Self-tanning at home - quick tanning, application rules. Self-tanning at home

For those who don’t have time to sunbathe on the beach or don’t want to succumb to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation in a solarium, there is an excellent solution. You can achieve golden skin color using so-called self-tanning, creating the illusion of being in the sun. However, you need to know how to apply it correctly. After all, you can get not an even shade, but ugly spots.

All self-tanners contain dihydroxyacetone (DHA). It is this component that colors the skin dark. Depending on the chosen product, the color development time is different - from twenty minutes to several hours. If the result meets your expectations, you will have to carry out color therapy in this way twice a week. Self-tanning has no special contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components present. Self-tanning has a lot of advantages, which are as follows:
  1. The ability to instantly get a gorgeous skin tone is the fastest way.
  2. No risk of burns.
  3. Self-tanning allows you to even out your complexion, making it an alternative to foundation.
  4. The product perfectly masks dark circles under the eyes.
  5. Hides small flaws on the body - defects, small scars.
  6. “Quick weight loss”, because a dark body appears slimmer.
  7. Makes cellulite invisible.
Before applying self-tanning, it is recommended to prepare the skin for the procedure:
  • All preparatory activities consist of cleansing the body with a scrub, peeling and involve depilation.
  • However, after the bath, do not rush to apply the composition: irritation should go away from the skin, and enlarged pores should close.
  • If you have very dry skin, you should moisturize it first.
  • If you are blonde, tie a scarf, a towel or a cap on your head, otherwise your hair may become colored.
  • Apply a rich cream to your eyebrows.
  • Cover your hands with cream too, you can also use cellophane gloves.
  • A little rich cream will do no harm on the elbows and knees to prevent the formation of a very dark shade.
It is better to purchase a cream, since the spray leaves streaks behind, although it is intended for quick application. If you want to get a refreshing effect as a bonus, then buy a self-tanner with a gel consistency. The milk takes a long time to absorb, so it is suitable for ladies who have enough time for the procedure. When applying self-tanning in the form of milk or cream, you should choose one direction (top to bottom or bottom to top) so as not to get confused. Otherwise, you risk having to re-treat the areas. Lastly, the knees, elbows, and the space between the fingers are painted. The same goes for the feet and the inside of the arms and folds. To apply the product to your back, invite an assistant. Rub in circular motions. Particular attention should be paid to the nails. Apply the spray starting from the feet and moving towards the thighs. Perform down-up movements. Spray self-tanner on your neckline, chest and stomach using circular motions. Hands are treated first from the outside, then from the inside, moving from the hands to the shoulders. Then the back is painted. And at the end of the procedure - shoulders. Knees, elbows, ankles need a minimal amount of the substance.

Try to distribute the product evenly and act quickly. Remember that it is better to take less self-tanner than to overdo it, because if you get an excessively dark color, it will be difficult to wash it off and you will have to spend more than one day. In addition, there is a risk of getting stripes and spots. And so you can make an additional layer at any time. For the face you should use a special self-tanner with a gentle composition that has a gentle effect; a product for the body will not work. First you need to cleanse your face using a moisturizing toner. When applying self-tanner, do not touch the area around your eyes. To prevent the “mask effect”, at the end of the procedure, apply moisturizing cream along the hairline so that the transition of shades is soft.

After contact with self-tanner, you should wash your hands well with soap, as this product can quickly appear on the cuticles, palms and between the fingers. It is also worth cleaning your nails with a brush to prevent them from turning black. Wait another 10 minutes for the self-tanner to absorb before getting dressed. Do not wear light-colored clothes, they may stain! Don't shower for a few hours!

To remove self-tanning, you should thoroughly scrub your body with a scrub and a hard washcloth, such as a loofah. You can use hydrogen peroxide or, as a gentler option, lemon juice. If you just want to soften the resulting streaks or spots, go over the area of ​​skin that contains unevenness with a lemon wedge.

When applying self-tanning, it is recommended to always follow these rules to prevent problems, be it spots or streaks. When purchasing a new brand, you should definitely test the product on a small area so as not to get an unnatural carrot color. If you apply self-tanning all over your body, then it will be difficult to wash off the shade that doesn’t suit you, and you’ll still have to walk around with it for a couple of days.

Despite the opinion of most dermatologists about the preference for this particular type of tanning, many do not agree with it. Some people notice an unpleasant odor appearing on the skin after applying self-tanning, while others have too much dry skin or consider such products harmful to themselves. Let's try to figure out how you can use self-tanning at home, how to apply self-tanning correctly and the recipe for making self-tanning.

There are a number of unchangeable rules that should not be neglected when applying self-tanning:

  1. First you need to wash and moisturize your skin by taking a shower;
  2. Get rid of dead skin particles with a light scrub with a mild exfoliating effect;
  3. Self-tanning should only be applied to dry skin;
  4. It is preferable to apply self-tanner in mittens specially designed for this, but if you do not have any, then you can do just fine without them;
  5. For an even tan, some experts in beauty salons advise applying less product to the elbows, ankles and knees. But this depends on the product you apply and the type of skin, so this statement can only be confirmed by an experimental method.
  6. The applied product must be completely absorbed into the skin, so wait until the skin is 100% dry.

The bronzer will help you tan in a matter of minutes; if you are in a hurry to get a tan, then this is what you need. But such a tan will unfortunately not last long.

Self-tanning is a leisurely product; you will learn to achieve the desired skin tone gradually with experience, and this can take you from a few hours to a few days.

Lotion, cream or spray? In reviews of sprays, you can often read about the stains left by products with this consistency, but the person who wrote the review cannot guarantee that the product was applied correctly. Draw your own conclusions.

Self-tanning must contain moisturizing components, because almost all products contain alcohol, which helps dry out the skin.

If you don’t trust manufacturers or you want to get an even shade and not accidentally stain your favorite clothes, then you can prepare a self-tanner at home using your own recipe. Below you can find some recipes.

If you make it a rule to wipe your body with strong tea or coffee every day, then after a while your skin will have a uniform dark tint. An additional advantage of this method is skin hydration. You can replace coffee with cocoa, then your color will be a little lighter. The main advantage of this recipe is the uniformity of the resulting shade and the price (unlike professional cosmetics).

Carrots will help you tan

To prepare the mask you will need one orange root vegetable and one tablespoon of olive oil. It is better to use olive oil - you are trying for your loved one. Carrots need to be grated on a fine grater, mixed with oil and applied to the part of the body that needs tanning for about 5 minutes. Tanning with carrots is well suited for skin that already has at least a slight dark tint; if your skin is naturally very light, it is better not to use this method, you risk becoming not chocolate, but yellow.

Tanning mask made from ground coffee

To prepare the mask you will need 50 grams. ground coffee and 2 tablespoons olive oil. It is necessary to thoroughly mix the ingredients and apply to the desired areas of the skin. If you have dry skin that needs hydration, this is your method. The good thing about it is that you can immediately “kill two birds with one stone” - moisturize your skin and get a tan of the desired shade.

It is necessary to boil 1 liter of water and pour in the dry collection of string or chamomile in the amount of 7-9 tablespoons (the strength of the brew will affect the shade). When the broth is infused, it is necessary to strain it through cheesecloth and then wipe the body. The procedure can be carried out every day until you achieve the desired result.

Video: how to apply self-tanner at home without stains

Apply self-tanner correctly at home - it's not so difficult. The main thing is to know a few secrets about this product for caring for the beauty of your body, which we will talk about in our article.

It just so happens that the vast majority of girls and women experience great difficulty in correctly applying self-tanning to their bodies at home. By the way, there are several types of self-tanning, each of which is applied in its own unique way. There are three types of self-tanning:

  • napkins.

Self-tanning spray is the most common form of cosmetic product. Most often, applying the spray to the body without streaks is very problematic, and all because many people do it incorrectly. We suggest you take note of a few recommendations that will help you apply spray tan correctly on your body, face and legs without streaks.

    Before applying self-tanner to your body, take care of exfoliation. Use a body scrub to remove dead skin cells. This will help even out the texture of your skin, allowing your self-tanner to apply more evenly.

    Before using a self-tanning spray, it is recommended to test its effect on a small area of ​​the skin in the least visible place.

    The skin must be perfectly clean and dry before applying self-tanning. Before doing this, it is best to take a bath and then wipe your body dry.

    Cover your body with self-tanner evenly and as quickly as possible so that there is not too much contrast when the colors change.

    When applying self-tanner, use rubber gloves or remember to immediately wash your hands with soap and water after finishing the process.

    It is not recommended to wear clothes or go outside for an hour after applying self-tanning. The self-tanner will fully appear after 3-4 hours.

As for self-tanning cream, it is best to use it on the body, but not on the face, otherwise you risk looking like Othello. Recommendations for applying self-tanning cream are the same as for spray.

But self-tanning wipes are a relatively new invention by cosmetologists. One napkin allows you to treat the face, neck and part of the décolleté, which is a very economical option compared to cream or spray. Self-tanning wipes are very easy to use. It is impossible to apply this self-tanner incorrectly, since there are no streaks when using wipes. However, it is best to start applying self-tanner on an area of ​​the body that is not constantly visible to see how evenly the tan applies. Only after this can you start applying self-tanning to your face.

Whatever self-tanning product you choose, you should always apply it only to clean, dry skin! Also pay attention to the composition of the self-tanner and make sure that you will not have an allergic reaction. In the videos below you will find the most clear instructions for applying self-tanning.

Golden skin tone always looks fresh and attractive. Luckily, you no longer have to wait until summer to get a beautiful tan. With the help of self-tanning, you can maintain a dark skin color all year round - but the choice of self-tanning should be taken seriously, because, like any other cream, it remains on the skin for a long time. Also, do not forget about the rules for applying self-tanning so that it looks as natural as possible.

How to apply self-tanner correctly?

Auto-bronzants are available in the form of cream, mousse, lotion and spray. Which release form is right for you is an individual question. Before using the product you choose, be sure to do a sensitivity test. Automotive bronzers contain many specific substances that can cause irritation and even serious allergies. Also, if you are using self-tanner for the first time, it is best to test the shade of the product first.

Sometimes self-tanning appears as a bright orange color that looks foreign on the skin. To carry out the test, apply a small amount of cream to the inside of your forearm and rub in thoroughly. After a few hours, look at the reaction and skin color, and then decide whether the product is right for you or not. For a perfectly uniform and natural tan, there are also rules for applying bronzers.

It’s not enough to buy bronzer - you also need to know how to apply it!

  • Before applying auto-bronzant, it is important to exfoliate the stratum corneum of the skin so that the product is distributed as evenly as possible. Use a scrub with visible abrasive particles, and after peeling, be sure to apply a moisturizing lotion or cream to the skin.
  • If you have very dry skin, you need to prepare in advance to apply bronzer, otherwise the tan will appear patchy. For several days before the procedure, nourish the skin with rich creams and exfoliate the top layer with a soft scrub.
  • Elbows and knees are two areas that need special attention. The skin in these places is always rougher and rougher. When applying auto-bronzant to your skin, lubricate your elbows and knees with a generous layer of rich cream. This technique will help distribute the tanner evenly and prevent dark spots from appearing.
  • To apply self-tanning, it is better to use special gloves, otherwise your palms will become stained and will be difficult to wash. If the product kit did not come with mittens, you can use thin nitrile gloves.
  • Auto-bronzant should be applied to the body quickly, thoroughly rubbing it into the skin. If certain areas of the body dry later than others, the tan will appear unevenly.
  • The best option for applying self-tanning is a two-step process. The first stage involves applying the product in a thick layer. After developing a tan, you need to rinse in the shower without detergent, and then reapply the auto-bronzant, but in a thinner layer. The result will be a rich and uniform golden color.
  • After applying self-tanner, it is better not to wear clothes for an hour, otherwise the fabric may become stained.

Features of applying self-tanning to the face

Of course, you can use bronzing powder or dark foundation, but for the “bare skin” effect, you should apply a special tanning product to your face. If you follow our recommendations for applying auto-bronzant, your face will look healthy and rested.

  1. Do not use a self-tanner intended for the body or a universal self-tanner on your face. The facial product is radically different in composition: it contains caring ingredients that moisturize the face, prevent pores from becoming clogged and protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Before applying self-tanner, thoroughly cleanse your face and gently exfoliate. Use tonic and nourishing cream. Apply the auto-bronzant to the skin without touching the area around the eyes - this way you will hide bruises and bags under the eyes and make your face look fresher.
  3. It is better to apply self-tanner with a soft sponge, using light blotting movements. With this technique, the tanning product will lie in an even layer and will be absorbed much faster.

Remember: self-tanning is healthier than the aggressive and aging sun! But you should not constantly use auto-bronzants, otherwise the skin will not be able to breathe and rashes will appear on it. Do not forget that artificial tanning products contain alcohol, which dries the skin, so if you use self-tanning for a long time, regularly moisturize your skin with lotions and creams.

Do you use self-tanner or want to try it? Today we will try to choose the most effective one based purely on the girls’ reviews.

In today's post about beauty, we focus on such a popular beauty industry product as self-tanning. Some people like to use it, others don’t, preferring a solarium or natural tanning in the sun. Some say that it is harmful, others say that it smells unpleasant, although doctors prefer this type of tanning. Today we will try to figure out which home self-tanning is the most effective today: it is easy to apply, lasts a long time, does not run and does not “smell”.

Home self-tanning

How to Apply Self Tanner

Invariable rules for applying self-tanning at home:

- Be sure to shower before applying.

— Use a special body scrub to gently exfoliate dead skin cells.

- Dry the skin well.

— It is better to apply self-tanning using special gloves (mittens). Although you can do without them.

— Many people advise applying less self-tanning to your knees, elbows and ankles, as they tan faster and more intensely. Another option is to apply moisturizer to them initially.

- Be sure to wait until completely absorbed.

Self-tanning at home

Now let's look at self-tanning and its types.

Do you want the bronze of the summer sun to appear on your skin in a matter of minutes? This is where bronzer comes in handy. But keep in mind that this tan goes away as quickly as it appears. Of course, self-tanning is another matter. But this is an option for the patient. It may take from several hours to several days until the desired shade appears.

Cosmetologists prefer lotions and creams, while sprays often leave stains. Almost all self-tanners contain alcohol, which dries out the skin greatly. Therefore, make sure that the product you choose also contains skin moisturizing components.

The best self-tanner reviews

And now we present to you the names of the best self-tanners, according to buyers and beauty bloggers too. We selected and sorted all information and reviews manually. This is not an advertisement! Girls note a lot of advantages of these self-tanners, but this does not mean that there are no disadvantages at all. Again, it all depends on your individual characteristics.

1) Lumene Natural Bronze. The resulting tone is very natural, without a strong odor. Great for one-time use, for example, you need to tan for one evening. Cons: not intense enough, will not give a bronze chocolate tan.

2) Kolastyna. Very beautiful natural tanning effect. Nice smell and price. Cons: small tube.

3) Nivea self-tanning lotion Sun touch “Touch of Summer”. Beautiful color, pleasant smell, moisturizes very well. Cons: a little sticky, takes a long time to dry.

4) Nivea tanning lotion “Kiss of the Sun”. Smells delicious and easy to apply. Very beautiful natural tan shade. Cons: doesn't wash off well, some people don't like the smell.

5) L"OREAL Sublime bronze. Natural natural shade, instant effect. Cons: fades, price.

6) Floresan self-tanning milk. Quickly absorbed, natural tan, beautiful long-lasting shade, affordable price. Cons: smell.

7) Cosmetics XXI. Instantly absorbed, uniform shade without streaks or streaks. Price. Disadvantages: slightly yellowish, you can't do without gloves.

8) Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess. Natural color, easy application, pleasant smell. Cons: uneconomical, washes off quickly.

9) Eveline Self-tanning cream. Super price, beautiful even tan, moisturizes. Cons: washes off unevenly.

10) Belita Self-tanning gel "Solaris" with sea buckthorn oil. Easy to apply, natural tan, price. Cons: smell, sometimes stains.

We have listed 10 inexpensive means to tan your skin without visiting a solarium. According to the majority, and this is about 70% of women who tested these products, with the correct application of one of the selected ones, you can easily get the best self-tanning at home. Well, if you do not agree with this opinion or you have your own “best self-tanner,” please leave comments below.

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