Basenji. A dog that can't bark. A breed of dog that does not bark. The Basenji is a dog breed that never barks.

Among the huge variety of breeds, there are completely unique representatives of the dog tribe, the origin and pedigree features of which are shrouded in a mass of rumors and half-true legends. One of these dogs is the basenji, whose homeland is West and Central Africa, is known to most dog lovers because it does not know how to make the usual dog bark at all and, like a cat, washes its face with its paw.

The history of the breed has more than 6 thousand years.

In the mountains of the African continent, the oldest rock paintings depicting hunting scenes with the participation of unique dogs are still preserved. The civilization of Ancient Egypt was also familiar with these animals, brought by priests from the lower reaches of the Nile as a gift to high-ranking nobles. In ancient burials, mummified remains of dogs are still found, wrapped in expensive bedspreads, with collars decorated with precious stones.

Basenji belong to an ancient primitive type of dog that appeared and evolved without human intervention. The forest dog from the Congo appears to have common ancestry with the wild dog dingo, the native dogs of Australia and Papua New Guinea, and the Indian pariah animals.

Initially, the Basenji belonged to the only tribe of pygmies in Africa, who hunted monkeys, pygmy antelopes and giant cane rats weighing up to 10 kg with the help of dogs. Subsequently, through natural exchange, some puppies of this breed ended up in other African tribes and, under the influence of external factors, somewhat changed their appearance.

To date, there are two breed types:

  • Forest (or pygmy dog), characterized by short stature, stockiness and dark coat color with a small amount white color.
  • Plains (Azande dog), whose representatives are more high-legged, with light hair and eyes.

For the first time in Europe, the Basenji appeared at the end of the 19th century at the Craft World Exhibition.

The dog was declared as a jungle dog or Congo terrier. The breed received its current name in 1937. Translated from the common dialect of African peoples, this means "a dog jumping up and down." Those who have closely associated with the breed cannot but agree with this name. When running, the animal literally flies over the grass. If the thickets are high, the basenjis, in order to survey the area, make vertical jumps, like a ball, appearing and disappearing in the thick grass.

Until recently, red-white, tricolor and brindle, recognized as recently as 2000, were considered standard breed colors. The silky thick coat of the basenji does not smell and has practically no undercoat, so dogs of this breed, with rare exceptions, do not cause allergies. Another distinctive feature attracts attention - having great cleanliness, they not only completely lick themselves, but also wash themselves like a cat with their paw.

Basenjis can't bark at all.

This is explained by the unique structure of the larynx of animals - the thickenings on their vocal cords are almost flat, which makes the usual dog barking physically impossible. This feature once again confirms the antiquity of the origin of these dogs - today only they, and wild dingo dogs, have preserved such a feature. However, this breed cannot be called silent. Dogs are constantly whining, squealing, howling or laughing like hyenas. Depending on the emotions experienced, all basenjis emit characteristic pedigree rolls, which are another feature of the breed.

The bright unusual appearance of the basenji never goes unnoticed.

IN Lately, experiencing the peak of their popularity, dogs of this breed are increasingly in the hands of people who have a poor idea of ​​the nature of animals. Despite their relatively small stature, the Basenji cannot be called a decorative dog. Strong, smart, strong-willed and fearless kids, behind which there are several hundred generations of harsh African hunters, are distinguished by their independent disposition and rationality.

In memory of the breed's hunting past, the dogs have a very strong pursuit instinct. Often, chasing a cat or a stray dog, the animals do not hear the prohibitive commands of the owner and die under the wheels of cars. Therefore, it is undesirable to let the pet off the leash in the city.

At home, these mischievous little imps tend to steal food.(in their opinion, however, this is quite equivalent to hunting prey), damage to things and various innocent and not very pranks. To direct the indefatigable energy of these dogs in the right direction, it is recommended to take long walks with them, engage in sports training or run after a mechanical hare.

In relation to the owner, the basenji shows touching tenderness and affection.

Dog owners claim that their pets have a magical aura and charm. That is why rarely anyone is limited to one dog. As a rule, after a couple of years, a second and then a third dog appears in the house. These animals get along well in a flock of both their own kind and other domestic animals.

However, you should not buy this dog just for the sake of exotic external data.

The owner and the dog of this breed must be on the same wavelength, understand and accept each other as they really are, without the desire to change or remake something in the partner. Having believed a person, the basenji will gladly open the world of love and affection before him.

Look into the eyes of these dogs - from there, ancient wise Africa will look at you, as it was from the beginning of time. And, having been captured by these deep mysterious eyes, you will forever fall ill with an incurable disease called basenji.

Natasha Sherwood

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The Basenji is a unique dog that does not bark. This is its feature, which is why it is also called silent. With this and other properties, the breed has interested dog breeders and those who dream of an active and intelligent pet. The breed is also hypoallergenic due to its short coat and small size. Dogs do not smell like the rest of their brethren. They are reputed to be clean and wash themselves like cats.

Basenji - a dog that does not bark

The Basenji, or Basenji, is an aboriginal primitive dog breed from Africa that has existed for many millennia.

The inhabitants of ancient Egypt thought that the basenji brings happiness and good luck. Therefore, they were given to the pharaohs. The mummified remains of the animal were found in Egyptian tombs and burials of Ancient Nubia (now Sudan). Even on parchments and frescoes that have survived to this day, dogs are depicted, their appearance is very reminiscent of the Basenji.

They were first seen outside of Africa in 1905. They were brought to the Berlin Zoo as exotic animals. A quarter of a century later, they appeared in the UK, at the same time, cynologists developed a standard that is still valid today.

Despite its centuries-old existence, the breed attracted the attention of specialists only in 1937. The reason for this was an exhibition in the USA, where the dog was exhibited as a Congo Terrier. A little later, a couple of basenjas were brought to the States, after which they gradually spread throughout the world.

Basenji, though silent, but make quite loud sounds, like a screech. They give voice when excited. The inability to bark, like other dogs, was explained by the natives as a legend. According to legend, animals once had the gift of speech. But one day the leader of the dog pack overheard a secret conversation of people. In order not to betray what they heard, he and his brothers took an eternal vow of silence.

Video - How the basenji barks

Characteristics of the breed

Basenji attract people with their aristocratic appearance, lack of barking and smell. The breed was formed in the natural environment, and the person did not take part in this process. The way of life and living conditions have given the animal smooth, long muscles that provide freedom of movement and excellent coordination. Representatives of the breed have lively facial expressions due to wrinkles between the ears.

Table 1. Stanbasenji darts

ScullFlat, refined, cheekbones - narrow
BiteFull, scissor, with vertical position of teeth
EyesDark, almond-shaped, slightly slanting, giving a sly expression to the muzzle.
EarsNot big size, upright, without kinks, with a slight inclination forward. When the ears are brought together, wrinkles form on the forehead.
NeckStrong, long
FrameThe back is straight, the chest part is oval, the ribs are protruding, the stomach is tucked up, the lumbar part is short
TailTightly twisted, forming a ring, high and close to the sacrum
LegsStrong, muscular, with closed fingers, rounded paws
wool coverShort, fine and soft coat lying close to the skin
Height WeightMale - 43 cm / 11 kg, female - 40 cm / 9.5 kg

basenji color

The FCI recognizes four types of colors for the Congo Terrier:

  • red-white;
  • bright black with white;
  • deep black with red-red tan, white shade “melon seeds”, spots above the eye sockets, on the muzzle and cheekbones (tricolor);
  • red with black stripes, brighter combinations (brindle) are considered winning.

Since we are talking about an aboriginal breed, the palette is not limited to the options described above. In nature, there are such types of color:

  • black-backed with a black mask;
  • pale yellow;
  • blue.

On a note! A common feature for all variations is white spotting on the toes and the tip of the tail. However, the main color should occupy a larger body area than white.


These terriers are distinguished by cunning, charm, they are unsurpassed pranksters who need training.

Anyone who gets a basenji must understand that this is not a service or decorative, but a hunting breed of dog. It is important to establish a trusting relationship with her and treat her as a friend, not a subordinate. You should also stock up on a lot of patience to cope with character traits. Since in nature they are pack animals, they need to be made clear that a person is a leader whose commands should be followed. Basenjis learn well when rewarded with play or treats. This fact is especially taken into account when working with young individuals.

One of the difficulties of the breed is the frequent distraction of the dog from the task at hand. Learned skills are recommended to be repeated in different life situations and conditions so that they are better remembered.

Attention! You should not expect the same obedience from the Basenji as from service breeds. In order for the dog to complete the command or the task, it must be interested.

Motivation is also a difficult task. Pets quickly lose interest in toys - balls, frisbees, if a bicycle or another dog appears nearby. For them, only two things are relevant: running and food.

Rudeness and cruelty when working with the breed are unacceptable - the pet may be offended. After that, you will have to establish contact again, and this is not easy to do the first time. For an animal, there is no worse punishment than ignoring the owner and the command “Place!”.

You can not let the dog's upbringing take its course or make half-hearted efforts. When complete freedom of action is presented, they take advantage of this and eventually stop listening to the owner.

When the puppy reaches the age of three months, it is recommended to look for training courses. In the pack, he will be better able to endure training and learn skills. Obedience courses will be next, then general training.

Character and habits

Basenjis are wonderful companions. They are active, suitable for coursing and agility.

Attention! Without sufficient walking, home comfort is in danger of being destroyed. Excess energy will be directed to interior items and the inhabitants of the house themselves.

The basenjas still have a highly developed hunter's instinct, they are quite fast. Since nature did not endow them with the ability to bark, they do everything silently. Because of this, the knowledge of the dog, its character, as well as the selection of a method of education is somewhat difficult.

These are savages. The thirst for hunting is so great that it is impossible to satisfy it. Their purpose is to drive game into a trap. In urban areas, moving bicycles, cars, runners, and other animals become the object of persecution. And the person who has got such a dog will have to deal with it by training. Therefore, during the walk, the pet is kept on a leash. Otherwise, due to mobility and thirst for pursuit, he may die under the wheels of a car.

Basenjis are shy, and in their fear they are guided by the owner. Therefore, a person with extraneous sounds needs to pretend that he does not notice anything. Aggression that dogs can show is defensive in nature.

These pets are unemotional, do not flaunt their feelings. Therefore, one should not expect a joyful greeting from the owner after every five-minute parting. Despite their small size, they are agile and agile dogs. A person who enters into a fight with an adult will be defeated. Therefore, early socialization is of particular importance.

With other animals and children

Congo Terriers get irritated in the presence of other dogs, but easily put rivals in their place. At the same time, they easily get along with representatives of other breeds in the same territory, provided that they were taken into the house as a second pet or if someone is added to puppies under the age of one year. But the adult will not tolerate such changes in its environment. It is especially difficult to make friends with a representative of the same breed and the same sex.

Basenjis are playful and agile animals.

These animals do not have the character traits necessary to look after babies. They get along with children only if they do not tease and torment the animal.

Basenji diseases

The dog is distinguished by strong immunity, which affects life expectancy. So, with normal care, representatives of the Nyam Nyam Terrier live an average of 13.6 years. But this breed also has characteristic diseases.

Fanconi syndrome

Such violations in the work of the kidneys lead to death. The first symptoms (thirst, frequent emptying of the bladder) may appear only in the terminal stage. Mostly individuals aged 4-7 years are ill. During the examination, they reveal an increased level of sugar in the urine while maintaining normal concentrations of the substance in the blood.


This is the short name for inadequate absorption of nutrients. The condition is characterized by the evacuation of contents from the small intestine before the body receives the necessary nutrients. The disease is manifested by constant diarrhea and weight loss. In the latest generations of the breed, malabsorption is less common.

Hemolytic anemia

In hemolytic anemia, the genes that provide the synthesis of the enzyme pyruvate kinase are affected. The substance is responsible for the normal activity of red blood cells. Life expectancy with this diagnosis is only three years or so.


With insufficient thyroid function, excess weight occurs, the condition of the skin and coat worsens. The dog looks weak, swelling appears on the body, the temperature drops. With hypothyroidism, the ability to reproduce is lost, anemia occurs.

hip dysplasia

DTS is an articular disease in which the acetabulum is underdeveloped, which leads to a deterioration in the musculoskeletal function - lameness or disability. The defect is corrected by surgical methods involving joint replacement. This disease in Basenji is also detected more often, although the pathology is more characteristic of large and giant breeds.

Umbilical hernia

Violation is congenital or acquired due to overload, malnutrition, causing increased gas formation. A hernia appears as a small mobile swelling. If timely treatment is not carried out, tissue necrosis and sepsis may occur due to infringement of the contents of the omentum or intestinal loop.


Coloboma is an anomaly associated with the partial absence of the eye iris or its insufficient thickness. Congo Terriers are characterized by coloboma of the choroid, combined with coloboma of the retina. In this case, visual function is impaired. Such individuals are surgically deprived of the ability to produce offspring.

Persistent pupillary membrane

In this pathology, web-like fibers, or persistent membranes, cross the pupil, thereby connecting opposite sides of the iris ring. In severe cases, the eye takes on a bluish tint. Dogs with this defect are not used for breeding.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy

These are defects in the retina that cause loss of vision over time. Previously, pathology was rarely recorded, but the number of carriers of such a gene is increasing.

Video - All about the basenji breed

Breed care

Basenji needs clothes. Therefore, for the winter period, he needs overalls for walking in the fresh air. They are protected from cold and drafts. At the same time, high summer temperatures are well tolerated, without interfering with walks and fun even in the midday heat.

Attention! Nyam Nyam Terriers are afraid of water. Therefore, it is forbidden to force them to swim. According to one version, the phobia is laid down at the genetic level due to the fear of crocodiles.

Due to water intolerance, bathing is also contraindicated. Hair should be combed out periodically. If necessary, the body is wiped with wet wipes. They also perform standard hygiene procedures for the care of the oral cavity and ears.


Make sure you get enough physical activity. It is good to find an area where free range is possible, without a leash, so that the pet can throw out its energy. A great option is to take the dog with you for a run, travel through the forest, hiking. Long walks do not tire the animal at all. Basenjis that get enough exercise are nice and quiet at home.


The dog should eat only from his bowl, otherwise he develops a bad habit of digging on the master's table. The dishes are placed at a sufficient height so as not to spoil the exterior of the pet.

The constant availability of fresh drinking water - filtered or bottled - is essential. Tap water causes plaque and stomach problems in dogs. The main part of the diet is meat. Allowed raw and boiled beef, chicken, turkey. Twice a week the dog is offered an egg.

Attention! Basenjis love to eat, and in this occupation they do not know the limits. In the absence of proper education, they steal food from the table and even take it away from children. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not eat carrion while walking.

If there is not enough knowledge on menu preparation, ready-made feeds can be used. Wish they were premium. These are the brands Hills, Royal Canin, Pro Plan, Brit and others. It is permissible to reduce the share of dry products in favor of canned food. A dog can be pampered with raw and boiled meat, bones, special biscuits, etc. But their share should not exceed 10% of the total food.

Dogs, including basenjis, are contraindicated in eating from a human table. This is especially true of salinity, spices, sausages and confectionery.

Basenji, though "silent", but not everyone likes. For character traits, the breed was classified as one of the most naughty. But most owners are delighted with their pets. In the person of this cute animal, they find a true friend who is ready to keep company both on a walk and at home.

As soon as it was not called: mute dog, Congo terrier, Congo bush dog. She was known for 5000 years only in Africa, and then showed herself to Europe and won millions of hearts. Basenji is the pet of pharaohs and kings.

Male dimensions: height at the withers - 40-43 cm, body length - 40-43 cm, weight - 10-11 kg.

Bitch sizes: height at the withers - 37-40 cm, body length - 37-40 cm, weight - 8.5-9.5 kg.

Color: red, black, brindle, tricolor (black with reddish-tan markings). With any color of the paws, the tip of the tail and chest should be white according to the standard. White head markings and white paws are acceptable. White should not be the main color in the coat. All colors of the color should have a rich, bright shade and clear boundaries for changing shades.

Additional characteristics: a medium-sized dog with strong bones that appears light and graceful. The ears are erect, and the tail is slightly twisted, the eyes are dark. Doesn't bark.

History of the African barking dog

It is believed that the basenji is the most ancient dog breed in the world. Some cynologists do not agree with this statement, but we can say for sure that it applies to the 14 oldest dog breeds, which are the least genetically distinct from wolves.

It is believed that the Basenji originated on the African continent, in the Congo, but there is some evidence that her ancestors arrived there from East Asia. Basenji connoisseurs say that they have the genes of Chinese wolves or their relatives from Southeast Asia in their blood.

In Africa, they have been known for several thousand years; drawings have been found in the tombs of the pharaohs, where dogs, strikingly similar to modern basenjis, sit at the feet of their owners. There were also basenji mummies, which indicates their high status. Egyptians hunted with representatives of the breed, they were considered unsurpassed beaters.

Europeans first encountered the breed in 1895 in the Congo, so one of the names given at the beginning was Congo bush dog.

At the beginning of the century, the Basenji was taken to the Berlin Zoo to be presented there as an exotic animal. Cynological associations recognized this breed only in 1943, from which its modern history began.

Notable owners:

  • King of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej
  • Queen Mother of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Julia
  • King Farouk of Egypt (1940s)

Character and temperament

The owner must earn the trust of the dog. These are independent and proud animals, but they will give all their love to their friend. It is not enough for the Basenji to just be fed and watered, to have a couch and toys, these Congolese beauties should feel like part of the family.

They have a highly developed hunting instinct, so many owners are careful to ensure that the dog does not have the opportunity to run away, chasing "prey".

Important fact: basenjis never bark. They can whine, growl, squeal, make sounds similar to screams, but these sounds rarely escape from them, so it is pointless to use them as a house guard.

basenji and man

For all its restless and restless nature, the basenji is an ideal companion for those who are ready to respect her. She fits active people who are looking for in their pet not slavish obedience, but partnerships. This breed is absolutely not suitable for older people: it requires a lot of attention and long walks.

Attachment to a person is in the blood of the Congo Terrier, because for 5000 years they have developed alongside people!

They need to be part of the life of the owner, to be able to communicate with him. A representative of the breed, due to its playful disposition, will become a playmate for a restless child, but parents must be sure that the baby will not offend the dog. The proud basenji will not tolerate bullying: tail dragging and pinching are excluded!

Can they get along with another pet in the house? A pair of basenjis of different sexes will get along well together, interaction with another breed will depend on the nature of both dogs. It is unlikely that she will be able to become a friend to a cat: her hunting instincts prevent her from making friends with an animal of a different species.

The ideal location would be Vacation home with a large yard, but nothing prevents you from having a basenji in the city, provided that the owner is not too lazy to walk with her at least twice a day for an hour.

With a lack of physical activity, pets have destructive impact on the apartment: they tear up wallpaper, gnaw on furniture, like to chew on household things and shoes. This can be avoided by providing the dog with a sufficient level of physical activity. It will be great if the owner has the opportunity to indulge the hunting instincts.

clean, many owners say that they found their dogs washing themselves with their paws, like cats. Grooming is not required.

Education and training

It is worth saying that this non-barking breed is suitable exclusively for people who have experience raising dogs. Dr. Stanley Coren published an article about , which awarded these dogs 78 out of 79, but it was based on the response of dogs to commands. Many dog ​​handlers retort to him that the basenji is just enough stubborn, they do not always respond to commands the first time.

Basenji requires a lot of attention and individual approach in training. The owner has to break it stubbornness and put yourself in the place of the leader of the pack. well trained in a playful way. Brute force during training is excluded. It is important to start training from the moment the puppy first got into the house.

Sometimes they defiantly ignore instructions from people. Even after careful training, the Congo Terrier will not always obey.

That doesn't make the basenji a bad pet, it just inclined to check whether the owner has lost his leadership. It is worth reminding him of the primacy of man, but without rudeness and cruelty. If the new owner doubts his ability to raise a dog, then you need to turn to professional handlers who will help to cope with the exceptional stubbornness of the pet.

Major diseases

Average Basenji lives 10-14 years while maintaining its activity. There are a number of diseases that this breed is prone to:

  • Fanconi syndrome. Kidney disease that affects the normal processing of sugars and proteins. Most often diagnosed at 4-7 years of age. Previously considered fatal, but today there are treatments for the syndrome. The offspring of some breeders are more susceptible to the disease, although it has not been scientifically proven that the syndrome is transmitted genetically.
  • hemolytic anemia. It mainly affects puppies. Incurable, mortality - 100%. Reliable breeders test for the presence of the disease and do not sell puppies with identified signs of the disease.
  • coloboma. Cleft of the iris of the eye. Most often it is a hereditary factor. Individuals diagnosed with coloboma are not allowed for further breeding.
  • In Russia there are several kennels of the breed and the geography is very wide: a dog can be bought from Moscow to Vladivostok.

    When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the reputation of the kennel or breeder, try to find out if there were sick puppies in earlier litters from these parents. The puppy should be well-fed and active. If possible, look at both parents. The puppy should not have discharge from the nose and ears.

    Puppy price: 20 000 60 000 rubles

    Photo of the breed

    A selection of photos of charming dogs of the Basenji breed.


To the question Which dogs can't bark? given by the author furious the best answer is There is a breed called the Basenji.
The first images of a basenji-like dog were found in Egyptian burials that date back to the third millennium BC. e. These dogs, which are also called Congolese, were brought to Europe in 1934. Then English dog breeders improved this breed, and the Basenji spread throughout the world.
Description. At first glance, this dog gives the impression of being cheerful and cheerful, but the wrinkles on the forehead give it the appearance of a thoughtful old man. Height: 42.5 cm - male and 40 cm - female. Weight from 9.9 to 10.8 kg. These dogs have a flat skull, pointed muzzle, and a black or pinkish nose. The eyes are brown, almond-shaped. The ears are straight and point forward. The tail is twisted into two rings, lies on the back from the side of one of the sides. The thighs are muscular. The coat is short and silky. Color reddish with white spots. The skin is loose. The gait is light, like a horse.
Cheerful, devoted, patient with children. Dogs are very clean, they do not smell at all. Basenji has another rare quality for dogs: he does not bark at all.
In Africa, these dogs are used as guides through the jungle to warn their owners of the approach of wild animals, and also as hunters of small animals. In Europe and America, the Basenji is considered an excellent decorative dog.

Answer from Hair[guru]
The Basenji is a breed that is approximately 5000 years old. Basenji is a dog that does not bark. The Basenji is an African hunting dog. Here is what people mostly know about this rare breed. The history of this breed goes back centuries. Basenji are depicted on bas-reliefs in the tombs of the pharaohs, their figurines were found, dogs were also found in the tombs of the pharaohs. These dogs were buried with amazing honors. In the tomb, not far from the sarcophagus, there were carefully embalmed basenjis. The mummies of these dogs were wrapped in silk and adorned with precious stones. But the homeland of these dogs is not Egypt, but central Africa. Warriors or travelers from the lower reaches of the Nile took these dogs with them as precious gifts. In the middle of the 19th century, researchers discovered these dogs in the Congo and South Sudan. The first dogs were brought to England in 1895. But, alas, they died, being unable to cope with the diseases that the Old World awarded them. The second attempt in 1937 was successful. And Europe recognized the Basenji (a forest dog from the Congo) or as they were also called the African Forest Dog, the Lagos Forest Dog, the Bongo Terrier, the Congo Terrier, the Nyam-Nyam-Nyam Terrier. After Kraft's exhibition in 1937, the breed was recognized as a Basenji. Since 1941, these dogs have been bred in the USA. There are large nurseries in Sweden and Finland. In Russia, dogs appeared recently. But to the delight of lovers and connoisseurs of the breed, they can already be seen in Russia. The dogs of our kennel live in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and in Cherepovets, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg. and in other cities. You can read many versions of the origin of the breed, but they are all just assumptions. Here is one of the versions: basenji (a forest dog from the Congo) inhabiting the territories of the Congo, Sudan, Liberia; similar dogs are found in the Malay jungle and north of Kathmandu. There is an opinion, based on appearance, that the Basenji is descended from spitz-shaped dogs, but others believe that this breed is descended from Central African pariah dogs. These dogs were also found in the Congo, South Sudan. Much can be said about appearance and temperament. Those who had the opportunity to communicate with this breed find many unusual moments for themselves that distinguish basenjis from other dogs or common features with dogs that are completely different in appearance. And the shape of the paw is different from all dogs. It is like a jackal, that is, the pads of the 2 central fingers are fused at the base. Basenji - dogs below average height (height at withers for males 43 cm, weight 11 kg, for females - 40.5 cm and weight 9.5 kg). This is a slender graceful dog with light bones, with an aristocratic posture, long-legged, slightly shortened format, with a high set neck. The head has a flat forehead of medium width, the muzzle is sharp, rather long, tapering towards the tip of the nose, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is barely noticeable. The ears are pointed, erect, slightly inclined forward, set high. When the ears are alert, the forehead is covered with expressive wrinkles. The tail is set very high, so that the buttocks are noticeably further than its base. It is tightly twisted into one or two rings and tightly pressed to the sacrum or thigh. The coat is short, smooth and close fitting. The color is distinctly black and white, red and white, tricolor, brindle, but in all colors white paws, chest, often neck and always the tip of the tail. The dog is very harmonious, graceful. The behavior is rather excitable, the character is sweet and affectionate towards a person; the dog is curious and mischievous, but tends to fight with dogs. A basenji will not make a cute "pillow" dog. This is a very independent animal. The dog is very energetic, stubborn, with great self-esteem.

Answer from ? [email protected]@lie?[guru]
The African breed of the Basenji dog cannot bark. Basenji surprisingly harmonious and graceful. This dog is an amazing example of natural beauty, achieved not by a special well-thought-out selection of mankind, but by the harmony of appearance and inner content carried through five millennia. This is the very simplicity that they say - genius. These dogs differ in that they do not know how to bark. They are not silent, they can growl, squeal, express their feelings by snorting or melodic howling, but you will not hear barking. At the moment of the highest emotional peak, you can hear a sound similar to the Tyrolean yodel. The reason for this is a different structure of the vocal cords. At home in the Congo, South Sudan, dogs of this breed are used as driven hunting dogs for small game. A hunter who has several dogs of this breed is considered a very wealthy person. Basenjis are very good for keeping in the house, since their short hair does not require complex care, the dog itself is very clean, it even washes like a cat - with its paw. This is another mystery of the basenji. She is very mimic, emotional and sociable. The Basenji is a primitive, natural breed that has existed for a long time without human control. And even now, in the homeland of the Basenji, in Africa, nothing has changed in their lives. Basenjis are independent, self-confident and tend to build their relationship with a person on the basis of mutual trust, understanding, and mutual consent. The Basenji has so far retained a number of features inherent in wild animals. One of them - bitches of this breed flow once a year, mainly in autumn-winter, which is left as a legacy from Africa of their homeland. Thank you for this question.

There are a huge number of dog breeds in the world that have certain characteristic features by which they can surely be distinguished from others. Today we will talk about a dog that does not bark. That's what they call a dog of the Basenji or Congo Terrier breed. What this breed is, how to properly care for it, you will learn all this in this material.

The main characteristics of the Congo Terrier

In addition to being known as a Congo Terrier or Basenji, a dog that cannot bark is also known as a Congolese bush dog. The breed came from Africa and has been popular in Europe and Russia for many years.

The key characteristics of this breed, by which it can be accurately distinguished from others, are:

  • boys have withers about 43 cm, body length up to 43 cm and an average weight of about 11 kg;
  • the height at the withers in girls is on average about 40 cm, the body is about 40 cm long, the average weight of girls is about 9 kg;
  • Congo Terrier puppies may be tricolor(black, red and red), as well as brindle, red or black. Regardless of the general color, the paws, the tip of the tail and the breast of the dog are white. White markings on the head may also be observed, but this is not typical for all representatives of this breed. The white color does not stand out as the main one, and the remaining shades are saturated and have clear boundaries when they change;
  • the dog has a strong skeleton, which at the same time looks elegant to everyone;
  • the ears of a representative of this breed are;
  • the tail is slightly curled;
  • eye color is always dark;
  • the dog can't bark.

Many believe that the non-barking Basenji dogs are the oldest breed in the world, but some cynologists claim that this breed, although one of the oldest on Earth, is not the oldest.

As already mentioned, according to some reports, the Congo Terrier breed appeared in Africa, but there is evidence that it originally appeared in East Asia and only then it was brought to Africa. Basenji dogs were common in ancient Egypt, as evidenced by archaeological finds and rock art. Officially, this breed was registered only in the middle of the 20th century, when it became widespread in Europe.

Features of the behavior of a dog of this breed

Earning the trust of the Basenji is not so easy. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by independence and pride, but at the same time they love their owners in their own way. For the Basenji to be satisfied, it is not enough just to feed, drink and provide a place to play and sleep. They want to be full members of the family, so they should be given enough attention.

Dogs of the Congo Terrier breed have a very well developed hunter's instinct. Therefore, on a walk, you should carefully monitor that the dog does not chase potential prey, such as a cat.

The Congo Terrier does not know how to bark, but at the same time he can whine, squeal slightly, growl, but he rarely even makes such sounds. Dogs of this breed are not suitable as a home guard, as they will not be able to signal potential danger.

Who is the best fit for the basenji?

This breed of dog is suitable exclusively for those people who already have considerable experience in terms of raising pets. basenji are highly stubborn, so don't expect them to execute your command the first time.

But, despite its restless nature, Congo Terrier will quickly find a common language with someone who will perceive him as an equal to himself. Here are some tips for those considering it as a pet:

  • the Congo Terrier is a great friend for active people who perceive dogs as companions, and not someone who just follows commands;
  • you should not get a dog of this breed to elderly and inactive people, because she loves long walks and maximum attention to herself;
  • such a dog become a child's best friend and will play with him with pleasure, unless, of course, the child offends her;
  • the Congo Terrier does not tolerate bullying, remember this;
  • The Basenji gets along well with representatives of its own breed of the opposite sex, but living together with dogs of other breeds depends on the circumstances. It is highly undesirable to start a basenji when there is a cat in the house. They are unlikely to find a common language.

Basenji care features

Ideal conditions for keeping dogs of this breed is a large yard next to a country house. But, if you live in the city, then get ready for the fact that you will have to walk a lot and for a long time with your pet.

If a dog of this breed lacks physical activity, then it begins to show dissatisfaction in this way:

  • gnaws on furniture;
  • tears wallpaper;
  • chews things and shoes.

Well, if you create all the conditions so that your pet does not have to be bored in the apartment and walk and play with him enough, then all this will bypass you.

The Congo Terrier is clean, in some cases dogs even wash themselves like cats. The recommended diet is a balanced dry food or dry with wet in a proportional ratio of three to one.

Basenji training features

At first glance, it may seem that the basenji is poorly capable of training, but this is not at all the case. They simply require more attention during training and a special approach. The main thing for you is to break the stubbornness of your pet and make him learn.

For training, you should choose a game form, do not use brute force. Training should begin from the moment the puppy comes into your hands.

It will not be easy to prove something to your pet, because basenjis are always confident in their opinion and the correctness of their actions, they can ignore your instructions. But after a long training, he will learn to obey you and will do it all the time.

If you have become the happy owner of a puppy of this breed, but are not sure that you are able to properly raise him, invite professionals in their field who will help you overcome the stubbornness of your basenji friend.

What are the problems with Congo Terriers?

The average life expectancy of this breed of dog is 10 to 14 years. All these years they are equally active. The most common diseases characteristic of the basenji are:

  • Fanconi syndrome is a kidney disease that affects the ability to process proteins and sugar. Most often it affects dogs aged 4 to 7 years. Previously, the disease was not treated, but now veterinarians already have experience of its successful treatment. There is an opinion that disease is inherited, although there is no scientific confirmation of this;
  • hemolytic anemia, predominantly characteristic of puppies. Not subject to treatment;
  • coloboma, which is a cleft in the iris of the eye. Is transmitted by heredity;
  • joint dysplasia - requires surgical intervention, curable. But individuals with such a disease do not participate in divorce.

The average cost of a basenji in Russia

On the territory of Russia there are kennels where they breed dogs of this breed. They can be found throughout the country from Moscow to the Far East. Depending on the exterior and the title of the puppy's parents, its cost will be from 20 to 60 thousand rubles.

Before you go to the kennel in order to choose a puppy of this breed, pay attention to the following:

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