How to make your first kiss special

Any girl in her dreams imagines that her beloved young man will always take the initiative into his own hands, be the first to hug, kiss, and make an appointment. But these are just dreams. It may happen that the guy who will become your destiny will be calm and timid. Or you are simply a little bolder and more decisive, so if you decide that this is the same person, then why delay - take the first step. Of course, be careful, he may not appreciate such pressure.

What to do? A good excuse for a kiss is the well-known game of spin the bottle. However, this is not exactly what you need. The guy may think that you are an easily accessible girl, especially since such a kiss is not taken seriously. Therefore, you need to think a little, maybe a good idea will come to mind.

There are three types of first kisses:

  • Mutual - in this case, the desire for a kiss arises simultaneously in the girl and the guy.
  • One-sided - the initiative for the first kiss is taken by the fairer sex.
  • One-sided - attraction arises on the part of the young man.

Of course, I would like the guy to make the first step; any girl would like that. At worst, lead to a mutual kiss, although this is quite difficult to do.

If you are tired of waiting for your first kiss and decide to take this step first, prepare for this event thoroughly. Be sure that this is not just another whim, and the young man is not a fly-by-night flyer who will not appreciate your action.

Pay attention to your lips, put them in order, let them be soft and pleasant. Herpes, which appears on the eve of a planned date, should cool your ardor until the next better moment. Take care of modest makeup, leave bright lipstick with a lot of glitter, which suits you incredibly, at home, few young people like to sparkle like a Christmas tree after a kiss.

Pleasant breath is an important component of a successful kiss, as you yourself understand. Therefore, stock up on chewing gum or flavored candies.
Of course, the first date is not the time for experimentation, and a kiss on your part may create the wrong impression. After all, it is much more pleasant to be a little inaccessible, mysterious. Take your time, enjoy the communication, get to know the person better. Be interested in his life, interests, habits. Just take a walk in the park, listen to the rustling of the grass and the singing of birds, sit on a bench. Take a walk by the water, the splashing of the waves will put you in a romantic mood, take a ride on the water surface in a boat. In a calm environment, people are drawn to each other. Try to touch the young man from time to time, but very carefully, straighten his collar, shake off a speck of dust from his shoulder, drive away a mosquito, these actions will gradually accustom him to your proximity, thus you are already preparing the ground for the first kiss.

If on one of your dates you decide to take the first step yourself, then stop, slow down slightly, sit on a bench, because the first kiss should not take place in a hurry and fuss. Choose a place in advance where it is not so crowded, let this event be just for the two of you.

There is no need to throw yourself on the neck, trying to kiss the guy; stop, as if by accident, just a step away from him. A slight hesitation, a slight smile, a look in the eyes. If a guy looks at you silently smiling, then the right moment has come. Move over and kiss him on the cheek. If your actions are correct, then you will receive a kiss on the lips back. Now you can relax, hug your loved one, placing your hands on his shoulders, stroke his face, ruffle his hair. Tactile contact is very important and will bring pleasure to both of you.

However, if it is important for you that the guy makes the first move, then instead of kissing him on the cheek, tilt your head slightly, lower your eyelashes, and part your lips. However, do not forget that this should not happen during the conversation, but during a pause.
The first kiss happened, now what? A long look into the eyes, a little embarrassment, a slight smile. And may you have thousands more pleasant kisses after the first one.

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Everyone remembers their first kiss differently. Some people would like to forget him and this awkwardness, some wanted to change everything - the situation or their partner, others admire him with enthusiasm. But many approach the matter responsibly, thinking about how to kiss for the first time so that the impressions remain the sweetest. Let's try to figure out whether this can be learned or is it only important to have warm feelings for your partner and then everything will work out on its own?

Types of kisses

Mention of a kiss is found for the first time among Hindus in Sanskrit, which is approximately 3.5 thousand years old. According to translations, this type of human intimacy was regarded as inhaling the soul of a partner.

Even then, people distinguished different types of kisses; today they also have their own names depending on activity and temperament:

  • « Shy"- when a woman carefully moves her lower lip in the process, as if she is chewing it out of embarrassment;
  • « Fight of mouths- consists of biting the lips of a loved one. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise you can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations to each other;
  • « Inato"- the most romantic, gentle and smooth with the participation of only lips;
  • « French“- the mouth opens slightly, which allows partners to touch not only their lips, but also their tongues. Sometimes accompanied by biting lips and other parts of the body.

But why do we like to do this? It's simple - lips and tongue are densely equipped with receptors, signals from which enter the cerebral cortex, and from there to the sections responsible for emotions and arousal. Thus, we begin to enjoy and get excited, preparing for rapprochement - sheer physiology, nothing more.

General preparation rules

Often a kiss happens spontaneously, and the more beautiful it is the more unexpected it is. But even in a short period of time, if you understand that things are heading towards intimacy, you can prepare.

To make the sensation as airy as possible, your lips should be soft and velvety. Often, from excitement, they treacherously dry out and need to be quickly softened with available means:

  • If you have 20 minutes at home, go into the bath, apply honey mixed with sugar, rub gently with a toothbrush and you’re done. The skin will become smooth and soft;
  • If you are outside in the cool season, it’s even easier, just breathe on your lips, opening your mouth slightly.

And don’t forget about your breath, it should be fresh. Chew gum, but it’s better to chew mint candy, since distilling gum in your mouth will make you look vulgar, and its smell is quite pungent.

How to learn to kiss for the first time?

The role of a guy and a girl when kissing is different. A man usually acts as an initiator and guide, but not always. We will look at how to behave with both due to their physiological characteristics.

The girl needs to behave modestly and wait, but if you see that he is shy, act yourself:

  1. Hint- put your head on your shoulder, gently hug your neck, twirl your hair with your finger, slowly approach his face. However, don’t overdo it; if he doesn’t react, it means he’s not ready, back off;
  2. If you do touch your partner, try to make a kiss instant and the lung, which involves only the lips. Close your eyes and linger on his lips for just a few seconds;
  3. Relax, do not close your mouth or open it very wide - no French kisses, only modesty and tenderness.

Afterwards, step back, give him time to realize and continue on his own.

How should a man behave?

A man is determination and support. Even in such a matter as a kiss, his strong-willed nature should be visible. When preparing for a date or not preparing, but realizing that the time has come, think and act something like this:

  1. Behave confidently and then she will give you the opportunity to control what is happening;
  2. Choose a suitable place, do not do it in public. Most girls do not like to show off the intimate moments of their lives;
  3. Keep an eye on your beloved, she will definitely give a signal of readiness. This could be light flirting or certain body gestures - biting the lower lip, light touches;
  4. When everything is taken into account, proceed: slowly attract her to you, bend slightly and touch. Next, the same rules, do not bite it or lick it - confident gestures, but gentle and light.

The first kiss shouldn't be too much long (no more than 20 seconds) or short (less than 5 seconds). And don't forget to finish it off - just silently hug and run your hand through your hair.

How to kiss on the lips?

And a few more tips so as not to spoil the impression. Both girls and boys have the same doubts:

  • How long should a kiss last?
  • Should I close my eyes?
  • Where should I put my nose?
  • What if you don't like it?

Therefore, decide clearly for yourself

  • For the first time - with a desired person, the look of whom makes your heart skip a beat;
  • No alcohol - only when sober, otherwise you may regret it later;
  • You definitely need to trust him or her.

And then the above doubts will immediately disappear, you will understand that you are kissing your loved one on the lips. If something goes wrong, he will help, advise himself and try to do only something pleasant. Then the impressions will be preserved forever and it doesn’t matter whether it turned out “like in the movies.” Your attitude towards your partner and his towards you is important.

Starting is always difficult and scary, but only the brave and determined will open doors everywhere. Everyone in their life has wondered how to kiss for the first time, which side to approach? Main trust and understanding that you both want it. The rest will happen on its own, you tell each other how and when to do it.

Video about first kisses: how to do it right?

In this video, Artem Babaev will give some tips on how to kiss correctly, especially if this is your first time:

The first kiss with a guy is the most exciting event on a first date. How to choose the right time and place? How to kiss him on the lips correctly so that he likes it? Is it possible to get rid of shyness at this moment? We will talk about this and much more in our article.

Relationship stage. Your relationship should not be at an early stage. You can’t just, for example, walk up to a stranger on the subway and try to kiss him. Of course, you can try, but the desired effect will not follow.

You also shouldn't just be friends; there should definitely be some romanticism in your relationship. This romanticism can be achieved by going on one or more dates with the object of your desire.

Time for a kiss. It's best to try to kiss him during the date or as it's about to end. The very atmosphere of such meetings is a prelude to a kiss.

Choosing a suitable place

The first kiss requires a romantic atmosphere. The atmosphere does not affect guys as expressively as it does girls, but a minimal effect will still occur, so you should prepare carefully. What can serve as an atmosphere for a first kiss:

  • Place for a date. It's great if it's a cafe or a cinema. This could be a nightclub, but you need to take into account that such places are very noisy, so the kiss may not turn out to be very romantic. And if your lover wants to whisper something pleasant in your ear, you won’t hear him at all. It will be harder to kiss him just on the street, especially if it is light and quiet (for example, there are no fireworks).
  • Food. It is absolutely not necessary to eat a big meal before a kiss, but make sure that the guy eats at least a sandwich. His thoughts should be distracted from food, and if he is hungry, he will clearly have no time for kisses. Order a light snack, fruit dessert or ice cream at the cafe.
  • Alcohol. Attention, there should be a very small amount of alcohol, it should be light (preferably wine or champagne). Do not under any circumstances exaggerate the dose, otherwise, instead of a romantic kiss, you will end up with a romantic sitting under the toilet, waiting for your over-drunk lover. You should control alcohol; a guy on a date may get worried and unknowingly drink too much. But alcohol in minimal quantities will become your ally - it will help the guy relax, and kissing him will not be so impossible. A little alcohol will help you overcome your shyness in such a delicate matter, as well as your boyfriend.
  • Dimming the light. Choose a place for a date that is not very lit. This could be a small cozy cafe, an evening walk under the stars, or you could just sit in his car in the evening, if he has one. In the absence of bright light, people will relax faster, and you will be able to implement your plan.
  • Music. Guys are not as sensitive to music as girls, but, nevertheless, music affects them too. First study his musical tastes - what kind of music he likes, what songs he likes to relax with. All these questions can be asked on a date. Do not forget that questions that interest you should be carefully entered into the text, and not asked in a stream, in the form of a questionnaire. Find a place that will play the music you want. If this is a cafe, look for places with pleasant music; if this is the interior of his car, first take a flash drive with the desired music and ask him to play it.

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Leading up to the first kiss

So, you have a date in a cozy cafe with nice relaxing music, or maybe you are sitting in his car or he is walking you home. Now you need to choose the right moment for the first kiss. Here are some useful tips:

  • Position in relation to each other. This is quite an important point, because if you decide to kiss a guy in a cafe, and if you are sitting opposite each other, getting close to him with a kiss will be problematic. Choose seats in a cafe or nightclub not opposite, but next to it. It would be great if it was one small sofa instead of two chairs. In a car, if he is driving, do not sit in the back seat, but only next to him.
  • Conversation. Before a kiss, there must be a certain mood, so it is important to talk about abstract, relaxed topics, which (like many things on this list) you will prepare in advance. When you can relax him with pleasant conversation that he likes, you can move on to action.
  • Moment. This is perhaps the most important point of all to consider. If you try to kiss a guy at the wrong time, the reaction may be the opposite. The prerequisites for such a moment will be: your relationship has reached a romantic level, you are in a pleasant place, relaxed, having a pleasant conversation for him and you can see in his eyes that he likes you.
  • Appearance on a date. There is no need to remind you once again that you need to dress decently on a date. He should see that you are cute and elegant, a kitten in slippers, wearing a minimum of makeup and a maximum of naturalness. Don't repeat the same old mistakes by showing up on a date wearing Indian paint or wearing a lot of strangely made perfume. It would be scary to approach such a monster, let alone kiss it. Your hair should be pulled back, otherwise the guy will get tangled in your hair and not reach your lips.
  • Your lips should radiate naturalness, lipstick should absolutely not be bright - this will scare off guys. It is better to use hygienic lipstick with a shade of strawberry or cherry - it will add color to your lips, but will not be persistently bright. Men don't want to eat your bright lipstick. Lips should be well-groomed and moisturized. Teeth must be brushed perfectly. You can freshen your mouth with chewing gum. If you don’t have anything with you, before the kiss, drink a large sip of wine and eat a large piece of chocolate to taste the kiss.

How to kiss a man correctly

We came to the kiss itself. Now let's look at the technique of how to best kiss a guy.

So, we have all the prerequisites: you are on a romantic date, a little wine, dim lights, music, nice conversation. Be sure to see in his eyes that he likes you and wants a kiss, his eyes will definitely tell you about it. You sit next to him on the couch, sexily biting your bottom lip like something out of Fifty Shades of Grey. What to do next?

Slowly we begin to move closer to him, very slowly - millimeter by millimeter. This needs to be done smoothly so that during the conversation he doesn’t notice that you are already so close. Your task is to reduce the distance between you.

You can try to laugh in conversation and, supposedly from laughter, lean on his chest. Or tell him something nice, for example, “You’re so cute,” “You’re fun,” “You’re great,” and then innocently lie on his shoulder.

Ideally, the initiative should always come from the guy. This applies to kissing too. But sometimes guys behave indecisively at this moment. Why not hint to him that you don't mind? In our article we will talk about.

Often, guys themselves hint at a kiss when they are not sure of their feelings. All details in .

A must read for all girls: .

They will tell you that a man is not indifferent to you.

Which women, according to statistics, do men like the most? Read more.

As an option, offer him a drink at the Brudershaft, where after the glass, according to the sign, you will need to kiss each other. Then aim directly at his lips. After closing the distance, be sure to look tenderly into his eyes and show him with your whole body and eyes that you really like him and are very pleasant.

There is no need to rush at him and try to make a hole in him with your tongue. The first kiss is a very delicate thing. Try just hugging him and saying something innocent like, “I'm so glad we finally met.” You can say something slightly provocative like: “Are you glad to see me?” Some of all this will definitely prompt him to take the initiative.

Interesting video on the topic:

Be sure to shorten the distance. In a conversation, sitting next to him, put your hand on his shoulder, as if accidentally dropping your hand on his knee. Do everything very smoothly so as not to scare the guy. Your task is to unobtrusively approach him with your lips.

What should a first kiss be like?

Try to start kissing very softly and tenderly with your mouth closed; you don’t need to immediately suck his lips with all your might. Gradually and very smoothly you can increase the pressure and opening of the mouth. No need to stick like a leech. Make stops. They kissed, pulled away a little, exhaled, swallowed their saliva (no one wants to drink your saliva), and kissed again. The lips should be soft and relaxed, there is no need to strain them too much.

Another useful video:

How to behave after a kiss

Don't get carried away with the kiss for an hour. The first time should be exciting. Don't let him get completely satisfied with the kiss. He must want it again and again. Find a reason to stop the first time. Enjoy your relationship.

Young people often approach their first kiss with great excitement and anxiety, since they have no experience and do not know how to kiss for the first time. This exciting moment has the chance to become either a successful start to a relationship that is just beginning, or a complete failure.

No one wants to seem like an amateur in such a serious matter as kissing for the first time. Due to the lack of practice, both partners can expect curious, funny, or even completely unpleasant moments that one would so much like to avoid. Relationships are always exciting, touching and romantic, and so that this moment leaves only the best memories for many, we will figure out how to avoid mistakes that prevent you from making a kiss for the first time an indicator of your most serious intentions.

In contact with

Will your first kiss be remembered forever?

A person remembers events that were emotionally significant throughout his life.

This has long been proven by psychologists. The more important the action was, the more vivid the memory remains. This definition is called emotionally charged brightness. The brighter the feeling emotionally, the longer it will remain in a person’s memory, especially if such events occur for the first time. And the first kiss of teenagers is one of the most emotional sensations that can leave a deep imprint in memory for many years. Moreover, the memory of the first kiss and the pleasant sensations that were experienced can be remembered forever.

Kissing for the first time, the second, and the third is good for your health. It improves your mood, burns calories, strengthens the immune system, and increases physical and mental activity. Psychologists believe that kissing means finding peace of mind and harmony between the external and internal world.

How to kiss for the first time so that it is remembered forever? It is important to know:

  • you need to kiss for the first time with someone who is desirable for you, someone who makes your heart skip a beat even when you look at them; it is important that sympathy is mutual;
  • You should not kiss for the first time in the absence of desire, if the situation does not correspond to the expected event at all;
  • you should forget about alcohol for courage - it can dull the senses, and the liberation created in this way will not help make the kiss memorable.

The main mistake made by those who decide to kiss for the first time in their lives is to do it just for their own pleasure. It is advisable to try to feel his (or her) desires and support them. This will help you get a unique experience from your first kiss.

How old can you be?

Are you worried about the question: at what age can you kiss for the first time? In this case, most likely, you are in love and want to get closer to the object of your desire. A certain age is not important because:

  • someone had the experience of kissing for the first time in kindergarten;
  • others were lucky at the age of 20;
  • Teenagers start kissing at the age of 12–16, there is nothing reprehensible or strange about this.

There are no critical age limits. This cannot be blamed or ridiculed. Girls, unlike boys, develop faster, so they often want to kiss for the first time with a high school student rather than with someone the same age.

Be responsible when choosing a partner. There will be no second attempt; you must act sincerely and tenderly. Girls should not kiss solely because all their girlfriends already have a similar practice, and guys should not kiss to look cooler in the eyes of others.

It is important for a girl that her feelings are not overshadowed by a feeling of insincerity and mistrust. Therefore, before you take a step towards your first kiss, you need to be sure that this is exactly the guy you need. Only then will the first kiss remain in your memory forever.

How to behave with a guy?

You are a young lady, which means that the thought of making first contact with a member of the opposite sex worries you. How to kiss correctly for the first time so that the sensations are not spoiled by incorrect actions? What to do if he seems to be showing signs of attention, but still does not dare to make such tactile contact? Well, you have to take the initiative and take the first step yourself.

To find out the secret of how to kiss a guy correctly for the first time, you will need:

  • object of the opposite sex;
  • your lips and his;
  • appropriate environment;
  • if possible, no witnesses.

The recipe is simple - maximum naturalness, minimum stress. All of us were inexperienced and understood literally nothing about the art of love. However, overcoming shyness and fear, some manage to find a person for life. What if the lucky person who is liked so much is fate?

The long-awaited first date has finally arrived. How to kiss without tongue for the first time?

  1. There is no need to rush things.
  2. You chat nicely, talk about various topics, laugh, and the meeting time slowly comes to an end.
  3. There are two options: he looks into the eyes without looking away, or he behaves at ease, and his future plans are to walk you home, and as a result, to carry out his plans.

Either way, be relaxed, open, and smile more. A smile always puts your interlocutor at ease.


  • look at him and playfully lower your eyes;
  • playing with hair - lightly winding a strand around your finger, straightening your hair is always perceived as flirting;
  • Don't overplay it so as not to scare it away.

There must be a measure in everything, the so-called “golden mean”.

The fewer nerves, the greater the chances that the meeting will be crowned with success, and you yourself will understand how to kiss a guy for the first time, since it almost always looks natural and effortless if sincere feelings have arisen between you. Nothing bad will happen if something doesn’t go according to plan, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. And for you this will be a lesson and experience for the future.

How to make your first kiss unforgettable

How to kiss correctly for the first time?

The moment is approaching when the first kiss will take place. How to kiss the young man you like correctly?

Only lips participate in this process; the initiative is in the hands of the lady. How to kiss without tongue for the first time? You can kiss him unobtrusively when saying goodbye at the end of the date:

  1. Facing the young man, smile and thank him for a pleasant evening.
  2. Step towards him or rise on your tiptoes to get close to his face.
  3. Close your lips, lower your eyelids, touch your lips to his lips and press together, only holding this position for a second.
  4. After this, your best decision will be to leave. After such an act, he will think about you and eagerly plan the next meeting.

A little trick: before kissing a guy with your tongue for the first time, apply lipstick at home. If “that” moment comes, erase it quietly. This will be a clear sign for him to take the decisive action that you are waiting for.

How to kiss a guy with your tongue for the first time? This technique is called the most common. France is considered the birthplace of love; lovers often come here and confess their feelings.

  • The man should start kissing, the girl should follow;
  • although sometimes ladies can take over this initiative if the guy can’t make up his mind;
  • trust your lover, come closer, do not hide your hands;
  • movements are smooth, calm;
  • surrender to the moment, everything will happen by itself.

Some tips on how to kiss properly for the first time with tongue:

  1. Lick your lips, moisten them slightly.
  2. Approach your face to the man, bow your head to avoid a collision with your nose, close your eyelids.
  3. Kissing for the first time in this way should be started by first closing your lips and gradually opening them, doing it as slowly as possible.
  4. If he doesn’t mind a “French kiss,” open and relax your lips a little, and have him lightly press one of your lips with his lips.
  5. Open your mouth slightly and close it again, sticking out your tongue, making movements similar to licking a lollipop.
  6. Tongue movements should be smooth and soft.

How can a guy kiss a girl with tongue for the first time and breathe? Your breathing should be through your nose. If your tongue is in your partner’s mouth, you can fantasize: run it across the palate, touch his teeth, tongue. A responsive man will make sure that the first French kiss becomes the most sensual and will give an unforgettable experience to both.

Every young man who wants to impress the girl he likes must feel confident and know how to kiss - beautifully, correctly and very romantically.

To live up to the image of a confident man and leave a lasting impression on your first kiss, you need to know how to behave on a first date and how to properly kiss a girl on the lips for the first time.

What to do and what not to do on a date?

The first kiss with a girl is a wonderful event. Most young men worry too much about this. Only the right attitude can control the situation.

Remember: this is not an exam that you need to pass with an A. Only the trial method can achieve perfect results.

You will understand when you can kiss a girl for the first time from all of the following:

  1. Don't rush things and don't act against her will, otherwise a good slap in the face and termination of communication are guaranteed. Her high spirits and sparkle in her eyes are the “green light” of approval.
  2. The fair half of the sex loves it when a man smells “delicious”. Perfume should not be harsh and cloying. A refreshing, light aroma is an ideal solution, especially in summer.
  3. Show gentlemanly qualities: offer your hand, open the door, pull up a chair in a cafe for the first time and in subsequent meetings. In a word, do everything to make her feel protected.
  4. Give flowers, not necessarily a large and expensive bouquet. It will be a manifestation of tenderness and feelings.

How to kiss a girl for the first time so that it is remembered forever? To understand how to kiss a girl on the lips for the first time, you need to create tactile contact. But if a lady cleans up, crosses her arms, moves away, or directly asks you not to touch her, you urgently need to stop and apologize. I didn't like you, that's what happens. It's impossible to please everyone, that's normal. Jokes, caustic remarks regarding her appearance, hobbies, friends, family are in any case unacceptable; this is not the best option for conversation.

The list of common incidents on a date for the first time includes:

  • question about the possibility of a kiss;
  • excessive touching;
  • abstract conversations after the event;
  • ridiculous phrases and comments.

How to kiss a girl on the lips?

Many magazines cover the topic “How to kiss a girl on the lips for the first time.” It will always be relevant, nothing changes from year to year.

To kiss a girl correctly for the first time, you must:

  • avoid large crowds of people, as there is a high risk of meeting people you know; what if she doesn’t want anyone to know about it yet - such an atmosphere is constricting, preventing her from fully opening up and enjoying each other;
  • a glance and an unobtrusive smile decide a lot, if not everything; touch her hair, gently passing behind her ear; if she doesn't turn away, you are on the right track;
  • smoothly reach her lips, lightly touch them with your mouth;
  • start kissing gently for the first time, watch her reaction.

If the young lady reciprocates, don't stop. Hug your shoulders, stroke your chin and cheeks a little.

How to kiss with tongue?

How to kiss a girl with your tongue for the first time? Start with the traditional version:

  1. Without opening your lips, kiss a couple of times in a row.
  2. Run the tip of your tongue over your lips, as if licking.
  3. After this, your partner should reciprocate, that is, part her lips.
  4. If this does not happen, stick your tongue into your mouth a little.

Did not help? Do not continue, it means that she did not have the desire to kiss “French” the first time.

If everything goes as planned the first time, continue to “explore” your lover’s mouth by running your tongue over her teeth. It is possible to get closer to such a moment if people trust each other, there are no physical barriers between them in order to kiss for the first time. Kissing for her is a magical feeling of “butterflies in the stomach,” a bright, incomparable feeling.

Most lovers believe that having a tongue stuck in its full length for the first time only causes disgust. Don’t forget about saliva; at first, its excess causes negative emotions.

Useful video


  1. Goosebumps, accelerated heartbeat, pleasant trembling - it’s all because of the first kiss. You already know how to kiss correctly for the first time and present yourself. The main thing is to gather your courage, calm your nerves, don’t be shy, give free rein to your feelings. Love is a wonderful state that knows no barriers, no matter how it is explained from a medical point of view. Kissing is the best way to express feelings without words. If you want to confess your love, start kissing.
  2. Representatives of the fairer sex should not forget that it is not advisable to take the initiative and start kissing a young man for the first time on your initiative. Still, kisses are, perhaps, an expression of the feelings of exactly “that” person for you.
  3. A young man who has a desire to kiss must react to how she perceives his initiative, and if she is unpleasant, he must stop in time. The lady will definitely appreciate such an act.

Let the process itself, taking place for the first time, bring only positive emotions, kiss for good health! And the question of how to kiss a girl on the lips for the first time no longer bothers you. Everything comes with experience, after some time both of you will have no equal.

Margins around the form

Everyone loves to kiss - both boys and girls! If you want to kiss the guy you like, don't be afraid to do it. But, of course, if the situation is suitable for this, and if you are sure that this guy also likes you.

If you're just on a first date with this guy, don't rush into kissing so that the guy doesn't feel like you're hanging on to him, literally and figuratively. But if your feminine instinct tells you that the moment is right for a kiss - go ahead! In this article we offer you some tips that may be useful:

* Even if you kissed a guy, this does not give him any reason to demand more from you. If you respect yourself and don’t want to seem like an easily accessible girl, don’t let the guy rush the development of the relationship.

* If you've been dating a guy for quite some time and he hasn't made an attempt to kiss you, then you can assume that he's very shy and is afraid of doing something wrong. In this case, there will be nothing wrong if you kiss him first.

* If you are not sure that a guy likes you, or if you think that for some reason he is deliberately keeping you at a distance, it is better to wait with kisses so as not to put yourself in an awkward position.

* If you decide to kiss a guy, then try to do it in a romantic setting so that the kiss makes the strongest possible impression and is remembered for a long time. For example, in a nightclub while dancing slowly to beautiful music. You don't have to kiss him on the lips right away. For starters, you can kiss him on the cheek.

* To provoke a guy to kiss, turn your head in his direction, open your mouth slightly and look invitingly into his eyes - and he simply cannot help but understand what you expect from him!

* If a guy often hugs you by the shoulders or waist and looks for any opportunity to touch you, it means that he is clearly not against kissing you, but does not know whether you will like it. In that case, kiss him first. A kiss will look very natural when meeting or when parting, when the guy walks you home.

* If you are going to kiss a guy, don't be too nervous or think too much about it. Just kiss him and smile sweetly. Try to take your relationship lightly and not complicate anything.

* If you feel that a guy is too nervous when he comes to meet you, behave easier with him and smile at him more often so that he can relax and overcome his shyness.

* If you have never kissed before and this is about to happen to you for the first time, do not be nervous and do not show that you are inexperienced. Kissing is not difficult at all!

* If you have already started kissing, kiss the guy passionately and tenderly so that he does not doubt that you like him. If you show a guy how good you are at kissing, it will spark his imagination and make him even more attracted to you.

* Before you kiss, make sure that there are no people around you and that no one is watching you. Kissing is very intimate.

* Not all guys like too much perfume smell, so don't overuse perfume.

* If you are going to kiss a guy, then first wipe off the bright lipstick from your lips. It will be unpleasant for you if it smears all over your face during a kiss.

* If you're not sure your breath smells good, chew mint gum or spray your mouth with a special spray before your date.

* If a guy looks at you intently, slightly leaning towards you with his whole body and licking his lips, it means he wants to kiss you.

* If it seems to you that the guy’s breath is not entirely fresh, offer him a mint gum before the kiss. Just do it casually so that he doesn’t get offended by you.

* To prevent bad breath, do not smoke or drink alcohol. Many guys really don’t like it when a girl smells of tobacco and fumes.

* If a guy suddenly starts kissing you, don't push him away or act like a hard-to-get guy unless this is your first date. Otherwise, he will decide that he doesn’t like you at all. There is nothing reprehensible in a kiss.

* Don't take all the initiative in your relationship with your boyfriend. If you were the first to take a step towards him by kissing him, now it’s his turn to take a step towards you. After all, this is he's a man, not you!

* If you meet a guy after a long separation, do not be afraid to kiss him - this will show him that you missed him a lot and that your feelings have not gone away.

* Fight negative self-esteem. It will be difficult for you to decide to kiss a guy if deep down you doubt that he likes you.

* Before kissing a guy, find out if he is single. Otherwise, if you fall in love with him and then find out that he has a girlfriend, you will not be very happy!

* Learn to create a romantic atmosphere - romance enhances the charm of a kiss. Dim light, beautiful soft music - this is the best background for kissing.

* During a kiss, you can gently touch the guy’s face with your hands, stroke his back, his hair - he will be very pleased.

* Make sure that during the kiss the guy does not get carried away and begin to loosen his hands. If you see that he is losing control of himself, stop kissing immediately!

* Kissing is not the only way to show a guy that you like him. If on the first date you give a guy a compliment about his clothes, appearance, ability to behave, and so on, you will greatly encourage him and help him become bolder.

* Let your kisses be different - tender, passionate, provocative, caring, inviting. Learn a variety of kisses if you want to drive your boyfriend crazy.

* When kissing, don't hold your breath for too long so that you don't feel dizzy. Not only adapt to the guy, but also think about your feelings. A kiss should give you pleasure, not physical discomfort!

* When you kiss, do not stand like a pillar, frozen in one place. You can hug a guy, cuddle up to him, stroke his shoulders and back - this will inflame him. But don't go too far with your affection.

* It's okay if you and your boyfriend find it difficult to cope with embarrassment after your first kiss. Lighten the situation with a joke, or pretend as if nothing special happened.

* If a guy asks you out and dates you, this already means that he likes you. Therefore, he will not mind at all if you kiss him.

* Keep in mind: almost all guys love the French kiss - this is when you kiss not only with your lips, but also with your tongues.

* To make the guy as excited as possible, during a kiss, press your whole body tightly against him for at least a few moments.

* If you want a guy to quickly decide to kiss you, try to keep your heads as close to each other as possible. Whisper something quietly in the guy's ear, lightly touching his earlobe with your lips - this will help you direct his thoughts in the right direction.

Avoid mistakes:

* Hint to the guy in advance that you are not an easily accessible girl, so that he does not hope that everything else will follow the kiss. Some guys get very angry when they first kiss them, and then refuse to go to their house.

* If you are planning to go on a first date, do not eat onions and garlic so that your first kiss with a guy does not end your relationship.

* When you kiss, act naturally. Don't play African passion and pretend to be a storm of emotions - otherwise you will overact and look funny.

* If a guy clearly doesn’t want to kiss you, turn it into a joke and break up with him gracefully. You'll still find a guy who likes you. Don’t be intrusive so that you don’t feel ashamed of yourself later!

* After a kiss, don’t fall into euphoria, don’t lose your head and don’t even think about starting to confess your feelings to the guy, so as not to be disappointed later. Just because he kisses you doesn't mean he loves you.

* If a guy kisses you, don't pretend that he insulted and offended you. Otherwise, you will discourage the guy from not only kissing you, but also communicating in general.

* Do not chew chewing gum too often, otherwise you will look like a constantly chewing cow. To freshen the oral cavity, use a special spray.

* If it turns out that a guy doesn’t know how to kiss, don’t try to make fun of him for it and generally pretend that everything is fine. Otherwise you won't see him again.

* Never try to kiss a guy who has shown absolutely no signs that he likes you. If he pushes you away and even laughs at you, you will be very unpleasant!

* If a guy insists on being alone with you after the first kiss, under no circumstances follow his lead, so as not to feel used and abandoned later.

* Before a date, it is advisable to brush your teeth, as there are many foods (besides garlic and onions) that leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth, for example, milk, salted fish, etc.

* Do not try to persuade a guy to kiss you if you clearly see that he is upset about something, preoccupied, or simply not in the mood. If you show inappropriate persistence, he may decide that you are a pushy person who lacks delicacy and sensitivity.

* It is unlikely that a guy will want to kiss you if he sees that you have food stuck between your teeth. Keep your mouth clean so you don't put him off.

* Before you kiss a guy, freshen your breath with a spray just in case, even if you haven't eaten or drunk anything bad. Bad breath occurs for a variety of reasons and can greatly spoil the impression of you.

* Don’t even think about kissing a guy on the lips if you have herpes on your lips. It is unlikely that he dreams of picking up this infection from you.

* If your lips are rough or cracked, a guy will be uncomfortable kissing you. Therefore, first put your lips in order, and only then kiss.

* Don't try to start giggling or grinning stupidly after you kiss a guy for the first time. Otherwise, he may think that you are somehow strange. Margins around the form