How to make a pompom from thread. How to make a beautiful pompom from yarn for a hat yourself

A fluffy pompom is a traditional decoration for many models of knitted hats. Therefore, when a knitter starts making such a product, she should inquire in advance about how to make a bubo for a hat.

Fortunately, this is not difficult at all. If the necessary materials are available, the work can be completed by a craftswoman with any, even minor, experience in knitting.

What you need

This article will describe the most common and simple ways to make a bubo from threads for a hat. The principle of pompom formation is the same for all methods, only the method of operation and the materials used are different.

You can use absolutely any yarn to create a fluffy decoration. Of course, if you need the color and texture of the material to match the one that was used to knit the hat, then this is the thread you should take. However, in order to save money or to give a decorative effect, you can make a pompom from a completely different material.

Before you make a bubo for your hat, you need to think about its color and size. Headdresses with one large bubo on the top of the head look extremely attractive, but many products (especially for children) involve the placement of several small elements.

We offer you a master class “How to make a bubo”. To do this you will need:

  • yarn;
  • thick cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • knitting needle (or just with a wide eye).


The most common way to create pompoms is to wrap yarn around cardboard circles. It's not difficult at all.

  1. Before making a bubo for a hat, you should draw a circle on cardboard, the size of which should be 25-30% larger than the planned diameter of the pompom. To get the correct circle, use a compass or trace an object of a suitable shape.
  2. Draw a smaller one inside the large circle. You should ensure that the centers of the two circles are aligned, otherwise the product will be asymmetrical. Please note that the wider the inner circle, the more magnificent the pompom will be. However, if the hole is too wide, the shape of the product will become oval.
  3. Cut out the circle in duplicate.
  4. Having matched two identical cardboard pieces, we begin to wind yarn on them. For convenience, you can make a cut extending to the inner circle. The thread should be wound evenly, avoiding the formation of areas of excessive compaction or bald spots.
  5. You need to continue these steps until the inner circle is completely filled with yarn. When it becomes difficult to wind, you can use a needle to continue filling.
  6. Carefully cut the wound threads. To do this, place the tip of the scissors under all layers of yarn between two cardboard pieces and cut along the circumference.
  7. The pom pom now looks like a large number of short pieces of thread with cardboard pieces in the center. Spread the circles slightly in different directions and tie the sections tightly with one strong thread.

That's the whole algorithm that describes how to make a bubo from threads for a hat. Trim the finished decoration on all sides, giving the desired shape, and fix it on the knitted product.

Process Features

When working with multiple colors of yarn, keep in mind that the last layers wound form the center of the pompom. Therefore, the description of how to make a bubo for a hat with an even distribution of several colors will consist of alternating layers.

Alternatively, you can use the same method used to make the pom pom in the photo above: combining threads of two colors when wound on cardboard and achieving a melange effect.

Using it will allow you to complete the decoration faster and it will look fluffier.

Smaller pom poms

As mentioned above, small and medium buboes perform almost the same as large ones. Unlike the method of winding yarn on cardboard parts, you can use turns formed with your fingers.

As you can see in the photo, the thread is wound on an even number of fingers (two or four). Then they intercept in the middle with a strong tie and remove the resulting loops.

At the next stage, they need to be cut and trimmed on all sides. Before making a pompom (bubo) for a hat using this method, you should take into account that it is relatively expensive. The resulting sections of thread are very different in length, and they have to be significantly shortened. However, an undoubted advantage is the volume of the finished pompom.

Alternative ways to create buboes

Using a fork to wind the yarn will help you make very small pom poms. This method is fast and easy, since the resulting turns will be almost the same size.

To produce a large number of identical elements, you can use a method that is perfectly illustrated by the following image.

The yarn selected for the pompoms is wound around the legs of an inverted chair, tied in several places and cut sequentially. The volume of finished jewelry depends on the number of wound layers.

The use of pompoms is not limited to sewing on hats. They are widely used for decorating mittens, scarves, sweaters, making soft toys or interior items. Rugs made from buboes look very original.

Master class on creating pom-poms from fur, rain, and other materials.

A fluffy, soft (and not so soft) pompom is a universal decoration that can be used to decorate a hat, scarf or other festive clothing, and can also be used to decorate rooms and give them a more formal look. And we can’t forget about the big pom-poms, without which it’s impossible to imagine the dancers from the support groups.

How to make a pompom with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

There are a lot of techniques on how to make a beautiful ball of thread, paper or fur. This can be either the simplest method - pulling a large amount of fabric or thread in the middle, followed by the formation of a spherical shape, or a more exotic one - using a fork. Small pompoms are best made from yarn - their production is very simple and does not require much effort. But for the New Year or any other holiday that is significant to you, you can make large voluminous giant pom-poms from paper, felt or other available materials. They can serve as decoration for rooms or open terraces, but do not forget that for open areas you should give preference to fabric or polyethylene decorative decorations (they are less susceptible to precipitation and direct sunlight).

When choosing materials for pompoms, it is important where you will use these elements. Soft yarn and woolen threads are perfect for baby booties. But fur decorations from an old collar will look great on a hat or scarf. To do this, you just need to cut out a circle and bend the sides (if desired, you can also use fillers - cotton wool or syndepon).

Do-it-yourself paper pompom: do it step by step

Paper pompoms are a wonderful decoration for both a small room and a large wedding hall. Typically, corrugated paper is used for this - it is softer and more airy than usual, and also boasts a huge selection of different colors and shades. But its main advantage is the ease of working with it. You can find many different master classes on making pompoms online, but this one is the simplest and most understandable. To make a pompom you need:

  1. Cut out several square sheets of paper (8-12 pieces) of the same size and fold them into a stack;
  2. Draw all the sheets in the middle with a thread. For convenience, you should first fold them like an accordion;
  3. Trim the edges with a small wave, cloves, or simply round;
  4. Spread out all the leaves to form a balloon.

Such decorations will perfectly complement the festive interior and become a beautiful accent of air arches and doorways. Also, voluminous balls will serve as a wonderful addition to the New Year's interior.

You can also make pompoms from regular colored paper. It is especially relevant if you want to get a small product to decorate a box or a holiday inscription. But crepe paper makes incredibly beautiful, large and fluffy pom-poms, which can be used to decorate both New Year’s and wedding interiors. Their step-by-step production is similar to the formation of a product from corrugated paper. Namely, several leaves are folded like an accordion and pulled together in the middle with a thread.

If you want pompoms that are more airy and soft than those made from crepe paper, try making them from tissue paper. This base is smoother and airier; its structure resembles the finest silk. However, please note that it costs several times more than regular paper.

Do-it-yourself pompoms from napkins: step-by-step production

Napkins are a cheaper alternative to tissue paper and crepe paper. They have a soft, fluffy structure, which means they can form a beautiful airy pompom. However, they have a significant drawback - they are too fragile and have minimal resistance to mechanical damage.

Pom-poms made from white napkins look especially festive in a New Year's interior. Small balls serve as an excellent complement to snowflakes and tinsel and will cost you just a few pennies.

Making a New Year's pompom from napkins step by step:

  1. Fold 10-15 napkins into a stack;
  2. Draw them in the middle with white thread;
  3. Trim edges to form a ball;
  4. Straighten all the leaves so that the pompom is as uniform as possible.

The number of sheets and their size will directly determine how large your ball will be, so for a small product, use regular table napkins folded in four.

Do-it-yourself thread pompoms step by step: making decorations for clothes

Most often, balls of thread are used to decorate hats. This accessory is decorated with pompoms not only by children, but also by adults - it not only looks cute, but also gives the finished product a finished look. But hats are just the tip of the iceberg, because thread pompoms are used to make rugs, decorate furniture, garlands and, of course, clothes.

The most common way to form small pompoms for baby shoes or booties is fork knitting. To do this, you need to wind the threads on a fork in a fairly thick layer, remove the resulting ball, tie it in the middle with a thread and cut the ends. Thanks to this simple combination, you will get an excellent pompom that will decorate any product you knit.

A similar manufacturing technique is used to form a pompom from woolen threads. The step-by-step instructions differ only in that thick enough threads for knitting should be wrapped not on a fork, but on your own fingers. To do this, you will need several meters of woolen thread, three fingers and a few minutes of free time (for convenience, you can take an assistant who will help you with winding and removing the ball).

A pom-pom for a hat made of yarn is very easy to make with your own hands and using a circle of cardboard. The step-by-step process is similar to forming a pompom on a fork, but here the yarn is wound onto a double cardboard “donut”. The thread is tied between the paper elements and cut along the circumference and you get a cute little pompom.

On the Internet you can often find various master classes on making a fur pompom. However, the principle of its manufacture is very simple, so it is accessible to any amateur. Most often, such a pompom is used to decorate a hat, coat or bag - it is very simple to do and looks quite chic, especially if the fur ball is made of natural fur (mink, for example).

The step-by-step production of such decor looks something like this:

  1. A circle is cut out of natural or artificial fur (the diameter directly depends on the desired size of the future product);
  2. The edges of the product are sewn with a thick thread using a seam “over the edge”;
  3. The edges are carefully pulled together;
  4. When a small hole remains, the ball is shaped and the middle is filled with filler;
  5. The edges are carefully tightened and secured with thread (thick fur will help “hide” the seam).

Do-it-yourself pom-poms from bags: step-by-step instructions

For the formation of street decorations, polyethylene is probably the most indispensable material. And pompoms are no exception here. Products made from garbage bags boast strength and durability. However, they also have a significant drawback - a poor color palette.

But for small pompoms made from T-shirt bags, the color range is more extensive, and their structure is more pliable and soft. The principle of making such a pompom is extremely simple - a stack of bags is tied together with a thread and the edges are cut off. Just a few minutes and a wonderful pompom will delight your guests.

On New Year's Eve you can make wonderful pom-poms from the rain with your own hands. They will not only decorate the interior, but also bring a real New Year's atmosphere to your home. And for a child’s matinee, you can make a magic rain ball on a stick. It will be a wonderful addition to the image of a princess or fairy.

DIY tulle pompoms

Fabric pompoms are often used not only as decorative elements, but also as independent decorations. Balls made of twine and wool have gained particular popularity among manufacturers of various costume jewelry - they make excellent pendants and beads.

But products made from organza and tulle are often used to decorate festive rooms, especially the wedding hall. Tinsel balls are the prerogative of New Year's decorations and fancy dress costumes.

You can make a large pompom for a hat from fleece. This material is easy to process, does not crumble or wrinkle.

How to make a pompom for cheerleading with your own hands?

Bright, voluminous pompoms are often used for dancing and acrobatic stunts. Tinsel is ideal for making them. However, if you don’t have it on hand, regular plastic bags will do just fine. Pompoms for cheerleaders can be of two types - with or without a handle. If you need an option with a holder to equip a fan, then you can wrap the handles of the T-shirt bags with transparent tape, forming a handle. Then you have to cut the bottom of the bags, cut them into thin strips and the pompom is ready.

Soft airy pompoms are versatile decorations that are easy to make with your own hands.

Modern handicraft today knows no boundaries. From ordinary scrap materials and tools you can create original crafts, things and household items. Today, a very exciting activity is making pom-poms, which are used as decoration or to create independent products.

What is a pompom?

A simple pompom is a decorative element in the form of a tassel or ball that has a solid history. In the eighteenth century, pompoms adorned the headdresses of military personnel in the Russian army and were insignia by which rank could be judged.

Nowadays, pompoms are the main finishing element of knitted items, often hats, scarves and warm winter capes. They look very beautiful and original from the outside, causing many needlewomen to want to make pom-poms from yarn with their own hands.

Types of pompoms

Pompons can vary in size, method and material of manufacture. The most common type of pompoms are soft ones made of yarn. There are also knitted and fabric pompoms. Depending on the number of shades used in production, they can be plain or colored.

Material and tools for making pompoms

The main material for making pompoms is new wool yarn. It can be a natural thread or with synthetic admixtures, such as acrylic. A simple sewing thread can also serve as the basis for a pompom, but making balls from it will require more time and perseverance. Balls are also made from embroidery threads - multi-colored floss. You can also use dense and soft fabric, such as crimplein or fleece, as the basis for the pompom. Very often, multi-colored bows or tulle are used to make decorative balls in order to create beautiful children's girls' hairpins. Very beautiful pom-poms, often used by youth cheerleaders at sporting events or as Christmas tree decorations, are made from shiny foil ribbon.

Making pom-poms from yarn requires a minimum of available tools: an ordinary table fork, pom-pom patterns in the form of two cardboard rings or two rollers, scissors with sharp blades that easily cut woolen threads.

How to make a soft pompom?

There are several ways to do this - soft and airy. The first involves winding wool thread around the tines of a fork. This tableware is suitable for making balls of small diameter. They are often used to decorate gift packages or bookmarks. The main thread wound around a fork is tied in the middle with an auxiliary thread of the same color, the resulting bow is cut on the sides with scissors - and the ball is ready. To create an attractive appearance, all that remains is to fluff it up and cut off any irregularities with scissors.

In the question of how to make a pompom from yarn, cardboard rollers, which are used to make large-diameter balls, help. A thread is simultaneously wound onto two rollers, after which the resulting skein is also tied in the middle, the edges are cut, and the resulting ball is trimmed with scissors.

The third way to make a pompom from yarn is to wind the thread on cardboard rings. When the winding process is completed, the threads are cut with scissors along the circumference of the rings, after which they are connected in the middle with a thread of the same color. This method is applicable for making balls of any size, depending on the diameter of the rings taken for work.

The easiest method for making small balls is the manual finger method. The thread is wound around two fingers - the index and ring fingers, if a ball with a small diameter is being made. If a larger diameter is required, the thread is wound on four fingers.

When making pompoms, it is important to understand what diameter the ball will be. When winding the thread on ring patterns, a ball with a diameter is obtained, the size of which is measured by the difference in the diameters of the outer and inner circles. No matter how the pompom is made, you always need to allow for a one-centimeter margin for cutting when leveling the resulting wool ball.

You can make your own yarn pompoms in just a few minutes. This is a very exciting activity for both adults and children.

How to make a knitted pompom?

In the question of how to make a pom-pom from yarn, the role of a crochet hook is also important. With its help, pom-poms are dense and more weighty. For knitting, the double crochet or regular stitch method is used. The filling for such a pompom can be cotton wool, padding polyester or foam rubber. Depending on your imagination, you can knit spherical, oval or cube-shaped decorations.

Knitting a spherical pompom begins with several loops, which are enclosed in a ring and then knitted, most often adding four loops in each row. Increases are made in the circle until the desired diameter of the pompom is reached, after which several rows, five or six, are knitted without adding loops. The resulting recess is filled with the appropriate material, then a gradual decrease in rows begins until the ball is closed.

What products can be made from pompoms?

Wool pompoms serve not only as a decorative element, but as the basis of an independent product. From the balls you can sew a soft rug for a chair or floor, make a soft toy, pillowcases for sofa cushions, children's blankets, garlands, warm scarves, hats, shawls, bags, vests, panels.

Versatile pompom yarn

To make something from individual pompoms, they have to be sewn onto a fabric base. If the product is large, then you need to make a lot of wool balls. To save time, pompom yarn is often used. You can knit original things from it using crochet and knitting needles. This yarn is a thread on which elongated soft balls are placed at certain intervals.

Knitting from yarn with pompoms

The size of the pom poms on the yarn may vary. Very quickly you can knit a chic warm blanket, bedspread, or shawl from this material. Children's toys look very nice, especially the poodle and the sheep. Yarn with pom-poms can be used to knit magnificent fashionable scarves, padded jackets, sleeveless vests, and children's openwork sets worn in cool weather. The technique for making various products is elementary, but the effect is simply excellent.

Many needlewomen, having seen the beauty of pom-poms, set to work with great zeal and create unique masterpieces, the techniques of which are shared on blogs. It is very beautiful and evokes a lot of positive emotions. Products made from pompoms, with their unusual fluffy appearance, create a feeling of warmth and comfort.

There are a lot of original ideas using this decorative element. Using wool threads in all the colors of the rainbow, you can fill your home with the most beautiful things that you can’t buy in a store. The time spent on making pom-poms is always justified by the excellent result. You can fantasize endlessly. Good luck with your crafting!

Pompoms of different sizes are an indispensable thing in knitting. I use them to decorate children's and adult items, to give a knitted product a finished look. Cute balls of thread can be seen not only on hats and scarves: they decorate sweaters, coats, leg warmers, bags and even rugs. There are several different ways to create pom poms, from simple to more complex.

So, how to make a pompom from threads? Just! Join us and you will definitely succeed!

First way. Pom poms using cardboard templates.

The best results are obtained when making pom-poms using two elementary cardboard templates. In this case, the product turns out to be very lush and neat.

To make a pompom in this way you will need the following materials and tools:

  • a sheet of thick cardboard;
  • a simple pencil and a compass;
  • suitable threads;
  • needle with a large eye;
  • small scissors (can be manicure scissors).

Operating procedure:

On a sheet of white cardboard, using a compass, draw two identical circles of the desired diameter. Draw another small circle in the center of each. Cut out both pieces. If you don’t have a compass at home, you can use improvised objects (cups, saucers, lids, etc.).

Then make a loop from a piece of thread and place it on top of one of the parts, cover it with a second cardboard circle, aligning their edges.

Thread a long thread through a needle and begin to wrap both circles together, holding the templates with your hand so that the loop clamped inside does not slip out. The more layers of thread you wind, the more magnificent and dense the pompom will be.

When the templates are completely wrapped, use nail scissors to cut the threads along the outer edge, after which, slightly spreading the circles to the sides, tie the thread tightly in the middle so that the pompom does not fall apart. Only after this can the templates be removed.

Second way. Wrap the thread around your fingers.

This method is the fastest. It will come in handy when you don’t have any auxiliary tools on hand to make a pom-pom.

Take a ball and wind several turns of thread around the four fingers of your hand. Then tie a bunch of threads in the middle without removing them from your fingers. The inconvenience of this method is that without outside help it is problematic to tightly tie the threads wound around your hand.

Third way. Using the back of a chair.

This method is good when you need to make a lot of pompoms in a short time. Its essence is that first a “sausage” is made from threads, which is then cut into pieces.

You can do this as follows.

Wind the threads around the back of the chair, carefully remove it and tie the resulting thread “sausage” with pieces of thread in several places at the same distance. Then, in the spaces between the bundles in the center, cut the threads with scissors and get a lot of pompoms.

Or wrap the threads around the thin legs of a chair, make the required number of dressings, and only then remove and cut.

Fourth way. Make pompoms using a fork.

It is suitable for making small pompoms.

In this case, in addition to thread and scissors, you will also need a regular table fork. Wind the threads around it and tie the bundle in the middle (as in the case of wrapping it around your fingers). Then cut the threads along the edges and fluff the pompom. Makes cute little pompoms.

Fifth way. Making simple tassels.

In addition to round pompoms, you can often find thread tassels in products. The process of creating them is extremely simple.

Tie a bunch of threads, the length of which is equal to two lengths of the finished pompom, with thread in the middle. Then fold it in half and, stepping back 1 cm from the top, make several turns of thread around the folded bundle, tie the ends tightly and hide inside the pompom. Then use scissors to trim the edges of the threads in the bundle so that the product has a neat appearance.

Don't forget that pompoms can be not only one color, but also multi-colored! Get creative, imagine and decorate your knitted items or make toys from them.

Happy crafting!

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Let's make a pompom ourselves, it's very simple. This task will require 15-20 minutes of free time. And all the necessary items for crafts can be found in every home. By combining different colors of thread, randomly or in a certain sequence, we can get an unusual and even unique pompom that only you will have.

Let's prepare everything to make a pompom:
  1. Threads (yarn, floss, etc.);
  2. Cardboard;
  3. Pencil (pen, felt-tip pen);
  4. Compass;
  5. Scissors (stationery knife).
Let's start making a pompom:
  • Using a compass, we draw two identical large circles on cardboard, the diameter of which should be approximately one and a half times the diameter of the planned pompom.
  • Then inside the large circles we outline two small ones with a diameter of 2-4 cm.
  • If you don’t have a compass in the house, you can draw circles using a cup or glass.
  • Using scissors, we cut out our cardboard blanks along the outer circle and the inner one. We get two cardboard rings.
  • For the convenience of further winding threads on them, we recommend making a small wedge-shaped cutout on one side of each cardboard ring.
  • We put the resulting two identical cardboard templates together, matching the locations of the wedge-shaped cutouts.
The next step is to wind threads or yarn onto folded cardboard templates.
We wind evenly, starting from one edge of the wedge-shaped cutout and gradually moving to the other. We wind the threads in several layers until the circle in the center is completely closed. The tighter we wind the yarn, the fluffier and more elastic the pompom will be. If we want to get a multi-colored pompom, then we use threads or yarn of different colors.

We take the workpiece wrapped in yarn and, using scissors, cut the loops of thread along the outer edge of the circle, while holding the threads tightly in the center so that they do not fall apart. Then we pass a pre-prepared long thread (about 15-20 cm) between the cardboard rings and tightly tie the pompom threads in the center of the cardboard rings. We remove the cardboard templates and straighten the resulting pompom. Using scissors, we cut the long sharpening threads to give it the shape of an even ball. The pompom is now ready! There is another way to make a pompom from threads. It's easier and faster, but the pompom will be less fluffy and elastic. For this you only need thread and scissors. We will wind the threads around the fingers or some rectangular object. Wrap 3-4 fingers of your hand in a circle with yarn. There should be enough layers so that the pompom ends up being spherical. Carefully remove the resulting skein of thread from your fingers. Then we tie a knot in the middle of the resulting skein with a pre-prepared thread (15-20 cm). Using scissors, cut the loops of thread on both sides. We straighten the loose ends around the knot, trying to give them the shape of a ball. We cut off the long protruding threads with scissors and get a finished pompom.

Pompoms can be made for hats, scarves, making original toys and even holiday decorations. Making pom-poms and toys from them will be interesting for adults and children. Get creative and create your own handmade pom-poms!