How to braid onions for storage. Three master classes on braiding braids from onions or garlic

Garlic has always been considered a symbol of protection from evil forces; it is used to make amulets. Make your own amulet for your home you can by crocheting heads of garlic and collecting them in a garland. A knitted garland of garlic will be an original decoration in the kitchen or a gift to close relatives.

To knit garlic you will need white cotton threads and some light brown ones, hook number 2, needle. You can fill the garlic with cotton wool, remnants of thread or padding polyester.

To start knitting, form a ring of thread on the index finger of your left hand and tie 3 air loops from it.

To complete the row, pull the ring and make a connecting post from the 3rd lifting loop.

2nd row: do 1 air. p. rise, from each loop knit 2 tbsp. b/n, in total there should be 48 tbsp in the row. b/n. Complete the row of connections. Art. in the 1st lifting loop.

From the 3rd to the 11th row, knit without adding: 1 air. lifting point, 48 st. b/n, conn. Art. in the 1st point of the lift.

In the 12th row, start decreasing the stitches, after 2 regular sts. b/n, knit the next 2 dc together, to do this, pull 2 ​​loops from two loops along the row onto the hook and knit them together.

In the 13th row, knit all the stitches 2 together, while the number of loops will be halved and the hole will narrow.

Stuff the knitted ball with padding polyester or other material and knit the final rows from st. b/n 2 together until the hole is completely closed.

Having finished knitting, cut the thread, leaving a long end of at least 40cm. Secure the last loop by pulling the end of the thread through it. Thread the needle.

Now shape the head of garlic by flattening it and dividing it into segments. To do this, pierce the needle in the center and pass the thread along the sides, dividing the ball into equal parts and slightly tightening the thread.

Dividing the head of garlic into 6-8 segments, sew a bunch of threads to the outside, like dry roots. To do this, make 20 turns of light brown thread on two fingers, insert a needle into the center and sew them with 2-3 stitches to the head of garlic.


It's July and onions are in their prime! Green powerful feathers delight the soul! The time is not far off when digging up the bulbs will begin. Before storing onions, be sure to dry them and remove any remaining soil. It has long been known that onions are best stored in a dry room; the air temperature should not be higher than 12-15 degrees. What's the best way to preserve onions? In boxes, in bags? No! The best option for storing onions is hanging in braids! You will learn how to weave onion braids in the next post.

I present three master classes on braiding braids from onions or garlic.

Method one

You can store onions beautifully! We collect the summer harvest and make a spectacular decoration for the kitchen - onion braids.

The housewife cannot do without onions even a day. This is one of the few vegetables that should always be on hand in the kitchen. You can, of course, keep a net with onions in the kitchen cabinet, but it’s much more pleasant to display your summer harvest for everyone to see, especially since it’s easy and quick to weave braids from onions. In addition, onions in this form “breathe”, which means they can be stored for a long time.

We will need:

We select the most beautiful bulbs from your summer harvest. They should be approximately the same size, smooth and well-ripened.

Be sure to let them dry, remove the dirty husks from the bulbs and, if desired, cut off the roots.

The tops stay in place!

The main condition for successful weaving is elastic tops. To do this, it should only be slightly dried (as if dried) - this is exactly what it looks like a couple of days after the onions are collected from the garden.

An onion braid is a rather heavy decoration; the tops may not support the weight of the bulbs, so you will definitely need a base. It should be a strong thin rope, cord or tape. Hemp or synthetic twine and even a regular bandage will do.

Weaving pattern

We choose the onion with the longest and strongest “tail”. We tie a rope at the base so that the edges of the rope are equal. You will have three ends for braiding: two ropes and one onion “tail”.

Next, we braid the braid, inserting another onion at each extreme grip (right and left). Make sure that the inserted bulb does not dangle on the tops, but is held tightly in the braid; to do this, grab it as close to the head as possible.

For beauty, you can weave blades of grass and dried flowers into an onion braid, whose petals do not lose color or fall off, for example, marigolds, cornflowers, quinoa.

When the edges of the rope are reduced to 15 cm, we complete the braid. We tie the rope tightly around the tops and make a strong loop from which we will hang our braid.

We hang our scythe in a ventilated area so that the tops are completely dry, after which we can place it in a permanent place in the kitchen.

By the way, red onion braids also look very impressive.

Method two

Quite often, onions are stored in bags or nets.

But it is much more practical to store onions in braids made from them. There are several reasons to braid an onion braid:

An onion braid is the best way to store onions. Each onion is well ventilated and has minimal contact with its neighbors, so there are no problems typical for storage - deformation, rotting.

It is convenient to take bulbs of the required size and in the required quantity from the onion braid - after all, the entire harvest is in sight.

The onion braid is quite decorative. If your kitchen or hallway is designed in a country style, then the onion braid will look like a decorative item.

How to prepare onions for weaving

In order for the onion to be tied into a braid, the leaves of the bulbs (“tails”) must be left as long as possible. You need to monitor this even at the stage of harvesting onions from the beds.

After harvesting, the onions need to be dried. The bulbs are laid out in one layer on spread paper or linen; the place for drying should be ventilated and dry. If the onion is poorly dried, it will most likely suffer from rot during storage.

Onions are dried for 10-14 days.

How to make a braid from a bow

To weave a bow, you will need a long rope, which will become the basis of the onion braid. Hemp or any other rope will do, preferably made from natural fibers.

The rope is folded in half. At the bend, make a loop into which the tail of the first onion is threaded. This bulb should be quite large.

Then the bulbs, starting with the largest ones, are woven into a braid one after another, distributed on different sides. Every 3-4 bulbs they are secured with a rope, tying a knot above them.

You can weave a braid in another way. The bulbs are tied together in advance by “tails”, two at a time. This work requires caution and skill - it is important to tie the two onions together into a strong knot, but not to tear their “tails”.

After the first bulb is attached to the rope, the interconnected “pairs” are simply placed one at a time between two ropes, while oriented in one direction or the other. After adding 2-3 such “pairs” to the onion braid, each time a knot is made from the rope to secure the finished section.

After drying the onion, start braiding. The first large onion is secured at the base of the future braid using a knot.

The following bulbs are woven into a braid, threading their tails between the ropes. You can tie the bulbs together in two pieces.

The braided bow braid should be hung in a cool, well-ventilated place.

Method three

In order to always have fresh, healthy and tasty garlic at home, it is important to grow it and preserve it well until spring. You can braid the garlic, thereby grouping the storage of the harvest in one place, hanging it in the kitchen or in the pantry on the wall. In this way, the woven garlic will always be visible and spoiling heads will be visible.

There are many ways to store winter garlic grown in garden beds:

  • Sprinkling with salt.
  • Dipping the heads in paraffin.
  • Storage in nylon stockings.
  • Cardboard, wooden boxes.
  • Birch bark baskets.
  • Glass jars.
  • Drying cloves for seasoning.
  • Marinating the cloves.

But braiding garlic is the most practical and decorative way to overwinter the crop. During the cultivation of this crop, they came up with a huge number of ways to weave braids from bulbous plants. Let's look at some of them.

How to weave garlic braids?

The main work occurs with the help of plant stems, which are not completely cut off after drying. You should leave about 30 centimeters. To tie tightly, use additional devices.

  1. rope;
  2. leg-split;
  3. wire.

Method one

To weave braids from bulbs, the fruits along with the stems are dried for a week; the tops should not dry out or break. Preparing fruits involves cleaning them from dirt, husks and removing excess foliage from the tops. Next, trim the stem to 30 cm in length. Garlic fruits are chosen of the same size, so the braid will look beautiful:

  1. We take twine about 1.5 meters long and fold it in half. We choose a large and beautiful head. Weaving patterns are the same as in a regular braid.
  2. We tie the stem at the base with twine so that we have 3 ends, two from the twine and one from the plant stem.
  3. We attach the second fruit to the twine and begin to braid the braid, gradually adding one to each end. If it becomes difficult to weave, remove the tops from the first vegetables.
  4. At the end of the weaving, the braid is tied with the ends of the twine and the tops are cut off. Tie the ring together with twine and hang the garlic braid in your kitchen or other space.

Second weaving method

We tie the vegetables together in two pieces:

  1. Take a rope 1.5 meters long and fold it in half.
  2. We tie the first, large head with a rope near the base. In this case, the two ends remain the same length, and in the middle is the fruit.
  3. Next, we place two onions one by one on the first fruit so that the cut results in 4 heads.
  4. After 4-5 layers we tie a knot in the middle with a rope. In this way we weave and form a braid of the required length. At the end we fix it with knots for strength. We cut off the excess tops and use a rope to make a loop.

This makes a very beautiful braid. It is decorated by weaving in dried flowers.

Third way

We choose vegetables of the same size with stems 15 centimeters long. They should not be too dry - it will be difficult to braid into a rope:

  1. We take a tourniquet or twine and tie a knot in the middle. We insert the tops there and tie them at the base. The two ends remain free. We weave the stem into two ropes in a zigzag.
  2. The next fruit is also inserted and a knot is tied to secure it. This is how the braid of the required length is woven. It is important to weave the tops and tighten them tightly, but avoid breaking the stem.

In this way, the connected heads are stored in full view of the owners - it is easy to check its condition. Performs an excellent decorative function indoors.

It's flu time now. Influenza bacilli and other infections are flying around, almost visible to the naked eye. What’s the most important thing at a time like this? That’s right: stay healthy! Because the whole family depends on us! (and, it seems, even the world :))

We will take care of prevention, because the world needs us healthy.

Today I suggest you knit garlic with our favorite crochet, because they say: “garlic and onions cure seven ailments.” Let's check it out. While knitting, we imagine how we are filled with health and energy, which we will then give to our loved ones :)

Knitted garlic

Knitting materials:

Cotton threads “iris”. In the photo there are threads in two different shades of gray, choose the most suitable one.

Hook No. 1,




Let's start knitting. We make an amigurumi ring or we collect a chain of 5 air loops and close it into a ring.

D Alternatively, we knit with single crochets in a spiral, without lifting loops at the beginning of the row. 1st row - knit 8 sc (8) Pull the short end of the thread, but do not tighten it tightly, leaving a small hole at the top. We get a “flagellum” - this is part of the garlic stalk. You can knit it longer or make it shorter due to the number of rows. My stem is made of 7 rows. 2nd row - 7th row - 1 sc in each loop (8)
Row 8 - increase in each loop: knit 2 single crochets in each loop (16)
Row 9 - increase through 1 loop,in every second we knit 2 stitches (24) Row 10 - 1 dc in each stitch (24) 11th row - we knit without increases or decreases: in each loop we knit 1 single crochet. The top of the garlic is growing.
12 row - 17 row - knit 1 each loop. The knitting begins to wrap. (32)The body of the garlic is formed.

We begin to make reductions. I advise you to make subtle decreases.

18 row - decrease through 3 loops (26)

Row 19 - 1 sc each (26)

2o row - decrease through 2 loops (2o) Before the hole becomes too narrow, we stuff our knitted vegetable with filler. I use synthetic down, stuff it very tightly, and compact it with my finger. Then, when knitting, you will need to press the filler with your finger and make sure that it does not attach to the threads when knitting: synthetic fluff sticking out of the holes does not look very appetizing :)
21 row - knit 1 sc each (2o)

22 row - decrease through 1 loop (14)

23 row - decrease through 1 loop (1o)

In the video I show how to immediately form garlic tendrils.

Here I give you a second option on how else you can make mustaches. Take a look and choose which one you like best.

We knit this way until there are 5-6 loops left in the circle. We cut the thread, leaving a long tip: we need it to tighten the hole and form cloves of garlic. We tighten the hole with thread.

We form cloves of garlic by pulling our garlic from the bottom to the “stem” with a thread. Having brought the thread to the stem, insert the needle inside and draw the thread inside the body of the garlic, bringing it out at the point where you have the beginning of the second clove.

Now we draw the thread down. The thread needs to be pulled very tightly! So that the garlic turns out to be “embossed”, with clearly defined “slices”. Help yourself with your finger, pressing the thread while tensioning so that it does not loosen

Secure the thread at the bottom with a stitch, leaving a loop: from such loops we will then form protruding “antennae” - garlic roots. This loop needs to be secured with a stitch or knot.

This is what the loop looks like
AWe make other cloves of garlic in the same way, not forgetting the loops at the bottom.

When you have formed the slices, the loops can be cut, leaving longer or shorter roots. Our garlic has become a little like a globe with meridian strings :) At one pole we have the remainder of the stem, at the other there are tendrils-roots.

Now you need to secure the threads, similar to meridians, so that they do not move to the sides. You don’t have to do this, but there is a risk that they will move in the process of communicating with small children’s paws :) I brought the needle approximately in the middle of the “meridian” from one of its sides and sewed with a small stitch. And so with all the threads. You can clearly see it in the photo.

When you have secured all the threads in this way, you need to bring the needle to our “tassel” from the threads below: they also need to be secured more tightly with a knot in the middle, as in the photo.

Our ancestors could not do without, especially in winter; it was used as a spice, and mainly as a cure for colds. Now garlic is not as vital as it used to be, but it still remains a very popular vegetable, and as a preventative against colds, garlic is still very popular and can give a head start to many newfangled medicines. Yes, and vitamins in garlic are present in huge quantities, so you should not neglect such a wonderful and healthy vegetable as. But how to store garlic in winter? Today in our article we will talk to you about how to properly store garlic in winter.

The first step to storing garlic, of course, is harvesting it from the beds (or buying it if you don’t have enough garlic); this needs to be done correctly and on time. Harvesting and preparing garlic largely determines the shelf life of garlic in winter. The timing of garlic harvest depends on the growing season of a particular variety in a particular area. The readiness of garlic for harvesting can be determined by the leaves and tops, the leaves should be as yellowed as possible, and the tops in the growing areas should lie on the ground, this formula is suitable for winter garlic, mature garlic is harvested at the end of August. Another way to determine the maturity of winter garlic is to look at the wrapper of the inflorescences; if it is cracked, then the winter garlic is ready for harvesting. Cleaning must be carried out promptly, otherwise it will lose its positive qualities and will lose its potential for storage in winter.

Conditions for storing garlic in winter.

Garlic needs careful preparation; it must be dug up correctly and carefully with a shovel, the main thing is not to damage the tubers; it must be dried before storing. After you have dug up your garlic, place it in a sunny place and dry it thoroughly; if the weather does not allow you to dry the garlic outside, then it should be dried in a dry, ventilated, sunny room. Drying lasts about 5-6 days. You can alternate between drying it outdoors and indoors, leaving it outside during the day and bringing it indoors at night. After drying, you need to sort the garlic, selecting only strong and healthy heads. If you have completed all these steps correctly, then successful storing garlic at home practically guaranteed.

Basic ways to store garlic.

To a question how to store garlic in winter there are several basic answers how to store garlic in winter. The first method, the most popular, is to braid garlic into wreaths; to do this, remove all the leaves of dry garlic without exception, leaving the stem and the bulb itself. To weave a wreath or braid, you need to start from the bottom, gradually weaving in more and more new stems with bulbs. Sometimes, for the reliability of the design, twine is woven in, in this case, at the end of the weaving, a loop is made in the twine so that the wreath can be hung on a nail. Many people are interested in the question: how to store garlic in an apartment in winter, it is with the use of twine that you can hang a wreath in your apartment.

Method number two how to store garlic in winter, this is storing garlic in a container, for this you need to find a convenient storage container, it can be anything, a cardboard box, a mesh, a box, a nylon stocking, women's tights. When you have decided on the container, place the garlic in it and put it in a dark, dry and cool place, this will ensure long-term storage of the garlic during the winter. But there is a drawback to this method; you sometimes need to inspect and sort out the garlic, throwing out spoiled bulbs.
If you want to store garlic in a wooden box, then you need to make holes in such a box, lay the garlic in layers, separating them well, sprinkle them with table salt, salt is sometimes replaced with wood shavings.

This concludes our article on how to store garlic in winter, we wish you good health, and properly stored garlic will help you strengthen your immune system and fight colds, until we meet again, we wish you good luck and good health, our website farmer without hassle - all about agriculture!

How to weave braids from onions. Storing onions.