Energy channels (meridians). Taoist circle. Channels (Meridians) Connection of meridians with human organs

In this section I will talk in more detail about the human energy structure.

Energy, according to eastern teachings, moves along 14 channels - meridians. Qi moves along the system of energy meridians (ki, prana, alive - it is called differently among different peoples) - primary energy, the very breath of life, present everywhere: in living beings and inanimate objects, in our palms and the depths of space.

If the circulation of qi in the body occurs correctly, a person is healthy both physically and mentally - according to the Eastern tradition, the body is inextricably linked with the soul. Stagnation or excess of qi, on the contrary, can lead to the development of disease.

Look at fig. 8. This scheme has been around for many thousands of years. In the East, all these energy channels have been studied since time immemorial. Over time, experiments and observations were collected, processed, classified and formed into a coherent system of knowledge, on the basis of which Eastern medicine exists and successfully functions.

Please note that all energy channels end on the toes and fingers. Along some meridians, energy in our body flows from outside to inside (these are the so-called yin meridians, indicated in blue in the diagram).

Along other meridians, energy flows from inside to outside (these are yang meridians, indicated in red on the diagram). That is, the human energy system is (more precisely, in a healthy state it should be) in constant energy exchange with the environment, more precisely, with nature.

When energy interaction exists, then in the human body there is a potential difference, bioenergetic + and -, necessary for the flow of energy.

For such interaction, contact of the starting points of the meridians with the environment is required. That is, our hands and feet, in theory, should be in constant contact with natural objects that remove excess electrostatic charge, ground our energy system, and accordingly ensure the flow of energy. Since childhood, we have all heard about how useful it is to walk barefoot on earth, water or a wooden floor.

If the channel is blocked somewhere, for example, in the area of ​​the eyes or limbs, then the flow of energy in the entire channel is hampered (remember: the current strength drops, the voltage in the network decreases...). As a result of this, the organs do not receive enough energy and cannot work normally to cope with all their responsibilities. And no matter how you pile up “raw materials” on them, they won’t be able to process it.

That is why, for example, DMTs do not work effectively in MS.

Why do people need meridian channels? There are five main functions:

1. Connection with the environment.

2. Control vital energy and blood flow to energy to organs.

3. Harmonize Yin and Yang.

4. Revitalize muscles and bones, ease the work of joints.

5. They transmit energy from the internal organ to the integument of the body so that internal signals about the disease reach the surface of the body.

In total, a person has 12 paired and 2 unpaired channels - meridians. Paired channels - the channel of the lung, colon, stomach, spleen, pancreas, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidneys, liver, etc.

Two unpaired channels regulate the energy of Yang and Yin, respectively, from the posterior-middle and anterior-middle meridians. Energy is balanced by the action of Yin and Yang.

The energy cycle begins from the lung meridian and sequentially passes through 12 main paired meridians per day and stays in each of them for 2 hours. Two unpaired channels operate around the clock.

I told this to understand why it is so important to follow a daily routine in case of multiple sclerosis (MS) and to understand at what time of day the corresponding meridian channel conducts maximum or, conversely, minimum energy.

Qi energy will not be able to reach the organs of our body in the required quantity if the energy meridians are clogged. If energy does not flow through the body as it should, it will stagnate and dry up, or, on the contrary, create unnecessary tension. Consequently, the necessary healing effect will not occur.

In MS, meridians in the intestines, eyes, limbs and spine become blocked. For healing to occur, these energy meridians must be cleared.

For energy food to really become useful, you need to cleanse the energy meridians, through which the energy from food will reach all organs. All diseases occur because energy circulates incorrectly throughout the body - either balanced energy does not come from outside, or its flow inside the body is disrupted due to improper function of the meridians.

Since ancient times, the East understood that on each meridian there are special points for establishing the flow of energy in the meridian. It is enough to know the main point corresponding to each of the twelve main meridians in order to be able to daily establish the normal movement of qi in the body and ensure its harmony for each vital organ of the human body.

Here is how the points corresponding to each meridian are located, according to Futsukuji Nishi (see Fig. 9):

1. point of the lung channel;

2. point of the large intestine channel;

3. point of the stomach canal;

4. point of the spleen and pancreas channel;

5. heart channel point;

6. small intestinal canal point;

7. bladder canal point;

8. point of the kidney channel;

9. pericardial canal point;

10. channel point of three heaters;

11. gallbladder canal point;

12. liver canal point.

I have highlighted in bold and underlining those points that are useful to influence in case of MS.

But the most effective is the so-called “from a hundred diseases” point, which is also called the “longevity point”. This point belongs to the stomach meridian. The point is located on the outside of the kneecap. From this point it is recommended to begin work on establishing your energy. The point “from one hundred diseases” is shown in Figure 10. And it is easy to determine it like this:

To determine the point “from one hundred diseases”:

1. Sit on a chair with both feet on the floor and parallel.

2. Place your right palm on your right knee so that the center of the palm is located at the highest point of the knee.

3. Hug your knee with your fingers.

4. The place where the ring finger ends up is the point of longevity. There is a clear depression in this place.

5. The paired longevity point is located on the left leg - determine it in the same way.

When massaging the point “from a hundred diseases”, cellular stimulation occurs without loss of energy, i.e. natural mobility is restored without loss of energy, which is simply necessary for MS. The simplest and most accessible method is pressure.

There are two types of longevity point massage - stimulating and healing. From practice, in MS it is useful to use both methods.

A stimulating massage is carried out in the morning while still in bed, I apply it no later than 6 am.

The technique is very simple:

Sit on a chair.

First, use the index finger of your right hand to massage the point on your right leg: pressing hard enough, make 9 rotational movements clockwise.

Then, with the index finger of your left hand, massage the point on your left leg: also 9 rotational movements clockwise.

And so 9 times: you should get 81 rotational movements clockwise on each leg.

The healing massage is done in the afternoon (I recommend before the howl). The technique is the same as for stimulating massage, only you make rotational movements counterclockwise.

The next point is Feng Fu, which successfully shows itself in the treatment of MS, appeared in Ancient China and is also considered a point of brain rejuvenation.

It must be said that for purely marketing reasons, we often call the proper functioning of the body rejuvenation. And the Feng Fu point is no exception.

This point returns our brain to a healthy state and reanimates lost human functions.

The Feng Fu point is located under the occipital protuberance, between the head and neck. In anatomy it is called the foramen magnum; there is nothing between the skin and the brain in this place; you can simply feel it yourself.

In Eastern medicine, it is recommended to do acupuncture or moxibustion at this point, but to restore nutrition to the brain, it is enough to apply ice to this place, affecting the blood flow. Everyone knows that if you apply ice to the bruised area of ​​skin in time, there will be no bruise.

In fact, the cold does cause a strong outflow of blood at the point of hypothermia, but this is a temporary phenomenon, and then a powerful influx of blood occurs. That is, the current through the energy system is restored (increased) and the brain begins to receive what it did not receive before.

The technique itself consists of applying an ice cube from the freezer to the Feng Fu point. I make ice in a mold about 2.5 x 2.5 cm and place an ice cube under the sports bandage at the Feng Fu point. About half a minute - very cold. Then a feeling of joy and cheerfulness arises, I hold the cube until it melts, then I rub my head with a towel. It is done in the morning, on an empty stomach, with breaks of 3 days.

This is another example, once what was used by a person as a deadly weapon (a blow to the Feng Fu point at best disables, at worst kills the enemy) serves human health.

In general, massage using two nuts has proven itself to be effective at home for several millennia for clearing energy channels. Just take two walnuts in your hands and start rolling them between your palms, pressing with force, in one direction and the other, for at least 3 minutes. Then, take two nuts in each hand and, clenching them in your fist, begin to rotate and roll to the sides. Mental tension will be relieved, energy will begin its active movement in the body. Now roll the nuts on the floor with your bare feet and feel a surge of strength in your body.

And finally, I will give three of my favorite exercises for clearing and activating energy channels, which are very useful for MS

Exercise “Energy massage”

It is advisable that you wear little or no clothing - at least those parts of the body that will be subjected to energy massage should be naked.

Starting position: stand or sit in any comfortable position.

Rub your palms together thoroughly until you feel heat in them. In this way, you create an intense energy field between your palms.

With warm palms, make several light smoothing movements from the chin to the forehead, as if washing your face. This increases the movement of blood in the skin, improves the course of all processes in it, and begins the process of restoring skin respiration.

Now make several movements from the center of the forehead to the temples, as if smoothing the forehead, then, with some pressure, move your palms several times from the temples to the chin. If you want not only to improve skin breathing, but also to rejuvenate your skin, by doing all these movements, imagine that your palms are smoothing out wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, that the skin of your face is rejuvenating, becoming fresh and healthy.

Gently pat your head with your palms, starting from the back of your head to your forehead. This improves the saturation of the brain with energy and cures headaches.

Now, sort of comb your hair with your fingertips from the forehead to the back of the head, so that your fingers press quite noticeably on the scalp. This saturates the scalp with energy so much that there are cases when even completely bald people begin to grow hair again - however, for this you need to do 300-500 such movements 2-3 times a day for a month.

Using your fingertips, rub your ears from bottom to top so that your ears begin to “burn.” The auricle is connected to absolutely all organs, so a massage of the auricles in terms of the amount of energy that saturates the entire body is equivalent to a massage not only of the entire body, but even of the internal organs!

Gently pat the entire left arm with the palm of your right hand, from shoulder to hand, first on the outside, then on the inside; then the same with the left palm - the right hand. Then, with both hands, simultaneously pat the body in front from top to bottom, from the neck to the lower abdomen, and on the sides at the level of the lower back.

Now, pat your legs on all sides, and then your back - from bottom to top along the spine, as far as you can reach. This opens skin respiration throughout the body and improves the movement of energy throughout the body.

This exercise is best done in the morning - it tones, saturates the body with energy, and prepares you for a fruitful day.

Exercise “Energetic skin breathing”

Now, we need to accustom our skin to full energy breathing. We have already learned energy breathing with our lungs. If we add energy breathing through the skin to this breathing, we will gradually achieve complete identification with natural processes, with the natural healthy state of the world around us.

Modern man differs from nature in that in nature energy moves, and at the same time peace reigns. In a person, energy stagnates and anxiety reigns. This is why nature is healthy and man is sick.

If we want to be healthy, we must return to the state of nature. We must regain the ability to move energy within our body, to exchange energy with the outside world - and at the same time establish deep natural peace within ourselves. With just proper breathing we can do this!

By adjusting our respiratory system to the correct breathing rhythm and establishing normal skin breathing, we ensure that energy stops stagnating in the body, that harmful energies leave, and healthy energy begins to move freely and actively. At the same time, peace and quiet reign within us.

We become like nature, we become healthy! From a stagnant swamp, where putrefactive and destructive processes take place, we turn into a clean mountain river, into a light gust of wind, into an ever-playing sea... Only then do we become truly alive, united with the world, able to enjoy life, happy and healthy.

You have learned to breathe correctly with your lungs, you have prepared your capillaries for normal oxygen exchange, you have cleansed your skin and opened its pores for normal breathing. This means that right now you can feel yourself no longer a pitiful sick creature, but a powerful natural force, a clot of living, powerful, moving energy, energy that can work miracles of health!

And finally, with MS it is especially important to stop engaging in self-destruction and achieve unity with nature.

Exercise "Great Breath"

Starting position: lie down on a hard surface, relax, strive to ensure that the position is comfortable. Breathe fully. Imagine that a vortex of prana is spinning around your body like a cocoon. You let this vortex through the skin into the body. If the skin is prepared and cleansed well, this will not cause you any difficulties. If there is a feeling that the prana vortex does not want to penetrate the skin, it means that it is necessary to intensively apply cold and heat treatment methods and energy massage of the skin.

If you have managed to achieve the sensation of the penetration of a vortex of prana through the skin into the body, feel how this vortex is spinning inside you, spiraling around all the muscles and bones, rushing from the legs to the head, then back. If you have achieved a real, and not an imaginary, sensation of energy moving in a spiral throughout your body, you can be congratulated on your great success!

Greetings, dear readers! You've probably heard of acupuncture. In China, acupuncture is as commonplace as cupping is in our country. Unfortunately, scammers used the magic of needles, which undermined the reputation of oriental medicine. Let's get acquainted with energy techniques. Three pillars - human meridians - diagram and directions, as well as hours of activity. Since this is a complex science, I will try to break everything down.

Energy system

Energy circulates throughout our body. It passes through channels called meridians. The life force moves along one route. Each key "pipe" has the name of an organ associated with it. It should be clarified that in Eastern medicine an organ is a whole functional group, and not the lungs, spleen or liver individually.

Punching the points causes energy to transfer from one duct to another. Pathological conditions - excess or exhaustion. Let's take a closer look at this.

When the balance collapsed

In a normal state, everything inside a person is stable. As soon as emotional turmoil or illness approaches, the system fails. The balance of energy is disturbed, an excess or deficiency occurs.

Specialists notice symptoms and troubleshoot problems. How do they do it? The process is completely physiological, there are no rituals or esotericism. All people have a biological clock. Organs are active at specific times. At this moment, the professional works with biologically active points.

How to restore harmony? Energy needs to be redistributed. Stimulating the points moves the “resource” further. Each previous system greatly influences the next. This is comparable to a blockage in pipes: if you break the “plug”, the water will continue on its way. What route does qi take?

Meridian order

I will name not only the functional group, but also the time of activity and passivity. Exactly in that order. If there is no opportunity to do treatment at the “zenith”, you can use the reserve - from 21 to 23. In the late evening, the general forces are concentrated. You should not carry out activities when the system is “sleeping”.

1. Lungs3 a.m. — 5 a.m.3 p.m. — 7 p.m.
2. Large intestine 5 a.m. — 7 a.m.;5 p.m. — 7 p.m.
3. Stomach7 a.m. — 9 a.m.7 p.m. — 9 p.m.
4. Spleen and pancreas 9 a.m. — 11 a.m.9 p.m. — 11 p.m.
5. Heart11 a.m. — 1 p.m.11 p.m. — 1 a.m.
6. Small intestine 1 p.m. — 3 p.m.1 a.m. — 3 a.m.
7. Bladder 3 p.m. — 5 p.m.3 a.m. — 5 a.m.
8. Kidneys5 p.m. — 7 p.m.5 a.m. — 7 a.m.
9. Pericardium7 p.m. — 9 p.m.7 a.m. — 9 a.m.
10. Triple heater 9 p.m. — 11 p.m.9 a.m. — 11 a.m.
11. Gallbladder 11 p.m. — 1 a.m.11 a.m. — 1 p.m.
12. Liver1 a.m. — 3 a.m.1 p.m. — 3 p.m.

Explanation of designations: a.m. – before noon, p.m. - afternoon.

These are the channels that form the route.

Did you see unfamiliar names? Eastern medicine is closer to the subtle level rather than the physical. The triple heater and the pericardium are not considered separate organs in classical, Western science, although they play important roles.

I have already told you about massage of the pericardial canal. This is the outer layer that protects the heart muscle.

The triple heater controls the body's activity. It provides us with fuel, supporting our metabolism.

We will not be scattered into branches, otherwise we will go into the wilds. Let's find out what each meridian is responsible for and what happens when the balance is upset.

Signs of improper distribution of qi

1. Lungs.

Includes the entire respiratory system and skin. When problems occur, symptoms such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough, pain in the back of the shoulder and forearm, and inflammation of the oral cavity occur.

With excess feeding, the temperature rises, the cough is loud and accompanied by pain. Mucus forms, the person sweats, heat rises to the limbs and head. It’s hard to breathe, the lungs become inflamed.

In case of decline, the cough is weak, hoarse, and the throat is “dry.” The face turns pale, then turns red, and the head is dizzy. Fingers are cold and numb. There is not enough oxygen, I want to yawn. It's hard to sleep at night. Pain occurs in the heart and collarbone. Sometimes itching bothers me.

2. Large intestine.

Removes waste from the body and absorbs remaining fluid. Associated with the respiratory system, if abnormal it can cause shortness of breath. The first to suffer is the lower jaw. My teeth hurt and my throat gets dry. The lymph nodes in the neck are enlarged. The nose may bleed. There is discomfort in the eye area. The joints of the shoulder and forearm move poorly.

Excess fuel leads to flatulence, bloating and constipation. I suffer from abdominal pain, migraines, and dizziness. Part of the back, fingers and arms above the forearm ache. The neck is very tense and tight. Can't get warm.

Lack of qi causes diarrhea and rumbling in the stomach. A person experiences an inexplicable feeling of anxiety and cannot find a place for himself. The joints become numb, the arms become weak. The connection with the previous meridian “responds” with rashes, peeling and a reddened throat.

3. Stomach.

Receives and processes food. It does not absorb, but grinds. Common symptoms of problems with qi: fever, herpes, dryness and thirst, migraine, pain in the mouth.

Excess energy causes work to stop: bloating, constipation, belching. I constantly want to eat. The front of the neck is tense. The pain spreads from the chest to the knee. Overexcitement. It's difficult to move.

Qi deficiency results in vomiting, diarrhea and refusal to eat. Shoulders are tense. My thighs go numb and I feel cold. The stomach feels full and the digestion process is slow. My mood drops.

4. Spleen.

Absorbs nutrients from food and moisture. Monitors the condition of muscles and blood.

When you are overweight, cramps occur. Unstable appetite, indiscriminate eating, constipation. Nausea without vomiting. A rash appears on the skin, but there is no “scabies”. My legs hurt and my big toes lose all mobility. I want to relax, lie down or sleep.

With a lack of qi, the limbs become numb and the legs become weak. Evacuation is uncontrollable, stool is liquid and foul-smelling. Vomit.

5. Heart.

The channel is responsible for blood circulation and sweating. Controls emotions and mind.

Excessiveness is fraught with unpleasant sensations in the chest, redness of the face, and increased blood circulation in the hands. My legs feel heavy. The stomach is full. At times the person “flutters” and gets overexcited easily.

Due to deficiency, the pulse increases, any physical activity is accompanied by shortness of breath. Pallor and dizziness, a feeling of bitterness appear. The liver and heart suffer.

6. Small intestine.

Accepts and transforms biological substances. What does it mean? Divides the total nutritional mass, sending one part to the large intestine, the other to the spleen. The remaining fluid ends up in the bladder.

Fullness threatens pain in the navel area. The stool is hard and you have to push. Migraine. The back of the head and neck cramp.

Lack of qi impairs hearing. There is a ringing in my ears. The person eats little. Nausea, diarrhea and vomiting occur. The limbs are cold and weak.

7. Bladder.

Monitors fluid exchange.

If you are overweight: frequent urination, pain, overstrained spinal muscles, nosebleeds, migraine (forehead and back of the head), lacrimation.

If there is a deficiency: rare urination, swelling, weakening of the neck and spine. I'm worried about hemorrhoids.

8. Kidneys.

The channel maintains the condition of the bones. Associated with reproductive functions, participates in the exchange of fluids.

Excess causes urinary retention, dry mouth and “fire” in the legs. Too strong sexual attraction, which causes discomfort. Nausea and anxiety.

Lack of qi causes incontinence. My feet are cold and numb. Sweat is released. The intestines are not working well. Sexual desire fades.

9. Pericardium.

Protects the heart and improves blood circulation.

Excess qi: irritability, heart pathologies, pain in the chest, constipation, red eyes.

Deficiency: increased pulse, fatigue, heaviness in the chest, depression, dizziness, diarrhea, the whites of the eyes turn yellow.

10. Triple heater.

Controls all internal organs.

If there is excess, it is difficult to tolerate the heat, the ears buzz, the face turns red, and the temperature often rises. A person flares up over little things.

If there is insufficiency, it is difficult to breathe, there is increased sensitivity to cold, hearing weakens, and the face turns pale. Constant fatigue.

11. Gallbladder.

Accumulates bile and releases it into the gastrointestinal tract.

Fullness leads to throat diseases. Bitterness in the mouth, insomnia, migraine, swollen neck and chin.

Lack of qi causes eye pathologies. Sleepy. Heavy sweating at night. Vomits bile.

12. Liver.

In charge of blood and ligaments. Distributes and removes substances.

Redundancy: the integument turns yellow, the menstrual cycle is disrupted. Irritability, dissatisfaction, insomnia.

Deficiency: fear, drowsiness, bad mood, pallor. The uterus or vagina may prolapse.

The same symptoms occur if the technique is not followed! Do not use acupuncture unless you are sure of the effects. Have you had any experience with acupuncture? Tell us about it. Good health to you!

What are human meridians?

A meridian is an invisible energy line on the human body, which cannot be seen with your eyes or touched with your hands...

The human body is penetrated by a network of meridians - channels through which nutrients move, life-giving energy circulates and everything that is necessary for life, there is a complete exchange of information between all internal organs.

Meridians perform such important functions as:

  • control of blood flow and vital energy,
  • harmonization of yin and yang,
  • revitalization of muscles and bones,
  • relief of joints.

According to ancient Eastern medicine, knowing the structural features of the meridian system, one can trace the paths of disease penetration into the body, its movement and the factors that cause the development of this disease. Diseases can be eliminated along meridian paths from the body, which is what Eastern medicine doctors have done since ancient times.

European medicine did not recognize the presence of meridians in humans for a long time. In 1986, at the Necker Institute in France, when technetium was introduced into biologically active points, trajectories were established on the human body, which completely coincided with the meridians described in ancient Chinese tracts (“Huangdi Neiqing” in the 5th–3rd centuries BC). This is how the existence of meridians (energy channels) was experimentally proven.

In ancient Eastern medicine, all internal organs are combined into organ systems; The meridians are also united into the meridian system, thanks to which our body works as a single whole.

There are a huge variety of meridians,
Ancient Eastern medicine identifies 12 main ones:

Yin - meridians correspond to organs that fill, store and process substances and energies in the body Ian - meridians correspond to hollow organs that perform the functions of excretion (removal), metabolism
1. Lung meridian 2. Large Intestine Meridian
4. Meridian of the spleen and pancreas 3. Stomach meridian
5. Heart meridian 6. Small Intestine Meridian
8. Kidney meridian7. Bladder Meridian
9. Pericardial meridian 10. Meridian of three heaters
12. Liver meridian 11. Gall Bladder Meridian

Meridians communicate with each other in a complex pattern, transferring energy from one to another. As a result of the coordinated work of the meridians, the required level of energy is maintained in a healthy body.

When we are sick, our illness is expressed either by an excess or lack of energy in one or several organs at once. If there is an excess of energy in an organ, then it is in the YANG state, and if there is a deficiency, then it is in the YIN state.

There is a large circle of energy circulation, along which the meridians, in a certain order, following each other, form a closed system, which, alternately stimulating each organ, ensures an even distribution of energy throughout the body.

If, for example, a channel is blocked in the area of ​​the limbs, then the movement of energy is hampered throughout the entire channel (remember from physics: when the current strength drops, the voltage in the network decreases...), and this leads to the fact that the organs do not receive enough energy. As a result, they do not work normally and do not perform their functions.

And no matter how much we fill our body with medications and dietary supplements, blocked organs will not be able to process them, and all our treatment efforts will be in vain.

There are many biologically active points (BAP) along the meridians, their locationsubject to certain laws.

As a result of this treatment

  • meridians-channels are cleansed,
  • the balance of the Yin and Yang ratio is regulated,
  • the disease matrix is ​​erased,
  • the functioning of damaged organs is restored,
  • the body's immunity increases.

Oleg 08/29/14

I re-read http://site/catalog/svetoch-pribor (by the way, it’s inconvenient that you can’t ask a question there, but I’ll write it here). You write "To get the maximum result from treatment with the Svetoch device, we recommend that you undergo automated resonance diagnostics (ARD)." Those. - I need to come to you, undergo a diagnosis of ARD, the doctor will tell you everything HOW and what to do with the glasses (i.e., you don’t have to bother, you don’t have to figure it out yourself, but follow the doctor’s recommendations) - and that’s it, get treatment for your health?

Energy channels (meridians) This is a combination of biologically active points located on the body on energy channels. A channel is a path along which energy is distributed to nourish the organs of the physical body. In the usual view, an organ is a light bulb, a channel is a wire, and points are switches. Energy meridians connect the human etheric body and the physical body. These points were discovered by ancient Chinese medicine. They are characterized by increased electrical conductivity and increased painful sensitivity. The circulation of energy through the channels is carried out regardless of a person’s awareness of it. But awareness can increase circulation. In addition, the channels may be poorly passable and this passability needs to be strengthened.

Ancient Chinese medicine studied 14 main channels: the lung channel, the colon channel, the stomach channel, the spleen-pancreas channel, the heart channel, the small intestine channel, the bladder channel, the kidney channel, the pericardial channel (sexual channel), the triple warmer channel, the gall channel bladder, liver canal, posterior-median canal and anterior-median canal.

Ancient Chinese medicine argued that the circulation of energy begins with the lungs. Air is not only the main supplier of oxygen for body tissues and the removal of carbon dioxide, but also the main supplier of energy. There is one little secret, so that when breathing the energy remains in the body, you need to hold your breath after inhaling, although on the count of one or two.

The energy sequentially passes through 12 main paired meridians in 24 hours, staying in each for 2 hours. They, of course, work around the clock, but activity in them is reduced. The maximum energy in the channel is achieved during the passage of energy through it, and the minimum after 12 hours. Knowing the time of maximum and minimum energy in the channel is important for influencing the channel. All channels are paired, i.e. completely identical on both sides of the body. 2 unpaired channels anterior-median and posterior-median operate around the clock.

Massaging an arousing point means that you excite the type of energy that circulates in the channel, and massaging a calming point means that it calms, i.e. reduces the circulation of this energy. For example, if you have inflammation on a channel of some organ, and this channel contains warm Yang energy, you need to slow down the movement of energy, since the inflammatory process occurs from an excess of Yang energy. Yang energy overheats the body, and Yin energy overcools. The optimal method of exposure is gentle rotational movements in a clockwise direction, accompanied by light continuous pressure for about 30 seconds. at every point. Typically, massage of the points is performed with the thumb or index finger. When the energies of Yin and Yang are balanced, thermoregulation works perfectly in the body. The main ones are marked in red 20 points for all channels. Click on the picture to enlarge it.

Energy is polar, it can be positive - Yang and negative - Yin, channels with positive energy are on the outside of the limbs, and with negative energy on the inside. The disease begins when there is an imbalance in the channel of opposite energy.

LUNG CHANNEL. Yin. Energy begins to circulate from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m., and the minimum will be from 3 to 5 p.m. The lung meridian runs along the arms, starting from the chest and ending with the thumb. By activating the channels with a point-by-point massage, in the hand whose points will be more painful, then this lung is weaker. If the energy in the lung channel is disturbed, shortness of breath, coughing, and suffocation in the chest are observed. Increased sensitivity to cold. Lung disease worsens at night and, of course, massage to improve lung energy should be done at night from 3 to 5 o’clock. If you constantly wake up at 3-5 am and realize that there are problems with your lungs, you can begin to strengthen your lungs on your own by stimulating the magic point of the channel with acupuncture - the point 10 Yu Ji, one of the main points of the channel. In this way, the condition of the lungs can be harmonized. Try stimulating her and you will quickly notice the results.

The lung channel is considered a yin channel and the movement of energy comes from top to bottom. This channel can also be called thyroid channel and when it increases, calm the energy in the channel, and when it weakens, excite the energy in the channel. The main points are marked in red.

The lungs are not only located next to the heart, belonging to the Metal element, they absorb heart Fire, thereby regulating the heart rhythm. When our heart rate increases, we begin to breathe deeply and frequently. Breathing helps direct the Fire of the heart to the lungs and thus normalize the heartbeat.

Very effective point 10 Yu Ji and for the fight with shortness of breath and asthma. It needs to be massaged in a circular motion. Many people complain of a lack of air, as if they cannot inhale the required amount of air. In this case, I advise you to massage the point 9 Tai Yuan, this point is the source of the lung channel, very effective. Dot 8 Jing Qu can be used to cope with cough, it is very convenient and easy to massage. To nourish the kidneys it is very good to use the point 5 Chi Jie, this will help lower excess lung qi into the kidneys. THOSE. this point regulates fluid in the lungs. Dot 5 Chi-tse a calming point, and a point 9 Taiyuan exciting point.

Active from 5 to 7 am COLON CANAL. E then the channel Yan. Minimum energy in the colon canal from 15 to 19 hours. As you know, the stomach is acidic, and the intestines are alkaline. And if the intestines act up, then acidity predominates and he is not able to neutralize it. If at this time the intestines are “grumbling”, then you need to cleanse the large intestine with a laxative and an enema. This channel is paired, that is, it is located on both hands, it begins with the index finger inside the hand and, moving to the outside, ends near the nostril. The large intestine has an alkaline environment, and when cleaning it, you need to add a little apple cider vinegar to the water. Depending on the time, the intestines can be cleaned both in the morning and in the evening. Main points are marked in red. Dot 11 Qu-chi stimulating and is the most important point for calming heat during inflammatory processes, and by massaging it you can lower blood pressure and reduce heartbeat. Dot 1 Shan-yang soothing, also relieves heat, used for sunstroke.

STOMACH CHANNEL active from 7 to 9 am. This is the YANG channel. It's breakfast time. It starts on the face and ends on the middle toe. When the channel becomes dirty, the digestive fire decreases and the channel needs to be “repaired.” Exciting point 41 Tza-xi located in the bend of the leg as it transitions to the foot. Calming point 1 Lead end point of the channel. Dot 36 Zu san li is considered the point of longevity, its massage should be carried out according to the lunar calendar. It is also practiced to cauterize this point with wormwood cigars. Dot 34 Liang Qiu counts analgesic point, it is located 2 cun above the upper edge of the patella, at the site of palpation of a small depression. Massage of this point relieves pain in the lower back and lower limbs, restrictions in movement and pain in the knee joint, decreased sensitivity of the skin of the lower limb, mastitis, pain in the mammary gland, heaviness in the stomach and diarrhea.

CANAL OF THE SPLEN AND PANCREAS active from 9 to 11 am. This is the YIN channel. It starts from the big toe moving up the inside of the foot. If you eat improperly, your big toes become enlarged. An imbalance in the channel manifests itself in daytime sleepiness and weakness in the legs. The arousal point is 2nd point Yes do on the big toe. Soothing, 5th Shang Qiu, on the bone of the ankle joint.

HEART CHANNEL open from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. This is the channel YIN, it starts near the armpit and ends on the conic of the little finger on the inside. Exciting point 1 Ji Quan located in the middle of the armpit with the arm raised, a calming point 7th Shen Men located at the beginning of the wrist. 3rd point Shao hi It is considered a water point; it sends water from the pericardium to the kidneys; it is located in the place where we take blood from a vein. Of course, if the pulse is abnormal, the massage is carried out throughout the entire channel to ensure the free movement of energy. I have done massage through this channel so many times that I can find the points with my eyes closed.

At the end I will write how to find the points, but to know all the points you need additional literature. You can find them approximately by looking at the drawing; when you act on points with plugs in them, you will feel pain or distension. Listen carefully to these sensations. Point massage can also be done using essential oils. If you feel pain at the point, drop oil on your finger and massage.

SMALL INTESTINE CANAL open from 13:00 to 15:00. This is the channel YANG. It starts on the outside of the little finger and runs along the outside of the arm and shoulder blade and ends on the face. The small intestine carries out chemical transformations of food and their disruption is manifested by pain throughout the canal and especially in the neck area. Exciting point 3 Hou si a point along the line of the little finger near the bone of the beginning of the little finger. Calming 8 Xiao Hai located in the elbow area.

BLADDER CHANNEL active from 15 to 17 hours. This is the channel YANG. It begins on the face and passes along the skull through the crown of the head down the spine and the back of the leg and ends at the little toe. This is a complex channel with many active points. On the bladder channel there are points from other channels. Excess Yang causes frequent urination and pain along the channel. The end point on the little finger is stimulating Yang, the calming point is 3rd point along the channel from the little finger.

KIDNEY CHANNEL active from 17 to 19 hours. This is a channel with Yin energy. It starts in the middle of the sole. This channel is very sensitive to cold, it is not without reason that they say: “Keep your feet warm.” Since the kidneys are closely connected with the adrenal glands and with the production of hormones, normalizing the energy in the channel normalizes the potency of the genital organs. Well, you know about the function that the kidneys cleanse the body of toxins. Exciting Yin point, Shui Quan 7th point from the sole. Calming point Yun Quan first a point located in the middle of the sole of the foot. Since the kidneys love warmth, it is necessary to vigorously rub this point.

PERICARDIAL CHANNEL(sexual channel) is active from 19 to 21 hours. This is a channel with Yin energy. It starts on the chest near the armpit, goes down the arm and ends on the inside of the arm on the third finger. This channel circulates energy in the liver, gall bladder and genitals. The most important functions 6th point Nei-guan are calming the heart and the vital spirit Shen, which is stored in the heart, as well as normalizing the condition of the spleen and stomach. Exciting point on the channel 9th Zhong Chun at the tip of your finger, and soothing 7th Yes lin . 3 point Qu jie located in the middle of the elbow, the function of this point is to cool the blood and expel heat, the word jie translated as a lake, it is also a water point; it sends water from the pericardium to the kidneys. I remind you that they are marked in red 20 main points for all channels.

CHANNEL OF THREE HEATERS active from 21 to 23 hours. This is a channel with Yang energy. It begins at the tip of the ring finger on the outside of the hand and travels up the arm to end on the outside of the eye, intersecting with other channels along the way. This channel has two internal inputs. Entering the upper part (1st heater) it provides energy for oxidative processes in cells due to oxygen. Its branch (2nd heater) goes down to the diaphragm and provides energy for the processes of digestion and oxidation of food. Connecting with the pericardium (3rd heater), it provides additional energy to the genitals. The channel provides bioenergy to the respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems, supplying energy to the following organs: lungs (breathing), small intestine (absorption process), kidneys and associated genitals and heart. As you understand, this is a very important channel and judging by the picture, it is very accessible for massage and, accordingly, rejuvenation of the body. The 3rd excitatory point on the hand is called zhongzhu, it enhances the processes of food oxidation and is one of the points for weight loss. Calming point 10.

GALL BLADDER CHANNEL active from 23 to 01 hours. This is the channel Yan. There are many points on it, it intersects with other channels. It begins at the outer corner of the eye, runs along the side of the body and ends at the 44th point at the end of the little toe. Along the way, the channel enters the body in the area of ​​the diaphragm, connects with the liver, enters the gallbladder and descends into the hip joint. So if the hip joints begin to act up, it means that the Yang energy in this channel is weakened, as is the energy of the gallbladder. Exciting point on the foot 43 . Calming 38 right there. They write that this channel greatly stimulates the functioning of the gallbladder and at night it finishes everything to cleanse the blood until we load it with food. Dot 25 Jing-men refers to the foot shao yang channel of the gallbladder, is the abdomen point of the kidneys, can reflect the condition of the kidneys, and also help replenish kidney qi. The point can be used to treat lower back pain caused by kidney qi deficiency. The point is located in the hypochondrium, near the point 26 May and can be used in the treatment of certain digestive disorders - bloating, rumbling in the stomach and diarrhea.

LIVER CHANNEL active from 01:00 to 03:00. This is a channel with Yin energy. It starts from the big toe and goes inside, rising further to the head, passing along the parietal region of the head and connecting on the back with the back - the middle meridian. An imbalance of liver energy begins with overeating; apparently there is not enough energy to detoxify modern foods. Also, even a little food before bed disrupts its functioning. Exciting point 8 is located in the area of ​​the knee, calming point 2 is on the foot.

The anterior-median channel is not included in the general circulation of channels and begins in the center of the perineum and ends in the center of the chin; it unites all the Yin channels.

The posterior-median channel runs along the spine, its energy is directed from bottom to top, uniting the Yan channels.

The circulation of energy through these channels is called TAOIST CIRCLE. We can direct it consciously.

Here is the exercise: Sit on a chair, press your tongue to the roof of your mouth, closing the upper chakra. At the bottom, squeeze the perineum and the circle closes. Mentally take energy from the 2nd chakra, lower it to the first and raise it along the spine to the top of the head, then lower it down the front - middle channel down to the 2nd chakra. And so on several times. It won't be easy at first. Along the way, the work of all energy centers will normalize. But the effort is worth it. Even if you do not do any acupressure along the channels, but only this exercise, you will gradually eliminate energy blockages and normalize energy in the body. This method is more suitable for young people whose sexual health is still full of energy.

There is a more complex option that is suitable for older people. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, toes inward, knees bent. Hands in front of you, palms open up. The tongue is pressed to the roof of the mouth.

Now imagine that a network of capillaries emerges from your legs and descends into the ground to the level of magma. The magma begins to rise, feel its warmth. It reaches the sacrum and the second chakra is filled with energy. When it is full, lift it up the spine and lower it down through the midline of the head and lift it through the compressed perineum to the second chakra at the back. At shoulder level, send the energy through your arms and out through your hands. Here, energy blockages are removed with the help of the energy of the Earth, with which we have mostly lost contact. Do this as many times as you need.

I don’t know why I wrote so much, I should have given this exercise from the very beginning and that’s all. I wish you success.

In ancient times, the day in China was divided into 12 time periods “shichen” (2 hours each), which were certainly taken into account by Chinese doctors, since, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the work of all human internal organs was activated one by one at certain hours.

That is why, to maintain health, it is important not only to comply with certain requirements associated with changing climatic seasons - spring, summer, autumn, winter - but also the law of the twelve “shichen”. The term “Shichen” itself means an ancient unit of time equal to 1/12 of a day. The daily time was counted from 11 o'clock at night. And the names of the 12 time periods of the day were given by the name of the 12 Earthly branches of the ancient Cyclic calendar, one of the most common names of which was “the calendar of the Heavenly trunks and the Earthly branches.” Here are their names:

  • “tzu” (or “tzu-shi” for the name of the hour segment, where “shi” means “time”);
  • "chow" (or "chow-shi");
  • “yin” (or “yin-shi”);
  • "mao" (or "mao-shi");
  • "chen" (or "chen-shi");
  • “sy” (or “sy-shi”);
  • “u” (or “u-shi”);
  • "wei" (or "wei-shi");
  • "shen" (or "shen-shi");
  • “yu” (or “yu-shi”);
  • “xu” (or “xu-shi”);
  • "hai" (or "hai-shi")

So, let's establish correspondences:

  • Tzu is a period of time from 23:00 to 1:00;
  • chow – 1:00–3:00;
  • yin – 3:00–5:00;
  • mao – 5:00–7:00;
  • Chen – 7:00–9:00;
  • sy – 9:00–11:00;
  • y – 11:00–13:00;
  • wei – 13:00–15:00;
  • Shen – 15:00–17:00;
  • y – 17:00–19:00;
  • Xu – 19:00–21:00;
  • hai – 21:00–23:00.

Maintaining health during Tzu Shi hours (23:00–1:00)

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, quality sleep during the Tzu Shi hours is very important for maintaining health. During the Tzu Shi clock, the gallbladder meridian is active. At this time, yin energy gradually dissipates and fades away, but yang energy is born - the most powerful productive life force. If we follow the law of “shichen” and go to bed before 23:00, then yang energy is quickly born and rises, which benefits our entire body.

This happens just as the spring growth of sown seeds awakens, breaking through the ground and sprouting shoots. If we go to bed later than 11 pm, then “yang” energy begins to be wasted. But it is precisely this that is the basis of life. This is why it is so important to go to bed no later than 11 pm.

In fact, if you clarify this recommendation, then you should not go to bed at 23:00 - by this time you should already fall asleep and be in deep sleep. If it usually takes you half an hour to fall asleep, then you should go to bed by 10:30 p.m.

And that's why:

During the Tzu Shi clock, the gallbladder meridian is active.

If a person sleeps at this time, then bile is secreted normally, and the normal functioning of the gallbladder affects all functions of the body. On the contrary, if you are used to going to bed late and working late, then the bile is released poorly and thickens, which leads to the formation of health problems.

After all, only with normal bile secretion do the spleen and stomach function normally. Going to bed before the onset of Tzu Shi is the best way to improve the health of the gallbladder, and quality sleep is the most important tonic for maintaining health.

Maintaining health during chow shi hours (1:00–3:00)

At this time, the liver meridian is activated. Toxins and wastes are eliminated, as well as blood is regulated and renewed. During chow shi hours, most people are already asleep, which corresponds to the rules of traditional Chinese medicine about maintaining health.

If a person is still awake during Chou Shi hours, the liver continues to release energy to support the mental and physical activity of the body, which means that a sufficient amount of Qi and blood cannot return to the liver to cleanse it. The best way to strengthen the liver is good quality sleep. The deeper it is, the better the blood circulates and the more active the liver cleansing occurs.

Maintaining health during yin shi hours (3:00–5:00)

During the “yin-shi” hours, from 3 to 5 am, the lung meridian begins to work actively. The “yin shi” clock is the time of origin of “yang” energy. During the hours of activity of the lung meridian, Qi and blood move from a state of calm to movement and again begin to spread throughout the body. At this time, all organs of the human body should rest. Only in this way can the lungs rationally distribute Qi and blood. If any organ continues to work actively at this time, the lungs have to send more Qi and blood to it, which can lead to an uneven distribution of Qi and blood in the body.

Maintaining health during Mao Shi hours (5:00–7:00)

During “Mao Shi” hours, the work of the colon meridian is activated, which is responsible for the final removal of feces with toxins and waste from the body. When you get out of bed, it is advisable to immediately drink a glass of warm water. This is especially true for those who suffer from frequent constipation. During “Mao Shi” hours, the work of the colon meridian is activated, which is responsible for the final removal of feces with toxins and waste from the body.

Warm water, drunk on an empty stomach, helps moisturize the intestinal tract, stimulate bowel movements and eliminate toxins.

Maintaining health during Chen Shih hours (7:00–9:00)

Chen Shi hours (7:00–9:00): a balanced, nutritious breakfast. During “Chen Shi” hours (7:00–9:00) the stomach meridian is active. This time is considered ideal for breakfast, because the work of the spleen and stomach is activated, making food digested very easily.

During “Chen Shi” hours (7:00–9:00) the stomach meridian is active. During the night, people usually sleep and do not take food, and therefore the body manages to “get hungry” during the night and requires reinforcement, i.e. the next arrival of food. In addition, you should know that before the onset of the “chen-shi” hours, i.e. during “Mao Shi” hours (5:00–7:00 o’clock), “yang” energy rises, and the energy balance “yang” - “yin” is beneficial for the body.

It is ensured by timely replenishment of “yin” energy. Food by its nature belongs to “yin”, which is why it is useful to have breakfast at the “chen shi” hours, more precisely, at 7 o’clock in the morning. Like the awakening spring and the earth thirsting for irrigation, the body also thirsts for its “blessed spring rain,” i.e. daily food.

In addition, at this time there is an excess of “yang” energy in the human body, and the spleen and stomach have increased functional activity, so even if you eat a hearty breakfast at 7 o’clock in the morning, all the food that enters the body will be absorbed properly, and the person will does not threaten to gain excess weight. And if you don’t have breakfast at this time, then during the hours of greatest activity of the stomach meridian, an empty stomach will have “nothing to do.” When the stomach meridian is most active, the level of acids in the gastric juice increases, and excess acid harms the stomach and threatens the occurrence of gastric diseases and disruption of the acid-base balance in the body.

Maintaining health during “si-shi” hours (9:00–11:00)

Si-shi hours (9:00–11:00) are considered the first “golden period” for work and study. During “Si-Shi” hours the spleen meridian is active.

The spleen is involved in digestion, assimilates and distributes nutrients and fluids extracted from food throughout the body. In addition, the brain is actively working at this time. Therefore, these hours are called the “golden period”, i.e. period, the most effective from the point of view of work and study. Never forget to have breakfast. After breakfast, the spleen absorbs food coming from the stomach, and the muscles, having received nutrients, become more active. A person has a desire to activate his muscles. When the energy of the muscles and muscles is spent, the work of the spleen is even more activated, and therefore it turns out that this organ is “busy” all the time, loaded with work.

Maintaining health during wu-shi hours (11:00–13:00)

During “wu-shi” hours (11:00–13:00), the heart meridian is active. During these hours, “yang” energy reaches its peak, which can lead to an excess of heart “fire.”

The easiest way to eliminate this excessive “fire” is to take a short lunch break. This will help replenish your energy and increase your productivity in the afternoon. People with insufficient “yang” energy should definitely take a good rest during these hours to improve their health. Eating lunch helps prevent heart disease.

If at this time we restore energy, then our heart becomes stronger and the cardiovascular system functions normally. Every day at noon it is recommended to sleep for half an hour, this is very useful for restoring energy; you can lie down on the bed or on the sofa, or even just lean back in the chair and take a nap.

Maintaining health during Wei Shi hours (13:00–15:00)

During Wei Shi hours, the meridian of the small intestine works actively. Nutrients enter the small intestine, where they are processed and broken down, and then transported to various organs of the human body through the blood and lymphatic capillaries.

Human internal organs age with age and their functions weaken. Here we can draw an analogy with the operation of machines and mechanisms that wear out during long-term use. One of the main causes of health problems in older people is low levels of Qi and blood.

Weakening the function of the small intestine not only causes a decrease in the level of qi and blood, but also reduces the level of waste elimination. During “Wu Shi” hours, the health of the heart meridian should be maintained, and during “Wei Shi” hours, the health of the small intestine meridian should be maintained.

The best method for maintaining the heart meridian is to sleep before lunch or sit after lunch in a state of detachment and peace.

And the best way to maintain the health of the small intestine meridian is the timely supply of nutrients, which ensures the flow of blood and “Qi” energy.

As the pace of life accelerates, many people do not pay enough attention to lunch, and this has a bad effect on their health. As we have already said, lunch is very important, so you need to have lunch on time, taking seriously the quality of lunch food and its nutritional value. By the end of the first half of the day, the consumption of Qi and blood in the body increases, which requires their replenishment. It is from lunch that a sufficient amount of blood and energy, so necessary for the functioning of the body in the afternoon, depends.

Maintaining health during Shen Shi hours (15:00–17:00)

Shen Shi hours (15:00–17:00) are considered the second “golden period” for work and study. During Shen Shi hours, the bladder meridian is active.

At this time, a person is full of strength and energy. Metabolism in the body reaches its peak, the brain received the necessary portion of nutrients after lunch. Therefore, the time of “Shen Shi” is called the second “golden period”.

For the human body, two periods of the day such as sunrise and sunset are equally important. At this time, a person is full of energy, thinks clearly and is agile in his movements. Morning and sunset hours are the right time to study and work, as well as the best time to play sports. The state of human health is generally clearly revealed precisely at dawn and dusk, but especially at sunset, i.e. during Shen-shi hours (from 15:00 to 17:00).

If a person is already tired by this time and is experiencing fatigue, then he should quickly go out into the fresh air for a little exercise in order to cheer up and get a new charge of “yang” energy. During Shen Shi hours, metabolism in the human body reaches its peak.

At this time, the bladder meridian is actively working, and the bladder is the main channel for removing waste and toxins. This is why you need to drink more water during this time. When the elimination of toxins proceeds normally, the risk of various diseases decreases.

“Shen Shi” hours are the best time to improve health... At this time, a balance of “yin” energy and “yang” energy is observed in the human body, both the body and spirit are in good condition, the person is full of energy. All this creates good conditions for engaging in any type of physical activity.

Maintaining health during Yu-shi hours (17:00–19:00 hours)

At this time, the kidney meridian is active. You should increase the amount of drinking to speed up the elimination of harmful and unnecessary substances from the body. Water helps cleanse the kidneys and bladder and prevent kidney disease. We already know that during Shen Shi hours (15:00–17:00 hours) the bladder meridian is actively working. This is the peak period for removing waste and toxins from the body, so you should increase the amount of drinking to speed up the appearance of urine and stimulate the elimination of unnecessary and harmful substances from the body. In the next period of time, namely during the Yu-shi hours, the peak period of elimination of toxins and poisons gradually ends, but does not stop completely.

To keep your kidneys and bladder clean and remove all toxins from them, you need to drink a glass of clean water during Yu-shi hours. This is a good way to maintain kidney health. The water we drink to cleanse our insides during Shen Shih hours is first filtered in the kidneys and then enters the bladder, turning into urine.

However, during the filtration process, toxins and waste remain in the kidneys, an increase in the amount of which adds to the risk of disease. Many diseases, such as urinary disorders, urinary retention, inflammation of the kidneys or urethra, stones in the kidneys or urethra, are associated with this.

After the peak of metabolism during the “Shen Shi” hours, during the “Yu Shi” hours the kidneys continue to cleanse the body and help eliminate waste and toxins. At the same time, the kidneys begin to preserve the most valuable substances. If you make a habit of drinking a glass of water during Yu-shi hours, you will improve your kidney health.

Maintaining health during “Xu Shi” hours (19:00–21:00)

Xu Shi hours (19:00–21:00) are considered the third “golden period” for work and study. At this time, when the pericardial meridian is active, the entire body is calm.

This is the third "golden period" of the day. After a light dinner you can go for a walk. Before 21:00 it is useful to drink a glass of water or weak tea to speed up the circulation of Qi and blood in the body.

From 19:00 to 21:00, “yin” energy in the body increases and “yang” energy decreases. This means this is the best time to regulate your health. The Xu Shi clock is an incredibly valuable time of day, and it should be used to maintain the health of the entire body. At this time, the pericardial meridian should be massaged.

Massage of the pericardial meridian helps strengthen the function of the heart, as a result of which the activity of all internal organs improves and the circulation of Qi and blood is activated.

The pericardial meridian is one of the 12 main active channels. It runs along the inside of the arms.

You can, for example, while sitting in front of the TV, stretch your left arm from the armpit downwards with your right hand - along the pericardial meridian, and then do the same with your right arm. You need to massage each hand for 10 minutes.

Maintaining health during Hai Chi hours (21:00–23:00)

During “hai shi” hours (21:00–23:00 hours) the meridian of the three heaters is active. Hai Chi hours are the most wonderful time of the day. All nature is in peace and quiet.

“Hai Shi” is a period of time during which “yin” energy reaches its peak and begins to weaken, and “yang” energy is completely depleted and begins to be born again. At this time, people complete their daily activities and prepare for bed. Therefore, during these hours you need to calm down and ensure yourself a good rest. If you violate this natural law, you can harm your health.

Sleeping during “hai shi” hours is useful for strengthening “yin” energy. The sleep instinct is considered one of the main ones in animals and people. As everyone knows well, if a person sleeps poorly or insufficiently, then he immediately begins to feel unwell, he is overcome by lethargy and apathy.

However, many do not know what is called “correct” sleep. You already know about the importance of sleeping during the hours of Tzu Shi (23:00–1:00) and Wu Shi (11:00–13:00). A midday nap during wu-shi hours provides an opportunity to briefly escape from daytime work and relax, while the main sleep occurs at night.

According to the theory of Chinese medicine, the day passes “under the sign” of “yang” energy, and the night passes “under the sign” of “yin” energy, so during the day you need to do business, and at night - rest, restoring strength and energy for the next day . To have quality sleep during Tzu Shi hours, you need to fall asleep before 11:00 pm. In other words, you need to go to bed already during high-shi hours.

This will not only help your body have a good rest, but will also contribute to the emergence of new vital forces, i.e. stimulate the influx of “yang” energy and nourish “yin” energy.

“Yin” energy and “yang” energy do not exist separately: the relationship between them is characterized by mutual generation and mutual overcoming. At night, a person must get enough sleep, because night sleep reinforces “yin” energy. Only in this case does he have enough “yang” energy for normal functioning during the day.

Unfortunately, nowadays people work a lot and have little rest, this leads to excessive consumption of “yang” energy while insufficiently feeding “yin” energy.

Thus, the normal circulation of energies is disrupted, and an outwardly healthy body begins to experience internal “failures.” During Hai Chi hours, people finish their chores and prepare for bed. You can read a little to calm down and ensure yourself a good rest.

A calm mood helps you fall asleep quickly. By 10:30 p.m. it’s best to be in bed. The most important thing is to bring your lifestyle in line with the activity of the main meridians and organs of the human body, as well as maintaining a balance between “yin” energy and “yang” energy throughout the day. Try to listen to your body and follow the natural order of things. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet