How to go to the solarium correctly to get a beautiful tan. Rules for tanning in a solarium. How to tan quickly and keep your tan for a long time. Video

In order to use this product of civilization with maximum benefit for the body, you need to sunbathe according to the rules.

1 rule for visiting a solarium

Before visiting a solarium for the first time, consult your doctor. There are many contraindications for visiting a solarium. For example, diseases of the cardiovascular system, severe atherosclerosis, open form of tuberculosis, frequent attacks of bronchial asthma, diseases of the hematopoietic system, increased sensitivity to the sun. It is not recommended to visit a solarium if you use antibiotics, some hormonal drugs, psychotropic and diuretics. These drugs increase the skin's photosensitivity and can cause allergies. Also, solarium is contraindicated for people who have many moles on their body, as they may degenerate into melanoma - a cancerous tumor.

Rule 2 of visiting a solarium

Don't forget a cotton cap or scarf to protect your hair. Hair dried out by a solarium loses its shine, becomes dull and brittle.

Rule 3 for visiting a solarium

Bring dark sunglasses. Don't rely on closing your eyes. Covered eyelids are too unreliable protection from strong ultraviolet rays.

Rule 4 for visiting a solarium

Before tanning, treat your skin with special oil or sunscreen. After all, in a solarium, if you’re not used to it, you can get sunburnt, just like at noon on the ocean coast. Dark-skinned women with a dense skin structure can apply the cream in a thin layer, pale-skinned women and those whose skin is thin should lubricate the body more generously. Tanning creams reduce exposure to radiation, and the tan becomes softer and more even. Creams should be applied immediately before the procedure.

5 rule of visiting a solarium

Don't ignore your face, especially if your skin is prone to burning. Wipe your face well with a moisturizing alcohol-free lotion. It is strictly forbidden to use a nourishing cream for tanning in a solarium, and especially a cream that contains hormones.

Rule 6 for visiting a solarium

Before tanning, it is advisable not to wash with soap, as soap suds destroy the acidic layer and deprive the skin of fatty lubrication. This increases the risk of burns. Ideally, you should wash thoroughly with soap one and a half to two hours before the procedure, or, if you wash immediately before the procedure, replace the soap with a more gentle liquid foam.

Rule 7 of visiting a solarium

Before visiting the solarium, you should not apply makeup to your face. Eliminate even lipstick. Do not use perfumes, deodorants, or aromatic oils.

Rule 8 of visiting a solarium

Be careful when choosing the type of solarium. Solarium, like the sun, is tolerated differently by everyone. For many people, staying in a solarium gives them special pleasure. Some people feel weak and dizzy. The first is preferable to use a turbo solarium, where the procedure is carried out standing and the stream of rays simultaneously hits the entire surface of the body, the sun “hugs” you from all sides. For physically weaker women, it is better to take ultraviolet baths while lying down, in a horizontal position, when you can relax and unwind.

Rule 9 of visiting a solarium

Take medications carefully before tanning. Better consult your doctor. After all, certain medications increase the skin's photosensitivity and can trigger sun allergies.

Rule 10 for visiting a solarium

Women who have crossed the threshold of thirty should wear a bra and panties in a solarium. You should not expose delicate areas to direct irradiation.

Rule 11 of visiting a solarium

In a good tanning studio, experts will advise you to tan exactly as long as recommended for people of your type of appearance - and not a second longer. Beginners are not recommended to spend more than 5-7 minutes in the solarium.

Who should not sunbathe in a solarium?

Before tanning in a solarium, consult your doctor. Sunbathing in a solarium is harmful in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, liver diseases, etc. Also, taking certain medications may be a contraindication to tanning for you - some medications increase the sensitivity of the skin to tanning, which can cause allergies, burns, and age spots.

Can pregnant women sunbathe in a solarium?

Many people are concerned about the question: can pregnant women use a solarium? The answer is clearly negative. Pregnancy and solarium are incompatible, since you do not need additional stress on the body. In addition, due to hormonal changes in the body, you have a high chance of becoming covered with dark spots after tanning, which increases the risk of tumors. Solarium is contraindicated for breastfeeding women for the same reason.

How harmful is a solarium during menstrual periods? It is not recommended to visit a solarium during menstruation, as an increase in body temperature can cause severe bleeding. In addition, hormonal changes occur in your body these days, which can affect the quality of your tan and cause you to become covered in spots.

Why is a solarium dangerous? Moles, freckles and solarium

For people with a large number of moles, especially if there is a birthmark with a diameter of more than 15 mm, doctors recommend limiting the time of tanning. But if you really want to get a beautiful skin tone, large moles should be covered with a band-aid while tanning. Don't forget the sunscreen! You have a high risk that under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, moles will develop into a cancerous tumor. During the summer season, you need to monitor your moles, and if they begin to quickly increase in size, become inflamed, or bleed, consult a doctor immediately.

People with very fair skin and a lot of freckles should not sunbathe in a solarium. Your skin is more likely to turn red and burn than tan. If you do decide to sunbathe, carefully protect your skin with solarium cream and reduce tanning time to a minimum. And you can get a chocolate skin tone with self-tanning

Spots after solarium - chloasma

Some women may notice dark spots on their skin after sunbathing - chloasma. This trouble is associated with hormonal imbalances in the body. Chloasma very often appears on the face of pregnant women. There can be many reasons for this - taking hormonal drugs, liver disease, women's diseases, worms.

If you put perfume on your skin before tanning, this can also trigger chloasma. To avoid stepping on a rake a second time, read the rules for visiting a solarium.

To get rid of dark spots, try using whitening cream or skin whitening folk remedies.

If chloasma begins to increase, contact your doctor immediately for appropriate treatment.

Allergy to solarium (photodermatitis)

There are cases when a weakened body reacts inadequately to the sun's rays: the skin begins to itch, a rash appears after tanning. An allergy to the sun is a sign of dysfunction of internal organs: liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, etc.

First of all, stop tanning sessions. Ointments with lanolin, zinc or methyluracil will help soothe itching.

To determine the cause of photodermatitis, consult a dermatologist or allergist, otherwise you will not have a beautiful tan.

Solarium contraindications:

Girls are prohibited from sunbathing for six months after the laser resurfacing procedure.

If you have had a chemical peel, ultraviolet light is contraindicated for a month.

A solarium after hair removal can cause you trouble; there is a high risk of getting burned, since you have removed the protective layer from the skin.

Don't even think about tanning during an exacerbation of any chronic disease. Solarium after surgery is also contraindicated.

Remember that tanning is an additional burden on the entire body.

People with diseases of the liver, hematopoietic and nervous systems, as well as diabetes mellitus, do not tolerate ultraviolet rays well.

Today, there are solariums even in very small cities. But not everyone knows how to get a beautiful tan and not get into a lot of trouble. To do this, you need to remember and strictly follow the rules for visiting the solarium.

If you decide to give your skin a beautiful tan, then you should not immediately buy a subscription and go to the nearest solarium. First you need to prepare:

  • Consult your doctor. Not everyone should visit a solarium; in some situations it can cause significant harm to health, especially if you have chronic diseases or are taking medications. Therefore, you should take the time and first consult with a dermatologist.
  • Choose a solarium. It is advisable to find out reviews about him, his “age”, education and qualifications of employees. During your visit, you should ask how long ago the lamps were changed. If they last more than 600 hours, it is better not to go to this salon.
  • We collect inventory. In the salon, you need to clarify what exactly you need to take with you, and what they will give you on the spot. First of all, you need to find out about a hair cap, glasses, and special breast pads.
  • Calculate the time. A good salon should tell you how often you can visit the solarium and how many minutes to remove per session. Some unscrupulous administrators convince newcomers that tanning is absolutely safe, and you can stay for at least 20 or 30 minutes without any preparation. But for the first time they recommend no more than 3-5 minutes. If administrators advise otherwise, you should not go to them.
  • Find out the rules. Our article is quite detailed, but still, it is worth finding out the rules for visiting the solarium established in this particular establishment. The more thorough and detailed the recommendations, the better.

By following these rules, you can choose the optimal solarium. But you also need to prepare properly for each session.

On the day of visit

On the days when you visit the solarium, you should adhere to several rules:

  • If you take a shower on this day, you should not use soap or shower gel. They will wash away the protective fat film, making the skin more vulnerable.
  • Sometimes they say that before visiting a solarium you need to exfoliate or scrub your skin, but this is not true. Such procedures should not be carried out even the day before, so as not to damage the skin.
  • It is highly undesirable to use perfume and any cosmetics on this day, especially foundation and fatty creams. If this is not possible, then all of it will have to be washed off thoroughly before the session.
  • Women are strongly discouraged from visiting a solarium during menstruation. And it’s not a matter of hygiene, but of increased skin sensitivity.
  • It is very useful to drink a glass of natural juice from pumpkin, carrots or apricot an hour before the session. They will increase the skin's natural tanning ability.

These simple rules for going to the solarium will help make tanning a more enjoyable and safe experience. But the main thing begins directly during preparation for the procedure.

Read also: What you need to do before visiting the solarium

While visiting the solarium

When you come to the session, you should spend enough time preparing:

  • You need to cover your entire body with a special cream or oil for solarium. Only specialized cosmetics or pure moisturizing oils are suitable. This can be done immediately before the session or 1-2 hours before it. You can do without this cosmetics, but it protects the skin from drying out and makes the tan more even and lasting.
  • Lips should be covered with moisturizing lipstick with a UV filter. As a last resort, a regular moisturizer, but without coloring pigments, will do. Without it, your lips can become dry and cracked.
  • Hair should be tucked under a natural fabric cap or headscarf. Otherwise, they will not only cover the skin, but can also dry out, become dull, brittle and brittle.
  • Of course, it is extremely tempting to go to the solarium completely naked, achieving an even skin color. The rules of tanning in a vertical solarium, as well as in a horizontal one, fully allow this, but you should not give in to temptation. It is better to hide the bikini area under underwear, rather than wear special cone pads on the breasts, or at least cover the nipples with special pads. These areas are too delicate and may be damaged by radiation.
  • All moles and birthmarks should be covered with special stickers. They are already neoplasms, and with regular irradiation they can degenerate into cancer.
  • Those who wear contact lenses should remove them. Eyes require mandatory protection. They will have to be covered with dark glasses, since the eyelids are not a sufficient barrier to ultraviolet rays.
  • Any unpleasant sensations during the session are a reason to interrupt it, especially if it is your first visit.

In addition to the chocolate hue, ultraviolet light also boasts other properties. Of course, its impact is much greater in an artificially created cabin than in nature. That is why the qualities and nuances differ. Some of the most striking advantages include:

  • Vitamin D synthesis has a positive effect on the development of bone and muscle tissue. Thus, the risk of many diseases and illnesses is reduced;
  • As you know, ultraviolet light dries out small rashes and pimples. It not only fights post-acne, but can also prevent the appearance of acne. However, this effect may not appear if the cause of the skin problem is related to an internal imbalance in the body;
  • UV rays can boost immunity and fight the first signs of flu and colds;
  • Unlike sun exposure, fake tanning avoids radiation exposure;
  • Tanning in a solarium raises the level of hormones responsible for high mood. Many people claim that this is how they fight their depression and anxiety. A person gets a greater effect in the cold season, when cloudy weather is considered a constant phenomenon;
  • If we again compare tanning in a solarium with sessions in nature, then the artificial method also wins in intensity. The shade boasts not only brightness, but also uniformity;
  • Quickly obtain the desired shade.

It is impossible not to note the disadvantages, which should also always be studied. It is necessary to realize that much depends not on our desire, but also on health. Let's list the most negative points of tanning in a solarium:

  • Risk of premature aging of the epidermis. This happens because UV rays can destroy the elastic framework of the skin. In addition, such a process causes dehydration in the cells, which causes dryness and flaking;
  • If you do not take into account safety rules, you can easily get burned in the cabin. Also, neglecting disposable caps can increase hair dryness;
  • Skin cancer, which is provoked by high production of melanin in the body;
  • If a person has a tendency to other serious diseases, they may worsen. This is why you should always consult your doctor;
  • For some, a solarium can dry out acne, while for others it can destroy the stratum corneum of the epidermis. This can cause blackheads and new acne;

Tanning rules

If you are going to go to the solarium for the first time, then carefully choose the place. If possible, collect feedback, and check with the administrator about the production of lamps. Ideally, no more than 1000 hours should be worked. If the institution refuses to provide documents or does not have them at all, then it will be safer to find another place.

Girls often wonder How many minutes can you sunbathe in a solarium for the first time?? In this case, much depends on the intensity of tanning on the body:

  1. Celtic type (fair skin and hair, often red in color; gray or blue eyes; freckles) - you should start within 3 minutes, as there is a high risk of burns. Don't forget about the cream, which should have good protection. How often should a Celtic type sunbathe in a solarium? It is better to limit visits to 1-2 times a week and not stay in the cabin for more than 6 minutes.
  2. European type (brown hair, blue or green eyes; minimal number of freckles) - for the first time you can go for 4 minutes, and then increase the duration by 1-2 minutes (up to 8 minutes). How to tan with fair skin? This will be easy enough to do if you increase the number of visits to 3 times a week.
  3. Dark European type (darkish or yellow skin; dark hair color; brown or dark gray eyes) - in this case, you can start from 6 minutes. The maximum residence time is 10 minutes, since a longer duration has an adverse effect on the epidermis. You can go to the solarium every other day, especially since the effect will be quite fast.
  4. Mediterranean type (dark skin; dark eyes and hair; no freckles) - how long should this type sunbathe in a solarium? You can start from 8 minutes, since the likelihood of burns is minimal. To get results, 2-3 procedures are enough.

How to tan quickly and intensely in a solarium?

The first thing you need to do is buy a special one. It differs from the means that are used, because the intensity of the rays is much higher. In addition, artificial light may not perceive oils or balms that suit you in everyday life. This way, you will not only achieve a more luxurious tan, but also protect your skin.

If you are looking for a way to quickly tan in a solarium, then the cream will save you in this case too. Try to purchase products with, as they have a self-tanning effect and enhance color. However, this thing has a tendency to wash off quickly.

More durable and faster results can be obtained with the help of accelerators. They stimulate the production of melatonin more actively, so the chocolate shade may appear faster. But you shouldn’t sunbathe in a solarium with natural or synthetic oil, as it will literally “fry” you. Still, for artificial rays, cream is considered the best and safest option.

Lately, creams with a “tingle effect” have become increasingly popular. They increase blood circulation, as a result of which the shade is more intense and appears much faster. However, they have an unpleasant effect, which manifests itself in the form of burning and itching of the body. If you decide to buy such a product, then don’t worry, the strange sensations go away after a few hours.

How to maintain a tan for a long time after a solarium?

The tint will last longer if you apply it. They must be applied after the procedure, waiting for complete or partial absorption. If you don’t want to spend money, then you can get by with any moisturizer. The effect will not be as bright, but the skin will be moisturized, which means it will peel off more slowly.

In addition, the speed and duration of tanning can be increased with special drops and juice. Try to drink fresh carrot juice half an hour before the session, and also for prevention at least 1-2 times a week. You will get an even greater effect from drops with beta keratin. They are safe and not very expensive. Sold in any pharmacy.

Scrubs and aggressive washcloths also remove tan. Try to wash with moisturizing gels and use more gentle care products. By the way, the shower itself after a solarium should be taken a few hours later so that the body completes a certain pigmentation process.

Contraindications to visiting a solarium

  • You should not sunbathe in a solarium during your period;
  • The presence of benign and malignant tumors strictly prohibits the appearance in the magic cabin;
  • Tanning beds will aggravate rashes and other skin diseases;
  • Questions about whether pregnant women can sunbathe or go to a solarium while breastfeeding have an extremely negative answer. The detailed impact of rays on the fetus has no scientific basis, which means the result of such experiments may be the most unexpected;
  • People with hypertension, diabetes, thyroid disease, and heart problems should also avoid artificial sun;
  • A solarium can aggravate mastopathy and increase the number of age spots if a person is prone to this;
  • It is not worth the risk for those whose body is covered with a large number of moles;
  • Sometimes certain medications have a negative effect. Oral contraceptives and some antidepressants are often indicated;
  • Peeling can be considered a serious contraindication. Such aggressive skin cleansing should be carried out at least a week before the session.

Safety precautions

  1. You should not sunbathe without cream, as this has a very negative effect on the condition of the epidermis;
  2. You need to wash off all cosmetics, including perfume. Some products may contain substances that, when interacting with UV rays, will cause allergies or cause an uneven tan;
  3. Tattoos, moles and age spots should be covered with special stickers;
  4. If you decide to sunbathe without underwear , then don’t forget about the stikini that stick to the nipples;
  5. Before the session, you need to remove your lenses and protect your eyes with specialized glasses, which are always available in the solarium. Sunbathing without glasses is not recommended, as you can get a burn to the cornea. If you still do not want to wear this accessory, then at least do not open your eyes during the session;
  6. Always cover your hair with a disposable cap, as artificial light dries out the strands;
  7. You need to start tanning gradually, so don’t rush to take a large number of minutes at once;
  8. Always check the cleanliness of the booth, because the studio administrator may forget to treat the floor. Don't forget that fungus and various skin diseases are easily transmitted this way;
  9. Do not scrub or wash with soap-containing gels at least 3 hours before tanning. They erase the protective film on the skin.

A cosmetologist shares the rules and secrets of proper tanning in a solarium. We take care to prevent a catastrophe for our appearance.

To achieve a beautiful bronze skin tone today, you don’t have to spend long hours in the sweltering sun. It is enough to visit a few solarium sessions and you can get a seductive chocolate tan at any time of the year.

What are the benefits of a solarium:

1. The main benefit of a solarium is that ultraviolet rays promote the production of important vitamin D3 in our body.

2. Irradiation with light charges us with vital energy, the body produces the hormone of happiness - endorphin, which lifts our spirits

3. Solarium lamps contain filters that protect us from exposure to gamma radiation, so tanning in a solarium is considered safer than tanning in the sun.

      To get a beautiful seductive shade, you need to know some rules for tanning in a solarium. After all, if you do not properly prepare for a tanning bed, or sunbathe for more time than your skin can withstand, you can get dark spots on your skin after tanning, or even worse, burn like cancer.

      In front of the solarium...

      1. Before sunbathing in a solarium, you should consult your doctor. For some diseases, visiting a solarium can be dangerous to health, for example, dermatitis, hypertension, liver disease, etc. Doctors also do not recommend visiting a solarium during pregnancy, breastfeeding, on menstrual periods and when taking hormonal contraceptives. If there are hormonal imbalances in the body, the tan may become patchy.

          Why is a solarium dangerous?

          Solarium can be harmful when taking certain medications, since many medications provoke allergies to ultraviolet radiation. Risk areas include some antibiotics, medications for diabetes and high blood pressure, and strong antidepressants. Check with your doctor for more details about the possible consequences.

              2. To ensure that your tan in a solarium is even and your skin is not burned, there are cosmetics specifically designed for solariums. Attention: sun protection products are not suitable for use in solariums. Before tanning, apply a protective tanning cream according to your skin type. After sunbathing - a product to moisturize and cool the skin.

              3. Do not shower with soap before tanning, because... Soap dissolves the protective fatty film of the skin, causing you to burn or dry out your skin. For the same reason, you should not do hair removal before tanning.

              4. Before visiting a solarium, you should not apply perfume to your skin.

              How long to sunbathe in a solarium?

              The amount of time you spend in a solarium depends primarily on your skin type. How long do you need to sunbathe?

              1. If your skin is very fair, quickly turns red and burns in the sun, you have a lot of freckles, and your hair color is blond or light red, you have the first (Celtic) skin type. By and large, it is better for such people not to sunbathe at all. Alternatively, use a self-tanner. But if you really want to give your skin a natural golden hue, you can sunbathe for no more than 10 minutes 1-2 times a week. The first tanning session should last about 3 minutes.

                  2. If your skin is light, tanned, but often burns, you have a few freckles, light eyes and brown hair - you are the owner of the second skin type (light-skinned European). Your first session in the solarium is from 3 to 5 minutes, then you can sunbathe 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes.

                  3. If you have fairly fair skin, but rarely burns, your hair is light brown or brown, your eyes are gray or brown, then your skin type is third (dark-skinned European). The maximum tanning time in a solarium is 20 minutes, no more than 3 times a week. After 5 sessions you will get a seductive chocolate shade.

                  4. The fourth skin type (Mediterranean) includes dark-skinned girls who easily tan, with brown eyes and dark hair. The maximum tanning time is 20 minutes. After a few sessions, you will be guaranteed a beautiful tan in the solarium.

                  How to sunbathe properly in a solarium

                  1. Consult with the solarium administrator how many minutes to sunbathe in the solarium. In each salon, the power and number of lamps in the solarium are different, in addition, the optimal time and intensity of tanning is selected for each skin type. As a rule, the first tanning session can last from 3 to 5 minutes, in subsequent sessions the time is gradually increased to 10-20 minutes.

                  2. Before tanning, make sure that your skin is cleansed of everything unnecessary - remove makeup, remove jewelry. You cannot use cosmetics, deodorants, nourishing creams and aromatic oils in the solarium. When they are heated, unpredictable results may occur.

                  3. When tanning, you should protect your eyes by wearing solarium sunglasses. But contact lenses must be removed in a solarium, otherwise you can harm your eyes.

                  4. If you love and take care of your hair, put a cotton hat on your head while tanning. Ultraviolet rays dry and destroy the hair structure, making it dull and brittle.

                  5. Immediately before tanning, apply tanning cream to your entire body in a solarium.

                  6. Solarium rules do not recommend sunbathing with an open chest, especially for ladies over thirty. It is better to wear a cotton bra in the solarium, or put special pads on your chest.

                  What to do after solarium

                  When you tan, your body uses more energy than usual because UV rays increase your metabolism. Therefore, after a solarium, it is best to relax and unwind, drink a vitamin drink or green tea, and limit physical activity.

                  Don't forget that your skin needs hydration after tanning.

                  On a note:

                  If you have a tattoo on your body, then it is better to cover it up in the solarium, because... Some dyes may fade or cause allergies when exposed to irradiation.

                  The skin on the palms and soles tans very poorly compared to other areas of the body, since there are fewer pigment-forming cells here.

There were times when snow-white skin was considered a sign of aristocracy. However, over time, tastes and preferences have changed. To date, many women want to have bronze-golden skin, which gives slimness, and also successfully hides imperfections and defects, and the skin and solarium are the tools to achieve this effect

However, not every representative of the fair sex manages to tan the way she would like. Therefore, the solarium appeared - an invention of German scientists, which became a symbol of European fashion, the cult of a well-groomed and beautiful body.

Artificial tanning allows you not only to demonstrate an even bronze-chocolate “color,” but also to improve your body’s health, since ultraviolet rays have a beneficial effect on the skin. The solarium perfectly compensates for the lack of sunlight, under the influence of which the body produces the necessary vitamins to improve performance and strengthen the immune system.

Types of solariums

There are two main types of tanning beds – vertical and horizontal.

The lamps used in horizontal solariums have low power. That's why Tanning time varies from 10 to 20 minutes.

Vertical tanning lamps are stronger. Tanning time is about 10 minutes.

Recently appeared turbo solariums are a type of vertical solariums. The prefix “turbo” means that this solarium has a powerful cooling system installed, allowing it to work for a long time. But in practice, turbo solariums are devices that are equipped with fashionable additional functions: a music center, a cooling system, aroma installations, a mirror floor and several tanning programs.

Impact technology

Under the influence of light rays, the skin becomes golden-bronze in color, a general strengthening effect is achieved, and the body's immunity and stress resistance are significantly improved.

Solarium video

Solarium prices

Note: The information is not official or promotional. Beauty salon prices may not be current at the time of viewing. The data was obtained by randomly analyzing the price lists of ten beauty salons in Moscow to provide general information.

Description of the procedure

Do not neglect special cosmetics for tanning in a solarium. Before the procedure, apply lipstick with sun filters to your lips, and also cover your head, as under the influence of ultraviolet rays, hair becomes brittle and dry. Cover your private parts and wear sunglasses over your eyes. Now you can go to the solarium. The procedure lasts from 5 to 20 minutes (depending on skin type and type of solarium). Only a specialist can set the specific time, otherwise you may get burned.

“Effect” time and frequency

The course consists of ten sessions. Course duration - 2 weeks
After achieving the desired shade, attend several maintenance treatments (one session per week). Always remember that your skin needs to rest, so don't spend the whole year in a solarium. The “effect” time is from 4 to 6 months.

Tools, which is used to carry out the procedure

  1. solarium;
  2. disposable slippers;
  3. disposable cap;
  4. Stikini – glasses stickers on the chest.

Cost of solarium procedure amounts to from 200 to 300 rub..

Answers to frequently asked questions

At what age can you sunbathe in a solarium?
It is recommended to sunbathe in a solarium from the age of 16, since before this age the skin is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

Is it beneficial to sunbathe in a solarium?
Yes, tanning helps combat certain joint and skin diseases, and also improves mood and relaxation.

How long does one procedure take?
It all depends on the type of skin and the type of solarium; on average, the duration of one procedure is 20 minutes in a horizontal solarium and 15 minutes in a vertical one.

One day, the German scientist Friedrich Wolf studied the effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body of athletes and discovered an interesting effect - darkening of the skin. In 1975, he presented his creation to the world. The first company producing solarium lamps, Cosmedico, was founded. And in the late 70s, Friedrich Wolf, having secured good support from businessmen from America, began to produce solariums, which gained enormous popularity all over the world.

Many celebrities love to go to the solarium: Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Jennifer Aniston and many others.

Contraindications for the procedure

  1. for gynecological diseases;
  2. if you have recently had hair removal;
  3. persons under 16 years of age;
  4. for diseases of the endocrine system;
  5. taking hormonal medications, including contraceptives;
  6. for bronchial asthma;
  7. after a series of cosmetic procedures (laser skin resurfacing, peeling);
  8. with a genetic predisposition to melanoma;
  9. in the presence of benign or malignant tumors;
  10. with severe tuberculosis;
  11. if there are a large number of moles;
  12. for any acute illness.

Result after the procedure

If irradiation with ultraviolet rays is carried out correctly, taking into account the dosage, skin phototype, existing contraindications, the result will be a significant improvement in overall well-being, improved mood and strengthened immune system. The skin becomes golden-bronze in color.

Is it possible to use a solarium at home?

Of course not. It is recommended to take solarium sessions only in beauty salons under the strict supervision of specialists who will develop an individual visit program in accordance with the characteristics of your body and monitor compliance with the necessary conditions in full.