Curtain for washing machine. How to wash curtains correctly and is it possible to use a washing machine? Features of washing filament curtains

Dust settling and staining of curtains is inevitable, especially if they decorate a kitchen window. Minor particles of dust and pet hair can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner, but greasy stains and the smell of tobacco cannot be removed this way. Curtains should be washed twice a year (this is the minimum frequency).

  • The frequency of washing depends on factors such as place of residence, proximity to the road, climate, floor of residence, lifestyle, bad habits (smoking), presence of pets, children, type of fabric;
  • Hooks, rings and other types of fastenings (except eyelets) must be separated from the fabric before washing in the machine: this will reduce the risk of damage, tightening, and equipment breakdown. Curtains with eyelets should be washed on a delicate cycle;
  • It is not recommended to wash one type of curtains together with another: each fabric has its own mode;
  • Kitchen curtains must be cleaned separately from snow-white tulle: a large amount of fat accumulates on them;
  • If there is a significant layer of dust on the curtains, it is recommended to first soak them in a soap solution and only then wash them;
  • A common mistake is stuffing too much material inside the machine. There must be at least 30% free space to ensure the required quality of washing, rinsing and spinning;
  • You should always carefully read fabric labels before washing;
  • Thin fabric, such as organza, dries quickly directly on the curtain rods.

How to wash curtains made of thick fabric in a washing machine?

Curtains made from such materials are unpretentious and require virtually no maintenance. You can wash curtains with the usual type of powder in a washing machine. Thick, light-blocking curtains often have dirt-repellent properties and rarely need to be cleaned. An undoubted advantage is the ability of this type of fabric to smooth out under its own weight. Often, thick blackout curtains are made of dark fabrics; dirt on them is less noticeable. The same applies to taffeta.

Bottom line: any powder at any water temperature is suitable for washing thick curtains.


Velvet curtains can be washed either by hand or using a washing machine. With this capricious material, cleansing will not work in automatic mode; you need to choose a delicate one. Before placing it in the drum, you need to make sure that the fleecy side of the product is protected from friction (this is done by turning it inside out). It is important that the temperature does not exceed 30 degrees, and the process time is minimal. When washing velvet curtains by hand, you should also not rub them too hard; you need to clean them as carefully as possible and dry them on a flat surface.

Bottom line: for washing velvet curtains, the delicate mode of the washing machine or gentle manual cleaning are suitable.

Silk, satin

The joy of buying new curtains that transform a room into a luxurious hall can be overshadowed by improper washing. It is easy to spoil delicate satin fabric, but it is almost impossible to restore it after that. You should not use silk curtains in the kitchen: they get dirty very easily, any stain on them is noticeable.

Satin fabric requires placement in a wash bag or regular pillowcase. This measure is used to ensure that the appearance does not deteriorate due to mechanical damage. The mode is delicate, the temperature is minimal. Some modern washing machine models provide a special mode for silk. Clean curtains should be dried by hanging them in place.

Simple rules for removing stains from silk curtains:

  • The stain is removed before washing, not after;
  • If it has just been installed, there is a chance to get rid of the dirt by simply wiping it with a damp cloth (do not rub under any circumstances);
  • If oil or other fat has been dropped, you need to wipe it with a cloth, then sprinkle with corn grits for a while for complete absorption;
  • Vinegar can help remove iron marks by soaking a gauze cloth in it and then steaming it.
  1. Prepare a salt solution (a tablespoon of salt per liter of liquid), soak the tulle before washing;
  2. Make a solution from a tablespoon of ammonia, 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and hot water. Immerse the tulle there for half an hour, rinse.

Result: in lukewarm (30 degrees optimal) water, without spinning, with a small amount of detergent. Additional rinsing and pre-soaking are recommended for perfect whitening. To avoid yellowing, wash more often.


If every person, when purchasing, thought about how he would wash them, sales of this type of curtain would drop sharply. The fact is that cleaning such curtains is a rather complicated process. Under no circumstances should curtains made of beads or glass beads be machine washed! Fabric curtains made from ropes can be machine washed, but a number of preparatory steps must be taken to ensure that they do not get tangled or deformed.

  • Divide the curtains into parts, braid several braids from them;
  • Without tightening the braid too much, tie an elastic band or ribbon at its end;
  • Another option: tie the curtain with elastic bands/ribbons along the entire length at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other;
  • Important! The material of the elastic band or ribbon should be light;
  • For even greater protection, place the braided curtain in a bag.

The temperature is chosen average - 30-40 degrees. It is recommended to use liquid detergent rather than powder. Don't push!

For rope curtains, hand washing is acceptable. To do this, dissolve detergent in warm water, place the prepared product for a quarter of an hour, add hot water. Carefully crumple the curtain with your hands, then rinse and hang.

Important! Do not dry thread curtains tied: they will become deformed.

Bottom line: There are two washing options for thread curtains, both of which require preparation - tying/braiding. The temperature should not be high, it is better to use a bag.


Naturally, plastic and wooden blinds cannot be washed; only manual cleaning with a damp cloth is allowed.

How to wash roller blinds?

This type of window decoration not only perfectly complements any interior, but is also very functional: curtains do not take up space in a small apartment, are easy to raise and lower, and can even serve as a means of zoning. Compared to ordinary fabric curtains, roller curtains look modern, are easy to care for, and light ones can be used instead of capricious tulle.

There are several ways to clean dirty curtains if the need arises.

How to wash Roman blinds?

The easiest way to clean such curtains is with a vacuum cleaner. But sometimes more thorough cleaning is required, then you need to remove the slats so that machine washing is possible. It is important to know what material Roman blinds are made of in order to choose the right washing method and temperature. Any powder is suitable for cotton curtains; in some cases, you can even dry them in a machine.

It is better not to machine wash curtains made of synthetic materials; they should also not be washed at high temperatures. In this case, soaking in a detergent that does not contain chlorine is ideal.

Attention! Curtains made of bamboo/rope should not be washed, as mold may appear.

Bottom line: Roman shades are machine washable, but not if they're made from synthetic materials.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Curtains require thorough cleaning at least twice a year. All the dust that flies in the air settles on them, odors and particles of grease are absorbed into the fabric (for example, in the kitchen). And with all this we are forced to breathe. How to wash curtains correctly? Both tulle and curtains can be dry cleaned or washed yourself, it all depends on the type of fabric, the nature and degree of contamination and the recommendations indicated by the manufacturer.

What's better

Typically, lightweight curtains made of synthetics or mixed materials are washed at home. Very heavy curtains made of velvet or brocade or very thin silk curtains, as well as those with decorative ornaments, embroidery, and those whose composition you do not know, are best left to specialists.

When it comes to choosing between hand and machine wash, it’s difficult to say which is better. Much depends on your physical capabilities - not every housewife will be able to wash pieces of fabric of such volume.

One thing is certain - washing should be gentle. It is more convenient to wash and soak by hand directly in the bath. In the case of machine washing, it is necessary to take into account both the degree of swelling of the material and the weight of the curtains when wet, so as not to damage the equipment.

Standard blackout curtains

Before washing, they can be soaked in cool water with the addition of powder or liquid detergent. You can leave it in the bath for several hours, changing the water two or three times. Usually, after such a procedure, washing in a machine becomes unnecessary; you just need to lift them several times and dip them in water again and rinse thoroughly.

Cotton, linen

very durable, so they can be safely machine washed at 40°C.

  • For cotton, you can use any powder; for linen, liquid detergent for delicate fabrics is preferable.
  • Undyed flax is not afraid of boiling, so in case of heavy contamination, the temperature can be increased.
  • When loading linen items, it is important not to put too many of them so that there is not enough water and they are washed and rinsed well.
  • The washing mode should be set to “delicate fabrics” or “hand wash”.
  • It is better to turn off the spin to make ironing easier later.
  • After the cycle is completed, allow the water to drain.
  • These curtains are dried at room temperature, away from radiators.
  • It is easier to iron them slightly damp with a hot iron on the appropriate setting - “cotton” or “linen”.


  • and polyacrylic are easy to wash both by hand and in a machine. The water temperature should be around 40 °C.
  • The number of revolutions can be reduced or simply set to “silk” mode. This will prevent folds and creases from appearing.
  • It is important to rinse well.
  • You can dry it by hanging it vertically, away from batteries and direct sunlight.


or curtains when wet lose their strength and elasticity, so they must be handled very carefully.

  • It’s better to put them in a laundry bag; if you don’t have one, you can use a pillowcase. This way they don't get deformed.
  • Select mode or “hand wash”.
  • Use detergent for delicate fabrics.
  • Water should not exceed 30 °C.
  • Disable automatic spinning or reduce speed.
  • Allow the water to drain and place on a flat surface, supported by soft, clean material.
  • Iron at 150°C.


Typically, such products are not washed at home; they are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or brush, and for deeper cleaning they are sent to a specialized company. If this is not possible, but you need to wash, you can try to do it yourself, but a positive result cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, you must strictly follow the recommendations how to wash velvet curtains.

Before putting them in the washing machine, velvet curtains are folded inside out into a long strip, the width of which is equal to the depth of the drum. Then it is rolled into a cylinder and placed inside. This way they will not become deformed and the pile will not be damaged.

  • The washing time is set to the minimum, “silk” mode.
  • The water temperature should not exceed 30 °C.
  • You cannot squeeze or twist.
  • Velvet should be dried flat on a horizontal surface, face up.


Thin and transparent fabrics made from natural or synthetic raw materials require especially careful care.

Silk, chiffon, organza, veil

All these fabrics are very delicate and thin. The best way is the option of soaking and repeatedly changing the water. But if you still want to deal with them faster, then just fold them carefully into a special laundry bag and machine wash them on the appropriate mode at a water temperature of 30 °C. In this case, soaking is not required, since dirt can be removed very easily.

  • Use a small amount of liquid powder or gel.
  • You can't push it.
  • Only natural silk will require ironing; organza and veil can simply be hung on the curtain rods, and they will straighten out on their own.


Some products require special care.

With eyelets

  • As a rule, they can be washed both by hand and in a machine. There is no need to remove the iron rings, but such curtains should be carefully folded and placed in a bag. This way the fabric and drum of the machine will not be damaged.
  • Use liquid detergent and hand wash mode.
  • It is important to dry such products quickly so that the metal elements do not tarnish or deteriorate.

Thread curtains

Such decorative elements are very easy to clean.

  • It is necessary to first tie the parts of the threads into strands, so that later they will be easier to untangle. You can use thin soft elastic bands or simply tie loose knots from the threads themselves.
  • Then they are also placed in a washing bag and put on the “hand wash” cycle.
  • You can also use the soaking method.
  • After completing the cycle, they need to be untied and hung on the curtain rod to straighten.


Before washing, you need to remove all solid (metal or plastic) elements from them. You can wash it manually or in an automatic machine, on a gentle cycle. The water temperature depends on the composition.


Such curtains are usually not washed and do not even allow water to get on their surface. They can be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a dry brush.


Very dense multi-layered ones, which perfectly protect the room from daylight, the light of night lamps, as well as from noise, are quite unpretentious in maintenance. They can be washed by hand or in a machine. Some of them have special additional treatment with a water-repellent or fire-resistant composition. To prevent the fabric from losing these properties, you need to use a gentle mode and a minimum amount of detergent. Dry such curtains in a straightened state vertically.

When caring for any curtains, you must first of all follow the manufacturer’s recommendations; if you are not sure about the composition of the fabric, give preference to hand washing. Washing very heavy curtains made from natural expensive fabrics, as well as containing various decorative elements, is best left to professionals.

Curtains, as you know, need to be changed at least twice, and preferably three times a year. In addition, the rest of the time they just need to be ventilated frequently. Open windows will rid the product of dampness and accumulated foreign odors. You can collect dust from them with a vacuum cleaner, or simply shake them outside. But, despite all these, even regular actions, it is necessary to wash curtains. But how many housewives are tormented by the question: “How to wash curtains at home?” We'll try to answer.

All types of curtains can be dry cleaned. But today not every person can afford this pleasure, and therefore, most of us wash the curtains ourselves. But how do you figure out the right approach to this event? After all, today there is such a wide range of materials from which curtains are made that sometimes you can’t even tell what they are made of.

How to wash curtains? This question is asked by many housewives of houses and apartments who have decorated their window openings in one of the modern styles.

Curtains made of artificial or mixed fabrics, as well as light curtains made of cotton, can easily survive washing. The task of washing curtains is a very responsible job, and we always want to return the products to their original cleanliness and texture. To do this, you must adhere to some general rules when washing products. They are used for curtains made of any type of fabric.

Tips from a professional for caring for curtains:

  • When removing curtains, be careful not to accidentally damage the product;
  • After removal, the curtain or curtain needs to be shaken out so that the bulk of the dust flies off;
  • Before washing, products are usually soaked, but pay attention to the quality of the fabric, it may have the property of “fading”;
  • If, after soaking, very dirty water has formed in the container, then drain it and repeat the soaking procedure again;
  • After washing, the curtains must be rinsed thoroughly and carefully hung to dry.

You need to iron the products carefully, with a not very hot iron, so as not to spoil them.

Let's look at how to wash tulle in an automatic washing machine.

Even the simplest material can show itself differently during the washing process. In view of this, even before starting the washing process, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the manufacturer that produced this product.

How to wash tulle in an automatic washing machine, and is it worth doing it at all? Let's try to sort this issue out. The fact is that you cannot rub the curtains during hand washing.

This leads to rapid wear of the fabric. By hand, you can only soak the products for further washing in an automatic machine. If you set the washing mode correctly, the machine will do everything for you.

How to properly wash curtains in a machine:

  • Set the machine to a delicate wash cycle;
  • Do not overload the drum; this is unacceptable when washing curtains;
  • Try to put enough detergent in the machine;
  • Wash products at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees;
  • Before loading, check the product for any frayed or protruding threads and remove them;
  • Do not load fabrics of different types, especially colors, into the drum;
  • Pre-pack thread curtains or products with eyelets in a laundry bag;

Products cannot be wrung out or dried in a machine. Place them on a horizontal surface, let the moisture drain and hang them to dry. Do not wash items at night. You will not be able to control the process and pull the curtains out of the drum on time.

Home comfort, where cleanliness and comfort always reigns, is the desire of every housewife. One of the important parts that make up such comfort is white curtains, shining with their purity.

How to properly wash tulle so that it is white? No matter how much effort we make to ensure that our curtains always shine with snow-white purity, sometimes with time and regular washing, tulle begins to lose its whiteness, and even its shape, and becomes gray, yellow, beige, but not white.

But, if you approach this problem correctly, you can properly clean the curtain and restore its previous appearance. To do this, you need to take into account several practical tips from professionals.

What do professionals advise:

  1. When washing tulle, it is especially important to find the right powder. In addition, you can use appropriate bleaches and stain removers.
  2. The optimal temperature, which is suitable for washing fabrics such as velvet, linen, cotton, voile, blackout, silk, flock, as well as items made of viscose, organza and satin, should be washed at a temperature of approximately 30-35 degrees. But, if you are using special bleaching products that require a different water temperature, you can heat it up to 40 degrees.
  3. If your tulle fabric is semi-organza, or it is polyester, then you can increase the water temperature to 60 degrees;
  4. If you do not like the effect of the procedure, you can repeat it.
  5. For a better result, the tulle must first be soaked and shaken;
  6. When choosing a detergent, pay attention to whether it is suitable for your tulle.

Do not forget that other products cannot be washed together with tulle curtains. This may have a bad effect on your curtains. And if your product has a label, take into account the information contained in it.

Learning how to properly wash curtains with eyelets

Elegant curtains with eyelets are becoming an increasingly popular and beautiful decorative element for window decoration. They look quite interesting, stylish and truly modern. Eyelets here act not only as fastenings for curtains, but are also an excellent decoration for curtains. However, many housewives are now beginning to be interested in the question of how to properly care for such curtains and how to wash them correctly.

Curtains with eyelets, like all other types of curtains, must be washed carefully. However, there are some rules that apply to washing just such products.

Some housewives think that the eyelets need to be removed from the product before wet processing. There is no need to do this under any circumstances. You will only ruin your curtains. Don't worry, the curtains can be washed in the same condition as they were on your curtain rod. Eyelets will not interfere with proper washing.

To properly wash curtains with eyelets, you need to know some information:

  • To begin with, it should be noted that you need to pay attention to the eyelets when purchasing curtains. These accessories must be made of high-quality stainless material.
  • It is best to wash curtains with eyelets by hand.
  • Select the washing mode based on the type of fabric. In most cases, curtains are washed on a delicate program.
  • If you are not a fan of hand washing, but prefer to wash items exclusively in an automatic machine, then place the items in a washing bag first.
  • It is better not to use washing powder. An excellent option for washing curtains with grommets is liquid laundry detergent or regular hair shampoo.
  • To dry, the curtains can be hung on a curtain rod and smoothed by hand. This way they will not lose their shape.
  • After drying, carefully iron the products with a not very hot iron.

As you can see, there is no difficulty in caring for curtains with grommets. If you purchased high-quality products from responsible companies, such as Ikea, then you can consult with a specialist when purchasing curtains on how to properly care for them. A specialist will give you practical recommendations on the use of a specific product, because the fabrics from which your curtains can be sewn differ in both quality and texture.

If your curtains have a complex cut, lambrequins, or a fabric composition that is unclear to you, then it is better not to wash them at home, but to take them to the dry cleaner. There, specialists will wash your product correctly and save you from such an unpleasant procedure as ironing them. You can do the same if you have linen or velvet curtains. It is almost impossible to wash, let alone iron, linen and velvet products yourself.

Washing curtains takes quite a lot of time. The curtain structures must be carefully removed from the hinges, folded, placed in the drum of the washing machine and, having selected the desired mode, start the wash. Then you need to carefully remove the product from the device and hang the fabric on the curtain rod without creasing it. An important point in the entire procedure is the choice of washing mode. After all, most modern curtains are made of synthetic fabrics. And they, as you know, require careful treatment. How to properly wash curtains and tulle? What water temperature should I set and what detergents should I prefer? There are many questions on this topic, and professionals will help you get answers.

Straight models

If the windows are decorated with ordinary curtain products without decorative elements, they can be washed in a washing machine at a temperature of 30-40 0 C. For products made of silk, organza and veil, it is not recommended to use large amounts of detergents. The peculiarity of the materials is that they do not accumulate dust, grease and dirt. In most cases, a simple rinse in cool water is enough to refresh organza, viscose and silk items. How to properly wash curtains made from such fabrics? Manual mode and a minimum of powder will be enough. To preserve the integrity of the delicate fabric, it is recommended to place the curtains in a special bag. Thanks to this technique, the viscose fabric will remain smooth and without flaws.

Natural fabrics

How to wash linen and cotton curtains in a washing machine? If the curtains are linen, a quick washing mode at a temperature of 40 0 ​​C with minimal spin will do the job perfectly. For cotton products, it is allowed to use a special mode for cotton, which provides for cleaning at a temperature of 60 0 C. In both cases, it is allowed to use traditional bulk detergent or gel types of detergents. Dry cotton and linen curtains at room temperature, avoiding the influence of heaters. To ensure that the fabric is smooth and not wrinkled, the curtains should be ironed with a slight dampness.

Tulle curtains

Young housewives don’t know whether curtains can be washed in a washing machine if they are made of tulle fabric? Of course you can. However, it is important to choose the right mode. To prevent the curtain from losing its attractiveness, it is recommended to choose a delicate washing mode. To prevent the product from becoming wrinkled during the process, you need to turn off the spin cycle. After finishing washing, the curtain must be removed from the drum of the washing machine and immediately hung on the curtain rod. During fastening, the tulle dries quickly, while maintaining the evenness of the fabric.

Products with eyelets

Many people rightfully believe that curtains with eyelets are practical. This is true. However, to wash products, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Curtains with eyelets must be placed in a bag before being sent into the drum of the machine. This way you can preserve the integrity of the product and the decorative coating of the rings.
  • The washing mode should be gentle, at a water temperature no higher than 30 0 C.
  • It is better to replace the powder with shampoo or another gel product.
  • The rings are made of cheap plastic, it is better to remove them before washing.

Thread curtains

To wash thread products before putting them into the drum of the machine, they should be tied into several loose knots. This will prevent the threads from tangling during the washing process. You also need to place the product in a special bag. The cleaning mode for such curtains is gentle, with spin at minimum speed. At the end of washing, the thread curtains must be removed from the unit and hung on the curtain rod while wet. After some time, the threads will straighten out and dry.

  • You need to carefully remove curtain products from the curtain rod.
  • Wash in the washing machine only separately, do not mix with other products.
  • For a good wash, the drum should be half full.
  • At what temperature should I wash curtains? Depending on the type of fabric.
  • Products with decorative decorations should be placed in a bag.
  • If you are in doubt about the washing mode, it is better to do it manually.

In conclusion

To understand how to properly wash a curtain, you need to know the type of fabric. You also need to take into account the presence of decorative finishing of the product. For simple models made of natural fabrics, it is recommended to select the washing mode in the washing machine at 40 0 ​​-60 0 C. If the product is made of delicate, synthetic fabric, the best solution is manual or delicate mode. By following simple recommendations, any housewife can easily wash curtains in a washing machine without negative consequences.

Tulle requires delicate care - even if we are talking about inexpensive nylon mesh curtains. This fabric cannot withstand high temperatures - too hot water or an iron can cause the fabric to turn yellow. That's why tulle is washed in lukewarm water and try not to iron.

At the same time, the curtains do not require intensive washing - dirt comes off the fabric quite well, especially if you do not “start” the process. Tulle curtains need to be washed every 3-4 months- in this case, maintaining their whiteness will be quite simple. But, if we are talking about kitchen curtains, if the windows face a busy highway, or if family members are allergic to dust, it is better to increase the frequency of washing.

Since dust usually accumulates on curtains, it is advisable to shake out the tulle on the balcony or outside before washing. In this case, washing will be more effective.

How to wash tulle in a washing machine: loading features, temperature and washing modes

Before loading into the drum the tulle must be folded carefully– if you load the fabric in a crumpled state, after washing there will be creases on it. If we are talking about muslin, veil, thin organza with embroidery and other particularly delicate fabrics, it is better to place neatly folded curtains in a special mesh bag for washing - this will not interfere with washing, but will save the fabric.

Tulle is washed in a delicate wash mode - at a temperature of 30° and without spinning. During this type of washing, the drum of the machine rotates more smoothly, and washing occurs with a large amount of water - this minimizes the risk of damage to thin fabric. You can wash tulle curtains on the silk and wool cycles - they are as gentle as possible.

When loading laundry detergent into the machine, be economical.. In most cases, housewives add powder or shampoo for washing generously, from the heart. In the case of washing tulle, this can lead to increased foaming, especially if mesh fabric is sent in the wash. Therefore, check the dosage recommended by the manufacturer and, since the fabric is light and the machine operates with an incomplete load, reduce the dose by half.

When washing curtains It is advisable to use the extra rinse function: Detergent residues also lead to premature yellowing of fabrics.

After finishing the washing cycle, you need to take out the tulle, let the water drain and, without squeezing it, hang it on the curtain rod. If the curtain is voluminous, you can lightly squeeze it out manually, with very light movements, without twisting.

Once dry, the fabric will straighten under its own weight. You can iron tulle only in the most extreme cases, and very carefully - this also leads to yellowing of the fabric.

What products are best to use for washing tulle?

You can wash tulle in a washing machine using various detergents, both special and general purpose. This:

  • special detergents for washing tulle and other curtains, which can be purchased at household chemical stores. They are very effective, cope well with stains, whiten fabrics and lightly starch. However, they are not very common and therefore are not always on sale, and their cost is very high. It makes sense to purchase such products if we are talking about expensive and thin curtains that require special care.

  • shampoos for washing delicate fabrics. They are gentle on fabric, designed to be washed at low temperatures and are easy to rinse.

  • detergents for washing children's clothes. They are especially effective when washing white tulle curtains and have a good bleaching effect.

  • regular washing powders can also be used for washing tulle, especially when it comes to nylon mesh or inexpensive organza. Powders should be selected in accordance with the color of the fabric, using products for colored fabrics for dyed curtains; Be especially careful with the dosage of the powder to avoid increased foaming and do not forget about additional rinsing.

Regular gentle washing in compliance with the basic rules, thorough rinsing and the absence of the harmful effects of high temperatures allows you to forget about the manipulation of bleaching yellowed or gray tulle - after all, washing in a washing machine is more effective than hand washing.

However, if you need to bleach the tulle, you can do this in a washing machine. The key to success here will be the correct choice of whitening products. When bleaching tulle, do not use products containing chlorine.- this will destroy the fabric. Therefore, for curtains you need to choose:

  • oxygen bleaches. They are quite expensive, but at the same time universal, suitable for both colored and white, and with a pronounced whitening effect, they do not destroy the structure of the fabric. Another advantage of oxygen bleaches is that they are effective for low-temperature washing.

  • optical brighteners. They visually lighten the fabric due to particles settling on the fabric - and this allows the fabric to return whiteness. However, it is better to use them only for pure white fabrics, otherwise the appearance of the curtains may suffer.

Optical and oxygen brighteners are suitable for washing in washing machines. They can be added to washing powder if it is necessary to enhance the washing effect. If we are talking about very yellowed curtains, you can use the pre-wash or soak function.

If you are afraid to use bleach to wash tulle in the washing machine, you can use it. Tulle is often bleached with salt - so you can put a couple of tablespoons of regular table salt in the detergent compartment and use it as a bleaching agent in the pre-wash mode. To enhance the effect, you can add a small amount of powder to it.