Yellow urine: causes of color change in men. Main reasons why urine may be bright yellow

Metabolic products, including pigments that give it color, are excreted from the body with urine. The higher the content of metabolic products in a liquid, the richer its smell and the more intense the shade. The color of urine is also affected by the volume of excreted biomaterial; if there is a lot of it, the concentration decreases and the liquid becomes lighter.

Concept of normal colors

When laboratory diagnostics were still unavailable, healers and physicians paid attention to the characteristics of urination or deviations in the properties of urine, even tasting it. An experienced doctor is able to determine the pathology by the color of the secreted fluid, but he will receive more accurate information after appropriate tests.

Normally, a healthy person should have yellow urine with variations in shades, from light, straw to rich yellow. This depends on the pigment content in it - urochrome. The color range of the secreted fluid can change throughout the day and an atypical color does not always mean pathology. The normal daily diuresis of an adult is approximately 1.5 liters with natural fluctuations. If there is more urine, it becomes lighter, if less, it becomes darker.

Why did my urine turn yellower?

The reasons for the change in shade may be:

  • dietary features;
  • too active or, conversely, passive lifestyle;
  • taking medications;
  • manifestation of the disease.

A rich color appears when urination is delayed, if it is tolerated for too long. Darker urine is observed in the morning, so morning analysis is considered the most informative. The reasons for a brighter color can be very different, and you shouldn’t start panicking at the slightest deviation, but you also shouldn’t ignore these manifestations if they are constant.

Simple physiological factors

Food plays an important role in changing the organoleptic properties of urine. Bright yellow urine may be caused by eating foods that contain natural dyes. For example, carrots provoke the appearance of an orange color, beets - a red tint, rhubarb and sorrel - green. Alcohol, especially beer and red wines, also contributes.

Fasting leads to an increase in the concentration of dry matter. Excessive physical activity and dehydration lead to the same effect - urine becomes saturated, the amount of salts and other substances removed from the body increases. Dehydration is promoted by high ambient temperatures.

In order to prevent the development of kidney pathologies, athletes are recommended to periodically undergo rapid testing. It can be carried out independently, using diagnostic test systems with a special scale that determines the level of hydration. The normal level is defined as “it yellow”.

Diseases affecting urine

There are a lot of diseases that change the color of urine; even a simple ARVI can be the cause. Let us highlight the main ones:

  • any inflammation of the urinary system affects primarily the quality of urine excreted;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis and other bladder diseases;
  • acute (chronic) glomerulonephritis - the color of “meat slop” is characteristic here;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • renal failure;
  • diabetes mellitus and pancreatic diseases (pancreatitis or cancer) are the cause of an increase in the specific gravity of urine, i.e. it becomes thicker and this answers the question why the urine is yellow in these cases;
  • gastritis – changes the acidic state of not only the gastrointestinal tract.

Along with the kidneys, the liver plays an important role in urine formation:

  • hepatitis is one of the reasons for increased excretion of bile pigments;
  • obstructive jaundice - causes darkening of the urine, but the feces become pale and acholic. The same thing happens with cirrhosis.

Hepatitis-like symptoms, accompanied by diarrhea and changes in urine, are caused by a highly contagious rotavirus infection known as “stomach flu.”

Urinalysis for the “disease of aristocrats” - gout is of great diagnostic importance, because systemic damage to internal organs primarily affects the kidneys, and according to the analyzes we can talk about the development of chronic renal failure (CRF).

Due to prostatitis in men, the “urination pattern” changes - at night they become frequent, but diuresis may nevertheless be reduced.

In women, and especially in young girls, deep yellow urine with the presence of turbidity or white flakes may indicate the development of thrush, especially if there is a burning sensation in the genitals. During menstruation, urine also becomes more intensely colored. In addition to thrush, similar symptoms can occur with other urogenital infections.

Of the acute conditions that affect the color of urine, it should be noted appendicitis, after all, it is based on the test results that the surgeon determines do you need urgent operation.

Conditions characterized by a critically low level of immunity, such as HIV, require regular testing and close attention to them.

Maybe the medications are to blame?

One of the reasons for the discharge of bright yellow urine is the intake of B vitamins and vitamin C; complex drugs such as Berocca and Kvadevit are especially influential. Other pharmaceuticals also affect the properties of urine, for example, nitrofuran derivatives: furacillin, furazolidone, faramag, furadonin and furagin. Oddly enough, fish oil, rich in Omega-3, can also be included here.

Unnaturally bright yellow, unusually toxic urine is formed when taking the hepatoprotector Essliver-Forte.

Iron preparations can color the secreted fluid. The same phenomenon is observed when taking antibiotics and sulfa drugs.

Not knowing about the possibility of similar effects from taking medications, many parents begin to panic when they see orange urine in a child taking Faringosept for a sore throat. If a sore throat is caused by hemolytic streptococcus, you should carefully monitor changes in tests; it is even worth giving the child bicillin prophylaxis for rheumatism.

Choleretic drugs prescribed for cholecystitis, such as Allochol, give urine samples a yellow, unnatural color.

Remember, any tablet colored orange or red can change the color of your urine!

Changes in pregnant women

Certain physiological conditions at different periods of life, for example: puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, affect the tests.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body is rebuilt quite quickly, and internal organs react to such stress in different ways. In the early stages, when a woman is severely tormented by toxicosis and constant vomiting, one should be wary of dehydration. In this case, urine may contain a cloudy sediment. Taking prenatal vitamins may cause lemon-colored urine.

Late gestosis is characterized by the appearance of edema, high blood pressure and proteinuria, which together threaten the development of eclampsia. Due to the fact that intracellular fluid is not excreted, but accumulates in the tissues, despite swelling and visible filling with water, the body suffers from dehydration, and the urine becomes dark yellow.

A pregnant woman must carefully monitor such changes at all times, because the slightest deviation can indicate a developing threat to the health of the child, and the result depends entirely on the timeliness of the response.

Features of children's urine

It should be noted that the color index changes with age. In infants, urine is almost colorless; in bottle-fed infants, it takes on a yellowish tint; in adults, it becomes golden. The shades of yellow in the urine of a one-year-old child depend on the characteristics of complementary feeding. The analysis of a 2-3 year old child does not visually differ from the fluid samples of an adult.

Sometimes a completely healthy newborn baby experiences darkening of the urine, which is caused by an increased level of uric acid. This indicator normalizes over time.

Principles of diagnostics in urology

The most common and basic type of study is a general urine test. It is he who provides initial data on the condition of the urinary tract. Even with a common cold, he is informative.

In case of kidney diseases or suspicions of them, accompanied by lower back pain, urine tests according to Nechiporenko or Zimnitsky are prescribed. Any changes in daily diuresis must be recorded.

In case of liver pathologies, cholangitis and cholecystitis, it is necessary to determine the content of bile pigments in the urine.

Urogenital and other infections will be confirmed by highly sensitive PCR - polymerase chain reaction, which determines the DNA of the pathogen.

Instrumental and additional research methods for diagnosing pathologies of the urinary system include contrast cystoscopy, ultrasound, and, if necessary, biopsy.

Having noticed visible deviations from the norm, if strange discharge appears and discomfort when urinating, lower back pain, changes in appetite, vomiting, you should contact your family doctor, local therapist or urologist, who will provide qualified assistance. Based on complaints and clinical symptoms, the doctor will prescribe the necessary list of tests, make the correct diagnosis, and, if necessary, prescribe medication.

At the first “alarm bells,” Canephron or Cyston are prescribed to sanitize the urinary tract and prevent stone formation. When an infection is diagnosed, ceftriaxone is most often prescribed.

Bringing the analysis back to normal

To normalize the color of your urine, first of all, review your diet and the amount of fluid you consume. The correct regime, in which you should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day, will restore kidney function and help remove toxins. Still water, weak green tea, diluted fruit juices and fruit drinks are well suited for this purpose.

Loads will also require corrections. Distribute them according to your capabilities, do not overdo it. It is useful to alternate intense workouts with walks in the fresh air. On hot days, try to stay in the sun less and avoid overheating and dehydration.

The color of urine is an important indicator characterizing the state of metabolism. Normally, the color of the fluid secreted by the kidneys is yellow. The intensity of the color depends on the concentration of urine and the amount of pigments it contains. If you drink a lot of liquid, your urine will become a light straw color. Bright yellow urine is also normal. But sometimes too bright a color can indicate certain diseases.

Causes of bright yellow urine

In most cases, the rich color of urine indicates its increased concentration. The reason for the color change in this case may be:

  • insufficient fluid intake,
  • increased sweating,
  • lactation,
  • swelling in some diseases,
  • acute intestinal infections,
  • taking laxatives.

When there is insufficient intake of fluid into the body, increased reabsorption of water occurs in the kidneys, this is due to compensatory mechanisms. Therefore, the urine turns bright yellow. The same thing happens with increased fluid loss. For example, in hot climates or during high physical activity, the body loses a lot of water through sweat. Up to several liters of sweat fluid can evaporate from the skin per day. For nursing mothers, a certain amount of water leaves the body with milk, which is why it is so important to drink a lot of juices, tea and other drinks during lactation.

Dehydration can occur with acute intestinal infections, when repeated vomiting and diarrhea are observed, at a high temperature with heavy sweat. Uncontrolled use of laxatives, toxicosis of pregnant women with frequent vomiting can also be the cause of bright yellow urine.

In some diseases, fluid retention occurs, but there are still signs of dehydration. A similar situation can occur with chronic heart failure, liver cirrhosis and gestosis in pregnant women. The liquid part of the blood leaves the bloodstream into the intercellular space, which causes the occurrence of edema. With gestosis, edema can be hidden, they can be suspected by a sudden increase in body weight. In cirrhosis, plasma leaks into the abdominal cavity and ascites occurs while the blood becomes viscous.

Important: If your urine remains bright yellow for a long time, you should consult a doctor. Especially if there are additional symptoms - pain in the lower back, right hypochondrium, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.

Other causes of urine color change

Bright yellow urine is not always a sign of dehydration. Sometimes the cause of color changes may be individual or hereditary metabolic characteristics. For example, increased formation of salts can lead to bright yellow urine. After some time, if no action is taken, sand will begin to form in the kidneys, and then larger stones. By the way, if more concentrated urine is excreted over a long period of time, this almost inevitably leads to kidney stone formation.

The color of urine may change with the use of certain medications, food additives, and foods. For example, carrots or carrot juice make your urine orange or bright yellow. Nowadays, many products, especially sweets, contain food dyes. Therefore, you should not immediately be alarmed if your urine turns bright yellow: the cause may be that you ate a handful of sweet jelly beans in yellow glaze or marmalade. Many dyes are found in all kinds of carbonated drinks.

Carrots can turn your urine bright yellow.

Medicines that color urine

Many medications can cause urine color to change, making it appear darker. Such means include:

  • vitamins (A, C, group B),
  • some antibiotics
  • 5-nitrofuran derivatives.

Vitamins can give urine a bright lemon color when taken orally or parenterally. Artificial vitamin substances usually cannot be completely absorbed by the body, and therefore are excreted by the kidneys. When taking riboflavin (vitamin B2), the urine is colored by its transformation products. Even if the drug itself does not cause the urine to change color, it may be due to the food coloring contained in the tablet coating.

What should you do if your urine turns bright yellow?

If your urine has acquired a bright, rich yellow hue, there is no need to panic. You should remember what medications you took in recent days, what foods and drinks you consumed. You also need to reconsider your drinking regime. Perhaps the body simply does not have enough fluid. If there are no other alarming symptoms, then you can try drinking more fluids. Plain still water or diluted fruit juice or weak tea will do.

Important: if the urine color does not return to normal within a few days, you should consult a urologist or therapist. The doctor will determine why the urine is bright yellow and, if necessary, prescribe treatment or select a diet. After all, too concentrated urine can lead to urolithiasis.

Urine includes the end products of metabolism, which give it different colors. What color is healthy urine in people?

The answer to this question is simple - she

What factors affect the color of urine?

  • Presence of dyes in food.
  • Consumption of certain foods.
  • Taking medications.
  • Metabolic processes.

What does the color of urine indicate? Amber is about the pigments urobilin, urochrome and others, and the level of its saturation depends on the number of such pigments. In addition, the more fluid a person drinks, the less color the urine becomes. With a lack of water, especially in hot, dry weather and with increased sweating, the urine darkens.

Why does the color of urine change in a healthy person?

Some people do not know what color urine should be and therefore worry when it turns greenish or reddish. For example, why does your urine appear this color if you eat beets, blackberries or rhubarb? In some cases, pregnant women's urine turns orange. A similar color appears when eating carrots and fruits rich in carotene. Redness of urine can also occur after poisoning with toxic substances. If red urine appears in women, it is necessary to consult a specialist. The appearance of blood in the urine is considered a prerequisite for serious problems with a woman’s health. Timely provision of assistance will help to avoid serious problems and consequences.

Why is urine red and accompanied by pain? This happens with diseases of urination and urination. appears in people who take antibiotics. As a rule, the doctor talks about the side effects of medications, so there is no need to be alarmed. Green color of urine is formed after eating asparagus. The blue color may be a result of taking a complex of vitamins or medications. After eating legumes, the urine becomes dark in color. Light-colored urine occurs when you drink too much fluid.

Dark urine

Urine contains the enzyme urochrome, which has a yellow pigment, the concentration of which determines the shade of urine in a healthy person. The higher the concentration of the enzyme, the correspondingly darker the color of the urine. In addition, other factors influence its color. For example, pregnant women have dark colored urine.

While carrying a child, a woman’s body is transformed, and all internal systems of the body experience increased stress. Dark urine in a woman during this period is the result of a restructuring of the body. The reason for this in early pregnancy is dehydration due to toxicosis, manifested by vomiting.

A dark shade of urine can be given by:

  • Food;
  • medications;
  • starvation diets;
  • difficult working conditions;
  • intense physical activity;
  • violation of diet, insufficient amount of water drunk per day.

At the same time, what does dark urine color mean? Urine of this color can also be a symptom of various diseases:

  • kidney;
  • liver;
  • genitourinary system;
  • gynecological;
  • infectious;
  • venereal;
  • oncological

At the same time, dark urine in a woman may also be accompanied by a specific unpleasant odor.

If dark urine is detected, you should contact your doctor and receive a referral for tests, based on the results of which the doctor will prescribe an additional examination, make a diagnosis and provide treatment.

Causes of dark urine in a child

If in the morning parents notice the dark color of their child’s urine, this is not a reason to immediately sound the alarm, since it is caused by natural causes of the body’s vital functions. During the day, its color returns to normal.

If your urine remains dark throughout the day, it may be:

  • Infectious disease of the genitourinary system of a child. Urine takes on a dark brown hue. In advanced cases, mucus, pus and blood are found in it.
  • This condition manifests itself as pain in the abdomen, fever, and vomiting. The water-electrolyte balance is disrupted, dehydration occurs, and the urine becomes dark.
  • Liver disease, in which urine may even be black.

Why does children's urine become cloudy?

The appearance of cloudy urine in a child is familiar to many parents. It is known that urine is the main indicator of the state of the body. However, not everyone knows what to do in such a situation. If there is sediment, then parents do not need to immediately panic, the reasons for this are varied, most of them are absolutely harmless.

The appearance of cloudy urine in the first days of a baby’s life should not worry parents, as this is a physiologically normal phenomenon. And after a short period of time everything will return to normal. In infants, this situation is possible when complementary foods are introduced, as the composition of the feeding changes.

Reasons why urine color changes in children:

  • consumption of certain foods, such as plums, gooseberries, sorrel, parsley, grapes, legumes;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • burns that occupy a large surface of the skin;
  • excess vitamins;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract (hepatitis, parenchymal jaundice);
  • diabetes;
  • acute infectious-inflammatory process (pyelonephritis);
  • blood disease - hemolytic anemia;
  • congenital anomalies of the kidney structure;
  • intoxication of the body due to poisoning or infection.

In the evening hours, urine may become slightly cloudy even in healthy children - this is associated with overwork of the child during the day. If a child has cloudy urine with sediment, a pungent odor and mucus, and the baby does not sleep or eat well, then you should definitely contact a specialist who will determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

Preventive actions:

  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • constant emptying of the bladder;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • reducing salt intake;
  • limiting the consumption of foods that contain a lot of calcium;
  • drinking enough fluid.

If sediment or cloudiness of the urine appears, it is necessary to monitor the baby’s condition. If unusual symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Presence of acetone in urine

Most people attribute the unpleasant odor that appears in urine to diet. The appearance of acetone in the urine indicates problems with the kidneys. In many cases, the problem can be easily solved - you just need to return to a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes a medical examination is necessary. Timely diagnosis and testing will help avoid negative consequences. If treatment is not started in time, this can lead to serious illness. In order to avoid this, you need to know the reasons for the appearance of acetone in the urine.

Acetone in urine in adults: reasons

  • Excessive consumption of spicy and fatty foods contributes to the accumulation of harmful substances in the body.
  • Unregulated physical activity.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Consequences of anesthesia.
  • Poisoning and high fever.
  • Eating only low-calorie foods.

These reasons are quite serious and need to be addressed immediately.

Symptoms indicating the presence of acetone in the urine:

  • the presence of a strong unpleasant odor when urinating;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • unstable mental state;
  • high blood glucose levels;
  • continuous desire to rest and sleep;
  • pallor and crimson;
  • lack of thirst and appetite;
  • causeless vomiting and diarrhea.

Actions to take if acetone is detected in urine

If you notice some symptoms and think that you have acetone in your urine, it is recommended to get tested. This can be done in the laboratory of the clinic. A routine urine test can detect acetonuria.

It is very risky to detect acetone in the urine of pregnant women. Acetone can appear in urine due to toxicosis and frequent vomiting. In this case, it is recommended to restore the water-salt balance in the pregnant woman’s body. If the woman is not worried about anything, then if acetone is detected in the urine, it is recommended to take tests again. And if the result is positive again, then you will need to undergo other examinations that will help determine the reasons for its occurrence and take the necessary measures.


If proper nutrition and normalization of the daily routine do not produce results, then special medications should be taken. If acetone is detected in the urine of adults, the reasons may be related to intoxication with poisons or heavy metals, or changes in the level of thyroid hormones. If similar problems are present, inpatient treatment is recommended, which, if necessary, may include IVs, intramuscular injections, and surgery.

If acetone is detected in the urine in a timely manner, it is quite easy to eliminate the causes of its appearance. Before starting any treatment, you must seek help from specialists.

Diseases and color of urine

Let's look at what the color of urine indicates in diseases:

  • Pale yellow - lack of pigments and polyuria.
  • A dark lemon color appears with toxicosis, dehydration caused by vomiting, and also with fever.
  • White - when pus, phosphates, lipids penetrate into urine. This is possible with pyelonephritis, fatty degeneration of the kidneys and urolithiasis.
  • Brown color - increased amount of urobilin, for example, with anemia, poisoning, problems with blood clotting.
  • Black color accompanies the disease melanosarcoma and hemolytic kidney.
  • The color of beer when bile pigments enter the excretory system.
  • Red - when blood flows.

So, what does the color of urine indicate? Changes in the color of urine are not always the cause of the disease, but you should carefully monitor the body's signals.

Light yellow urine is an indicator of human health. The shade of this biological fluid can change significantly during the day; in the morning the urine is more saturated in color, and in the afternoon it is lighter.

Urine acquires its yellow color due to pigments, the main of which is urobilin, which is formed from its precursor bilirubin in the liver. Next, bilirubin enters the intestines with bile, and under the influence of microflora it breaks down to urobilin. In parallel with it, urobilinogen is formed. However, it colors urine after it is released into the external environment.

The color of urine also depends on external factors: food, taking medications and vitamins, and the amount of fluid you drink. Changes against the background of these factors should be taken calmly. However, if lemon-colored urine is released for a long time, then it is worth considering what kind of pathology this color may be a sign of. The article will explain why urine is bright yellow in women and what causes this phenomenon.


Yellow urine can be due to various reasons. The most common of them are:

  • dehydration due to illness;
  • low fluid intake;
  • climate change;
  • somatic diseases (pathology of the heart, kidneys, liver, gall bladder);
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking vitamins and medications;
  • pregnancy;
  • hereditary factor;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • consumption of antibiotics, vitamins A, C and group B;
  • diseases that cause increased breakdown of red blood cells.

Almost all artificially produced food products currently contain dyes. These could be carbonated drinks, sweets, marmalade. They are capable of significantly turning the shade of urine deep yellow.

Many plant foods have the same property; they contain natural coloring substances. Oranges, tangerines, carrots, pumpkins, and parsley have such abilities.

Some drugs (group five nitrofurans) during use change the shade of the urinary fluid to a more intense one. The same effect has drugs that contain pigmenting substances in their shell. The effect of vitamins on changes in urine color will be written below.

Dehydration is one of the reasons for urine color change

Saturated color of urine occurs when its concentration is very high, this happens with large losses of water. For example, if a woman changed climatic conditions to very hot ones. As a result, due to intense sweating in the absence of an adequate drinking regime, changes in the color of urine occur. By the same principle, urine becomes more yellow during physical exertion, when, due to the secretion of sweat, urine becomes too concentrated.

Diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, cystitis, which occurs very often in women due to their physiology (the urethra is short and wide, unlike the male urethra). In addition to bright yellow urine, a characteristic feature of this disease will be a burning sensation, frequent urge to urinate, pain in the lower abdomen, possible fever, and weakness.

Gastrointestinal infections are accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, elevated body temperature, and profuse sweating. All this leads to a change in biological fluid towards a darker and more saturated color.

Pathology of the biliary system, in which the urine turns an intense yellow color, is especially common in middle-aged women who are prone to obesity.

Failure in the excretion of bile can be caused by the following diseases:

  • hepatitis of an infectious nature (hepatitis A, B, C, D);
  • hepatitis of non-infectious nature (autoimmune, nutritional hepatitis);
  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • paracetamol poisoning;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • neoplasms in this organ.

Inflammation of the bile ducts (cholangitis), pancreatitis, and malignant neoplasms of the pancreas and bile ducts also play an important role. The clinical picture of such ailments includes yellowing of the sclera, mucous membranes and skin.

Diseases that lead to increased breakdown of red blood cells are another cause of too yellow urine. Among them, the most common are hemolytic and sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, and Gilbert's disease. With Gilbert's syndrome, the utilization of bilirubin is impaired; it accumulates in the body, causing various disorders, including deep yellow urine.

The most common signs of this disease are yellowness of the sclera and skin.

With hemolytic anemia, jaundice is also a characteristic symptom, as well as weakness, fatigue, an increase in the size of the spleen and pain in the left hypochondrium.

Sclera of a patient with Gilbert's syndrome

Somatic diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, chronic heart failure, and kidney disease lead to fluid retention in the body and extensive edema to form. Because of this, a small amount of urine is formed and it acquires an uncharacteristic rich color.

Another trigger may be taking laxatives for constipation. These medications lead to diarrhea and dehydration. Therefore, they are also worth keeping in mind if bright yellow urine appears.

Heredity also plays a role in the fact that urinary fluid becomes lemon-colored. Some people have an increased tendency to form salts; salts give such a rich shade to urine. This cannot be ignored, as this may lead to the development of urolithiasis in the future.

As you know, pregnant women undergo serious changes in the body; it must work for two; many processes have not been fully studied.

For a pregnant woman, all systems function in an enhanced mode, which is why changes during this period may be far from expected. Urine during pregnancy can change color from lemon yellow to brown.

But it is worth knowing that in the early stages the color of urine should not be fundamentally different from what it was. A change in the color of urinary fluid is not a reason to panic. This phenomenon is often explained by vitamin complexes that are prescribed during pregnancy.

The most popular of them will be Elevit, Vitrum Prenatal Forte. They contain groups of vitamins A and C. They are the ones that can give urine a too bright shade.

Also, do not forget about antibacterial drugs, because they also have this property. Another reason may be the pregnant woman’s consumption of certain foods (carrots, pumpkin, citrus fruits). Very often this is a reaction to food consumed, vitamin complexes, which are often prescribed to pregnant women. If after a few days the color of the urinary fluid does not return to normal, then you should consult a doctor. After all, you can miss a serious pathology.

Pregnant women need to be especially attentive to their well-being so as not to miss the early signs of gestosis (nausea, vomiting, emotional lability)

Very often, the presence of bright yellow urine indicates toxicosis, because with this pathology, dehydration occurs due to vomiting. And if it is difficult to fight toxicosis, then replenishing lost fluid is a very real mission.

Meanwhile, too light a shade of urine is not the norm. This phenomenon indicates a weak concentration of this liquid. And this may be a sign of diabetes, namely the gestational type. It is accompanied by constant thirst, dry mouth, and a huge amount of excreted urinary fluid.


Another condition in which you may experience very yellow urine is breastfeeding. In this case, there is a large consumption for the purpose of milk production.

In his normal state, a person loses from one to two liters of fluid per day, and when feeding, this figure becomes much higher. And if a woman does not replenish the required volume, then the urinary fluid becomes very concentrated and little urine is released.

This is why it is so important to maintain the correct drinking regime during breastfeeding. The best drinks to drink in this situation are water, green and herbal tea.

During lactation, a woman should avoid foods that can color urine, as they are mostly allergens.

What to do?

If a situation arises in which the urine becomes very yellow, then first of all you should analyze your lifestyle. It is necessary to remember what foods have been consumed recently, whether you are taking vitamins and medications, how much liquid is consumed per day?

If possible, you should stop using medications and vitamin complexes. Establish a drinking regime; remember that the body requires at least two liters of water per day. It is advisable to use simple purified water and herbal teas. If within a few days after taking the measures the urine has not acquired a normal color, you should visit a doctor. You can address this problem either to your local physician or directly to a urologist.

Before your visit, try to remember the composition of your menu, the presence of physical activity, medications, the frequency of vomiting and diarrhea, if any. This will greatly facilitate the diagnosis.

The doctor, after a detailed interview in order to clarify the diagnosis, will prescribe a urine test, as well as, if necessary, an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Treatment will be prescribed according to the diagnosis.

Every person is obliged to closely monitor their sexual health, preventing the development of infectious diseases. Another preventative measure is to empty the bladder in a timely manner; you should not endure the urge, because this can lead to undesirable consequences.

About prevention

It is important to properly and regularly perform genital hygiene. A woman should know that she needs to wash herself from front to back, and not vice versa. Thus, it minimizes E. coli infection of the vagina.

Timely visits to the gynecologist and preventive examinations will also help prevent the occurrence of pathology.

But perhaps the most important thing is maintaining the right lifestyle. Be selective about the food you eat, avoid foods with dyes, and give preference to natural foods. Avoid alcohol and nicotine. These simple rules will help you stay healthy for a long time.

Adequate fluid intake prevents dehydration


Any deviations in the functioning of the body require close attention. Urine is an important liquid, the composition, color and amount of which can tell a lot about a person’s health. That is why be careful and do not ignore changes in urine color. Such vigilance will prevent the disease from developing. Be healthy.

The color of urine is an important indicator by which one can judge the state of human health and the functioning of body systems. Yellow urine is perceived as a good indicator, but few people pay attention to changes in shade from time to time and think about what determines the color of urine and whether bright yellow urine can indicate the development of an infection in the body.

The color of urine is an indicator of the health of the genitourinary system.

Causes of yellow urine

The rich color of urine may be due to high concentration. Such changes occur due to lack of drinking, increased sweat production on the skin surface, excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body, and due to diseases that damage the digestive tract. Concentrated urine may be caused by breastfeeding or after taking medications for constipation.

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Yellow urine in children

The color of urine can constantly change, even throughout the day. Urine in the first days of a baby's life may be transparent. Further, in the process of adapting to existence outside the mother’s body, the body adjusts its functions for a full independent life. A change in the color of urine in an infant may be evidence of these changes and not pose any danger; brown urine (for example, due to the baby feeding on colostrum) after a few days is replaced by pink, then turns into rich yellow, and then may become transparent again. Changes in urine may occur several months after birth.

Since children cannot always tell about their well-being, you should carefully monitor the change in color of the child’s urine. If the color does not return to normal within a week, you should consult a doctor, as such manifestations may indicate the development of the disease. Giving your child medications on your own or giving babies water to drink without a doctor’s prescription can lead to a deterioration in the baby’s health.

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During pregnancy

During pregnancy, the color and smell of urine are considered one of the main indicators of the health of the expectant mother. In order to prevent various types of diseases, at each scheduled consultation with a specialist, a pregnant woman submits urine for analysis, one of the criteria of which is the color of the sample. A rich lemon color or bright yellow color of urine does not in all cases indicate the presence of infection. Non-dangerous reasons for urine changing color include:

  • Vegetables, fruits and berries. Carrots, beets, pumpkin, blackberries or cherries can change the light shade of urine to yellow due to the presence of natural food colors in them.
  • Various confectionery products and sweet (carbonated) water can color urine. These products often contain a high content of synthetic dyes, so if after dessert your urine turns dark yellow, this is not a cause for concern.
  • Taking prenatal vitamins makes urine yellow.

The functioning of the body during pregnancy has not been thoroughly studied, so bright yellow urine in women does not always indicate a deviation in bearing a child. Pregnancy rebuilds a woman’s body, adapting to new conditions, since strength and energy during such a period are used by two people. Additional stress on the body, especially on the kidneys, changes the color of urine; it can become copper or light yellow in color, and urine discoloration also occurs. In this case, you should consult with your doctor, after remembering the names of the medications you are taking and your menu for the last few days.

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Causes for men and women

In men and women, dark urine appears due to a lack of fluid in the body. Lack of water occurs due to violation of the drinking regime, taking medications without a doctor’s prescription, and gastrointestinal infections. In the case of an infectious bowel disease, high fever, increased sweating, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting are noted. With high fever, diarrhea and vomiting, the body loses a significant amount of fluid, which turns the urine dark. If your urine is dark yellow in the morning, this is not a cause for concern. During the night, an accumulation of coloring pigment occurs in urine, which is included in the concept of norms.

Products with coloring properties, tablets, can change the color of urine.

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Other causes of urine discoloration

The normal color of urine in a person can sometimes differ from generally accepted concepts due to personal characteristics of metabolic processes or hereditary factors. Also, the strongly expressed color of urine is explained by the high level of salts in the urine. This process leads to the formation of sand and crystals in the organs of the urine excretory system. Under such conditions, the result of a rich yellow color of urine can be kidney stone disease, manifested by the deposition of stones in the kidneys. Urine may become beer-colored due to hepatitis. In women, bright yellow urine sometimes indicates the occurrence of urethritis (increased proteins). If the urine turns yellow in men, the onset of prostatitis is possible.

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Symptoms that may accompany the change

If lemon-colored urine is accompanied by various types of pain (abdominal, genital, lower back), digestive problems, elevated body temperature, nausea, you should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. Yellow discharge, pain when urinating and itching should also alert you. Acid-colored urine with an odor and a pale white sediment in the form of flakes visible in the light indicates problems in the urinary system. Sometimes white impurities and white-light discharge in the urine indicate poor personal hygiene.

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Medicines and food that stain urine

Taking vitamins (vitamin C, A, B vitamins), dietary supplements, mineral complexes. Some antibiotics, 5-nitrofuran derivatives, may affect the color of urine. Often the body cannot fully absorb synthetic vitamins and substances, as a result of which the kidneys are engaged in the process of removing these substances from the body. But if the medicine does not contain dyes, the color of the urine may change due to the dyes contained in the shell of the medicine or vitamin. Eating foods rich in natural dyes changes the color of urine. Beets and blackberries, carrots and pumpkins can give urine an unnatural color; the scale of color changes varies from bright yellow to red.

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What to do?

Pale yellow color of urine, or, conversely, too dark a shade, does not mean that a person is sick. First, you need to remember the foods and medications you use, as well as the amount of liquid you drink, and adjust your drinking and eating regimen (if there is a sufficient amount of liquid, light-colored urine). If such actions do not bring the desired result, it is worth visiting a specialist. A general analysis of urine will explain the bright color and show possible deviations in the functioning of the body. If the results are negative, the doctor will prescribe additional tests to accurately determine the cause of the disease. Such actions will help you choose the optimal therapy program and diet, if required.

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When is yellow urine a sign of concern?

Light or acid-yellowish urine does not indicate illness. You need to worry if not only the urine has turned bright yellow, but also other symptoms are present. Pain, itching, and stomach problems signal a malfunction of the body. If you experience such symptoms, you should seek qualified medical help as soon as possible.

What causes suspicious yellow urine?

In many cases, the reason why urine is yellow can be explained simply: a person consumes too little liquid, as a result of which the concentration of pigmenting substances in the body increases over time.

In addition, a person’s food preferences play an important role. So, if you like citrus fruits, beets, carrot juice or fresh carrots, then you should not be surprised if you notice an orange, yellowish, or even red tint to your urine when urinating. As a rule, after a few hours its color becomes normal, unless, of course, you no longer eat the above foods.

Why else can urine change its color to orange? Read the link

In addition, yellow urine can be the result of food dyes entering the human body in large quantities. Thus, various store-bought juices, dragees, caramels, chewing gum, chips, crackers and other delicacies contain such substances in abundance. Even ordinary sweet carbonated water can change the color of biological fluid.

Note. When you notice that your urine is bright yellow, try listing (mentally or on a piece of paper) all the foods and drinks you consumed throughout the day. This way, you can understand whether the changes were caused by external factors, or whether the problem is more serious and concerns your health.

Provoking factors

Since the color of urine depends on the amount of fluid in the human body, use the following scale to understand whether you are drinking enough water.

  1. If your urine is clear, this indicates that you need to reduce the amount of fluid you drink because your body's tissues contain more than necessary.
  2. A light yellow tint to urine indicates that the body is receiving enough fluid.
  3. Dark colored urine indicates a catastrophic lack of fluid in your body. For this reason, you urgently need to take measures to prevent the development of dangerous pathologies of internal organs.

The causes of very yellow urine may have nothing to do with drinking habits. They should notify you that something has gone wrong and that there has been a serious disruption in the functioning of your body.

So, the main reasons why urine may be bright yellow are often:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pregnancy period;
  • infectious or inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • long-term intake of vitamins;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • chronic diseases of various localizations;
  • sudden climate change;
  • excessive consumption of table salt.

Another explanation for why the urine is bright yellow is the age and weight category of the patient. So, in older people, as well as in those who suffer from obesity, the color of urine can be very different from normal, that is, it can be much darker. Newborns usually have clear urine because their body contains a high concentration of water.

Quite often, a urologist or nephrologist may hear a patient ask, “What does it mean if the urine is straw-yellow?” Despite the fact that many people are worried about this shade of biological fluid, it is precisely this indicator that a person is absolutely healthy. For this reason, do not look for unnecessary information for yourself to think about, and if you have any doubts, it is better to share them with your doctor.

Yellow urine in pregnant and lactating women

If bright yellow urine in women often signals the addition of an infection, in particular, the development of cystitis, then in pregnant women the situation is somewhat different. During this period, the body undergoes all sorts of changes, since the birth of a new life is a great stress for it.

The reasons for bright yellow urine in expectant mothers may be related to taking vitamins, as well as eating large amounts of yellow, orange and red fruits. However, if a woman has not taken or eaten anything like this recently, and the color of the biological fluid suddenly changes, then she should consult a doctor.

The fact is that the lemon-yellow color of urine or, conversely, its shade being too dark, may indicate the development of some pathology in the expectant mother or the fetus. Thus, it is better for a woman to play it safe by contacting a gynecologist and undergoing all the necessary tests.

Bright yellow urine during pregnancy may be a sign of hormonal changes in the body. However, this is only in the first weeks, so if the expectant mother expects the baby to appear in the next 30-45 days, and the color of the urine has already changed, this should cause caution and concern.

The reasons for yellow urine in nursing mothers is a large loss of fluid from her body. For this reason, doctors strongly recommend taking a responsible approach to the drinking regime.

Urine has become too yellow - what should I do?

If you have figured out the question of why urine is very yellow and found an explanation for this, then you can safely move on to the next stage - solving this problem. In the event of the development of one or another pathology, the situation can be stabilized only with the help of a doctor. However, if it’s not a disease at all, but you still have very yellow urine, then try taking the following measures to eliminate this unpleasant problem:

  • drink enough water;
  • stop taking pills that turn your urine yellow;
  • Avoid foods containing food dyes;
  • Do not do strenuous physical exercise, which leads to a large loss of fluid from the body.

The main thing is to remember: deep yellow urine is not an indicator of illness, so don’t panic in advance and give yourself a “deadly” diagnosis! If you do not control the situation and your emotions, then even the most minor deviations from the norm in your body will plunge you into shock, and this is already fraught with serious consequences for your nervous system.

Yellow urine in children

Yellow urine in a child often appears due to food poisoning and stomach upsets. Among other things, even babies are not immune from diseases of the liver, gall bladder, and kidneys. In addition, children are very active and energetic, so they lose much more fluid per day than adults.

Bright yellow urine in a newborn baby is also not uncommon. In babies who have just been born, urine can have a different shade - from carrot (brick) to completely transparent (although this happens extremely rarely). This is due to the fact that the kidneys and urinary tract are not yet sufficiently developed. In a few days everything will get better and your worries will disappear.

Change in urine color in men

Bright yellow urine in men often indicates liver problems. Thus, heavy physical activity, addiction to beer, smoking, and heavy food play a significant role in this. Thus, the liver gradually ceases to cope with its functions, which immediately affects the fluid secreted by the kidneys - urine. This may explain why urine is yellow and smells.

Despite the fact that cystitis is a disease that often occurs in women, men can also become infected with it. An unpleasant odor, a change in the color of urine, a burning sensation and pain when emptying the bladder - all these alarming signs should be a good reason to visit a urologist’s office. It is better to solve the problem immediately, since cystitis can become chronic, and then it will be impossible to get rid of it completely.

What color of urine is considered normal?

Fine human urine has golden color. In newborns, urine is almost transparent. In some situations, the liquid turns different colors. This may be due to the daily routine, the amount of fluid consumed, the intake of certain groups of drugs and even foods, and, less often, in various pathological conditions.

For example, eating beets can make your urine light pink. Red color of urine usually indicates the presence of red blood cells in inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Note! To determine the presence of a disease, you need to monitor the condition of the body to notice the presence of accompanying symptoms.

Causes of bright yellow urine in men

The bright yellow color of urine can be associated with various factors: lifestyle, water balance in the body, as well as the use of various drugs and products.

The main reasons why urine turns deep yellow:

  • lack of fluid, dehydration;
  • consumption of products containing dyes;
  • taking certain medications;
  • disorders of the kidneys and liver.

External factors affecting the yellow color of urine

In healthy people, the formation of bright yellow urine may not be associated with pathological conditions, but due to some functional features of life.

It is important! Most often, urine acquires a rich yellow tint due to a lack of fluid in the body.

Often the color of urine in a bright yellow color causes ingestion of foods containing synthetic pigments corresponding color:

  • sweet carbonated drinks with orange flavor(for example, the popular soft drink Fanta contains beta-carotene, a yellow-orange pigment that gives it a rich orange color);
  • sweets(lollipops, chewing candies), which also color the tongue yellow;
  • eating large quantities carrots containing carotene can cause urine to turn more yellow.

Such urine pigmentation may be caused by taking certain medications. Synthetic urine is most often colored vitamin A preparations– carotene, which is naturally found in almost all orange-colored fruits and vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, apricots, sea buckthorn).

Less commonly, vitamins provide this effect groups B andascorbic acid(vitamin C). Antibiotics have a similar effect nitrofuran groups(for example, furazidin, nifuroxazide).

Insufficient drinking, hot climate, intense exercise accelerate metabolism, as a result of which the concentration of urochromes increases - bile pigments, derivatives of the process of hemoglobin degradation, which give urine its color. When dehydrated, their concentration increases, causing the urine to turn bright yellow.


Dehydration may result from excessive diarrhea and vomiting that accompany intestinal infections, poisoning, gastritis, disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus(with so-called motion sickness), meningitis and other diseases.

Sometimes changes in urine color are associated with urolithiasis, in which salt crystals form in the urine, absorbing fluid and making the urine bright yellow.

Liver pathologies, in which the level of urobilin increases, are also capable of changing the color of urine to bright yellow and even orange.

Diagnosis of problems

You can determine the cause of bright yellow urine using systemic condition monitoring. A person can do this without the help of a doctor.

If, besides a change in the color of urine, there are no other symptoms, then its coloring should be considered in bright yellow color a consequence of water deficiency in the body. For example, a person spends a long time in a hot room and trains intensively - because of this, the body spends more fluid for sweating for the purpose of thermoregulation. At the same time, the amount in the bladder decreases, and the concentration of urochromes naturally increases.

In other cases, you need to consult a doctor, especially when:

  • persistent vomiting or diarrhea;
  • elevated temperature;
  • dyspeptic symptoms (abdominal pain, heartburn);
  • feverish condition;
  • severe headaches;
  • signs of nervous disorders (convulsions, loss of orientation).

Vomiting and diarrhea lead to severe dehydration, which without medical attention can lead to death.

Increased temperature, abdominal pain, fever may indicate acute gastritis, peptic ulcer, poisoning.

Headaches, seizures and other nervous disorders These are signs of meningitis, which is life-threatening.

Photo 2. Headaches and nervous disorders due to darkening of urine are a reason to consult a doctor immediately.