How to properly wash a newborn boy under the tap: photos and videos about intimate hygiene for infants up to one year old. How to properly wash a newborn under the tap: a boy and a girl

After the birth of a child, parents have to master many things, how to feed the child properly, how to wash diapers. When all this becomes clear, another question arises - how to properly wash a newborn. It is important to perform proper hygiene procedures from infancy, because reproductive health in the future depends on this. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the advice of experts.

What you need to know first

The washing technology will vary depending on the gender of the child. But some procedures must be performed regardless of gender:

  • Diapers should be changed every three to four hours. In addition, a new diaper is put on every time the child does his business; the child should not be left for a long time after that. Before changing a diaper or nappy, wash the perineum with warm, clean water. For a newborn, it is better to use boiled water;
  • When just changing a diaper, water procedures are not necessary, but it is still worth wiping the skin with a damp cloth. For these purposes, you can use a damp piece of cotton wool or gauze. You need to start wiping from the front and only then move back, so as not to stain the genitals of the newborn;
  • You should never perform intimate hygiene on a child with dirty hands. Therefore, hands are always washed before the procedure;
  • When you wash your child, you need to make sure that you are in a safe position. An adult can place the baby on his elbow, with his stomach touching the elbow. Hands hold the child's hips and buttocks to prevent him from falling. Washing occurs with the second hand. When the baby's genitals are just being wiped, you can do this right on the changing table. It is best to carry out this procedure together;
  • Parents should ensure that the water temperature for washing is at a comfortable temperature, as water that is too hot or too cold may cause the baby to cry. The temperature should be no more and no less than 36 degrees. You can check the temperature without a thermometer, using your elbow, lowering it into the baby bath. The sensations will tell you whether this temperature is suitable for the child or not;
  • Leave the child completely naked after washing for 10-15 minutes. This will be extremely beneficial for his skin.

How to wash a boy

The washing process is different for girls and boys. Parents need to know how to wash their newborn baby boy. In infancy, their genital organs have not yet fully formed. And the foreskin reliably covers the head of the penis, so in no case should it be pulled back when washing. If you do this, it may hurt the child. You just need to wash the boy’s genitals with warm water.

If you volunteer to clean, then you better first learn how to wash a newborn baby boy under the tap. To do this, you need to hold it on your elbow and wash it under running water under the tap. The child must be well secured in the arm to prevent him from falling. Don't forget to wash your hands before doing this.

Prepare everything you need after washing - diapers, napkins or towels, baby powder and other cosmetics. When we wash the baby correctly under running water, he does not experience negative sensations, and step-by-step instructions will help the young mother do this.

Washing algorithm:

  1. Remove the diaper on the changing table. Place a napkin there if your baby suddenly needs to pee.
  2. Wipe his butt with a napkin if he has done his business in diapers and his skin is stained with feces. Instead of napkins, you can use a clean piece of cloth or cotton wool soaked in baby oil;
  3. When the baby is naked, wipe the delicate organs with a tissue, front and back. Take him to the bath and wash his butt and genitals under running water.
  4. Place him correctly on the crook of your elbow with his stomach so that his butt hangs over where the end of his arm is. The head is located near the elbow bend. With your other hand, start rinsing from the front, where the perineum is, moving down to the sacrum.
  5. Turn the baby over on his tummy and wash the genitals - from the penis to the testicles.
  6. Sometimes it is impossible to wash a child under running water. In this case, wet wipes will help you. Wipe your butt first, remembering to move from the perineum forward. Then wipe the genitals using a clean napkin. Don't forget to wipe out the folds.
  7. When the baby is washed, dry him gently with a soft towel and leave him without a diaper for a while until he is completely dry.
  8. Use baby cream or powder to prevent the baby's skin from becoming irritated.
  9. Dress your child in a new diaper and clean clothes.

Proper washing will ensure the baby's health and protect him from the penetration of harmful bacteria that contribute to the development of inflammation or infections. A boy's delicate organs need to be taken care of from infancy, so proper hygiene of a newborn boy is of utmost importance.

How to wash a girl

You should know that intimate hygiene for a newborn is no less important. After all, her health and ability to bear a child will depend on this. In infancy, the reproductive system is too delicate and is easily destroyed by external harmful influences. In order not to remove the natural lubricant and not to disturb its alkaline flora, which protects against the penetration of bacteria, you should not wash the labia minora with soap or other liquid cleansers. Let's find out how to wash a newborn girl.

Action algorithm:

  1. The white coating that is found in the genitals serves for protection, so it does not need to be washed off. After a while there will be no trace of him.
  2. Frequent diaper changes are required. Every time you change an old diaper for a new one, you need to wipe the skin with wet wipes.
  3. Remember to wash your hands with soap before touching the girl's groin area. All things necessary for hygiene must be prepared in advance.
  4. Remove old diapers in a clean place. It is better to use a changing table for this, with a clean diaper laid on it.
  5. Use wet wipes to remove any remaining stool. Start wiping from the perineum, moving towards the tailbone. You should never allow feces to get into your genitals. Folds are also wiped with damp wipes.
  6. Wash the girl with clean tap water without any additional cleaning products. If you don’t know about how to wash a newborn girl, Komarovsky talks about it best. All detergents wash away natural secretions and leave the genitals without any protection.
  7. Place the child on his tummy in the crook of his elbow, with his butt in the palm of his hand. This position will allow you to wash all the girl’s delicate places. You need to start washing from the pubic area, then move to the butt, and then wash all the folds of the legs.
  8. Always wash your baby from the bottom to the top, otherwise fecal residue may end up in other parts of the body.
  9. After washing, use a clean towel, but do not wipe your nose with it, just blot it dry. After the eclipse, keep the girl naked and can begin the following hygiene procedures.
  10. Lubricate the baby's delicate skin with baby cream or sprinkle with powder. Make sure there is no redness, and if there is any, change the product. If there is any irritation, consult a doctor.
  11. Take a clean diaper and underwear and dress the girl.

An algorithm of actions in pictures will help you learn how to properly wash a newborn girl under the tap.

Many mothers are interested in the question of how often to wash their baby. Usually this question is left to the discretion of the mother. But immediately after birth, this can be done as many times as the number of times the baby was fed.

To give the mother the opportunity to rest a little, other family members should be involved in washing the child. You must first teach how to do this so as not to harm the newborn.

Apply the powder separately from the oil, otherwise it will stick together and form a lump.

Diapers and clothes for the baby must be of good quality, otherwise they will not sufficiently protect the baby from various types of harmful bacteria.

At night, intimate hygiene should also be observed, but there is no need to wash at this time of day, you can only wipe with wet wipes.

As for cleaning products, it is important to know that it is better to take special products intended for children. They do not contain any fragrances or harmful substances that can harm the baby's delicate skin. You can use such products only once a week, otherwise the child’s skin will be dry. Use a soft sponge, but never a hard sponge.

The child's clean things should be stored in a separate place, away from adults.

Newborn girls may have some red, pink, brown, beige discharge from the genitals. This is due to the work of hormones, so you should not be afraid of them. Children who are less than one month old also have white flakes on their genitals. For a boy, the white coating on the genitals is washed off to prevent bacteria from multiplying.

After birth, babies' genitals may swell slightly, but this goes away after a few days, so there is no need to be afraid. It is better to report all changes to your pediatrician in order to prevent more serious diseases. Purulent discharge that lasts for several days should alert you. Perhaps they indicate some kind of inflammatory processes. You should not use any products to remove them at home. In this case, only a pediatrician will be able to clarify the situation.

How to wash a newborn boy is a question that worries many parents. Hygienic procedures at this age must be carried out according to all rules. The baby's skin is very delicate and, in the absence of proper hygiene, quickly becomes dry and inflamed. To avoid unpleasant complications, we will learn about the structural features of the boy’s perineum and genitals, as well as the rules for caring for this area.

Physiological structure and the need for hygiene of newborns

The genital organ of a newborn boy and infant differs from that of an adult. Physiological phimosis is observed in children (we recommend reading:). This means a narrowing of the foreskin, which prevents the exit of the head of the penis. The foreskin tightly grips the head of the penis, thereby protecting it from mechanical damage.

The glands of the genital organ secrete a small amount of natural lubricant - smegma. The substance contains fats, non-pathogenic bacteria, and particles of dead epithelium. Normally, smegma moisturizes the head of the penis and reduces friction of the foreskin against it. Lack of proper hygiene leads to excessive accumulation of secretions, which roll into large white flakes. They become a source of unpleasant odor and provoke inflammation.

Physiological phimosis is a temporary and normal phenomenon that does not require treatment. The foreskin is fused to the glans right up to the opening of the urethra from birth to 3 years of age. It is not recommended to pull the skin off the head of the penis on your own, especially if the child is under six months old. This can lead to microtraumas. Gradual opening of the head occurs from 3 to 8 years.

How to properly wash newborn boys?

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Intimate hygiene for boys includes caring for the penis, scrotum and foreskin. Washing keeps these organs clean, which means it prevents pathogenic bacteria from entering the body through them. The most necessary items for this procedure:

Attention! If fecal particles have dried to the baby’s skin, remove them using a compress with heated oil. Warm oil is applied to the skin, and impurities are removed with cotton pads.

How to hold your baby while washing under the tap or in the bath?

You can wash your baby under a tap with running water. First you need to adjust the water to the desired temperature, and then bring the child under the stream. The correct direction of the jet is from front to back. In this case, you need to rinse all the folds of the skin, cleaning them from residual urine and dirt. The mother supports the baby by the tummy with her left hand and washes it with her right hand.

The boy is allowed to wash himself in a bathtub or basin. The procedure in this case has some nuances:

How to properly maintain hygiene when changing diapers?

After each diaper change, the genitals are washed with running tap water. When there is little dirt on the skin, wipe it with a damp cloth or cotton pad.

It is not necessary to lubricate the skin with baby cream after removing dirt from it. The cream is necessary when there are signs of inflammation and rashes on the skin.

Attention! It is better not to use diapers with fragrances. They can cause an allergic reaction. After a year, it is necessary to accustom your baby to cotton panties.

How to wash your baby before bed?

A child's restful sleep largely depends on the quality of newborn hygiene. Before going to bed, the baby must be bathed and washed. The genitals are thoroughly washed and then treated with a special diaper cream, baby powder or oil. You cannot use different types of cosmetics at the same time after washing.

How to wash a boy's genitals?

Hygiene of the baby’s genital organs includes the following stages (demonstrated on video):

The correct position of the parents’ hands and the baby’s body while washing (photo below):

How often should this be done?

It is necessary to wash the baby's penis and scrotum every time you change the diaper. You can’t wash your boy too often: you can dry out his skin. A newborn baby should be bathed every day until he is one year old (we recommend reading:). The purpose of the procedure is to cleanse the skin of waste products of the sweat and sebaceous glands, giving it the opportunity to breathe.

In summer, hygiene procedures are carried out more often - 3-4 times a day. It is recommended to wipe the child's genitals with hypoallergenic wet wipes or cotton pads soaked in warm soapy water.

The consequences of improper hygiene of newborn boys include:

  1. Balanoposthitis (inflammation of the foreskin). It manifests itself as swelling of the head of the penis, pain when urinating and touching the organ. Treatment of the disease is carried out at home under the supervision of a pediatrician and urologist.
  2. Spikes. They arise due to traumatic actions with the foreskin during washing. In the future, adhesions prevent the natural separation of the skin from the head of the penis. To separate the foreskin, you will need the services of a surgeon.

Do I need to use soap?

It is not recommended to use soap and gels every time during hygiene procedures. According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, you can wash the baby’s perineum with soap no more than 2 times a day. At other times, the hygienic procedure should be carried out only with running water without any hygiene products.

Constant use of soap harms the baby's delicate skin - it dries it out. Microcracks appear on the skin, which become entry points for infection.

Pediatricians do not recommend using gels and lotions intended for adults to clean a baby’s bottom. The products contain many dyes and flavors that can cause severe allergies in children.

Do not forget about the rules of intimate hygiene for boys. Compliance with them now is the key to intimate health in the future. Personal hygiene skills need to be instilled from a very early age!

10 rules of intimate hygiene for a newborn boy - how to properly wash a boy

With newborn girls, young mothers usually do not have any hygienic problems - everything is extremely simple. But the hygiene of a newborn boy has its own characteristics. What does mom need to know and how to wash her tiny man correctly?

  • The first rule is to wash your baby regularly after each diaper change. The foreskin of a newborn boy is narrowed (physiological phimosis) - this feature will go away on its own after 3-5 years. Inside the foreskin there are sebaceous glands that produce lubricant. And if you get by only with evening bathing, ignoring washing the baby after changing the diaper, then favorable conditions are created under the foreskin for the proliferation of bacteria that cause inflammatory processes.
  • Removal of smegma. The sebaceous glands inside the foreskin secrete a special secretion - it, in turn, accumulates in the foreskin sac, forming smegma (white flakes, unpleasant odor). When smegma accumulates, it can lead to balanoposthitis (inflammatory process of the glans penis, signs - swelling of the skin covering the glans, redness, crying of the baby). To avoid troubles, in addition to superficial toileting, you need to remember to remove smegma every night (if necessary). How to do it? Pull back the foreskin slightly (without pressing, gently) with two fingers; Use a swab soaked in boiled vegetable oil to remove all smegma so that no lint or pieces of cotton remain; lubricate the head with a drop of the same oil; lower the foreskin. It is forbidden to lather the head of the penis, reach under the foreskin with cotton swabs, or try to clean out the smegma with your fingers.

  • If the skin of the foreskin turns red. In this situation, use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or dioxidine (consultation with a doctor is required!): Gently push back the foreskin, treat the inflamed skin with a swab dipped in potassium permanganate.
  • Give your baby plenty of water. The more often you urinate, the lower the risk of urethral inflammation.

  • The nuances of washing. Washing the baby is carried out with running warm water, with soft and gentle movements: first they wash the butt, then lay the baby on the elbow and direct the stream from the penis to the scrotum. To avoid drying out the skin, do not use soap. If the remains of feces are not completely washed away, do not rub the baby with a washcloth - the skin is still too tender! Place the baby on the changing table and gently clean the skin with a cotton pad soaked in the same boiled vegetable oil (store the oil in the refrigerator).
  • Air baths. Immediately after washing, do not rush to put the diaper on your baby. 10-15 minutes of air baths in a warm room will do him good.

  • To avoid diaper rash and rashes, do not forget to treat the groin folds with suitable products. (cream, powder or vegetable oil). You cannot use powder on areas that have already been treated with oil or cream - the resulting lumps can damage the skin. Diaper rash remedies are usually applied to the buttocks and testicles, around the anus, on the scrotum and around the penis.
  • Remember to change diapers every 3 hours and immediately after a bowel movement. The longer the baby lies in a filled diaper, the higher the risk of inflammation - be attentive to the baby’s hygiene.

  • Don't overheat your baby's bottom. Even in winter, you shouldn’t dress your little one in “cabbage”, putting on tights and a couple more pants “for comfort.” Overheating has consequences. Therefore, use thermal underwear, choose clothes that fit (not tight!) and only from natural fabrics.
  • Bathing a little man should take place every day before bed. (no soap). 1-2 times a week you can bathe the baby with herbs (chamomile, chamomile). It is not recommended to add bubble bath. Soap is used once a week (on “bath” day), and it should only be used for the baby.

Before moving your baby's foreskin for hygiene procedures, consult your doctor. Each baby has its own physiological characteristics, and your main task is to maintain hygiene without harm to the baby. During the first baths, try to only slightly expose the head, gently and quickly rinse with water and again “hide” it under the foreskin. You need to move the foreskin (as carefully as possible), no matter what your “girlfriends” advise. Firstly, this is a matter of hygiene, and secondly, this should be done to avoid the formation of adhesions. But rough interference is strictly prohibited - be extremely careful.

Contact your doctor if...

  • The scrotum is swollen, painful, and there is redness.
  • I had mumps (mumps).
  • There was a perineal injury.
  • There is swelling and redness of the penis.
  • There is urinary retention.
  • The head does not close.

Be attentive to your baby and do not neglect the rules of hygiene.

All information in this article is provided for educational purposes only; it may not correspond to the specific circumstances of your child's health, and does not constitute medical advice. The website с reminds you that you should never delay or ignore visiting a doctor!

What do babies wash most often? Of course, the ass! And delicate places need special, gentle care!

Some use regular solid baby soap to wash the baby, others use wet wipes, but neither one nor the other can provide proper care. Wipes are not effective enough, and friction causes redness on delicate skin. Frequent use of regular soap leads to dryness and irritation. This is because children's skin, especially that of newborns, is very thin and does not yet have the necessary protective functions to withstand external influences. As a result, parents often experience diaper rash and dermatitis.

How often should you wash your baby? At least twice a day, and ideally after each shift diaper(in the first month of a newborn’s life up to 8-10 times a day). Particular attention should be paid to folds to avoid urinary tract infections, which can occur if the skin is not thoroughly cleansed. It is best to wash your baby under running water, and only if this is not possible at all (for example, while traveling or in a clinic), you should use special wipes. Pay attention to the material from which they are made: it should be soft, durable, not leave lint in the folds of the skin, and the cleansing lotion should not contain alcohol.

It is optimal to wash your baby over the sink. There are many ways to hold the baby during this process, the most common is to place the baby on your left arm with the back up, and perform the necessary manipulations with your free hand. You need to wash and dry babies in a certain direction: girls from the tummy to the back, and boys from the back to the tummy, so as not to cause any infection. To wash your child, be sure to use special children's products: neither adult shower gels, nor soap, nor cleansing milk are suitable for these purposes.

An ideal baby wash should be hypoallergenic and free of dyes and perfumes. The PH formula must also correspond to children's parameters so as not to irritate the mucous membranes and not dry out the skin - only in this case the product can be used as often as necessary. Soap and washing gels "My Sunshine" were created taking into account all requirements, which is why they are recommended by pediatricians for effective and safe care for children from the very first days of life.

After washing the baby's skin, you need to carefully blot it with a clean soft cloth; wiping is not recommended, since friction is harmful to delicate skin. If you are not in a hurry, you should not immediately put a new diaper on your child, it is better to “air” the bottom for 5-10 minutes, such air baths are very useful. Then you can apply care products, which are also presented in the “My Sunshine” line. Cream powder performs the functions of talc, but is more effective because it forms a thin film in which the talc is distributed and held on the skin. In addition, thanks to the film, talc does not crumble in the air and does not enter the respiratory tract. This product dries out the skin greatly, so it is intended only for prevention and elimination - not only on the butt, but also in any other part of the body - armpits, in the folds of the arms, legs, neck.

If the baby does not have diaper rash, a special prophylactic product that protects the baby’s bottom will do. Its main function is to isolate the baby's skin from contact with a wet diaper due to the lipid film. Doubting mothers can conduct an experiment: if you put your hand, smeared with cream, under water, the water seems to roll off its surface. This convinces better than any words that diaper cream protects the skin and mucous membranes from secretions and helps normalize the barrier function of the skin in the diaper area. It contains zinc oxide, which has a drying effect, and lactic acid, which provides natural protection against irritation, itching and infections and maintains normal acid-base balance. You need to apply the cream to dry skin and wait until it is absorbed, and then remove the excess. At this time, you can give the baby a light massage; it is useful, pleasant and will bring a lot of pleasure to the baby.

Many mothers argue about which diapers are better, and do not take into account that the condition of the baby’s skin depends not only on the appropriate or unsuitable brand of diaper, but, above all, on proper care. If you follow these simple recommendations, the baby’s bottom will always be healthy, and the child himself will be cheerful, active and cheerful, because no unpleasant sensations will distract him from learning about the world.


I will never forget how the first child appeared in our family. I was 27 years old then, I thought life had turned into a nightmare. No sleep, no personal life.) No TV for you to watch. In general, a child requires a lot of attention: when the child is the first, caring for a child up to one year old can turn into a very difficult task. However, later, with the second child it was much easier. And I was already over 30.) Everything changes with experience.

Comment on the article "Caring for a child up to one year old: how and with what to wash the baby"

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I love the idea of ​​giving your baby a big bath, it's an important step in caring for a newborn. But how can I imagine how much water it will take to take full daily baths... I think we’ll look for a compromise: every day we bathe in a children’s bathtub, and once a week, for example, we swim in a large one. Moreover, the circle already exists :)

My son is 3 months old and we don’t use bath products yet. We put a small bath in a large one and bathe like that. I don’t have the strength yet to completely clean a large bathtub and do exercises in it.

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But the pediatrician didn’t tell us anything about this. Yes, we didn’t ask. I'm still afraid to touch this organ. We don’t move anything there, especially with force. It will reveal itself. Just wash it well with warm water, once a week with soap.

Of course, forcefully push back the foreskin, otherwise it may fester and will have to be cleaned.

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How to wash a baby You should wash your baby as needed under warm running water. After bowel movements, this must be done so that diaper rash does not appear on the skin. Take the baby's armpits with your left hand so that he rests his stomach on it, holding his back with your right hand, and bring him to the sink. It is better to use baby soap for washing. For example, Chicco Baby moments soap, which is created on a plant basis, making it delicate...

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I mostly used baby powder and it was every two hours.

Personally, I don’t change the diaper strictly by the hour, of course, I try no more than 3 hours, if he actively plays, then it can be more often. After a bowel movement, I definitely see it when it happens. At the same time, thank God, we didn’t have any problems with diaper rash, literally a couple of times throughout the entire period.

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Our favorite napkins are from the famous Italian brand Chicco. They are always at hand; when leaving the house, they are an indispensable assistant under any circumstances - to wipe your nose, mouth, butt, dirty palms. We have not encountered a sticky effect from use with them, they do not irritate the skin at all, they are moderately moist, soft and quite durable. And thanks to chamomile extract, they also have a pleasant aroma and soothe the skin well.

I can’t even imagine caring for a baby without these wipes. Walking without them is like having no hands.

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A child needs all the love his mother can give him. In addition, for a loving mother, the best way to spend time is caring for a child up to one year old. Mother and child are like one organism, because the baby is a gentle creature that needs the mother’s love and proper upbringing. Every month a child needs attention, special care every month for a child - this is the only way to raise a harmonious personality!!! You should never neglect your love for a child! Educational games play an important role...


special care every month for the child - this is the only way to raise a harmonious personality!!!>

Very self-confident words “that’s the only way.”

My son has a completely harmonious personality. He spent the first two years of his life in an orphanage. I strongly doubt the availability of competent, and especially “correct” educational games during this period.
I also know other children (two sisters, 14-16 years old now) who did not have such a “pink” period of development about which it is so reverently written. Quite smart, harmonious girls.

So reality does not agree with “this is the only way.” You can develop differently, have a different “slider” start, and be harmonious. This is if not theoretical. Practice shows otherwise.

Everything is clear about love, but with harmony there is a clear exaggeration.

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A child surrounded by praise learns to be confident... Yesterday I came across it on a blog

The best time for swimming is 18-20 hours. Air temperature 23-24 degrees, for children at risk 25 degrees, water temperature 37 degrees, for children at risk 38 degrees. The duration of bathing in the first months of life is about 7-10 minutes (starting from a few minutes). The children's bath is traditional (you can buy a children's removable slide in it, which is placed on the bottom during bathing and supports the baby while bathing). Anatomical bathtub (has a special protrusion that follows the contours...

The birth of a child makes a young mother experience a whole range of positive emotions - from pride in her child, from whom it is impossible to take her eyes off, to the realization of the honor of the role entrusted to her in raising a new person. But, unfortunately, after returning from the maternity hospital, an excellent mood is quickly replaced by a feeling of depression and fatigue, which cannot be gotten rid of. The reason for this phenomenon is hormonal changes in the body and completely natural fatigue after childbirth, as well as...

How to wash a baby's hair? Baby care. A child from birth to one year. Tell me, what can I use to wash my baby’s hair? I bought soap for my first child all the time, everything seemed to be fine.

Bathing a newborn is not an easy procedure for young parents. Many people are afraid to even hold the baby above the water: what if it slips out of their hands? How to hold a baby while bathing? To prevent water from getting into your ears? What if he catches a cold? Let's try to answer these questions. The most important thing is for mom and dad not to worry so that their condition is not passed on to the baby. It’s good if caring grandmothers or relatives can help you at least the first time when bathing a newborn. In general, a child's first bath in...

What made me take up writing was a curious metamorphosis that happened to my husband. I hope that my thoughts will help other women in their difficult homework. However, everything is in order. I have been on maternity leave for 3 years now. And everything is fine with the baby. Naturally, like every mother, I have a lot of household chores, and I have to solve them almost every day. Unexpectedly, I found an unusual assistant who not only helped me solve some of my problems at home...

In any family, total changes occur when a newborn appears. Especially if this is the first-born, long-awaited and beloved. Young parents cannot concentrate on anything other than their baby, who is happily snoring in a brand new bed. Satisfied grandparents are bustling around in the kitchen, in the hallway, in the living room and in the bathroom, preparing something, adjusting something, moving something. And only when entering the nursery do they try not to touch anything unnecessary. While the baby is sleeping, someone is cooking dinner, someone is sorting through tiny socks and caps, someone is excitedly breathing fresh air on the balcony, surveying the surroundings with a joyful, slightly dazed look.

But then a demanding cry is heard from the nursery and everyone rushes there, instantly forgetting about the borscht bubbling on the stove, the TV running almost silently and the breathtaking landscapes and feverishly scrolling through the options for subsequent actions in their heads. If the baby is hungry, the mother is pushed forward and the men politely retreat to another room. And if the child peed or pooped, the procedure will be a little more complicated and all adult members of a happy family need to know how to carry it out.

Cleanliness is the key to health. This rule should apply throughout a person’s life, but in relation to a newborn it must be strictly observed. Not only will your baby feel comfortable, but also the proper development of his growing body depends on this.

  • Diapers or nappies should be changed every time the baby pees or poops. And not just change the diaper or put on a clean diaper, but also wash the newborn with clean boiled water.
  • It is not necessary to carry your little one to the bathroom every time, or vice versa, to drag a basin and a jug of water to the nursery. If the discharge was not very abundant, you can use baby wipes or cotton swabs soaked in boiled water. You should wipe from front to back.
  • When washing, it is very important to hold the baby correctly. Not only in order not to cause him any inconvenience, but also to gain free access to all the folds in the butt and groin, where all the unwanted bacteria usually collect. The baby should be placed on one arm, head to elbow, on the back or side. Use your fingers to firmly, but not forcefully, hold the buttocks or thighs. Make sure that the little one does not slip and with your free hand, gently and carefully wipe the genitals.
    Using wet wipes is much easier. To do this, it is enough to lay the newborn on his back, raise his legs with one hand, and with the other, slowly, do all the necessary manipulations.
  • Newborns' skin is so delicate that slight changes in temperature can instantly affect it. The water should be 36 degrees. In the absence of a water thermometer, this can be easily determined using the old folk method. If your elbow does not feel hot or cold when placed in the water, it means that the temperature is optimal and you can safely use it without fear of causing burns to the baby.
  • Pediatricians and dermatologists do not recommend too frequent use of soaps, gels and other detergents, even if they have a million recommendations and assurances of hypoallergenicity and safety. You can use them, especially after the child has pooped, but you need to very carefully wash off the detergents from the child’s skin. Leaving soap in folds can cause unwanted reactions.
  • The towel, sponge and soap must be individual and used only for washing the newborn.
  • You should dry your newborn with careful blotting movements, and do not rub the towel or diaper over the delicate bottom and genitals.
  • After the little bottom is washed and gently dried, it is advisable to treat it with baby oil or powder, depending on whether it is dry or, on the contrary, prone to diaper rash. Under no circumstances should you use powder and oil at the same time, as they act on the skin in diametrically opposite directions.
  • If you find signs of diaper rash, irritation or prickly heat on your baby’s skin, it is better to immediately use special baby cosmetics.
  • Adults who are going to wash a newborn should be sure to wash their hands thoroughly with soap. In general, it is better not to approach a child with unwashed hands.

These are ten general rules that young parents must know and follow. However, there are nuances depending on who exactly you were born with - a boy or a girl.

Washing a newborn boy

Everyone understands well that the groin and genitals are the most vulnerable place for a man at any age. Even more so for babies. Experienced doctors strongly recommend that in the first year of a boy’s life, touching the foreskin as little as possible and under no circumstances pulling it back in an attempt to expose the head. This can lead to infection, inflammation and further unpleasant consequences affecting reproductive function.

A newborn boy should be washed by directing a stream of warm boiled water from front to back. You should touch the scrotum and penis gently and carefully, but at the same time thoroughly wash all the numerous folds to remove all the microbes that have settled there. After washing, you should thoroughly blot the perineum with a dry and soft towel, put on a clean diaper or wrap the baby in a fresh diaper.

Washing a newborn girl

In the area of ​​the labia of a newborn girl, you can often notice the presence of vernix lubrication. This is normal, but it needs to be removed. This is done simply. Using a cotton swab, carefully and gently wipe all intimate areas. For girls, this is especially important, because the slightest ingestion of microbes can lead to improper development of the entire reproductive system. Inattention and negligence can result in the labia minora fusing together, and you will have to resort to the help of a knowledgeable and experienced surgeon.

The direction of the water stream and all movements of the parent's hand should be from front to back to prevent infection and unwanted microorganisms from entering the vagina from the anus. At the end of the water procedure, you should carefully, but without excessive pressure, blot the intimate areas with a soft towel, wait a couple of minutes until the baby’s skin is completely dry and put on a fresh diaper.

At first glance, the volume of information turned out to be quite large, with mandatory rules, subtleties and nuances. But if you look closely, it quickly becomes clear that there is nothing complicated or sophisticated about maintaining newborn hygiene. It’s worth performing all these steps a couple of times, and then everything will happen automatically. However, under no circumstances should you relax and let everything go to waste. You need to get into the habit of carefully inspecting all problem areas every time you wash your newborn and, if you notice the slightest unpleasant signs, take action immediately. In this case, big problems simply cannot arise. Your little one will always be clean, happy, cheerful and, most importantly, healthy.