Decorations for your car. DIY car decoration for a wedding using the example of compositions for the hood, door and roof of a car. What fabrics can be used to decorate a wedding car?

Options for decorating a wedding car.

A wedding is the most important and long-awaited day for two loving hearts. This is why future spouses want their holiday to be perfect. But in order for everything to be exactly like this, they have to think through every detail of the wedding celebration as carefully as possible.

Proper decoration of wedding cars plays an important role in all this. Since the wedding procession helps set the right tone for the celebration, it is best to decorate it as original as possible. We will tell you how to do this with your own hands in our article.

What do you decorate a wedding car with?

Ideas for decorating wedding cars

Until recently, the most popular wedding decorations were balloons and satin ribbons. This decor was used to decorate both the bride and groom’s car and the guests’ cars. But recently, companies involved in preparing wedding celebrations have begun to offer their clients more original decor.

For example, the latest fashion is car coloring. If desired, the newlyweds can make any design on their car that matches the style of their wedding celebration. The best part in this case is that you can even make such an original decor yourself.

To do this, you only need a stencil of the future design and a can of spray paint. True, such decor also has its downside. You can only decorate your car or the car of one of your close relatives in this way.

Traditional decorations for the wedding procession:

  • Doll and rings
  • Balls of different shapes
  • Garlands of fresh flowers
  • Decorative hearts
  • Funny license plates
  • Stuffed Toys

Custom decor for wedding cars:

  • Bells
  • Flags of your country
  • Paper butterflies
  • Joint photos of newlyweds
  • Cans (they should also be decorated)
  • Original inscriptions or plaques
  • Rhinestones and sequins

How to make a decoration for the hood of a wedding car with your own hands from ribbons?

Decoration for the hood of a wedding car made from ribbons

Garland of ribbons

Wedding decorations

Wedding car in patriotic style

In principle, if you want your car’s decor to be as laconic as possible, then you don’t have to bother and just attach a few bright ribbons to the hood of the car. But as practice shows, such decor looks rather dull, so most newlyweds try to come up with something more original.

For example, the tapes are not attached parallel to each other, but are positioned in such a way that they create some kind of shape (rhombus, square, triangle). And to make the ribbon decor look even more original, it is decorated with flowers from the same ribbons. If you are afraid that you won't be able to make flowers, you can try decorating the hood of your car with bows. You can see how to make all these decorations a little higher.

But remember, in order for the decor to be as organic as possible, it is best to attach the flowers to the ribbons in advance, and only after that secure everything on the hood. If you first decorate the hood of your car with satin ribbons and only after that start fixing flowers on them, it is likely that by doing this you will loosen the adhesion of the decorative material, and your decoration will flutter in the wind as you move.

How are wedding rings attached to the roof of a car?

Wedding rings

Wedding rings in a flower arrangement

Wedding rings

Wedding rings made from scrap materials

If you knitted the rings for rent, then you should not have any problems with fastening. As a rule, rented decor has a special magnet, which helps it to be securely fixed to the car. The only thing you should take into account is that this same magnet can scratch the surface of the car, so it will be better if you provide a backing that will protect your vehicle from scratches.

This could be a piece of fabric or paper. If you made the rings yourself and did not find a strong magnet, then try securing them to the car using satin ribbons. To do this, take pieces of tape (their length must be at least 3 meters) and wrap some ends around the rings, and fix the others on the handles inside the car (the passenger can hold on to them while driving).

Yes, and remember that in this case you need to very carefully calculate the length of the ribbons with which you will attach the wedding rings. If it is too small, then you will not be able to form beautiful bows on the handles from them, and then you will just have to tie them with secure knots.

How to make a large organza bow for the trunk of a wedding car?

Red organza bow

Pink organza bow

Large organza bow for the trunk of a wedding car

Organza is a material that allows you to create bright and original decorations without much effort. Therefore, if you decide to decorate your wedding procession with huge airy bows, then organza is exactly the material you need. With its help, you can definitely create a voluminous decor that will look very cute and attractive.

If you wish, you can make calm, monochromatic bows or combine two colors in one product at once and get a truly memorable decoration. This material also makes it possible to make two or even three-layer bows. All that is required of you to create this decor is to make 2 or 3 bows, and then carefully place them on top of each other.

  • We measure out the required amount of material
  • Sew a rectangle out of it
  • Lay out the resulting workpiece on the table and divide it exactly in half
  • We take a piece of organza or satin ribbon and tie our rectangle right in this place
  • We straighten the ends of the bow and decorate the middle with flowers or any other decor.

How to make hearts for a wedding car with your own hands?

DIY hearts for a wedding car

A hand-made scarlet or pink heart can become the highlight of the wedding decor for the festive procession. There are several ways to make this decoration. You can make a heart from polystyrene foam, cardboard and ordinary wire.

But remember, no matter what option you choose, in the end you will still need to further decorate the finished product. Therefore, it will be better if, in addition to the frame, you also make beautiful flowers, for example, from ribbons. We told you how to make them at the beginning of our article.

Foam heart

Foam heart:

  • Take a sheet of foam plastic and draw a heart of the size you need on it
  • Step back 3-5 centimeters from the resulting line and draw another heart inside
  • Then take a sharp knife and cut the workpiece along the lines
  • Next, take the ribbon of the desired color and wrap it around your workpiece
  • If you don’t like this method of decoration, you can try painting foam hearts

Wire heart

Wire heart:

  • Take a thick wire and give it a heart shape
  • Carefully wrap the resulting frame with padding polyester and secure it with tape
  • Wrap the blank with ribbon, satin or organza and decorate with fresh or decorative flowers

Cardboard heart

Cardboard heart:

  • Take thick cardboard and cut out two hearts of the same size
  • Fasten them together with glue and wait until they stick together as well as possible
  • Cover the back of the heart with white paper or organza
  • Decorate the front side with red or pink material and decorate everything with flowers, bows and butterflies

Is it possible to put wedding license plates on a car?

Playful wedding numbers

Most newlyweds do not bother with making wedding numbers and simply buy ready-made stickers. Of course, such decor has a right to exist, but still, if you run into an inspector who is too correct, you may end up getting either a fine or a warning.

If you do not want your holiday to be overshadowed by such a nuisance, then take care of such decoration in advance and order official wedding license plates for your car.

To do this, you will only need to contact the local authorities, pay the amount established by law and get additional numbers with which you will ride freely throughout the celebration.

How to decorate the hood of a wedding car with your own hands?

Butterfly decor for a wedding car

If you carefully read our article, then you probably know that in addition to flowers, ribbons and balls, you can also use butterflies to decorate a wedding procession. Such decor can be either an independent element of holiday decoration or an original addition to flowers and ribbons. There are two ways to make a butterfly.

If you have never done needlework, then find a suitable template on the Internet, print it, and then cut out the required number of butterflies from it. You can cut them out immediately in the desired color, or paint them the way you want after the workpiece is ready. If you want to create the most realistic butterfly, then make it from wire.

To make it, you will need to make a frame, cover it with nylon, and then paint it in an original way with paints and cover it with sequins. Yes, if you want your butterfly decoration to look as realistic as possible, then make insects of different sizes and randomly place them on the hood of your car.

How to decorate a wedding car with your own hands with tulle?

Tulle is a fairly pliable material from which you can make many beautiful wedding decorations. If you wish, you can make a beautiful bow out of it. You can make it using the same principle as an organza bow, simply fold the material in several layers and additionally decorate it with flowers.

But if you really want to surprise your guests, then make airy pompoms from tulle. Depending on the size, they can be used as a decorative element, for example, a heart, or attached to the same ribbons or mirrors.


  • Cut two equal sized circles from cardboard and put them together
  • Take tulle and wrap it around the circle, making sure that the cardboard is not visible anywhere
  • Take sharp scissors and carefully cut the tulle in a circle
  • Next, take the ribbon, place it between the cardboard circles and tie it with several strong knots
  • Flatten the material with your hands and your pompom will be ready.

DIY wedding car roof decoration

Wedding car roof decoration

Another decoration without which it is difficult to imagine a wedding procession are white swans. This decor is most often installed on the roof of the car, thereby showing guests and passers-by that newlyweds are traveling in the car. You can make such a decoration, like any other, in several ways.

Foam swans

Foam swans:

  • Buy polystyrene foam of maximum thickness
  • Use a pencil to draw swans on it
  • If you wish, you can print the template and simply trace it
  • Cut out the blank and start decorating it
  • You can cut feathers directly onto the foam or cover the workpiece with artificial feathers.
  • Cover the outline of the product with white satin ribbon

Swan made of tulle and salt dough

Swan made of tulle and salt dough

  • Mix flour and salt in equal parts and add a little water to it
  • You should end up with a mass that is somewhat reminiscent of plasticine.
  • Form it into the neck and head of a swan and put it in the oven to bake.
  • While this is happening, make the body of a swan from tulle
  • To do this, fold the material into 10-15 layers, tie it with tape and carefully straighten it
  • Attach a pre-painted swan head to the resulting ball

DIY decorations for car handles for a wedding

Decorations for car handles

Handle decor

Remember, the car handle is not the place that needs to be draped as much as possible. In this case, you can get by with a small, laconic decor that will be consistent with the general style of wedding decorations; for example, you can simply decorate it with multi-colored ribbons, fresh flowers, or the same tulle and organza balls.

In addition, you can try decorating the handles with small multi-colored bows. All that will be required of you in this case is to create a harmonious decor that will not interfere with the use of the handles for their intended purpose.

DIY flowers and bouquets for a wedding car

Perhaps flowers are the most popular wedding decoration. In most cases, they can be found on the clothes of the newlyweds, in the banquet hall, and in the wedding procession. The best part is that this decor fits perfectly into any wedding theme. You can decorate the hood of a car, door handles and even mirrors with flowers.

You can use both fresh flowers and those made, for example, from fabric for all this. Of course, if you wish, you can use fresh flowers to decorate the wedding procession, but be prepared for the fact that literally a couple of hours after decoration they will begin to lose their natural beauty. If you want this decor to look perfect all day long, then make it yourself.

In this case, you will also be able to create complex flower arrangements and make bright garlands. Well, if you have never made such products, then check out the master classes located a little higher. Having studied them, you can quickly make several types of different flowers.

Decorations for wedding car mirrors

Decorations for wedding car mirrors

Bouquet for wedding car mirrors

Ball on wedding car mirrors

Mirrors, just like car handles, should be decorated as succinctly as possible. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to use massive decorations that will block the driver’s view. Therefore, whenever possible, give preference to small bows, boutonnieres or fabric flowers.

If you wish, you can make a small wreath with a veil from flowers and attach all this beauty to the mirror. If you are ready to tinker, you can make a ball out of threads, decorate it with small flowers and attach it to the back of the mirror. In this case, people will see a beautiful decoration, but it will not interfere with the driver in any way.

Wedding car decor

Wedding car decor

As you probably already understood, the decor of a wedding car can be completely different. If you prefer the classics, then decorate the cortege in the spirit of the last century.

That is, limit yourself to ribbons, balls and rings on the roof of the car. If you want to do something even more interesting, then don’t be lazy and prepare, for example, flower arrangements in advance and decorate the wedding car with them.

If you want to be original, then try decorating your car:

  • Stickers
  • Multi-colored stickers
  • Magnets
  • Soft toys
  • Candy
  • Fruits

Wedding Decoration Machine Hood Length

Wedding Decoration Machine Hood Length

If you decide to decorate your wedding procession yourself, you must remember that all cars have different hood lengths. These parameters must be taken into account when purchasing material and when making garlands of flowers and ribbons. Therefore, before you go shopping for decor, be sure to measure the length and width of all the cars that you plan to decorate.

This can be done using an ordinary sewing meter. But keep in mind that in order to get the most accurate data, measurements must be taken at three different points. In order to find out the width indicator, the meter must be placed parallel to the bumper at the widest point. The length indicator must be measured in two different places, exactly in the middle of the hood and along its edge.

How to attach decorations to the hood of a wedding car?

When planning a wedding celebration, you need to take into account all the nuances. Think about the system for attaching jewelry in advance and under no circumstances rely on the notorious chance. Therefore, when making wedding decor for cars, you must think through all the nuances of attaching both large and small elements. If you do not do this, then there is a possibility that while the car is moving it will simply fall off.

You can attach decorations to the hood of a car on:

  • Special stretches
  • Velcro
  • Double-sided tape
  • Satin ribbons
  • Bright threads
  • Rubber bands
  • Magnets sewn into fabric bags

How to decorate a wedding car with balloons?

Decoration idea #1

Decoration idea #2

Decoration idea #3

If you decide to use balloons to decorate your wedding car, then give preference to latex products. Although such decoration will cost you a little more than others, it will withstand all the tests that await it while the car is moving. As for the decoration itself, everything is simple.

Large balls can be arranged in groups of two or three and mounted on the hood. If you want to get a more original decor, then buy small and medium-sized balls and make a heart, an original garland, the inscription Love or small flowers from them. If you want to truly surprise your guests, then use not only round and oval items, but also long ones to create festive elements.

Decoration idea #2

Decoration idea #3

Flowers are the perfect decoration for a wedding car at any time of the year. Therefore, if you don’t want to make a mistake with your holiday decor, then choose floral arrangements. All that will be required of you in this case is to find the freshest flowers possible and secure them on the car literally half an hour before going to the registry office or to the wedding.

And, of course, remember that we do not live in India and a car visually similar to a flowerbed will cause slight bewilderment among others. Therefore, try to decorate it in such a way as not to overdo it with flowers.

Flowers can be placed in the following places:

  • In the form of a wreath on the roof of a car
  • On the hood (in the form of garlands)
  • On the radiator (voluminous flower arrangements)
  • On mirrors and handles (small bouquets)

Examples of decorating wedding cars: photos

Examples of decorating wedding cars

Decoration idea #8

As you probably understand, decorating a wedding car is quite a serious task that requires a lot of time and imagination. If you have problems with the latter, then we offer you some more original ideas for decorating a wedding car.

Video: Do-it-yourself wedding decoration for a car part

A wedding is the most luxurious and most expensive holiday, which always requires large financial expenses. An important expense item is the decoration of wedding cars, which will solemnly deliver the newlyweds and guests to the registry office. Knowing how much it costs to decorate a car for a wedding at a salon, you should think about handling this task yourself. This way you will not only be able to cut costs, but also get a chance to show your imagination and decorate the cars to your own taste. And if you approach the question of how to decorate a wedding procession at home wisely and responsibly, you can make the holiday truly unconventional and memorable for a lifetime.

How to beautifully decorate a car for a wedding

There are hundreds of options for how to decorate a car for a wedding with your own hands, so you can definitely find something for yourself. But to make your tuple look beautiful, you should remember some important points:

  • White or black cars usually go first in the convoy, followed by brighter ones. The decoration design is chosen accordingly: the brighter the car itself, the more modest the attached decorative elements should be.
  • The newlyweds' car will look elegant if no more than three colors are used in its design. Tacky decor can look funny, so you should give preference to the classics.
  • White decorations look great on black cars: compositions of fresh or artificial flowers, balloons, ribbons, tulle bows. White cars, on the contrary, require bright decorations: these can be red roses, pink bows, multi-colored butterflies on magnets, etc.

How to decorate your friends' car for a wedding? The newlyweds' car should be the most luxurious, so all the other cars in the motorcade are oriented towards it. A sense of taste and a sense of proportion are important. And, of course, do not forget to take care of the reliable fastening of all decorative elements.

The best way to decorate wedding cars

How to beautifully decorate a car for a wedding? You don't have to go to the salon to properly dress up your car. It will not be difficult to purchase all the necessary materials; it is only important to decide on the design style of the motorcade. In addition, if you decide, then you will definitely have material left for car decoration. The most commonly used materials are:

  • Colored ribbons and tulle. For those who don’t know, tulle is a rigid translucent material that can be easily assembled into beautiful and elegant folds. Since these materials are very similar in appearance to the bride, white fabrics are usually chosen. It is advisable to decorate the bride’s car with white tulle to highlight it, but brighter fabrics are more suitable for decorating the groom’s car.

  • Balloons. This is a classic symbol of the holiday, without which the design of a motorcade is rarely complete. It is important, however, to remember that balloons are very short-lived, and the most beautiful and bright garland can quickly lose its appearance.

How to inexpensively decorate a car for a wedding? Excellent additional decorations would be figurines of swans or white doves, classic rings on the roof, funny numbers, which today are easy to buy in any salon or make yourself. It is important to remember that all these decorations should not interfere with the driver and create emergency situations.

Options for decorating the newlyweds' car

The main car of the cortege requires the richest set of decorations: it is this car that follows at the head of the column and attracts the most attention. Decorative elements should be located on the hood and roof. In addition, you can decorate the car handles for your wedding with your own hands and choose the appropriate design for the trunk and mirrors. What's the best way to do this?

  • The hood of a car is most often decorated with hearts made of colored ribbons or fresh flowers; you can also drape the hood with tulle. The fabric can be placed diagonally or in stripes; you can cover the entire hood with transparent material and place flowers or artificial butterflies on it. It is better to attach large decorations to the hood not with threads, but with elastic bands: the elastic material will not tear during movement. A magnificent hood decoration is a long garland of fresh flowers. But, unfortunately, this type of decor is the most fragile and short-lived.
  • Car door handles are usually decorated with small flower bouquets or ribbon arrangements. To decide how to decorate a car for a wedding with ribbons, you need to look at the overall design: they should be in harmony in color with other elements of the composition. You can make a small bouquet of artificial flowers and tie it with a bright ribbon, and use strong threads for fastening.

  • Different compositions can be installed on the roof of the car, but the classic option is golden rings, which will become the main symbol of the wedding. They can be made from ordinary plastic tubes wrapped in gilded paper, and you can use fresh flowers as the base of the composition.
  • The last step is choosing decorations for the trunk. The traditional solution is funny numbers and a large tulle bow, harmonizing in color with the rest of the design elements. Sometimes instead they use hearts made of flowers or ribbons, which are placed on the rear window of the car.

Instead of rings, you can also place dolls depicting the bride and groom or figurines of white swans on the roof of the car. Toys and figures need to be secured as firmly as possible, otherwise they may simply be blown away by the air flow at high speed.

When attaching decorations to a car, it is not advisable to use glue: if it suddenly rains, the entire decor may get wet. If you rent a car from a taxi service, you need to clarify in advance what materials are acceptable to use. After all, if the car is painted with expensive paint, the glue can ruin it, and in the future the newlyweds will have to compensate for the losses.

How to decorate a car for wedding guests

Nowadays, weddings decorated according to a specific theme are gaining popularity. This tradition came from Western countries and quickly gained recognition in Russia.

According to this principle, the entire tuple should be formatted identically. If, for example, a marine theme is chosen, then the decorations should be blue, light blue, turquoise, and the car decorations will include shells and starfish. Or you can have a “fairytale wedding”, decorated in the style of Cinderella’s ball. There are plenty of options. Here everything depends only on your imagination. True, it is advisable to decide on this at the very earliest. Knowing where to decorate a car for a wedding in a non-standard way, you can make your most interesting fantasies come true.

How to decorate a car for a wedding: photo

How to decorate a car for a wedding: video master class

When it comes to decorating wedding cars, the first thing that comes to the newlyweds' mind is to hang balloons, wedding rings and artificial flowers on their cars. This is due to the fact that this method is the most popular, but that is why it should not be used, because such cars rarely look truly beautiful.

It is better to choose fabric decor that will look discreet and sophisticated, hinting that the newlyweds spent time and put imagination into creating it. Satin or tulle ribbons for cars for weddings are most common because of their appearance, which harmonizes well with the theme of the holiday.

There are many ways to use satin ribbons to decorate a car, it all depends on the style in which the wedding is being organized, so you must first decide which places will be decorated, and then choose the most suitable colors.

  1. Place one or two oblique strips on the hood that go from the radiator grille to the side mirrors. Depending on the additional decor in the form of figures or rings, the machine can look either strict and elegant, or cute or romantic.
  2. On side mirrors or car handles - small ribbons of different colors will look good there.
  3. On the roof of a car, around figurines with newlyweds or rings.
  4. On the trunk and rear bumper: it’s very beautiful if the ends of the ribbons flutter freely. But at the same time, it is necessary to monitor their length so that they do not interfere with other road users.

Ribbon decorations for the cars of the newlyweds and witnesses, as well as guests, are different.

For the newlyweds, they make paired or mirror decor - so that it is immediately clear that these are the cars that are carrying the bride and groom.

For witnesses, the width or number of fabrics is smaller, there are no other decorative elements, only floral arrangements are allowed.

And for the rest of the invitees, it is necessary to make a completely neutral harness for the hood or fluttering ribbons.

How to make a ribbon for a wedding car with your own hands - master class

Often newlyweds do not want to spend money on wedding decorations for their cars, because such decorations will only be needed once, and then they will gather dust.

Now this is no longer such a difficulty for newlyweds, because you can rent ribbon harnesses - wedding agencies have quite a wide choice. The only drawback is that this decoration has been at many weddings, and even if the appearance remains good, it certainly cannot be called unique.

Therefore, if the bride, groom or event organizers want to get an inexpensive but exclusive decoration for the wedding procession, then you can create it with your own hands. To make decorative elements from ribbons, you need to know what kind of car the newlyweds will drive. After all, the size of the hood and body varies from model to model.

If the exact parameters are not known, then you will have to make extra ribbons, and cut off the excess on the day of decoration.

Necessary materials:

  • 8 m of ribbon 10 cm wide, or 2 multi-colored ribbons of 5 cm each;
  • sewing machine;
  • ball pen;
  • 3 m of fabric tape, contrasting to the main piece of material, width 1–1.5 cm;
  • 3 elastic bands 1 cm wide and 10 cm long;
  • scissors;
  • sewing threads.

First, you need to attach an elastic band to the main ribbon, which will hold the decoration on the hood, as in the photo.

To do this, apply 1–2 cm of stretch to the end of the fabric and pass it back and forth with a sewing machine several times.

On the decorative tape you need to mark the middle. To do this, fold it in half, and if possible, carefully draw it with a pen. A decorative ribbon is placed on the fastener, which will run along the entire length of the decoration, and it is also sewn on.

When all the preparatory stages are ready, the waves begin to form.

To do this, retreat 3 cm from the edge and pinch the main fabric. It should rise above the surface by about 1–2 cm. After this, lay the top towards you and smooth the decorative tape on top. Now you can sew.

To form the next wave, it is necessary that the length from the top of the previous one to the bottom of the next one be the same length as the height of the wave. Then the whole tape will turn out uniform and beautiful.

Continue folding and sewing until you reach the middle of the decorative tape. There you need to change the folding order and bend the waves away from you. After this, they continue to sew further until 3-4 cm remains until the end of the tape, into which it is necessary to attach an elastic band and fasten the entire structure.

It is important that there is the correct indentation in the middle. It must be doubled so that there is one regular piece of empty space on each side up to the mark.

When the entire ribbon is stitched, the last elastic band is tied in the middle, which will secure the decoration to the radiator. Sometimes bows, flowers or figurines are installed in this place, for which more powerful fasteners are needed, made of silk ties 2 cm wide.

Once everything is stitched and tied, the tape can be installed on the hood. It will diverge from the radiator grill towards the side mirrors.

If you want to make the ribbon multi-colored, then the same actions are performed with pieces of fabric pre-sewn together.

How to attach tape to a car - simple ways

In addition, to select or create decorations, you also need to attach them to the machine. This is a very important stage in preparing the wedding procession, because all the decor must be securely installed.

If this is not done, the most harmless thing that can happen is that it will simply fall on the road. But even this case with volumetric figures can be dangerous. Newlyweds need to be more careful with ribbons or fabric, because a piece of fabric flying from the car can land on the windshield behind a moving car, which can cause loss of control and an accident.

How to attach the tapes:

  1. The easiest way is to attach small ribbons to the mirrors or handles of the car; you can also decorate the rear windshield wiper with them. It is enough just to tie them tightly, or for greater reliability, fasten them with a stapler. This is especially true when the ribbons are holding another decorative element.
  2. The second most difficult thing is attaching the strips to the hood. To do this, you just need to lift the cover and secure the ends of the tape next to the windshield. If there are protrusions on the inside and the ability to secure an elastic band, then this is done immediately without closing the lid. If not, then the ribbon is threaded through the radiator grille and tied tightly; it is important to cut off or hide the ends under the decor so that they do not spoil the appearance.
  3. If the tape is light and is passed over a large area of ​​the car, so that it does not drift away, both ends are firmly fixed. When one of the ends needs to be left free, strips of double-sided tape are used along the entire length of the tape.

Before using any of the methods, you need to make sure that pieces of fabric do not fall into moving or heating parts of the car. If you are going to use adhesive tape, then you need to check in an inconspicuous place how it is cleaned and whether it leaves stains on the paint.

Tulle jewelry

If newlyweds want a more airy texture from the fabric, then tulle is ideal. It is translucent, which means it can be layered to create stronger accents in places.

Tulle can act as the main means of decorating a car, or be just a pleasant addition - it all depends on the imagination of the newlyweds.

How to decorate a car with tulle:

  1. Place the strip of fabric on the hood, securing it at the top and bottom. Due to the fact that the material does not wrinkle and holds its shape, it is most often laid in small folds. It looks most advantageous when the decorators used two tulle colors that stand out most strongly against the background of the car’s paint.
  2. A voluminous tulle bow placed on the roof or back of the car looks beautiful. It is also made of fabric in two shades, and is complemented by a satin ribbon running along the entire length of the roof. To make it look more advantageous, a bouquet of voluminous artificial inflorescences is installed in the core.
  3. If all the decorations on the hood are made of other materials or are small in size, then you can beautifully decorate the side doors with tulle. The material is so thin that it attaches well and does not harm the rubber gaskets on the door. But to make everything look very unusual, you need to create small bows from satin or tulle, which will be strung one on each strip. If possible, you can use a more sophisticated option - special buckles.
  4. Use small tulle ribbons attached diagonally to the hood, and special stickers or magnets are applied to the side surfaces. A white car decorated with burgundy abstract patterns and ribbons of the same color looks very unusual.

When only tulle is used, there is no need for additional lining to protect the paint.

But if there are other, harder materials, then care should be taken to create a protective screen that will not be noticeable under the main decorative element. To do this, you can use a piece of thick fabric or a polyethylene backing, which is sold in hardware stores.

This video will tell you how to sew a wedding ribbon for your car yourself:

Decorating cars with ribbons or fabric is no longer considered some kind of luxury - it is a common and beautiful way to inform other road users that newlyweds are driving inside. In addition, such cars lift the spirits of everyone who sees them, so it is important to pay attention to even such an insignificant point in the program. How would you decorate the body of your wedding car?

Waiting for a wedding is no less a happy time than the event itself. They prepare for it in advance, because they need to purchase outfits, decide on a restaurant and carefully think through the decor. An important task is to decorate a car for a wedding, which should fit into the overall theme of the celebration. Many brides and grooms turn to specialized agencies, but you can handle car registration yourself.

What do they decorate cars with?

You can decorate cars with a variety of decorative elements and accessories. It all depends on the theme of the wedding, fantasy and For example, vintage cars are almost not decorated, but only a few nice details are attached to them. But modern stamps can be decorated in several ways:

  • Balloons.
  • Fabrics and ribbons.
  • Flowers.
  • Big wedding rings.
  • Toys and dolls (doves, hearts, etc.).
  • Figurines of newlyweds.
  • Stickers with interesting inscriptions and dates.

Design rules

Successful decoration ideas can be seen in photographs of agencies that deal with car decoration for a wedding (in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities). But when decorating a wedding car, you need to follow some recommendations.

You should not make your vehicle colorful, loading it with all kinds of decor and an abundance of shades. There should be no more than three colors on the car. At the same time, dark, rich tones look good on light cars, while on dark cars, on the contrary, light and muted tones look good.

Decorative elements must be firmly attached so that they do not fall off when driving. But you definitely need to consider a fastening that will not damage the paint and varnish. Also, decorations should not block the driver’s view, otherwise there is a high chance of an accident.

Pay attention to how car decorations are used for a wedding in Abakan. There are very successful examples in this city. Also, study the laws of color and decoration technology in advance so that the design goes smoothly and without nerves.

Decoration of the wedding procession

If you are planning a machine build, then all the cars will have to be dressed up. To do this, you need to find out how many people will arrive in their own transport to make the decor in advance. Of course, you can ask guests to decorate their cars themselves, but then it’s unlikely to be able to maintain the overall style. Therefore, it is still better to think about simple fastenings and distribute the decor in the morning.

It is worth remembering that the newlyweds’ car should be the most beautiful and slightly different from other vehicles. It is better to place light-colored or similar-colored cars in front of the motorcade, and it is recommended to complete the column with dark and bright models.

Decorating with balloons

Perhaps decorating with balloons is the cheapest and easiest way. True, recently this option of decorating a car for a wedding has already become boring for the newlyweds. But nevertheless it takes place.

The easiest way would be to inflate bunches of balloons and tie them on the roof, bumper, mirrors or radiator grilles. Simple, but tasteful, the main thing is not to overdo it with quantity. However, this method is not considered reliable in terms of fastening.

Also, all kinds of designs are made from balloons: flowers, bows, hearts, lines, ticks and other unusual compositions. They are tied with threads to dense twine and pulled between two support points on the hood, roof or trunk.

Decoration with fabric

You can use any fabric as a material, but organza or tulle behave best as a decorative element. They are transparent, lightweight and hold their shape well.

There are several options for decorating a car. The fabric can be pulled over the hood with a neat drapery, securing it on the inside, where the engine is, with a regular elastic band.

The unique garlands look beautiful. You need to cut strips measuring 200 by 20 centimeters. Then, every 20 centimeters, the fabric is collected on a needle and thread. Flowers or other decorations are attached to the bends.

You can also make original pom-poms for your wedding car with your own hands. From organza or tulle you need to cut strips 70 by 20 centimeters. Then a thread is laid along the center and pulled together. The resulting pompoms are used as independent elements or additional decor.

Dressing up with ribbons

For decoration, use paper, nylon or satin ribbons. Typically, three different colors are chosen to decorate one side of the hood. The following tones go well with each other: white, blue, red (national flag of Russia); blue, light blue, pink; yellow, red, blue; red, pink, crimson; three shades of pink or any other color.

It is very easy to determine how many centimeters of tape you need. The length of the hood should be multiplied by 1.5, or better yet by 2, so that there is a reserve just in case. One of the ends of the tape is folded in half and a piece of linen elastic is sewn to it. Next, the workpiece is put on the hood. All that remains is to sew the free ends of the tape and elastic to each other. You can do it simpler: do the same thing, only without a needle. The ends of the elastic and ribbon are simply tied to each other.

This is a great way to decorate a car for a wedding. In Yaroslavl, Volgograd and other cities, buying ribbons is not difficult. In addition, you can make roses and bows from them, which will perfectly brighten up antennas, trunk lids, mirrors and handles.

Decoration with flowers

It is best to choose artificial flowers, because live ones will not withstand either frost or heat and will quickly wither. It is recommended to pre-assemble the buds and vegetation into an arrangement before placing it on the machine.

The flowers are fastened together with stems and, if necessary, the resulting bouquet is placed on the hood or roof using an elastic band and ribbon.

It would be safer to take one with suction cups and stick flowers and leaves into it over the entire area. This design will definitely last all day. You can also attach bouquets with magnets, after wrapping them in a soft cloth so as not to damage the paintwork.

But the example of decorating a car for a wedding in the photo above is not entirely successful. Individual flowers placed throughout the car only spoil the overall picture. It is better to attach large bouquets and complement them with ribbons or fabrics.

Decor from wedding rings

Often, large crossed rings are placed on the newlyweds' car, which are a mandatory attribute of any wedding. In specialized salons, such an accessory is not cheap at all, but making it yourself is very simple.

You will need 1.5 meters of gas hose, three AA batteries, a roll of golden satin ribbon and a glue gun. If desired, you can add other decorative elements.

The hose needs to be cut into three parts (60, 50 and 40 centimeters each), and the ends of each part must be fastened using AA batteries. Wrap the resulting rings with tape, simultaneously lubricating them with glue. The middle piece will serve as a stand. The remaining rings and other decorations for the car for the wedding are glued to it with your own hands. The master class is very simple, anyone can do it. Figures of doves, swans and children are usually placed at the junction of the rings.

Hood decoration options

Some decoration methods have already been mentioned. These are balloons, fabrics, satin ribbons and flowers.

If you are planning a walk at a late time or a wedding in winter, when it gets dark much earlier, then ordinary decorations will not be enough. An original decoration will be LED strips, which can effectively illuminate both the entire car and its individual parts. They are very flexible, so you can lay out both simple stripes and various shapes (hearts, rings, etc.) from them.

If you have a talent for drawing, you can decorate your car for a wedding with paints that can be easily washed off after the celebration. This is an effective and uncluttered option. Additionally, you can use stickers with interesting inscriptions.

Butterflies of different colors and sizes look very beautiful on a wedding car. They can cover almost the entire hood and trunk without looking overloaded. There are butterflies on sale with suction cups and magnets, which behave well in traffic.

Door handle outfits

The handles themselves are very small, so they should not be overloaded with decor so that everything looks harmonious and the door can be easily opened. There are a lot of decoration ideas, but in any case it’s worth focusing on one thing. For example it could be:

  • artificial flower;
  • ribbon bows;
  • lace or openwork fabric;
  • boutonnieres made of satin ribbons;
  • rhinestones or beads.

We choose one of the above and make inconspicuous decorations for the car handles. For a wedding, such decor can be made in stock and given to guests so that they can transform their cars.

Car interior

To create a festive atmosphere for the bride and groom, it is important to decorate not only the outside of the car, but also the interior. It also matters if a photographer will be working inside the car.

You can start with the steering wheel by wrapping a ribbon around it in a color that matches the style of the wedding. You can hang luminous garlands on the glass, attach luminous stickers or photographs of the newlyweds. The mirror will be perfectly complemented by a figurine of swans, hearts or a couple in love. If opportunities and finances allow, it is better to replace the covers in the interior with those that fit into the overall color scheme of the celebration.

Is it worth it to decorate your car for a wedding yourself?

The clear answer is: it’s worth it. If you approach this issue wisely, you will get no worse results than expensive designers. So why pay extra for such a simple job that you can do yourself? Creating wedding decorations for cars will bring special pleasure to needlewomen who love to constantly make something. All you have to do is show your imagination, a little patience - and everything will work out!

A wedding cortege is an indispensable attribute for a wedding day. According to tradition, the cars for the heroes of the occasion and their guests are lavishly decorated to announce the happy event to everyone.

Special holiday agencies are involved in decorating wedding cars, but the fees for their services are quite high. In order not to undermine the budget of the newly-made family, you can make decorations with your own hands.

A good opportunity to show your originality and ingenuity by interestingly decorating the wedding procession. There are many ideas that you can bring to life with your own hands. Main decoration options:

It doesn't matter which option is chosen.

The most important thing is that the decoration emphasizes the solemnity of the event, looks beautiful, elegant and evokes positive emotions.

Tips for choosing decor and styling of cars

When choosing a car for a wedding, it is best to choose classic white, silver and black colors. If the bride and groom travel in different cars, then the groom’s car should be black, and the bride’s should be white. It is important to place the main emphasis on the car that will carry the couple from the registry office.

If cars are decorated with ribbons, then you should make sure that the color of the ribbons and the car match each other, but at the same time do not merge. Decorations should not block the driver’s view, especially the decoration of the rearview mirrors.

In order for the festive cortege to capture the imagination of those around you, you must follow the following rules:

  • decide on the number of cars. The most beautiful decor should be on the newlyweds’ car, and on the guests’ cars – more modest;
  • decide exactly where the accessories will be attached. Most often they decorate the hood, bumper, windows, handles, interior, trunk and wheels;
  • choose a color scheme according to the color of the car. Contrasting color schemes look best;
  • The theme of car design should resonate with the style of the celebration. If the wedding does not adhere to a specific theme, then the colors should be similar to the flowers in the bride’s bouquet;
  • take into account the shape of the trunk or hood so that the decoration looks natural and organic;
  • if fresh flowers are chosen as decoration, then they should have strong leaves and stems;
  • choose a method for attaching decorative elements. This can be glue, tape (regular and double-sided), special suction cups;
  • Do not drive at high speeds so that the decorations do not become deformed or fall off the vehicle. It is important to take a responsible approach to choosing a driver.

If you adhere to these simple rules, then the decorations of wedding cars will last throughout the holiday, and will delight the eyes of both guests and newlyweds, and emphasize the importance of the event.

Color solution

The color scheme of decorative elements for wedding cars should be in the same style as the outfits of the young couple, so that there is no sharp difference between them in the photographs. You shouldn’t choose all the colors of the rainbow at once; it’s better to stick to 2-3 shades. Then the decoration will look festive and organic.

For dark-colored cars, you should choose light, discreet shades. White, beige or silver cars are best decorated with bright, rich colors. If you choose light flower compositions, complement them with contrasting details.

DIY pen decoration

The design of the handles on the doors should not be too magnificent so as not to complicate their opening. The most optimal solutions:

How to make a pendant to decorate the door handles of a wedding car

To make your own heart pendant for the handles of a wedding car, you need to take:

  • a heart-shaped base made of plastic, wood or foam;
  • tulle fabric measuring 25*6 cm;
  • a satin ribbon for wrapping the base and a ribbon of a different color for the petals;
  • flower - for example, a rose;
  • stamens or beads, cut in half;
  • beads collected on a fishing line;
  • glue gun, scissors, tweezers, needle, thread, lighter or matches.

Master class on making a pendant:

  1. If you don’t have a ready-made heart, then you need to draw it using a stencil on foam plastic (or a metal lid from a jar, an old CD), and cut it out. You can also form a heart from wire and cover it with foam rubber;
  2. Apply glue to the edge of the ribbon, press it to the bottom of the heart and wrap it around it. It is better to use small pieces of tape to make the winding neat;
  3. Glue a ribbon with stringed beads along the frame of the product;
  4. Make a bow from tulle - fold a piece of fabric in half lengthwise, gather the bottom edge and secure with a needle and thread in the form of a round bow;
  5. Prepare the petals - fold three pieces of ribbon of the second color in the shape of a loop and seal the edges with fire;
  6. Using a glue gun, attach the petals to the rose, and the stamens to them. Glue all this to a bow;
  7. Place the composition with a rose on the base;
  8. Attach a loop of ribbon to the top of the heart so you can hang the ornament on the handle.

The decoration option can be changed arbitrarily, it all depends on the imagination of the master.

DIY wedding bonnet decoration

The easiest and fastest way to decorate a car is with ribbons. Even a person without special skills can cope with this. There are several ways to decorate the hood using colored ribbons.

First way:

  1. Take a tape whose length exceeds the length of the hood exactly 2 times, its width should be 3-5 cm;
  2. Pass the tape through the radiator grille, so that the tape runs in the middle of the metal strip;
  3. Stretch the tape in opposite directions along the hood in the shape of the letter V and secure with tape or tie to the inside of the hood;
  4. Make bows from organza or tulle and secure with ribbon. The number of bows can be different - either they will sit tightly to each other, or at a distance of 10-15 cm. You can simply attach them by sewing them with thread;
  5. Additionally, small pieces of ribbon can be attached between the bows, which will flutter beautifully while moving;
  6. Make a bow from a large piece of organza to decorate the lattice.

You can make another big bow like this and attach it to the trunk. Just keep in mind that they must be made in the same color.

Second way:

  1. Take a wide satin ribbon as long as 2 times the length of the hood;
  2. Prepare flowers from a satin ribbon - bend the strip in half lengthwise and roll it up. Strengthen the base with a needle and thread;
  3. Sew flowers along the entire wide ribbon;
  4. Attach the decoration to the hood of the car.

Third way:

  1. Form flowers from white and green ribbons;
  2. Make bouquets, putting 7-9 pieces aside;
  3. Attach 4 ribbons to the bouquet and secure them under the hood;
  4. Place the remaining flowers along the entire ribbon.

Such simple options for decorations on the hood of a wedding car look great, and they can be done on the same day as the wedding. Just make flowers or bows in advance.

How to decorate a wedding car

The most common decoration on the roof of a wedding car is two wedding rings surrounded by flowers. This decorative element can be quickly made with your own hands. To do this you will need to take:

Stages of making rings:

  1. Cut the hose into 3 parts: large, medium and small. Medium and small are for rings, and large is for the base;
  2. Insert a battery on one side of the future ring and connect the ends of the hose into a circle. Secure the joint with tape;
  3. Also make another ring;
  4. Wrap the resulting circles with foil and secure with tape;
  5. Attach both rings to each other using super glue;
  6. Place it on the rulers, glue it and secure it to a large part of the hose;
  7. Add flowers to the composition.

The decoration is ready - you can place it on the roof of the car and secure it with wide tape.

A wedding is one of the most significant holidays in a person’s life. Therefore, it is customary to celebrate the wedding day widely and brightly to emphasize the importance of the moment.

Decorating a festive cortege is something that a modern wedding cannot do without. To make the decor unusual, exclusive, and the way you want, you need to do it yourself. And then save it and pass it on to your children.

Another small master class on decorating a car is in the next video.