Congratulations on the Day of Air Defense Forces. Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

Peaceful sky above our heads
I wish you all health and wellness,
Happy Air Defense Day, I congratulate
So that trouble does not touch anyone!
Heaven is in your hands
From attacks and attacks,
Yours, friend, we would all have courage,
No way to defeat you.

Let the sky be clear -
It is native, ours.
For this fluffy snow!
Is there anything more beautiful?
Native expanses of guards,
And from the enemy - protection.
On Air Defense Day, even
From the remote do not rush you!
They won't come to us with swords.
. that's happened.
We answer with a rocket
Take into account - it will not be enough!

We all express our gratitude to you,
May my dear rhyme bring happiness.
Guard you Russia, we vigilantly ask

Let the sky be clear
It is native, our
For this fluffy snow,
Is there anything more beautiful?
Native expanses of the guard
And protection from the enemy
On Air Defense Day, even
From the remote do not rush you!
They won't come to us with swords
. that's happened.
We answer with a rocket
Take into account - it will not be enough!

It was in the Mesozoic.
Either in jura, or from chalk
So the ancestors boiled

Since then day and night
Protects the sky firmly
And smashes enemies to shreds

On your holiday of wisdom, good luck
Big wish and love
May your task be difficult
Get some rest today!

Let the sky be only peaceful
And the sun gives everyone warmth,
We will celebrate today
All together holiday air defense.

Let the ray of luck shine brightly for you,
We wish you only a colorful spring!
You are responsible for our safety
So, you are all full of courage!

On the day of air defense, I congratulate you,
Defenders of the bottomless skies,
I wish you all health in the body,
Cars - flying equipped.

Victories in the service, in personal life,
Good luck, great joy,
May everything be fine with you
The danger will pass.

Let dreams come true
Hold tight to the steering wheel
With all my heart I wish you
So that the finest hour has come soon.

Happy day of the strongest, most courageous troops,
Air defense congratulations.
Service to you responsible and proud,
I wish with all my heart.

You be brave, as always.
You are reliable as usual.
Let your country be proud of you.
And may you always be lucky unusually!

All air spaces
Locked out from enemy interference.
No empty talk
Our air defense, of course, is the best.

I congratulate you heartily!
Your service is so important.
Let life be perfect
May these heavens keep you.

So that the sun shines so brightly
So that happiness comes to the house,
So that our military strength,
Protected our cordon!

I love sunshine in April.
Substituting the muzzle for the rays,
From quiet bliss I am thrilled,
And congratulations to you!

Thank you sky borders
We are locked up all the time!
I want to shoot all the troubles
The antiaircraft gun of happiness in difficult times!

While I said congratulations to you,
An object with a scary "carrr" sound
It suddenly flew overhead.
And it hit me so hard!

That is a sign of fate! Not zabobons!
That is a sure sign for money!
To the Air Defense Forces
I will send this object.

And our people sleep peacefully
Peace and joy in the cities,
After all, you serve with dignity,
You know no fear.

So that air defense faithfully guards us,
We give our heartfelt verse,

The sky is clear from attacks thanks to
air defense,
The country would not have you -
We would be stuffy from enemies.
We will read congratulations like a toast,
Let it sound loud and serious
After all, air defense will not leave the post,
If suddenly there is a danger in the post.

The sky of the country is under reliable protection,
Warriors from below look at him,
And if suddenly the defense is broken -
They won't let anyone into the sky.
Congratulations will lift your spirits
On your legal holiday today,
Anger at problems will cool down a little,
And again the crew will come to work.

Wide is my native land,
Even wider - the sky above it.
Many fly in those skies
But the air defense does not close its eyes.
And I thank you guys

Body and soul devoted to the cause.

Congratulations on Air Defense Day,
We give our poem
We wish you happiness, smiles,
Let every soldier be able to
Realize the dream right now
And become happy and rich.
Let's hang out more often
You guys succeed.

May you be lucky in life
And in the air service
Let the flight be soft and calm
We will achieve peace in the sky through friendship.
May prosperity always be
And we want to break the enemy!

From air attacks
Air defense protects the people.
Let the enemy not break through your defense
Let life be sweet as honey!

May there always be peace in the sky
And we wish you great strength in the fight.
Congratulations on Air Defense Day
Let life be peaceful!

Happy Air Defense Day.
May the shield always be strong.
Reliable barriers are placed.
And the enemy will not fly by.
Let them meet in life good people,
And all doors will be open for you!

You stand guard day and night
And there is no better defense.
A winged intruder will not be able to get far from air defense
While the brave fighters of the barricade are on guard!

While on guard of air defense,
We are not afraid of the insidious enemy
And it won't fly over your head
Let the authorities be grateful!

You are always ready to fight
Protecting the blue sky
And go into battle without looking back
Thank you air defense for a peaceful morning!

Thank you for your service in air defense
For the fact that every day and hour.
Keep peace and tranquility for us!

Thanks to you the sky is clear
And the sun shines bright every day.
Let the cherished desire come true
And peace in heaven and on earth!

Your job is to defend the country
I want you to be a general.
We will congratulate you on Air Defense Day
And wish all the blessings of the earth!

Happy Air Defense Day
Congratulations real men.
Keep you the whole country under control,
May it always be easy.
May the Motherland cherish you
AND the whole world let it belong to you!

The service is honestly carried out by air defense troops
The debt to the country is repaid unquestioningly.
May your strength become stronger
They won't let their country down!

You are watching from above
Protecting the sky.
Protect people faithfully
Thank you for your persistence!

They are the kings of interception
They control the sky above us.
Parades adorn themselves.
They carry guards every hour.
Sons like that by right
Proud of the native country.
Our great state
You are strong in spirit!

Native sky at the castle
And he has a serious guard.
Only the enemy in the distance
The air defense will notice him.
At the moment the threat will track
And the air target will find
A threat from the sky will forestall
And he will bring down the intruder.

Our holiday is the day of air defense,
To us does not climb on this day, no one.
All the guys, we congratulate
We wish them to be happy.

Wide is my native land,
Even wider - the sky above it.
Many fly in those skies
But the air defense does not close its eyes.
And I thank you guys
That how the Atlanteans "hold" the sky.
The security of the country is monitored
Body and soul devoted to the cause.

Congratulations on the day of air defense
(celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of April)

Keeping loyalty to traditions
Do your duty honestly
Air defense troops - like armor
In our heavenly spaces!
By right such troops
Are our pride
Let the service be easy
And life will become brighter and more beautiful!

Like a reliable shield over the country,
You protect our sky
And it's safe
As long as the air defense is on guard!
Walking the paths of war
You deserve honor and glory
Faithful sons of the fatherland,
We are rightfully proud of you
After all, no one can surpass
Russian air defense system
We want to wish you a holiday
Good luck, courage and strength!

Air defense keeps our sky from the enemy,
The defense is strong like armor, like granite!
Accept our gratitude,
Longevity, happiness and joy to you!

Country safety is above all,
Tasks are not more important, probably
The air defense troops carry out their service,
Keeping both the oath and loyalty to the Motherland,
You, like epic heroes,
The Russian sky is dressed in armor,
We sincerely thank you on the holiday,
We wish you good luck, health, success!

Defense in the sky, like steel, is strong,
Knows our probable enemy:
Air defense in Russia - the best troops,
A reliable shield in the immense sky!
Congratulations to our kind words
From the bottom of my heart we send you today together:
We wish you happiness and good luck,
Let your service be calm!

Our congratulations fly like a rocket to you,
On the day of the air defense troops.
We wish all wishes come true,
And a peaceful sky on any side.

Live long, smile more often
Let the fate of bad weather not touch you.
And let the dove of peace fly in the sky
And life will be beautiful and beautiful.

We want to tell you today

May cherished dreams come true
And the sun shines bright and radiant.
For you today they give all the flowers,
The champagne in the glass is so sparkling.

The sky is clear, the sky is peaceful,
And in the sky there are picturesque landscapes,
Beauty, inspiration, happiness,
Beauty, even if bad weather!

To those who keep the sky safe
Shout out a wish with hope
To make everything you need come true
The clear sky smiled at you!

Heaven is full of strength and romance,
We defend valiantly - we are faithful to the Motherland!
And joyfully congratulate us on Air Defense Day!
Into the heavens we rise every time new!

Happy Air Defense Day, guys,
And I wish you a peaceful sky!
Fly for a long time, handsome eaglets,
And may good luck accompany you in business!

air defense troops,
Today everyone congratulates you on the holiday!
The enemy will not fly through the heavenly cordons,
Reliable defenders of all protect us.

The doors are closed tightly from the borders of heaven,
You keep them strictly under lock and key.
And on this most wonderful Sunday
We wish you peace on earth!

You are the best guys in the world -
The guys from the air defense forces
They will not be able to attack us from the sky,
Can't bomb anyone

Enemies of our country. Guys do not sleep
They keep our peace.
We want to wish them a peaceful sky.
We will fireworks in their honor.

Now shoulder straps shine a little stronger
And the soul seems to sing:
air defense
The holiday comes again in April.

Let your service go without problems,
Bypass the danger
Let colleagues grow stronger over the years,
Let everyone be proud of their country!

Serve conscientiously, as always -
The path of life will be straight!
May pain and trouble not overtake you,
Let the rewards adorn the chest!

Today is Air Defense Day!
Gathered military pilots
And air defense employees
They will overcome all obstacles

In the space of the sky, among thunderstorms and clouds,
Their rise is sure, sharp and powerful!
The enemy will always be overcome in the struggle,
After all, they have power, knowledge!

May the sky be peaceful above you
You will be surrounded by friends
The warmth of the family, the love of women,
May your path be crowned with stars!

Today we congratulate the air defense forces,
Let them protect their native country
We wish peace and joy to all of them,
And we will drink with you for your dream.

We are all grateful to you,
May happiness bring dear congratulations.
Guard Ukraine, we vigilantly ask
May God help you in your service.

To all the military
air defense
We wish

You are the enemy
Don't miss
Happiness is personal

All air defense soldiers -
Very nice guys
Not in vain all around
They call you - eagles!

We congratulate the eagles
And the eagles, of course, too,
There is no one in the world
Who would be dearer to us!

And wish you to fly
Without war, but only in peace,
On earth you live
In your own apartment!

Ready for our air defense forces
Reflect enemy attack
And protect the sky of the country,
To keep it peaceful.

We give our heartfelt congratulations,
Let it be cold, it will gently warm you,
And bring joy on a bad day.

It was in the Mesozoic.
Either in jura, or from chalk
So the ancestors boiled
What they decided to create air defense systems and air defense.
Since then day and night
Protects the sky firmly
And smashes enemies to shreds
Air defense detachment is mobile, showing skill.

Enemy aircraft will not be allowed into our sky
Anti-aircraft (air defense) troops.
They will repel the attack with one blow,
Instruments are adjusted, radars are adjusted.

We wish them good health and a friendly team,
And love, of course, and excellent service.
So that the enemy could not penetrate into his native sky,
We dedicate congratulations to the air defense troops!

Air Defense Day! And we will congratulate
Those who are at work or at home on a day off
Their work is to defend the Fatherland,
It doesn't matter if it's a general or a private.
They calmly guard sleep
A country tired after a day of work.
Please accept our earthly bow,
The country is with you today, as always!

There is air defense, which means -
There are no disturbing lightning bolts in the sky,
You boldly solved the problem
Air border guards!
And warmly glorifying
Fearlessness and skill
We wish you health, success
We are on a holiday to air defense fighters!

They protect the country, they protect the people,
And we know for sure - the enemies will not pass!
Air defense troops are on guard
And there is no bolder than these guys.
We congratulate them on the holiday now,
And we know that they keep us every hour,
May the holiday bring good to you,
Let the star fall on shoulder straps!

Congratulations on Air Defense Day! Clear skies are yours! We won't listen to what kind of missiles the enemy has. Even the most evil genius will not create a weapon that will bypass you! Today I sincerely wish you for long years and fulfillment of cherished desires!

Keeping fidelity to traditions,
Do your duty honestly
Air defense troops - like armor
In our heavenly spaces!

Not everyone knows how the abbreviation air defense stands for. It is formed from the first letters of the name of the type of troops - air defense troops. For the first time these troops were involved in the Great Patriotic War. The air defense forces managed to solve many important tasks, therefore, on April 11, 1975, it was announced public holiday dedicated to air defense. Since 1980, the holiday was moved to the second Sunday of April, and this date was officially fixed already in 2006.

Congratulations on the day of air defense are important for all people who have anything to do with these troops. On this day, you can congratulate the military personnel who served or are serving on the air borders of the country and even their relatives. On our site you will find the most different congratulations happy air defense day, which in a few lines will convey gratitude to the people who defend their homeland. For military people, it is especially important to recognize civilians because they protect them too. Sending a small SMS message is not difficult, but it will make a person happier on such an important day for him.

This section presents small poems containing the warmest and most sincere words. Find congratulations on the day of air defense in advance to be among the first to congratulate the brave soldier. On our site there are congratulations for grandfathers, dads, brothers, sons, husbands, friends, colleagues and just acquaintances. Here is a whole collection of various congratulations, among which everyone will find exactly what they need. Often, military personnel are far from relatives and friends, therefore, in some cases, an SMS message is the only way to congratulate the defender. It is important that all significant words fit in a few lines, because a small message will please the military for more than one day.

congratulations on the Air Defense Day (2 Sunday of April)

Happy Air Defense Day! Good luck, aspirations
To new, uncharted heights,
And also - joy, love, patience!
On bends, you slow down!

You never need anything
Go through life finding answers
For all questions! enjoy happiness
And warm regards!

It's so nice to live under a peaceful sky,
It's nice to know that the world is safe.
After all, air defense flies on guard in the sky,
And for children you are a warrior - you are an idol!

May the security guard be lucky
Your luck is even more precious than gold!
Nobody knows what the sky is waiting for
But it's better when you're on guard!

Happy Air Defense Day!
Let the mood be just perfect
May everything in life come true so that every day and hour
Your loved ones met with endless understanding!

Your work is not easy, no one dares to deny it,
And for the defense of the Motherland, we are always ready for anything!
So may you never have to lose heart,
We wish you good luck again and again!

People are calm, because they are protected,
The skies of space are bright and clear!
Happy Air Defense Day, I wish you success
Out of happiness, you have a lot of armor!

You work tirelessly
You give Russia peace and quiet,
Protecting the air border
And you give everyone a peaceful sleep!

May the sky be clear and high
And only birds fly in it.
Happy Air Defense Day to you, defender of the sky!
Thank you for keeping us calm.
Day and night, cold and hot
Keep countries air borders.
I wish you happiness and health,
And let only birds fly in the sky.

You are on guard, and it's great:
You've been following this for a long time
So that our horizon is always clear
And cloudless blue expanse!
Oh, the budget would be acceptable to me!
I would arrange a celebration for you! ..
Thanks for clear skies
Congratulations on Air Defense Day!

Shooting guns and flying rockets
Among the peals of these thunder
Happy Air Defense Forces Day,
We congratulate the guys fighting!

We wish you lightning-fast love,
Vigorous health, bright days,
And the joys of many-voiced victories,
And good news from home!

Happy Air Defense Day! Today is the holiday of those
Whose service is not uncloudedly easy!
May success always accompany
Fatherland of the native air defense system!
You skillfully defend the sky,
You protect our sleep and sometimes,
So that the enemy does not suddenly inflict damage,
You are following a risky order!
We bow to you guys!
We are proud of you, we say "thank you"!
We wish everyone to have a cozy home,
And let all adversity pass by!

Pages: [in verse]

On May 31, 2006, the President of our country issued a decree number 549, in which this holiday was officially fixed. It is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of April. Air defense has been developing in the country for several decades. The first unit arose in 1914, when it was necessary to engage in combat with Austrian and German flying machines. The real baptism of fire for the air defense troops fell on the Great Patriotic War. In particular, for the merits of the soldiers of this unit in the 75th year, a state holiday was officially approved, which was celebrated on April 11th, and 5 years later it was moved to the 2nd Sunday. The celebration takes place on a large scale, with ostentatious flights that ordinary civilians can watch.

On the day of air defense
Congratulations to all who are associated with it.
And wish everyone never
We were not in danger from the air.
Let them do their job perfectly
Watch the sky peaceful as usual
And after they celebrate their holiday gloriously,
Quietly so that we live on the planet!

You stand guard over the Russian skies,
So that the enemy does not climb into Russia through the air!
We congratulate you all on the day of air defense,
And thank you for your skill
For fearlessness, loyalty to your beloved country,
And for our protection - thank you doubly!
Let your service always be calm,
The enemy will never come near us!

So that our people sleep peacefully,
And worked and dreamed
After all, our citizens are worthy,
So that no one gets hurt
We have troops
Under the name of air defense!
They take care of Russia
We congratulate them on the occasion!

Celebrating Air Defense Day
We in Russia believe the triumph!
We believe that our Topols
Protect forests, meadows, fields,
From filthy NATO missiles,
They have no place on earth!
And we also know that "Wasp"
Protects our skies!

Thanks to all those who do not sleep at the remote control,
Through the dark night who looks at the sky,
And look from the monitor does not reduce,
He always seeks and finds
The one who is uninvited to us in the sky flies,
And if that stranger is silent on “his own”,
Then beware! We do not spare our enemies!
Calmly only look at the peaceful sky!

Happy air defense day
Congratulations to everyone now.
Imperceptibly and a crow
Do not slip past us!
We all see, we all know
And we wish each other
Only pure peaceful skies
Well, in life only miracles!

For the country to sleep peacefully
Keep it worthy
Needed everywhere - on earth,
Well, from the sky as well.
Happy air defense day,
You, who wear epaulettes,
We congratulate now
We know you protect us!

Protect the country, protect the people,
And we know for sure - the enemies will not pass!
Air defense troops are on guard
And there is no bolder than these guys.
We congratulate them on the holiday now,
And we know that they keep us every hour,
May the holiday bring good to you,
Let the star fall on shoulder straps!

May heaven always be peaceful
Let the Poplars and the Wasp stand in the cases,
Let the air defense troops know no worries!
But if suddenly the enemy comes to our sky,
We know there will be no mercy for him!
We don’t climb to you, well, we don’t need anything
Poke your snotty NATO nose!
On the target, a rocket - and the whole issue is resolved!

When you eat, when you sleep
Or you sit with a girl in the cinema,
You know that your peace is protected,
The borders of the sky guard
Russian air defense troops!
They are celebrating today!
We all congratulate them together,
We wish them quiet duties!

You, friend, serve in the air defense forces,
So - you are friends with fame:
After all, if the terrible hour comes,
You will protect all of us!
On the day of February, we declare this:
Congratulations on Army Day!
And we only want clear skies
Hearts - tender, fresh - bread,
Happiness, strength, love, true friendship,
Service - honest, successful, exemplary!
Good health always
After all, the years flow like water.
Let them not be carried away by the current
All your faithful aspirations.
We also wish you good luck
You are lucky with us, and that means a lot!
After all, we sincerely wish you
Success, happiness and love.

Happy Air Defense Day.
May the shield always be strong.
Reliable barriers are placed.
And the enemy will not fly by.
May good people meet in life
And all doors will be open for you!

Under the protection of our sky -
Air defense is always on guard
So that the children of all the earth
They could sleep soundly at night.

We need anti-aircraft gunners
Interceptors are important
And locators too.
The enemy will no longer be able to

Peaceful dream blow up in the country:
The sky is ours.
Congratulations Air Defense!
There is no more reliable than him!

May the shield always be strong

Happy Air Defense Day.
May the shield always be strong.
Reliable barriers are placed.
And the enemy will not fly by.
May good people meet in life
And all doors will be open for you!
At the point of service in the distance,
Blizzards are sweeping around
And at home - mother on the Oka,
And the nightingales sang.

Air defense holiday today troops -
Heaven guards.
They are Kazan, Moscow, Tobolsk
They keep it so that the enemy does not climb.

S-300, Buk, Tunguska, Tor -
There is no more reliable shield
They will fight back the enemies
They will shoot down like twice two.

This is where intelligence plays a role.
Skill and skill
Here the radar took the object,
Here is the launch ... And - defeat!

Everyone remembers Powers' lesson
For the May Day holiday.
U-2 flew "under the ceiling",
Taking pictures of everything.

Naively, he thought
What is it - without permission,
You can break into someone else's house.
Hit! Got captured.

Korea, Cuba, Vietnam,
Other battlefields
Problems anti-aircraft gunners to enemies
Will do without a doubt.

Congratulations to a friend

On Air Defense Day
I congratulate you, dear friend!
You stand on the sensitive guard of the sky,
And keep everything under control!

So let it be in your life -
Hold your destiny in your hands!
May courage be with you!
May the Motherland treasure you!

On Air Force Day, we would like to wish you good luck in your affairs and a peaceful sky over your head. May your noble service not bring you troubles and disappointments.
We wish you happiness and success.
Happy holiday!

And suddenly noticed the target radar,
The enemy flies to visit
Now he gets hit
Will not collect bones.

Start command, go upstairs
Two slender rockets
And a kilometer from the ground
They hit the target with a doublet.

This is not Yugoslavia for you.
It won't be like in Iraq.
If a battle happens -
Get in the ass.

God bless you, as the sky - you,
From the fight.
Mount your shield native country
With great skill.

We wish you on Air Defense Day
Service Growth Rapid
And don't be afraid of anyone
And the blue of the sky is clear!

Today we congratulate all those who stand guard over our air borders, who protect the peace of our Motherland in the heavenly spaces.
We wish you happiness and success!
It is up to you whether her sky will be peaceful, so never lose your vigilance.
Happy holiday to you!