What is sugaring for women bikini area. Bandage sugaring technique. Self-preparation at home

Sugaring is an ancient method of getting rid of unwanted hair. It can be used on any part of the body, including the intimate area with the most sensitive and delicate skin. The procedure is famous for its low cost if you perform bikini sugaring at home. With the right approach, getting rid of unwanted hair will take no more than 10 minutes, and smooth and delicate skin will delight you from 2 weeks to a month.


The difference between salon sugaring and home sugaring

The techniques for performing deep bikini sugaring in the salon and at home are the same. However, some women try to use only the services of professionals, as this has its advantages:

  • the specialist has experience and works confidently;
  • A professional paste of the required density is used, taking into account the thickness of the hair and the sensitivity of the area;
  • time is saved: a professional will treat the deep bikini area in a few minutes;
  • the risk of skin injury is minimal;
  • comfortable cabin conditions.

The disadvantages of salon sugaring include the cost of the procedure. Since hair removal requires repetition every 3-4 weeks, the amount will add up. Many women are embarrassed to undergo the procedure in the bikini area, so they choose the home option. It is unlikely that you will be able to do high-quality hair removal on your own the first time. But over time, you can master the technique, get better at it, and learn how to cook pasta.

What you need for epilation of the intimate area

The paste is prepared or purchased, the hair in the intimate area has grown up to 4 millimeters. You can begin the procedure. Before carrying out, it is advisable to have everything you need at hand:

  • talc or baby powder;
  • antiseptic, for example, chlorhexidine;
  • towel.

You will also need a mirror, preferably with a magnifying lens, to make it easy to see missed or poorly processed areas. If the bandage technique is used, special strips or scraps of fabric are needed.

Sugaring paste recipe at home

Sugar paste can be purchased at the store, but making it yourself at home is many times cheaper.

Sugar - 10 tbsp. l.
1/2 lemon
Water - 1 tbsp. l.

You will need a small stainless steel pan, a spoon, and a pasta container. Silicone molds work well. The paste does not stick to them. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add juice from half a lemon, a spoonful of water. Stir all ingredients and leave for 15 minutes. Then place the pan on the stove over low heat and cover with a lid. The task is to melt the sugar until the syrup boils.

Once all the grains of sand have melted and the mass has become homogeneous, you can turn up the heat to medium level. After boiling, cook the mixture until it has a caramel color, stirring regularly. After 2 minutes, you can taste the syrup for density. To do this, place a few drops in a plate of cold water. If the paste sets and forms a soft ball, then it’s time to remove the pan from the heat. If the ball does not work out, after 30-40 seconds, drop a new portion of syrup into cold water. It is important not to overcook the pasta.

Remove the pan from the heat, pour the sugar mass into a silicone container, and cool. Plastic dishes will not withstand hot syrup. If you don’t have a small silicone container, you can cool the mixture a little and only then pour it.

How to reduce the pain of the procedure

Removing hair from the roots is a painful procedure, especially at the very beginning of your acquaintance with it. Gradually, the skin will get used to it, the hairs will become thinner, and they will be easier to leave the bikini area. There are several tricks to help reduce the pain of sugaring:

  1. The right time of day. A person is less susceptible to pain from 13.00 to 15.00.
  2. Start of the cycle. It is recommended to do hair removal in the first days after menstruation.
  3. Steaming the skin. Hair will be easier to remove after a hot bath or shower.

You can use special painkillers, for example, Emla cream. The product is applied to cleansed skin, covered with cling film, and left for the time specified in the instructions.

Important: It is because of the pain that it is recommended to entrust the first procedure to a professional. The next time it will be easier to remove hair, you can do it yourself.

Step-by-step instructions for sugaring (manual technique)

The manual technique of sugaring a deep bikini consists of manually applying the paste to the hair-covered areas of the area, then sharply tearing off the sugar paste along with the vegetation. To do the procedure correctly, efficiently, without damaging the skin, you need to master the technique.

Step by step guide:

  1. Clean the skin thoroughly, dry it, wipe with an antiseptic solution. To remove moisture, apply a thin layer of talcum powder.
  2. From the total mass, pinch off a small piece of paste, the size of a walnut or a little larger.
  3. Knead the piece in your hands for a few minutes. The mass will become light, pearlescent, soft.
  4. Determine the direction of hair growth in a small area of ​​the bikini area.
  5. Press the crushed ball to the skin, spread it against the hair growth (the paste simultaneously lifts and grabs it).
  6. After a few seconds, sharply tear off the paste in the direction of growth along with the adhered hairs.
  7. Each piece of sugar mass can be used several times until it becomes dirty and hair is difficult to remove.

Advice! If a stick has formed, that is, the sugar mass has stuck to the skin and cannot be removed, you need to attach a piece of fabric to it, smooth it out, and tear it off sharply. Can be washed off with water, but will require repeated drying of the skin and treatment.

Video: Sugaring of intimate areas (manual technique)

Step-by-step instructions for sugaring using bandage technique

The bandage technique for deep bikini sugaring involves the use of fabric strips and soft paste. You will also need a spatula for this work, since the sugar mass is applied in liquid form.

Step by step guide:

  1. Clean the skin of the deep bikini area, treat with an antiseptic solution, and apply a thin layer of talcum powder.
  2. Heat the sugar mass to a temperature of 38-40 °C.
  3. Use a spatula to scoop up the paste and apply a thin layer to the selected area.
  4. Glue a fabric strip on top, smooth it, press it.
  5. Remove the strip of fabric sharply in the direction of hair growth.

To reduce the risk of skin injury and reduce pain, the skin is stretched with your free hand. The remaining paste is washed off with warm water.

Video: Sugaring of intimate areas (bandage technique)

Skin care after sugaring

Sugaring is a gentle hair removal method. If the procedure is carried out correctly, then after 2-3 hours the redness on the skin will disappear, it will acquire a natural color and a healthy appearance. In rare cases, irritation and ingrown hairs appear. This can easily be avoided if you do a light scrub before the procedure.

Within 24 hours after the procedure, creams, deodorants and other products that may interfere with skin breathing should not be applied to the skin of intimate areas. During the day you cannot visit swimming pools, baths, saunas, or solariums.


Sugaring of a deep bikini at home has many advantages over other types of hair removal; it is attractive because it is simple and cheap, but this procedure also has contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • any skin diseases;
  • irritation, acne, inflammation and abrasions in the deep bikini area;
  • dilation of veins in the groin area;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the paste.

If the sugaring technique is performed incorrectly, bruises and hemorrhages may occur. Applying the paste to the same place several times is allowed, but not advisable. This may cause damage to the skin. If sterility is not observed and there is no antiseptic treatment, there is a risk of infection in open pores and wounds.

If you are striving for smooth and soft skin in the bikini area, it is recommended to use sugaring. The depilation method has become widespread due to its high efficiency, natural ingredients, ease of use, and minimal monetary costs for the procedure.

Women have long started using sugar to remove unwanted hair. Currently, the procedure is called “sugaring”. Depilation can be done in a salon or at home. Pasta can be purchased ready-made or cooked yourself. The consistency of the paste and composition are selected depending on the type of hair and the area being epilated.

If you want to be the owner of perfectly smooth and incredibly soft skin in the most delicate area, then the sugaring procedure will be a unique find for you.

Deep bikini

First you need to cleanse the skin with tonic and degrease with talcum powder. The paste is applied against the direction of hair growth. Wait a few seconds until it hardens, and then remove it with a sharp movement in the direction of hair growth. The long-lasting effect ensures the removal of hairs from the follicles. Removal time takes from 30 to 40 minutes.

The effectiveness of manipulation depends on the length of the hairs. The optimal length is considered to be 4-5 mm. Sugaring in the bikini area is accompanied by pain due to the high sensitivity of the skin.

Before you begin hair removal, you need to acquire basic materials

How to relieve pain:

  • It is better to do the procedure from 13.00 to 15.00. At this time, a person is less susceptible to pain.
  • 40 minutes before the start of the manipulations, you can take an anesthetic (Analgin, Pentalgin, Ketanol).
  • A piece of ice that needs to be walked over the area to be epilated will help to numb the procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of bikini sugaring:

  • the paste does not need to be heated, so the likelihood of burns is reduced;
  • there are no signs of allergies due to natural ingredients;

Despite the advantages, the main disadvantage of the procedure is its pain.
  • sugar destroys bacteria, preventing infection and inflammation;
  • long-lasting effect (up to 3 weeks);
  • does not injure living epidermal cells;
  • the condition of the skin improves.

Despite the benefits, the main disadvantage of the procedure is its pain. Due to lack of experience, it is difficult for a beginner to prepare pasta of the desired consistency the first time. Making caramel can take a long time. It is recommended that the first few removals be done with a professional product. Which sugar mass to use for depilation is an individual choice.

Description of the procedure

Sugar mass is used to make the following types of removal in the bikini area:

  • classic - it is characterized by the fact that hairs are removed at the contact point of the underwear;
  • deep - it is characterized by the fact that hairs are removed from the pubic area, on the thighs (inner part);

Sugaring the intimate area at home will require certain knowledge and skills
  • Brazilian - involves removing hair completely from the perineum, thighs, and between the gluteal muscles.

Not all salons adhere to this distinction. Many people remove hair along the edges of their underwear and make a deep bikini over the entire crotch and between the buttocks. Which paste is preferable for such depilation? The hair in this area is coarse, so a hard paste is suitable. If you have insufficient experience in making your own sugar mixture, it is recommended to use a professional product.

Indications for the procedure:

Sugaring should not be used:

  • short hairs that are difficult to grasp;
  • diabetes;
  • repeated herpetic rash;
  • presence of injuries, moles in the epilated area;
  • skin diseases.

How to reduce the severity of pain?

Some people are afraid to use sugaring because they do not know how to numb the area being epilated. There are several ways to reduce the severity of pain:

Cosmetologists recommend using Emla cream for the bikini area.
  • Non-drug methods. You need to find a qualified specialist. If his movements are precise and sharp, and the caramel is chosen correctly, bikini sugaring will be painless. The specialist takes into account the thickness of the hair, the area to be epilated, the temperature conditions of the room and body. If you use scrubs 1-2 days before removal, hair removal will be easier. The scrub exfoliates dead skin cells. It is not recommended to use alcohol-based cosmetics for 2-3 days. It makes the skin harder and makes removal more difficult. It is recommended to use alcohol lotion after removal. You can expand the pores by taking a hot shower, the severity of pain decreases. Alcoholic drinks and caffeine increase sensitivity. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from them before depilation.
  • Medication methods. To make it more painless, use anti-inflammatory drugs that do not contain steroids. These include: Ibuprofen tablets, Indomethacin, Analgin tablets. You can try combination medications, for example, Tempalgin. In addition to the anesthetic, they contain a tranquilizer in moderate quantities. It reduces the perception of pain on an emotional level. If you do not want to take medications orally, you can use topical medications. These are drugs that include prilocaine and lidocaine. The most popular is Emla ointment. One tube is enough for one procedure. It is recommended to apply the ointment 1-1.5 minutes before depilation, and cover the area to be epilated with an occlusive bandage. The analgesic effect lasts for half an hour. If you are prone to side effects from anesthetics or have heart problems, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using such drugs.

The scrub exfoliates dead skin cells
  • Infiltrative anesthesia. Anesthetics are injected under the skin. This method is used in case of ineffectiveness of the previous ones, with high sensitivity to pain. Usually, if all recommendations for sugaring have been followed, injections are not required.

Preparing for depilation

If you want sugaring of the bikini area to be less painful, you need to take the preparatory stage responsibly.

Carrying out the procedure

If depilation takes place in a salon, the client takes off his clothes and lies down on the couch. He can wear a disposable thong. The specialist applies a special lotion to the area to be epilated. When it is absorbed, powder with talcum powder. Caramel is applied against the direction of hair growth and sharply removed in the direction of their growth. The remaining caramel particles are washed off with water. The skin is treated with a soothing lotion that relieves inflammation.

Epilation is a painful process, no matter how you look at it, especially if you are targeting a deep bikini

If you decide to depilate at home, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • When waxing for the first time, it is better to have someone help you. This could be a friend or family member.
  • To improve the application of caramel to the skin and increase its plasticity, it needs to be warmed up. To do this, use a microwave oven or a water bath.
  • Choose a comfortable and stable position.
  • With one hand, the paste is stretched across the skin against hair growth, and after a couple of seconds it is sharply torn off in the direction of hair growth.
  • Before tearing off the paste, you need to stretch the skin and fix it in a taut position. This will prevent further bruising.
  • It is not recommended to leave the paste on the body. Under the influence of body temperature, it will begin to spread, the effectiveness of manipulations decreases.

  • Do not apply the sugar mass to the entire area to be epilated at once. It is recommended to apply the product one at a time to a small area (2x4 cm). It is not recommended to keep the paste on the body for longer than 10-13 seconds.
  • If the hairs are partially removed, the manipulations in this area are repeated. But no more than three times.
  • Rinse off any remaining product with warm water and apply a soothing lotion to the skin.

Aftercare procedures

Whether the procedure will be accompanied by skin irritation depends on the care after depilation:

  • It is not recommended to scratch the skin 6-12 hours after sugaring, so as not to increase irritation.
  • For the first 24 hours, it is advisable not to take a hot bath, but replace it with a warm shower. For 1-2 days, avoid visiting the bathhouse, sauna, or solarium.
  • For 3-4 days you can make a scrub and apply moisturizer. This will prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs. Then scrubbing agents are used 1-2 times every 7 days.

Which paste will be used depends on the chosen technique and the area being epilated.


    University: Kiev National University of Trade and Economics.
    Year of release: 2016.


    Beauty salon manager Aug 2016 - Sep 2018 (2 years 2 months)

    Salon-boutique Valery Beauty / Fitness / Sports

    Beauty salon Salon-de-provence Beauty / Fitness / Sports

Perfectly smooth skin without unwanted hair allows women to feel confident and comfortable. Perhaps this is why depilation is one of the most common and sought-after cosmetic procedures. You can get rid of excess hair in different ways, including sugaring and hair removal using sugar paste, which you can buy or prepare yourself. This depilation method is suitable for different areas of the body, including bikini, even deep. It has many advantages over other methods of hair removal: unlike shaving, it guarantees a long-term effect, allows you to reach the most inaccessible places, which cannot be done with an epilator, etc. Perhaps, for the bikini area, sugaring is the optimal method of depilation, especially considering that its technology allows you to minimize the number of ingrown hairs.

What is bikini sugaring?

The concept of “sugaring” is of English origin: it is a derivative of the word “sugar”, that is, sugar. It turns out that this method is depilation using this food product. You can actually carry out the procedure by preparing a paste from regular sugar, water and citric acid. Purchased products may have a similar or more intense composition, including fragrances, flavors, natural herbs, etc.

With the exception of some nuances, sugaring is similar to wax depilation: sugar paste is applied to the area to be treated, and after it hardens, it must be removed with a sharp movement along with the hair. During the sugaring procedure, hairs are removed along with the follicles.

Sugaring is suitable for hair removal on any part of the body. This is also an excellent choice for depilating the bikini area. Sugar paste is elastic, so it is easy to apply even in the most difficult to reach places and folds. Its natural composition allows you not to worry about possible allergic reactions on the delicate skin of the intimate area, and thanks to the ability to combine sugar with various plant extracts, the procedure can be made even useful.
Sugar paste for sugaring may contain plant extracts, making its use beneficial for the skin

Types of bikini sugaring

Depending on how much hair is removed, there are different types of bikini sugaring:

  1. Classic. The simplest and most painless option, because the most sensitive areas are not affected. Hair is removed along the swimsuit line, that is, only where it can be seen with the naked eye.
  2. Deep. Involves the complete removal of all hair from the pubis and perineum, as well as the inside of the legs.
  3. Average. The name speaks for itself. This is the middle ground between classic and deep bikini. The hair is removed slightly deeper compared to the swimsuit line.
  4. Brazilian. This is a version of a deep bikini, which also involves total hair removal, but traditionally a thin strip is left on the pubic area.

Using the sugaring method, you can perform various types of depilation, removing hair completely or partially

Sugaring techniques

Working with sugar paste is quite simple, especially if you follow the algorithm developed by sugaring masters. There are several techniques that can be used to epilate the bikini area:

  1. Bandage. Sugar paste is applied with a special spatula against hair growth. After this, a fabric strip is pressed tightly against it, which you need to pull when removing the entire structure.
  2. Manual. The most simple one. All manipulations are carried out exclusively with the help of hands: with them the sugar paste is applied to the area to be treated, and it is removed with them without the use of auxiliary means (fabric, as in the bandage technique, etc.). To do this, carefully pick up the frozen strip of sugar composition by the edge and tear it off sharply, pulling the skin with your free hand.
  3. Applique. Convenient for beginners, but, unfortunately, does not allow you to treat a large area of ​​the body at once. Sugar paste is applied in the form of applications, that is, small circles.
  4. Spatula. Sugaring paste is applied using a special spatula. It is deleted by him. For a deep bikini, this method is not very convenient, since it does not allow for complete treatment of hard-to-reach areas.

For the bandage sugaring technique, special fabric strips are used, which can be purchased in the store.

All of the listed techniques differ only in the method of applying and removing the sugaring paste.

How long does the effect last?

The method allows you to remove hairs along with the bulbs, so they do not grow for quite a long time: 2-4 weeks. It is impossible to say more precisely, since for some this process occurs faster, while for others, on the contrary, it is slower. It depends on individual characteristics. Of course, given that the hair on the human body is in various stages of growth, some of it may appear above the surface of the skin as early as a week after the procedure, but their amount will be insignificant. Therefore, the procedure is done on average once a month.


Sugaring is an absolutely safe method of depilation, and the number of contraindications to it is minimal:

  • individual intolerance to sugar paste components;
  • presence of skin damage in the area to be treated;
  • severe stages of diabetes.

There is an opinion that sugar tends to be absorbed into the skin, so sugaring should not be done for people with diabetes. In fact, this is not true, and the disease is a contraindication for a completely different reason. It destroys blood vessels, and the skin becomes susceptible to damage even with minor exposure. In addition, the epidermis recovers very slowly. So in severe forms of diabetes, any method of depilation is undesirable.

Relative contraindications are:

  • age up to 16 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • critical days.

In these cases, increased skin sensitivity and susceptibility to irritation may occur. Therefore, she may react poorly to sugar depilation. However, not everyone faces such problems.

Possible consequences

A negative reaction to sugaring from the skin is quite rare, but nevertheless it can happen.
Sugaring, like any other method of depilation, can cause ingrown hairs and subsequent inflammation

The most common “surprises”:

  1. Hyperemia. It goes by very quickly. Maximum on the second day after the procedure, the skin acquires a natural color, and usually this happens much earlier, within an hour.
  2. Minor abrasions. They appear as red dots. This happens because when thick hairs are removed, droplets of blood appear in their place. This usually happens only during the first procedures. The skin heals within 2-3 days.
  3. Ingrowns. The worst of the consequences, which, unfortunately, not all women manage to avoid. It is believed that sugaring helps to minimize this problem, since it involves removing hairs as they grow, which means they will subsequently grow in the right direction. But in practice, ingrowths still occur, provoking an inflammatory process and the appearance of bumps on the skin. The main thing is that there are not too many of them.

Ingrown hairs must be carefully removed using tweezers, not forgetting to thoroughly disinfect the wound afterwards.

Execution technique

Working with sticky sugar paste, which every now and then tries to stick not to the area where unwanted hair grows, but to your hands, surrounding objects, etc., may seem like an impossible task at first. But over time, this process will happen “automatically”. The main thing is to properly prepare the skin and follow all the rules of sugaring.

How to prepare for the procedure so that it is painless afterwards

Preparation takes place in several stages:

  1. A few days before the procedure, you need to start protecting your skin from damage and burns. To do this, it is recommended to avoid visiting a solarium. At least you don't have to be there without underwear.
  2. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub the day before. If you remove the top layer of keratinized epidermal cells, the adhesion of the sugar paste to the hairs will be much stronger.
  3. Immediately before sugaring, take a hot shower. The skin will become much softer and it will be easier for the hairs to “release” out. For this reason, steaming is one of the methods of pain relief.
  4. If necessary, after a shower, treat the area where manipulations will be performed with an anesthetic, for example, liquid lidocaine or Emla cream. You need to put a piece of film on top and hold the compress for 10-15 minutes.

Using several simple methods (a hot shower, applying an anesthetic, etc.) you can minimize the pain from sugaring

The length of the hairs for a successful sugaring procedure should reach 4-5 mm. Otherwise, the sugar paste simply will not be able to capture them, and all attempts to achieve smooth skin will be unsuccessful.

How to prepare sugar paste

It is important to properly prepare the sugaring paste. If it is purchased, then before use it is necessary to warm it up to 40 °C. This can only be avoided if its consistency is very soft. For heating, use a microwave or wax melter. The water bath method also works well.

To make your own pasta, you need to take:

  • 0.5 kg granulated sugar;
  • 50 ml water;
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid or juice of half a lemon.

Water is mixed with sugar and brought to a boil in a small saucepan. Then you need to add citric acid or juice, reduce the heat and cook the paste for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. The result should be a foamy syrup with a rich honey color. It needs to be poured into another container and left to cool. This is a fairly long process, it will take about an hour before the paste can be used.

The lower the temperature of your homemade sugar paste drops, the more it solidifies until it eventually acquires a solid consistency. Therefore, during the procedure it may have to be warmed up periodically. The main thing is not to overdo it with the temperature.

Video: making your own sugaring paste

Sugaring procedure

So, the skin preparation and pain relief measures have been carried out, the paste can also be used. Next you need to proceed in the following algorithm:

  1. Treating the skin with antiseptic agents to avoid infection during the procedure. If you plan to anesthetize the affected area, then “freezing” should be done only after disinfection.
    The most popular antiseptic among hair removal specialists is chlorhexidine.
  2. Applying talcum powder. The skin must be completely dry during the procedure, otherwise the sugar paste simply will not stick to the hairs.
    Instead of talcum powder, you can use absolutely any baby powder to ensure dry skin.
  3. Distributing sugar paste over the surface of the bikini area. This is done by rolling movements against hair growth.
    The most convenient technique for a beginner to remove sugar paste from the growth area of ​​unwanted hair is manual, that is, by hand.
  4. Repeated treatment with antiseptic.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of bikini sugaring

The procedure is performed at body temperature, so skin burns are excluded.The sugaring procedure requires some skills. I'll have to practice.
Removing hairs as they grow helps minimize ingrown hairs.Sugar paste sticks not only to the skin, so you need to be careful so that it does not end up on nearby objects.
The sugar paste used for sugaring does not contain artificial chemical additives, so the risk of allergies is practically absent.After removing the sugar paste from the skin, some hairs may remain.
Hair does not grow for several weeks.
The technology of applying sugar paste allows you to reach the most difficult to reach places in the bikini area.

Safety during the procedure

Sugar depilation does not injure the skin, but when performing it at home, extreme caution should still be exercised, especially in cases where the sugaring paste is prepared independently, because it needs to be boiled. If syrup heated to 100°C gets on the skin, a burn will occur. The same thing will happen if the paste is not completely cooled before use. In addition, if you pick it up, it will immediately begin to stick, which will not allow you to quickly get rid of the too hot mass, stopping the exposure to high temperature. Therefore, the most important rule is to cool the sugar paste well before use.

How to care for bikini skin after sugaring

In order to avoid irritation, infection and other troubles, it is necessary to properly care for your skin for 3-4 days after the sugaring procedure:

  1. Avoid anything that causes sweating:
    • do not visit the sauna and steam bath;
    • do not engage in active sports.
  2. If possible, it is better to wear regular cotton underwear these days. In it, the skin breathes, and therefore heals faster.
  3. All aggressive procedures that thin the epidermis are also prohibited. These include:
    • sunbathing (solarium);
    • scrubs and peelings.

Video: how to properly sugaring a bikini at home (bandage technique)

According to statistics, having once done sugaring in the bikini area, 98% of women henceforth remove hair only in this way. Among them, the vast majority prefer sugar epilation of a deep bikini (complete hair removal), and only about 15% prefer classic sugaring (along the panty line). Regardless of the taste preferences of your clients, there are rules that are common to everyone.

Compared to other methods of removing hair from the intimate area, sugaring has many advantages:

  • Safety. The heating temperature of the sugar paste (37°) is significantly lower than the heating level of the wax, so there is no risk of skin burns during sugar hair removal.
  • Hypoallergenic. Since sugar paste consists only of natural ingredients (water, glucose, fructose), in-salon sugaring of bikinis is recommended for clients prone to allergic reactions to cosmetics, in particular wax.
  • Less pain and ingrown hairs. This is due to the fact that during sugar hair removal, hairs are removed in the direction of growth, which corresponds to physiology, and when waxing and using an epilator, hairs are removed against growth. Considering that deep bikini hair removal is more painful than hair removal from other areas (skin is more sensitive, hair is coarser) - this is a very important factor!
  • Long lasting results. Sugaring in the bikini area provides an effect 20 times longer than a razor. If after shaving the skin becomes prickly the next day, sugar hair removal provides smoothness for up to 3 weeks in a row!
  • Slowing hair growth. Regular shaving is known to make hair denser and grow faster. Bikini sugaring in the salon has the opposite effect: with each sugar hair removal procedure, the hairs become lighter, thinner, and their number gradually decreases.
  • Minimal skin irritation. After sugar hair removal of a deep bikini, irritation on the skin is less pronounced than after waxing and goes away much faster. As a rule, after sugaring, redness lasts for a couple of hours, after waxing - almost a day.

Depending on the consistency, sugar pastes are divided into: soft, medium density and dense. The main parameters when choosing sugar paste are the temperature of the cosmetologist’s hands and the air in the room. The principle is this: the higher the t, the denser the paste should be. But if you have cool hands and the room temperature is also cold, it is not recommended to choose a soft paste for deep bikini hair removal. Since the skin in the labia area is quite hot, it is optimal to use thicker pastes for hair removal in the bikini area.

Bikini sugaring in the salon is performed using the manual (manual) method. The bandage technique (using non-woven strips, as in waxing, or plastic bandages) is faster to perform, but is not recommended for removing hair from the intimate area. Since the packaging of any sugar paste indicates the density and the method for which it is suitable (bandage, manual), choosing the appropriate product is not difficult.

Preparation for sugaring

To ensure the best possible results from sugar hair removal, the client should prepare for the procedure in advance.

  • The main rule: when you first sugaring a bikini in a salon (after shaving), the optimal hair length is 7-9 mm. Then, with subsequent procedures, it can be reduced to 4-7 mm. If you remove shorter hairs, the sugar paste may not capture them and the client will be unhappy. When sugar epilating longer hairs, you may experience discomfort, as if the paste is “pulling” the hair. This will make the pain worse.
  • If there is irritation on the skin, which often happens after shaving, sugaring should not be done! The same goes for acne, sunburn, scrapes and bruises. Skin damage is a taboo for the procedure. Let the client wait until everything goes well before visiting the salon.
  • To avoid skin irritation, you should not use a scrub before epilating a deep bikini. But when removing hair from other areas (arms, legs), preliminary peeling 2 days before the procedure, on the contrary, is recommended, as it relieves pain and reduces the likelihood of ingrown hairs.
  • Since pain is least felt in the first week after menstruation, this is the ideal time for bikini sugaring in a salon. Clients who come for the procedure during PMS experience the most severe pain.
  • If the client has a high pain threshold, advise him to take a painkiller tablet or use Emla cream before the procedure.

Professional sugar depilation of the intimate area is carried out in several stages:

  • Skin cleansing. A special pre-depilatory product removes impurities and prepares the skin for the procedure.
  • Applying talcum powder. By absorbing excess moisture, talc thereby ensures better adhesion of the sugar paste to the hair.
  • Hair removal with sugar paste.
  • First you should prepare for the procedure. First, the sugar paste needs to be heated in a wax melter (with a thermostat so as not to overheat) or in a regular microwave (a few seconds).

To prevent sugar paste from sticking when sugaring in the bikini area, you should perform the procedure only with disposable nitrile or vinyl gloves. Choose the smallest size gloves you can wear, preferably X or XS. It is recommended to remove the paste from the jar using a spatula. For deep bikini hair removal, a lump the size of a walnut is enough.

Bikini sugaring technique

  • Taking the sugar paste out of the jar, leave it on the skin in the bikini area. No need to knead it in your hands first!
  • Sugar paste is applied strictly against hair growth, in small sections of about 3-5 cm. Be careful, as hair grows in a chaotic manner in the bikini area.
  • Apply the paste with one hand, and with the other hand, stretch the skin just below the area to be epilated.
  • After making 2-3 combs against the hair growth, remove the sugar paste along the hair growth with a sharp movement, strictly parallel to the skin.
  • Removing remaining sugar paste. Although sugar paste can be washed off with regular warm water, it is recommended to use thermal cosmetic water. In addition to its cleansing function, this product cares for the skin, promoting its speedy recovery.
  • Final care. Special post-depilation products perform 3 functions at once: moisturizing, nourishing the skin and relieving irritation. As a rule, manufacturers offer special products to care for the bikini area.

To avoid problems (skin irritation, as well as the appearance of ingrown hairs), within 24 hours after sugaring a bikini in a salon, the client is not recommended to:

  • visit the pool, sauna, beach, and fitness club;
  • use a hard washcloth in the epilation area;
  • wear tight synthetic underpants, as they can cause ingrown hairs. After sugaring in the bikini area, you should wear loose-fitting underwear made of natural material, mainly cotton.

Of all the methods of hair removal in the intimate area, sugar hair removal is the most popular.No wonder: sugaring only takes a few minutes, and the effect lasts up to 3 weeks. This sweet procedure, known since the time of Cleopatra, will make any woman feel groomed like a queen!

More and more women today prefer home sugaring. It’s convenient, economical in terms of money and time, and you won’t have to feel embarrassed when it comes to intimate areas. These are exactly what we will be talking about. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to properly do sugaring in the bikini area. Let's try to correct this situation.

In principle, if you are interested in how to do bikini sugaring correctly, this video should help. But, of course, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the theoretical part of the sugaring process.

The bikini area, especially the deep bikini, is characterized by increased sensitivity. Nerve endings are concentrated in this place, the mucous membrane is located close, so it is not easy to carry out sugar depilation correctly on your own.

In addition, the bikini area has very delicate and thin skin, which can be easily injured by inept movements. When performing sugaring, you need to take into account that the bikini area is prone to high humidity, which can complicate the procedure, especially if you are prone to excessive sweating.

How to choose the right paste for bikini sugaring

First of all, you need. A thick sugaring paste is suitable for the bikini area. Only she can cope with coarse, thick hair. On the packaging of sugaring pastes sold in stores, recommendations are given on the use of the paste - working area, operating temperature. It is important to follow them - the effectiveness of sugaring depends on it.
It’s not difficult to do it correctly at home – there are many recipes online. The main thing is to cook it exactly as much as required. The longer you cook the pasta, the denser it will be. However, if you overcook it, it will be unsuitable for sugaring, as it will turn into candy. So, the pasta is cooked, let's move on to the next step.

How to do bikini sugaring correctly

Surely you have already prepared your skin for sugaring. If not, I’ll remind you how to do it correctly. First you need to grow your hair. The optimal hair length is 5 millimeters. If your hair is longer, trim it. It is advisable to take a bath before the sugaring procedure. The skin will steam and hairs will be easier to remove. If you are afraid of pain (and bikini sugaring is probably the most painful), use anesthetic ointment. Half an hour before the procedure, you can take a light pain reliever. It would be a good idea to place a container of ice next to you. Cold will help relieve pain. And, of course, do not forget to disinfect the skin immediately before the procedure and apply talc to it - it will help ensure reliable adhesion of the sugar paste to the body. And this determines how quickly and correctly the hair will be removed.

Let's get started with proper sugaring

The operating temperature of thick sugaring paste is 37-39 degrees. That is, slightly warmer than the body. That is why sugaring is considered a safe procedure in terms of burns. If you observe the temperature regime, then burns are excluded, which is especially important for the bikini area.

Take a small ball and knead it in your hands. It should go from golden brown to matte. Then carefully apply it to the skin. It is important to remember that the sugar mass is applied correctly against hair growth, but when torn off it is against it. When applying the composition to the skin, you may feel discomfort because the skin is stretched. As soon as applied, immediately make a jerk. At the same time, try to stretch the skin with your free hand, this will make the hair easier to remove.

After this, pat the treated area and apply a piece of ice - this will help relieve the pain. Just don’t overdo it with the cold - after all, the area is delicate, you wouldn’t want to catch a cold even for the sake of beauty.

It is important to remove hairs from the first or maximum from the second pull, otherwise you may cause irritation. After all, with each jerk, a thin layer of skin is removed, and the epidermis in the bikini area is already very thin. So try to get it right the first time.

In the salon, sugaring a deep bikini usually takes no more than 20 minutes. At home, it all depends on your experience and flexibility - cleaning deep-lying areas can be difficult, since you still need to get to them. But each time the procedure will take less and less time.
Upon completion of sugaring, wipe the skin with wet wipes and treat again with a disinfectant. Just don’t wash off the remaining paste with soap - this is not entirely correct. Soap contains alkali, which can cause irritation.

Skin care after bikini sugaring

Proper sugaring at home implies proper care. Many women who do bikini sugaring on their own often complain that after the procedure they experience irritation and ingrown hairs. There is nothing wrong with this, but still these are unpleasant consequences.

Immediately after sugaring, lubricate your skin with panthenol. It will moisturize and soothe the skin, which will reduce the risk of irritation. The next day, use a special cream with fruit acids (sold in professional sugaring stores) - it will soften the top layer of the epidermis and prevent ingrown hairs. You need to use it within a couple of weeks after sugaring, but it would be correct to use it for several days. This time is enough to soften the epidermis.

Don't forget to buy lotion to slow down hair growth - a very effective remedy.

Only when the hairs begin to break through, put it aside - because now our goal is to grow them as quickly as possible for the next sugaring.

After sugaring, you will have to follow simple recommendations. First, it's important to keep your skin moisturized—dry skin can become itchy and flaky, increasing the risk of irritation. For a couple of days after the procedure, it is recommended to refrain from physical activity and visiting the sauna - excess humidity in the bikini area can provoke the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. For the same reason, you will have to give up synthetic underwear for a while.

Pros of home bikini sugaring:

  • Low cost;
  • Lack of psychological
  • discomfort;
  • Save time.

Separately, I would like to talk about the cost of the procedure. In salons, they will charge about 700 rubles for sugaring a deep bikini, depending on the level of the salon. If you decide to do the procedure at home, the costs will be reduced several times. Professional paste is inexpensive per procedure. Well, if you make the sugaring composition yourself, the cost of the entire procedure will be equal to the cost of several spoons of sugar and lemon.


Now, I think, even beginners have become clear on how to properly do sugaring in the bikini area. Now it’s enough to watch a couple of training videos and you can start the procedure.