What to do with a pussy willow branch. The consecrated willow took root. How, where and how long is consecrated willow stored?

Orthodox Christians collect willow branches every year before Palm Sunday, but not all of them know why they should be blessed in the church, how to store them correctly and where to put them after the holiday ends. And what to do with last year's willow?

These and other questions really deserve attention when we are talking about such a serious holiday in the Christian calendar.

Why do you need to illuminate willow branches?

With the onset of spring, the first thing that buds begin to appear is on the willow.

Since ancient times, people have attributed almost magical properties and magical powers to this tree.

  • It was believed that the willow promotes the fertility of the earth, increases the harvest, and gives good health and sexual power of both cattle and people.

Often, people who wanted to ward off various misfortunes from their home used willow trees that were lit before the holiday.

  • But the willow not only protects from evil forces. Its illuminated branches were also credited with the ability to protect a believer’s house from hail and fires, and to stop a storm.
  • It was believed that the willow helped to recognize witches and sorcerers if they entered the house, ward off demons, and also discover various treasures.
  • Some people swallowed the so-called “earrings” of willow in order to drive away illness or protect themselves from any disease.
  • To prevent lightning from striking the house during a thunderstorm, willow branches were simply placed on the windowsill.

IN ancient Rus' the preparation of palm tree twigs actually resembled a whole ritual.

Just before the holiday, people went to trees located next to flowing rivers and broke branches there.

  • Upon arriving home from church, illuminated by the willow tree, the parents lightly whipped their children, during which they said a certain prayer aimed at protecting them from sorrows and troubles.

It was customary to whip themselves, also saying that it was the willow that was beating, and not the man himself. In this way a person could replenish his health, physical strength and energy.

  • Young girls and newlyweds were also often whipped with the blessed willow: this was done so that the couple and the future bride would have healthy babies in the future.
  • There is also an opinion among believers: if an illuminated willow is thrown against the wind, it will drive away the approaching storm, if you throw it into a fire, it will stop it, extinguish it, and if you stick it into a field, the willow will save all the crops.
  • People who were not endowed with special courage, boldness, that is, cowardly, were advised to get rid of their shortcomings with the help of willow. To do this, it was necessary to go to church early in the morning on Palm Sunday, where they would bless the branches, and immediately upon arriving home, drive a small peg of the illuminated willow tree into the wall of their own house.
  • And, of course, due to the weather that was on this holiday, or rather all palm week, judged what the harvest would be like. So, good weather meant that the harvest would definitely be good and rich, but if the weather was bad, good harvest there was no point in counting.

What to do with the willow after it is illuminated?

When the branches were taken to the church and consecrated there, after that they can be stored throughout the year and until the next Palm Sunday.

But it is best to store them behind icons or near them. However, you can try and attach them to different places at home, in every room, thus protecting your home from troubles, from bad events and people.

When you collect willow branches, do not take them all from one tree (even if it is large). Break a few branches from two or more trees, but carefully. Don’t try to break more, one branch is enough for each room and for each family member.

What to do with last year's willow and what not to do with it?

Suppose tomorrow is Palm Sunday, therefore, fresh branches need to be blessed. Where to put the willow from last year and when should you get rid of it?

Please note that consecrated willow is endowed with magical properties that remain whole year and until next spring.

Remember: if a willow is consecrated in a church, from that moment it ceases to be a simple willow - it is now considered a shrine. Therefore, you can’t just take it and throw it in the trash.

The Church believes that such a plant should not be in a dirty place, next to garbage or in a general waste heap - this is an insult to the shrine.

There are several ways to get rid of last year's willow. They can even be called rituals that can be performed before or after the holiday:

  1. Find a river or any other body of water and let last year's consecrated willow on flowing water.
  2. Burn the dried willow, and collect the ashes remaining from the branches and pour them in a place where people or animals will not walk. For example, your own garden will work great if you scatter the ashes under one of its trees. If you don’t have your own garden, then go into the forest and sprinkle the ashes under any tree.
  3. Sometimes it happens that branches stand in water and sprout there. In this case, it is necessary to plant the sprouted branches in the forest or somewhere near a river.
  4. Illuminated willow can be stored for several years, but every year on Palm Sunday it is important to bring home fresh branches.
  5. If a misfortune happens and someone close to you dies during Palm Week, last year's willow is placed in his coffin. By the way, some elderly believers collect twigs after each holiday so that they can be placed in the coffin of that person when the time comes.
  6. You can cleanse your home with a lighted willow twig and consecrate it by walking around the entire apartment or house with it and reading a prayer at the same time.
  7. Many people prefer to take last year’s willow to church - there they will burn it according to the rules, with prayer.
  8. Take it to the forest and leave it there, but only between the willow bushes.
  9. It is also allowed to sweep the corners of the house with old willow, then burn it, thanking the willow for its good service.
  10. If you have a stove in your house, then light it last year's twigs before you start baking Easter cakes.

Every time before Palm Sunday, Orthodox Christians have a question: what to do with last year’s willow, which they kept all year? And when should you get rid of it? On the eve of the holiday or on Palm Sunday itself?

A few words about the holiday itself

Palm Sunday is a holiday commemorating the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. This is one of the last events during the life of Christ. And it happened a week before Easter - Happy Resurrection. Why Palm Sunday? During Jesus' entry into the Holy City, people covered his path with freshly cut palm branches. This tradition was adopted in the East during the meeting important persons. In Russia, in the absence of palm trees, willow is used.

But on this day, not only willow and palm trees are blessed in the church, but also olive, boxwood, and laurel branches.

There is a tradition of decorating large branches with sweets and fruits, as well as colored ribbons. Lighted branches were installed at the head of the house, near crucifixes, near fireplaces and stove hearths, as well as in animal stalls and other places. They can be installed simply in dry places or placed in a vase with water. Branches protect the house from the elements, diseases, and quarrels.
So, a year has passed, tomorrow is Palm Sunday again, we need to consecrate fresh willows. What should we do with the old ones from last year? And when should you get rid of them? A consecrated willow is no longer just tree branches, but a real shrine. You can't just throw it in the trash. It is believed that the willow retains its magical properties until next spring.

You can perform a small ritual on Palm Sunday itself, before it, or immediately after Palm Sunday. There are several options for getting rid of willow.

Throw old willows along flowing water into any body of water.

Burn dried willow branches. In this case, the ashes need to be poured out in a place where they will not trample on them. You can pour the ashes into the river.

If willows sprouted in water, it is best to plant them in a forest or near a river.

Willows can be stored for several years. But at the same time, celebrate the holiday with fresh branches every year.

If someone dies in the coming days, then the willow is placed in the coffin.

Some older people collect willows to take to their graves.

With a lit willow branch you can cleanse the house and sanctify it by walking around the house with this branch and prayer.

Take them to the Church, where they are burned with prayer.

Take it to the forest and leave it there between the willow bushes.

If you have a stove in the house, you can use last year’s dried willow to light it for baking Easter cakes.

They symbolically sweep the corners of the house with old willow and then burn it, thanking them for their service.

Miraculous properties of the consecrated willow:

Coming home from church, they lightly beat all household members with a blessed willow so that they are healthy. They don’t forget about all the cattle. All living things absorb the power of spring and renewal.

Willow protects the house from evil forces and spirits.

Willow is planted in the garden if there is a bride of marriageable age or a young guy in the house. As soon as the willow takes root, there will be a wedding.

On St. George's Day, willow is used to drive livestock out to the fields. Then he will be healthy and fruitful.

It is believed that willow can be used to ward off thunder, hail and clouds by tilting it towards the clouds.

Willow reduced destructive force fire, throwing her into the conflagration.

Willow buds were swallowed to get rid of fever, sore throat, and infertility.

Willows were used to line wells to prevent evil forces from getting into the water.

Folk traditions related to Palm Sunday

To this day, there are many signs and traditions associated with Palm Sunday. They are passed down from older to younger family members.

On the night of Palm Sunday, you can make spells for headaches. To do this, the hair from the comb was dipped into water and the willow was watered with this water. The water will go into the ground along with the headache.

On Palm Sunday, girls cast a love spell on a willow tree. When casting a spell, the willow was placed behind the icons. You cannot throw away charmed branches.

You can only “hit” with a willow on the back, wishing for health. If you are hit on the butt, this person wishes you illness and evil, and it may come true.

Willow branches could only be cut from young trees. It is important that the trunks are free of damage and mossy bark.

You cannot pluck branches from a willow tree if there is a hollow in it. You also cannot tear branches from a cemetery willow.

You cannot tear branches bending over the river. It is believed that mermaids sit on them at night.


If it was frosty enough on Palm Sunday, then a fairly good harvest of spring grain was expected.

If there were frosts on the night of Verbnoye, there will be a good harvest of cabbage and cucumbers.

If on Verbnoye strong wind, then the whole summer will be quite windy, there will be hurricanes and storms. And if the day is warm and quiet, it will be summer.

Whatever the wind is in Verbnoye, it will be like that all summer.

If the sun shines in Verbnoye, there will be a rich harvest of cereals and fruits.

Tap the willow on your body on Palm Sunday and you will be healthy all year.

Willow is the most tenacious tree. Stick a branch into the ground and a tree will grow. The tree gives the same vitality to humans.

If you eat a bud of a consecrated willow, any matter will be easily solved. Of course, you can use the “magical” properties of willow only in extreme cases.

Think about your loved one on Verbnoye, he will come to you.

If planted on Palm Sunday home plant, you will be rich. But if the flower withers, you will live in poverty all your life.

The energy of Palm Sunday helps make all your desires come true.

What to do with willow?

How to collect willow? Tear several branches from small young trees. Don't cut off all the branches from one bush. But you need enough branches to put several in each room, and in the livestock quarters too. Take the branches to the church for blessing. If you can’t go to church, you can sprinkle the willows with holy water at home.

Arrange the branches among the vases. They do not need to be removed for two weeks. IN Maundy Thursday The branches were used as sprinklers: they were moistened with holy water and sprinkled on all corners of the house. And then the branches can be used in different ways: left until next Palm Sunday, or immediately floated down the river.

Every time before Palm Sunday, Orthodox Christians have a question: what to do with last year’s willow, which they kept all year? And when should you get rid of it? On the eve of the holiday or on Palm Sunday itself?

A few words about the holiday itself

Palm Sunday is a holiday commemorating the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. This is one of the last events during the life of Christ. And it happened a week before Easter - Bright Resurrection. Why Palm Sunday? As Jesus entered the Holy City, people covered his path with freshly cut palm branches. This tradition was adopted in the East during meetings of important persons. In Russia, in the absence of palm trees, willow is used.

But on this day, not only willow and palm trees are blessed in the church, but also olive, boxwood, and laurel branches. There is a tradition of decorating large branches with sweets and fruits, as well as colored ribbons. Lighted branches were installed at the head of the house, near crucifixes, near fireplaces and stove hearths, as well as in animal stalls and other places. They can be installed simply in dry places or placed in a vase with water. Branches protect the house from the elements, diseases, and quarrels.

So, a year has passed, tomorrow is Palm Sunday again, fresh willows need to be blessed. What should we do with the old ones from last year? And when should you get rid of them? Blessed Willow- these are no longer just tree branches, but a real shrine. You can't just throw it in the trash. It is believed that willow retains its magical properties until next spring.

You can perform a small ritual on Palm Sunday itself, before it, or immediately. There are several options for getting rid of willow.

  1. Throw old willows along flowing water into any body of water.
  2. Burn dried willow branches. In this case, the ashes need to be poured out in a place where they will not trample on them. You can pour the ashes into the river.
  3. If willows sprouted in water, it is best to plant them in a forest or near a river.
  4. Willows can be stored for several years. But at the same time, celebrate the holiday with fresh branches every year.
  5. If someone dies in the coming days, then the willow is placed in the coffin.
  6. Some older people collect willows to take to their graves.
  7. With a lit willow branch you can cleanse the house and sanctify it by walking around the house with this branch and prayer.
  8. Take them to the Church, where they are burned with prayer.
  9. Take it to the forest and leave it there between the willow bushes.
  10. If you have a stove in the house, you can use last year’s dried willow to light it for baking Easter cakes.
  11. They symbolically sweep the corners of the house with old willow and then burn it, thanking them for their service.

Miraculous properties of the consecrated willow:

  • When they come home from church, they lightly beat all the household members so that they are healthy. They don’t forget about all the cattle. All living things absorb the power of spring and renewal.
  • Willow protects the house from evil forces and spirits.
  • Willow is planted in the garden if there is a bride of marriageable age or a young guy in the house. As soon as the willow takes root, there will be a wedding.
  • On St. George's Day, willow is used to drive livestock out to the fields. Then he will be healthy and fruitful.
  • It is believed that willow can be used to ward off thunder, hail and clouds by tilting it towards the clouds.
  • Willow reduced the destructive power of fire by throwing it into the fire.
  • Willow buds were swallowed to get rid of fever, sore throat, and infertility.
  • Willows were used to line wells to prevent evil forces from getting into the water.

Folk traditions associated with Palm Sunday

To this day, there are many signs and traditions associated with Palm Sunday. They are passed down from older to younger family members.

  • On the night of Palm Sunday you can make spells for headaches. To do this, the hair from the comb was dipped into water and the willow was watered with this water. The water will go into the ground along with the headache.
  • On Palm Sunday, girls cast a love spell on willow. When casting a spell, the willow was placed behind the icons. You cannot throw away charmed branches.
  • You can only “hit” with a willow on the back, wishing for health. If you are hit on the butt, this person wishes you illness and evil, and it may come true.
  • It was possible to cut willow branches only from young trees. It is important that the trunks are free of damage and mossy bark.
  • You cannot pick branches from a willow tree if there is a hollow in it.. You also cannot tear branches from a cemetery willow.
  • You can't tear branches bending over the river. It is believed that mermaids sit on them at night.


  • If it was frosty enough on Palm Sunday, then a fairly good harvest of spring grain was expected.
  • If there were frosts on the night of Verbnoye, there will be a good harvest of cabbage and cucumbers.
  • If there is a strong wind on Verbnoye, then the whole summer will be quite windy, there will be hurricanes and storms. And if the day is warm and quiet, it will be summer.
  • Whatever the wind is in Verbnoye, it will be like that all summer.
  • If the sun shines in Verbnoye, there will be a rich harvest of cereals and fruits.
  • Tap the willow on your body on Palm Sunday and you will be healthy all year.
  • Willow is the most durable tree. Stick a branch into the ground and a tree will grow. The tree gives the same vitality to humans.
  • If you eat a bud of a consecrated willow, any matter will be easily solved. Of course, you can use the “magical” properties of willow only in extreme cases.
  • Think about your loved one on Verbnoye, he will come to you.
  • If you plant a houseplant on Palm Sunday, you will be rich. But if the flower withers, you will live in poverty all your life.
  • The energy of Palm Sunday helps make all your desires come true.

What to do with willow?

How to collect willow? Tear several branches from small young trees. Don't cut off all the branches from one bush. But you need enough branches to put several in each room, and in the livestock quarters too. Take the branches to the church for blessing. If you can’t go to church, you can sprinkle the willows with holy water at home.

Arrange the branches among the vases. They do not need to be removed for two weeks. On Maundy Thursday, the branches were used as sprinklers: they were moistened with holy water and sprinkled on all corners of the house. And then the branches can be used in different ways: left until next Palm Sunday, or immediately floated down the river.

Elena Frolova – Palm Sunday

Annunciation – Elena Frolova (poems by Marina Tsvetaeva)

Palm Sunday is one of the great Christian holidays. On this day, people go to church and bless the willow, which is kept in the house for a whole year and protects against many troubles and diseases. But every year, before going to church and re-blessing the willow, many Christians wonder what to do with the willow that was blessed last year. After all, there is a belief that you should never throw it away.

Palm Sunday: a little history about the holiday

The holiday of Palm Sunday commemorates the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. This event is considered to be the last thing Jesus did before his crucifixion. And this happened a week before Easter - the holiday when he was resurrected three days after the crucifixion. But why was this Sunday called Palm Sunday? When Jesus entered, people greeted him by strewing his path with fresh palm branches. This tradition has long been accepted in the east; they covered the road with such a living carpet when they met very important people. But in Russia, in the absence of palm trees, they use willow.

But on Palm Sunday, not only willow and palm trees are blessed in the church, but also other fresh branches of olive, boxwood and laurel. There are very ancient tradition, which is almost not observed these days, is to decorate large willow branches with multi-colored ribbons and sweets. Twigs consecrated in the church were placed at the head of the bed, near icons, fireplaces, hearths, and animal stalls. They can be placed in water or simply without it. Willow branches protect the house from quarrels, diseases and other misfortunes.

But now a year has passed and very soon Palm Sunday will come again and again you need to go to church and consecrate new branches, but what to do with last year’s ones? There is a belief that you shouldn’t throw them away, so what can you do?

What to do with last year's willow?

A willow consecrated in a church is a shrine, and not an ordinary twig. Therefore, you can’t just throw it in the trash, but what can you do with it? There are many options for getting rid of last year's willow:

  • You can float the twigs on the water, but you just need to choose a river with a strong current so that they float away from the place where they were floated as far as possible.
  • You can burn the twigs, but you cannot leave the ashes; they must be collected and buried in a place where people do not walk. You can simply pour the ashes into a river or any other body of water.
  • If the willow stood in the water and took root, then it should be planted in the forest or near the river, away from the house.
  • The twigs can be kept in the house for several years as a talisman, but at the same time you can bring new ones every year on holiday.
  • Last year's blessed willow can be placed in a coffin if someone dies before Palm Sunday.
  • There are elderly people who specially save dry willow branches so that they can be placed with them in a coffin when they pass into another world.
  • You can consecrate a house with a lit willow twig; you need to walk around the house with it and at the same time read a prayer.
  • You can take it to church, where they burn all the branches with prayer.
  • Take it to the forest and place it between the growing willow bushes.
  • If there is a stove in the house, then you can light it with willow to bake bread or Easter cakes.
  • They sweep all the corners of the house with last year's willow and then burn it, thanking it for its service.

Why is the consecrated willow so miraculous?

Many signs and customs are associated with Palm Sunday and the willow blessed on this day. ABOUT miraculous properties consecrated willow has been known for a long time:

  • Each family member is lightly beaten with willow brought from the church so that they are healthy and do not get sick.
  • A willow in the house protects him from evil eyes, squabbles and bad words.
  • Willow is planted in the garden of a house where there is a young girl of marriageable age or a guy; if she is accepted, it means there will be a wedding soon.
  • On St. George's Day, the blessed willow is used to drive cattle out to the field so that they are healthy and fertile.
  • There is also a sign that a willow in a house can ward off thunder, hail and clouds from it.
  • There is also a legend that in the old days they tamed the fire with willow, threw it into the fire and the fire subsided.
  • Willow buds were eaten to relieve sore throats, infertility and fever.
  • Wells were lined with branches of consecrated willow, thus protecting the water from evil forces.

There are many traditions that are associated with Palm Sunday and willow.

Palm Sunday: traditions

Many old people often talk about traditions that were accepted many centuries ago, but these days not everyone knows about them.

  • On the night of Palm Sunday, spells are made that protect against headaches. To do this, the hair taken from the comb is dipped into water and the willow is watered with it. The water will go into the ground, and with it the pain.
  • Many girls charmed the willow and left it behind the icon, thus attracting the interest of the opposite sex to themselves.
  • You need to “hit” with a consecrated willow on the back, but if a person is hit on the backside, then in this way he wished for evil and illness.
  • The willow branches that are going to be blessed must be cut from a young tree and it is very important that there is no damage to the trunk.
  • You cannot tear branches from a willow if there is a hollow in it, and you should also not touch the willow in a cemetery.
  • You should not pick a willow on a tree growing near a river, as there is a belief that mermaids rest on these branches at night.

On the eve of Palm Sunday, many Orthodox people They are wondering: what should be done with the old willow tree, which was consecrated a year ago and kept in the house. After all, she “protected” the home all year from illness, abuse, and the elements, and you can’t just throw it in the trash. There are several ways to get rid of such a willow, but at the beginning, a few words about the holiday of Palm Sunday itself.

Historically, this day is marked by the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The ground on which Christ walked was strewn with palm branches. In Russia, they use willow branches, that is, willow, since palm trees do not grow everywhere here. They are illuminated in the church and brought home so that they serve as a kind of shield that protects our peace and health throughout the year. First, willow branches are usually placed in a vase with water, and then laid out in cabinets, corners, or simply put away somewhere until the next Palm Day.

What to do with willow consecrated in church?

It is customary to whip relatives and friends with new willow branches, which were illuminated in the church on Palm Sunday. This charges them with health for the whole year. The same must be done with animals, regardless of whether they live in the house or not. Everyone must absorb spring update and be filled with new strength.

So what to do with the willow after the holiday? Since it is believed that the willow has protective powers against evil forces, it should be left in the house or:

  • plant in the front garden if a young guy or girl lives in the house (it is believed that after the planted willow begins to grow, there will be a wedding in this house);
  • by pointing willow branches towards the clouds, they say you can ward off hail or thunderstorms;
  • in case of fire, you can reduce the fire by throwing a branch of consecrated willow into it;
  • Previously, wells were lined with willow branches, protecting the water from evil spirits;
  • some use willow buds to cure fever and even infertility.

What to do with last year's willow branches?

After you brought fresh willow branches from church for Palm Sunday, a legitimate question arises: what to do with last year’s illuminated willow? After all, you can’t just throw away such a “shrine,” since it acted as a ward off evil spirits for a whole year and continues to retain its protective functions. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out some kind of ritual to get rid of old willow branches. Below are ways you can do this:

Now you know what you can do with last year’s willow and this issue will no longer bother you. The main thing, if you keep willow at home for more than one year, is to always celebrate Palm Sunday with freshly cut willow branches.