How to choose the right new style for yourself. How to choose your clothing style: universal tips

A stylish look consists of many details. In creating your individual style, not only clothes and makeup play an important role, but also accessories, manner of communication, plasticity, aroma, condition of the skin and nails, and the environment. The easiest way to start creating your image is with clothes that reflect your personality, character traits, and lifestyle. In this article we will tell you how to find your own style of clothing that will highlight your strengths and hide your weaknesses.

Secrets of creating a stylish look

“When you are dressed well, others notice you; when you are dressed poorly, others notice your clothes.”

- Coco Chanel.

The ability to dress stylishly does not appear from birth; it is developed over the years with great desire, study, observation and experimentation. It's always nice to look beautiful and attractive. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on expensive clothes and cosmetics. It is important to know the techniques for choosing a stylish wardrobe.

When creating your image and choosing clothes, consider stylist tips:

  • Emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws: this applies to both clothes and makeup;
  • Dress appropriately for the event and setting;
  • The chosen image should be comfortable, not creating a feeling of discomfort;
  • Wardrobe items should be combined with each other. When buying a new item, come up with several looks with the clothes you already have in your closet;
  • When choosing accessories and clothes, you need to take into account the image as a whole, and whether this item will be in harmony with the rest of the details of the appearance;
  • Fashion trends should be used in your wardrobe in the context of your style, figure, color type and age.

How to choose clothes

Style is a reflection of a person’s personality, his characteristics and lifestyle. When creating your image when choosing clothes, you need to consider:

  • External data: appearance color type, figure;
  • Age;
  • Your feelings, comfort;
  • Matching the situation;
  • Fashion trends.

Choosing clothes according to the color type of appearance

To look stylish and harmonious, you need to know which colors suit your type of appearance, and which ones make it look pale and highlight flaws.

Black and white colors suit everyone, but you shouldn’t limit yourself to them only. Bright saturated or pastel colors lift the mood and emphasize individuality.

There is a division of appearance types into 4 groups: winter, spring, summer and autumn. The classification is based on the warmth of hair and skin color. You can select the colors of clothes and cosmetics based on the appropriate type in the picture:

You can also select shades of color based on whether cool or warm tones predominate in your appearance. A color type with a predominance of warm tones is suitable for warm shades of clothing and makeup. For those with a cold appearance, colors with cool tones are suitable.

Another option to determine whether the color suits you or not is to apply it to your face. If the color suits, it will refresh your face. If the shade turns out to be inappropriate, then the face will look dull, expressionless, and you will want to do makeup or touch up something. Having practiced in this way, you can determine for yourself the colors that go with it, and choosing clothes will become easier.

Choosing clothes according to your body type

Not every item you like will be suitable. When choosing a wardrobe, it is important to take into account your characteristics: height, physique, body type.

There are five types of female figures:

  • Hourglass - have ideal proportions, shoulders and hips are equal in width, the waist is narrow (about 20-30 cm narrower than the hips and chest).
  • Rectangle (banana) - a type of figure in which the chest and hips are approximately equal in volume, the waist is not very pronounced.
  • Pear (spoon) - has a more pronounced bottom and less voluminous upper part of the figure, the waist stands out well.
  • Apple - characterized by rounded shoulders, voluminous hips, chest, waist and slender legs.
  • An inverted triangle is a figure in which the chest is significantly wider than the hips.

You need to select clothes in such a way as to balance the proportions of your figure, making it more harmonious and feminine.

  • "Hourglass" can wear any clothing that does not change the proportions of top and bottom. Clothes should not be baggy or hide your figure. You should choose outfits that highlight your waist and avoid straight styles and thick fabrics that will add weight;
  • "Rectangle" (banana)- a figure in which you need to create rounded shapes with clothes and emphasize the waist. You should choose models with belts and fitted ones. For the bottom, pleated skirts and tulip skirts are suitable, giving volume to the hips. Trousers and jeans should be straight or tapered; decorative inserts on pockets are welcome. Must be avoided long shirts, sweaters, and flowing fabrics.
  • "Pear". To make such a figure look more harmonious, you need to focus on the top: wear voluminous accessories, a V-neck, shoulder pads, and high-waisted dresses. Hips should be hidden: for the bottom use darker colors compared to the top, straight cut. Unsuitable tight trousers, tight-fitting top and accessories, large pattern at the bottom of the outfit.;
  • "Inverted Triangle" You need to hide your broad shoulders with clothes and put emphasis on your hips. To do this, choose fluffy skirts and wide trouser styles. Ruffles, bows, and drapery on the bottom of the wardrobe will also improve the proportions of the look. "T" shaped figure unsuitable tight-fitting solids, round necklines and voluminous collars.
  • "Apple" (circle). Here you need to emphasize your advantages - lush breasts and slender legs and visually reduce your waist and stomach. “Apple” needs to choose clothes with a V-neck, semi-fitted silhouette, and a high waistline. Tapered trousers and high heels will highlight slender legs. An “O” shaped figure will benefit from dresses that will visually elongate the silhouette. Should not be worn too loose or too tight styles, short dresses and skirts, things with bright and large prints.

How to find your clothing style by age

When creating an image, you must take your age into account. So, clothes for twenty-year-olds will look inappropriate on a woman over 30-40 years old and vice versa. At a young age, short shorts, miniskirts and short dresses are acceptable. After 30 years, such clothes often look defiant, even if the figure has no flaws. At this age, you need to be more attentive to details, choose more expensive basic items, pay more attention to how to find your own style in clothing, if you don’t have one yet.

After 40 years, you should also not forget about femininity, follow fashion trends and not limit yourself only to the classics.

How to find your style in accordance with your lifestyle and status

When choosing a stylish wardrobe, you need to determine how long this or that activity takes and what image will be suitable for each type of activity.

So, a mother on maternity leave spends most of her time at home with her child and on walks. For this period of her life, she needs to have good, warm, comfortable clothes for walking and high-quality, beautiful home clothes. There should also be outfits for going out, but not necessarily in large quantities.

Girls who work in an office should focus on their work wardrobe, as this is where she spends most of her time. It is important to consider the dress code here.

A correctly chosen image gives a feeling of comfort, harmony and self-confidence. To find your own style in clothing, you need to not be afraid to experiment, try on the outfits you like and not forget about the features of your appearance.

Watch a video about what distinguishes a stylish woman and how to find your own style in clothing:

These are just a few of the most common styles highlighted in modern fashion. You can determine which one is best for you based on your age, your habits, your position in society, and your job. Every woman is unique and unrepeatable. This highlights not only the wardrobe, but also the colors that are present in it. It's no secret that there are colors that are suitable and not suitable for a certain type of appearance.

Some make a woman pale, she seems sick and tired, others, on the contrary, emphasize her freshness, she looks younger and more attractive.

To better navigate this issue, you should know about the existence of the so-called theory of seasons, i.e. color types of appearance.

All people are divided into four color types: winter, spring, summer, autumn.

There are three primary colors - blue, red, yellow. The theory of seasons is based on the color of hair, eyes and skin. Based on this, you can determine which color scheme suits a person.

Experts say that any color suits each of us, although not the main ones, but their shades, among which you can choose the most harmoniously combined with a certain type of appearance. Red and yellow colors are classified as “warm”, blue – as “cold”. Thus, the “spring” and “autumn” types are more characterized by “warm” colors, and the “summer” and “winter” types are more characterized by “cold” colors.

In order to determine your color type, first of all determine whether your skin color is cold, i.e. bluish-pink, or warm, reddish-yellow. Next, see whether bright or “weak” colors suit you better.

You can do a simple test. Pick two scarves of yellow-pink and bluish-pink colors and apply them to your face and hands in daylight. If the skin near yellow-pink acquires a golden hue and looks healthy and fresh, and near bluish-pink, on the contrary, it is pale and sickly, then this is a spring or autumn type. If a person belongs to the summer or winter type, then yellowish-pink will make the skin grayish, circles under the eyes will be visible, and bluish-pink will emphasize its freshness. The test will determine whether your skin color matches warm or cool colors. Here are several criteria to identify the color type of appearance.

Characteristics of women of the “summer” color type

The “summer” color type is the most common color type in Russia. It includes women with light, pinkish or olive skin. The hair is light, with shades such as light and dark blond, light and dark ash. Eyes blue, hazel, green-blue, gray-blue, gray-green.

✓ Gray-violet and pink colors are primarily suitable for such women, as well as blue shades such as sea wave, aquamarine, and sky blue.

✓ The lilac range will also revive the complexion, ranging from lilac to bright plum. Raspberry and pearl gray will do.

✓ White, green, gold, black, beige, orange colors are undesirable.

✓ The main colors of the wardrobe should be pale pink, blue, lilac, gray and shades of silver.

✓ Almost any style of clothing will suit, both romantic and classic. You should choose the following fabrics: silk, thin linen, chiffon, thin suede, cambric, denim, thin leather. It is desirable that the fabric be light, translucent, with a small pattern or floral pattern.

✓ Jewelry made of silver, pink coral, ivory and rose gold, as well as brushed metal jewelry, are suitable. Glass jewelry will look good.

✓ Leisure clothing is suitable from denim.

✓ For business clothes, you should choose elegant classic suits in gray, brown and greenish shades.

✓ For accessories, opt for scarves or ties with small patterns.

Characteristics of women of the "autumn" color type

The “autumn” color type includes red-haired women with yellowish, peach or apricot skin tones, with light or pronounced freckles. Eyes: brown, turquoise, bluish-green, gray-blue.

✓ Women of this type are suitable for colors such as mustard, brown, brick, beige, orange, gold, apricot, khaki.

✓ White, blue, gray, silver, black and light blue colors should be avoided.

✓ Women of the “autumn” color type really suit styles such as sports and safari. Fabrics for clothing should be chosen as follows: matte leather, drape, suede, tweed, corduroy, cloth, velor. It is better to give preference to multi-layered clothing in luxurious rich colors with folklore or abstract patterns.

✓ Jewelry made of brass, copper, wood, or matte yellow gold is suitable.

✓ When choosing business clothes, it is better to choose dark brown and dark green tones.

✓Very good are rich colors, multi-layered clothing, and the use of thick fabrics.

Characteristics of women of the “winter” color type

The “winter” color type is very common in Eastern countries. This is the most striking type of appearance. It includes women with dark hair of any shade, from blue-black to softer tones. The skin is usually dark with a milky-grayish tint, olive or white. The eye color of women of this type is also often dark, although any color except very light can occur.

✓ Such women can safely choose cool colors for clothes, for example, turquoise, silver-blue, blue-violet, any shades of pink (cherry, burgundy, ruby), coffee, lemon.

✓ This is the only type of appearance for which white and black colors are suitable without reservations. But warm shades, for example, gold, warm green, orange, brown, are best avoided.

✓ Women of the “winter” color type look ideal in classic-style clothes with a strict cut. Fabrics for clothing - fine knitwear, leather, satin, as well as smooth shiny ones. We can recommend contrasting checks, stripes, and abstract geometric patterns.

✓ You should opt for jewelry made of platinum, rock crystal, silver, white coral, ivory with diamonds, cold-colored pearls, and emeralds. For evening wear, it is best to use a combination of red and black.

✓ When choosing business clothes, it is better to opt for an elegant black suit, with which to wear a white blouse of an intricate or simple cut.

Characteristics of women of the "spring" color type

The “spring” color type is the lightest color type. This includes blondes and light brown-haired women. Hair color is golden-ash, light blond or light brown, but always of a golden hue. The eyes are of different colors, but not dark. Representatives of this color type, as a rule, have light pink or peach skin.

✓ Colors of women of the “spring” color type: young greens, blue turquoise, yellow-light green, golden brown, yellow-beige, emerald, orange, coral, poppy color, cornflower blue, peach, yellowish pearl.

✓ You should be careful when choosing clothes in black, dazzling white and dark colors.

✓ The most optimal style is sporty. We can also recommend a romantic one, but don’t get too carried away with accessories. It is better to choose clothes from materials such as viscose, suede, linen, thin knitwear, and velvet.

✓ It is advisable that the fabric be plain, or choose a traditional pattern in the form of narrow stripes, polka dots, small checks, small appliqués are possible.

✓ Dark, strict colors are not suitable for the spring type, so when choosing business clothes you should opt for beige shades. Clothes should be of a simple style without unnecessary decoration; it is better to avoid layering, as well as a large number of accessories. Let it be, for example, just a neckerchief. The simpler the styles, the more carefully selected fabrics and the more light colors in the clothes, the more harmonious a woman of the “spring” color type will look.

All shades belonging to one or another color type can be combined with each other. But then it turns out that the wardrobe of women of winter and summer color types should consist mainly of blue and green tones, and of spring and autumn color types - of yellow and red. This is not entirely true. For example, you can choose a shade of blue that is perfect for the wardrobe of a woman of autumn and spring color types. In this case, it should contain an admixture of reddish, i.e., a warm tint. And, accordingly, on the contrary, women of winter and spring color types can wear cold shades of red.

When determining your color type, it is worth remembering that there are no mixed color types. It’s just that in some cases there is a more or less pronounced color contrast between the skin, eyes and hair. Each color type has both lighter and darker options. Therefore, we can say that women of the summer color type with darker, more intense hair and skin color can wear delicate shades of the winter color type in clothes, and women of the winter color type can wear clothes in lively summer tones. Women of the spring color type may prefer the light tones of the autumn palette, and fair-skinned women of the autumn color type may prefer muted autumn tones.

When determining the color type, you may encounter another problem. What to do if colors of the opposite color type dominate in fashion this season? Fashion magazines do not give specific recommendations on this issue, so women choose their own color palette. To do this, they primarily use cosmetics and hair dye. For example, some women with the “spring” color type are suitable for summer colors. Therefore, use cool-toned powder on golden areas of the skin, do makeup in summer tones and feel free to wear clothes in the color you like. However, it is worth remembering here that such changes should be made in the direction of lightening, and not darkening the color type. A woman with the “summer” color type cannot become “winter,” and a woman with the “spring” color type cannot become “autumn.”

As you know, fashion is fickle, but style is not. Despite capricious fashion trends, every modern woman should know how to choose the right clothing style for events of various kinds and the society in which she is expected to be. How to do this - advice from professional stylists collected in this article will tell you.

Test for girls and women: ideal image style

Before you find your style, you need to decide on the color type of appearance, a new image and body type:

  • color type depends on appearance – color of hair, skin, eyebrows. To recognize yours, you need to go to the mirror in the daytime without makeup and apply a cloth or clothes of peach and pink colors to yourself. If your color is peach, then you have a warm color type - “Spring” or “Autumn”. If it’s the other way around, then it’s cold – “Summer” or “Winter.” Accordingly, when buying clothes, it is better to give preference to warm shades if you have a warm color type and vice versa;
  • Lifestyle– another factor on which the choice of style directly depends. Active girls who are constantly on the move will suit the sports style - casual, country, military. Women who have connected their lives with business can choose business casual. Girls who follow all the latest trends should definitely take a closer look at pajama and lingerie styles. As for those who go against the grain, they should choose a clothing style for themselves from trends such as grunge or boho, which best express their unusual inner world;
  • body type- the last factor, but perhaps the dominant factor that you need to focus on when choosing clothes and style. Find out how to do this below.

Rules for choosing a clothing style according to your body type

Depending on the type of figure, the features of choosing clothes have certain differences.

Triangle body type

The distinctive features of the Triangle figure are narrow shoulders and wide hips. In order to look stylish, girls with this figure should emphasize their shoulders, neck and arms.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to:

Inverted triangle body type

Girls with an inverted triangle figure should focus attention on the lower part of the silhouette.

Suitable for this purpose:

  • blouses and skirts with peplum;
  • skirts are full and loose-fitting, possibly with a pattern;
  • sweaters and jackets with set-in sleeves;
  • blouses with raglan sleeves.

Stylists recommend choosing trousers and skirts with decorative elements or opting for clothes with horizontal stripes. This pattern will visually increase the volume of the hips.

As for colors, when choosing a set you need to follow the rule “dark top, white bottom.”

Circle body type

Those with a circle figure have narrow shoulders and slender legs, but the body resembles the letter “O”. Girls with large breasts and hips have this figure.

To highlight the advantages of the figure, girls should choose:

The clothing you choose should be slightly tight-fitting, not tight-fitting.

Rectangle body type

Girls with a rectangle figure have equal width shoulders and hips and a slightly defined waist. In order to visually give this ideal hourglass shape, girls must change their wardrobe.

Basic items in your wardrobe should include the following:

Sweatshirts and blouses should be worn untucked. On such a figure, short sleeves are appropriate.

Hourglass body type

Girls with an hourglass figure are very lucky, as the whole world strives for their ideal shape. They have approximately equal chest and hip volumes and a pronounced “wasp” waist.

Owners of a chiseled figure can afford clothes such as:

Girls with an hourglass figure can afford massive or, conversely, miniature jewelry. Their clothes can be decorated with flounces, ruffles and other decorative elements.

Basic items in the wardrobe of stylish girls and women

Business suit

The suit must be a trouser suit, preferably black, but you can safely choose another neutral color – gray or blue. You can go to work in it, wearing a white shirt under your jacket.

But the evening version is no less elegant, when the look is complemented by a string of pearls. The shirt should be safely replaced with a T-shirt or top with decor.

Blouses and shirts

A basic wardrobe should include a few blouses, shirts and T-shirts without a pattern and in neutral colors such as white, beige and black. One of them must be in a masculine style in a calm shade, for example, blue or light pink.


Dark blue jeans with a straight fit are a universal item that is suitable for any occasion. They can easily be combined with a shirt, jacket and pumps for work or sneakers for a walk. Also, nothing will prevent you from combining them with some trendy item.

It’s worth saying a few words about classic trousers. These can be straight or flared models with a high or medium rise. Like other elements of your basic wardrobe, they should be a neutral, dark color.


A dress that should definitely take up residence in your wardrobe is a black sheath. When choosing it, the cut is important - it should be perfect, without unnecessary folds.

In addition to the dress, you need to buy a pencil skirt. It can be not only black, but also another neutral color. For example, gray, blue or beige. This skirt can be worn not only with a jacket, but also with a jacket or an oversized sweater.

Blouses and sweaters

For cool weather, it is important to have in your wardrobe such things as:

  • a turtleneck or turtleneck sweater without unnecessary decorations;
  • a jacket, cardigan or jumper with a V-neck in a dark neutral color;
  • a jumper in a light shade, such as beige or gray.

The cut should be close-fitting, but in no case should it be tight-fitting. A couple of elements must be a free model.


The main role of accessories is to add that missing touch to an ensemble. They can be both unusual and classic. The main thing is that the image looks harmonious.

But, both in clothes and accessories, there is a base that every girl and woman should have:


For cool, windy and rainy days, you should definitely buy a trench coat in a neutral color - beige, gray, blue. The presence of a wide belt with a buckle, a turn-down collar, a yoke, pseudo shoulder straps, straps and a slit at the back is mandatory.

For cold winter days, a double-breasted cashmere coat below the knee length is suitable. There should be no unnecessary details or decorations on it, except for the belt. Like the trench coat, it should be a discreet, universal color. For example, blue.

The main rules for combining clothes

By cut

If you don’t know how to choose a clothing style for yourself based on cut, then, first of all, you should focus on your body type and the cut that is allowed for it. But you should also adhere to the universal rule - if the bottom is tight-fitting, then the top should be loose and vice versa.

Stylists also allow a combination of original top and bottom, if this is implied by the style. Otherwise, you may end up with a shapeless rather than stylish look.

By lenght

The wrong combination of lengths in clothes can lead to an imbalance of proportions and, as a result, instead of slender, your legs will become shorter and your torso will become too long. In order not to be mistaken with the proportions, with a dress and skirt or classic high-waisted trousers, you should wear a cropped or fitted jacket.

Cardigans and oversized sweaters should be worn with moderately fitted trousers. In no case should you wear a cardigan that goes below the buttocks with a knee-length dress - such an ensemble will visually shorten your legs. The exception is long ankle-length cardigans - their ensemble, both with a dress and trousers, will look great.

By color

To look stylish, it is important to remember a few rules for combining colors:

For clothes with patterns

Many girls avoid clothes with prints. Stylists note that this is an absolutely wrong step, since a correctly chosen one can radically change the image from ordinary to stylish.

Options for combining things with print:

By texture

When combining things by texture, one simple rule should be taken into account - thin fabrics form an ensemble with thin ones, and dense ones with dense ones. For example, thin silk or chiffon are appropriate in summer sets, and wool and velvet are appropriate in winter sets.

But the exception to the rule is the spring-autumn period, when an opaque blouse made of satin, silk or chiffon can be worn with trousers or a skirt and complement the look with a jacket or cardigan.

Examples of figure correction using clothing

It's no secret that with the help of a properly selected ensemble you can become slimmer or, conversely, visually add a couple of kilograms if your figure is too thin.

To avoid looking fuller, you need to exclude from your wardrobe:

You can become slimmer if you wear:

  • fitted clothing with an elongated neckline;
  • clothes without voluminous pockets, stripes and other voluminous decor;
  • knee-length skirts and dresses with a couple of folds in the front, but in no case on the sides.

Girls who want to look fuller need to follow these tips, but in reverse.

Table of combinations of basic colors in the wardrobe

Fashion designers believe that the basic wardrobe of a modern girl should be in neutral shades. To make it not boring, the basic shades need to be diluted with other colors that match them. A table of the correct combination of colors in your wardrobe will help you choose the clothing style for yourself in the right colors and shades.

Tips from professional stylists on creating the right look

Don't copy other people's images

Star images are created taking into account their body shape and taste preferences. Therefore, it is incorrect to copy it completely. This tactic does not allow you to reveal your individuality and create your own individual style based on your appearance and figure.

Therefore, it would be more correct to analyze the look you like, highlight individual elements that are right for you, and then recreate a similar look, taking into account your own characteristics.

Clothing should be as comfortable as possible

Stylish clothes are not only beautiful, but also comfortable. Moreover, not only physically, but also psychologically. You can hardly look confident in trousers or a dress that are too tight. Or high heels if the girl wears ballet flats most of the time.

When choosing clothes, you need to stick to the golden mean - beautiful and comfortable, and not just beautiful.

Of course, this is not a call to give up, for example, high heels. They can also be worn, but from time to time, since it is not so much beautiful as it is harmful.

Buy clothes according to your body type

It’s not for nothing that stylists have come up with the formula for an ideal figure – the “hourglass”. This doesn't mean that other body types are ugly. On the contrary, the correct selection of clothes will only emphasize this beauty and individuality, and will not flaunt figure flaws.

When updating your wardrobe, you should definitely take into account your figure type and the clothes and proportions that match it.

Try bold ideas and new products

The beauty and fashion industry does not stand still, and what seemed like a fantasy for many years is now a reality. Therefore, you should boldly take on board and try on everything that a capricious lady offers, from clothes to the latest in cosmetology. The latter will allow you to remain young and beautiful for a long time in order to keep up with the times.

Fashionable looks and trends 2019

Cruise style

Despite the name, cruise style is clothing not only for leisure, but also for everyday life. It will allow girls of any size to always look stylish.

Before trying on this look, it’s worth checking out your closet, as you may already have some of the style elements:

Pajama style

Dresses made of flowing fabrics with lace, models with thin straps and loose suits reminiscent of sleepwear - all this is a pajama style. Judging by the latest fashion shows, this style is not going to lose ground for a long time.

Distinctive features include:

Stylists note that in order to look fashionable, you should definitely pay attention to impeccable makeup and hair styling. Otherwise, the image will not only be unstylish, but simply careless.

Linen style

The lingerie style is similar to the pajama style, but it is still different from the latter:

The style, despite the flair of intimacy, is closed. Therefore, when choosing, you need to be modest so as not to look vulgar.

One of the successful images for fans of the lingerie style is a dress with a voluminous sweater and pumps thrown over it.

Military style

Military or military style is ideal for city life due to its practicality and convenience:

The hairstyle should be simple. Short haircuts are encouraged.

Bohemian style

Bohemian style or “boho” is usually preferred by creative, open-minded individuals. One of the reasons is the opportunity to reveal your individual taste. The other is convenience. The style, according to the history of fashion, originated from the city of Bohemia, where many gypsies lived.

Boho clothing is characterized by the presence of:

But when creating such an image, it is important to remember a sense of proportion so as not to look too pretentious.

Casual style

Casual is an excellent style choice for those who do not know how to choose a clothing style for themselves. This direction allows both business women and young girls to realize themselves and is located between strict classics and modern styles.

This direction is different:

  • lack of shiny details such as rhinestones, sequins or glitter;
  • a combination of both branded and ordinary items;
  • wide selection of colors and shades.

Casual is divided into several areas:

  • sports in which elements of sportswear are required: sneakers, T-shirts;
  • street, which is characterized by an unusual combination of different styles, for example, denim trousers and a classic jacket;
  • business or chic, thanks to which you can combine comfortable and luxurious clothes. In this direction, a combination of simple clothes and prestigious jewelry is welcomed.

Country style

Country style came from the West when European settlers flooded the continent. Their life was hard, as they left their native lands and began to explore new, unfamiliar places and customs.

Therefore, the clothes are convenient and comfortable:

A hat and Cossacks with spurs will make the look especially stylish.

Grunge style

Grunge is the style of rebels who want to stand out from the crowd and protest against established norms and rules. They express their position to the world through their clothes, boldly breaking the fashion rules of established styles.

It is characterized by:

The look must be complemented with worn shoes with flat soles or high platforms, as well as various hats. For example, a hat, cap. Various massive accessories are also welcome.

Professional image makers note that you can choose a successful clothing style if you follow these tips. It is important not only to know how to do this, but also not to be afraid of experiments, so that the created image pleases not only the owner, but also delights those around her.

Video on how to choose a clothing style for yourself

Features of choosing clothes according to your body type:

How to choose jeans according to your body type:

"Stylish woman!" “She found her style!” You've probably heard something similar about someone you know. Moreover, sometimes we very abstractly imagine what we mean when talking about style. We just intuitively feel: it exists!

If you want to join the ranks of stylish women, this article is for you. In it, the Stylish Little Thing website will tell you, how to choose a clothing style, which perfectly emphasizes your individuality and will help your beauty and charm sparkle with the brightest colors.

What is style?

However, if you show up at the office in a glamorous pink blouse and miniskirt, you are also unlikely to gain a reputation.

So, we come to the definition of style. Style means agreement between your internal content and external appearance. Moreover, what ended up happening should be appropriate in the context of the situation.

Let's say you feel that you are ripe for searching. Now let's move from intention to action. Take note of just a few recommendations - following them will significantly help you in this process.

1.Conduct a global wardrobe audit. Ruthlessly say goodbye to things that you haven’t worn for more than two years and are unlikely to ever wear, as well as frankly poor-quality and worn-out items. Believe me, any wardrobe is full of such things. If you're 35 now, how likely are you to wear that cute, pink, navel-length top with the word "KISS" emblazoned across the chest in rhinestones? And why do you have 6 identical stretched sweaters the color of Oklahoma dust in your closet? After you get rid of all these space absorbers, the picture will be clear.

2.Avoid spontaneous purchases. From now on, when buying an item, you must be sure that in your wardrobe there are at least two items that it can be combined with. An item bought simply because you liked it is another ballast in your wardrobe.

3.Find your color scheme. Each of us has several colors and their shades. Buy clothes not based on the principle “because I love pink,” but based on how it matches your skin tone, eye and hair color. And how does it fit into your lifestyle?

4. Undress, stand in front of the mirror and honestly assess what the strengths and weaknesses are in your figure. Each of us has them. Determine what body type you are (there are only five of them - pear, apple, rectangle, hourglass and inverted triangle). Choose clothes that will work in your favor.

5. Set priorities and decide what you can save on, and what is not worth it. It is clear that each of us operates within a certain budget. There are several universal rules: you shouldn’t skimp on shoes, a casual bag, or the basic items in your wardrobe. It is better to buy two well-cut branded jeans than six pieces of Chinese consumer goods.

6. What do you think makes a 40-year-old woman dress like a hip-hop teenager? Or why a 27-year-old girl still hasn't grown out of the Goth culture, paints her lips black and applies terrible circles under her eyes with eye shadow? Of course, they have style - no doubt about it. Only when a person dresses outrageously does this, as a rule, speak of his internal problems and contradictions. Such experiments are excusable during the puberty period of development. If a person of conscious, capable age is drawn to dressing like a freak, he needs a psychologist, not a stylist.

If you have repeatedly heard comments from others that you dress, for example, too masculine or provocatively, you should work on your inner world.

7.always appropriate! In the art of how to choose a clothing style, there are many nuances, difficulties and pitfalls. Some lucky people are naturally blessed with an intuitive sense of style. The rest have to patiently learn this through trial and error.

If you don’t know how to dress and are afraid of making a mistake, don’t hesitate to choose the classic option - it will be appropriate in any setting and on all occasions. This applies to both color combinations and the choice of clothing style. You may not shock everyone with your appearance, but at least you won’t be considered tasteless.

It's easy to be stylish! — Website for women Stylish Thing

In this material we will help you clarify the situation and strengthen your self-confidence. After all, how you look is how you feel. And here everything is only in your hands.

Simple steps to solving the question “how to become stylish?”

  • The first and main rule is to believe that you are unique and love yourself. An image without confidence cannot be called a stylish image at all.
  • The question of style, as a rule, primarily concerns what style of clothing to choose. To do this, you should study fashion magazines and images of famous people who appeal to you. Look for your own, experiment, look at the reactions of others.
  • Do a wardrobe audit. This is necessary to choose a new style. Throw away, without regret, what you don’t need as a renewed, confident and well-groomed girl.
  • Find your color scheme (this applies to both clothes and makeup).
  • Simplicity is a sign of individuality. Paradoxical as it may seem, this is true. So don’t overwork yourself by trying on everything at once.
  • Watch not only your clothes, but also your posture, gait, smile, and presentation. Exude self-confidence - people will immediately be drawn to you.
  • Choosing a hairstyle is also one of the most important and priority steps. Here you need to take into account many indicators, taking into account the type of face. Do your hair, even if it takes an extra 15 minutes of sleep. When you like yourself, you will work more productively.
  • Develop the habit of being beautiful in any weather and mood. You don’t know what awaits you around the next corner: even if you went out to the store to buy bread, a handsome prince might be waiting for you there, and you didn’t even bother to comb your hair or put on makeup, and even put on stretched home pants!

There are some more specific tips on how to choose the right clothing style. As Coco Chanel said: “When you are dressed well, others notice you; when you are dressed poorly, others notice your clothes.” To dress really well, you need to take into account the characteristics of your character and figure: emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws. No tight dresses if you are a girl with a body, because many consider this an advantage, so why hide your appetizing curves?

Whatever style of clothing you choose, the main thing is that it is comfortable for you. In uncomfortable clothes, even if they are on all the glossy pages, you still won’t be able to look good, rather, on the contrary. To emphasize your individuality, you can focus on some detail: someone always ties a scarf in a certain manner, someone wears an exclusively plain one with some bright detail. You can find something of your own in the movies, in store windows, in the images of heroes. Yes, the path to choosing your own style is not easy and thorny, but it is worth it. And we hope that you will take our advice and walk this path with your head held high.