Holiday romance: stories from life. Resort romance “Rendezvous with a Stranger at the Resort” - a real-life story for women

I woke up around six o'clock in the evening to the doorbell. This is Sasha returning from the dacha.

Why are you so crumpled? - he asked.

Slept. - I answered, rubbing my eyes.

Over dinner, I told him about what I saw on the beach today, and also asked about separate areas for nudists.

Roba, this blessed place has everything! There is a separate area on the city beach and a countryside camp site for such people. It’s another matter that some people won’t be too lazy to tramp an extra two hundred meters or drive five or six kilometers, while others won’t be able to bear being naked anywhere. It's just a matter of raising a person, I think.

However, it doesn’t hurt, I see who is indignant about this. - I said.

You know, in my opinion, it’s just pointless to be indignant. This is the same as asking cockroaches to “get out” of your house on your own. Well, some granny will complain to the newspaper about this disgrace; Well, our administration will take some measures... So what? No, law-abiding fans of this type of recreation will go to a tourist center or get naked at their dacha (why not!), and those who “don’t give a damn” about these measures will find another place within the city.

But for some it has become as familiar as everything that is happening around him, and he does not run anywhere, does not complain, does not spoil his nerves, but simply does not pay attention to it.

And some people even make friends with such people or communicate like that. - I noted to Sasha, remembering what I saw.

There are others like that. By the way, one of them is having dinner with you now. - answered Sasha.

This revelation of his came as a surprise to me. I looked at him and couldn't think of anything to say.

Why are you staring at me? You might think that I just told you about loving men! - said Sasha, slightly indignant, continuing, - Yes, I’m friends with some of these people. I even have a girlfriend from the same environment. Name is Polina; she is a journalist for a popular magazine; although she has a psycho-pedagogical faculty behind her. But journalism turned out to be closer to her. Polina herself is a normal person, cheerful and sociable. However, my other friends are also quite educated, smart, sociable and successful people, each in their own business.

Have you fallen into nudism yourself? - I asked Sasha.

I haven't decided yet. - he answered and that was the end of the conversation.

Dinner was also over. Having lit a cigarette, I began to look out the window and think with slight sadness about Dasha. Here’s an amazing thing - it’s only the first day since I met her and talked a little, I still don’t know anything about her... But I missed her, as if she was a long-known and dear person to me, with whom we had probably been together in the past life. Perhaps we lived on some far, far away island of happiness, where there was no fuss, crowding, envy, anger; we wandered along the warm sand, swam in the gentle sea, listened to the singing of the local birds... But one day, apparently, some god of all weathers was unable to agree on something with his brothers and out of frustration he thickened the clouds over us and raised a storm at sea ; and the waves began to rise one above the other, and soon the sea flooded our island, and Dasha and I were carried to different ends of the earth for a very, very long time. Therefore, it is not surprising that, having met now, we did not recognize each other.

Listen, Roba, would you like to go with me to Polka’s for barbecue tomorrow? - asked Sasha.

Sorry, what? - I responded, waking up.

I say that I was just driving to the house and met Polya - she invited us to a barbecue tomorrow. Will you go? - Sasha repeated.

Well, well, we can go. And where to? - I asked.

At her sister's dacha. - said Sasha.

At your sister's? - I was surprised.

I was not surprised that my friend’s girlfriend has a sister (he himself has three sisters and two brothers!), but I was surprised that she invited us to visit someone other than her dacha. But Sasha soon explained everything to me clearly:

Here’s the thing, Roba: it’s my sister’s dacha, but she’s a girl incapable of farming, and she’s not a fan of dacha holidays. It’s understandable - the guy makes her good money, everything can be bought at the market and in the store, and in the summer it’s best to go around Paris and walk around... Votona threw a dacha at Polya. And the dacha is nice, big; everything grows except bananas and pineapples; there is a larger house on two floors, on the other side of the fence there is a small pond and a play area. Well, shall we go?

Will we go back in the evening? - I asked Sasha.

For what? - he asked.

Well... I just agreed with one girl to go to the beach in the morning.

“Oh, this girl drove me crazy, broke my heart, took away my peace,” Sasha sang with a smile, realizing that we were talking about Dasha, “okay, we’ll come up with something.”

And after these words, I finally agreed to the trip, not suspecting what cruel joke it would play on me later. You know, all my life I have treated my friends as brothers; Just as I loved them with all my heart and was always ready to go with them anywhere and support them in difficult times, I thought about them and believed that they loved me too, would always help and would never betray me. And that’s why it never occurred to me that one of my friends might end up having a bad time (in a figurative sense). I had the same attitude towards Sashka. He was raised by his mother. He never saw or knew his father. And in general, Sasha’s family circle consisted of women - in addition to his mother, there were aunts and grandmother. Probably someone won’t believe me, but I’m writing this from the words of Sasha himself. And then anything is possible in life! Therefore, it was a little more difficult for him than for me to get used to the service, and I supported him, telling him to hold on, at least for the sake of his mother. And Sasha did not remain in debt - he also sometimes helped to understand various subjects in class, since he was good with books since childhood. Of course, I also read books, but everything always came to me through my hands.

To be continued.

Sometimes it happens in life that you don’t expect any serious changes, but they roll in like a wave, and you can no longer resist them.

I went on vacation at the seaside with my mother, my sister refused such a promising company. I just wanted to soak up the sun, swim in the warm sea and forget about all my problems.

One evening, when I was relaxing in a cafe in the company of my companions, one young man invited me to a dance, then another... He told me about the stars, about the sea, and maybe it was not so exciting, but romantic! And the next morning we kissed by the sea, and I really wanted time to stop. A week passed, it was time for us to part. No one wanted to admit that they were in love, just a kiss, and we went our separate ways in life.

That's all? No, I didn’t try to impose myself, I just called and asked to meet. Then there was a whole year of relationships on wheels. I covered 1000 km more often than once a month. Now I don't like trains. But I was so happy, I have never had so much love, tenderness, attention in my life.

A year later, he picked me up straight from defending my diploma and we went to the same place where we met. It was just a fairy tale. And a year later, we brought a tiny piece of ourselves from this beautiful place in the south. Partly is now 8 months old, he looks so much like the two of us, and he has dark skin, he probably got tanned at sea.


Become the hero of a story on the federal channel!

The plot is about holiday romances.

1 - We need a Heroine, or better yet a hero, who had a holiday romance and it ended somehow badly, they broke up, or he still loves her, or he fell in love for the third time on vacation and there are always failures.

2 – A couple who met on vacation 15 years ago and began a holiday romance, arrived and continued dating! Maybe someone even moved to another city for their love. We have been together for many years and are happy, we have children))

I'm waiting for your stories)

Best regards, Olga

I understand that my story does not look real. But it happens, you just need to believe in miracles. After giving birth, I had terrible depression and only memories of a fairy-tale meeting, the sea and the miracle that united us helped me get through a difficult moment in my life.

Well, they also say that holiday romances are not serious!!! Happiness to you and your baby!

Your story just smelled like sea air! I am very happy for you and your loved one! And don’t believe in fairy tales after that!?

02/24/2005 16:20:45, Olga

It’s nice that at least someone’s life is like a fairy tale :-) I’m happy for you!

Comment on the article "Resort Romance"

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The heat was such that it seemed like just another minute and I would completely melt into the litter. And if Korableva needs a tennis partner, she will have to scrape me off the lounger with a nail file. I imagined this sight, but before I had time to laugh, He appeared on the beach.
A dream, not a man. Tall, tanned, narrow-hipped, a kind of macho man of the Slavic variety. “A macho with a sanatorium towel over his shoulder,” I thought sarcastically. I'm generally snide. And he is the most handsome guy on the entire coast.
It seemed so not only to me. The girls' eyes instantly lit up. Korableva even meowed, and Masha let out a heavy sigh:
- Girls, he’s resting! He's mo-oh!
- No it's mine! — Korableva was indignant. - I saw him first!
- Talk to me again!..
Masha angrily elbowed Korablev. It was clear that now the girls would grab each other's hair. Very stupid - because of a guy whom they are seeing for the first time in their lives, and who has not yet given them the slightest advance. I just shook my head but didn't say anything. For what? I always know everything in advance and always remain silent, which is why they value me. I’m sitting there, I don’t have any shine, I smell nice. Of course, they appreciate me not only for this. Also because I’m not blonde, not Miss Beach, and that all my swimsuits on sale are from last season’s catalog. But it’s not a shame to appear in my company: I’m not a freak, and my legs are 105 cm from the hips - Korableva measured it with a tape measure, and then cried for a long time in the toilet. It seems to her that if she had such legs, she would now be jumping around the court in her villa in Los Angeles, and Brad Pitt was begging to take him as a sparring partner... And I... I, in her opinion, am a “backward element”: men I'm much less interested in them than the opportunity to swim in the sun for an extra hour. We have enough guys in Surgut (trust the director of the nightclub!), but there are problems with the sun in our native north.
We met Masha and Korableva here, on the beach a week ago, as soon as I had time to arrive. It was like this: not caring about lunch, I threw my bag in the room and ran to the long-awaited sea. I swam until I was stupefied and lay down on the hotel lounger. Bliss. No, how good it is... I was just taking the cream out of my bag when an impressively sized shadow fell on me. I had to look up. A doll in a pink swimsuit was hanging over me with a size three bust. Barbie produced by the third Ryazan plastic toy factory.
- You! This is our place! Well, get out! - she commanded.
I took off my glasses and looked around - maybe I don’t understand something? But no, lunch time was not over yet, people were filling their stomachs, and most of the sunbeds were empty. I returned my glasses to their place and again spread out on the sunbed.
- Who did I tell! - the doll did not let up.
I hate it when they shout. But I was too lazy to react. Maybe if you don't notice it, it will melt? In such a heat...
But Barbie, having received no rebuff, completely lost her belt. She grabbed my bag, threw it to the side and aimed at my flip-flops.
“What a bitch,” I thought angrily. I waited until she brought her bust closer to me again, and pressed the tube of cream. A generous stream of Ambre Solera shot into her face. The doll cackled, and her companion, a sleek, short-haired brunette, laughed low, almost in a deep voice:
- Serves you right, chicken! What, Ryzhik, are you refusing to leave? Then you'll have to get acquainted!
They did a smart thing, these two, that they picked me up, otherwise they would have quickly killed each other. Chance riskily brought these two hurricanes together at one table in the sanatorium canteen - a pedicurist from Ryazan and a businesswoman from the capital. Very different in everything except temperament, they were interested in one thing in the all-Union health resort - men. With the only difference - at the end of the vacation, Barbie-Korableva dreamed of getting married, but business Masha did not: she had something to lose in case of divorce. I served as a referee between them. I also interested them as a successful decoration: the suit suited it. What about blonde, brunette and redhead? Beautiful.

...Korableva took hold of the strings of her swimsuit, pulling her bust higher.
- Ryzhik, place your bets! Well, who will get the guy, me or her?
- Not one! - I laughed.
- Fool, don't croak! — Korableva was offended. “Oh, that red-polka dotted one was clearly aiming at him too...”
Mymra with polka dots was a serious rival. This dark-skinned girl had already stolen my bunnies’ gentlemen a couple of times, and Korableva was serious: they say, we don’t need someone else’s, but we won’t give a drop of ours! That only she, Korableva, had the right to all the beauties of the coast, the girl had no doubts. Well, okay, so be it, even if it’s Masha... But not someone else?
- This cutie will leave the beach with me - we bet? — Korableva was eager to fight.
- Are you arguing with me? - Masha said in a deep voice. - A hundred bucks!
- It's swept away! I went...
Playing with her hips, Korableva carried her curves towards the handsome man. Her hips were a bit wide, but her breasts—hold me three, hold me seven. And without any silicone. Having caught up with the object, our sultry blonde pulled the strap, and the bra fell into the sand like two blue petals. Korableva screamed and pretended to be confused. The handsome man froze and looked a little guiltily in our direction: it looked like he was truly embarrassed. Wow, what a modest person. I would have eaten it! But the pea-haired mymra buried herself in her Dontsova: she was weak to take off her swimming trunks as revenge.
- Ryzhik, how do you think her number will work? - Masha asked anxiously.
I shook my head:
- Works rough.
“That’s what I think,” Masha calmed down slightly.
The words didn’t reach us, but it was clear that Korableva was asking us to help her tie her shoelaces. It’s a complicated matter, and it’s obvious that you can’t handle it on your own. The handsome man's eyes sparkled, and I felt like I was floating. Who the hell is Brad Pitt? All of Hollywood is resting in full force!.. Strong hands tied the bow leisurely, with skill. Korableva moved her shoulders, her bust swayed... I closed my eyes so as not to see this disgrace, and when I opened it, Korableva was already cutting the sand with wide, angry steps in our direction.
“Impotent,” she announced angrily.
“Not everyone likes whores,” Masha feigned sympathy.
Korableva hissed, but did not dare to answer sharply - she was a little afraid of her tough friend. In her native Ryazan she had no acquaintances of this class. But holiday friendship is such a thing: almost like a holiday romance. For a while, erases all the edges...
Stopping at a food stall, the handsome man drank a soda and continued moving. In our direction with the girls, by the way.
Masha waited until the object of desire was close enough and jumped to her feet. She quickly shook herself off the sand and extended her palm to the guy.
- Hello, I'm Maria.
The brat's manicure was in perfect order. I vowed that starting today I would stop biting my nails and maybe even go to the beauty salon.
-...You just arrived today?
The handsome man thought about it - should he shake hands? kiss? He politely kissed Masha on the wrist.
- Very nice, Sergei. Yes today.
- My favorite name! Would you like me to be your guide? This sanatorium has a lot of attractions! Court, swimming pool, first aid station. Dining room! You can just get lost. You can't do it without a good guide!
- Yeah. So you won't take off your swimsuit? - Sergei laughed.
“No,” Masha flashed her porcelain teeth. - Not my style.
- What a pity. — Sergei pretended to leave.
Masha, sleek, self-confident Masha was confused and hesitantly took hold of her bra.
Oh, what men do to our sister!
And Mana obviously really liked this one.
Maybe because he was the first one who didn’t fall at her trained tanned feet?
- Wait, I was joking! - Sergei said reproachfully, and did not think of leaving.
Korableva laughed deafeningly, and Masha blushed.
Yes, that’s an oil painting (for tanning)!..
- Well, it's a draw! - Korableva whispered to me, but I shook my head:
- Wait a minute! Here's my hundred: I play too!
- You should have reported immediately! - Korableva was indignant, but Masha - angry and beautiful, who had already managed to plop down on the sunbed, gave the go-ahead: let it be. It seemed like she wanted me to fail too - if everyone failed, then everyone failed. Despite being 105 cm from toes to hip, she clearly didn’t consider me a rival. Korableva looked at me appraisingly and nodded in agreement: let it be!
It became a little offensive. I'm not that much of a crocodile! And the legs, again...
I extended my index finger (damn, the nail polish peeled off at the wrong time!) and, without rising from the couch, beckoned the handsome man to come to me. The girls looked at me as if I were sick, and Sergei took it and made a movement towards me. And at the same time he smiled... The girls rustled their busts nervously. I beckoned again. Sergei leaned over. His face was right in front of mine.
“You just arrived, you say?” Where are the things?
- At the hotel... I threw my bag and went straight to the beach.
“A rare coincidence of habits,” I laughed. “A week ago I did exactly the same thing.” Maybe let's go and see what things you've collected to seduce gullible resort girls?
- To the room? Just like that?..
- Yeah. Or did you leave your things with the receptionist?..
The handsome man laughed - radiantly and with white teeth, like in a toothpaste advertisement.
I stood up, took his arm, and we walked. To the hotel. Straight to his room.
But before that, I lazily grabbed the money from the sunbed. The girls remained sitting with their mouths open. Two hundred bucks for ten minutes isn't bad. It’s not fair, of course... They didn’t have a chance anyway!
I know better what kind of women my husband likes.

“...Where there is openwork foam, where a rare urban crew is found. The queen played in the tower of Chopin’s castle, and, listening to Chopin, her page fell in love with her...” with a mocking howl, I quoted Igor Severyanin’s verse and threateningly reprimanded my friend: “Enough.” No holiday romances. I’m just going to relax, swim in the sea and eat poorly, but plentifully.

Semyonov’s friend, incorrigibly amorous and therefore in a third marriage a la “together forever,” sadly summarized:

Alyon, it won’t hurt, will it? A tiny novel to keep your body and soul young!

In the original source, it was suggested that youth of soul and body should be tempered, and not have affairs with handsome men from Dagomys. No men, you understand: I am in mourning for my husband.

“So you didn’t bury me,” the literal Semyonova was frightened, “you’re divorced!”

“It doesn’t matter,” I snapped. - He almost died for me.

“Okay,” sighed the accommodating Semyonova, “eat fruit and swim in the sea.” Just don’t wrap yourself in long skirts, wear the short ones that I gave you.

I swore to Semyonova that vacationers have no chance on the Koktebel coast: whether they want it or not, they will have to appreciate my long legs and the white shorts I was given as a gift. Semyonova was filled with grace and took my voracious cat “to stay.”

And I was packing my suitcase and gloatingly talking about such a vulgar phenomenon as. What do we know about him? This mainly happens in the city of Sochi, where “barbecue with cognac is very tasty.” The heroines are women in white dresses standing on the shore, while their family is waiting for them at home.

Women are confused about the true path by men who have a certain number of sons in distant non-resort cities. Then a hairless, plump performer sings about their short, drunken happiness, and people order a hit on socially oriented radio stations. A tall singer with glasses and pathos works in the same direction.

A fresh clip based on Chekhov came to mind: a sufferer, “all in white,” wanders along the coast, clearly in search of adventure, catches his eye on an aunt with a Pomeranian under her arm and sadness in her eyes... Well, “and wrap it up...”, as they say . Then the singer grieves with his family, the woman convincingly portrays either repentance or heartburn... No, excuse me, this “happiness” does not shine for me. Down with men, only seasonal swimming behind buoys and excursions.

Act one. True to your word

...Actually, there are not many attractions in Koktebel: Maximilian Voloshin, Kara-Dag, a bay, a rock with a through hole, so to speak. And my white shorts, how could it be otherwise... On the third day of the holiday there was disappointment in the concept of “velvet season”: if the sun is so hot at the end of August, it is safe to come to the resort only in November. The owner of the home where I temporarily lived vigilantly monitored the consumption of electricity. Every time I turned on the air conditioner in the room and went out into the common kitchen, while the room was cooling down, he frowned all over and started educational conversations - like, “cool off to your health, but not so often.”

Neighbors in the resort hostel, a group with varying numbers of representatives of the stronger and fairer sex, persistently urged us to join them. I steadfastly rejected invitations to a feast, but “broke down” when “vacationing citizens” offered to take part in a motor rally along the Crimean coast. With three cars, the goal is to see all the best in a short time. By that time I was fed up, white shorts were becoming familiar to vacationers, and the confrontation with the owner about the air conditioner risked turning into hand-to-hand combat. Let's go!

Act two. As a navigator

Alena, you get into Andrey’s car,” the unceremonious, sociable young lady laughed, “he is a divorced man, you are a free woman - God himself ordered it!”

I smiled tightly and obeyed. Andrey is a tall, thin man who seems to be the most sensible of those present and not such an ardent fan of Crimean wines.

Turn on the air conditioner? – the “pilot” suggested friendly, and I shuddered: he was clearly aware of the conflicts regarding the cool atmosphere.

If possible,” I muttered and swore to maintain deathly silence.

Point one. Sevastopol, Balaklava,” Andrey announced.

And then, apparently because of the welcome coolness in the cabin, I lost my vigilance and allowed myself to be carried away by conversations. Wow, how many people know about Crimea! He talked about the sad glory of Foros, where the first Russian president and the instigator of perestroika holed up in his dacha. About the village of Simeiz, where slender, handsome guys flock for summer holidays, but girls have nothing to do there. About the cave city of Chufut-Kale, which was founded by the Karaites, but then abandoned the fortress. About the frescoes of southern Mangup. About the Inkerman cave monastery. About the beautiful high cape Fiolent, which, thanks to frivolous vacationers, regularly delivers tragic reports: a steep 70-meter cape generously collects human tribute. Boys and girls do not take into account that the cape is crumbling, they do not take into account the dizziness from the view, especially if their heads are already turned and their consciousness is expanded...

When we were standing in the Balaklava grotto, looking at an old submarine and jellyfish hanging in the sea emerald, Andrei suddenly took my hand:

It's cold and gloomy here. Shall we go to a cafe? And then our people will join.

And I didn’t take my hand away, so, hand in hand, they stomped into the fisherman’s restaurant.

Let me place the order myself? – he smiled, and I almost cried. – I know the menu well, we won’t end up with a “god knows what” dish.

And we didn’t run into problems. I ate flounder and shrimp salad, thinking about how nice it is sometimes to let a man decide for himself. When we left, his hand rested on my waist. Or did it seem like a dream because of a sudden surge of melancholy?..

Act three. Closer to the sun...

And I said - I won’t go! And don’t pull me, it hurts! – I resisted and cursed, because no person in their right mind would agree to ride the cable car to the top of Ai-Petri.

Stupid, it’s not scary,” Andrei continued to ruin the woman, “imagine the view from a bird’s eye view!”

Terrible, terrible sight! – I strained myself. “I told you, if I’ve decided, then I won’t go for anything!” I’ve been afraid of heights since childhood, I even swung on “boats” only once!

... Half an hour later, I was swinging in the cable car, hiccupping and drinking small sips of mineral water. Andrei hugged us around the waist (it wasn’t our imagination! it wasn’t our imagination!) and reassured us by talking about how upon arrival we would go to the most delicious Tatar restaurant. I didn’t want to think about food... But I didn’t want to think about a possible fall, the treachery of men, or even my ex-husband. It happens like this: suddenly - rrraz! - and you are no longer afraid. It’s safe and calm to be with a stranger until recently. So, what are we having for dinner? I want a flatbread and wine, a lot of wine, I deserve it.

Act four. Just together

...What happened there, on the Crimean roads? Why did I leave as one person and return as a completely different person? Why am I no longer wearing white shorts, wrapping romantic wrap skirts around my waist, and sitting in the community kitchen early in the morning, waiting for the one and only person from the rowdy neighbor’s group? Nothing can happen to me that is destined for ordinary women; holiday romances are not to my liking. And yet, like a stubborn volunteer guard, I am stuck in the kitchen early in the morning. Despite the fact that we parted with the object of emotional unrest only three hours ago...

This night, when we were sitting on the burnt-out Koktebel hill, he again held my hand. Asked:

Why is there such an obsession with the phrase “I decided”?

I sighed, took a sip of wine, took a bite of a juicy peach barrel and decided again - to tell it like it is, anyway, random ones will lead to nothing. So, only the truth.

Because for the last seven years everything has always been decided by me. She made a scientific career for her husband. When I needed a Ph.D., I took two part-time jobs—scientists and teachers were not the breadwinners. When I had to cover the clearing after defending his dissertation, I decided to take out a loan. Then he took up his doctorate, and I had to decide to wait with the child. Along the way, while my husband was writing his work, various decisions were made: not to buy a fur coat, a car, not to go to a resort, not to pay attention to calls from graduate students and students... As a result, he defended his doctorate, received the coveted professorship, department, and for the first time made an independent decision: to cross out that , which reminded him of his difficulties and his slipping. That is, cross me out. I decided to agree with him.

Andrey was silent for a long time. The peaches and wine remained untouched. I don’t know what he was thinking, but I cursed Semyonov’s white shorts, reproached myself for the trip around Crimea, for the fact that I turned out like everyone else: standing on the shore in a white dress, and “the kebab with cognac is very tasty.” Holiday romance, honest mother!

He stood up and extended his hand to me:

Let's not make any decisions now. Just trust me...

He left my room before dawn. I finally turned off the air conditioner, now I’m anticipating the owner’s sorrowful cries. For some reason I'm stuck in the kitchen. For what? Today I’m leaving for my city, and so is he, only two hundred kilometers away from me. As much as two hundred kilometers.

The final

It's been two whole weeks since the voracious cat forgave me for the separation and sleeps in the same bed. For two weeks, the invincible Semyonova looks hopeful: “But it was great!” It’s been fourteen days since I think about my ex-husband, a professor. Everything is bad, very bad. I listen to romantic songs and don’t get annoyed by stupid videos that “preach” swimming in the sea and easy amorous relationships. How to force yourself to make decisions to forget about everything?..

During an unbearably long working day, a message arrives on your mobile phone. Ten digits of the number, accompanied by the text: “I’ll call you in ten minutes. Please make the final decision. Pick up the phone and answer me."

Without a signature. I sat in a stupor, then, waking up, I looked at my watch: father, he will call in three minutes! And I rush to get my makeup bag to put on lipstick and comb my hair. As if the caller can see me...



“That’s right,” I said.

- Yes. - I answered.


- At your sister's? - I was surprised.


- Mutually. - I answered.

- What is there? - I asked.


- Let's go to! - I agreed.

- Ooo! - Sasha drawled.

- Yes, as you wish. - I said.

- Thank you friend! - I said.

Polya intervened in the conversation.

- Which one? - asked Polya.

- I am for! - Malvina approved.

“I understand,” I said.

Registration number 0296498 issued for the work: ***
There is a framed photo of her on my desk. She smiles at me with a gentle smile, full of the warmth of the southern sun, and looks at me with the same gentle and warm gaze. A strand of her light red, long, wavy hair, like ivy, hung from her bare and tanned shoulder, making her even more seductive. Finally, her name is Dasha Malakhova. We met this summer when I went on vacation to the sea. This happened in one of the resort towns of our homeland, where I came to visit my friend Sasha Begunkov, with whom I served together, and Dasha to visit her relatives. It so happened that Dasha lived in the same house and in the same entrance as Sasha, but only he lived on the second floor, and Dasha on the fourth. I saw Dasha on the very first evening of my arrival. She then went to Sasha to ask him to help her unlock the door to the apartment, because the lock there had jammed again. At that moment I was walking into the kitchen and somehow mechanically looked at her. Dasha smiled, greeted me with a nod of her head, I answered her in kind and we parted. At that time I didn’t yet know her name or surname, or what she was doing... But from that evening I couldn’t think about anyone or anything except her. Sasha returned and we sat down to dinner.
- What are you doing, San? - I asked him, seeing that he was looking at me as if I was a butterfly under a microscope or something like that.
- Not really. It’s just that five minutes ago you were so talkative, and now you’re sitting, eating and thinking about God knows what. - Sasha told me.
- Yes, Sashka, you’re right, I have something to think about; it would be more accurate to even say about whom. - I said.
- Oh, how it is! And who took over your thoughts in just five minutes? - Sasha asked me with a smile.
I nodded towards the door to the apartment.
- She? Dashka Malakhova? - Sasha asked in surprise, realizing what was happening. - This is the number! No, of course, she is a really beautiful girl...
- So her name is Dasha? - I asked Sasha, interrupting his speech.
“Well, yes,” said Sasha, adding, “would you like me to introduce you to her?”
- No. “I’m used to meeting girls without intermediaries,” I told Sasha.
“Well, look,” said Sasha, shrugging his shoulders and continuing to slurp the soup.
Having finished dinner and washed the dishes, Sasha and I went for a little walk around the evening southern city. Why I generally love summer evenings is because they are light and warm, and you can walk until the morning with a clear conscience. Sasha told me about the city, showed me its beauty, told me where to go to relax, what excursions to go on... But, to be honest, I listened to him with half an ear. My thoughts were occupied only with her, Dasha. In my imagination, I imagined how she and I would walk along the embankment, swim in the sea, go on an excursion or go to the cinema... One small thing to do: we need to meet a girl.
I met Dasha the next morning at the entrance, returning from a run. She was sitting on a bench. That day she was wearing a light blue tracksuit and a white T-shirt, emphasizing her gymnast figure and high breasts. Dasha had white sneakers on her feet, and her hair was tied up in two ponytails.
“Why was she drawn into the yard at the crack of dawn?” I thought, “What should I do? Should I approach her? But what if she’s thinking about something, and I come up and knock her out of her thoughts? Go your own way? Can. But if you walk by now and don’t make acquaintances, you won’t forgive yourself later that you will have nothing to remember except how you drank vodka with your friend all these three weeks. Come on, come and try to talk to her, and at the same time see what kind of bird she is. If he makes contact - good; no, you’ll go home.”
“Hello,” I said to Dasha, approaching her, “may I sit down?”
- Hello! Yes, of course, please sit down,” said Dasha.
I sat down and we were silent for a while. Dasha first looked at me, as if she saw in me a forgotten acquaintance, and then she turned away and began to look into the bushes. There was some dog walking around there. But I still didn’t understand why she was interested in Dasha.
- Excuse me, but can’t you get home again? - I asked Dasha.
It’s probably a stupid question, but I needed to start the conversation somewhere myself.
- Why did you ask about this? - Dasha asked with slight disbelief.
- I just remember how you came yesterday and asked me to help open the door. Well, I thought you had the same story again,” I answered.
Dasha looked at me carefully again.
- Is there something wrong? - I asked her.
- Stop! Wasn’t it you I saw yesterday at Sasha’s, my neighbor’s? - she asked.
“Yes, me,” I answered Dasha.
- A! That's it, I remembered. We still said hello.
“That’s right,” I said.
“My name is Dasha,” my interlocutor introduced herself.
- And I know: Sasha told me. And I'm Robert. Maybe just Rob,” I answered.
“Very nice,” said Dasha.
- What about the lock, this problem has been solved: the lock was changed yesterday. I'm just walking the dog. Dina, Dina! - Dasha shouted into the bushes and a beautiful German shepherd ran out.
I involuntarily stood up and walked a little to the side. Then it became clear to me why Dasha looked at this dog like that.
- Why did you get up? - Dasha asked, looking up at me.
“I’m afraid of dogs,” I answered, smiling bashfully.
By the way, this is true - since childhood I have been afraid of dogs like devils. I remember when I was five years old, my brother and I were walking in the yard. And then some mongrel came up to us and, for some unknown reason, grabbed me by the leg. I probably screamed not only and not so much from pain, but from fear. And I was scared then, not like a child. And from then on, I am on a first-name basis with dogs.
- Sit down please! Don’t be afraid - she won’t bite,” said Dasha.
I carefully returned to the bench.
- Why are you afraid of dogs? - Dasha asked.
“Probably because I’ve never had a dog, and I was just bitten by a street tramp at one time... In general, I was impressed for a long time,” I answered.
“I understand,” Dasha said with a sympathetic smile, “but still I adore dogs.” In the end, they are the same as us: just as we need love, warmth, affection, attention, care, so they need it all. And if they are thrown out because they have grown old and are no longer able to serve their masters as before (“Why keep a parasite!”), or even completely tired of them, so they become embittered with people, so they bite everyone who comes across .
- Well, it’s one thing when the dog is thrown out by the owners; and it happens that the dog itself gets lost. Why then was she angry with people? - I asked Dasha.
“Perhaps because it doesn’t occur to anyone to shelter her and warm her,” Dasha answered.
- Maybe. - I said, and that was the end of the dog topic.
- Is Sasha your brother? - Dasha asked.
“No, he’s my army friend, and I came to visit him,” I answered.
- So you’re a newcomer? - Dasha asked.
- Yes. - I answered.
“And I came home here,” Dasha said, continuing, “I’m looking forward to nothing more than coming home.” I really miss my mom while I'm studying. Yes, we write to each other, sometimes we call... But sometimes I really want to bask in her warm embrace!..
“Where do you study?” I asked.
The conversation was interrupted by the ringing of my cell phone. Sasha called.
- Where're you gone? - he asked me.
- In the courtyard. I’m getting up now,” I answered.
- Sorry, Dasha, my friend has already lost me. - I said to Dasha.
- Nothing. Mine, I suppose, Dinka and I also lost and that’s why we’ll go too. Dina, go home! - Dasha said to the dog, and the dog, happily wagging its tail, followed her.
It was clear that she loved her owner with all her dog soul. Yes, and Dasha repaid her in kind, for, while petting the dog, she said: “My good girl.”
I followed last. Between the third and fourth floors, I called out to Dasha and invited her to go to the beach that afternoon. She refused me, explaining that at that time she would go to her friend’s dacha for her birthday. And we agreed on the morning after tomorrow.
Arriving at Sasha’s apartment, I told him the reason for my lateness.
- So that's it! - exclaimed Sasha. - Now it’s clear where you were running around. Well, come on, sit down to breakfast, otherwise everything will freeze like mammoths in a glacier.
I washed my face and we sat down at the table, where there were already grated carrots with sugar and sour cream, oatmeal, sandwiches with butter and tea. All this, of course, for two persons.
- Listen, Roba, here’s the thing: I have to leave immediately after breakfast - I need my mother at the dacha. Let's go together! - suggested Sasha.
“Actually, I wanted to go to the beach to lie around a little and rinse in the sea...” I began to answer Sasha.
- Yes, I’m not forcing you... But I’ll just leave until the evening, and what are you going to do here alone? It's boring! - said Sasha.
- San, you know, I’m one of those people who, by definition, never get bored, because I always found something to do. - I answered.
- OK then. Let’s do this: we’ll go out together, I’ll give the keys to the neighbor on the left (her name is Baba Yulia), and I’ll say about you that you’re my brother. If you want to eat, the refrigerator is full of all sorts of different things. I hope you don't get lost. - said Sasha. - I won’t get lost. - I said, smiling.
That's what we did. Sasha went to his mother’s dacha, I went to the beach. I remember that before leaving, in addition to the beach towel, I took with me a book that I wanted to read while I sunbathed. On the beach I saw not only a lot of vacationers, but a rather free environment. Others rested completely naked. No, I heard about such a phenomenon as nudism, but I didn’t think that I would ever see it in reality. I laid down a towel, undressed (but not naked!), lay down and tried to occupy myself with a book, but nothing worked. Every now and then I was drawn to watch the vacationers. And I saw that most of those who rested in the traditional way (in swimming trunks and swimsuits) were very calm about those who preferred to lie under the sun in the costumes of Adam and Eve. Some even communicated with them, played cards, chess, volleyball... However, there were those who reacted with disapproval to naked vacationers and reproached them for shamelessness. But these were mostly older people. And then a question arose in my head: “Is there really no specially designated area for nudists, or, in the end, another beach, as there is all over the world, so as not to embarrass others?”..
Coming from the beach, I described my impressions in my Facebook diary.

I woke up around six o'clock in the evening to the doorbell. This is Sasha returning from the dacha.
- Why are you so wrinkled? - he asked.
- Slept. - I answered, rubbing my eyes.
Over dinner, I told him about what I saw on the beach today, and also asked about separate areas for nudists.
- Roba, this blessed place has everything! There is a separate area on the city beach and a countryside camp site for such people. It’s another matter that some people won’t be too lazy to tramp an extra two hundred meters or drive five or six kilometers, while others won’t be able to bear being naked anywhere. It's just a matter of raising a person, I think.
- However, it doesn’t hurt, I see who is indignant about this. - I said.
- You know, in my opinion, it’s just pointless to be indignant. This is the same as asking cockroaches to “get out” of your house on your own. Well, some granny will complain to the newspaper about this disgrace; Well, our administration will take some measures... So what? No, law-abiding fans of this type of recreation will go to a tourist center or get naked at their dacha (why not!), and those who “don’t give a damn” about these measures will find another place within the city.
But for some it has become as familiar as everything that is happening around him, and he does not run anywhere, does not complain, does not spoil his nerves, but simply does not pay attention to it.
- And some people even make friends with such people or communicate like that. - I noted to Sasha, remembering what I saw.
- There are some. By the way, one of them is having dinner with you now. - answered Sasha.
This revelation of his came as a surprise to me. I looked at him and couldn't think of anything to say.
- Why are you staring at me? You might think that I just told you about loving men! - said Sasha, slightly indignant, continuing, - Yes, I’m friends with some of these people. I even have a girlfriend from the same environment. Name is Polina; she is a journalist for a popular magazine; although she has a psych faculty behind her in pedagogy. But journalism turned out to be closer to her. Polina herself is a normal person, cheerful and sociable. However, my other friends are also quite educated, smart, sociable and successful people, each in their own business.
- Haven’t you fallen into nudism yourself? - I asked Sasha.
- I haven't decided yet. - he answered and that was the end of the conversation.
Dinner was also over. Having lit a cigarette, I began to look out the window and think with slight sadness about Dasha. Here’s an amazing thing - it’s only the first day since I met her and talked a little, I still don’t know anything about her... But I missed her, as if she was a long-known and dear person to me, with whom we had probably been together in the past life. Perhaps we lived on some far, far away island of happiness, where there was no fuss, crowding, envy, anger; we wandered along the warm sand, swam in the gentle sea, listened to the singing of the local birds... But one day, apparently, some god of all weathers was unable to agree on something with his brothers and out of frustration he thickened the clouds over us and raised a storm at sea ; and the waves began to rise one above the other, and soon the sea flooded our island, and Dasha and I were carried to different ends of the earth for a very, very long time. Therefore, it is not surprising that, having met now, we did not recognize each other.
- Listen, Roba, would you like to go with me to Polka’s for barbecue tomorrow? - asked Sasha.
- Sorry, what? - I responded, waking up.
“I say that I was just driving to the house and I met Polya - she invited us to a barbecue tomorrow. Will you go? - Sasha repeated.
- Well, well, we can go. And where to? - I asked.
- At her sister’s dacha. - said Sasha.
- At your sister's? - I was surprised.
I was not surprised that my friend’s girlfriend has a sister (he himself has three sisters and two brothers!), but I was surprised that she invited us to visit someone other than her dacha. But Sasha soon explained everything to me clearly:
- Here’s the thing, Roba: it’s my sister’s dacha, but she’s a girl incapable of farming, and she’s not a fan of dacha holidays. It’s understandable - the guy makes her good money, everything can be bought at the market and in the store, and in the summer it’s best to go around Paris to walk around... So she threw a dacha at Polya. And the dacha is nice, big; everything grows except bananas and pineapples; there is a larger house on two floors, on the other side of the fence there is a small pond and a play area. Well, shall we go?
- Will we go back in the evening? - I asked Sasha.
- For what? - he asked.
- Well... I just agreed with one girl to go to the beach in the morning.
“Oh, this girl drove me crazy, broke my heart, took away my peace,” Sasha sang with a smile, realizing that we were talking about Dasha, “okay, we’ll come up with something.”
And after these words, I finally agreed to the trip, not suspecting what cruel joke it would play on me later. You know, all my life I have treated my friends as brothers; Just as I loved them with all my heart and was always ready to go with them anywhere and support them in difficult times, I thought about them and believed that they loved me too, would always help and would never betray me. And that’s why it never occurred to me that one of my friends might end up having a bad time (in a figurative sense). I had the same attitude towards Sashka. He was raised by his mother. He never saw or knew his father. And in general, Sasha’s family circle consisted of women - in addition to his mother, there were aunts and grandmother. Probably someone won’t believe me, but I’m writing this from the words of Sasha himself. And then anything is possible in life! Therefore, it was a little more difficult for him than for me to get used to the service, and I supported him, telling him to hold on, at least for the sake of his mother. And Sasha did not remain in debt - he also sometimes helped to understand various subjects in class, since he was good with books since childhood. Of course, I also read books, but everything always came to me through my hands.

And so, the next morning we went to Polina’s dacha. Before I could even blink an eye, I saw country houses in the car window. And they were all beautiful, solid, some made of brick, sometimes made of blocks. It is clearly evident that people intended to live here and therefore did not spare money. Sasha told me that many people actually live here both in winter and summer.
- And what! No exhaust stink or any other nasty stuff. Beauty! Polka and I would have lived like this if both she and I didn’t have to go to work early, and at different ends of the city at that. - he added.
- What kind of house does your Polina have? - I asked.
- An ordinary wooden house. - said Sasha. - It has three rooms - one downstairs, a living room, but if necessary, it can also serve as a bedroom for guests; and two bedrooms upstairs.
- Like this? - I asked, not understanding slightly.
- The thing is that in the middle of one large room they built a wall... However, this structure can be called a wall conditionally, because it is made of boards and plywood, and looking at this, one involuntarily recalls Vysotsky’s lines: “There behind the wall, behind the little wall, Behind the partition, a neighbor and a neighbor were playing around with vodka.” That is, in essence, this is a partition behind which you cannot be seen, but you can clearly hear what you are doing.
I chuckled slightly. Finally we reached the end point of our journey. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that while we were driving, I kept reading the names of the streets. And everything turned out exactly the same according to Antonov’s song: “I’ll walk along Apricotovaya, turn onto Vinogradnaya...”. And Polina’s dacha was located on Klubnichnaya Street and it was the third from the beginning. Although the high fence was made of boards, it was not somehow gray, primitive and boring; on the contrary, it was painted bright blue, its tops were rounded, and in the middle of the gate and gate there were large daisies. This detail also touched me and made me smile. There was a bell button near the gate and Sasha pressed it.
- Most importantly, take everything you see calmly. - said Sasha.
- What, she can meet us naked? - I asked.
- Quite possible. But no one here will force you to undress completely. If you want, you can undress. We’ll share our impressions at home. - said Sasha.
- You know, after what I saw on the beach, I’m ready for anything. It’s just that we two dunces didn’t buy anything for a picnic yesterday. They didn't even take a watermelon. - I said.
- Yes, you’re right here, Roba. This is where we made a mistake. - Sasha agreed.
Then the gate opened and in front of us appeared... not even a girl - a mermaid! Tall, blond, long-haired and with sky blue eyes. I was almost right in my guesses: when Polya opened the gate for us, she was wearing a blue and white swimsuit, which allowed me to take a quick look at her toned body and slender legs, which stood barefoot on the warm sand. But most of all I liked the sweet and warm smile on her face, a little like the letter O.
- Hello! - Polina said and kissed Sasha.
- Hi Hi! - he answered and immediately began to introduce us. - Polina, meet me, this is Robert, for others it’s just Rob, Rob, this is Polina, you can just call it Polya.
- Very nice. - Polina said, shaking my hand with a smile.
- Mutually. - I answered.
- Well, come in and make yourself at home! - said Polina.
We went inside. Looking ahead a little, I’ll tell you that the dacha reminded me a little of a labyrinth, where it’s a piece of cake for a beginner to get lost! And all because there are many paths leading to different corners. And, nevertheless, I walked through the garden of this dacha, looked at the flower beds beautifully and tastefully lined with stones, where flowers of all kinds and different shades grew, replacing each other like the lights of a garland; I also looked at the fruit and berry trees (they were also surrounded by stones in a circle) and even treated myself to a pear that had fallen from a branch. And so we entered the house. The corridor was small and square; to the left of the door there was a stool and there were hooks on the wall for clothes, one of which was occupied by packages, and between the stool there was a shelf for shoes, where two pairs of sneakers were also huddled; the door to the left led into the living room; there was a staircase leading straight to the second floor. Then another girl came in and asked Polina something. She was completely naked, her figure was a little thicker, she was shorter than Polina and, finally, she had short-cropped black hair and seductively lush breasts.
- By the way, meet me, this is Robert - our guest. - said Polina. - Robert, this is my school friend Nadya.
When we shook hands, I saw her face smiling at me with a good-natured smile, and the same good-natured brown eyes. Then Nadya left.
- Well, shall we pretend to be vacationers? - Polina suggested, taking off her swimsuit.
- Can. - Sasha supported her and also began to undress.
I had no choice but to take off my outerwear, but I left my swimming trunks on.
-Have you decided to wear swimming trunks? - asked Sasha.
- Yes. - I answered and explained in his ear the reason for my decision.
- “Everything is clear with you.” - Sasha nodded to me with a smile. - This happens to me sometimes too. Okay, let's go to the table!
We left the garden into the so-called backyard, where, it’s true, there was everything for relaxation of soul and body. Closer to the fence there was a table covered with a simple gray tablecloth, on which there was a lot of tasty things, and four benches - the longer ones stood along the table, and the shorter ones stood across; to the left, a little further away, stood the assembled and already smoking barbecue, where the first batch of shish kebab was being fried; on the right there was a toilet with a washbasin nailed to the side and an outdoor shower; in the foreground - on the left, where a tall and massive tree grew, in the shade of its long branches there were three sun loungers, and on the right there was a volleyball court. And the picture is completed by a not very large, rectangular pond dug in the center.
- Can I help you? - I asked.
- No, thank you, Roba, we can handle it ourselves. - Polya responded. - Have a seat!
Sasha and I sat down at the table. I looked at Polina’s naked and beautiful body the way a wolf looks at its potential prey; I wanted to attract her to me, touch her, caress her lightly, and then... Yes, I wanted to do all this with her, with this blond mermaid.
- Listen, Sashka, let’s go for a swim! - I suggested.
- Just wait, the kebab will be ready now. - said Sasha.
- And we’ll quickly dive and emerge! - I insisted.
- Oh, to hell with you, let's go! - Sasha gave up and we went to the pond.
- Hey guys, where are you going? - Polya shouted.
- Yes, we need to freshen up a little - otherwise it’s painfully hot. - I responded.
I invented this bathing in order to sober up my mind a little and cool down this ardor of unexpectedly arising passion. Having plunged, we returned to the table and to our friends.
- Roba, what will you drink? - asked Polya.
- What is there? - I asked.
“There is wine, kvass, juices...” answered Polya.
- I'll drink some kvass. - I said.
- And I have juice because I’m driving. - Sasha responded.
- Which one do you want - orange, apple, grape... Which one? - asked Polya.
- Grape. - said Sasha.
- And Nadya and I will drink a little wine. - said Polya.
Finally, a little of everything was laid out and poured out for everyone, and everyone sat down at the table. And then the following toast came to my mind:
- Who said that a woman can be beautiful only when she is dressed in expensive dresses from famous couturiers, when she is wearing expensive jewelry purchased from a well-known jewelry store, and with her hair done by a famous stylist? Looking at you, girls, I remember with trepidation and love the paintings of Rembrandt, Renoir and other great masters who painted nudes and brilliantly conveyed to us through their canvases the beauty of a woman that nature endowed her with. I want to drink this glass so that your natural beauty will be with you as long as possible, and you will protect it, like a mother protects her child. For you!
The glasses clinked melodiously, we drank, after which Sasha and I sat down and our whole company began to eat barbecue.
- Yes, it was unexpected to hear such words. - Nadya noted.
- The profession obliges you to be a little bit of an orator. - I answered.
- What is your profession? - asked Polya.
- Advocate. - I said. - And sometimes I write books. So, Polya, we are colleagues in some ways.
- And what are you writing about? - Nadya asked.
- About everything that is happening in our country. - I said.
- That is, about politics? - asked Polya.
- Not necessarily about politics; although about her too. But what attracts me most is the person himself, no matter who he is. It also happens that in my books I describe the cases that I conducted, and, putting myself in the shoes of my clients, I ask myself: “Could it have been done differently?” or “What would I do in the place of this or that person?” and so on. And through these books I try to find answers to my questions.
- And how it turns out? - Nadya asked.
- When - yes, when - no. - I answered and asked my question:
- Here you are relaxing naked. How did this come to your mind and what does such rest give or give you? Well, let's start with you, Polya!
- As for me, my mother taught me this when I was little: first we took a shower together, then the whole family began going to the bathhouse at my grandparents’ dacha, and at the age of nine I went to a nudist beach for the first time. It was in St. Petersburg, on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. I saw a lot of people there, completely naked, frolicking, swimming, playing games... Both young and old. And I myself had a lot of fun then. As for what it gave me, everything is simple - the body rests, refreshes, is saturated with oxygen... Yes, the person himself feels at ease. You know, even when I came home from school, from university, or now I come home from work, I undress completely and walk around naked, because I’m tired not so much from work and running around, but from the clothes that feel like I’m in a dark and stuffy place. closet, we hide our body. - Polina said so. - I came to this kind of rest much later than Poly. - said Nadya. - This was already in my student days and, by the way, it was Polka who convinced me and another of our classmates, Tonya Nilova, to strip naked. Neither I nor Tonya had tried this before: I because of my unmodel figure, and Tonya simply because at that time she was still such a good girl and lived by the postulates that were instilled in her from childhood. And then it was during the summer session and we gathered at Polya’s house to study. It was stupefyingly hot and, I remember, Tonka moaned: “What the hell are these exams with tests! Now I wish I could be closer to the water.” And Polya replies: “Girls, why are you tossing around? Take off your clothes and have the whole conversation!” And she herself - hop, hop and as if she had nothing on, and she stands in front of us, a beauty. We didn’t even have time to utter a word at that moment, we stood like a pillar, looking at Polka, as if in front of us was a skeleton in a biology lesson, in which we study the structure of man. “Why are you dumbfounded? Undress boldly!” - Polya repeated. Tonka called her crazy, told her to go to hell and wanted to run away... Frankly, I also thought that Polina was out of her element, and I also wanted to give up. But Polya caught Tonya’s hand and begged us both to listen to her. We all sat down at a round table that stood in the middle of the living room under a chandelier, and Polya spent a long time explaining to us that she was not crazy, and not even a lesbian; that there is nothing shameful in being naked for a while, that the body even benefits from it - it will take a break from all this synthetics; that she didn’t want to offend any of us... In general, Tonya and I gave up, undressed, and in this form the three of us sat down to study. At first, Tonya and I felt a little on pins and needles: it seemed to us that someone was spying on us. But then, having immersed themselves in their studies, they forgot about everything. This was our first experience with nudism. Then we began to gather at someone’s dacha and get naked there, and other girls were invited to join us (some joined us, they even brought their boyfriends, some didn’t), and then we got to the beach. Like this.
- Let me tell you, please! - said Sasha.
- Speak, dear, we are listening to you! - I told him.
- You know, they say that nudism (or naturism) liberates a person, benefits his health and body... And I would add one more plus: it seems to me that a person who goes to such beaches does not need to surf around porn sites, because he sees everything live and at the same time neither the person himself, nor the equipment, nor the budget of his family suffers. Here's one story: one day my classmate Maxim Grach came to visit me. He is a programmer. Well, in a conversation over a glass, he tells me: “Listen, you can’t imagine how tired I am of going to the house of one family every two weeks and fixing their computer. And all because their son, a 14-year-old dunce, goes to these porn sites and as a result, a banner with a naked butt flies onto his work computer. I do not know what to do". I ask Max, why can’t anyone beat him? He responded: “Who should beat him! Lives with his mother. That poor thing works in two schools to dress and feed her child better, but this child... instead of helping, he also spoils his mother.” I then say to Max: “And you tell him, ‘Why are you spying on others? Film yourself during masturbation and show it to all the people! Let someone admire you too.” But there is a less radical proposal: invite him to go to a nudist beach - there is a lot of nudity there, and no one does anything like that. Maybe he’ll find another girlfriend.” How it all ended, I don’t know yet.
- I have toast! - I said. - I want to raise a glass to the fact that nudism (or naturism, as it is also called) helps improve the health of not only a person’s body, but also his soul and mind!
And again the quiet, light clink of our glasses sounded above the table. After having a little snack, we started playing volleyball - first the boys against the girls, then one pair against the other; Having played enough, they went to the pond and swam there, frolicking like little children; then they took pictures, jokingly depicting either a kissing scene, or a passionate embrace, or something else; then we returned to the table again, ate, drank, talked and sang...
Yes, we had fun! But even in this fun, I still found a place for thoughts about her, about Dasha. “Is she having as much fun at her friend’s as I am having fun?” - I thought. And I was also wondering whether Sashka would come up with something to get into the city or not? I really wanted to see Dasha. To hell with the beach! I would just like to see her, look into her eyes, hear her voice. The situation resolved itself: at five o’clock in the evening Sasha came up to me and told me to get ready, saying that the girls needed to go to the city themselves, because they both had to work tomorrow. We got ready pretty quickly and soon left the dacha on a street with a sweet name - “Strawberry”.

It couldn’t be said that Sasha and I returned quite late. While we got to the city, while the girls were taken away (fortunately, it coincided that they both lived relatively close to our street), while they helped Polina drag all her things... In general, the time was about seven or half past eight in the evening. It’s childhood time and you could afford something else. However, I felt as if the clock was at least half past ten. And so, after taking a shower, I simply collapsed into bed and fell asleep very soon.
- Good morning! - said Sasha, entering the room and seeing me, no longer sleeping. - And you can sleep well, brother!
- What time is it? - I asked, stretching.
- Half past ten. - said Sasha.
- Go away! - I said, grabbing my watch. And sure enough, it was half past ten. - Wow, I “crushed”!
I must say that I usually go for a run and exercise at half past seven.
- Yes, just yesterday it would have been impossible to wake you up with a gun! - said Sasha. - I was watching football here - the Russia-Georgia match - I’m sitting, yelling and cheering, and you should at least give a damn.
- And how did our team play? - I asked Sasha.
- I would tell you how, but there is no such word. - Sasha answered, putting on a sour face. - And to say that they played poorly is to say nothing! Just think, they lost with a score of three to zero... Well, in general they disgraced their homeland to no end!
- Three-zero? - I asked and laughed. - Come on, Sashka, tell me stories! It cannot be that in more than ninety minutes our team does not score a single goal!
- I'm telling you for sure! - answered Sasha. - Three-nil and ours never scored in response. Although there were more opportunities to score! But our guys pretended that they were, like, running, and it seemed like they weren’t kicking the ball, but were rolling each other across the field with their feet. You know, here we are, when the neighbor boys and I went out to play with the guys from another yard, so our team, even if it lost the whole game, still won at least one goal from the enemy. And they stomped home with a different mood. True, everyone was dirty as hell! - Sasha remembered warmly.
- And in this way we played class against class. - I responded. - things also happened differently and we didn’t give up just as easily.
- Okay, let's go have breakfast, Pele! - said Sasha.
- Let's go to! - I agreed.
The weather, it must be said, was not conducive that day to going to the beach or walking anywhere at all. It was raining, it was damp, gray and boring. And this bad weather destroyed all my hopes of meeting Dasha again. And I waited for this meeting for two whole days; and waited impatiently. So, probably, nature, tired of the cold, blizzards and blizzards, is waiting to meet spring so that it can finally enjoy the warmth of the sun and the music of the murmuring streams and the chiming of drops. Yes, this was exactly my expectation of meeting Dasha.
- Why so sour? - Sasha asked me.
- Yes, look what’s outside the window. - I answer.
- A! Clearly, we are upset about the missed date. - Sasha scoffed.
- Yah you! - I answered. - What date? We just agreed to go for a walk.
- It’s okay for you to grieve! - said Sasha. “It won’t rain forever, but it will pass and then maybe you can go for a walk.” Come on, eat!
To tell the truth, the bad weather even reduced my appetite. And yet I forced myself to eat a couple of eggs with mayonnaise and two sandwiches with tea. After breakfast, Sasha and I each went about our own business: he cleaned up the kitchen, and I got on the Internet and began rewatching yesterday’s match. Indeed, ours were not in the best shape. The doorbell rang. I stopped the video and walked over.
- Good afternoon! I need Robert. - said a small, plump, short-haired girl of about 12 years old.
- Good afternoon! Robert is me. - was my answer. - How can I help?
- They asked me to tell you. - said the girl, handing over a notebook sheet folded in four.
- To me? - I was surprised. - Well, thank you.
- All the best! - the girl said leaving.
- And all the best to you too! - I answered after.
After closing the door, I unfolded the piece of paper and read the following:
“Robert, I’m sick and therefore I won’t be able to meet with you. And you can see what the weather is like. But as soon as I get better, we'll see each other. I promise. Don't be upset and don't be bored! See you! D."
- What is it, Roba? - Sasha shouted from the kitchen.
- Well, a girl came and handed me a note from Dasha. - I answered.
- Ooo! - Sasha drawled.
- What “oh-oh-oh!” - I said. - She writes that she is sick and apologizes for the interruption of the meeting. So much for the “o-o-o!”
- Come on, friend, don’t be angry! - said Sasha. - Damn, what a great weather! Since childhood, I have not tolerated such weather, because summer for me is, one might say, the “third New Year.”
- Why? - I asked Sasha with curiosity.
- Yes, because during the summer holidays, as well as during the winter holidays, you have a lot of pleasures! - said Sasha. - In winter you have skis, and slides, and snowballs, and skates, and snowmen; and in the summer there’s swimming, and bikes, and rollerblading... And when either in the winter the frost hits the forties, or in the summer it rains unexpectedly, and for a few more days, the holiday is ruined for me.
“But you yourself just said that this does pass someday,” I said.
“It passes, but the sediment remains,” answered Sasha.
After talking, we both returned to the room. There I helped Sasha clean up a little, then he sat down to watch TV, and I returned to the Internet and began writing another letter home, then Sasha and I sat down to play chess... Whatever we did to wait out the rain! The rain subsided only in the evening.
-What are your plans, my friend? - Sasha asked me.
“At least just take a walk,” I said, “otherwise I’m already soured here.”
“You can go for a walk,” Sasha approved, “but you don’t want to go bowling?”
- Why not! You can afford it too! - I agreed.
- Will I invite the girls for company? - asked Sasha.
- Yes, as you wish. - I said.
The city welcomed us and the rest of its residents, who, perhaps, also went out for a walk, refreshed after the rain. Even the flowers planted in various flower beds came to life. I don’t know who it is, but I inhaled this washed air with joy and pleasure. It seemed that it was somehow easier to walk then.
Under Sasha’s phrase “I’ll call the girls for company,” I understood that he would call Polya and Nadya. I turned out to be half right: Polina really was; however, next to her was not Nadya, but Polina’s sister Marina (or Malvina, as she called herself). When I asked why she called herself that, this Malvina replied that she just wanted it that way. You know, I have nothing against the doll from the fairy tale about Pinocchio bearing this name; but when a girl appropriates the same name for herself, it smells of stupidity and vulgarity. Somehow, one immediately gets the impression that such a girl graduated from only one university: “UTST” - that is, “University of Selling Your Own Body.” Or more simply - prostitution. And she doesn’t know how to do anything other than “cool” the client.
However, this Malvina herself was somehow kulobrazny. She had lush, blond hair, large, gray, generously painted eyes, a button nose and a large, brightly pomaded mouth. Speaking of the latter, when she smiled, her smile took up half of her face. Malvina is dressed in a pink, slightly unbuttoned blouse, a pink skirt and white flip-flops on her bare feet. Well, a doll is a doll, by God! I wanted to go for a walk alone, realizing that I couldn’t communicate even two words with this creature, but Sasha dissuaded me, promising, if anything happened, to take care of Malvina. I believed him.
And so we went to an entertainment center with a very telling name: “Jolly Island”. Looking ahead, I will say that this is a very good place. Here you can play bowling, ping-pong, billiards, sing karaoke, and I liked the cafe... In short, any whim for quite little money. On the way to the “Jolly Island” I tried to get Malvina to talk, to ask where she was studying, what she was doing... After all, a person’s appearance does not always coincide with his inner world.
“And I learned everything I need a long time ago,” said Malvina. - I don’t need anything extra.
- Well, what do you do or are you interested in? - I didn’t back down.
- I work as a dispatcher at Taxi. “And my interests are the most modest,” said Malvina, “I love computer games, watching “Comedy Club” and “Home,” going to different fun places, I like to sleep, eat, swim and “have sex.”
Having received such an answer, I realized that the question about books would be stupid. You know, I’m not a monk myself, I also love good sex; but, Thank God, I am interested in cinema, and books, and theater, and photography... That is, both my parents and I did everything to ensure that I was a normal person, and not the same squalor. I moved from Malvina to Sasha.
- Listen, why the hell did Polya take this doll with her? - I asked him. - She's empty-headed! What will I do with it?
“You know, Polka herself said that she didn’t want to take her, but Marinka forced herself on her,” said Sasha. - But, if you want, I’ll take care of it.
- Thank you friend! - I said.
And just like that, seeing an ordinary conversation, we came to the “Merry Island”. The gambling hall was on the second floor. Moreover, it was arranged in such a way that no one bothered anyone there. I must say that this was my first time playing bowling, unlike chess and ping-pong. It happened like that!.. However, after watching how Polya ran up slightly and with a deft movement of her hand sent the ball into an orderly row of pins, I quickly learned the essence of the game and, having waited for my exit, also distinguished myself quite well. Malvina’s game didn’t go well at all: she either dropped the ball from her hands or missed it... After her fifth outing, Malvina realized that bowling was not her game and dropped out of it, but we continued to play. No matter how interesting the game was to us, I still felt uncomfortable that one of us, the Malvina network, was bored nearby. I approached Sasha and pointed out to him that the young lady was bored.
- Maybe we can go to a cafe? - suggested Sasha.
- Great idea! - Polya supported and we all went downstairs.
Walking to a cafe, I suddenly remember that I forgot the money in my other trousers. I pulled Sasha’s sleeve and told him about this trouble.
- It's OK! - said Sasha. - I'll pay for both of us.
“Thank you,” I replied, “I’ll give it to you.”
- Never mind! - Sasha waved it off.
In the cafe I ordered Olivier, tea and ice cream, because I didn’t really want to eat, but I needed to support the company. I don’t remember now what others ate. Yes, it doesn’t matter!.. But I will never forget one moment, which, with certain processing, would probably pass for an anecdote: Malvina asked me what I was doing, and some devil pulled me to say that I was a writer. In response to this, Malvina immediately blurted out:
- Amazing! I have never sat next to a living writer before.
After this remark, I myself was not only stunned, but almost turned from a living writer into a lifeless one. By the way, there was a desire to be sarcastic something like this: “And which of the dead writers were you sitting next to?” Yes, you really won’t forget this! And yet I told Malvina to take advantage of the moment. And when she asked what I was writing about, Sasha replied:
- Roba writes popular science literature: on history, for example...
He bent it slightly. But I accepted the game.
- My friend is right, I am a writer-historian, I try in my books to offer my understanding of everything that happened and is happening here and abroad. For example, now I’m working on a book about Pugachev, Emelyan Ivanovich. In it I try to answer two questions: Could this rebellion not have flared up at all? If yes, what should be done to prevent it?..
Polya intervened in the conversation.
- And how do you think the riot could have been avoided?
“The main thing that Catherine the Second had to do,” I began, “was to free the peasants!” It seems to me that it was not the last thing that was done precisely by the fact that the peasants were not considered people: the owners could whip them to death or do something else... And how can you not become brutal and commit robbery?.. And if Catherine had abolished serfdom right, then perhaps everything would have turned out differently. Let us assume that the riot could not have been avoided, but it would have had a different color.
- Which one? - asked Polya.
I shrugged my shoulders silently. Then he turned his attention to Malvina: she was bored. I suggested we dance.
- I am for! - Malvina approved.
“Me too,” Sasha picked up. And, taking Malvina’s hand, he went forward.
I got Polya, which I was internally happy about, because she is an interesting conversationalist. During the dance we managed to talk about the new novel of a fashionable writer. The novel is called "Notes from the Resort."
“To be honest, the book is vulgar,” said Polya. - When reading it, I was counting on a more sophisticated story, like Chekhov’s, where two lovers somehow have an interesting time, talking, say, about painting...
“In a word, you expected the heroes to have a rich inner life,” I guessed.
“Well, yes,” said Polya. - But instead, the heroine first looks for a man for a week so that she doesn’t get bored, and when she finds him, then for the remaining two weeks almost without a break... Well, you understand.
“I understand,” I said.
“And the hero there is no cleaner,” said Polya. - Lavilas was also not one of the last... In general, I threw away this novel. Honestly, it’s bitter that modern literature does not educate a person, but corrupts him, turns him into a beast...
“Well, maybe not all writers are like that,” I said. - Although you are right, sometimes it is sad that another person lives absolutely free from any moral values ​​and norms. I sometimes see enough of this in my lawyer's office while I'm unraveling a case that I grab my head.
- So are you a lawyer or a writer? - Polya asked, smiling slyly.
“One is not a hindrance to the other,” I said.
We talked for a long time, if Sasha and Malvina had not approached us.
-Guys, let's move towards the house! - suggested Polya. - Moreover, both Marina and I have to work tomorrow.
At the mention of work, Malvina sank slightly.
“Polka, you’ll always ruin everything,” she said.
Well, home - so home!.. I must say that I was also a little tired.