How to clean pores on your face yourself at home. How to clean pores on your face easily and easily at home

The problem of enlarged pores haunts many owners of oily skin. At the same time, the reasons for the appearance of enlarged pores can be very diverse. Hormonal changes in the body, poor nutrition, illiterate skin care - all this can significantly spoil your appearance.

Some people use cosmetics to disguise annoying imperfections. But you must admit, this technique is completely ineffective! As a rule, foundation and powder lead to additional blockage of pores. Hence the redness, swelling, and irritation. This can be dangerous not only for beauty, but also for health!

You and I will approach the issue wisely. Today we will tell you how to deal with the problem of enlarged pores and eliminate the need to hide imperfections under a layer of makeup.

Enlarged pores

Before applying masks for tightening pores, be sure to steam the skin over a steam bath. This will soften blackheads and sebum plugs, and the components of the mask will be able to penetrate the skin much deeper.

1. Protein mask
Take the white of 1 egg and beat it thoroughly with the juice of half a medium lemon. Apply the resulting mixture to cleansed facial skin and lie down. When the mixture dries completely, the skin will feel tight. Great! Now you can remove the mask and wash with warm water.

2. Tomato mask
You can’t imagine what a wonderful effect tomato juice has on the skin! Cut a medium-sized tomato into thin slices. Cover your entire face with them and leave the mask on for 10 minutes. Afterwards, do a contrast wash - alternately turn on warm and cool water.

Pear mask
Take a juicy pear. Peel it and remove seeds. Grind the resulting pulp into a puree and mix with starch until thick. In addition to reducing enlarged pores, this mask allows remove blackheads and lightens age spots and freckles.

Bread mask
Soak a piece of rye bread weighing about 100 g in 1/2 cup of slightly warmed water. Let the bread swell, gently squeeze out excess moisture and distribute the resulting mass over the skin of your face. Wait 10 minutes. The components included in the bread will tighten enlarged pores and eliminate oily sheen.

Cucumber mask
Peel the cucumber and grind the resulting pulp into a pulp using a grater. Squeeze out the pulp, mix with the white of 1 egg, whipped into a strong foam. A cucumber mask will not only tighten enlarged pores, but also brighten your facial skin.

Soda mask
Entire battles unfold around masks containing soda. We have seen from our own experience: soda masks work! Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda to the beaten white of 1 egg. Baking soda will remove impurities, lemon juice will refresh your complexion, and protein will tighten enlarged pores.

Honey mask
Melt 1 tablespoon of honey in a water bath. Mix it with 50 g of barley flour and beaten white of 1 egg. Grind the mixture until smooth and add 1 drop each of mint oil and juniper oil. The mask will not only narrow enlarged pores, it will have a nourishing effect on the skin and give it the necessary tone.

Effective care for problem skin faces are not such a difficult task. The main thing in this matter is consistency. Find the mask that suits your skin best and use it consistently for several weeks.

This way you can get rid of any skin imperfections that are bothering you now and enjoy your transformed appearance.

Useful tips on how to care for skin with enlarged pores. Proper washing, cleansing and masks to tighten pores. Complete comprehensive care at home.

Most often, enlarged pores on the face are a sign of increased oily skin. The main areas of their location are the cheeks, nose and chin. Such pores themselves already spoil the appearance of the skin, and if they are not cleaned, but are filled with dust, dirt and dead skin particles, then from the outside it looks completely unattractive.

If you do not pay attention to this drawback, then over time the skin will become prominent and you will need to contact professional cosmetologists for cleaning. It is no longer possible to correct the situation on your own at home.

It is worth noting that sometimes dry skin with enlarged pores occurs. True, this happens quite rarely. The cause of enlarged pores is the excessive amount of sebum that accumulates in them, stretching the skin and making the pores more noticeable. As you know, skin type changes with age. Over the years, those with oily skin become dry, but enlarged pores may remain.

Regardless of the reasons for the problem, it is very important to know how to get rid of it quickly and effectively. Enlarged pores must be cleaned correctly and carefully. We'll talk about this in this article.

How to prevent severe contamination of pores?

There are many effective ways to clean out pores. And in order to prevent their severe contamination, you can use the advice of experienced cosmetologists:

    When going out into the cold, you should cover your face with a scarf or hands. Sudden temperature changes are very harmful to pores and can lead to their expansion. It is also very harmful to go outside after applying moisturizer to your face. You must wait at least 20 minutes before leaving.

    Direct sunlight, in particular, greatly affects the condition of the skin and pores. That is why you should always have a day cream with powerful SPF filters in your cosmetic bag. Many girls think that such cosmetics should be used exclusively in the summer. In fact, this is not true at all. Even in the harshest winter, the sun can have a negative impact on our skin.

    It will be useful to take vitamin B at least once a day. It can be part of a general complex of vitamins, or simply contained in the food you eat. This vitamin has a positive effect not only on a person’s beauty, but also on his health.

    Under no circumstances should you go to bed with foundation, powder or other similar cosmetics applied to your skin. Before going to bed, cosmetics should be washed off with a special milk or tonic, and then rinse your face with purified water that has been left standing for 2-3 days.

The skin should take a break from cosmetics

    Few people know that the cause of clogged pores can also be severe stress or emotional experiences, therefore, in order to keep your skin young and beautiful, it is very important to learn how to cope with your emotions. Calmness and inner harmony will allow you to remain attractive and healthy until old age.

    Some health problems can also lead to deterioration of the skin condition. For example, weakened immunity, disruption of the endocrine glands, hormonal imbalance and long-term use of medications. In this case, proper timely treatment will help get rid of the problem or even prevent it.

    Many girls are very fond of decorative cosmetics and apply them to their skin in large quantities. It can also lead to enlarged pores and overall deterioration in the appearance of the skin. Cosmetologists recommend reducing the amount of cosmetics used daily. For example, in summer you should not use foundation and powder. When the skin is covered with a light, delicate tan, it will look much more attractive than under a ton of cosmetics.

Effective and safe cleaning must take place in several stages. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Proper washing is the key to beautiful skin

Even at a very young age, some girls and boys begin to wash themselves too actively, thus trying to thoroughly cleanse the skin and, in particular, clogged pores. But the result is completely different. If you rub your face too hard with your hand, sponge or washcloth, you can damage the delicate skin. As a result, the pore walls become too weak and expand. And those that are clogged can even break through. The beauty of facial skin suffers greatly in any of these cases.

It turns out to be a real vicious circle: active washing raises dead skin particles - its surface becomes embossed - unevenness is masked by decorative cosmetics - due to an excessive amount of foundation, acne and blackheads appear - the patient tries to get rid of them by actively washing.

Thus, the skin condition worsens every day. Therefore, it is very important to wash your face properly, thereby maintaining healthy, clean and beautiful skin.

You need to wash your face correctly

Before washing, it is very important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Cotton swabs, sponges and towels should also be clean. If this is not the first time you have used the sponge for washing, you should rub it with laundry soap, leave it for a few minutes, and then rinse it with warm water. After this, you can safely use it again.

You also need to choose a high-quality and effective cleanser. Especially for sensitive skin. It is best if it does not contain artificial colors or flavors, as well as natural essential oils. For oily skin, the product will need a very light, gentle product without oil components.

It is better to settle the water for washing in advance so that it gets rid of all harmful impurities. You can also put a silver spoon in a bowl of water in advance. Melt water is considered the most gentle and beneficial for the skin.

You need to wash your face carefully and gently, trying not to stretch the skin. It is best to move only along massage lines. Water at room temperature is ideal. But contrast washing also has a beneficial effect on the condition of pores - alternately with hot and cold water.


The second step after washing is steaming the skin. It is very important in the cleaning process.

You can steam your face in two ways: using a hot compress or using hot steam.

To make a hot compress, you need to soak a clean towel in hot water, then wring it out and place it on your face. Leave the compress on the skin until the towel has cooled completely. After the compress is removed, you need to wash your face with cold water, thereby narrowing the pores. The result will be noticeable already at this stage.

Steaming helps cleanse pores

To steam your face with steam, you need to boil warm water in a kettle, then pour it into a bowl, bend over the container and cover yourself with a towel on all sides so that the steam does not go away in vain - it should be directed directly at your face. After the procedure, the skin must first be rinsed with warm water to cleanse, and then with cold water to tighten the pores.

Skin exfoliation

This is the last and most active stage of cleansing. The process removes dead cells from the surface of the skin, as well as all dirt, dust and cosmetic residues from the pores. It is quite possible to carry out this procedure yourself at home. But for this it is not enough to simply apply the first scrub you come across in the store to your face. Exfoliation should be comprehensive.

It is best if it is carried out almost immediately after steaming. So, your face has been washed with cool water, it’s time to start active cleansing.

You can use a store-bought scrub. But in this case, it is important to make sure that it does not contain dyes or various harmful additives. This product must be of very high quality and effective.

It's very easy to make a great scrub yourself. There are several options for making such a homemade product:

    Crush the sea salt into small pieces and mix it with unsweetened yogurt.

    Grind raw oats, mix them with a few drops of any vegetable oil and 2 drops of apple cider vinegar.

    Grind a few almonds, mix them with any vegetable oil to a paste, add a few drops of lemon juice.

A homemade scrub can be endlessly modified and improved at will.

It is better to apply the finished product to the skin not with your fingers, but with the help of a special soft and gentle sponge or sponge. You can purchase suitable ones at any cosmetics store. The required amount of scrub is applied to the sponge, and then gently rubbed over the face in a circular motion.

Maximum attention should be paid to the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks. But the area around the eyes cannot be cleaned with a scrub; the skin here is too delicate and thin.

Using a scrub you can remove all the dirt from your pores.

After the facial skin is cleansed, it should be washed with water at room temperature and then thoroughly moisturized. For this purpose, you can use any light moisturizer. But a variety of vegetable oils are not suitable for moisturizing oily skin.

In order not to injure the skin during the exfoliation process, you should use the advice of cosmetologists:

    You should not do this cleaning too often. It is enough to exfoliate the skin on your face 1-2 times a week.

    Any scrub must be used very carefully. This is especially true for products with large particles. For example, the main cleansing element of which is sea salt.

    If you have blackheads or pimples on your skin, they should be treated before you start exfoliating.

    If your skin is tanned or irritated, then it is also recommended to avoid exfoliation (even in the salon).

Pore ​​cleansing masks

You can also clean and tighten the pores on your face using special masks. They are also very effective and efficient.

Banana mask

To make it, ripe fruit must be thoroughly mashed, mixed with a small amount of natural bee honey and a few drops of any citrus juice, and then applied to the face. The mask is washed off with water at room temperature after approximately 15 minutes.

Lemon-vinegar mask

To prepare it, you will need to mix 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, the whites of 2 chicken eggs and 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. This mixture is applied to the face for 7-8 minutes, after which it is washed off with water at room temperature. It is important to remember that this mask deeply cleanses the pores, so you should not use it more than once every 7 days.

If you use it more often, you can seriously damage the skin, which will lead to more serious consequences and problems. After the mask is washed off, the skin should not be dried with a towel; you can only blot it lightly with a soft cloth. Otherwise, the pores will become contaminated again.

Clay masks

Masks based on clay - pink, blue or black - are also perfect for the purpose under discussion. The product can be diluted not only with water, but also with aloe juice, green tea or cosmetic tonic. Such masks will not only help to narrow the pores and clean out their contents, but will also disinfect the problem area and eliminate redness and swelling. Any clay mask stays on the skin for about 20 minutes and then is gently washed off with cool water.

Special masks effectively tighten pores

Masks of berries, vegetables and fruits

Numerous fruit, vegetable and berry masks have a similar effect. They are most often prepared from plums, peaches, grapes, strawberries, apples and carrots. Any fruit or vegetable must be thoroughly ground to a pulp, and then applied to the skin for about 30 minutes. After the expiration date, the mask is washed off with water at room temperature.

Sauerkraut mask

You can make a mask from sauerkraut. True, a purchased product is unlikely to be suitable for this purpose, because you cannot know exactly what ingredients were added to it and how they will affect the condition of the skin. Homemade sauerkraut is best, as it will only benefit your facial skin. To do this, vegetables are applied to the skin along with juice. The length of time you need to keep the mask on your face depends on how oily your skin is. Approximately 15-30 minutes. After the expiration date, wash it off with cool water.

If you regularly clean enlarged pores and make special masks, your skin, regardless of its type, will look young, beautiful and attractive. Such comprehensive care will quickly improve her condition and appearance.

Enlarged pores on a beautiful face not only spoil the appearance aesthetically, but can also cause a lot of trouble in the form of inflammation. They most often cause pimples that are almost impossible to cover up with anything and you constantly want to squeeze out. The best solution would be to prevent their occurrence through proper facial care. Let's learn a few methods to cleanse the pores on your face.

One of the simple methods of cleaning pores is the use of various purchased powder masks, clay-containing creams, scrubs, foams and tonics, of which there are a great variety in our stores. In addition, a film mask for cleaning pores is very popular, which, when dried on the face, turns into a film. By removing it from your face, you can not only get rid of impurities in your pores, but also saturate your skin with nutrients. The main condition for using all these products is strict adherence to the instructions and frequency of use. For non-inflamed pores, special strips will be quite effective. They are ordinary paper strips on which an adhesive substance is applied. This method is most effective if you steam your face first. They should be used 2 times a week, thereby preventing the appearance of blackheads and inflammation.

Proven folk recipes are very effective for cleansing the face and pores:
  • Apply regular honey to the face and tap it into the skin using finger tapping movements. After a minute, you will notice that your fingers stick to the skin more and more tightly and are more difficult to tear off. Don't stop, that's the point. The honey begins to absorb all the dirt and oil from your pores. The procedure can be done for no more than 3 minutes. After everything, you need to wash your face with cold water, thereby narrowing the cleansed pores.
  • Steam half a glass of oatmeal in boiling water. Add some tomato pulp or lemon juice. Clean your pre-steamed face with this scrub twice a week. This way, you will not only prevent the appearance of inflammation on your face, but also nourish the skin with healthy vitamins and narrow the pores, thereby securing the effect.
  • Make a solution of warm boiled water, soda and laundry soap (you can use baby soap). Clean your face with it every morning and evening. This method is especially suitable for people whose skin often becomes inflamed and acne appears.

It is very effective to clean pores by steaming the skin. Brew chamomile with boiling water. You can add soda there. Sit over the steam for 10 minutes, covered with a towel. After the procedure, clean the skin with a cosmetic product. If you have blackheads in your pores, then after steaming you can squeeze them out with clean hands wearing sterile wipes and treat them with salicylic acid. Finally, wash your face with cold water or wipe with ice cubes.

We looked at several methods for facial skin care. All of them are effective and affordable. But it is worth remembering that careful care of your face should become a habit. Only then will you not need camouflage pencils and foundation to hide imperfections on your face.

Neat and blooming skin is an important factor that adds charm and contributes to maximum confidence in a person.

Modern cosmetologists have developed a wide variety of products aimed at daily maintaining the beauty of facial skin and its gentle cleansing.

Expensive tonics, scrubs, masks and lotions are not always worth their cost, and in some cases can cause significant harm to sensitive skin.

The key to the natural working process of cells, their restoration and the absence of irritation is their optimal saturation with oxygen, which is greatly facilitated by proper, timely cleansing of the skin.

The main factor causing the development of inflammatory processes on the face is enlarged pores due to incorrectly selected cosmetics or irregular cleansing.

Effective cleansing of facial pores at home requires a competent skin hygiene program, following the main steps:

  • cleansing;
  • toning;
  • hydration;
  • nutrition;
  • protection.

Going to a beauty salon is not always possible for a number of reasons. Therefore, every woman should know recipes for self-cleansing of the skin.

Inflammatory processes on the facial skin, irritation and acne are common skin phenomena in both women and men. Their formation is associated with many factors.

Protecting the skin from drying out and negative environmental influences is the main mission of a specific substance secreted by the sebaceous glands. As a result of a certain imbalance in the body, sebum is produced in excess, and the process of cell regeneration slows down.

The result is inflammation and blockage of the sebaceous glands, which can only be dealt with by deep cleansing.

Factors influencing the formation of sebaceous plugs

The causes of clogged pores are:

  • hormonal disorders of the body;
  • genetic factors or inherited predisposition;
  • incorrectly chosen skin care products;
  • irrational, unhealthy diet - excessive consumption of smoked meats, baked goods, fried foods and sweets;
  • dehydration of the skin;
  • environmental impacts, etc.

Regular deep cleansing will help preserve healthy, youthful skin for many years.

Results that prove effectiveness

Cleansing procedures carried out regularly give significant results:

  • Thorough cleansing of pores from impurities;
  • narrowing of pores, improving the appearance of the skin;
  • cleansing the epidermis of toxins and waste;
  • the skin is saturated with oxygen;
  • Based on the components used, the mask moisturizes, smoothes, and nourishes the skin.

Specifics of choosing a procedure

The correct choice of method has a direct impact on the result. When choosing a method, the type of skin and the individual characteristics and characteristics of the skin are taken into account.

Types of deep pore cleansing:

  1. Mechanical, carried out manually.
  2. Chemical, using glycolic acid and chemicals with fruit acids.
  3. Ultrasonic.
  4. Vacuum, using suction contamination of the device.
  5. Disincrustation carried out by the action of negatively charged electrons.
  6. Brushing (brossage), with exfoliation of the upper epidermal layer using attachments.

Facial cleansing at home is no less effective. When carried out taking into account all the requirements, cleaning is not financially or physically expensive - it can be carried out at any convenient time.

Immutable requirements and rules for facial cleansing at home

To achieve the desired results from the event, you must adhere to the basic requirements:

  1. Cleaning procedures must be carried out exclusively with clean hands to avoid inflammation.
  2. Preliminary mechanical cleansing of the skin is necessary.
  3. The presence of inflammatory foci, wounds and abrasions is a contraindication to deep cleaning.

Self-cleansing of the face is carried out no more than twice a month. The frequency of the event largely depends on the type of skin:

  • dry skin requires treatment once a month;
  • oily surfaces should be cleaned every 10 days;
  • normal epidermis - twice a month.

Proper cleansing of the skin requires following the following steps:

  1. Mechanical cleaning of dust, plaque, makeup removal.
  2. Steaming the epidermis with steam without the use of cosmetics. A terry towel is moistened with hot herbal infusion or ordinary hot boiled water, wrung out and applied to the face. Lasts no more than 5 minutes. Steam baths are possible.
  3. Using a scrub or peeling, purchased or prepared independently (to eliminate deep impurities and blackheads).
  4. Disinfection of skin with hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Closing pores using specific masks.
  6. Applications of soothing masks and creams.

Stages of facial cleansing morning and evening

Steam baths are the key to processing efficiency

For the most effective facial cleansing procedure, steam procedures are used - steam helps soften the outer epidermal layer, eliminates dead cells and melts the secretions of the sebaceous glands.

Sequence of manipulations:

  1. The face is cleansed of cosmetics using foam or gel.
  2. A special herbal decoction is prepared. A liter of water is brought to a boil, followed by the addition of 2 tablespoons of herbs and boiling for several minutes. Cleansing skin prone to oiliness involves the use of coltsfoot, nettle, mint and linden, dry skin - thyme and oregano, prone to inflammation - calendula, celandine and St. John's wort.
  3. It is possible to add essential oils to heated water (up to 10 drops per liter of water) instead of herbs. Dry skin is steamed with the addition of orange, jasmine and rose, oily skin - bergamot and tea tree, prone to inflammation - sage and patchouli.
  4. After cooling slightly, bend over the solution at a distance of at least 30 cm and wrap a towel on top for 15 minutes - during this time the pores will open and the sweat glands will thoroughly clean the surface of the skin.

After the procedure, after a few minutes, the face is rinsed with cool water to tighten the pores.

Cleansing with masks

After exposure to steam (steaming), a deeper cleaning is necessary - peeling using specific masks.

The most popular and effective recipes for exfoliating masks:

  1. Salt scrub. Fine salt is mixed with makeup remover milk and applied to the skin with massaging movements for a while, then washed off with heated water. Used strictly for oily or normal skin.
  2. Oatmeal mask. Chopped oatmeal is mixed with beaten egg white and applied to the face with the exception of the eyelids and nasolabial triangle for a few minutes, then washed off under warm running water.
  3. Milk gelatin mask. Milk and gelatin in a 1:1 ratio are mixed and heated for 10 seconds in the microwave. The mask cools down a little, then applied to the face for 15 minutes (until it hardens into a film). It is removed starting from the wings of the nose.
  4. Clay based masks. The effect of the mask should not exceed 20 minutes, the clay should not dry out! The clay is diluted to a viscous state with warm water with the addition of accompanying ingredients:

a) for dry covers - red or yellow clay with the addition of olive oil, milk, honey, bananas or sour cream;

b) for those prone to fat content - green, blue, white clays are mixed with lemon, grapes, pomegranate, grapefruit, strawberries;

c) for normal people – black and pink clays are combined with honey, carrots, and eggs.

Nutrition and hydration

Facial care requires alternating cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing products.

The basis for nutritious applications are kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, oatmeal or egg yolk. The main rule when preparing a mask is to maintain a consistency that is convenient for application and use. Duration of exposure to the product is up to 40 minutes.

Moisturizing applications for dry epidermis:

  • banana, mashed and mixed with olive oil and yolk;
  • grapefruit juice from one fruit is mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey;
  • fresh yeast (50 grams) is dissolved with sour cream, infused for half an hour and applied to the face.

Nourishing masks for oily skin:

  • honey and cottage cheese are mixed in a 1:1 ratio with the addition of grated carrot or lemon juice;
  • Oatmeal (1 teaspoon) and beaten egg white (1 pc.) are added to grated raw potatoes.

Masks are applied to normal skin from:

  • boiled and mashed new potatoes mixed with mashed strawberries and a spoonful of milk;
  • mashed strawberries with cottage cheese or milk.

Advantages and disadvantages of self-cleansing your face

The considerable popularity of the procedure is due to significant advantages:

  • availability of components;
  • low cost;
  • intense impact;
  • use of natural, safe ingredients.

The disadvantages include:

  • possible allergic manifestations;
  • difficulty of application and creation.

Maintaining achieved results

To prevent re-clogging of pores and maintain the results obtained, it is necessary to adhere to certain principles:

  1. Use cosmetics without adding mineral oils that contaminate pores.
  2. Minimize the use of fatty creams by choosing intensive moisturizers.
  3. Follow the rules of nutrition, excluding “harmful” foods from your diet.

If regular use of masks for deep cleansing does not produce the desired result, consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary.

Black dots on the face radically spoil the appearance. The appearance becomes unkempt and unaesthetic. Many girls begin to develop complexes about this. Don’t be upset right away; there are many ways to clean the pores on your face. Simple procedures will allow you to restore your skin to a healthy appearance without expensive beauty salon procedures.

Improper skin care will not make you wait long for enlarged and clogged pores to appear. The most basic reasons that lead to skin problems:

The following products may also be to blame for the formation of sebaceous plugs:

  • bakery;
  • fried foods;
  • smoked products and sausages;
  • mayonnaise.

First of all, you need to reconsider your diet in order to understand how to clean pores at home. At the second stage, you need to choose a suitable cleansing procedure.

There are many masks that can help get rid of clogged pores. But such a procedure alone will not be enough. It is necessary to constantly maintain and care for your facial skin.

If you follow the correct sequence, cleaning the pores on your face at home will be quite effective:

After any masks and scrubs, the skin must be thoroughly moisturized. The cream needs to be selected according to your skin type.

Types of deep cleansing

Deep cleaning can be carried out in different ways, which include:

Any pore cleanser will have positive results if used correctly. It is not recommended to manually clean clogged pores. Even clean hands contain a large number of germs, which, once on the face and in the pores, can cause inflammation of the skin.

Yolk mask

An egg yolk mask will help clear clogged pores. You need to mix one yolk, 3 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice in a bowl. Apply the prepared mask with a swab dipped in warm water. You need to wash it off after two minutes. If desired, you can apply a light moisturizer.

The clogging problem can be solved by using a scrub of aspirin and lemon juice. The components must be mixed until a paste forms. Then apply a sufficient amount to the face and actively massage in the area of ​​the nose, chin and forehead. At the end of the procedure, wash with warm water and moisturize the skin with a suitable cream.

A simple and affordable method will exfoliate the top layer of skin and remove blackheads.