Hide that you like a guy. How to understand that a guy likes you: TOP obvious signs and attention signs

Lately, you and your beloved friend have been spending more time together. Suddenly, you started to blush whenever he spoke to you. You realized that you are ready for more than just friendship. You want to tell him about it, but you're afraid to take the first step because you don't know if he shares your feelings. Does he see you only as a friend or does he reciprocate your affection? Read on to figure it all out!


Pay attention to what he says

    Pay attention to how he talks to you. His interactions with you can reveal a lot about how he really feels. Here are a few points worth noting:

    Pay attention to his tone. Does he speak to you in a measured voice? This tone indicates that he has been thinking a lot about the same thing you are thinking about.

    Notice if he maintains eye contact. Does he look you in the eyes while talking or does he look around absentmindedly? Consider that he may be afraid of eye contact because he likes you. Maybe he's just shy!

    Notice if he is easily distracted. If someone comes up while he's talking to you, do he immediately forget about the conversation? If so, then what he is talking about may not be that important to him.

    Pay attention to what he tells you. What he talks to you about can be a good indicator of how he really feels about you. Here are some signs that he wants more from you:

    • He teases you. If he often teases you jokingly, it's a good sign that he's flirting and expects you to do the same!
    • He shares personal information with you. If he tells you about family problems, his worries and fears, then most likely he would like to move on to a more serious relationship.
    • He compliments you. If he often tells you what a wonderful mind you have or how great you look when you meet him, this is a sign that he really admires you.
    • He tries not to look brutal. If you notice that he acts vulgar during conversations with his guy friends, but makes an effort to act more sophisticated around you, this is a sign that he really cares about what he has to say.
    • He is interested in your past relationships. Your conversations can go far, even discussing your past relationships. This suggests that he is trying to find out if you are single and if other guys are interested in you.
      • Keep in mind that if he's constantly trying to set you up with one of his friends or asking why you don't go out with so-and-so, then he may be trying to keep you in the friend zone.
  1. Pay attention to what he says about other girls. This way you can understand whether he is relying only on your advice, or whether you are the only girl he needs. However, he may ask for advice in order to gather information about the guy of your dreams.

    • Listen to what he says about past relationships. Short, quick answers indicate that he is a real player, or that he wants to make you jealous.
  2. Pay attention to what he says when you're not together. Some guys are just very shy and express their feelings better online or over the phone. Determine how he speaks using the following methods:

    • By phone. Does he seem nervous when you talk on the phone? This could be a sign that he wants to impress you. Do you talk for a long time or does he make every effort to get to the point of the conversation as quickly as possible and hang up?
    • By email. If he's trying to impress you with his wit and spelling, then he's probably spending time choosing words to show you how smart and savvy he is.
    • In messages. Does he text you just to arrange a time and place to meet? Or does he write from time to time just to chat? Is he trying to be funny and sending emojis? If he makes an extra effort when he texts, then he most likely wants to see your relationship progress.
    • In social networks. Does he “like” your photos and often leave notes on your wall? This could be a sign that he is keeping an eye on events in your life.
    • Don't take all this too personally. Some guys just don't like the phone, email, or social media. He might just prefer to see you in person - and there's nothing wrong with that!

    Pay attention to what he does

    1. Pay attention to his body language. Body language can really help you understand that he would rather cuddle with you than just chat. Note the following:

      • How often does he accidentally touch you?. Does his knee touch yours when you're sitting next to him watching a movie? Do his fingers linger on yours when you hand him something? This could be a sign that he wants to touch you more often.
      • Do you catch him looking at you?. If you are in a group and you notice him looking at you, this is a sign that he is admiring you. If you catch his eye and he smiles and looks away, that's a sign that he knows he's been caught!
      • Is his body involved in the conversation with you?. If during communication his whole body is facing you, he is open, and his arms are not crossed over his chest, this is a sign that he is ready to listen to you. You can add extra points if he often leans close to you to say something. However, keep in mind that this method is not applicable to everyone - some guys just like to sit in a certain position.
    2. Pay attention to what he does for you. Does he try his best to be a good friend? If yes, then maybe this is how he gets your attention and wins your heart. Here are a few signs that he is falling more and more in love with you:

      • He always does you favors. If he, for example, gives you a ride, cooks lunch when you're busy at work, picks up your dry cleaning, or helps you get your car fixed, then he's probably angling for the role of your boyfriend.
      • He cares about you. If he brings you your favorite dessert from the bakery or buys you a book you wanted to read, then he cares about you.
      • He consoles you. Let's face it: no guy wants to comfort a stranger's crying girl. But if he really cares about you, he will be there to listen to your problems. Perhaps he wants to further develop the relationship.
    3. Pay attention to how he behaves with other girls. Watching what he does around other girls can help you find out how he really feels about you. Here are some ways to better understand his true feelings:

      • Does he treat other girls the same way he treats you? If you notice that you are the only one he wants to be around in a big group, and the only girl he teases and hugs, this is a sign that he wants to be with you.
        • But if you notice that he teases and touches all the girls within a five kilometer radius, he is probably a womanizer.
      • Does he flaunt his relationship in front of you? If he openly invites you to hang out with him and his new flame, then he probably really considers you just a friend.
        • But if he does this to get your opinion, it could be a sign that he considers you to be his one and only. If he's reluctant to talk about his interactions with other females, it could be a sign that he already sees you as his girlfriend and feels like he's cheated on you.
    4. Pay attention to whether he is trying to be with you. This is a sure sign that he wants to move to the next level. Here are some criteria by which you can understand how he really feels:

      • How often does he ask you to meet?. Everything is obvious here - he wants to be with you more often. Another meeting gives him the opportunity to get closer to you.
      • Does he try to quietly approach you in company?. If he wants to sit at the same desk with you or be your partner in a game, chances are he can't get enough of communicating with you.
      • How often does he say he was “passing by” and ask if he can come in?. If he explains why he wants to see you, this may indicate that he is shy because he really wants to be with you.

    Analyze where and when you meet

    1. Note where you meet. One of the easiest ways to understand that he doesn't treat you as a friend is to pay attention to where you see each other. Here are some ways to tell if he's trying to take your relationship up a notch:

      • If you go out to dinner together, pay attention to the type of establishment. If you're in a fun, loud bar, he might consider you more than a friend, but if you're having a candlelit dinner in a quiet restaurant with good wine, he might be trying to tell you something. If he sits next to you in the university cafeteria, it doesn't mean he's interested in a romantic relationship.
        • Look at other visitors. Are they couples who can't take their eyes off each other, or just friends who laugh and chat about something? This could be an indicator of how he perceives you.
        • Don't give it too much importance. He might really like you - but he might also like Georgian kebab. Location may be a good indicator, but it can't tell the whole story.
      • If he invites you to the cinema, what movie is it? Are you watching a romantic comedy or melodrama? Or are you watching a bloody war film or documentary? His choice of movie can indicate whether he dreams of hugging you or just wants to be your friend.
      • If you go to a concert, will it be a jazz show in the dark, or a performance by a popular singer, or ear-numbing death metal? Is it a place where you get up and party, or sit back and enjoy the show in a romantic setting?
    2. The timing of your meetings can be just as important as the location. This could be the key to deciding whether he sees you as just a friend or is trying to take the relationship to the next level. In particular, pay attention to two things:

      • Do you meet during the day or evening? There is a big difference between having lunch and dinner together, or between morning coffee and evening cocktails. If you typically meet during the day, then you're on a friendly level now - but that doesn't mean he doesn't want more.
      • Do you meet on weekdays or on weekends? If you see each other on Monday and not Friday, this, again, may indicate a friendly relationship.

    Find out if he really likes you

    1. Ask around. The easiest way to find out how he feels is to simply ask other people. Of course, this needs to be done carefully, because you don’t want him to find out how you really feel about him. Here are a few ways to find out:

      As if by chance, ask his friends. Ask his friends if he is dating anyone and if he likes anyone. Choose a friend you really trust - although it will be difficult to find a guy who will betray male solidarity and not immediately report to him.

      Ask your friends what they think about it. Your friends have seen you together and can assess the situation without bias.

      Ask your friends to ask him. Again, this must be done with caution. Let one of your friends ask, in a subtle way, if he has someone in mind. For example, she can pretend that she wants to introduce him to someone.

    2. Don't follow him or spy on him. There's no way to turn a guy off faster than being an obsessive girl who's trying to keep up with every detail of his life. Here are some activities to avoid at all costs:

      • Checking his phone. If he forgot his phone, don't look at it to see if he's texting other girls. If he catches you, he will consider it a warning sign.
      • Checking his email soil or social media posts. If he steps away from the computer for a minute, avoid temptation and don't be overly curious.
      • Spying on him to find out who he's dating. This is more likely to make him think about going to the police than about a romantic relationship.
    3. Be brave and confess your feelings to him! After all, water does not flow under a lying stone. If you're sure he likes you, or you're just feeling brave and feel like you have nothing to lose, take the step and tell him how you feel.

      • Be carefree. Don't take everything too seriously. You should not agree on a time and place to meet and say: “I have something important to tell you.” Just choose the right moment to tell him that you are in love with him and want to know if he feels the same. Don't "exaggerate" the situation - you don't want him to feel bad if he doesn't share your feelings.
      • Be creative. Come up with a fun way to tell him how you feel. You can send him a note, a Valentine's card, or invite him to solve a riddle. Do not overdo it. However, if you think outside the box, he may appreciate it.
    4. Don't be upset if he doesn't reciprocate your feelings. After all, he might not be your guy. If you want to continue your friendship, here are a few things to consider:

      • Don't get too upset if he doesn't share your feelings. Ultimately, this will only bring suffering to everyone. It's better to reduce it all to a joke.
      • Remind yourself what a great friend he is and how lucky you are to have him. You may have lost hope for a romantic relationship, but you still have a good friend for life.
      • If necessary, take a break from the relationship. If your crush has turned into true love, it may be time to take a break from the friendship because it will be too painful. If your feelings cool down, you can start seeing each other again, but there is nothing worse than torturing yourself by communicating with a person who does not share your feelings.

Recognize a guy's likes.

It’s not for nothing that they say that a man and a woman seem to be from different planets. Sometimes it is difficult for girls to catch signs of attention to themselves. Although, perhaps the fact is that they have a very subtle meaning. And it happens that these signs are interpreted slightly or completely incorrectly. But there are tricks and small signals that will definitely give away even the most hidden man.

Signs that a guy likes you: list

It's no secret that men can be bold and assertive enough to directly express their sympathy and achieve their goals. And there are also representatives who can walk in circles for a very long time. And the girl, at the same time, can also have mutual feelings. But she is afraid to express them for the simplest and most banal reason - she is not sure of the feelings of her chosen one.

  • Everyone knows the proverb that “men love with their eyes.” This is an absolutely true statement. The guy will always look for you and, under any pretext, will keep you in sight. Let the guy “accidentally” see and date you under banal or implausible excuses.
  • Now, in the Internet era, the task is greatly simplified. The guy, if he doesn’t write, will at least put a heart under the photo or post. Even if the man is not a supporter of social networks. Believe me, behind a computer monitor we all become bolder (yes, girls are no exception in this matter).
  • A guy in love begins to change in the presence of a pretty girl. Yes, he may be embarrassed, shy, blush, or, conversely, become too cheerful and talkative (even excessively). This manifests itself individually for each person. If, when you appear, the guy begins to behave completely differently (he suddenly becomes silent or, on the contrary, begins to amuse everyone with stories), then there is reason to think.
  • Men have always protected and protected their beloved. This does not mean that he will put on the armor of a knight (at least not in the literal sense of the word). But the guy will try in every possible way to help. Even if these are small actions. Carrying a briefcase home or spending it late in the evening - this can already be classified as a group of direct hints. And such trivial things as opening doors for a girl, helping with class duty or with a work report also speak of a guy’s sympathy.
  • Also, it is worth paying attention if the guy stood up for you. Even if someone decided to just make a not-so-successful joke. A man will always stand up for his passion.

By the way! Not all guys do this, but it happens that a man tries to resort to feelings of jealousy in his direction. Yes, he starts flirting with other girls to see your reaction. Just don’t confuse his polygamy with this method. Such behavior must be accompanied by other signs.

  • In general, men by nature are very big owners (although many of them cannot be called monogamous individuals). Therefore, a pretty girl will always be jealous of other men. Even if the relationship is friendly or purely for work (or study). This does not mean that a man will not let anyone near you. But it won’t encourage your communication with others either. Moreover, they will try to shift your attention to themselves.
  • I can do this better, and I will bring (do) it faster, and I will raise you higher. No, he absolutely does not want to show off and look like a narcissist in your eyes. Simply, in this way, he wants to attract your attention (especially if there are also competitors). That is, you can entrust any of your requests only to him alone.
  • Also, a lot of stories about yourself and your biography are not always a signal of love for your personality. Using this method, a guy tries to interest a girl. Especially, it is worth paying attention to similar interests and views that suddenly began to match yours.
  • Oh yes! A loving man will try in every possible way to make the girl he likes laugh. He will want to see her smile under any pretext. And it doesn’t matter whether he tells you jokes on the Internet or in person.

How can you tell by looking that a guy, a man, a boy, or a classmate likes you?

Above, although the gaze was not mentioned as a sign of sympathy, it has a large and important role. Sometimes one glance is enough to bring a guy to clean water. Men often glance at pretty girls passing by. But! The look of a man in love cannot be confused with anything. After all, the eyes never lie.

  • If you often start making eye contact. A man needs to see his beloved. Perhaps to rush to her aid if necessary. The guy will not only try to be around you more often, but will also watch closely. It is especially important for him to look into the eyes of his beloved girl. As if he wants to read her thoughts or look straight into the depths of her soul.
  • By the way, if a guy looks at you for a long time, this also indicates sympathy.
  • And it’s worth paying attention to his pupils. Well, if you're close enough. Dilated pupils indicate not only sympathy, but also desire towards you.

Interesting! If you're in the same group and having fun, take a closer look. When laughing, a person involuntarily directs his gaze towards the most attractive person. As if he wants to see if his passion is having fun.

  • Also, you should be prepared for the fact that the guy, when your views intersect, will simply look sharply to the side. Of course, this indicates his shyness and some fear that he might be rejected. But there are also more courageous individuals who will continue to look boldly in the eyes (for a while). This directly depends on the character.
  • By the way, another little secret. If a guy looks not only into the eyes, but also looks at the girl completely, then this also indicates sympathy. For example, if he turns his gaze to his lips, it means he wants to kiss. If he goes lower, to the neckline, then perhaps in his fantasy he is already undressing the girl.

There are several ways to find out how often a guy is watching you and whether his gaze is really directed towards you.

  • Of course, your first assistant will be your friend. Ask her to follow him. More precisely, I figured out who the boy was staring at so often.
  • You can handle it yourself. To do this, you need to connect your peripheral vision.
  • Also, if you notice someone looking at you, you don’t need to turn around right away. Look somewhere into the distance, and then look sharply at the guy. This is where all the cards will be revealed. In this case, a man in love will look confused and a little embarrassed. It was as if he had been caught red-handed.
  • Also, you should resort to your intuition. After all, we can all feel another person’s gaze on us. And, probably, every girl has had cases when, turning around sharply, you involuntarily catch someone’s gaze.

How can you understand by gestures that a guy, a man, a boy, a classmate likes you?

If he can quickly look away and pretend that he accidentally looked. It’s certainly not possible to control gestures. No matter how hard he tried. And girls, by the way, also do not know how to fully control their facial expressions and gestures.

  • Well, just like us girls, guys also try to look good and make the best impression. If a guy starts to dress significantly better, wear cologne, and watch his breath (regularly), then someone has clearly hit him right in the heart. And if in your presence a man begins to straighten his hair, collar or cuffs, or maybe wipes his shoes for the third time in 10 minutes, then this means that this lady of his heart is you.
  • Watches his posture. After all, then the man seems taller, his shoulders are wider, his chest is wider, and he looks much stronger and more reliable. And what other guy should become a protector for his beloved.

  • A guy never turns his back on a pretty girl. Even if it's a big company.
  • The young man begins to copy the girl’s behavior. Yes, someone told a joke, but you didn’t find it funny. This means the guy will stop laughing too. If you change your position, he will automatically change it too.
  • An insecure and shy young man should feel supported nearby. And her exposed leg will protrude. Moreover, it will be directed in your direction. If he has any feelings.
  • And one more nuance - if a guy is sitting cross-legged, the toe of the shoe will also be pointed towards the pretty girl. He himself does not realize this.
  • A shy guy will always fidget with something in his hands - a button, a pen or a lighter.

How can you tell by your behavior that a guy, a man, a boy, or a classmate likes you?

Above, we have already touched on some aspects of a guy’s behavior that can reveal his feelings. I just wanted to add some recommendations on this issue and summarize. What you should pay attention to and what you should skip past your participation.

  • Of course, it has already been said that the guy will lend his shoulder to help whenever possible. You can even conduct an experiment. But this is only if you already communicate somehow. Wear a light dress in cool weather and see if he offers his sweater (jacket or jacket).
  • If you enter the room or simply appear on the horizon of his vision, then he will definitely have a smile on his face. This is how not only men work, but also women. Agree that a smile involuntarily appears when you just see a nice person.

IMPORTANT: There is an opinion that men breathe faster (when they see a girl they like). In fact, this is the case. The fact is that when we see our beloved person, we begin to get nervous. Do I look good, do I smell good, do I stand this way or do I speak correctly. Therefore, in the process of excitement, our breathing naturally quickens.

  • If you are already in close contact, but still have doubts about his love, then pay attention to the frequency of communication. If he writes every day and even asks annoying questions (whether she was cold this afternoon or not wet during the rain), then this is a direct confirmation of his sympathy.
  • Also, he will be interested in every detail of your life. And most importantly, he will be able to remember everything down to the smallest detail. Even when you don’t remember something. It’s strange, why does their memory seem to disappear after the wedding? But that's another conversation.

  • A man, at the slightest opportunity (or perhaps without realizing it), will try to touch, feel or simply touch his beloved. A well-known method for removing a strand of hair that accidentally fell out of the bun and hung over the eyes. In romantic films, the man corrects him and begins to kiss the girl passionately. This is true! Well, or practically. In real life, guys, unfortunately, are not so brave. But he will definitely straighten a strand of hair or pick up a fallen pen, accidentally touching his hand.

IMPORTANT: He will introduce you to his friends. Again, this is if you communicate. Even when you already have some kind of relationship. This is the most important condition for his love. He will not hesitate to introduce you to his family and friends. But, of course, this does not happen the next day.

Also, a small nuance - he is interested in your life. A friend whispered that he had asked questions more than once, so it was worth thinking about.

What should I do if I like a guy, a man, but I don’t know if he likes me?

Well, it directly depends on the character. There are some girls who won't wait long. And I won’t pay much attention to the signs either. More precisely, she saw a guy she liked and began to act on her own. But, nevertheless, most young ladies modestly wait for the first step from a man. And if this man is also a conqueror of the heart, then waiting in ignorance becomes tiresome.

  • If the above signs did not give the slightest clue or gave a blurry picture, then it is worth resorting to an even more sophisticated technique. More precisely, you should have a little patience and wait a little.
  • Believe me, no man will walk in circles for long. If she really likes the girl, she will certainly start attacking her.
  • The first thing a guy will do is enter your social circle (if you are from different companies). If you are complete strangers, then soon he will definitely “accidentally” run into you and begin a first acquaintance (and then a first date).
  • A man begins to love what his passion is for. Yes, he will eat the same food. But don't expect a meat eater to become a vegetarian. Unless the man simply abstains from meat in the presence of the girl herself. Perhaps he will even like unsweetened tea or give up coffee.
  • A man in love simply idolizes his lady. If you hear a lot of positive feedback and praise addressed to you, then this is direct evidence of his sympathy.

  • Compliments in this case are also no exception. Men know very well that women melt from beautiful words. But don’t confuse just an experienced womanizer. A man in love becomes very tender and affectionate with his sympathy.
  • But he will also be happy to joke. Not because he wants to offend you in any way. And because he wants to make you laugh and cheer you up (if that is required). If you don’t like some jokes or seem offensive, you should definitely say so. And right away. If a man really cares about you, he will undoubtedly stop this.
  • Flowers, small gifts and other small signs of attention from a guy are direct evidence that he likes you.

What question can you ask a guy, a man, to find out: does he like me?

To put it very briefly, you should ask the guy directly about his likes. But not every girl can muster up enough courage for this. And not every guy (or rather, all of them) will not tell the truth if you ask him directly about his feelings. In a conversation, you should pay attention to slightly different details.

  • It’s worth noting right away that you shouldn’t take ordinary courtesy with sympathy or, especially, love. If a guy is polite, this does not mean at all that he likes you.
  • There is an opinion that when he sees his beloved, a man begins to raise his voice. But this opinion is wrong. Because, on the contrary, his voice becomes quieter and softer.
  • A very important nuance is that he only talks this way with you. That is, a minute ago he was talking in a loud bass voice, and he sang with you like a thin nightingale, then this clearly speaks of some kind of feelings.

IMPORTANT: There are men who cooze with many young ladies. Therefore, pay attention not only to how he communicates with you, but also with other female representatives.

  • During a conversation, a man will look into the eyes of his interlocutor if he is not indifferent to her. No, he can shift his gaze to other parts of the body. But, under no circumstances, will she look around and, especially, consider other women.
  • He shows great interest. To various aspects of personal life and other little things. Even if a guy shouldn’t be interested in such things at all.

  • A guy asking about his personal life is also a good sign. No, maybe an old school friend or friend from college (or work colleague) asked such a question - this is a slightly different case. If a person you know, by the way, decided to find out about his friend’s personal life, then this is not yet a reason to choose a wedding dress.
  • Although, if such an acquaintance began to show excessive interest in your person, and even in combination with some of the points described above (a few are enough), then this can also act as a signal of falling in love.

By the way! If a guy is a cheerful person in company and even uses swear words, but in your presence he turns into a quiet person with the most polite expressions, then there is no need to go to a fortune teller - he definitely has feelings.

  • Men love to show off and love praise. Therefore, if he talks a lot about his successes and merits, then in this way he is trying to arouse interest. And if you care about the guy, then add some bright colors and bring praise into the conversation.
  • There is also a version that guys cause jealousy. Even the conversations themselves. It’s enough just to tell how many fans he has. Girls, by the way, also often resort to this method.

How to find out if a guy, man, boy, classmate likes you - test

You can also turn to tests for help. If suddenly the signs were not enough. Or maybe the girl just isn't quite sure. After all, we often doubt even obvious questions. And if you turn on your imagination and manner of turning everything upside down, then the signs are interpreted completely in the opposite way.

It’s worth answering a few questions (only honestly). For each “yes” answer we give ourselves 2 points, for “no”, of course, nothing. The answer “maybe” or “sometimes” gets 1 point:

  1. When I appear, does a smile appear on his face?
  2. Or maybe he gets embarrassed when their views cross?
  3. Or maybe he writes messages on social networks or often comments on photos (and just likes)?
  4. Does he show basic signs of attention (hold the door, hand him a coat)?
  5. Did you ever give me compliments?
  6. Is his behavior towards me different from his attitude towards other female representatives?


  • If the number of points is from 7 to 10, then there can be no doubt. The guy is really in love.
  • If the result is in the range of 3-6 points, then he has little interest. But you can’t call him much sympathy. Most likely, he wants a friendly relationship more.
  • If the result shows from 0 to 2, then either the guy is completely uninterested in the girl, or he is an insanely modest person.

You can also resort to some tricks - tests:

  • For example, ask for help. A pencil broke, or you forgot to take a pen, or maybe you dropped an earring - all this can be a reason.
  • If it’s cool outside, you might accidentally forget your warm blouse.
  • Also, a little experiment. If you make eye contact with a guy, look at your watch. And then, quickly look at the man again. If he also looked at his watch at the same time, then this is a sign of sympathy.
  • You can also provoke a man by making him feel jealous. That is, flirt with another guy. The main thing is not to overdo it!

How to find out if a guy, man, boy, classmate likes you - fortune telling

I would like to immediately clarify that the same fortune-telling may differ slightly. It’s impossible to count their number, but let’s look at the most popular ones.

  1. The oldest method is fortune telling using chamomile:

You need to guess the boy's name. Or better yet, imagine it well in your imagination. And start counting, tearing off one petal at a time. And say (you can to yourself):

  • loves
  • does not love
  • hug
  • kiss
  • will press you to your heart
  • go to hell

Whichever word has the last petal on it speaks about the guy’s feelings.

  1. Another fortune telling is “LURNIST”. This is fortune telling for two!

What does it mean:

  • Loves
  • Respects
  • Jealous
  • Interested
  • Suffering
  • Yearning

And also adds:

  • Wants to walk (x/x)
  • Will walk (cotton)
  • Will kiss (b/c)
  • There is another (e/d)
  1. A table is drawn. In the top row a word is written (each letter in a separate cell) and other additions. And in the left column are the names of four guys that I would like to know about. Each name is on a separate line.
  2. At the bottom, numbers are written in a row in order from 1 to 60. And in the table itself, the numbers are arranged in random order.
  3. Next, each girl names one number (in turn) and each girl crosses it out. When there is only one number left in a column (opposite a certain letter), it is circled. Next, the girl who pointed to the crossed out number again points to a new number. That is, not the one that wrapped around.
  4. This is done until the very end, until all the numbers run out. And then the results for each guy are compared. It happens that one guy gets several values ​​at once, while someone else gets none.

Video: 7 signs that a guy likes you

Let's say there's a guy you like, but you don't know if he has feelings for you back. Body language, eye contact, and willingness to pay attention to you will tell you how he feels. Of course, you can just ask him directly, but that will be very awkward. Therefore, before you show your feelings, pay attention to some signs that will tell you that your sympathy is mutual. If you don't notice these signs, most likely this guy is not interested in you.


Watch your body language

    So, start chatting with him. Start a conversation and pay attention to how he communicates with you. If he's a fairly open person and he likes you, chances are he'll try to playfully touch you during a conversation. Accidentally touching a shoulder or arm are standard signs of affection. If a guy is shy, these signs won't be as obvious. In this case, he may blush and look at you all the time while you are telling something.

    Notice his smile. A real, genuine smile is usually very wide and shows the teeth. If you notice that a smile has spread all over your face, most likely he likes you. If a guy smiles without showing his teeth, it's probably just a forced smile. This means that he is just playing along with you and is not interested in you.

    Pay attention to his posture. While talking to you, the guy will try to tense all his muscles and tighten his body in order to look his best in front of you and impress you. In this case, the guy will often stand with his hands on his hips to appear more confident. If a person is interested in you, he will stand right in front of you to show his attention and be able to lean towards you to get closer. If a guy doesn't like you, chances are his shoulders will be turned the other way.

    Observe how often the guy looks “past” you. He may not always look you in the eyes when he communicates with you, but this does not mean that he does not like you. If you notice that he constantly shifts his gaze, pay attention to what he is looking at. If it seems to you that he is looking “past” you, this is not a very good sign. This suggests that he is in a hurry to escape from the conversation.

Observe the willingness to pay attention to you

    Introduce yourself to his friends. After you get to know his friends, spend time with his company to see how he behaves. If he immediately starts making fun of everyone and fooling around, most likely he wants to get your attention. This means that he likes you. If a guy seems quiet and shy, he might be awkward because he's not interested in you and isn't very comfortable being with you in the company of friends.

Many girls lack determination in relationships with guys, and sometimes only the conviction that the men they love are not indifferent to them gives them strength and self-confidence, allowing them to take the first step. But how do you know if a guy likes you? There are a number of signs by which you can determine with almost complete certainty the degree of his interest in you. Let's look at them together.

1. Look

It’s not for nothing that they say that men love with their eyes. If a guy likes you, you can be sure that whether openly or secretly, he is always watching you. Notice how he does this.

Direct and prolonged eye contact or a timid and fearful glance indicate an undoubted interest in you. Those who are completely shy often try to create the appearance that their attention was attracted by something located at a distance, while with their peripheral vision they try to make out you and catch your gaze. This is easy to notice by their blank or overly tense gaze.

2. Lips

If, while communicating with you, a guy looks at your lips and at the same time licks his own, have no doubt, he is definitely attracted to you

3. Body language

Body language and nonverbal communication can tell a lot about a man. When you are near him, pay attention to his movements. Chaotic, unnecessary, forced movements of the arms and legs can give away strong anxiety. Crossed arms and legs during a conversation can indicate the same thing. This is a defensive posture that occurs involuntarily in a person, in response to strong anxiety or self-doubt.

4. Breathing

Rapid breathing with frequent deep inhalations and exhalations indicates strong anxiety, which may be caused by you.

5. Touch

Pay attention to every “accidental” touch of your interlocutor. Sexual desire seeks a way to express itself and light touch or friendly hugs are one of them.

6. Communication

Much can be learned from simple, simple communication. If a guy likes you, he will certainly try to somehow attract your attention. This can be expressed in a manner of speech that is usually not characteristic of him, loud laughter, numerous attempts to make a good joke, in a word, he will try to impress you. Don't rush to turn away from a guy if he starts praising himself. Perhaps selfishness has nothing to do with it and he just wants to please you.

7. Attention

If during a conversation a guy is distracted by those around him or, while listening to you, his eyes follow passers-by, it means that he is not interested in you. Otherwise, he would hang on your every word and laugh at every joke.

8. Clumsiness

When you approach, he may become somewhat clumsy, drop everything, pick up the first object he comes across and fiddle with it. This also indicates strong excitement.

9. Appearance

Men are peacocks without feathers. Their main goal is to attract the attention of women in all available ways. One of them is clothing. A change in style coupled with other signs may indicate his passion, perhaps even for you.

10. Friends

To attract your attention, men may talk and ask about you among your friends.

11. Hobbies

Nothing brings people together like shared hobbies. He can listen to your favorite music, join your hobby, or, having heard about your passion, for example, for sports, suddenly become an avid athlete.

12. Random encounters

At some point, you may notice that one guy in your life has become too many, and random meetings occur almost every day. Maybe they're not so random after all?

And remember, only the combination of the above mentioned signs can indicate sympathy for you. Do not rush to make hasty conclusions, and always listen to your inner voice. Sometimes only he knows the right answer.

Deya Consuelo

Discussion of the article “How to tell if a guy likes you?”


Hi all! Help! The guy is usually sociable, laughs and communicates with everyone, but not so much with me, but he often looks at me. Shoots with eyes

23.01.2019 (00:06)


We have a senior student at our school who is studying in the 11th grade, and he only has a year left here. Me too, but I’ve been leaving after 9 for the last year too. And when I saw him, I just liked him, and then I fell in love. To be honest, he doesn't look like an 11th grader. Then he began to often visit my page a couple of times a day. We often locked eyes, and at school we often clashed; my friend says that he looks at me when I stand with my back to him. And even when a friend found herself in an awkward situation, he stood with a friend and laughed, it was in the corridor that he and his friend (but it was really funny there) And I don’t even know if this is mutual, whether he will take the initiative with modesty.

18.11.2018 (23:25)


Hi all. I am 15 years old, I graduated from school and work as a storekeeper. But at the same time, I have a friend, and she has a brother. Emu is 21 years old. And I like him very much. When he sees me, a smile appears on his face. But at the same time he pretends that he is not interested in me, but when I direct my gaze at him, he begins to get embarrassed and turns away. Although we had such a period of time that we kissed, and he came up first, not me. Girls, I understand that I need to think about school and work, but he won’t get it out of my head. God, what should I do, please tell me.

30.09.2018 (22:15)


I'm 12 and so is he, he's 3-4 months older, I've liked him for 1.5 years, last year he didn't show ANY signs! Even indifference, probably, just harsh jokes, but this year he became softer, began to look into my eyes, smiles, preens in front of me, all online tests say that he is in love, our mutual friends tease him and me, he is embarrassed by this, flirts , but he seems to have a girlfriend, although a friend told me about this back in July, but he was already showing signs then, and from all the sites like “how to understand that a guy likes you, signs” I collected 12-13 signs, you can do this consider interest or love?

25.08.2018 (19:16)


Sorry, there's a mistake there, it's sticking

17.06.2018 (00:29)


Hi, I'm 17, I met a guy less than a week ago. We decided to go for a walk yesterday, and several of the signs seemed to coincide. I really liked it. It seems like everything is slowly coming together. But I'm afraid that I scared him off with my indecisiveness and modesty. I'm very worried about this. He stopped saying goodnight before bed after the meeting. Suddenly he grew cold. I don’t know what to do, I’m the first to write to him, but he can’t yet about meetings, he’s leaving for the village. Eh, what if he completely stops liking me until we see each other. That's it

17.06.2018 (00:24)


I’m 12, and he’s 15) we were somehow playing truth or dare and he said that he didn’t know whether he loved me or not, and when my friend started asking him (more precisely, asserting) if he loved me, he showed her the “quiet” gesture “We went out often, but now he doesn’t even say hello; at school he often looks at me. When we were walking, he started pulling my hair and saying that he liked to pester me. He did something to my name. Suppose my name is Milana (but, no, I’m not Milana), he says Mil’ana (like a Caucasian man twisted the name only for me

10.06.2018 (02:29)


I like a boy from our class, but I don't know if he likes me. He behaves very strangely. On VKontakte we correspond out of obligation, but at school we hardly communicate, he doesn’t even want to stand next to me, but on VK everything is as usual. Help me please. Does he like me or not

26.03.2018 (18:40)


I like my classmate since 3rd grade (I'm in 6th grade). But recently he confessed his love to my BEST friend! I do not know what to do!! She seemed to say that she didn’t want to meet him, but they often talk about something together!! But I’m not pleased! Valentine's Day is still very soon and I want to either receive a Valentine's card from him or write to him myself. Tell me what to do! Please.

07.02.2018 (16:33)


I am 11 years old. I really like the boy (also 11 years old). He used to be in my class, but unfortunately he moved. On the last day at the disco before the New Year, he called me to a slow dance and we danced. We also lived earlier and had a group of 3 boys and me and a girlfriend.
On February 14, we are going on an excursion with the class. He will come with us. Do you think I should roast Valentine first, and even if I don’t get anything from him?

05.02.2018 (23:29)


Love is a piece of crap, study, you will find someone else.

18.01.2018 (00:39)


I’m 12, I’m in 6th grade, I really like 1 boy, he’s handsome, but no one in the class likes him except me (although I’m not sure), but in 1st and 2nd grade he loved me and gave me gifts, postcards. And now I’m 6 and everything is the other way around. and it’s not given that my friend asked him who he loves, well, she persuaded him for a long time and he said that he likes her and me. but it seems to me that he doesn’t like me and he does, but there’s one nuance, we recently went with class on an excursion just yesterday and we even sat next to each other in the theater and when we were driving back we sang songs and he constantly looked at me and I looked at him and the day before yesterday we even walked with him together, we launched a quadcopter and shot firecrackers, but then there were no special feelings I didn't notice

02.01.2018 (22:09)


I have a friend, well, we’ve known each other for quite a long time, but we don’t see each other very often.
And when I see him, I can’t help it, my pupils dilate, and... in short, I go crazy... and it’s VISIBLE! My family tells me that it’s very noticeable, but what I read here matches exactly with the way he behaves with me, well, almost everything

I don’t know if he likes me, although I think YES, but I don’t know..
What do you think please help

29.12.2017 (21:44)


Hi! Help me please! I'm 11 and I have a guy in my class who I really like! He tries to sit next to me, looks at me, makes jokes... But lately he doesn’t even notice me But the girls say that he likes me like a tough guy Does he love me or does he still not love me?

How do you know if a guy likes you? There is no need to guess. You need to take a close look at the man and listen to what and how he says. Many secrets are revealed to an observant person. So if you want to understand how sincerely this or that person treats you, stop listening and watch. A person can control words, but he will not be able to play emotions and control his body at the same time.


If you don't know how to tell if a guy likes you, look him in the eyes. It’s not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. You can read a lot in the eyes of your interlocutor. For example, tenderness and affection. A person who likes you will not just look at you, but admire you and smile with his eyes. In the process of such a look, wrinkles form under the eyes. Your friend may break into a barely noticeable smile, which will support the gaze. How does a guy look at the girl he likes? Long and continuous. But when you casually look at a guy, he will most likely look away. And if not? Then you will be able to notice dilated pupils. They always become larger when a person looks at something that he enjoys contemplating.

Voice timbre

How do you know if a guy likes you? Listen to how he speaks. A person always tries to sound more pleasant to his lover. The guy may slow down his speech and speak breathily, and his voice will become lower. A man will speak with his chest, because this is the sound that is best perceived by the female ear. Slowness and drawl of speech, even if it is unusual for a guy, can create a miraculous effect. If you understand that it is pleasant for you to be in the company of an acquaintance precisely because you like to listen to his voice, then the likelihood that he is deliberately trying to please you is very high.


It is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to fake emotions. How do you know if a guy likes you? Look at how he behaves in your company. If he is lively and active when communicating with friends, then he is unlikely to give up on you. But underneath the outer confidence there is often hidden inner excitement. If a person worries more than usual, it will show. Most likely, the guy will take some object from the table that he can twirl in his hands. This could be a pen or a folder. A guy's voice can change greatly due to excitement. Your friend may start saying a phrase loudly and end it almost in a whisper. Well, the main sign of excitement is increased sweating. When talking to you, a guy may mention that the room is too hot. If you realize that the room is cool, think about whether you are making the guy worry?


A common reaction of the two different sexes to each other is excitement. It often transitions and can even be accompanied by embarrassment. This feeling comes to those guys who do not often contact girls. For example, your friend may work in a male team and be friends exclusively with members of the stronger sex. So how then can you tell if a guy likes you? The signs are very simple. A guy may blush when talking to you, shift from foot to foot, be embarrassed and take a long time to find his words. And some men cannot even utter a single coherent phrase. Of course, such cases are rare and mostly only with very young guys. If you notice that someone you know feels out of place around you, he probably likes you.


Man gives not the last place in life to tactile sensations. He tries to touch what he likes more often. Therefore, there is no need to guess whether the guy likes me. Do a simple test, look at how often your friend looks for a reason to touch you. This could be an accidental touch of the shoulders if you are sitting close, or a deliberate holding of the hand when he is passing something to you or saying hello. There can be many reasons. And some guys don’t even try to somehow justify their actions. If you see that a guy often tries to intentionally touch you, know that he cares about you.

Doesn't know where to put his hands

The guy invited me to the cinema, but he behaved somehow strangely. Either he is actively gesticulating, or he is trying to put his hands deeper in his pockets. If you notice this strange behavior, you know the guy is worried. It is human nature to get lost when he feels awkward. This often happens when a man is left alone with a girl he likes. The guy may hesitantly take your hand or hug you. But he can do such an action as if as a joke. This way he tests your reaction. If you didn’t take his hand away and didn’t turn away from the hug, then the next time the guy hugs you won’t be a joke.

Change your appearance

How to conduct a simple test to see if a guy likes you? Look at him carefully. If a guy has always looked unkempt, but now dresses to the nines, wears cologne and goes to the hairdresser - this is proof that he has decided to win a woman’s heart. Yes, but they also like to look at a beautiful picture. So, if a guy tries to look prettier, this is clearly a sign that he wants to like you. Are you not sure that the transformation was done especially for you? Then tell the guy you like his shirt. If, after this compliment, the item of clothing you like often flashes before your eyes, draw the appropriate conclusions. Should you tell a guy you like his hairstyle? Why not. Such compliments will definitely not ruin your relationship, but on the contrary, will help the guy understand that you care about him too.

Increased attention

Even shy guys can take decisive action. If a man pays increased attention to you, this should tell you about his sympathy. For example, at a party where there are many girls present, a guy may communicate with you very often. He will offer you drinks, invite you to dance, and sit next to you. All this can hardly be called random coincidences. You may often meet a guy in the city or at college. When you meet, he will greet you, smile and compliment you. It is easy to guess that such “dates” are rigged. If a man is looking for a woman's company, this is a clear signal that he is interested in her candidacy.


Increased attention can manifest itself in different ways. For example, in the form of flirting. The guy can openly flirt. Most often in such cases, the man moves very close to the girl, looks into the eyes and looks at the lips. He jokes and smiles. Touch plays an important role here. The guy may not hint to you that he likes you. He will simply communicate casually and try to charm you with his charm. Restrained men will not behave liberated. They know the boundaries that should not be crossed. Therefore, you may not hear dirty jokes or compliments about your sexuality. But the gaze and gestures will be gentle, and the touches will be frequent.


If a guy likes you, he will want to know more about you. How to do this if not with the help of questions? A man may be interested in your place of work or study. Questions can relate to both your hobby and your personal life. If a guy asks something too explicit, you know he wants something serious to happen between you. You can ask the guy counter questions. For example, ask something personal. If he gives you an answer right away and doesn’t think long about whether to give you an answer, it means he’s not indifferent to you. The more often a man opens up with a girl, the more likely it is that he is interested in his interlocutor.


A guy who wants to interest a girl will always rely on humor. A good joke can bring people closer. Humor helps remove boundaries and make conversation less formal. But be prepared for the fact that jokes may be directed at you. Thus, the guy wants to understand how you feel about him. If he, as if by chance, says that it is dangerous to deal with a girl like you, and that he would never dare to ask you out on a date, keep in mind that this is a hint. He is waiting for you to refute this information and give him the green light. But be careful with your jokes. Men are very touchy creatures. If you inadvertently decide to laugh at his appearance, you can scare off your gentleman. So, if you want to keep the conversation in a humorous tone, it is better to laugh at yourself.

personal information

A person who is trying to impress you always wants to appear in the best light. If a guy talks to you about how successful and smart he is, don’t view this as a sign of selfishness. You should understand that a man behaves like a peacock and fluffs his tail in front of you. Or perhaps the guy is simply shy and therefore talks about a topic that seems safe to him.

If a man shares with you the details of his childhood or school years, he is not indifferent to you. And if he's trying to find out more about you, that's also a good sign. Men are very calculating. They will not throw words to the wind and ask what is not interesting to them. So if a guy asks a question, keep in mind that he really wants to know the answer.


Have you been invited to have a cup of coffee and you cannot understand the man's intentions? He likes you. You shouldn’t ask the guy why he invited you; it will only demonstrate your low self-esteem. Perhaps it was difficult for a man to invite you to a cafe, and inappropriate questions may confuse him. But still, some girls do not believe until the very end that you can fall in love with them. If you are one of these people, then look for confirmation in non-verbal signs. The guy who sits across from you asks questions, smiles sweetly and tries to touch you? What other confirmations are needed? Don’t try to speed up the course of events and don’t demand a report of feelings ahead of time.

Telephone conversations

Do you have a friend whom you have known for many years? How does a guy talk on the phone? He can not only discuss course assignments or work reports with you. Do your conversations begin with the guy being interested in your affairs and how you feel? Or perhaps he consoles you and gives you relevant advice? Of course, that's what friends do. But if a man calls you every day or every other day, this is a sign that he cares about you. Why else would he waste his time on you?


Have you ever talked to a man live? How to tell if a guy likes you by correspondence? This may seem quite simple. If a guy writes himself, it means he is not indifferent to you. But there are also nuances here. A man may be interested in you for a reason. Perhaps he needs something from you. For example, he wants you to do him a favor, or he is a pick-up artist and is training his seduction skills on you. How to understand such subtleties from correspondence? Pay attention to how often and for how long the guy communicates with you. Have you just logged into a social network and immediately received a message? Or maybe this is repeated day after day? Then your boyfriend learned the time when you check your VKontakte or Instagram page. If the communication is stormy, your interlocutor is trying to find out more about you before calling you for a personal meeting, then this is a good sign. He's probably looking for a soulmate on the Internet, not a one-night stand.


What other way is there to find out if a guy likes you? The test will help resolve all your doubts. You need to honestly answer the questions:

  • How often do you date a guy?
  • Is the man flirting with you?
  • Does your guy prefer your company to other girls?
  • Do you communicate with your prospective beau on social networks?
  • Do you often make eye contact with a guy?
  • Do your friends joke or seriously say that you and your boyfriend look good together?
  • Is a man trying to find out more about you through mutual friends?
  • Does your guy always find time to talk with you?
  • Does your friend often compliment you?
  • Does a man offer his help in solving everyday problems?

If you answered yes to these questions more often than no, then the guy is definitely not indifferent to you. Of course, a man may consider you a good person and communicate with you as a friend. Therefore, you should always rely on your heart and intuition. They rarely deceive girls.