The young people are greeted with a loaf of bread. The words of the meeting of the newlyweds with a loaf at the wedding and the origins of this ancient tradition. What do you need to meet young people?

As you know, the parental word in Christianity is endowed with special power. It is believed that the message that father and mother address to their children can have a direct impact on their future fate. That is why almost no wedding, both in ancient times and today, is complete without parental blessing. The meaning of this ritual is multifaceted: approval of this union, wishes of all the best and wise parting words to the young family.

How does the modern ceremony of blessing young parents take place?

At modern weddings, the blessing usually occurs when the newlyweds meet from the wedding walk before entering the banquet hall. The parents stand in front of the newlyweds with icons and a loaf of bread, make a short speech, after which the newlyweds kiss the icons, treat themselves to bread and salt, and then follow the instructions of the presenter.
This is a simplified version of the ritual. If you follow the ancient canons, then the newlyweds are blessed twice - the first time the parents bless the bride and groom separately in their father's house (before leaving for the registry office), and the second time - together as described above.

What icons are used when blessing newlyweds?

Traditionally, the icon of the Mother of God (usually the Kazan icon) and the icon of Christ the Savior are used to bless the newlyweds. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God- one of the most revered images of the Virgin Mary. She has long been considered the intercessor and patroness of our people; many miracles and amazing salvations are attributed to her. In 2011, this icon went to space! Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', handing it over to the space agency, commented on this event: “May the Cover of the Most Pure Queen of Heaven extend over our troubled world, torn apart by contradictions, in which there is so much sorrow and human grief...” This icon is used to bless newlyweds at weddings. in the church. It is of particular importance for women. They pray to her for the birth of children and protection of the house from evil forces. It is with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God that the mother usually blesses her daughter before the wedding (this is done without prying eyes before the newlyweds go to the registry office).

Icon "Savior Almighty"(or "Savior") is the most common image of Christ. On it, Christ holds a book with a quotation from the Gospel with one hand, thereby pointing out the path of salvation, and with the other hand he blesses the person looking at him. This icon is prayed to in times of need and joy. She is asked for the well-being of family members. Previously, the icon of the Savior was the first to be brought into the newlyweds’ house. If the bride’s parents use the icon of the Mother of God to bless their daughter for a happy marriage, then the groom’s parents bless their son with the icon of the Savior.

Nowadays, when newlyweds meet, both these icons and one of them are used. Alternatively, parents can purchase a wedding match or folding- these are two icons connected together. You can buy these icons in any of the many church shops in Voronezh.

Which parent holds the icons and loaf of bread during the blessing?

How to distribute roles among themselves, who holds what, who addresses the newlyweds first? These questions usually arise among anxious parents when preparing for the ceremony. As practice shows, there is no single template; these are nuances that can be played out differently at each wedding. Let's look at several options (from left to right):

  • The groom's father is holding an icon, the bride's mother is holding a loaf of bread, the other parents are just standing nearby.
  • Moms hold icons, and dads hold a loaf of champagne.
  • One mother holds an icon, the second a loaf, and the fathers stand on the sides.
  • One mom holds a folding bag, the other a loaf, and dads hold a glass of champagne.

As you can see, there is no consensus on this matter.

What words should parents say when blessing the newlyweds?

The speech should be sincere, come from the heart and come down to the essence: “We bless you for a long, happy family life.” In this case, it is better to use prose, since a memorized verse is not perceived so mentally, and besides, due to strong excitement, the next line can treacherously slip out of memory.

Where to put icons after the wedding?

The icons participating in the blessing are given to the young family, where they are subsequently kept as a family heirloom. If the newlyweds are deeply religious, they place the icons in a red corner, but if the newlyweds do not want to put the images on public display, then they carefully wrap the icons in a towel and store them in a special place.

1. Icons are not supposed to be held with bare hands, so when purchasing them you should also take care of purchasing towels (by the way, another towel will be needed for the loaf).

2. According to an ancient custom, before the young people kiss the icon, the parents must cross the young people with it three times. Nowadays, this is rarely observed; more often, after a parting speech, the icon is simply brought to the young people for a kiss, but still, if you decide to act according to the rules, you must correctly make the sign of the cross: from top to bottom, from left to right (for young people it will be from top to bottom, from right to left - as it should be according to church canons).

3. If one of the young fathers holds the icon during the ceremony, it is necessary to explain to him in advance what is happening and what he needs to do, since men, often far from all kinds of sacraments and religious rituals, may become confused at a key moment.

Blessing of the newlyweds, video clips from different weddings:

There are not many large-scale and public events in our lives, and there are generally a limited number of such events as weddings. And it is quite reasonable to want this event and all its phases to be held at the highest level. A wedding is a separate step, separate emotions, separate obligations. Today, fewer and fewer couples want to get married traditionally, all rituals are becoming a thing of the past, and they are being replaced by weddings of a different kind. You can get married underwater and in the air, on black bikes or light green Cossacks with gypsies on the roof. The main thing is the idea. If a young couple does not want to have an eccentric show wedding, then there is only one option left - to turn to traditions.

Today we will talk about one important and fairly traditional procedure, which is called “meeting the newlyweds with bread and salt.” Regardless of what wedding format the newlyweds choose, parents and close relatives are always invited to the celebration. And it is the parents who meet the couple at the house with a loaf of bread. More and more often, the porch of the native monastery is happily replaced by the bright arches of various cafes and restaurants. But one thing remains unchanged - bread and salt are served to the young by their parents.

How to greet the young with bread and salt?

For the entire procedure you will need:

  • One loaf that you don’t have to cook yourself today. You can order such a wedding cake at any bakery or cafe.
  • Salt shaker
  • An embroidered towel on which bread will be presented to the young. Such towels can be easily found in the “Everything for a Wedding” department.
  • Glasses or shot glasses (depending on what will be drunk) and alcohol.

Manipulations of parents, bride and groom during a meeting with bread and salt:

  1. Young people are obliged to bow to their parents and listen to everything that has been prepared for them
  2. A welcome speech will be required from parents. This should be a beautiful mixture of congratulations and parting words for family life. As a rule, all preparations are left to the parents, including greeting. And here it is better for the bride and groom to slightly control the creativity of the parents. Firstly, there should not be too protracted and too emotional speeches, icons and hand-wringing. Welcoming children into family is certainly exciting, but too much drama will only get in the way. If parents get worried and can’t be found right away, it’s better to have some supplies in your pocket. Similar “parental appeals” in prose and poetry can be found on the Internet and various congratulatory brochures that are sold at any newsstand.
  3. Next, the newlyweds must break off part of the bread, salt it and feed each other. Here you can also add feeding each other with honey - this is sometimes done, honey here symbolizes a sweet and pleasant married life.
  4. After the “meal”, young people and the older generation drink a glass of champagne. You don’t have to finish your drink, but pour it over your shoulder – that’s also a tradition.
  5. Some people break glasses for good luck, but this is not necessary.
  6. After everything, the groom carries the bride in his arms into the house (restaurant).

Parents' parting speech

Still, it would be more correct to take care of the parent’s introductory speech in advance. Therefore, we present the following especially for parents who know in advance that they will be very excited. A little cheat sheet never hurts.

If you, dear parents, dare to speak in poetry, then we wish you good luck. The most important thing is to choose short poems so that you don’t forget anything during the ceremony. It is best if they are simple in terms of vocabulary and easy to remember.

Perhaps these little poetic parting words will help you prepare your speech. They can always be supplemented or shortened, or written specifically for a particular couple, adding their names or indicating the characteristic character traits of the newlyweds. You can speak on behalf of everything and “in roles”, as in school. It all depends on how the parents’ speech will look in general composition.

We want to congratulate you on your combination.
Now you have become husband and wife.
Considerable efforts have been made.
But the feast, as they say, is a mountain.
Live peacefully and always in harmony.
Don't be offended at each other often.
Don't waste your happiness in vain,
After all, your life is only in your power.

Mother of the bride:
Me to you, my dear son-in-law,
I had to give my daughter away.
Don't hurt her
And help her with everything!
You are now one family,
And I will be calm
If my daughter is with you
He will find his own home!
May you have a sweet time together
And the road of life is smooth!

Groom's mother:
I welcome my daughter into the house,
Paired with my dear son.
Peace to you, and love is advice,
May God protect you from troubles,
Children will be your reward,
I’m happy to babysit my grandchildren.
Happiness for the son is happiness for the mother,
I'll be happy with you.

You can also use prose. This will simplify a lot of things for you, because if you make a mistake, you will always be able to find “your” necessary words, and not frantically remember the lines of poetry.

  • Dear children! Congratulations on your legal marriage. We wish you happiness, health, and long years of married life. You are welcome to our home - your home. Try our bread and salt, and we'll see who's boss in the house.
  • Dear children! Congratulations, you are now family. And now we will check who will be the master of the house. Don't be shy, break some bread and feed each other. Let not only your ears enjoy it. After all, you won’t be satisfied with congratulations alone. Help yourself and treat others.
  • My dear children, you have tasted a piece of the loaf. We want your hearts to retain the warmth that this loaf has preserved for you. Let your house always be full of guests and let everyone get a small piece of food. Let the distribution of your first loaf be the beginning of your hospitality.

There is another option for the most shy and worried parents - this is a toastmaster. At some wedding ceremonies, it is the toastmaster who can save the parents at the most crucial moment. Therefore, you don’t have to worry too much; such an assistant will beat the embarrassment and help you get out of an uncomfortable situation. No matter how the newlyweds are met, the holiday will still be a success, and this is the most important thing!

A wedding is a magnificent celebration, rich in a variety of customs and beliefs. One of the favorite ancient wedding rituals that has survived to this day is the meeting of the newlyweds with a loaf of bread. What words need to be spoken at this moment? How to organize it? And what is the essence of the ritual? Let's look at it below.

Origins of the ritual

This tradition dates back to ancient times. According to legend, after the painting ceremony, the newlyweds were greeted by their parents. On their hands was an embroidered towel with a loaf. The latter, according to custom, was always placed at the head of the banquet table.

Then they cut it into pieces and at the end of the celebration all the guests had to try it. Moreover, the group eating of this bread took place in strict order. The largest piece was intended for the newlyweds, then parents and close relatives took it, the bottom of the bread was given to a group of musicians, since it contained coins, and the remaining parts of the pie were given to the children and remaining guests.

This is what concerned the traditional Slavic wedding. The modern scenario of greeting newlyweds with a loaf of bread has become easier and reduced to a minimum.

What do you need to know when greeting newlyweds with a loaf of bread?

So, the modern greeting is carried out upon completion of the painting. If previously a loaf of salt was only in the hands of the bride’s mother, today both mother-in-law and mother-in-law can perform this ritual.

The second important component is drawing up a plan for welcoming the young couple after the painting ceremony. Those wishing to participate in the event should be organized into a kind of living wall in two rows. This will create a kind of corridor for a young family.

Then they should be given rice or wheat, metal coins, sweets and rose petals. All this will be useful for showering the young couple. According to tradition, it is generally accepted that those invited in this way help make the future family life of the young sweet, well-fed and rich.

The main roles in this action, of course, are assigned to parents. There are three variations of this scenario:

  1. Only the mother of the bride holds the pie.
  2. The pie is held by the mother of the bride, and the mother-in-law only needs to support.
  3. The groom's mother is entrusted with holding the loaf, and his mother-in-law is entrusted with supporting him.

Fathers should hold a tray with glasses for the newlyweds and a bottle of champagne. Among other things, parents are supposed to say parting words when welcoming the newlyweds with a loaf.

The greeting of the young couple is usually held on the threshold of the banquet room where the celebration itself will take place. This is where parents will hold a towel and a loaf of bread in their hands. When the young couple gets out of the car, two people from among those invited should come closer to the parents and spread another towel on the ground. The rest of the invitees should form a living corridor and begin presenting the young spouses with the sprinkles described above. At the end of this corridor, mothers with a loaf of bread and fathers with champagne and a towel lying on the ground should be located.

One of the mothers should make a hearty speech, greeting the young couple with a loaf of bread, and at the end of it, invite the young couple to stand on the towel. This ritual symbolizes the joint path of the young couple, which they still have to go through in the future. It is believed that whoever touches the canvas first will become the head of the family.

Then the newlyweds step over the towel and go to the mother holding the pie. They listen to beautiful congratulatory words and break off pieces of the pie. Then they feed it to each other or present it to guests. Upon completion of this action, the young spouses enter the banquet room, followed by their parents and remaining guests.

Words for meeting newlyweds with a loaf of bread at a wedding

The words of greeting to a young couple can be in different variations, but their essence remains the same. For example, the mother of the bride may say: “We welcome you, our beloved newlyweds! It's nice to see you healthy and happy! On this delightful and special day for you, we would like to present you with a fragrant and crispy loaf of bread!”

Then it’s the turn of the groom’s mother. Her words: “We give you this wonderful pie with great joy! Break it and let everyone take a piece!”

Upon completion of these speeches, a spectacular tasting of the pie begins. A young couple breaks pieces, salts them and eats them. And at the same time, the mother of the bride enters with the words: “How wonderful you are with us! Let this loaf be the first meal you have together after painting! She will give you health and give you all the charm of family life!”

The groom’s mother joins in the words: “So I have a daughter-in-law! I will love her like my own daughter! And my son has a wife, whom he is now obliged to protect until the end of his days!”

Mother of the bride: “Love and honor each other! Let there always be a warm and cozy atmosphere in your home, and let the ringing laughter of children be heard!”

The groom's mother supports these words. Next, the loaf is presented to one of the bridesmaids or the witness: “And this delicious loaf will bless you and give you family happiness!”, Then it is placed at the head of the table opposite the place of the newlyweds.

Video on the topic of the article

As you know, participants in any event remember its beginning and end best. For guests who were not present at the marriage registration, the beginning of the wedding celebration is the moment the newlyweds arrive after the registry office at the banquet hall, so the meeting of the newlyweds is perhaps one of the key components of the holiday. Of course, the meeting scenario largely depends on the preferences of the newlyweds, on the theme of the celebration and on some objective factors (for example, the time of year and weather play a significant role), however, a certain set of mandatory elements of the ceremony has developed, which will be discussed below.


The most traditional way of meeting newlyweds is with a loaf of bread, which is primarily due to tradition: just as in ancient times, parents greeted newlyweds with a loaf of bread after the wedding, and today, the groom’s mother holds the ruddy, richly decorated bread in her hands when the newly-made spouses come to the restaurant after registering their marriage in registry office and walks.

Of course, in many ways this ritual continues to remain, let’s say, sacred: the mother-in-law, offering bread and salt, seems to accept her son’s young wife into her family, while the mother-in-law holds an icon in her hands to bless the newlyweds. The bride and groom, according to tradition, must cross themselves, bow to the icon, break off a piece of the loaf, dip it in salt and give it to each other to eat, then thank their parents and kiss them three times.

Salt, by the way, is an obligatory element of the meeting: according to one version, future tears are eaten along with it, according to another, the young people symbolically “annoyed” each other for the last time in order to live in peace and harmony in the future. Interestingly, the salt shaker should also be present at the celebration dedicated to the 25th anniversary of marriage; However, the meaning of this attribute is somewhat different - the salt shaker represents a pound of salt that the couple ate together.

However, today the meeting with a loaf of bread has in many ways become nothing more than a symbol, so there is no talk of any strict observance of all the rules prescribed by tradition. For example, instead of an icon, the mother of the bride often holds a tray with glasses of champagne or a plate of honey, symbolizing the sweet life. Well, breaking off pieces of a loaf has long turned into a competition: whose piece turns out to be larger will be the master of the family.

However, often young people do not break off pieces, but bite them off, striving for family leadership. Perhaps this procedure causes fun among the guests, but, frankly speaking, it does not look entirely aesthetically pleasing, especially in photographs and videos in which the newlyweds, including the tender, ethereal bride, are captured with their mouths wide open or with bread crumbs on their lips .

It seems that for the sake of elegance and aesthetics of the beginning of the holiday, it is still worth breaking off pieces of the loaf, or even better, to give up the competition and, in order to maintain traditions, try the loaf, cutting off two small pieces in advance, which the newlyweds can easily take, salt and quickly chew.


Most weddings are not complete without an embroidered towel, symbolizing the long and bright journey of the newlyweds. As a rule, a loaf is placed on it, folding the edges of the towel towards the center. However, when newlyweds meet, towels sometimes perform other functions.

Firstly, a towel is necessary if the meeting program includes a blessing from the parents: it covers the icon with which the newlyweds are blessed. Secondly, at some weddings a large towel is laid out in front of the door: as in the case of a loaf, this is a way to determine who will be in charge in the house - the one who steps on the towel first. Probably all newlyweds already know how to avoid disagreements: the groom must take the bride in his arms.

Another ritual is associated with spreading a towel in front of the newlyweds: according to Slavic mythology, a special role in the house is assigned to the threshold - the border between the family territory and the outside world. There are many superstitions associated with it: you can’t talk across the threshold, you can’t pour water, you can’t sweep the house away from the threshold, you can’t hit it, and other, other superstitions. At a wedding, the groom carries the bride over the threshold in his arms so that she does not accidentally touch the floor and thereby encounter evil spirits. And in order to protect the newly-made husband, a towel is spread in front of the threshold (in our case, in front of the entrance to the banquet hall).


Another detail of the meeting of the newlyweds, which has become almost obligatory, is the breaking of glasses before entering the restaurant. Dishes, as you know, beat for happiness - and when else can you dream of a happy future if not at a wedding? Happiness in this case is not a well-fed life, as it might seem, but the absence of quarrels, because breaking plates often accompanies a stormy showdown. Let this dish be the first and only one that the young people will break on purpose - something like this might sound like the toast that accompanies this action.

However, the custom also has another meaning - you should not relax! Yes, a wedding is a wedding, but life is not only a holiday, it is also difficulties that we have to overcome together. The sound of a glass breaking should serve as a reminder that there is no need to give in to problems. By the way, in the Hebrew tradition, the groom did not throw the glass, but stepped on it with his heel - this personified victory over all adversities.

Besides, is it possible to do without spirits and otherworldly forces that are just waiting to prevent the wedding from taking place? You need to outwit them by breaking the dishes - let them think that they managed to do a little mischief after all, and leave the young people alone. It is interesting that, according to Russian custom, when the newlyweds met, the father of the bride brought them two glasses of vodka. The young people put them to their lips, but did not drink, but poured them out over their left shoulder (behind which the demons were hiding, while the place of deployment of the angels was behind the right shoulder). Vodka got into the eyes of evil spirits, neutralizing it, however, only for the duration of the holiday.

Finally, breaking glasses is another way of telling fortunes “for a boy or a girl.” It is believed that if they break into small fragments, a girl will be born first, but if they break into large fragments, there will be a boy. According to another version, the number of fragments determines the number of children that will appear in the family.

By the way, just as at a banquet the glasses of the bride and groom should be different from those used to serve the tables for guests, so you need to break “special” glasses. This, of course, is a trifle, but it is precisely details like these that ultimately make up the overall impression of the holiday. However, the main thing is that the dishes break easily, that is, you should give preference not to crystal glasses, but to glass ones.

Even during the celebration, do not forget about safety rules. Firstly, you only need to break glasses on the street; enclosed spaces, especially small ones, are far from the most suitable place for this. Secondly, the toastmaster or witnesses must ensure that the guests present at the ceremony have moved away to a safe distance. And it’s even better to carry out the ritual with minimal losses: after drinking the champagne, wrap the glasses in beautiful napkins, put them on the ground and break them with your heel.

The ceremonial cutting of the ribbon usually accompanies the opening of a new building, institution, event - in a word, some kind of undertaking. The red ribbon is a symbol of success, a symbol of a new stage, expectations and hopes. It is not surprising that this custom has found its place in the scenarios of modern weddings, and the ribbon does not have to be red at all - by and large, any color can be used that is in harmony with the color scheme of the ceremony or with the shades of the bride’s dress.

Very often, it is not just a swing of scissors (it is important to check that they are sharp!), but some kind of symbolic action. For example, the number of children is judged by the number of resulting segments (who said that the tape can only be cut in one place?). By the way, a small red ribbon is present in the wedding tradition of Turkey; True, not at the celebration itself, but during the engagement. It ties the wedding rings of the bride and groom to each other and thus symbolizes that from now on nothing can separate them, and the connection between them will be eternal.

Guests meeting the newlyweds at the banquet hall line up in a living corridor and arrange a real rain for the newly-made spouses - say, from rose petals. Beautiful and romantic, isn't it? In addition, it is also popular, easy to organize - in a word, complete advantages. According to tradition, the mothers of the bride and groom begin the sprinkling first, and only then do the rest of those present join them, but it is not at all necessary to follow these rules.

Perhaps the most important thing when organizing such a meeting is to choose what the rain will actually consist of. In Rus', as a rule, it was hops - as a symbol of life in wealth and prosperity. Well, today's newlyweds have slightly different preferences, although the meaning of the ceremony remains the same: the guests symbolically wish the young spouses well-being and happiness.

The most wonderful decoration of the ceremony is a rain of rose petals, which personify eternal love and beauty. Don’t forget about practical issues: white petals don’t always look great in photographs, especially against the background of the bride’s white dress, and bright red petals can leave marks if the flowers come in artificially colored (unfortunately, many flower shops are guilty of this ). The solution is to use pink petals or buy flowers from trusted retail outlets.

By the way, such fireworks turn out to be very beautiful if they consist of petals of different shades. Flower shops today are increasingly offering to purchase ready-made kits, but they can be stored until the holiday for no more than three days and only in the refrigerator.

A completely worthy replacement for living petals is paper confetti: it’s festive and very inexpensive; in addition, confetti can be of different shapes and colors (including shiny foil ones). This option, however, must be agreed upon both with the young people, who may not want to take out multi-colored paper circles from their pockets and hairstyles after the ceremony, and with the restaurant.

In many European countries, as well as in Russia, there is a widespread tradition of showering young people with grain - rice, millet, oats, which symbolize wealth and prosperity. If you can make real fireworks from flower petals, then it is better to throw grain under your feet - so that on the first wedding night the groom does not have to remove rice from the bride’s hair. In exactly the same way - coins are thrown at your feet; They're unlikely to get stuck in your hair, but the "money shower" can be quite painful.

An effective, albeit expensive, solution is “revived” fireworks made from butterflies. It is believed that if you catch a butterfly, whisper your cherished wish to it, and then release it, then everything you have planned will definitely come true. This way, a wedding can simultaneously become a day of “dreams come true” not only for the newlyweds, but also for everyone present.

Finally, wedding rain can be sweet - if the role of drops is played by candies. As in the cases with coins and rice, it is better to throw sweets, even if they are very small, at the feet of young people in order to avoid unexpected troubles. Well, to the delight of children, who, as a rule, collect these candies with pleasure. By the way, about children. It is believed that their presence during the shedding ceremony is a good omen, which guarantees numerous and healthy offspring.

Let us remind you of small details, the absence of which can spoil the impression. Whichever version of the “holiday rain” you choose, it is important to think about what guests will use to hold petals, rice or coins. Ordinary plastic bags are too mundane and ugly, so it’s worth ordering or making yourself original bags or small baskets, designed in the style of the wedding.

Living corridor

If the newlyweds, for one reason or another, decided to refuse any “rain”, this does not mean at all that they should not organize a living corridor, because such an element of meeting the newlyweds is beautiful, solemn and allows you to set a friendly and cheerful tone for the entire holiday. The bride and groom will be pleased, even if the guests simply greet them with applause and chants of congratulations, but some decorations of this “system” will not be out of place.

Perhaps the most obvious, but also the most expensive solution is flowers. To make the ceremony not only elegant, but also stylish, it is better for everyone present to hold in their hands not their own bouquets in assorted wrappers, but, for example, one rose of the same shades.

Another option for decorating a living corridor would be, say, narrow ribbons on sticks, which guests will wave in greeting when greeting the newlyweds. If you are not lazy and glue a small rhinestone to the edge of each ribbon, they will glow brightly in the sun and look even more elegant. Such ribbons are a good solution for those who want to prolong the celebration, because you can wave them for a long time (if the guests, of course, do not get tired).

In addition, in order to capture in a photo, say, the already mentioned rose petals in flight, the photographer must be quite efficient and experienced, while young people can go through the corridor of ribbons twice for the sake of a successful shot. Well, if you put the initials of the newlyweds or the image of some symbol reminiscent of the holiday on the ribbons or on the sticks themselves, they will also become a wonderful souvenir for guests.

The decoration of the evening wedding will be sparklers, with which guests will illuminate the path of the newlyweds to the banquet hall. This option is good for a holiday that takes place in winter: it gets dark early, the meeting is limited in time due to the cold, but with the help of sparklers it can be made unforgettable even in such conditions.

Three roads

The problem of a crossroads, choosing the right path, is one of the central ones in Russian folklore; Let’s remember at least the treasured stone with the inscriptions “If you go to the left, you will lose your horse,” “If you go to the right, ....” The newlyweds, it would seem, have already chosen their path, but their joint path in life depends only on themselves, which, in fact, symbolizes the popular scenario of a meeting in the form of three roads.

The options offered for choice may be different, but the most correct one, which does not require serious reflection, is patriarchy, equality, matriarchy. It seems that the obvious solution for the groom is to take the bride in his arms and take the middle road, choosing equality in the family.

One of the varieties of the “numerical” theme is not three roads, but four elements, with the help of which newlyweds are initiated into spouses. This scenario allows you to combine almost all the elements of a meeting at the banquet hall, which were mentioned above. The first element is earth: the young are invited to step on a spread towel, which will protect them from falls (in other words, from life mistakes). A “test by earth” can also be a joint planting - probably not a tree (it’s hard to imagine a bride in a snow-white dress and with a shovel in her hands), but, for example, a flower bulb in a beautiful pot.

The second element is fire, a sign of the hearth and family warmth. Fire can be personified by lit candles, sparklers in the hands of guests, and a passionate, “fiery” kiss of the bride and groom. The third element is water: the young people are invited to give each other water (or champagne) so that not a single drop falls between them, or drink the drink through straws from a common bowl.

The fourth element is air; it can be personified by snow-white doves, the already mentioned butterflies, and balloons. Finally, the very “fifth element” without which life is impossible is love. Well, in fact, the entire festive banquet following the meeting of the newlyweds will be dedicated to love.

Other options

The elements of meeting newlyweds listed above are the most popular, widespread and traditional. However, nothing prevents you from moving away from traditions and making the ceremony unusual and different from others. Let's try to imagine what else could accompany a meeting at a restaurant:
. Alternatives to loaf - pizza; ice cream topped with multi-colored syrups (their colors can also be played with); strawberries and cream; bagels (whose half turns out to be larger after breaking - he will be the leader in the family).
. Meeting the newlyweds with two large painted boots (after all, from now on they are “two boots - a pair”).
. Presenting the bride and groom with two wide glasses, in each of which a bright fish swims: they should be symbolically released into one common aquarium.
. Symbolic burying of the “axe of war” (young people bury a small toy hatchet in a flower pot).
. Presenting the newlyweds with a nesting doll, in which notes with the secrets of family happiness are hidden; in the last, smallest nesting doll, there is a note with the word “love”.
. The newlyweds are given two pieces of ice in small bowls; holding them over the candles, they need to be melted and the resulting water drained into one common glass (the ceremony symbolizes that the warmth of love melted two souls, which from now on united into one stream).
. An offer to walk along a rainbow (designed using stretched ribbons or pieces of fabric), each color of which symbolizes something: red - love, orange - passion, yellow - warmth, green - eternal youth, blue - health, blue - fidelity, purple - wisdom.
. Presenting the newlyweds with a “new family business card” with their names, home address and telephone numbers; During the banquet or after it, they can distribute these cards to everyone whom they will be glad to hear and see as their guests.

Practical points

How does the average wedding guest usually prepare for a wedding? In addition to choosing a nice outfit and the best shoes, he usually doesn't dine, trying to "save room" for the holiday goodies that will be served at the banquet. This means that the newlyweds are greeted not just by welcome, but also by fairly hungry guests who are eager to sit down at the table as quickly as possible.

Considering that the newlyweds may be delayed during a walk or, for example, get stuck in a traffic jam, this wait can become very tiring. This means that the meeting of the newlyweds should not be long. Its main goal is not to entertain the participants of the celebration (for this, the organizers of the holiday have the whole evening ahead), but to create an atmosphere, to serve as a kind of transition from the official part of the holiday to the informal one.

It is better to give up complex competitions, demonstrations of dexterity and ingenuity, and a large number of welcoming poems - such a meeting scenario will not be appreciated by either the young people themselves or the guests, many of whom, moreover, still feel rather constrained, especially considering the fact that not all of them know each other. 10 minutes is perhaps the maximum duration of the welcoming ceremony; during this time it is quite possible to prepare those present for the holiday without tiring them.

The second important point that cannot be ignored when planning a scenario for meeting young people is the time of year and weather conditions. It is unlikely that the enthusiasm of the guests will be caused by waiting for the newlyweds outside in severe frost or in pouring rain; in such conditions, it is better to hold the ceremony in the restaurant lobby. Of course, not all ideas can be implemented indoors, but even a meeting within “four walls”, with due diligence and imagination, will turn out to be original and memorable.