How to sew a vest from a fur coat. DIY fur vest patterns with detailed instructions and video tutorial for beginning needlewomen

You can sew a lot of “new” clothes from an old fur coat that has long gone out of fashion. You can sew a short fur coat with a hood. You can recut it and sew a smaller fur coat for your daughter. Or you can sew a fur vest and, in addition to the vest, also sew a fur bag.

Is it difficult to sew a fur vest with your own hands? Sewing fur vests is not difficult, since they do not have pockets, complex fastening processing, and most importantly, the vest does not have sleeves.
The vest pattern is based on the sleeveless shoulder pattern.
If you don’t have a furrier’s machine, you can sew fur pelts using a hand furrier’s stitch.
For a fur vest, you can use natural fur skins or faux fur. But the most important thing is that a vest can be sewn from an old fur coat without spending money on buying fur.
We offer some tips, how to sew a vest do it yourself, which will help you avoid standard mistakes.

1. A fur vest is comfortable and fashionable

Recently, fur vests have come back into fashion, which is understandable. These beautiful, comfortable and stylish products are made from natural fox, rabbit, mink or faux fur. Their advantage is that vests are suitable for women of any age. And fur vests combined with knitwear are one of the simple solutions to make a vest inexpensively and original.
It is no coincidence that a fur vest is popular among women. The vest is very convenient to wear during transitional seasons, when it is already getting colder, but there are not yet severe frosts. A fur vest can be worn for an evening walk, or on a trip out of town for a ski trip. Fur vests were especially appreciated by women who drive their own cars.
The price of a finished vest in a store is of course less than a fur coat, but still not cheap. Therefore, many women are thinking about how to sew a vest with their own hands from existing skins or from an old fur coat. However, you can even sew a vest from faux fur. In any case, you need to be able to create a vest pattern, study the technology of sewing fur and, of course, have the fur skins themselves, at least in the form of an old fur coat.

In truth, working with fur requires a lot of qualifications and experience, many special tools, a sewing furrier machine. But I think this does not scare you if you are determined to sew an original and unique style of fur vest with your own hands. Of course, first you need to build a pattern. The fur vest is quite voluminous and many defects in the cut simply will not be noticeable, so this task can be easily completed, especially if you have at least a little experience in creating patterns for shoulder products. Even if not, you can search on the Internet or various magazines for the basis for building a jacket. By the way, if you have an old jacket similar in volume and length to the future fur vest, then here is the pattern for you.
Punch out the sleeves and, trying them on yourself, adjust the width and length. You can even sew some seams on a sewing machine. Just keep in mind that a fur vest is often sewn with insulation (sintepon) and lining, and therefore do not forget to make “good” increases.
After adjusting the jacket in length and width, “take it apart” at the seams. Here are the patterns for a fur vest. This method of “constructing” a pattern is quite primitive, but reliable. After all, you will be cutting expensive natural or faux fur, and you can’t make mistakes.

3. The parts of the fur vest need to be stretched

You can calculate the pattern on paper, but it is impossible to accurately take into account all the features of your figure using numbers, and even an experienced tailor adjusts fur clothing during fitting. It’s good if your fur vest is big, but if it’s tight and short, then how to fix it?

Before “cutting” fur skins, it is necessary to “stretch” the fur, especially those parts that you connect with a furrier’s stitch from different pieces of fur.
The leather tissue of the fur skin (mezdra) is lightly moistened with water. After it is moistened, with slight tension it is stretched on a wooden surface (possibly plywood). The edges are nailed with small postal nails or long push pins.
Dry the stretched fur at normal room temperature for 24 hours. When you remove the skin, it will be even and smooth and all connecting seams will be aligned. Now you can transfer the pattern and cut out the details of the fur vest with a knife.

4. We sew a vest with our own hands. How to cut fur

If you think that fur pelts are cut with scissors, then you probably shouldn't try to sew a fur vest with your own hands. It is better to use the services of a fur atelier. Well, if you know that fur is cut with a shoe knife, then let’s continue.
It is best to cut fur skins on a plastic table, using a ballpoint pen or gel pencil to mark a line along the leather fabric. It is not necessary to have a shoemaker's knife; an ordinary stationery retractable knife, which can be easily purchased at a hardware store, is sufficient. This knife is also used to cut wallpaper, linoleum, etc.

When cutting the skin, hold the knife with a slight tilt toward you. Draw the knife blade exactly along the marked line. If the knife is sharp, then the leather fabric will be cut smoothly, without tears, without affecting the hair. If the knife does not cut, but tears the leather fabric, it is better to replace it.
Do not press the knife too hard; the skin should be suspended. Pressing the skin tightly against a wooden or plastic surface with a knife will damage the hair. When connecting cut sections, these joints will stand out greatly. Practice on pieces of fur until you can cut the fur smoothly and accurately with a knife.

The hair of the skin must remain intact. Therefore, fur cannot be cut with tailor's scissors.
If, when joining the skins, hair gets into the seam, then it must be carefully pulled out of the stitch with an awl.
The area of ​​connection must be combed with a metal brush, and then the place of connection can only be distinguished by the shade of the fur areas connected to each other.

5. How to sew fur. Furrier stitch

The skins are joined together using a special hand furrier's stitch. To sew fur products, of course, you need a special furrier's machine, but in your case you can also use a hand furrier's stitch.
There is a lot of information of this kind on how to sew fur skins on the Internet, find it yourself if you are not satisfied with the method we have proposed in this diagram. Read more about how to do it in the article “Technology for sewing fur clothing.” The main thing is not to try to sew fur skins on a sewing machine. This is a completely unacceptable method. The structure of the fur will not withstand such “torture”, and if not immediately, then after a short period, these seams will certainly tear at the places where the needle punctures. By the way, check the condition of the fur skins or fur coats, whether it is possible to sew anything from them at all.
Use a furrier's stitch to join a small piece of fur together and test it for tearing. If the seam breaks from the slightest effort at the puncture sites, then the flesh has completely lost its properties, despite the fact that the fur hairline is perfectly preserved. It’s probably not worth spending time sewing a vest out of such fur.

The most short-lived types of natural fur are rabbit and nutria fur. It happens that they tear even at the touch of a needle. It is necessary to check the condition of the fur if you are going to sew a fur vest from a fur coat, especially an old fur coat that has long gone out of fashion and has seen its “shows”.

6. To sew a fur vest you need to know how to select fur

It is best to use an old mink or fox fur coat for a fur vest, but only if its fur is well preserved. The leather tissue should not be brittle or, on the contrary, loose. The seams must be able to withstand tensile loads. After all, vests are often worn for active sports, such as skiing. And in the car you have to make a lot of sudden movements.

Do not think that if you remove the sleeves and cut off the bottom of the fur coat, then you can sew a fur vest. The old fur coat needs to be completely disassembled, all seams should be carefully ripped out, pockets and fasteners removed, and even adhesive fabrics should be removed, if any. Sleeves, shelves, back everything should be separated from each other and laid out on the table in even plates. Using the available patterns, select the best pieces and cut out the fronts and back from them if the vest is sleeveless.

The shoulder seams and the armhole of a fur coat wear out the most. These areas need to be “bypassed”, leaving only “fresh” cuts for new seams.
Sometimes you will have to replace one or another section, cut out the worn section of the skin and put a new one in its place. It is better to cut the shape for such a “patch” with a corner or a square, no ovals or circles. You need to cut only in straight lines, carefully choosing the shade of the fur and the direction of the pile.

Do not use old lining and insulation from a fur coat. A brand new contrasting lining and lightweight modern insulation are not that expensive, but they will freshen up your fur vest.
If the fur is “not very good”, but you still want to sew a vest for your daughter, you can combine hand-knitted elements with rabbit fur, for example. It may not be enough for a long time, but it will last for one or two seasons.
Of course, it’s good if you have fox skins brought by your husband from a hunt. The fox vest is very warm, light and also fashionable.

Our article on how to sew a fur vest is intended for amateurs. It is simply impossible to teach how to sew a fur vest professionally in one article on the website, and also in courses. Experienced furriers have spent years training and are constantly learning new things. In addition, the skill of a furrier lies not in theory, but in practice. Therefore, we “categorically” do not recommend buying new fur skins and sewing a fur vest from them yourself using the materials in this article. It's another matter if you have an old fur coat or relatives who are hunters. Such people always have the skins of foxes or other animals. It is for such cases that this article was written.
But it is still wiser to sew a fur vest from new skins in a studio where there is special equipment, craftsmen who know the technology of working with fur and have many years of experience.

A fox vest will require at least 4-5 fox skins, not short ones, but long ones. It is important that all skins are the same shade and not defective. Any tears can be easily sewed up and the seam won’t even be visible, but bald spots can ruin all your work.
Fox fur skins must be “picked up”. In appearance, the skins seem to be the same, but they may have different hair lengths and different shades. The back of a fox may have a brighter color than its belly, etc. Think, look at the patterns, check whether they fit on the skin.

When wet, the skin can be slightly expanded, you can even lengthen it a little, if, for example, the armhole of the front does not fit slightly. It is easier to expand the skin than to lengthen it.

Longitudinal connecting seams are not visible at all if the fur is the same shade and the hair is the same length. But it is very difficult to lengthen and build up the skin. The seam will definitely be noticeable. You need to carefully select a piece so that it perfectly matches the color and length of your hair.

8. Finishing elements for a fur vest

The fox has one visual drawback - a fox vest makes you look very fat. This is especially noticeable on short figures, not to mention overweight women. To reduce this effect, you need to use leather or suede inserts on the sides of the vest.
You can also sew a belt for a fur vest and other finishing elements from leather.
If the fastener is with a zipper, then leather parts can be placed along the edge of the side.
For one vest you will need 60 - 70 dm of leather or suede. This is approximately one medium-sized layer of skin.

But it is not necessary to use genuine leather or suede. In stores now there is a huge selection of artificial materials, which are sometimes impossible to distinguish from genuine leather. And they are easier to sew. True, they retain heat worse.
One solution to where to get leather for a fur vest is to use an old leather jacket or raincoat, as long as it matches the color of the fur. If you don’t have such old clothes, maybe a relative or friend has such a useless raincoat.
In order to sew a fur vest, you need to buy a lining, having previously calculated the consumption of fabric, insulation, and cushioning and adhesive materials to strengthen the sides, armholes and neck. Approximately 1.2 meters is enough for a vest (without sleeves).
We hope these simple tips will help you sew a fur vest with your own hands.

Not everyone has a furrier's machine and many other special tools used in sewing fur clothing. But everyone has a thread and a needle, with which you can also sew fur skins. Master at least one type of furrier stitch, buy a knife for cutting fur and try to sew a fur vest with your own hands using our tips.

You can sew a fur vest from an old fur coat, and if there is fur left, you can also sew a fur bag or original and warm fur mittens. If you combine a vest with natural or artificial leather, leave a small piece of leather for mittens.

It is better to recut a fur coat and make a short sheepskin coat with a hood out of it in a studio, since this is quite a complex job that requires knowledge and experience. But you can try to sew a vest with your own hands, especially if the fur coat is old and in case of failure, you will not feel sorry for it.

To sew leather, you can use your grandmother’s old manual machine such as Podolsk, Singer. Buy only a special needle for leather in the store. And if you can also install a special foot with a wheel or roller, then any leather can be easily and simply sewn on such a machine. In this article you will find various tips, including tips on how to properly sew natural leather.

Sewing clothes with your own hands is always interesting, especially if it turns out well. But, nevertheless, sewing from old clothes brings much more creative emotions. You can sew a vest with knitted knitted sleeves from an old fur coat or sheepskin coat. What can you sew from old? Yes, almost everything, any clothing, especially small accessories such as bags, backpacks, mittens, etc.

A DIY fur vest is very simple. If you don't believe it, then look no further.
I want to tell you at least three ways to make a fur vest with your own hands. So, let's get started, by the way, a video will be provided for each method so that you can certainly verify this.

  • First way. You can make a fur vest with your own hands from an old coat, jacket or fur coat. If it is a fur coat, then you need to cut off the sleeves, widen the armholes of the sleeves, and process them. And if it’s a jacket, you can have an article with a video. From a boring coat, do the same thing, only in order for the vest to become fur, we will have to decorate it with fur: we will make a fur edge on the armholes of the sleeves and collar, this is what the first video talks about.

  • Second way. You can sew a fur vest with your own hands in any size, absolutely any design, even the wildest, something unusual, designer, from any material: fabric, fur, leather, leatherette.

  • What you need for this: some sewing and machine skills, material. You also definitely need a pattern, one of which you.

  • And the third, probably my favorite, because this is the method I now use myself: I make a couple of vests of different lengths, different fur. This is the so-called fur knitting, you can make a hat like a “sheaf” (so “hairy”), and also a very motivating video on how to do the same thing.

The point is that a ready-made knitted vest is taken as the basis for the product, the fur is cut into strips, and then these strips are sewn or threaded through the loops of the jersey, forming a fur fabric.
It seems complicated, but in fact it’s simple and very interesting; you can make completely unique things by combining colors and much more. Be sure to watch it, I recommend it.

The simplest way to sew a fur vest:

In general, as you can see, a DIY fur vest is real. Good luck. Bye!


Today we will deal with a very relevant model for the winter - this faux fur vest pattern. Of course, if you have an extra piece of natural fur lying around at home... Then it won’t cost you anything to sew a vest from natural fur 😉

I’ll say right away that there are just a ton of models of such fur vests! But for beginners and first experience working with fur, I suggest you start with the simplest and very light model. There is no need for frills and hassles, believe me, fur itself sets the tone for your entire look...

Therefore, the model in this lesson is very simple:

At first, I recorded a lesson for a completely different model of a fur vest. But after that I couldn’t find his photo... I forgot to set the bookmark in the browser and it simply disappeared on the computer. It's still a shame. But I think you will see this model in the video tutorial.

But I’ll also tell you how to make a couple more pieces based on this pattern. Therefore, everyone can choose something of their own.

Pattern of a women's fur vest: construction

The fur vest pattern will be based on the basic jacket pattern, or the coat pattern. Both basic patterns are similar in construction, but their important and most important difference is that they are built with large allowances for freedom of movement. This is necessary so that you can wear a warm sweater under your vest and drive a car like this in winter, for example.

If you plan to wear a vest exclusively on a thin dress, then this is an ideal option for you.

After you have decided on the base, open it in and start building.

Below I will describe the algorithm for modeling the base pattern for any jacket, and then you can further fantasize or model any specific model.

The faux fur vest pattern is constructed as follows:

This is such a simple and quick vest modeling. But that's not all, right? Notice that we didn't touch on the front neckline?

Everything here also depends on the model you choose. I won’t describe the model that I built in the video tutorial here, as everything is clear and visual :)

The only thing I still want to talk about. If you decide not to make side seams, thereby making your life as easy as possible, then do not forget to mirror it using the appropriate command in the program.

As a result, the faux fur vest pattern will look like this:

Important! This is not the final version! You can make it your own.

And now, I want to invite you to look at several other models and their modeling features.

Fur vest pattern: various models

The model in the top photo is shown in the first pattern (first screenshot).

The next one is this one:

Very beautiful, right? Here, everything is built in the same way, but we just correct the neckline. Regular semicircle. We’ve done it a million times already :) in different videos.

By the way, think about how you will fasten the vest in advance. If you choose hooks, there is no need to make a large allowance for the fastener :)

The third model of a fur vest:

The important thing here is to lengthen the V neckline to the waist. We remove the allowance for the fastener and sew on a belt for the tie. And one more thing is the facing around the neckline. Just copy the cut lines and move them 3-5 cm.

Sew a fur vest for a girl with your own hands.
I offer simple patterns for a fur vest for girls in three sizes (104, 110, 116):

Please note that the sizes in the diagrams are recommended. Measure your child in the clothes you plan to wear the vest on. The measurement of chest circumference (CH) is important. Compare your measurements with the values ​​on the pattern charts. If necessary, add/reduce 1-2 cm to the width of the back and the width of the shelf.

You can also change the length of the product.

1. fur vest for girls height 100-104, back length 35 cm.

2. fur vest for girls height 110, back length 37 cm

3. fur vest for size 116, back length 40 cm.

A cute fur vest for a young fashionista, sewn by the caring hands of a mother or grandmother, is undoubtedly a “you can’t buy it anywhere” item.
There will be no one left indifferent, be sure to sew!

You can use pieces of fur from old fur coats, or even better, buy a piece of faux fur. Nowadays you can find excellent fur in bright colors on sale. It is lightweight, easy to wash and sew without problems.

Using the same patterns, you can also sew quilted vests - just like for girls. same for boys.

Please note that the shelves do not have a fastener. Sew on hooks and loops, use a belt, or sew on a zipper. If you need a fastener with buttons or snaps, then add an allowance for the fastener of 1.5 cm on both parts of the shelf.

How to cut a fur vest:

  • fur details with seam allowances of 1.2 cm:
    back - 1 folded piece
    shelves - 2 parts.
  • lining details with 0.7 cm seam allowances
    For the lining, choose a beautiful chintz, cozy flannel, viscose lining fabric, or fine ready-stitch synthetic padding. Do not make the lining too warm and thick, maintain the plasticity and lightness of the product.

2015-11-01 Maria Novikova

To sew or not to sew a leather vest? How to sew a leather vest and where to get the pattern? It is definitely worth sewing a leather vest, just because it looks impressive. In addition, products made from genuine leather are known to be durable and retain heat well.

Genuine leather is an organic material; when worn, it takes on the shape of a silhouette and is versatile. How to sew a fashionable leather vest? In this article you will learn how to sew a vest with a fur collar from a leather raincoat, or rather from its bottom.

You will need:

  • Material: leather - in this case, these are scraps of genuine leather
  • Fur collar
  • Lining fabric (vest length + collar)
  • Sewing machine
  • Tailor's scissors
  • Construction stapler
  • Tape measure
  • Long ruler and curly patterns

Beginning of work

Material selection

To sew a stylish leather vest, you don’t have to buy genuine leather; you can use “what’s at hand”: unnecessary leather scraps from a leather raincoat or an old jacket. If you are tired of the length of the raincoat and you decide to shorten it, then do not rush to throw away the scraps; they will be useful to you later.

For example, you decided to shorten such a raincoat and make a jacket out of it.

In this case, you will have a fairly large area from the bottom from which the next work will proceed. For fur trim, use an unnecessary fur collar, perhaps from the same raincoat.

Preparing for cutting

Unravel and straighten the seams on the pieces of leather to obtain a smooth surface for cutting:

Advice! To give natural leather a marketable appearance, it is necessary to renew it. Take a soap solution and gently wipe the front side of the leather so as not to remove the substances used to treat the leather. Then rinse the surface of the skin with a special solution: 1 liter. water, 1 glass of 9% vinegar and 50 gr. salt. After this, lubricate the skin with glycerin, it will acquire shine and elasticity. You can also use coffee grounds or boiled milk.

For suede: wash the suede with washing powder with the addition of ammonia. Stains on suede can be removed with gasoline or chloroform. To clean suede, use a rubber brush, a school ink eraser, hard foam rubber, or rub the surface with bread crumb and fine table salt.

After all these procedures, natural leather should be nailed onto a board with a construction stapler or small nails and left to dry. As a result, you will get the ideal surface for cutting.

Cutting a leather vest

To cut out the vest, you will need a pattern. You can use any pattern that fits your size or from a magazine.

Lay out the pattern pieces on the leather scraps and determine the length of the vest. If there is not enough material in length and width, it’s not a big deal. You can collect the missing parts from the lunges and make decorative elements, for example, yokes, trims, inserts in the sides, a stitched belt at the bottom, a set-in belt at the waist, shoulder straps along the shoulder seams.

Using the same pattern, cut out the lining for the vest from lining fabric, do not forget to add seam allowances.

Preparing for fitting

Behavior of the first fitting

Sewing a leather vest


Transfer the vest changes to the lining. Sew the seams on the lining. You will learn how to sew a leather product without breaking the rules from my article:.

Collar processing

If necessary, reduce the width of the collar; use the resulting shreds to lengthen the collar. When lengthening the collar, be careful to observe the direction of the pile and shades of the fur.

Cut out the lining for the collar from lining fabric. The lining at the edges should be 0.1 - 0.2 cm less than the collar. For convenience, make a mock-up of the collar on paper.

Exemplary sample!

Connect the lining to the collar along the outer seam, leaving the inner seam open for sewing into the neckline and sides. Machine or furrier stitch and turn the collar right side out.

Exemplary sample!

Connecting a collar to a vest

Prepare strips for the front and sew a zipper to them so that the foot glides better over the skin, use a Teflon foot or sunflower oil.

Connect the collar to the vest along the neck and sides to the bottom. In this case, the collar lining should fit into the joint seam. Sew the strips with zippers to the sides where the collar is already sewn. So under your line you will get: the sides of the product along with the collar and trims.

Vest made from leather scraps

How to sew a leather vest with your own hands from scrap materials:

Based on this method, sew this vest with fox fur:

Ideas for a leather vest with a fur collar

See below for what you can sew from unnecessary leather scraps:

What to wear with a vest?

Vests can be long, short or medium, all options look amazing. Medium and short vests can be worn not only on their own, but also instead of outerwear.

Vests come in various colors, for example, classic black can be worn with skirts, trousers and anything else. But brown suede is more suitable for ethnic, boho and country styles.

A leather vest with fur can be worn with a wool jumper, knitted tunic, turtleneck or jacket. Leather vests are perfect for business and casual wear. They go well with leather shoes and bags.

Are you a fan of rock music, then create a unique one.

For more information about the leather vest with fur collar, see below:

Of course, you can buy a fashionable leather vest in a store, but the price for such an unusual item will not please you. If you know how and love to sew, sew a leather vest with your own hands. Go through the instructions again so that the question of how to sew a leather vest does not arise. In addition, you will rid your pantry of unnecessary scraps. The result that comes from using extra materials and the information provided will surprise not only you, but also your friends. Give life to old things and give yourself a gorgeous leather vest.

P.S. I wish you creative success!

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See you again, bye!

Best regards, Maria Novikova

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