Baby's position at 36 weeks. A tense abdomen may be the cause. Why does my stomach hurt and pull?

Each week of pregnancy is significantly different from the previous one. The expectant mother needs to know the specifics of gestation in order to properly take care of her health and the condition of the baby.

Pregnancy of 35–36 weeks is a serious period at which physiological childbirth is quite possible. How does this gestation period proceed?

Fetal condition

A living organism located in the womb at this moment can rightfully be called a child. The baby is already quite tall (up to 46 cm) and weighs about two and a half kilograms.

All major organs and systems are formed. The cardiovascular system is fully functioning, the patent ducts will close in the first days after birth.

The baby’s nervous system is well developed, the child is already capable of:

  • Make movements with facial muscles.
  • Distinguish between different tastes.
  • Distinguish melodies and sounds, respond to them with movements.

Serious changes are already taking place in the respiratory system. The inner surface of the alveoli is covered with a surfactant, which prevents them from collapsing and ensures proper breathing.

The child begins to practice breathing through the nose, which was previously closed by mucus plugs.

The cartilage contains the main stages of ossification, and the muscular system is already fully formed. The child’s movements are complete and correct, voluntarily controlled by the central nervous system.

Mom's condition

The moment of childbirth is approaching and the expectant mother must take this deadline very seriously. At this moment, the following changes may be observed in the pregnant woman’s body:

  • The weight gain is already a decent 15 kilograms. This places serious stress on the spine. It is recommended to use a maternity bandage and not overload yourself with work.
  • The amount of amniotic fluid gradually decreases, which is a prerequisite for the onset of labor. The child can make active movements associated with a certain discomfort; this should not be alarmed.
  • The cervix of the expectant mother gradually softens and shortens, preparing for childbirth.
  • Gradually, the woman’s breathing becomes easier and deeper, due to the fact that the child descends into the pelvic cavity and ceases to put pressure on the diaphragm. This moment also has a negative side - a regular urge to urinate is possible due to compression of the bladder.
  • At this time, varicose veins and edema often form in the area of ​​the veins of the lower extremities. Try to get more rest and avoid being on your feet for long periods of time.

The listed changes are completely physiological in nature, you should not be afraid of them at all.

Pain and discharge

Special symptoms that a woman should monitor at each stage of gestation are pain and discharge. What changes do these manifestations undergo?

At 35–36 weeks the following pain sensations are characteristic:

  • Painful pulling sensations in the lumbar region are the most common pain during this period.
  • Pain in the anal area may indicate an unpleasant disease such as hemorrhoids. In late pregnancy, this condition requires timely treatment.
  • Pain in the area of ​​the pelvic bones, hips and pubis is associated with softening and stretching of the ligamentous elements. This is quite normal in later stages.
  • Abdominal pain and muscle tension can be a harbinger of labor; extreme uterine hypertonicity is not normal and requires elimination.
  • Pain in the calf muscles is associated with increased stress and is accompanied by swelling of the legs.
  • Lower back pain in the kidney area is an unfavorable sign indicating the presence of preeclampsia.

In late pregnancy, vaginal discharge may also undergo changes:

  • Before labor begins, the discharge becomes heavier and more viscous for several weeks.
  • The appearance of unusual discharge may indicate the passage of a mucus plug from the cervical canal. They can be colorless, but are more often pinkish.
  • Curdled, cloudy, purulent discharge is an alarm signal and indicates an infection in the genital tract. Require immediate treatment.
  • Bloody discharge of any amount requires immediate help, because it indicates a pathology of the placenta.
  • Abundant liquid discharge is amniotic fluid and indicates the onset of labor.

To ensure that the end of pregnancy and the birth itself are easy and painless, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules. Doctors advise expectant mothers the following:

  1. Visit a specialist regularly at intervals of about 7 days. It is not necessary to go to an appointment with a gynecologist; it is enough to attend antenatal clinic courses to prepare for childbirth.
  2. Avoid taking all medications that are rare for your baby, and discuss the use of each medication with a specialist. The third trimester is a time when medications can seriously harm the baby.
  3. Eat right, avoid drinking alcohol and smoking. These rules are relevant throughout pregnancy, but at the time of childbirth they become especially important.
  4. Read more specialized literature about childbirth and pregnancy, the first days of a child’s life. Pick up all the necessary things for your unborn child. These actions will not only make the first days after childbirth easier, but will also form maternal dominance in the central nervous system.
  5. Avoid work and long journeys. Spend the last weeks of pregnancy in peace and comfort, and do not create unnecessary stress for your baby.

Simple rules can make the life of an expectant mother easier.


A few weeks before the onset of labor, special symptoms appear that are characteristic of an ending pregnancy. Every expectant mother should know these signs, because they indicate an approaching important moment.

Precursors at 35–36 weeks of pregnancy include the following manifestations:

  1. Abdominal prolapse. As mentioned earlier, the presenting part of the fetus at this time descends into the plane of the small pelvis. At this time, the configuration of a woman’s abdomen naturally changes.
  2. Heartburn and breathing difficulties disappear. The prolapse of the pregnant uterus leads to a decrease in pressure on the diaphragm, as a result of which the functioning of the organs located in the chest is normalized.
  3. Pain in the lower back increases. The greatest load begins to fall on the lumbar spine. The sacroiliac ligaments are stretched, which together can cause unpleasant symptoms.
  4. Urge to go to the toilet. The pressure of the pelvic organs on the bladder and rectum increases. As a result, there may be a frequent urge to urinate and defecate. Do not be afraid of these manifestations; constipation during these periods is much more dangerous.
  5. The expectant mother's appetite increases. As a result of restructuring of the autonomic nervous system, an increase in appetite is possible, which resembles manifestations of early gestation.
  6. Change of mood. Lability of the nervous system is possible due to special neuroendocrine changes. It is recommended to relieve this condition by listening to soothing music and setting a special mood for a positive course of labor.
  7. Irregular contractions. The muscles of the uterus and abdominals are preparing for childbirth, and therefore the woman may feel quite strong, but irregular muscle contractions. These manifestations do not mean the onset of labor.

The listed manifestations should be distinguished from the signs of beginning labor, which will be discussed later in the text.


Many expectant parents are interested in the question of whether it is possible to have intimacy in the later stages of pregnancy.

During 35–36 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body is already in full swing preparing for childbirth; any impact can become a reason for the onset of labor. And sex is a pretty strong stress factor.

Doctors do not advise having sex several weeks before the expected date of pregnancy:

  • During intimacy, a woman’s body produces large quantities of the hormone oxytocin, which leads to strong contractions of the uterus.
  • Prostaglandins in the seminal fluid of a man can also become a stimulant of labor.
  • Direct mechanical irritation becomes a factor in the onset of labor.

The situation is different when the pregnancy is postterm. In this condition, intimacy in the right positions can be a useful event for the onset of labor.


During the last weeks of pregnancy, it is possible to carry out some examinations that allow for correct delivery or surgical resolution.

Among the frequently performed examinations are the following methods:

  1. Ultrasound – the last third screening is very often performed at around 35 weeks of pregnancy. During this examination, a final assessment of the condition of the fetus and amniotic organs is given.
  2. Testing for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis - with a positive result of at least one of these examinations, the woman’s delivery tactics radically change.
  3. A biochemical blood test in the last weeks of gestation gives an idea of ​​the state of the woman’s internal organs.
  4. A vaginal smear allows you to make sure that a woman’s birth canal is sanitized and will not become a factor in infecting the baby.
  5. A general urine test allows you to judge the condition of the kidneys and excludes conditions such as preeclampsia.
  6. Cardiotocography is an extremely informative technique that assesses the frequency and strength of fetal contractions and its heartbeat. Allows you to exclude the presence of hypoxia.

Also, in the last weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s exchange card is issued.


The described gestational age may well be the time of the onset of labor. Every expectant mother should have a good understanding of this process.

The onset of labor is indicated by:

  1. The appearance of regular contractions of the abdominal and uterine muscles. These sensations are called contractions and their main criterion is regularity. Muscle contractions are repeated every 20 minutes or more often, and the intervals between them gradually decrease.
  2. Discharge of the cervical mucus plug. This manifestation is quite nonspecific. Departure can occur quite early - a few days before birth, and sometimes occurs on the day of the onset of labor.
  3. Leakage of amniotic fluid – and this symptom is quite difficult to miss. A large amount of fluid appears from the genital tract. Sometimes leakage occurs gradually, less often quite abruptly in a large volume.

Knowing these signs, most women will not miss the onset of labor and will seek help from specialists in time. You should not be afraid of such an early onset of labor.

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, physiological birth is quite possible. If there are no indications for a cesarean section, doctors recommend giving birth naturally.

The whole family is waiting, because it’s already 36 weeks of pregnancy! You've already packed your bag for the maternity hospital, completed training courses, and you're fully prepared. All that remains is to enjoy the last month of pregnancy and read books for expectant mothers.

The body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth. Training contractions occur more and more often, the increasingly growing belly prevents the mother from breathing and eating normally, and back pain becomes more and more noticeable. The baby has become very strong, and it is incredibly pleasant to put your hand on his tummy and feel not just pushes, but strong blows from his heels.

The baby’s body is almost ready for independent life, and childbirth at 36 weeks of pregnancy no longer poses a threat. At this stage, the baby is born healthy, although it is better to stay with mommy a little longer. It is believed that in just one day of intrauterine life, the baby develops as much as in a week outside the mother’s body!

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s weight is already 2750 g, and his height is 46 centimeters! This is already a full nine obstetric months (one obstetric month has 28 days - 4 weeks).

What's happening?

In the last month of pregnancy, both mother and baby continue to prepare for the upcoming birth. The baby continues to actively gain weight, the amount of fatty tissue increases significantly, and the baby already has the complexion of a newborn. His cheeks become plump, he sucks his fingers very often, getting ready to eat on his own. A child at 36 weeks of pregnancy already has a fully formed cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, immune, endocrine, and nervous system, and then their final maturation occurs.

The baby is growing rapidly. The formation of his skeletal system continues, but the bones of the skull are still very soft and mobile, thanks to which the head easily passes through the birth canal during childbirth. It is interesting that when passing through the bone structures of the birth canal, the head is somewhat deformed - it acquires a convexity in a certain place, and it is the displacement of the movable bones of the skull that causes this phenomenon. A few days after birth, the head takes its normal shape.

During this period of pregnancy, the baby learns to breathe through his nose, but previously he could only breathe through his mouth. This skill is very important, because he will only breathe through his nose while eating. During the prenatal period, during the movements of inhalation and exhalation, amniotic fluid enters the lungs, and this is how training occurs before breathing air.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the nervous system is already so developed that the baby remembers melodies and rhymes well, and recognizes the voices of mom and dad immediately. And every mother knows that a child calms down when parents talk to him.

The baby took up absolutely all the space in the uterus. He can no longer be in a free position, and in order to make it more comfortable, he presses his legs to his tummy, crosses his arms over his chest, and lowers his head a little.

Pregnancy at this stage is accompanied by a very important physiological process in the lungs - the formation of surfactant is completed. It is this surfactant that is located on the walls of the alveoli at the border with the air and during exhalation prevents the alveoli from collapsing.

Photo of the baby, ultrasound

Below you can see an ultrasound of the baby at 36 weeks of pregnancy.

Now the fundus of the uterus is at its maximum height - directly under the sternum, 15 centimeters above the navel. This is a rather difficult period for the mother, because shortness of breath has become very pronounced, intense heartburn is often disturbing, and the baby’s blows to the stomach and liver are very noticeable and can be painful. Sometimes mothers feel like their legs are moving right under their hearts. You just need to wait out this period, because very soon the uterus will descend into the pelvic cavity, and all these sensations will noticeably decrease. If already at 36 weeks of pregnancy your belly has dropped, don’t worry - this is completely normal, and you’re finally feeling better!

Normally, the mother’s weight at this stage should be 12 kg more than before. If your numbers are a little higher, it’s not a big deal; the extra pounds will easily go away after childbirth. But you can’t significantly increase your weight - childbirth is much easier if mother and baby are at a good weight.

If you gained weight quickly due to swelling at 36 weeks of pregnancy, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

Fetal movements at 36 weeks

Absolutely all mothers note that this period of pregnancy is characterized by a significant decrease in the baby’s activity. And this is not surprising: he is already very cramped in the uterus, and besides, he needs to accumulate strength before giving birth. But you still need to count the number of movements: in 12 hours there should be ten active movements.

The mother’s feelings in the last stages of pregnancy are very diverse. On the one hand, the joy of meeting a baby overshadows all physical sensations. There is only a month left, or maybe less, and we need to prepare. On the other hand, an enlarged belly often causes pain in the lower back, and painful sensations periodically occur in the pelvic bones. Nowadays mothers feel that pregnancy is really hard work.

The uterus supports the internal organs as much as possible, and nutrition now needs to be monitored especially carefully. Listen to your doctor's recommendations. Usually, in the final stages, experts recommend a light, but at the same time nutrient-rich menu. Light carbohydrates should have been limited a long time ago, because they have no special value, but they very easily lead to excess weight, which is completely unnecessary now. It is worth slightly limiting animal proteins (especially red meat) and fats. Vegetables, fruits, juices, and lactic acid products are very healthy. Continue to take the vitamins and microelements that your doctor prescribed to you.

Very often a mother feels uncomfortable because of her clumsiness due to the large size of her belly. Be as careful as possible, especially when walking outside. At this time, the support of the future dad is extremely important. Pay maximum attention to your mother, support her psychologically. All her thoughts are occupied with the baby and the upcoming birth, but this does not mean that you have faded into the background. Try to take a walk with your wife every evening before going to bed, this is very beneficial for her and for your baby. Talk, sing songs to your baby! He loves your voice very much and is looking forward to meeting you too!

Pain at 36 weeks of pregnancy

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the mother continues to be bothered by pain in the spine and legs, and she needs more rest. Often mothers note that at 36 weeks of pregnancy the stomach feels tight. Now you need to listen very carefully to your body. If the sensations are the same as before, these are probably training contractions. Long-term, especially if it is repeated regularly, should alert you. And especially if it is combined with increased lower back pain. All these complaints may be normal, but if you suddenly begin to feel many new symptoms (stomach pain, regular recurring pain in the lower back, increased watery discharge), you should immediately consult a doctor.

Childbirth is very soon, and many mothers, especially if this is their first pregnancy, are afraid of missing the onset of labor. There are certain signs indicating that labor is about to begin.

36th week of pregnancy: harbingers of labor

You can recognize the imminent onset of labor by the following symptoms:

  • prolapse of the abdomen: before this period, the baby’s head (with cephalic presentation) was above the pelvic bones, and after 36 weeks it descends and then is located directly in the pelvic cavity; women very clearly determine when the uterus descends - shortness of breath and heartburn immediately decrease, but at the same time a more frequent urge to urinate appears, and there may be a loosening of the stool;
  • characteristic changes in the cervix: softening of the cervix is ​​a sign that a woman cannot determine on her own; the doctor will tell you about it after a vaginal examination; softening of the cervix begins preparation for its opening;
  • release of the mucus plug: during pregnancy, there was a mucus plug in the cervical canal, which served as a protection, and before childbirth it is released. Visually, it looks like thick mucus, there may be streaks of blood;
  • intensification of training contractions (and in some women they appear for the first time); They differ from the true ones by the lack of regularity and pain;
  • weight loss: changes in hormonal levels before childbirth lead to a decrease in swelling, and it is due to this that weight can decrease. Often mothers notice that if previously there was a deep mark on the legs from the elastic bands of socks, now it is barely visible.

36 weeks pregnant with twins

If you are expecting twins, then from this period you need to be as careful and attentive as possible, because the birth of twins in the vast majority of cases begins before forty weeks. The double load causes mom an incredible amount of inconvenience; very often it is even difficult to move. But now you must remain active in order to be in ideal shape for childbirth - this is the only way you will help your babies be born easily.

Discharge at 36 weeks of pregnancy

The nature of the discharge may not change at this time: it should still be light and not abundant. But you need to monitor this carefully: the appearance of thick mucus streaked with blood is the release of the mucus plug from the cervix. Copious watery discharge is most likely amniotic fluid. If your water breaks, you need to go to the maternity hospital immediately.

Oligohydramnios during pregnancy 36 weeks

Amniotic fluid plays a very important role: it protects the baby from injury, is an ideal environment for his life, and even when breathing, amniotic fluid enters the lungs. The amount of amniotic fluid is determined by ultrasound. At 36 weeks of pregnancy it is already known whether the amount of water is normal. A slight decrease in them can be quite normal, especially if the baby is developing normally.

The amniotic sac with water at the beginning of labor is responsible for the normal dilatation of the cervix, and oligohydramnios can disrupt this process and cause weakness in labor. A significant decrease in the amount of water can lead to the formation of adhesions inside the uterus, which can even affect the baby and tangle the umbilical cord. Therefore, timely diagnosis of oligohydramnios is very important.

At this stage of pregnancy, standard studies are carried out. A weekly visit to the gynecologist is mandatory. If your health changes, contact your doctor more often! Sometimes, to clarify the baby’s condition, an ultrasound may be prescribed at 36 weeks. You can ask to record photos or videos - the baby is already so old that it is very interesting to watch him!

Useful video

Questions - answers

I am 36 weeks pregnant - breech. Can the baby still roll over?

Usually by this stage of pregnancy the baby has already taken its final position. But you don’t need to worry: breech births go normally in most cases, but the tactics for managing them are slightly different. Your doctor will tell you the specifics and give recommendations. If there is a threat to you or the baby, a caesarean section may be performed if indicated.

I'm now 36 weeks. Is it possible to have sex at this time? My husband is worried, but nothing worries me, everything is going according to plan, there is no threat.

Sex at 36 weeks of pregnancy is acceptable if the pregnancy is indeed progressing normally. Just be careful, limit sudden movements, and don’t put pressure on your stomach.

I developed a fever at 36 weeks of pregnancy and a runny nose. I think it's viral. What can be treated now?

First of all, you need to see a doctor for differential diagnosis. There are many reasons for fever during pregnancy. And if it really is an acute respiratory infection, the doctor will prescribe safe treatment.

The 36th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the 9th month or 3rd trimester

The 36th week of pregnancy is a kind of exit to the finish line of pregnancy. By this time, every expectant mother knows that a baby is usually born at 40 weeks; within normal limits, deviations of two weeks are possible (both earlier and later).

So, you only have to wait a month, or even less, to meet your baby. The traditional fear of premature birth gradually disappears, and the woman prepares for the upcoming changes. Indeed, from the moment the baby appears, the entire life pattern that existed until now, not only of the mother, but of the entire family, will completely change.

What happens at 36 weeks

Many women at 36 weeks begin to worry about sudden pain. This is due to the fact that the uterus has already expanded to its maximum possible size and is supporting the sternum, and, as a result, pregnant women have little control over their breathing. Now any movement of the baby is clearly felt, and the pain is significantly worsened, often impossible to tolerate. In this case, the doctor may prescribe a special painkiller (at this time, you can and should check with your doctor about the details of the use of painkillers during childbirth).

Now the best adviser is a doctor, and the Internet is becoming just a place for additional consultations. It is necessary to visit your gynecologist at least once a week, or more often. This is the only way to protect yourself as much as possible from complications during childbirth and maintain your morale at the proper level.

What happens to the child

Every mother wants to know what happens to her baby at 36 weeks. The toddler's main activity at this time is thumb sucking. This is a kind of imitation of the future sucking of the mother's breast. Because of this, the cheeks become rounded and plump. As a result, minor facial changes occur. In general, the fetus is ready to be born: all the bones, except the skull (which is still fragile) have already strengthened. During this period, the fetus weighs on average 2 kg 700 g, which directly affects the well-being of the expectant mother.

At 36 weeks the baby is completely ready for birth. All body systems and internal organs are fully functioning, the skin and subcutaneous components are formed.

Externally, a 36-week fetus is a newborn child with average parameters of 2.5 kg of weight and 47 cm of height. Such numbers are already considered normal for a newborn child.

But there are still 4 weeks ahead, allotted by nature to improve what already exists. The child continues to grow in the womb, and the components of his body (organs and systems) continue to improve, they learn to interact and work harmoniously.

This process takes place much easier in the mother’s body than outside it. The child feels great during this period and therefore is very active, moves his arms and legs, and has a sucking reflex.

Childbirth at 36 weeks of pregnancy

Natural childbirth at this stage is not at all uncommon. Doctors convince women to be psychologically prepared for the fact that, every day from the beginning of the 36th week, the birth of a new life is possible at any moment. Quite a large number of babies are generally born before the deadline determined by doctors. And in such cases, there is no reason for concern at all: childbirth at this stage is not dangerous, and the baby is already completely ready for its independent life.

In order to properly prepare for childbirth, we recommend reading the following articles:

A little about ultrasound

As a rule, by this time all planned ultrasounds have already been completed. But there are times when the doctor recommends conducting such a study again. Usually there are good reasons for an unscheduled ultrasound: it is necessary to know the exact weight of the child, or to clarify the degree of maturity of the placenta, or to confirm the prenatal position of the fetus, or to find out the presence/absence of umbilical cord entanglement.

The importance of the information obtained from a control ultrasound far outweighs the potential for harm from ultrasound. Depending on the results, it is determined whether the birth will be natural or caesarean section, and appropriate measures are taken to prevent possible complications.

Ultrasound pictures at 36 weeks

At an ultrasound at 36 weeks, parents see the baby as he will be born. The baby's skull is very soft at the moment. This is not a pathology, but a prerequisite for successful passage through the birth canal. During childbirth, the cranial bones converge at the site of the fontanelles (large cartilaginous areas) and the baby's head decreases significantly, acquiring an ovoid shape. After birth, the bones return to their places, and after a while they harden. The fontanelles are the last to overgrow (usually this process is completed by a year and a half).

An important point in the ultrasound examination during this period is fetal presentation. Ideally, the baby should be turned with his head towards the birth canal (the so-called cephalic presentation). In 4% of cases, breech presentation is observed. In this case, a caesarean section is recommended, since there is a very high probability of birth trauma or that the child will not be able to pass through the birth canal at all. But, at the same time, there are often cases of successful natural births in this position of the fetus.

Ultrasound at 36 weeks


A common occurrence at 36 weeks is the transformation of a pregnant woman into a bun. But this doesn't always happen. It is not uncommon for the belly to be relatively small even during this period. In this case, the expectant mother begins to worry. It is worth noting that such fears may not be idle fantasies. Perhaps the weight of the fetus is too small or there is a lack of water. Only a doctor can give the correct answer. If no problems are found during the examination, there is no need to worry; the stomach may simply appear small due to your body type.

This week, the belly (both small and large) gradually lowers as the baby begins to descend, usually the fetus takes a head down position, resting on the bottom of the pelvis. If your stomach drops, it means that childbirth is just around the corner. Such changes significantly improve the well-being of the expectant mother. Since the uterus stops putting pressure on the internal organs, annoying heartburn disappears, and breathing becomes easier.

During this period, much attention should be paid to caring for the abdomen. In this case, experts recommend a prenatal bandage; it greatly alleviates the condition of the pregnant woman. It is also important to lubricate the skin of the abdomen with a special cream that will help avoid the appearance of such unpleasant stretch marks from a cosmetic point of view.

Photo of the belly at 36 weeks

What you need to know about childbirth

At 36 weeks, a woman should be ready to go into labor at any moment. Despite the fact that according to the rules, childbirth takes place between 38-42 weeks, children are often born a little earlier. This is not the premature appearance of a long-awaited miracle, but a consequence of the fact that it is, in principle, very difficult to determine the absolutely exact date of conception, so an error of two weeks is a variant of the norm. A fairly large percentage of women give birth this week.

Feelings of mom and movements in the stomach

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, it is not difficult for the expectant mother to trace the movements of the child who has gained weight, height, activity and strength. But this should not weaken the attention of the expectant mother. It is still necessary to carefully listen to the baby’s movements. The fact that everything is fine with him is evidenced by at least 10 movements in 12 hours. Usually during this period the baby’s movements are very active, the baby can react to the voice of mom and dad, make it clear that he likes the music that the pregnant woman listens to.

At the same time, the mother herself, as the birth approaches, also needs more attention and support. Many pregnant women, especially if they are about to give birth for the first time, begin to be afraid and panic. Anxiety penetrates the soul, and moodiness, nervousness and irritability become the norm. The optimal way out of this situation is not to get hung up on this condition and perceive childbirth as a natural and inevitable process from which there is no escape.

The physical condition of the expectant mother also does not improve. Added to chronic fatigue is a very heavy stomach that limits movement. Even walking becomes a problem. Therefore, in order to gain strength before the important process of childbirth, the remaining time should be spent as calmly as possible. Try not to be nervous, not to get irritated over trifles and, most importantly, not to be afraid. Focus on the future, because huge changes are coming. The best medicines during this period are staying in the fresh air, physical activity, adequate sleep and nutrition, and a huge dose of patience. This is the only way a woman can ensure a successful birth outcome for herself.

Weight of the expectant mother

Compared to the weight before pregnancy, the expectant mother may increase by 13 kg. It is generally accepted that during pregnancy a woman should gain no more than 16 kg. But this is not always the case, or rather, almost always not the case. Weight characteristics in this case are a very individual thing. And, in general, during pregnancy a woman gains weight due to several components - the weight of the child itself, amniotic fluid and directly the fat and water accumulated in the mother’s body.

Pain at 36 weeks

Why does my stomach hurt and pull?

During this period, many pregnant women begin to experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which, of course, becomes a cause for concern. There may be several reasons for this.

Firstly, by 36 weeks your baby is already fully formed, he is finishing preparations for birth, comfortably positioned with his head down. Many pregnant women feel a tightening in their lower abdomen at this time. This happens because the baby's weight puts pressure on the internal organs. So, the expectant mother may feel not only a tightening in the lower abdomen and pain in the perineum, but also frequent urination. If the pull at the bottom is strong, a pregnant woman can take painkillers that her doctor will prescribe to her.

If at 36 weeks the stomach feels tight, this may also be evidence of the onset of premature labor, which can be triggered by uterine hypertonicity. These pains are severe and may be accompanied by back and lower back pain. Only a doctor can help determine the exact cause of abdominal pain.

Many women at 36 weeks feel that their stomach is pulling due to training contractions. Such abdominal pain can be characterized by suddenness. A pregnant woman may suddenly feel pain that goes away after a few minutes. Many people experience such pain during menstruation. In this case, there is no need to worry, you just need to try to relax.

Pain very often accompanies pregnancy. As the uterus enlarges many times, it puts pressure on the internal organs. A large belly shifts the center of gravity, which increases the load on the lower back and back. Because of this, back pain can accompany a woman throughout her pregnancy, especially in the last weeks. Softening and relaxation of ligaments and joints towards the end of pregnancy provokes the appearance of pain in the pubic and pelvic area. There is also a high risk of hemorrhoids. This disease usually causes enormous discomfort and severe pain. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only he will select a safe option for pregnant women from the many available drugs.

The reasons described above for which the stomach may hurt are the most common; only a doctor can help you understand exactly what is happening in a particular case. Therefore, if you have concerns about your condition, be sure to consult a doctor. If at 36 weeks of pregnancy you have sharp, very severe pain in the abdomen or lower abdomen and bloody discharge appears, you should urgently go to the hospital.

Read more about abdominal and lower back pain in the following articles:

What to do if your stomach turns to stone?

Oddly enough, a stone belly at this stage is a fairly common phenomenon, but you should not ignore it. A hard belly at 36 weeks can be either an absolutely painless consequence of a pregnant woman’s actions or a serious reason for an urgent visit to the doctor.

For example, a full bladder, an uncomfortable posture, or staying in one position for a long time can cause this sensation. If everything goes away when you change position or after going to the toilet, there is no reason to panic. If your stomach becomes hard and flatulence appears, you should reconsider your diet and eliminate foods that cause gas.

When the stomach becomes stone often, it is necessary to consult a doctor, because this may be an alarming signal about hypertonicity of the uterus, and this in turn can cause premature birth. In any case, only a doctor can accurately answer the question of why your stomach is getting hard. But don’t panic, because a stone belly can simply be caused by too much physical activity. So just relax and listen to your feelings.

Legs hurt and swell at 36 weeks

Leg pain and swelling is a very common problem during this time of pregnancy. At this stage of pregnancy, even those who did not have them in previous months are at risk. The uterus puts more and more pressure on the pelvic veins and the flow of blood from the lower part of the body worsens. If this is the case, then swelling will usually appear towards the end of the day or as a result of prolonged sitting/standing and will not be dangerous. A good tip for pregnant women is to lie down several times a day for 15 minutes with your legs raised higher than 45 degrees.

But in some cases, edema is a symptom of gestosis, a complication that manifests itself in late pregnancy. This is a violation of the functioning of the kidneys. In addition to edema, gestosis is indicated by the presence of protein in the urine and increased pressure. Then immediate medical attention is needed.

Useful articles for pregnant women about leg diseases with recommendations:

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Also, a reason for immediate medical intervention is bleeding. This is direct evidence of the onset of placental abruption, which is very dangerous for both the fetus and the mother.

You should call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital even if thin white or yellowish discharge appears. This is when your water begins to break, indicating that labor has begun. The water does not necessarily break immediately; this process can occur gradually.

Sex during pregnancy

If pregnancy proceeds without complications, you can have sex almost before birth, but it is worth remembering that in the later stages, orgasm can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. And this, in turn, can cause premature birth. In this matter, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations.


The biggest threat at the end of pregnancy is late toxicosis. And also a huge number of troubles: varicose veins, swelling, back pain, clumsiness. It is not uncommon to see an increase in body hair due to hormonal fluctuations. This should go away after giving birth.

Since a large fetus impairs the blood circulation in the mother’s body, it itself lacks oxygen. Therefore, it is extremely important to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.

To provide the baby with the necessary amount of protein, the daily diet of the expectant mother should include vegetables, meat, eggs, and pharmacy vitamins.

To avoid the formation of edema, it is worth monitoring the liquid consumed and released.

And lastly, you need to carefully monitor your mood. The general well-being of a pregnant woman directly depends on it.

Twins pregnancy at 36 weeks

Week 36 is considered normal for multiple pregnancies. The internal organs of the babies are already formed, they do not weigh as much as with one fetus, but sometimes the weight of the babies is 3 kg each.

For a pregnant woman, this period is the most difficult, the body is tired and is already beginning to give up, and children strive to be born as soon as possible. One of the twins begins to move down towards the pelvis.

Pregnancy with twins is quite a difficult experience for any woman. Many give birth naturally, but in 70% of cases a caesarean section is performed. There is no need to be afraid of this word; it is important to understand that only thanks to this procedure you will be able to see your children. And if you are planning another pregnancy after this, it will certainly happen. The caesarean section itself does not play any role in further fertilization. The main thing is that some time should pass for the body to renew its strength and health, at least 3 years.

Fetal development in the womb usually takes a full 40 weeks, after which a viable child is born independently. Such terms are determined by the experience of medical practice. This is why giving birth at 36 weeks of pregnancy causes anxiety in mothers. Are such worries justified, and what to expect from giving birth ahead of schedule?

Vital signs at 36 weeks

Often by 36 weeks the baby is already positioned as expected, head down

Upon reaching this time, the baby’s main vital functions are already sufficiently developed, only improvement occurs. The cardiovascular, reproductive and respiratory systems are formed, the lungs are ready to function independently, the receptors are so developed that the baby is already able to distinguish tastes. He hears and recognizes his mother's voice among others. The sucking reflex is being actively improved, in which the baby practices using his fingers not only on his hands, but also on his feet. This allows the nervous and immune systems to clearly organize their work. During this period, the baby learns to breathe through the nose, while previously inhalation and exhalation of amniotic fluid occurred through the mouth. The liver accumulates iron. The bones of the skull are still soft enough to pass smoothly through the birth canal, but after childbirth the situation will change - they will harden. Using a stethoscope, you can listen to a normal heartbeat - 140 beats per minute.

At the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy, the weight and height of the fetus are close to normal. As a rule, by this time the baby reaches 46-48 centimeters, and the weight ranges from 2.5 to 3 kilograms. The alveoli will no longer stick together when breathing; the lungs are easily straightened thanks to the surfactant.

As a rule, the fetus at the thirty-sixth week is positioned head down. In 4-5% of cases, cephalic presentation is not observed, and then a preliminary conclusion can be made about the need for a cesarean section.

Medical standards

If you focus on the lunar calendar, then the 36th week is the final ninth month of pregnancy. The obstetric period is determined from the fact that a month is exactly four weeks. Plus the time (on average two weeks) from the last day of menstruation. Therefore, the 36th week is considered the beginning of the ninth month. (33 weeks + 2 before the end of menstruation = 36 - the beginning of the ninth obstetric). The norm is considered to give birth at 38 - 42 weeks.

The term "preterm labor" is used when delivery occurs between 22 and 37 weeks. However, it should be taken into account that primiparous women very often do not reach 38 weeks, giving birth one to two weeks earlier. This is not uncommon and the fears are unfounded. If labor begins earlier, then there is a high probability of an unfavorable outcome.

In modern medicine, cases of premature births, which threaten the health of mother and baby, have decreased. This happened due to regular visits to doctors by expectant mothers, since it is possible to track the development of the fetus, determine the tone of the uterus, and stop possible problems in time with the help of the latest devices and medications.

Note!According to statistics, in 50% of births the child is born at 34-37 weeks. In modern medicine, premature birth is not a death sentence.

In some cases, doctors recommend delivery at 36 weeks

Mom's feelings

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother weighs 13-17 kilograms more than before pregnancy. Thanks to the cephalic presentation of the fetus, breathing becomes much easier, but due to the beating of the legs in the chest area, discomfort may be felt. The cervix shortens and becomes softer, and the pelvic bones widen. Thanks to such changes, the mother can give birth on her own without resorting to surgical interventions.

Due to increased pressure on the bladder, the urge to urinate occurs more frequently. Sometimes there is a strong heaviness in the area of ​​the uterus and it feels as hard as a stone. This is a normal phenomenon, unless it is accompanied by severe nagging pain. The load on the spine is higher than ever, which is why the lower back is strained. In this case, you should wear a support bandage. Swelling of the legs after the whole day is normal, but if a woman wakes up with heaviness in her legs, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Due to the heavy load on the spine, back pain may occur

Causes of premature birth

It is possible to give birth at 36 weeks of pregnancy or earlier for a number of reasons. The process is not independently determined, so there must be a factor that provoked the early birth of the child. The reason for this may be several groups of factors.

  • problems with the functioning of the adrenal glands and kidneys;
  • diabetes;
  • previous abortions, miscarriages, operations on the uterus, ovaries;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • intestinal infections;
  • hormonal problems;
  • the mother has cardiovascular diseases;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland;
  • previous premature birth.
  1. Gynecological problems are common causes of premature birth. This group includes the following pathological conditions:
  • polyhydramnios, because the uterus has a maximum amount of stretching, and if the place is excessively filled with water, the body’s natural solution is childbirth;
  • too much weight of the fetus;
  • rupture of amniotic fluid or its moderate systematic leakage;
  • presence of infectious diseases;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • the presence of several fetuses in the uterus, since the degree of its stretching is limited;
  • placenta previa or abruption.
  1. Psychological factors can bring the onset of labor closer or even make it rapid. These include:

  1. Other:
  • early age of the expectant mother (up to 18 years old) or vice versa late (over 35);
  • fall, blow (especially dangerous when the abdominal area is affected);
  • taking drugs;
  • cigarettes and alcohol;
  • inadequate sanitary and living conditions;
  • the presence of defects in the fetus, intrauterine infection;
  • sex with existing contraindications to it. By the way, the process of intercourse can serve as a secondary factor stimulating premature birth due to the fact that to some extent it tones the uterus.

If the first causal group can be eliminated in advance by treating existing ailments or relieving symptoms, then the rest depend only on the expectant mother: how often she will visit the attending physician, follow all the necessary instructions, take tests, etc., how much she will take care of her health and take care.

Harbingers of childbirth

A drooping belly is a harbinger of imminent labor

A pregnant woman is given an estimated due date, but the pregnancy process is unpredictable, and childbirth at 36 weeks of pregnancy is not uncommon. Therefore, it is important to know about the first signs that accompany the preparation of the female body for the process of reproduction. The following changes should alert the expectant mother:

  • drooping of the abdomen is the first sign of impending labor. This happens due to the fact that the baby gradually moves towards the pelvis, lowering the fundus of the uterus. In most cases, a drooping belly indicates that a pregnant woman has an average of two weeks to wait. Most often, during this period, the stomach drops in those who are preparing to become mothers for the first time;
  • training contractions accompany the threshold of labor in 80% of women. At the same time, the uterus noticeably tenses;
  • frequent, causeless changes in mood, tearfulness, desire for solitude are frequent prenatal companions. Some pregnant women show an unhealthy interest in cleaning and tidying their homes. In this case, you can be sure that your baby will be born soon.
  • Frequent urge to urinate also indicates impending birth at 35, 36 weeks of pregnancy. During this period they are particularly intensified;
  • nagging pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • the release of a small dark lump of mucus, the so-called “mucus plug,” is a signal that labor will occur in no more than 3 days;
  • sudden stop in weight gain. A woman can even lose weight;
  • An increase in skin hairiness indicates hormonal changes, which also prepare the mother for childbirth.

Only a specialist can determine with one hundred percent probability that the birth process has already begun. The ultrasound machine clearly indicates the size of the cervix. If its length does not reach three centimeters, then we can talk about the threat of premature birth, if more than 3 centimeters is evidence of a normal pregnancy.

In medicine, there are several stages of premature birth:

  1. Threatening (aching and nagging pain in the lower abdomen, increasing pressure on the rectum and vagina, contractions of the uterus).
  2. Beginning (cramping pain, the period between which is 5-10 minutes, discharge of amniotic fluid).
  3. The beginning stage is characterized by real contractions and the outflow of amniotic fluid.

In any case, even if you do not observe any warning signs of an approaching birth, your bag for the maternity hospital should be packed in advance. This will ensure peace of mind for the expectant mother and will not cause unnecessary trouble for her family. The same applies to those women who are at risk of premature birth for medical reasons.

Important!If a pregnant woman notices signs of labor beginning, she should immediately call an ambulance and exclude any physical activity!

Considering that labor may begin prematurely, you should prepare your bag for the maternity hospital in advance.

How should a woman behave during this period?

There are preventive measures that, if followed, will reduce the risk of premature birth. Below are the main ones:

  1. A pregnant woman must register with the antenatal clinic on time, undergo all scheduled tests, and, if necessary, undergo additional examinations in a timely manner. If infectious diseases exist, they need to be treated before pregnancy.
  2. Complete cessation of all types of drugs, alcohol, and smoking. Ideally, this will happen at the planning stage of the baby.
  3. Proper, frequent and small meals. You should exclude from your diet those foods that lead to rapid weight gain.
  4. Moderate physical activity.
  5. Daily monitoring and analysis of your condition. It is necessary to exclude contact with possible sources of infections.
  6. Seek medical help at the slightest sign of preterm labor.
  7. If the previous pregnancy ended in the early stages, it is necessary, with the help of specialists, to determine and eliminate the cause of this phenomenon.

If you experience any strange sensations or changes in your health, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What is the risk of premature birth?

As mentioned earlier, childbirth at 36 weeks almost always ends safely. Upon reaching this period, the fetus is already quite developed; it only trains its skills and gains weight. But there are exceptions when one of the body systems develops more slowly. Most often, problems can be related to:

  • with partial or complete non-expansion of the lungs. In these cases, the baby is left under observation in the intensive care unit after birth. Problems of the respiratory system are solved by placing the newborn in an incubator (a kind of incubator);
  • with insufficient thermoregulation. Such cases arise if the baby does not have a sufficient layer of subcutaneous fat, designed to retain heat;
  • Often, with rapid premature birth, the birth canal ruptures due to the fact that it does not have time to stretch. In this case, the tactics used by medical personnel are important (measures should be taken to reduce contractile activity, moderate anesthesia).

And at 36 weeks you can give birth to a strong and healthy baby

As a result of prematurity, infant jaundice may not go away for a long time, and neurological problems may also arise. But all these problems can be solved by artificial stimulation of problem areas.

Hence the conclusion that even at 36 weeks of pregnancy you can give birth to a healthy baby. And modern children's neontology copes with the difficulties that arise without any problems.

It’s safe to say that having a baby at 36 weeks is not the time to worry and have hysterics. Be positive about childbirth, take care of your health, visit your doctor regularly, follow all his recommendations, pack your bag for the maternity hospital in advance and a favorable outcome is guaranteed. Remember that during this period your child is already ready for life. If the slightest irregularities are noticed when assessing the condition of the newborn, the medical staff will take all necessary measures and your baby will leave the maternity hospital absolutely healthy.

The 36th week of pregnancy is a very important period. The baby is growing very quickly and the time of birth is rapidly approaching. They often begin as early as 36 weeks.

If the 36th week of pregnancy has already begun, what happens to the baby? How might the expectant mother feel? Is it normal or not that your stomach feels tight this week of pregnancy? How to behave correctly so as not to create risky situations for the fetus? How dangerous is childbirth at 36 weeks of pregnancy?

Child development

The fetus at 36 weeks of gestation is already quite large. He is quite a bit different from a newborn baby. Even if you give birth to a child during this period, he will most likely no longer be underweight (children up to 2.5 kg are considered such).

Main characteristics of the fetus at 36 weeks of gestation:

  • Almost all organs have already formed and their final finishing is taking place.
  • The liver intensively accumulates iron, which is needed in the first days after birth for hematopoietic processes.
  • The baby is already learning to breathe - swallowing and spitting out amniotic fluid.
  • The sucking reflex is practiced, he trains on his fingers and toes. Because of this, chubby cheeks gradually appear.
  • The weight of the child at 36 weeks of pregnancy is approximately 2700 grams, height is about 47 cm.
  • Subcutaneous fat accumulates, the shoulders become rounded.
  • The fetus already occupies the entire uterine cavity, it is uncomfortable for it to move a lot, so it becomes a little calmer. But you should still feel at least 10 jolts or other movements within 12 hours.
  • Usually at 36 weeks the baby has already taken the position in which he will be before birth. The ideal option is cephalic presentation, which is most optimal for natural childbirth.
  • There is less and less cheese-like lubricant, the skin becomes lighter.
  • The vocal cords have already formed.
  • The lungs have surfactant, which means they have the ability to breathe independently.

Every day the baby grows, the fat layer and weight of the fetus increases. He becomes more and more mature and ready to be born.

Mom's well-being

For many women, the last weeks of pregnancy are especially difficult. They are already tired after 8 months, and their stomach is getting bigger and more disturbing. There is a feeling that childbirth is already close. Some are happy about this, others begin to panic. It is important for the family, especially the husband, to support the expectant mother during this, to assure her that everything will go very well.

To avoid unnecessary causes for concern, a woman needs to know what she can normally feel during this period. Typically, doctors talk about the first signs of labor and other symptoms that are most common. But if there's something that came up that they didn't mention, ask yourself. This will help you navigate what is happening.


The 36th week of pregnancy is the period when the expectant mother can no longer help but feel the peculiarity of her situation. The belly and the baby in it constantly remind of themselves. In addition, the body is already beginning to gradually prepare for the onset of labor, which adds new sensations, for example, sometimes a pulling in the lower abdomen.

What you need to be prepared for:

  • It's difficult to fall asleep because you can't find a single comfortable position.
  • Shortness of breath and heartburn are increasing because the uterus has risen high, the lungs, and the stomach are compressed. But often it is at this time that it drops and the woman becomes much easier.
  • My back almost never stops hurting, especially when walking or standing for a long time.
  • From time to time, the lower abdomen hurts, it can pull in the lower back, and training contractions can be felt. It is also possible that real, prenatal ones may begin.
  • Clumsiness - both the volume of the abdomen and the way the center of gravity has shifted because of it.
  • Swelling appears in the legs. If they are strong and accompanied by high blood pressure, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible to exclude late toxicosis.
  • It is not uncommon to experience pain between the legs, pubic area, and lower back when you are 36 weeks pregnant. This is due to the fact that the cartilaginous tissues of the pelvis and pubic joint soften. This is necessary to make it easier for the child at birth.
  • Hemorrhoids may appear.
  • Colostrum is sometimes released from the mammary glands.
  • Discharge from the genitals increases.
  • Sometimes the child pushes very painfully. Some women even have to be prescribed painkillers, which are allowed for expectant mothers.
  • At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the woman’s weight increased by at least 12 kilograms.

You can endure all this, consoling yourself with the thought that the long-awaited baby will soon appear and all the difficulties of waiting for him will be forgotten. It is important to breathe more fresh air, eat well, prepare for a temporary move to the maternity hospital and focus only on positive things.


Discharge at 36 weeks of pregnancy remains the same as in the previous week or becomes more abundant. It is very important to pay attention to their character, color and intensity. This will help you monitor whether everything is going well and react in time if a problem arises and you need to call the doctors.

Possible selection options that you need to pay special attention to:

  1. Watery discharge. This could be amniotic fluid. Often they go away immediately, then the discharge will be abundant. But if there is slight damage to the amniotic membrane, liquid will leak out in small portions.
  2. A mucous, sticky discharge or a clot of mucus with red or pink streaks is the release of a plug.
  3. Blood. A sign of placental abruption and threat of miscarriage.
  4. Curdled, yellow, green discharge with a bad odor, accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the genitals (itching, burning, aching or pain in the stomach). These are symptoms of inflammation caused by some kind of infection. It needs to be treated as quickly as possible so as not to infect the child during childbirth.

In each of these cases, you should immediately seek specialized medical help. However, you can go to the hospital on your own only if you suspect an infection. If the plug comes out, the water comes out, or bleeding develops, you need to stay at home and call an ambulance.


There are many opinions regarding whether sex is allowed at 36 weeks of pregnancy. If you do not have any complications when carrying a child, the pregnancy is not multiple, sexual intercourse does not cause discomfort to the woman, there is a desire, doctors will not prohibit physical intimacy. Although some of them still recommend waiting.

  • When deciding what to do in your case, you need to consider the following points:
  • A woman must be absolutely sure that her partner is healthy. If she becomes infected with something during this period, there is a risk that she will not have time to recover before giving birth. Then the infection will be transmitted to the child, and this is very dangerous for him.
  • There is an opinion that orgasm can contribute to the onset of labor. But this is just a theory. Most experts say that this can only happen if, even without this, labor would have started very soon.
  • We must not forget about the restrictions due to a large belly - not every position at thirty-six weeks will be comfortable and safe. Therefore, experiments should definitely be abandoned.

Of course, each couple makes this decision themselves, but it would not be superfluous to consult a doctor. After all, now future parents need to first of all think about their child and his well-being.

Childbirth at 36 weeks

Childbirth at 36 weeks of pregnancy is quite common. But this is not considered the norm. The earliest time a baby will be born full-term is 38 weeks. Therefore, if labor begins earlier and it is possible to stop it, doctors will do everything to prolong the pregnancy.

But there are situations when this does not work. Often, premature labor is very rapid and there is simply not enough time to stop what is happening before the water breaks and the cervix begins to open. In this case, doctors can only control that complications do not arise during childbirth. And some women even have to induce labor due to their critical condition.

How to prevent premature birth? And how dangerous is it if labor does begin at 36 weeks? How will this affect the baby's health?


Those who gave birth at 36 weeks can say that the only difference between births at this stage is their speed. Everything happens much faster than when a full-term baby is born. But sometimes there is no difference either.

The following signs are observed:

  • The stomach has dropped (but this can happen a couple of weeks before giving birth).
  • Severe aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.
  • The uterus “turns to stone” and becomes hard.
  • The water and mucous plug are drained.
  • Possible bleeding.
  • Contractions are very painful, rhythmic, their frequency increases.

Usually these signs are well known to women who are already having their second birth. It’s easier for them to figure out that it’s time to call an ambulance. But if you are pregnant for the first time and think you are experiencing the symptoms described above, be sure to call your doctor. Even if it only seemed like it, it’s better to be safe than to unknowingly lose time, which is now very important for a successful outcome. If it is only the 36th week of pregnancy, and labor has already begun, doctors may recommend going into confinement to prolong the period of intrauterine development.


When a woman finds out that her baby will be born premature for at least two weeks of pregnancy, she is concerned about whether she can hope that there will be no problems. Fortunately, a baby at 36 weeks has a good chance of being born ready for outside life.

The actual period does not always coincide with the one written on the medical card. It is almost impossible to calculate the exact date of fertilization. Therefore, it may turn out that children born at 36 and 38 obstetric weeks are actually the same age, if you count from the day of conception. In this case, the baby will be absolutely healthy.

If the birth is actually premature, there is also no reason to worry excessively. The development of the fetus at week 36 has already reached the level where it can adapt to the conditions of the outside world. Certain difficulties may be, for example, an increased risk of prolonged jaundice in newborns or weak immunity in infancy. But there are no serious threats; often such babies quickly gain the required weight and continue to grow as well as full-term ones.


The course of a multiple pregnancy can be more difficult than carrying one child. The expectant mother has to visit antenatal clinics much more often and even undergo additional tests. Particular attention should be paid to it in the later stages. This is explained by the fact that in multiple pregnancies, childbirth is usually early and more dangerous in terms of complications.

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, twins can already be born. And this will not be considered a pathology. Usually such children are absolutely healthy, but small, they can weigh about 2700 grams or even a little less. Therefore, do not worry if contractions begin before 38 weeks. The main thing is to seek help in time so that the birth takes place under the supervision of experienced specialists.


Usually the last ultrasound examination is performed at 32 weeks. By this time, development is almost complete and over the next month the child is mostly just growing, so the results may not change much. Ultrasound at 36 weeks of pregnancy is prescribed only if indicated.

You may need to clarify the following information:

  1. Fetal presentation.
  2. Presence of umbilical cord entanglement.
  3. Exact dimensions, for example, girth of the head (if the woman has a narrow pelvis).
  4. Condition of the placenta.

Based on the results of ultrasound diagnostics, a decision will be made on how the baby will be born - naturally or better to have a caesarean section. This will help protect the baby and his mother from complications during childbirth.