Key reasons why cats lose hair

Hair loss in cats is, in general, a natural process, just like the daily loss of a certain amount of hair in humans. If you are the owner of a cat, then, most likely, hairballs have long become part of your interior, but the cat’s hair is not getting smaller. This is influenced, firstly, by the cellular renewal of all tissues of the body, including hairs, and secondly, by the seasonal molting of animals after the winter period of “warming”.

However, hair loss in cats, which is common for many, can develop into a more serious problem - baldness, which is also called alopecia. How do you know when it's time to take action? To begin with, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • the cat is constantly itching and showing obvious anxiety;
  • hair falls out in clumps or in much larger volumes than usual;
  • a bald spot has appeared that is not covered with hair; the stomach most often suffers;
  • areas without hairs appear symmetrically on different sides;
  • the color of the cat’s skin has changed everywhere or in certain areas;
  • the animal constantly licks the areas of prolapse;
  • ears or 1 ear become inflamed and bald;
  • the tail, belly or back goes bald.

Hair loss in cats causes and treatment

Typically, the causes of baldness in cats are diseases that cannot be cured on your own, without the help of a veterinarian. Among the main factors influencing hair loss in cats are:

  1. The most common are stress, vitamin deficiency and heredity. Poor nutrition, exhaustion, nervous disorders (for example, from changing owners, if the cat is lost, or a bald cat is often threatened) affect the condition of the body, causing excessive hair loss.
  2. Chronic (possibly hereditary) diseases of internal organs: stomach, liver, intestines (stomach goes bald).
  3. Allergic reactions. Also very common. The animal's immune system may not work properly:
    • with insect bites that inject their saliva (fleas, ticks, bedbugs);
    • when using detergents for the home or for animal hygiene;
    • if incorrect (paws, groin, stomach suffer);
    • in the absence of fresh air or heavy smoke in the room;
    • when choosing low-quality food or feeding the cat some foods “from the table” (most often these are foods with dyes, flavor enhancers and flavorings).

IMPORTANT! The first thing the owner should pay attention to is the contact of the animal with household chemicals, shampoos or various types of sprayers.

A regular veterinarian may not be able to pinpoint why your cat is going bald and will need to be taken to see a dermatologist. Most often, diagnosis is not difficult, but there are cases when making a diagnosis and baldness requires study and observation. A visual examination may not be enough, and additional measures will be required, for which the doctor will prescribe the following manipulations:

  • take a blood test and cytology;
  • hormonal studies;
  • do an ultrasound of internal organs (if tumors or enlargement of internal organs are suspected);
  • trichoscopy (examination of hair);
  • scraping microscopy;
  • fluorescent diagnostics;
  • bacteriological cultures.

IMPORTANT! Some diseases that lead to baldness cannot be completely cured, and sometimes therapy requires persistence and a long period of treatment, so the owner must be prepared to fulfill all the requirements, patiently help his pet and even accept the fact that the cat will have a bare belly.

Treatment and prevention of baldness

In some cases (), the animal's fur is shaved off as quickly as possible and antifungal agents are used - itraconazole or ketoconazole or the antibiotic griseofulfin.

In order to avoid treating and torturing your cat, it is better to know about such cat ailments and prevent their occurrence. The owner will be able to:

Helping a suffering animal is the duty of every owner. Indeed, in addition to falling out hair, baldness can cause itching and inflammation of the skin. Let your cat purr peacefully in her favorite place again, and you will no longer need to clean up fallen hairballs.

Fluffy and affectionate cats are a real decoration for any home. A beautiful fur coat is not only a sign of well-grooming, but also a reflection of the state of health. However, household members often begin to notice fur not only on the animal, but also on the floor and upholstered furniture. The reasons why a cat's hair will fall out are very diverse - from physiological molting to serious infectious diseases. Most often, this phenomenon is caused by non-serious reasons and is quickly corrected with a balanced diet, vitamins, and hygiene procedures.

Read in this article

Main reasons

The thick and fluffy coat of a pet is not only an indicator of its physical health, but also a source of pride for a caring owner. And if the animal begins to lose its beautiful coat, then you should find out the reason why the cat’s hair is coming out. As a rule, the reasons leading to hair loss in a pet can be divided into the following groups:

Physiological factors

This category primarily includes seasonal molting. Spring and autumn coat changes are associated with the preparation of the animal for the summer and winter seasons. The duration of the phenomenon may last for several months. It should also be taken into account that in apartment conditions with a constant air temperature, the boundaries of interseasonal molting can be erased.

Physiological reasons also include loss of fur during pregnancy and nursing. During this crucial period, the mother’s body releases the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals, which adversely affects the condition of the coat. After giving birth and feeding the kittens, the condition returns to normal, and the fluffy coat takes on its original appearance.

Hair loss is common in older cats. As a rule, it thins out on the muzzle and around the ears.

Allergic reactions

Often the reason why a cat sheds hair all year round is due to allergies. This reaction occurs to medications, dust, household chemicals, and detergents. Food allergies are common in animals. Often, hair falls out due to the development of contact dermatitis, for example, when allergies to chemicals or plants develop. One of the causes of hair loss is also considered to be flea infestation, which develops as a result of a pathological reaction to flea bites.

In case of allergic hair loss, the owner will also observe itching, redness of the skin, and restlessness of the animal.

To see what it looks like and what symptoms are characterized by flea dermatitis in a cat, watch this video:

Nutritional reasons

Often, hair loss is caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet. An unbalanced content of vitamins A, D, E, and group B in food is the cause of thinning of a cat's coat. Taurine plays an important role in maintaining a healthy coat. When choosing a diet for your pet, you need to monitor the optimal content of not only complete protein, but also taurine, vitamins and minerals.

Treats for cats with taurine

In addition to the lack of elements, poor nutrition leads to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of dysbacteriosis, which often leads to an unhealthy coat and prolonged molting.

Such contagious diseases are often the reason why a cat’s hair falls out in clumps. In addition to baldness, which can be either focal or general, such pathologies also cause itching, dandruff, purulent processes on the skin, anxiety, and weight loss. also worsen the condition of the coat and lead to its loss.

Bacterial and viral diseases

As a rule, in addition to hair loss in this case, the owner observes other more serious symptoms:

  • lethargy,
  • poor appetite
  • indigestion,
  • feverish condition,
  • other.

Dysfunction of the sebaceous glands

The development of seborrhea in a cat due to the pathological functioning of the sebaceous glands often leads not only to the loss of a beautiful and healthy appearance of hair, but also to its total loss.

There are many reasons why a cat loses hair. The owner needs to correctly identify when fur loss is reversible, which can be corrected without medication, and when it is a symptom of a serious illness that requires treatment from a specialist.

Dietary rules for those who do not require treatment

Good nutrition plays an important role in maintaining the health of a cat's coat. The animal’s diet should contain not only protein, taurine, but also other useful substances: vitamins, minerals, omega-3 acids.

If the cat eats natural food, what should you feed the cat to prevent hair from coming out in this case? The diet should first of all be varied; mono-diets lead to the fact that the pet does not receive the necessary vitamins and microelements that make up wool. Veterinarians recommend the following:

  • The cat menu should include lean meat. Preference should be given to beef and chicken. The protein contained in foods is used by the body to build tissue, including fur.
  • The diet should include lean fish (cod, halibut, salmon). Fish products contain natural omega-3 fatty acids, which have antioxidant properties and are responsible for a thick coat. It is useful to give your cat seafood rich in zinc.
  • Raw and boiled vegetables (carrots, turnips, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower), greens are excellent sources of not only beneficial vitamins and minerals, but also substances that help normalize digestion.
  • The introduction of fermented milk products into the diet - low-fat cottage cheese and kefir - has a positive effect on the condition of the coat. These products prevent the development of dysbiosis and improve the absorption of vitamins.

And for those who choose dry food, the question of what to feed the cat to prevent hair from coming out is no less relevant. First of all, it is necessary to exclude mass-market food from your pet’s diet. Cheap ready-made diets do not meet physiological needs and contain many preservatives, dyes and other undesirable components.

Preference should be given to high-quality industrial feed from manufacturers producing premium and super-premium products. The line of well-known companies includes options designed specifically to maintain the health of the coat. Typically, such foods contain omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, biotin and zinc. These substances provide not only a healthy shine, but also prevent hair loss.

To learn what and how to feed your pet correctly to avoid various diseases, watch this video:

General rules for avoiding problems

  • Regular brushing of fur. For this procedure, it is best to use a special comb -. Combing wool not only allows you to remove tangles and stray hair, but also significantly reduces shedding. The use of a special comb massages the pet’s skin, improves blood circulation and thereby reduces hair loss.
  • Bathing a cat using medicated shampoos and special conditioners allows you to eliminate the consequences of excessive hair loss. Caring shampoos normalize the acid-base balance of the skin, improve the condition of the coat and promote the growth of new healthy hair.
  • Regular walks in the fresh air will help not only strengthen the immune system, but also significantly reduce the periods of off-season molting.
  • Avoiding stressful situations. When moving, changing home, or getting a new pet or family member, to prevent hair loss from stress, the animal should be given sedatives after prior consultation with a veterinarian.
  • It will help some to solve the question of what to do if the cat has reducing the temperature in the room where the cat lives, as well as preventing it from being near radiators.
  • Vaccinate the animal from bacterial and viral diseases, including ringworm.
  • R regular preventive examination at the veterinary clinic. A biochemical test of blood and urine will show the pet’s health status, help identify a disease or vitamin deficiency in the early stages of development and adjust the diet.
  • Use of vitamin and mineral supplements to improve the condition of the coat and reduce its loss. A veterinarian should recommend one or another complex, taking into account the pet’s health status, diet and lifestyle. As a rule, such additives should be used if the animal eats natural food. When feeding a cat with high-quality industrial food, it usually does not need additional vitamins and minerals.

Hair loss in a pet has many different causes, some of which the owner can deal with on his own. Rational feeding, introducing vitamin and mineral supplements into the diet, and carrying out hygiene procedures will help preserve and maintain the health of your pet’s coat. It should be remembered that the beauty of a cat’s coat is not only an aesthetic pleasure, but also an indicator of the pet’s health.

Hair loss in a pet during seasonal molting becomes another reason for regular cleaning of the apartment, cleaning things and finding hairs in tea or morning cereal. Unpleasant, but harmless. A completely different question is why a cat’s hair falls out for no apparent reason, bald spots appear, and what to do about it. You need to understand that you can count more than 20 reasons for such troubles, without even going into details. Let's look at the popular and seemingly invisible causes of hair loss in cats.

Lucky is the owner who has never encountered problems with hair loss in purebred pets, even the owners of Sphynxes are no exception, because they come in velor. Cats of “noble” breeds have stronger immunity, but if maintenance standards are violated or they come into contact with other individuals, they can get sick like everyone else. Next, we’ll look point by point at one of the problems that every fifth cat owner faces.

Important! If you look at the basics, there can be only two reasons - skin problems or a general disease, so hair loss is a symptom, not an independent disease.

Is it really necessary to be sick?

Absolutely not necessary, perhaps the animal is experiencing age-related changes, reacts sharply to changing seasons or stress. Hair loss is not a reason to panic, however, like any deviation from the norm, it requires close attention.

There are problems, but there is no need to panic

Consequences of injections or vaccinations– scarring of the skin is accompanied by loss of fur, sometimes irreversibly. Carefully monitor the condition of the animal after vaccinations, inspect the injection sites for redness, the formation of scales or pustules.

Symptoms: thickening of the skin at the site of injury, scarring, abscesses or inflammation, subcutaneous bruising, itching, and rarely, fever.

What to do: in case of redness and itching, limit the affected area from scratching and give a veterinary antihistamine. Presence of fever is a mandatory consultation (at least by telephone).

Age-related hair thinning– applies to the areas around the eyes, on the ears and between them. If no deviations are observed against the background of a decrease in the density of the cover, the animal eats normally and leads a normal life, the owner has nothing to worry about.

Read also: Obesity in cats: when love is not good

Pregnancy or lactation period– a cat can lose a lot of fur, even to the point of partial baldness. Bald patches around the nipples may form on the belly of a nursing cat - this is normal. It is necessary to provide mommy with vitamins, proper nutrition and care.

Owners of kittens may experience hypotrichosis. This is not a disease, but a congenital gene defect. Kittens are born with very sparse hair and become completely bald within 3–4 months. If you are lucky enough to become the owner of a pet with such a rare deviation, stock up on clothes and blankets, the animal will often freeze.

In one of the animal hotels, the cat Phillip greatly frightened the caretakers and veterinarians. An hour after the owner left, the cat could no longer stand, and after 4 hours he lost all his fur. Doctors could not reach owner Michael, who was flying over the ocean. After landing, Michael immediately bought a return ticket and six hours later he was at the hotel, not hoping to find his friend alive. As it turned out, falling on his paws and throwing off his “fur coat” was a reaction to stress; the cat, fed from a pipette, got scared and decided that he had been abandoned. A week later, Phill was already running, and six months later he grew hair.

Hair loss as a symptom of moderate problems

– Just like people, cats can have problems with some foods. In case of signs of allergies, one cannot think in stereotypes. Despite its predatory nature, your pet may have a reaction to fish, milk, canned food and other “ordinary” foods.
Symptoms: hair loss in some areas of the skin, itching, inflammation of the ears, and sometimes fever. For an accurate diagnosis, an examination by a doctor is necessary. The cat becomes “twitchy”, itches often, can lick itself for a long time, and pays special attention to its fingers and claws.
What to do: review the diet, exclude all recently added products, determine the allergen using the “testing method”, eliminate store-bought food and any junk food, achieve complete disappearance of symptoms.

– allergies to inhaled substances. Symptoms are similar to food allergies, detected by skin biopsy or. The cause may be pollen, dust, mold spores.

Read also: Polyuria - frequent urination in cats

Contact dermatitis– a more serious and difficult to treat allergic reaction to the environment.

Possible allergens: antibiotics, nickel and other metals, polymeric materials (plastic, polyethylene, rubber), natural wool, chemicals (household chemicals, deodorants, cosmetics), poisonous plants.

Symptoms: In cats with sparse hair, skin blisters and redness form. Fluffy pets quickly and chronically lose hair. With constant contact with the allergen, the fur can come out in clumps and completely expose the skin. There is itching and, in severe cases, breathing problems.

What to do: look for an allergen by elimination and take special tests for popular allergens. In advanced cases, steroid and antihistamine treatment is carried out.

Allergy to flea or lice bites– a strong reaction to an enzyme in the flea’s saliva, occurs rarely, mainly in young or elderly fleas.

Symptoms: thickening of the skin at the site of the bite (like a blister from a mosquito bite), scabs, loss of hair or its roughening, severe itching, increased temperature of the affected areas of the skin.

Symptoms: hair loss in large areas on the front and hind legs, dry, scaly skin, dandruff and itching.

What to do: undergo a skin culture to accurately identify the causes and treat as prescribed by the doctor. Some types of ticks can be transmitted to people, so strict personal hygiene is necessary. The house and bedding should be burned and the home should be thoroughly disinfected.

Severe illnesses accompanied by hair loss

Demodicosis– at the initial stage it is often confused with lichen. The symptoms are very similar and can also be diagnosed by culture. Independent detection and treatment is impossible.

Symptoms: the cat loses hair on its back, and bald patches may form along the spine or in separate areas. When immunity declines, in some cases, upon contact with water or scratching, bald patches turn into wounds.

What to do: take a scraping and undergo the necessary tests. The disease is very common, so many veterinarians quickly diagnose it. If the affected areas are wet, bloody traces remain when wiped with gauze - parashki and drying drugs are prescribed. Scratching greatly aggravates the situation, so wearing a “cap” is recommended. Depending on the extent of the damage, treatment is prescribed; steroids are not used!

According to statistics, the cat is the most popular pet in Russia. This affectionate, graceful animal is able to relieve pain, brighten up loneliness, lift your spirits, and cause a storm of positive emotions with its games and soothing rumbling. An indicator of a pet's health is its fur coat - ideally it should be shiny, thick, and without bald spots. What to do if your cat's hair falls out - wait it out or sound the alarm?

Hair loss in cats

Cats lose hair every day - this is a natural process, since any hair has its own lifespan. It’s one thing when an animal peels off during seasonal molting, but feels great and looks healthy:

  • no temperature;
  • there are no receding hairline;
  • skin of normal color;
  • shiny eyes;
  • wet nose;
  • behavior is stable and playful.

Shedding is a common phenomenon for cats, occurring during the changing seasons. The animal grows an undercoat in the fall due to the approaching cold weather, and in the spring it “sheds” its thick coat, exchanging it for a cooler “outfit.” Shedding time lasts from two weeks to two months. However, in apartment conditions this process is delayed due to the operation of central heating, which dries the air. Turning on air conditioners or humidifiers can partially save the situation. But hair loss during shedding cannot be stopped. And food containing vitamins and frequent combing of the four-legged fur coat will help speed it up.

Why hair falls out in clumps: causes, treatment

It's a completely different matter when a cat's fur falls out in clumps, and this phenomenon has reached excessive proportions. Then this is not molting, but the beginning of a serious illness. Below is a table of the most likely reasons why a cat is losing hair, what to do and what actions to take.

The cat's diet should contain mineral supplements, vitamins (by age), meat, fish, and vegetables. Source: Flickr (LisaDiazPhotos)

What to do if your cat is losing hair

One of the reasons why a cat loses hair is due to poor nutrition. Do you love your pet and treat it to what you eat yourself: fried chicken, tenderloin, sausages? By doing this, you cause irreparable harm to the cat’s delicate stomach, even if she eats from your table with pleasure. Salt, spices, and excess protein lead to liver and kidney disease and food allergies. The cat not only “crumbles”, but also becomes nervous and licks itself for a long time to relieve the itching of the skin.

Sometimes allergies lead to fever, unpleasant odor from the mouth, and coughing. A veterinarian will give adequate advice on what to feed your pet when examining the animal and assessing the state of its health and fur. Sometimes it is enough to exclude allergenic foods from the diet and add a vitamin complex to make the animal look healthy and cheerful again. Don't forget about the mustachioed-striped breed. For fluffy Persians, Maine Coons or Siberians, veterinarians recommend buying food that makes it easier to remove shedding hairs from the stomach. An exotic cat of the La Perm breed must be fed food with a high content of vitamins and microelements.

The sex of the animal cannot be discounted. A good reason why a cat's hair falls out in clumps and is found on furniture and the floor may be feeding the kittens milk. But this phenomenon is temporary. As soon as the kittens grow up, the “mother” will again grow a “fur coat” and gain weight.

When increased hair loss occurs in cats, the reasons for this can be very diverse: a fight with street felines, heredity, seborrhea. And drawing an independent conclusion about what exactly your pet’s diagnosis is without the intervention of a specialist is difficult and even dangerous. If an animal begins to behave aggressively, or exhibits deviations from its usual behavior, accompanied by severe hair loss, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

When a kitten loses its fur, the owner needs to take care of the baby’s healthy nutrition - diversify the food, include cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables. And from the first months of life, the kitten needs to be accustomed to regular brushing, then he will love this process and quickly replace his baby fluff with a beautiful and shiny fur coat.

Prevention of the disease

Proper grooming will prevent fur diseases in cats. Regular brushing of a cat's coat is akin to a therapeutic massage; it will remove faded hairs and dirt. Stimulating the blood circulation process will stop hair diseases in cats at the root and eliminate heavy shedding. In this case, you need to use brushes and combs without sharp teeth, and the movements during combing should be soft and gentle so that the animal feels pleasant. The use of special shampoos will allow you to achieve amazing results when the animal’s coat becomes well-groomed, thanks to the presence of the necessary enzymes in the detergents.

The cat's diet should contain mineral supplements, vitamins (by age), meat, fish, and vegetables. You should limit feeding your pet from the common table, and do not overfeed the pet, especially older cats.

Give your home a thorough cleaning more often and wash (change) your cat's bedding. Consult your veterinarian regularly for preventative vaccines and proper animal care. And remember that hair loss in cats, the causes of this process and treatment are the concern of an experienced doctor. He will determine what medications (and in what doses) should be given to the animal. Only with this approach, without self-medication on your part, will your pet four-legged dog again be pleased with its healthy and beautiful appearance!

Video on the topic

Hair loss in your furry friend can be caused by either natural causes or a medical condition. In any case, if you notice fluffy lumps on the carpet and upholstered furniture, feel lint on your palms after contact with a cat, or catch hairs from tea and soup, this is always a reason to pay increased attention to the health of your pet.

Even breeds such as the Sphynx, which are sometimes velor, have difficulty maintaining fur. They are more common in purebred cats than in their ordinary counterparts. But the latter, despite their stronger immunity, can also suffer from baldness.

Possible causes of hair loss

If you carefully understand the problem, then all the causes of fur loss can be divided into three large groups:

Let's look at each of the groups in more detail.

Hair loss that does not require special treatment

  • Hair loss caused by the change of seasons, the so-called shedding, should concern the owner of the animal only in terms of the need to clean the apartment more often. Since this is a natural process, it will not cause any harm to your pet. Please note that shedding causes uniform hair loss and simultaneous growth of new hair, so it does not entail the formation of completely bare areas of skin. At the same time, the animal leads an active lifestyle, has a good appetite, clear eyes, clean mucous membranes and skin.
  • Temporary or permanent hair loss is possible in certain areas of the skin that have been subjected to mechanical damage (cuts, scratches, postoperative scars, injection sites after vaccinations or administration of medications). In such cases, temporary redness may appear on the skin, as well as scars and subcutaneous hematomas.
  • A cat can lose a lot of fur and even become partially bald during pregnancy and nursing kittens. The feeding period is often accompanied by the formation of bald spots around the nipples. This phenomenon occurs due to a lack of vitamins and nutrients during the additional stress on the body associated with bearing and feeding offspring, and is not a disease.
  • Often, owners of growing individuals pay attention to a decrease in the density of fur between the ears and eyes. This is especially noticeable in dark-colored short-haired cats. Thinning hair is observed in maturing kittens after the 14th–20th week, and if it is not accompanied by the appearance of redness or swelling, then this is quite normal for the animal.
  • Alopecia can be a consequence of congenital gene deformation - hypotrichosis. In such cases, kittens are initially born with very sparse fur and, upon reaching the age of 3–4 months, lose it completely. For a pet with such a deviation, owners must buy special clothing so that the animal does not suffer from the cold.
  • Partial or complete baldness can be caused by psychological trauma caused by boredom, anxiety or stress (for example, the departure of a beloved owner or the arrival of a new family member). In such conditions, the hair may fall out spontaneously or be licked by the animal. When the cause of stress is eliminated, the animal quickly recovers without special treatment.

Skin problems as a cause of baldness

  • One of the most common causes of hair loss is allergic reactions, to which purebred animals are most often susceptible. Allergies can be of five types depending on the type of allergen.

    Contact dermatitis occurs when the skin is exposed to irritating environmental factors. These can be chemicals (dyes, deodorants for carpets and furniture, antibiotics used externally), various materials (metals, polymers, rubber), aggressive plants. As a rule, such allergic reactions occur with regular contact.

    Sometimes animals show increased sensitivity to individual components of house dust particles inhaled along with the air. It may contain strong allergens - various types of mold, waste products of mites. Reason inhalation dermatitis (atopy) may also be plant pollen.

    Food allergies appears due to the cat’s intolerance to certain types of food, most often fish, milk, canned foods or ready-made food from certain brands.

    Towards the appearance allergic reaction to flea bites may result in increased sensitivity to enzymes in the saliva of fleas when bitten. Older or very young cats are especially susceptible to this type of allergy.

    Cats with completely white fur, sometimes with only white ears, may experience solar dermatosis, that is, an allergic reaction to sunlight.

    Often, external signs such as baldness, redness, flaking and other skin manifestations are only symptoms of more serious health problems in your pet.

    • Loss of hair along with severe thirst, thinning of the skin, seborrhea and other symptoms indicate the manifestation of the so-called hypercortisolism syndrome. The disease appears as a result of an increase in the concentration of adrenal hormones in the blood. This can happen due to hormonal imbalances in the body or with long-term use of medications containing corticosteroids.
    • Another disorder of the hormonal system, accompanied by hair loss and seborrhea, is hyperthyroidism, that is, a violation of the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

    What to do?

    When a cat develops bald spots or severe hair loss, every good owner will think about how he can help his furry friend. The answer to this question depends on which of the three above groups the problems that arise belong to.

    • If this is hair loss caused by natural causes or genetic deformation, then no treatment is required in this case. Unless if the animal is in a stressful state, try to eliminate the cause or, if possible, compensate for the effect of psychological trauma with increased attention and inclusion of a vitamin complex in the diet. Pregnant and lactating cats should receive a special balanced diet, rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements necessary for the animal during this period.
    • When skin problems appear as a result of various types of allergic reactions, the cardinal solution should be to eliminate the root cause of the disease, that is, the source of the allergen. Change your diet, eliminating salty and fatty foods, replace ready-made food, stop using flavorings, etc. In case of serious skin lesions, it is necessary to prescribe antihistamines, which requires consultation with a veterinarian. If it is impossible to immediately identify the allergen that causes such a reaction in the animal, you should definitely do special testing or take a blood test before prescribing treatment.
    • All other diseases require mandatory consultation with a veterinarian, since only a doctor can correctly assess the symptoms, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

    Never self-diagnose or treat skin problems in your pets. Such an amateurish approach can lead not only to additional suffering and even death of the animal, but also to possible infection of family members with an undiagnosed dangerous skin disease.