the main thing is not to wait for trump cards to be dealt to you, but to make the best use of the cards you already have in your hands.
Let's drink to the birthday boy and his constant luck!

Men are part of our lives. Without them there would be no happiness and peace in the world. But they are like children: they love cars, beautiful dolls, airplanes and helicopters. Over the years, men mature, but their tastes remain unchanged. On your birthday, I want to wish you a lot of money, enough for cars, a helicopter, and patience to love your doll. I'm emptying the wine glass for you!

Happy birthday! I wish you to be happy and healthy. May the sun always shine on your street and never encounter thunderstorms or misfortunes. All the best to you.

The man is a rock. The man is a wall. Behind him, behind the mountain, is the whole family. So let our defense prosper and smile, so that no river can break through it!

Let's raise a glass in honor of a real man's birthday! He is ready to help, and will never offend with a word, he stands up for the honor of his family and his relatives. We wish you more health and good luck on your life's journey!

An adult, brave, strong, courageous, smart and handsome - this is all our birthday boy! The best man in the world is our birthday boy! The hero of our occasion is also our birthday boy! So let's drink to him!

Observant women believe that two major shortcomings are inherent in most modern men. Firstly, their thoughts are constantly about sex. Well, secondly, their thoughts are at odds with their actions.
For the birthday boy! Let his thoughts and deeds never diverge!

Buddy! Today you turn... years old. On this joyful day, I would like to wish you that all life’s adversities pass you by, that prosperity accompanies you throughout your life, and most importantly, that your family pleases you more and more every day! For you!

As we all know, a man is like wine - the years only make him better. I want to wish that all subsequent years make you not only better, but also richer, healthier, happier and more successful. Happy Birthday!

On this day I wish you strong support - this is your wife; true friends - not behind your back, but nearby; joys in life - in your children. And, of course, health, like a healthy bull. And everything else good will follow.

The familiar quatrain reads:
“If the wind is in your face, don’t bend!
If suddenly it’s hard, brace yourself!
If your heart is happy, sing!
But always be yourself!”
So, on this man’s birthday, let’s drink to the fact that he always, under any circumstances, remains himself!

You won’t believe it, but I don’t even know what to wish you. You have everything: a big and warm house, a fast car, a loving and strong family, a stable job. So I wish you, perhaps, to stay the same course and not pay attention to the obstacles that come along the way. Be as courageous, brave and hardworking.

Men are like children: they love cars, helicopters, airplanes and beautiful dolls. On your birthday, I wish you such prosperity that you have enough money for expensive cars, personal planes, and flights to resorts. And let your favorite doll always be next to you.

They say that only those who never give up can hope for success. I want to drink to the birthday boy. So that he never gives up either his arms or the rest of his body. And he could always meet his luck fully armed, he was ready to catch it and not miss it!

I want you to drink
I was happy on my name day,
To make all your dreams come true,
May success not forget you.

And there was a sweetheart nearby,
And she respected and took care of it.
More support from friends!
Let's drink to this quickly!

Everywhere I hear: a man should do this, a man should do that... I'm tired of it. Today, dear, you must only do one thing - be happy! Because birthday, as Gena sang, is only once a year! So let this annual event become another bright and colorful day in the circle of loved ones and be remembered for a lifetime. Happy birthday!

From the entire team,
And from us personally,
We wish that your
Wishes came true.

Prosperity to the family,
Both at work and at home.
We are all very proud
That we know you.

Raise a glass
And once again we wish
To make everything work out,
After all, we expect success.

When a girl is born, everyone is touched by her beauty. With age, beauty still remains the main criterion for her evaluation. With boys, at birth, it’s the same story. But, over time, he is assessed as a diligent student, a talented student, a competent worker and a successful man. Oh, how difficult it is for men. But our birthday boy did not make a mistake at any stage. So let's drink to an exemplary son, friend and husband, worker and drinking companion.

Let's drink to the fact that our beloved birthday boy will always have worthy support, joy and inexhaustible strength. May you always have a worthy and beautiful woman by your side, may you never be able to get enough of the success of your children and at the same time never lose your health! Happy birthday!

I'll raise a glass to this day,
In which one man was born,
Who is not too lazy to help his friends,
Who is not used to looking for reasons!

Also for his health and success,
I'll drink to the bottom without grimacing,
To make your laughter sound
May you always go through life laughing!

I propose to drink for you,
Always be on top
Smile, don't be sad,
Find something you like!

Travel and dream
Don't forget about your friends
Be confident
And stay away from troubles!

Happiness, joy, goodness,
Happy Birthday to You,
Be wise, don't be discouraged,
Conquer the world all the time!

Day Birthdays are the best holiday! It consists of:
R hellishness;
ABOUT waiting for gifts;
AND arch dances;
D ear congratulations;
E Yes, delicious on the table;
N reliable friends;
AND interesting entertainment;
I bright fireworks.
If everyone agrees with the holiday scenario, let's drink to the birthday boy!

There's no getting around this fact
Like, how far has the progress come?
And before we managed somehow
No Skype and no SMS.

And it was like this: for this purpose
Wrote letters by hand
And to the hero of the day, as best he could,
We tried to write poems.

They wished from the heart in that letter,
To respectable anonymous
Was healthy in winter and summer
And he was rich, and he was loved.

And the hero of the day, a little embarrassed,
Upon receipt of the letter
Memorized poems from memory
And he repeated: “Very, very!”

But now it's a different time,
I will say at this point:
“So let’s drink to your birthday,
And anyway, let’s have a drink!”

Let your strength not leave you,
All desires come to life
And let your enemies be afraid,
And don't doubt yourself!

Always be healthy
Happiness, joy, goodness,
And live in abundance,
Don't be sad, don't be sad!

And also go to the rocking chair,
I wish you a sweet life,
I drink to you today
I shake your hand with respect!

There lived one unfortunate man in this world. It was very difficult for him: any of his undertakings was a failure and there was no one close to him to console and cheer him up. But one day a miracle happened in his poor life - Fate itself appeared to him, giving him the opportunity to choose one of three gifts. These were Health, Success and Love. So let's drink, dear friend, so that you never have to choose from these gifts, having them in abundance!