Beautiful poster for a girl’s birthday with your own hands: templates, ideas, photos. How to make a beautiful poster for a girl’s birthday with wishes, photos, and sweets? Master class “Sweet poster” for a birthday Poster for my daughter’s 15th birthday

Posters for children's birthdays for ages 1 year and older. Templates and tips for drawing wall newspapers.

Although in our age of speed we delegate many of our responsibilities to other people who are strangers to the child, reducing their influence is a feasible task for parents.

Give your child little but quality attention when you are 100% present with him, for his best interests and joy. As, for example, when preparing and celebrating his birthday.

One option is to create a birthday poster with your own hands.

Continuing the topic, today we will pay attention to children's wall newspapers.

Poster, wall newspaper for a child’s birthday made from sweets: ideas, photos, templates

Children love sweets, and parents try to dose them. An interesting original option for this is a wall newspaper, a poster with birthday sweets pasted on.

When creating it, consider a number of points:

  • Plot. Think it over in advance and prepare materials. For example, cut out your child’s favorite cartoon character from paper or draw him on whatman paper.
  • Main inscription. For example, the child’s name, the words “Happy Birthday.” They should attract attention and be bright.
  • Layout of sweets. Be sure to sketch it in a notebook before transferring it to a large sheet of paper.
  • Method of their fastening. Light ones - glue, heavy ones - secure with a stapler.
  • List of sweets and poems/slogans, their location.
  • Elements for decoration, for example, sparkles, pebbles, cut-out details, photographs of the hero of the occasion, ribbons, beads.

Your favorites can be used as sweet inserts on the poster:

  • candies and cookies
  • juice and chocolates
  • glazed cheese curds

The text for a wall newspaper can be:

  • classic poems
  • compliments with an emphasis on sweets
  • emphasis on talents and skills
  • advertising slogans
  • your poems
  • short fairy tale

The list of materials for creating a children's wall newspaper is as follows:

  • whatman
  • felt-tip pens
  • paints
  • tassels
  • scissors
  • pre-prepared sweets in wrappers
  • stapler
  • silicone glue
  • magazine clippings
  • elements for decoration

For inspiration, we add a photo of a number of ready-made wall newspapers for a child on his birthday.

Original ideas for translating your thoughts into a sweet poster:

  • book
  • puzzles
  • the name of the birthday person, collected from small candies
  • postcard

After viewing the photos of the finished posters above, you will get even more ideas for realizing your ideas and use the first ones as templates to create your own unique children's “sweet” posters.

Poster, wall newspaper for a child’s birthday with photographs: ideas, photos, templates

An original, hand-made poster with photographs.

If you have knowledge of specialized computer programs, you can easily combine it from photos and bright inscriptions. Then you just need to print the result and give it to the birthday person.

However, wall newspapers with pasted photographs and handwritten words “breathe” with great warmth.

Think about the topic. It will become the idea for the poster. For example:

  • in chronological order - from birth to the present day
  • about the achievements of the birthday boy - sports, artistic, musical
  • dreams of a child with wishes for their fulfillment
  • with an emphasis on a loving family of relatives and grandparents

In order not to let archival photographs fall under the scissors, scan them and print duplicates.

Below we add a photo of a number of ready-made children's birthday wall newspapers from photographs.

And a few more ready-made templates for creating your own posters:

Congratulatory poster, wall newspaper for a child’s birthday with wishes: ideas, photos, templates

Wishes are a mandatory attribute of a birthday, including for children.

In most types of greeting posters they are present in:

  • poetry
  • catchphrases
  • in separate words

Some ideas for posting wishes:

  • between drawings/photos/sweets
  • in pictures, for example, balls, carriages, windows, gift boxes
  • in a specially designated place - a large frame, occupying the lion's share of the congratulatory wall newspaper
  • under/in a glued three-dimensional part, for example, an envelope, a ball, a photograph, a gift box

Ready-made congratulatory wall newspapers with wishes to the child on his birthday:

ready-made children's poster template with birthday wishes, example

And templates for your own creativity:

How to draw a poster for a child's birthday?

Stock up:

  • Whatman paper
  • felt-tip pens, pencils, paints, pens
  • scissors and linear
  • eraser
  • auxiliary materials - magazines, photographs, decorative elements

Creation order:

  • on a rough draft, sketch out a sketch of the future wall newspaper,
  • determine the place for the main inscription and complete it,
  • take the brightest colors,
  • Using watercolor paints, also change the tone of the canvas to bright, but not too catchy, so that the main inscription remains visible,
  • decide on your wishes and their location,
  • draw/glue the plot of the poster,
  • If desired, decorate with ribbons and three-dimensional figures.

If you are fluent in design programs on a PC, draw a congratulatory poster for your child in electronic form or use ready-made templates. Supplement them with wishes, photographs, drawings at your discretion.

What poster to make for a 1 year old child's birthday?

The first holiday after the birth of a baby is an exciting and joyful event. Young mothers treat holiday preparations with special trepidation. Many people want to create an interesting and special poster for their little one’s birthday. And although the baby is unlikely to show interest in it, parents will be able to keep the wall newspaper as a family treasure and pass it on to their older child.

The most popular option is a poster with photos by month. Place them:

  • arbitrarily
  • on the template

In the second case, you will find wall newspapers with:

  • cartoon characters and photo windows
  • balls
  • place in the trailers
  • windows

Alternative poster options for a child’s first year:

  • with monthly dynamics of weight and height and a photo of the birthday boy in the center
  • with windows for wishes from guests, which they write in their own hand
  • according to the “who do I look like” template with photographs of mom, dad, grandparents or just parents in infancy
  • with a monthly indication of the baby’s skills and the heading “my achievements”
  • Memorable moments from life captured in photographs
  • your option

What poster to make for the birthday of a 2, 3, 4 year old child?

interesting wall newspaper for a girl on her second birthday

Children after one year will already be interested in birthday greeting posters.

Therefore, young parents take a responsible approach to their creation. For example:

  • in photo collage format
  • defining the development of skills and talents
  • taking as a basis a template with the child’s favorite cartoon characters
  • independently making a voluminous wall newspaper - with pasted animals, balloons
  • with sweets in moderation
  • congratulatory option with filled text or empty cells for guests to enter it in
  • an extended version of the “who do I look like” template with more photos of the birthday boy

What poster to make for the birthday of a 5, 6, 7 year old child?

Children of early school age will definitely be interested in a poster made by their parents for their birthday. Now your child can read it and look at pictures and photographs with pleasure.

Therefore, ideas for implementing such a wall newspaper would be:

  • from photographs of a child,
  • with a congratulatory poem and wishes pre-printed/written or added by guests on the day of the holiday,
  • on a template with your favorite cartoon characters,
  • montage of a photograph of the birthday boy and the body of a cartoon character,
  • wall newspaper made of sweets,
  • photo selection of memorable events from the moment of birth,
  • your creative option.

Texts of congratulations and birthday wishes for a child for a poster

If you know how to rhyme lines, then it will be easy for you to make a unique wish for your baby on his birthday.

Otherwise, use ready-made texts, for example, these:

ready-made congratulations in verse for a children's birthday poster

Parents wish every child the best and the most correct. Therefore, they try to please with attention, gifts and their joyful mood on this day.

If your baby is very young and does not yet appreciate the congratulatory poster, make it anyway. It adds joy and awakens the most tender and touching memories.

Video: how to draw a poster for a child’s birthday?

To please the birthday boy, and now you will find out how to do DIY birthday poster, which will add to your arsenal of creative ideas. With your own hands you can receive not just a unique, but also the most memorable gift, which is more valuable than even the most expensive souvenir. When it is not possible to buy an expensive, as they say, necessary gift, you can immerse yourself in creativity and come up with an interesting congratulation yourself.

DIY poster for daughter's birthday There can be several types, which are divided according to their content and execution. The most popular, of course, are the drawn versions, which use paints, felt-tip pens and pencils. With the development of the technical base, printed congratulation posters, which were previously created using computer programs, became widespread. Such posters may contain photographs, congratulatory inscriptions, and any magical landscapes, depending on your level of proficiency in graphic editors. In particular, you can make a humorous collage on the computer, where the birthday boy’s head will be “substituted” with various fairy-tale, popular characters.

A poster with many photo cards on which the most fun moments will be captured can be made on ordinary Whatman paper by first printing or selecting the necessary photos from the family archive.

Posters with sweets, as well as with secrets, deserve special attention, where you can not only express all the warm words and tender wishes to the birthday person, but also hide miniature gifts.

DIY sweet birthday poster

Nowadays there are very popular ideas for creating gifts from various sweets, so you will definitely like the option - sweet DIY birthday poster. Such an interesting gift will not only amuse and touch the birthday boy, but will also allow you to unleash your creative potential. By completing one such craft, you will immediately have ideas on how else you can congratulate your friends on the holidays.

Wall newspapers and various posters were popular 10-20 years ago, and, of course, back in Soviet times, when they were drawn for every holiday: employees were congratulated at work, teachers at school, etc. Over time, when a huge amount of various souvenir products appeared on the shelves, there was no longer a need to come up with options for a homemade gift, so they were forgotten about for several years. And now craftswomen and other creative personalities have literally staged a competition to see who can come up with the most original way to congratulate their loved ones on their birthday. Over time, it has become unpopular to give unnecessary souvenirs, but homemade gifts always remain in demand and desired.

In fact, cool DIY birthday poster can be safely called a universal idea, because it can be used on Valentine’s Day, and on a wedding anniversary, and on February 23, you just need to slightly change the content, and, of course, change the congratulatory inscription.

Cool DIY birthday poster

Considering DIY birthday posters photo, you can probably easily choose the option you like and decide what candies and chocolates you will buy to implement your creative idea.

A wall newspaper can be “painted” with any number of sweets: these can be chocolate bars, chocolate bars and small candies, lollipops, lollipops, chewing gum and packages of marmalade. You can use any sweets that catch your eye in the store.

Everyone, without exception, loves chocolates and caramels, and even if the birthday person cannot afford extra calories, the gift will still please him, because it is made in such an unusual style. Along with the candies, the wall newspaper may contain poems, colorful congratulatory inscriptions, wishes for the birthday boy, photographs, as well as various decorative elements that will become an additional decoration.

Sweets can simply serve as decoration on a greeting newspaper, or they can literally end phrases with their names and brands. For example, you are my “Kindest”, where together with the words “kind” there will be a package of children’s juice with the corresponding name. There is also “Favorite” juice, so you can come up with a phrase that includes this word. While walking around the supermarket, carefully look at the names of sweets brands; ideas for possible interesting inscriptions will come to your mind.

The main rule when choosing candies is that they should not be too heavy so that the Whatman paper does not sag; it is advisable to place the heaviest specimens on the lower part. Sometimes whatman paper is fixed on a wooden or other durable structure so that it does not deform under the weight of “decorations”.

Carrying out DIY birthday poster for friend, candy elements must all be secured with a strip of double-sided tape. Firstly, such fastening will be invisible and will not in any way affect the neat appearance, secondly, it guarantees reliable fixation of the elements, thirdly, the packaging can be easily peeled off from the double-sided tape.

DIY poster for a friend's birthday

As we have already said, to make your own birthday poster, you need to choose suitable sweets, and the rest of the decoration is left to your discretion. Most likely, during the process you will need:

  • Whatman
  • Markers/Felt-tip pens
  • Colored pencils
  • Double-sided thin tape
  • Scissors
  • Colored paper
  • PVA glue

Congratulations can be decorated with bright stickers, multi-colored stickers, hearts, or you can simply paint them with colored pencils. Be sure to write all congratulatory inscriptions in large handwriting and bright markers. If you are not sure that you have beautiful calligraphic handwriting, you can ask your friends for help, or print out the main inscriptions on a color printer and then stick them on our wall newspaper.

When you do, you often use a printer to print out a congratulation poem on it, and the same technique can be used in this case.

Now let's look at some options on how to decorate beautifully DIY birthday poster for husband, and then adapt the sweets to our congratulations:

Near the Bounty chocolate bar you can write “You are a heavenly delight”
Near Twix - we will always be inseparable, like...
You are the most gentle, like "Dove"
May your life be as colorful as Skittles (or M&M, or other colorful jelly beans)
Looking forward to our "Kinder Surprise"
Near the Mars chocolate bar you can write: “With you to the ends of the world!”
"Mentos" - let there always be new ideas

You can come up with many more ideas with Chupa Chups, Love is chewing gum, small multi-colored caramels that can be glued in a chaotic manner to the empty spaces. You can also decorate with gold chocolate medals, for example, you can use them to make a beautiful gold frame for our congratulations.

DIY poster for daughter's birthday

For example, DIY mom's birthday poster you can decorate with a variety of congratulatory inscriptions and wishes so that mommy would be interested in reading those pleasant words and poems written specifically in honor of her holiday, but the one you will give to the child should, first of all, be bright, excite curiosity and imagination.

It is advisable that your DIY child's birthday poster decorated with large, bright elements, these could be pictures of your favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters, funny stickers and stickers.

The child will immediately be interested in the sweet elements that you decide to stick to whatman paper, so it is better not to make a sweet poster. Otherwise, without even considering the gift, the child will already try to separate the sweet “components” from it.

A great idea to do with a surprise, i.e. on the Whatman paper itself you can make small pockets in which small souvenirs will be hidden - toys, key rings, badges, stationery, pendants, rubber bands. For your daughter, you can hide gold or silver earrings in one of these pockets.

DIY birthday poster for dad

The whole family can do it DIY birthday poster for dad, both children and adults will be happy to take part in such work. What topic should you choose for congratulations? A collage of various photos and newspaper clippings will look unique and original; of course, you need to choose a masculine theme. Capture your dad in this collage driving a cool car or motorcycle, or you can put him on a tank or even at the controls of a jet plane.

You can cut out interesting pictures from magazines depicting hunting and fishing, and other men's hobbies, and then, using glue, scissors and old photos, place your dad on these pictures. He can also become a member of his favorite football or hockey team, and even lift the tournament winner’s cup over his head, or he can head the Olympic podium.

A collage is also a great idea to make. DIY poster for grandma's birthday, but you will have to work hard for this. Most likely, your grandmother has many relatives and friends with whom she has been friends for many years. You can do incredible work: contact her siblings, nephews, godchildren, friends, of course, involve your whole family in the work. And the essence of the collage will be as follows: each person will take a photograph where in his hand there will be either a congratulatory inscription, or a word, or a drawing. You need to collect a lot of such photos, and then make a collage out of them. Even your loved ones who live thousands of kilometers away from each other can take part in such a congratulation, and they can send photos over the Internet.

You can create a congratulatory inscription from individual photos, then you should decide in advance who will be photographed with which card. All that remains is to paste all the photographs onto whatman paper in the correct sequence, or you can make a collage in a graphics editor and print the gift in a printing house.

A very beautiful collage can be made in, for this you should take a lot of photographs with the whole class, and also find the best shots in the archives. The teacher will definitely be pleased to see his friendly and cheerful class.

Wall newspaper- This is a special type of “press”, which is made by hand and is made in a single copy. For this purpose, a single sheet of high-density paper of size A1 (594 mm wide and 841 mm long) is predominantly used, on which an image and text are printed using a printer or drawn by hand. There are various wall newspapers: school, holiday, news, humorous, student, army, etc. But there is also a special variety of them - a wall newspaper for a child’s birthday.

As is already clear from the name, the release of such a wall newspaper is timed to coincide with the most important children's holiday - birthday. Of course, all the information in it should in one way or another be dedicated to the birthday person and all topics related to this significant event.

What, why and why?

Why do you need a wall newspaper? It performs several functions at once:

1) This is an interesting and accessible form of congratulations for a child.

2) This is a good way to demonstrate attention from parents, relatives and friends.

3) This will be a good souvenir: subsequently, a child (and especially an adult) will be interested in reviewing old wall newspapers and immersing himself in warm memories.

4) This is a fun entertainment - the process of creating a wall newspaper itself brings a lot of positive emotions to all those who take part in it (the birthday boy himself can, if desired, be among them).

5) This is one of the elements of festive home decoration: an appropriate color is created that affects the mood of the guests. In addition, guests will be interested in reading the contents of the wall newspaper - this could even become one of the children's games during the celebration.

Instructions for beginner “newspaper workers”

How to create your own wall newspaper? There is nothing complicated about this. You will need a sheet of paper, a collection of photographs, felt-tip pens or paints, pencils, a pen, a ruler, glue, push pins, paper clips, and tape. If you have a computer, printer, scanner and copier, they can also come in handy.

The creation process can be divided into stages:

1) First you need to figure out where the wall newspaper will be placed.

If in the case of traditional printed publications everything is clear (they are sold at newsstands or brought by the postman), then with a wall newspaper the situation is different: it needs to be placed on the wall. Actually, this is reflected in the title of this publication. It would be most logical to attach a wall newspaper to one of the free walls in the birthday boy’s room. If for some reason this does not work out, you can use the corridor for this purpose. You should not hang a wall newspaper in the kitchen or bathroom.

2) Distribute the newspaper space.

Before starting the creative process, you need to make a clear plan: what information will be placed, in what part of the newspaper, how much free space to allocate for it. As a rule, at least three key blocks are created:

  • A congratulatory inscription (for example, “Happy birthday, Petya!” or “Congratulations to Petyunya on her 5th birthday!”). Usually it does not take up very much space, but it should be clearly visible - large letters, bright colors.
  • A selection of photographs (both of the birthday boy himself and of friends, relatives, as well as drawings with any characters from fairy tales or cartoons). This is the most voluminous part of the wall newspaper - it takes up most of the free space.
  • Text block (this could be poems, wishes for the birthday person, interesting news, etc.) You should not overload the newspaper with text information, especially if readers are not yet comfortable with independent reading.

3) Prepare a layout.

When the plan for the newspaper has been drawn up, you need to “make up” a trial version: lay out photographs on a sheet of A1 paper, try on letters from a congratulatory inscription, select the font size for poetry, select the optimal color scheme, etc.

A ready-made template layout can be found on the Internet - in this case, you just need to print it on a printer, and then, if necessary, paste in photographs or any applications. In a more advanced version (this will turn out to be a real professional newspaper), the layout can be completely created on a computer using some kind of graphic editor, then all that remains is to print it.

Here are examples and ideas for creating a wall newspaper:

4) Attach the newspaper to the wall.

The most solid and convenient option is to place the newspaper in a frame and place it on the wall. An easier way is to use buttons or tape (in this case there is a risk of damaging the wallpaper or other home decor elements).

1) For a wall newspaper for a child’s birthday to be a great success, it is advisable that it fits into the thematic direction of the holiday.

2) If children have difficulty reading (or cannot read at all), one of the child’s parents can read the newspaper.

3) The most popular version of a newspaper is a collage of photographs with captions. These can be photos of the birthday person at different ages, friends and relatives with wishes, etc.

4) Using humor is always a great way to liven up a homemade printable. Jokes, funny rhymes, funny photographs and pictures, as well as comments on them - excellent content for the newspaper!

In this article you will find many tips and examples of happy birthday posters for a boy.

Beautiful DIY poster for the birthday of a boy 8 – 11 years old: templates, photos

What a congratulatory poster for a boy should look like:

Poster for a boy made on a computer (for printing)

Poster in the style of “Soyuzmultfilm” for a boy’s birthday (for printing)

Colorful poster for a 3 year old boy (made and printed on a computer)

Hand-drawn birthday poster for a boy

A simple version of a DIY poster

Simple colorful poster for a boy's birthday

Original DIY birthday poster for a boy

IMPORTANT: If you are not good at drawing, you can always download a ready-made poster template from the Internet and print it on a printer. You can improve such a poster yourself: stick a photo, write poems, numbers and wishes.

Options for printable boys birthday poster templates:

Template No. 1 “Cartoons”

Template No. 2 “The Smurfs”

Template No. 3 “Smeshariki”

Template No. 4 “Fixies”

Template No. 5 “Beasts”

Beautiful children's poster for the birthday of a boy 12 - 15 years old: templates, photos

At the age of 12, 13, 14, 15 years old, boys are already old enough and consciously treat every gift, congratulations and wishes. Any boy will love a colorful poster with bright pictures, photographs of friends and family. The poster can be supplemented with notes in glued envelopes, miniature gifts and souvenirs (keychains, jewelry, pens, notepads and much more).

Birthday poster options for adult boys:

Spongebob themed birthday poster

Garfield themed birthday poster

Funny birthday poster for brother

Birthday poster with lots of photos

Printable birthday poster

Poster for a boy made on a computer

How to make a birthday poster for a boy using sweets?

A poster decorated with sweets will definitely appeal to boys of any age. You can attach the “sweets” to the poster completely chaotically or end with the names of the sweets with your wishes. The choice of chocolates and sweets depends only on the assortment that is available in the store.

Options for “sweet” posters for boys:

Birthday poster for a boy with “sweet” wishes

Sweet poster for a boy's 10th birthday

Colorful poster with sweets for a boy's birthday

Large “delicious” poster for a boy’s birthday

Bright poster with wishes and sweets for a boy

Small birthday sweets poster

Sweet birthday poster for brother

How to make a birthday poster for a boy with photos and wishes?

A poster with photographs can please a child at any age. It is only important to choose colorful joint and family photos that carry a charge of positive energy, memories and experiences.

Various posters with photo collages for a boy’s birthday:

Various types of greeting posters for a boy's birthday

Colorful poster with photos and wishes for a boy

Poster with photo in the form of a daisy

Poster with photos from friends

Poster with a series of photos

How to draw a birthday poster for a boy?

A template downloaded from the Internet and printed on a printer will help you draw a beautiful and neat poster for a boy’s birthday. You should glue it together (since the poster is very large and should be printed in parts) and paint it with bright colors. If desired, you can decorate with clippings, poems and photographs.

Coloring pictures will help to simplify the search for the necessary template for a greeting poster:

Coloring page for a boy's birthday poster in the style of "Spongebob" Coloring page for a boy's birthday poster "Birthday Cake"

Coloring page for a boy's birthday poster "Monster" Coloring page for a boy's birthday poster "Holiday"

Coloring page for a boy's birthday poster "Dinosaurs"

Coloring page for a holiday poster for a boy “Mickey Mouse” Coloring page for a holiday poster for a boy “Celebration”

What to write on a boy’s birthday poster, what wishes and congratulations?

The congratulatory words that you write on the congratulatory poster are of great importance. It is important to choose prose or poetry of special beauty and meaning: kind, warm, light and sincere. Use the lines suggested below and your poster will definitely impress the birthday boy.

Words for a congratulatory poster for my son:

Words for your son on his birthday, option No. 1

Words for your son on his birthday, option No. 2

Words for your son on his birthday, option No. 3

Words for your son on his birthday, option No. 4

Congratulatory words for a brother's birthday poster:

Words for brother on his birthday, option No. 1

Words for brother on his birthday, option No. 2

Words for brother on his birthday, option No. 3

Words for brother on his birthday, option No. 4

Birthday is one of the most anticipated holidays. When preparing to congratulate someone, we look through an incredible number of websites, search all the stores in the area in search of the perfect gift. It must be original, unusual, atypical, memorable. Why not draw a birthday present? How about replacing a simple gift card with a greeting card or poster?

Let's think together about how to draw a birthday poster, how to design it beautifully and what happy birthday greetings to place on it, especially since birthday posters are becoming increasingly popular.

Cool posters, funny cartoons, wall newspapers, hand-made posters are a nice birthday gift, an original congratulation is the key to a great mood for the birthday boy. A birthday poster can contain funny congratulations, poems, drawings, photographs.

What is needed for a greeting poster

To make a birthday poster we need very little, first of all this:

  1. Whatman.
  2. Pencils, paints, markers, pens.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Glue.

It is possible that photographs of the future birthday boy, old magazines, and printouts will also come in handy, depending on the idea of ​​the future wall newspaper with birthday wishes.

Speaking of the idea, before you draw a birthday gift in the form of such a large, unique postcard, take a small draft where you can sketch a future congratulation. Thus, we will simplify the design of the poster by thinking through its idea in advance.

Components of such a gift

  1. The inscription and its design.
    The most important phrase, undoubtedly, should catch the eye, be bright, radiating a good mood. How to register them? These letters can be diversified by doodling, drawing large letters, adding flowers or other small details to them, drawing something like graffiti for a birthday, or making an applique. The letters can be printed, cut out from colored paper or from magazines. Unusual and interesting!
  2. Background.
    The background should be no less bright, but not merge with the main letters, wishes and images. Watercolor will come to the rescue. A light layer of watercolor will dilute the white background of whatman paper, and already on it you can place a wide variety of ideas.
  3. Congratulations.
    On a rough draft with a sketch, jot down a couple of funny words for the birthday celebrant, in poetic form, short phrases or long prose. If you doubt your ability to write good congratulations, look for them on the Internet in advance, print them out or rewrite them for yourself.

First of all, a birthday poster simply must be bright, which means that the use of dull, dark, cold colors should be minimized.

The poster will not require much effort or artistic skills, and interesting congratulations can easily be found on websites where you will find more than one good idea of ​​what to draw for your birthday.

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about creating a poster is a huge inscription Happy Birthday, placed at the top or in the center, in large beautiful letters, voluminous, bright. So, first of all, let’s place the phrase in a convenient place, first do it with a simple pencil. Armed with an eraser and a pencil, we can correct accidental blots and shortcomings.

Birthday Drawing Ideas

If you have no ideas or lack inspiration, then here are some tips on what you can draw for your birthday. Here's some help on how to design a birthday poster, but don't forget to add your own unique twist to the gift.

For artists

The first and simplest thing that can serve as an image on a poster is drawings, simple thematic drawings, these can be balloons, gift boxes, an image of the birthday person or simple drawings, such as flowers, among which congratulations will be placed.

Congratulations can be printed and glued to a poster, or written by hand. If your posters feature balloons, why not put your greetings on the balloons. And if flowers, petals are a great idea to make any wish.

You can diversify such a poster with volume, for example, glue another drawn ball on top, when you lift it you can find a couple of warm words from you. The same can be done with flower petals and gifts. If you have several small envelopes, or you can fold them from paper yourself, then gluing the finished envelopes, putting a couple of nice lines in them, is a great idea.


Doubt your artistic skills? No problem. With a color printer, find beautiful images online! Print, cut out, and paste onto a future poster. Between them you can place the same printed congratulations.

Photos for the collage will be no less useful. Take your general photos taken in your happiest moments or on past holidays. Or photographs from childhood, they can be placed on the poster in the order in which the birthday person grew up. Funny and random photographs can also be used, of course, if the birthday person will not be offended, and you want to get cool posters.

Among the congratulations with such photographs, you can place a couple of phrases, the author of which is the person celebrating the birthday, which have become popular in your family/company.

Working on such a poster will not take much time, but it will be bright, attractive and original.

The sweet poster has become very popular now. Supermarkets are full of a variety of sweets, and those have the most unusual and original names that can be used with congratulations on a poster. Phrases such as “You and I are inseparable like Twix” or “Communicating with you is a heavenly pleasure” with a Baunty chocolate bar attached next to it will sound funny. Buy a couple of goodies and make a rough congratulations plan. Glue, sew, attach small sweets to whatman paper, using bright felt-tip pens to add the missing words to chocolates, sweets and lollipops.

To wish a happy birthday, you don’t need to have the talent of a poet, and drawing doesn’t have to be your strong point. Happy birthday posters are a timely way to express your congratulations.

A poster with birthday wishes is an interesting, unusual and original gift that doesn’t take long to make and doesn’t require much effort. However, it is very pleasant to receive such a congratulation, because it was made with your own hands, which indicates attention to the birthday person and his gift.