Bead embroidery tm bereginya. We embroider a Slavic amulet with a cross Bereginya embroidery

In the era when people learned to grow flax, mastered the art of making thread, and invented a loom, embroidery was born. Historians believe that this happened five to seven thousand years ago, in ancient Egypt. During archaeological excavations in the tombs of the pharaohs, elements of skillful embroidery were discovered. Having arisen in antiquity, the skill was improved, the design became more complex, and was passed down through generations. Through the pattern, a person expressed his perception of the world, incomprehensible natural phenomena, and traditional national motifs arose. In Old Slavic culture, embroidery was given great importance. It served not just as decoration - you can learn a lot about the owner from the patterns on the clothes. Symbols were a talisman, a stimulator of a person’s determination, helping to direct it in the right direction. Every line, curl, and pattern carries a deep meaning.

Cross stitch is still considered a great protector today, but in order for the design to gain power, you need to embroider according to the following rules:

  • It is forbidden to make a talisman for yourself.
  • The best solution is for a blood relative to do the embroidery with his own hands.
  • You can’t force someone to make a talisman for you.
  • The choice of pattern and color must be approached seriously, having first studied all the subtleties.
  • It is embroidered in a good mood, with good thoughts about the person for whom the amulet is made.
  • Eliminate noise and loud music. There should be complete immersion in the process of creating embroidery.
  • The amulet is not embroidered during illness and critical days.
  • Slavic women did not use hoops; in this case, the symbols were considered simple decoration.
  • Stitches begin to be sewn from the center of the product.
  • It is not advisable to use scissors; it is recommended to “anneal” the thread over a candle flame.
  • Hide the unfinished amulet from prying eyes.
  • There is no need to stitch the embroidery; the pattern is made on the finished product by marking the location of the marks on the pattern.

The talisman will need to be activated. In the ritual, use materials corresponding to the elements of the protective symbol.

  • Fire - hold a candle over the flame. You need to do it carefully so as not to set it on fire.
  • Earth - sprinkle a pinch or rub with a stone for a while.
  • Water - spray or rinse under running water, then dry in the sun.
  • Air - you can blow on the amulet, hold it near an open window.

Working with amulets differs from simple needlework, so “listen” to some advice:

  • Try to fasten the thread without knots.
  • Red and orange colors protect against adultery and betrayal.
  • performed with a combination of red and black threads. It is best to embroider an animal that symbolically suits your child.
  • Blue and purple threads are suitable to protect him from aggression.
  • In order to attract financial flow, choose green – the color of money.
  • The amulet against infertility is made with dark threads.
  • A sketch of a tree will protect you from diseases - it is a symbol of longevity. The best option would be green spruce.
  • On small items, it is advisable to embroider the design in one color; it is done using the cross stitch technique. Let it be a small, inconspicuous pattern in the corner of the scarf.
  • Believers can read a prayer or a conspiracy before starting.

Nowadays, needlewomen most often use floss threads. It has been popular lately, but it is better not to use it for embroidering amulets. Usually it is made from synthetic materials, which will negatively affect the magical effect of the pattern. In addition, cross stitch itself already carries a protective meaning; leave the beaded pattern for ordinary needlework.

The protective ornament can be made according to a pattern to suit your taste: on linen, in the form of a bracelet on the wrist, a ribbon, a keychain, a pendant. The magical power of the faceless one will increase if the corresponding sacred sign is embroidered on the apron. It is important to know that the more often the talisman comes into contact with its owner, the stronger the magic. The child needs to make a tactile toy with embroidery, filled with cherry pits or grain. A doll will suit a girl, whose clothes can be decorated with protective symbols. In the Orthodox faith, embroidered baptismal swaddling clothes and wedding towels are considered amulets. One more thing. The amulets must be cleaned of accumulated negativity by carefully washing them by hand. If the pattern has lost its attractiveness, the threads are torn or unraveled, then the amulet has taken a blow. Give this item to the forest or river with words of gratitude.

There are signs that you should focus on when working on the amulet:

  • One of the threads gets tangled - some man thinks well of you.
  • If you prick your finger, the work will turn out neat; if a drop of blood falls, make a wish - it should come true (except for the big one).
  • If you hurt your thumb, there may be trouble for the person you are creating the talisman for.
  • You can’t leave your work on the bed, otherwise you may not finish it and put it on the back burner.

Embroidery of a talisman according to the lunar calendar

When planning to make an item with a magical ornament, be sure to pay attention to the phases:

  • The amulet is made in the first quarter.
  • For adults on the second and third lunar days, depending on the purpose.
  • A talisman charged with health and prosperity - the fourth, seventh, tenth and fourteenth.
  • The favorable time to get rid of something (illness, evil eye) is the third quarter, the twentieth day.
  • It is advisable to do all the work at a “good” time, but if this is not possible, just start.

Charm symbols that are embroidered on the growing moon:

  1. Second day, Squirrel, Radinets, . Getting rid of diseases - Heat-color, .
  2. Fourth, sixth day - .
  3. Fourteenth -, family unity, Wedding party.

Waning moon.

  1. Twentieth and twenty-first days- Odolen-grass, Perunov's color.
  2. Twenty seventh- amulets against negative energy and evil spirits.

Beginning craftswomen need to know that handicrafts are prohibited on Friday. According to Slavic belief, this day is dedicated to the goddess Makosh, who closely monitors women. You can't embroider on Sunday mornings, but in the afternoon it's quite acceptable.

Slavic sacred symbols used in embroidery - diagrams

- reflects negative energy directed at a person. All slander, bad words and thoughts are returned to the ill-wisher. In addition, it is the patron saint of all people. Women and children are more vulnerable to curses, which is why they often wore ornaments with such a sign. embroidered on bracelets, things, pendants. This symbol was always present in the cradle of newborns.

Schoolchildren who are under the protection of an ancient magical sign adapt faster among their peers. For people who are often in front of a large audience (politicians, artists, teachers).

- solar sign of the god Perun, bestows strength of spirit, gives confidence. It will protect you from enemies and ill-wishers, and will also protect you from damage. The sign of Perun is not suitable for children, as it has great fiery energy. Women can use it in exceptional cases to protect the home or gain determination.

- heavenly amulet symbol. There are two signs. “Straight cross” - will protect you from the machinations of ill-wishers, emotional distress, and illness. Will attract prosperity and good luck in business. Recommended for people of all ages. It is embroidered with scarlet threads.

- the second symbol of Dazhdbog, personifies the connection with the ancestors, whose reign ends with the beginning of winter. This amulet provides energy protection for the Family.

Starcross - has the shape of a rhombus, the sides of which extend beyond the corners. , attracting good luck. A person with such embroidery gains confidence in his abilities and reaches unprecedented heights. It must not be forgotten that only perseverance and work will lead to the intended goal, and the talisman is an accumulator of vital energy.

- a fiery symbol that contains the connection between generations of the Family. A person protected by such a symbol will avoid rash actions, conflicts, external aggression, and negative attachments. For people whose professions involve risk, Svarozhich will help avoid injuries and maintain mental health.

- symbol of the Slavic God of the Solar Disk. This symbol is a cross with ends bent inward, helps to gain the energy of the sun, and protects against losses and failures. The energy of Khoros is capable of protecting against environmentally unfavorable radiation.

- a symbol associated with fire and the celestial sphere, the personification of the Creator God, the god of wisdom. Svarog established the laws by which the Slavs lived. In addition to protective power, this symbol will help develop creative abilities and master the craft to perfection. Is a male amulet. Especially suitable for people with heavy physical labor and athletes.

- patron of nature, farmers, hunters, traders. The design resembles an inverted letter “A”, another image resembles a bear paw print. The owner of this amulet is in harmony with nature, acquires a large supply of energy, thanks to which he achieves success, gains wealth and fame. Strength should be directed only towards good, otherwise the natural energy of the amulet will dry up.

- represents four rays twisting into a spiral. The ends of each branch end in a circle. Protects the hearth and loved ones from evil spirits. Women embroidered on the clothes of all family members.

- a heavenly symbol that means the Bright Heavenly Path. Our Slavic ancestor, when going to travel to foreign lands, was certainly endowed with such a talisman. He protected from dashing people, helped to choose the right path, and warned against dangers.

- is a red rotating cross. A fire sign that destroys evil spirits and destroys witchcraft spells. It was sure to be on the clothes of babies and newlyweds.

- healing the soul. It should not be worn by people with bad thoughts and malice in their hearts. The power of the amulet comes into conflict with the biofield, thinning it, and the unkind person begins to lose vitality. In ancient times, this embroidery was rarely used. The power of fire contained in this symbol will relieve any illness, which is why it was embroidered on the fabric with which the patient was covered.

- is a complex pattern of a rhombus intersected by broken lines. A solar sign, the personification of creation and harmony in the development of the world, purity and truth. A talisman endowed with this symbol will protect you from mistakes, bring harmony to the family way of life, and dispel sadness.

- an eight-pointed star with a dot in the center. It is believed that this sign contains the knowledge and experience of our ancestors, has powerful energy, serves as a shield from evil forces, cures illness, and gives happiness and well-being. The amulet suits everyone.

- a symbol in the form of an eye, personifies purity of thoughts, will relieve anger, envy, vexation. It will act as a shield against the negative impact of an unkind look. It is often used as a talisman for children.

- its main interpretation is a barrier to dark forces and illnesses. It saves a person from the anger that burns him from the inside. They were worn closer to the body, trying not to show it off; embroidery was also done on pillows and towels. The amulet provided life-giving energy if a person’s strength ran out.

- the sign helped to find treasures. The amulet protects against black magic and slander. Has healing powers.

- the sign is suitable for everyone, regardless of gender and age. Brings positive energy. Helps to recover from serious illnesses, protects against the evil eye, and gives longevity.

Male Slavic symbols-amulets: diagrams

It should not be assumed that a person can be protected by any amulet. Amulet symbols are diverse; there are no universal ones, as in Christianity. Before choosing an embroidery pattern, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the magical effect of the symbols, the rules of wearing them, who they are intended for, and how to embroider them. The Slavic amulet for men differed in its semantic load from those for women. It was supposed to protect during the hunt, give strength and courage, and bring good luck in agriculture and crafts.

Hammer of Svarog - denotes the power of creation, . It will become a protector against bad luck in professional affairs, will help you master your craft perfectly, and will give you confidence in your abilities.

- a symbol of power, a sign of the unity of the Clans. They were depicted on military armor and standards. In peaceful life they tried not to use it, due to their exaltation.

- has been used in military affairs for a long time. , helping to survive in battle with the enemy. Gives courage and bravery. Later it began to be used to protect a house from lightning strikes. Women are prohibited from wearing a talisman with this symbolism, otherwise it can change their fate not for the better.

- a sign of fire that protects against discord in the family. Embroidery gave fortitude to overcome life's adversities. The second meaning of the amulet is to protect crops from fire. Often applied to the walls of the home.

- a talisman that was given to a boy from birth. It was believed that it would protect from dangers and help to grow up balanced. It is recommended to be worn by fathers who want to raise strong-willed sons and convey respect to their ancestors, as it symbolizes the ancestral connection of generations.

- a sign of military courage and courage. The Slavs believed that it was capable of blinding enemies, as it contained the powerful power of fire. In modern life, it can serve as a talisman for the military, or for men whose profession is associated with risk (Ministry of Emergency Situations, police).

- most . A solar sign, personifying the victory of light over dark. A male symbol that bestows strength and good luck in all areas of activity. This sign accompanied the stronger sex from birth to old age. It also means beginning, existing potential, beginning.

- a solar symbol that helps to withstand the elements. Grants strength and endurance. Recommended for sailors, high-altitude workers, firefighters. The embroidery pattern should be done in red, white and purple.

- carries the energy of the cosmos. A man under the protection of this sign will not lose physical and spiritual strength and will help him achieve his goal. Among the ancient Slavs it was revered as an inexhaustible source of life for the Family.

- symbolizes the angry forces of heaven, capable of punishing the invader and protecting the warrior on the battlefield. A talisman that not only bestows valor, but also gives a man wisdom in family relationships.

- represents a bear paw print. The Slavs considered this strong animal sacred. The amulet served as a reliable protector from the claws and teeth of the beast during the hunt. A man must wear the Seal throughout his life. Often the talisman was inherited. It was believed that the faith and wisdom of the ancestors was transmitted with it.

- a symbol of fire, the personification of strength and contempt for death. The warrior's weapon in the center concentrates male energy, and the star is endowed with the power of the Family. It is advised to dress young men to gain confidence and understand their purpose. Women can use it in exceptional cases when they have to take on male obligations while protecting the family.

Women's Slavic symbols-amulets: diagrams

For representatives of the fair sex, embroidered talismans contribute to success in household chores, maintaining harmony in the family, and help to safely give birth to healthy offspring. Slavic women decorated their clothes with ornaments along the collar, the bottom of the sleeves, and the hem of their shirts. Particular importance was given to belts. These symbols were not only amulets, they encrypted information of the family.

From time immemorial, many embroidery patterns with magical meaning have survived to this day.

Lunnitsa - the most popular female sign, shaped like a month. It was depicted on the clothes of pregnant women, helping to bear and give birth to a child.

- a revered Slavic symbol, endowed with divine power, therefore it is a reliable amulet. Most often used to protect girls and children from the evil eye and damage. Promotes the development of skills in crafts and creativity.

- sign of the goddess of love and beauty. Owners of this symbol find happiness in family life and remain young for a long time. Depicted on the walls, it protects the house from dark forces.

- patroness of married women, comfort and handicrafts. The keeper of the hearth, family traditions, the successor of the family, being under the protection of the goddess Makosh, found peace and balance. all family members were attracted by prosperity and harmony. Embroidered on the tenth, fourteenth lunar day.

- a symbol that must be handled with knowledge of the meaning. The young couple put on the amulet at the same time and wore it until the birth of their first child. After which it was removed and placed in storage. Charged with powerful positive energy, it protects the young couple from the evil eye and damage. Lonely people should not wear clothes, otherwise they may invite trouble.

- a sign that carries the power of fire. Despite the fact that it is considered a purely feminine amulet, girls are contraindicated from wearing it. Possessing very strong energy, it can harm a fragile spirit. Adults who have known the joy of motherhood as a woman receive protection from the evil eye and life’s troubles. They embroidered fireweed on sundresses and shirts.

- goddess, patroness of pregnant women, babies, young girls dreaming of procreation. They embroidered on clothes of women in labor, towels, and bed linen. Helps to establish harmony in the family and relationships with children.

Ladinets - has powerful positive energy. Creates a reliable shield against curses. Able to protect against female diseases, attract happiness to the family, imparts prudence. Like any other amulet, it protects only people with good intentions and a bright soul.

- a symbol of two Slavic goddesses, depicted with a star-shaped head and a plant in her hands. It brings life-giving energy to all living things; it was believed that it revives not only nature, but is also capable of returning the hardened souls of people to goodness. As a talisman it is suitable for girls and women, it protects against despondency, apathy, and bestows success in economic affairs, profit and prosperity. Birds - Dolya and Nedolya, look in different directions, we cannot remove the bad from our lives, life contains white and black.

Novorodnik - symbolizes heavenly power. Things with such embroidery were worn by married girls who were faced with the problem of infertility. This sign was depicted together with Solard on the bride’s outfit so that she could prolong the family line. It was used not as an amulet, but as a symbol of energetic connection with ancestors.

- a female talisman, often interpreted as the personification of fate. Items with a similar sign were given to the bride by the mother on her wedding day. Serves as a talisman against female ailments and infertility of the evil eye.

The art of embroidery is a huge layer of folk Slavic culture. In the hands of modern craftswomen, the embroidery pattern takes on a new life and is improved.

Embroidery amulet is a powerful magical attribute that can protect against the evil eye, damage, slander and other evil.

Careful embroidery can speed up the recovery of a sick person, help find the meaning of life, increase material or spiritual benefits, bring good luck, attract and strengthen love, and much more. The magic of embroidery is attractive because everyone can do it and the action is largely determined by the pattern and color of the thread, by changing which you can make the amulets needed at each stage of life’s journey.

Protective embroidery has come down to us from ancient times and has not yet lost its significance, especially in protecting children and relatives.

Do-it-yourself embroidery of a talisman

IN Embroidery is an affordable method of making a talisman. The best way to protect your child is to make protective embroidery on clothes, especially attention should be paid to the neckline, sleeves (cuffs) and hem (at the bottom of a shirt or T-shirt).

It is good to use amulets with embroidery in the form of pendants, jewelry, and key chains.

In addition to clothing, the following items can become a field for applying magical symbols:

    painting, panel;

    car suspension;

    decorative pillow;

    bed dress;

    tablecloths and napkins;


    blanket or bedspread;

  • baby toy;

    hostess apron;

    protective doll;

    herb bag;

    tab for books;

    refrigerator magnet;

    keychain for nags;

    case for laptop, phone, tablet;

  • Cover for documents.

When choosing an item to place embroidery on, you should consider the overall meaning of the symbol. If the amulet is to be personal, it is better to embroider on objects that are constantly with the owner. Home amulets can be made on interior items.

Material selection

Linen fabric is best suited for making protective embroidery, but if you can’t buy linen, you can take fabric made from any natural fiber: wool, cotton, silk, nettle.

The threads should also be natural and bright; cotton is most often used, but if possible, you can enhance the effect of the amulet using the composition of the thread.

    Silk is suitable for embroidery for good luck and wealth;

    cotton protects from evil eyes and words (damage, evil eye, slander, curses, slander, angry words);

    wool to improve health and protect against evil energy;

    linen threads serve for the benefit of the family and family relationships. It is better to make all home amulets and talismans for family harmony from linen.

Basic rules for embroidering a talisman

Amulets embroidered by relatives, especially mothers, for children are more powerful. On days of poor health or bad mood, it is better not to engage in protective embroidery; the creation of a sacred item occurs under the influence of the energy field of the craftswoman.

Create a talisman only in a good mood and concentrating on the positive! - This is the basis of magical embroidery.

For the amulet to be valid, several simple conditions must be met.

    Protective embroidery is created by hand without using a hoop.

    Knots in the design canvas impede the free flow of energy and weaken the sacred meaning of the chosen symbol. When making protective embroidery, try to avoid knots on the reverse side.

    Tear off the thread with your hands or burn it over the flame of a wax candle; when using scissors, you can harm the energy of the person for whom the man-made talisman is intended.

    The embroidery always starts from the middle; the gradual filling of the canvas with a pattern simultaneously gives the embroidered shirt strength.

    When interrupting work, wrap it in a white piece of cloth and put it in a secluded place.

    Unfinished work must not be shown or placed on a bed or other sleeping place.

If during production the craftswoman accidentally pricks her finger with a needle, except her thumb, then the work will be successful. If a large one is damaged, expect trouble.

A talisman embroidered by the hands of a pregnant girl will be more powerful thanks to the great power of motherhood.

When create protective embroidery

Amulets for attracting health, good luck, blessings, for self-development and learning something are created for the waxing moon.

The 2nd lunar day is the time to start embroidering children's amulets: lelnik, carol, squirrel, fern color (up to 3 years), radinets, svarozhich, ladinets, molvinets.

From 4 - 6 days, time for embroidering the Veles symbol.

The 10th day of the waxing moon is favorable for starting work on symbols: day-night, woman in labor, Ladinets, Veles, Makosh, wedding, Molvinets.

On the waning moon, overpowering grass is made.

Start performing protective symbols against the evil eye, damage, and slander on the 21st day of the lunar calendar.

How to charge an embroidered amulet

After manufacturing, the amulet does not have full strength; in order to feel the full power of sacred signs, the amulet still needs to be charged. The best activation method involves endowing the amulet with the powers of 4 elements.

To activate the amulet, you need symbols of all the elements, if it is not possible to go into the forest and take advantage of the natural elements:

    candle fire;

    a little earth or pebble;

    a glass or clay pot with clean water (preferably spring water);

    open window.

Any amulet is charged with the power of 4 elements and faith in its strength.

When the amulet comes into contact with each symbol, turn to the elements with a request to endow your amulet with power.

Place the amulet on a clean tablecloth in front of you and try to mentally establish a connection with it. Concentrate on what you want to get from the talisman you make.

Sprinkle with earth, sprinkle with water, carry over the flame of fire and expose to the breeze from the window.

If you have a personal amulet, it is important to constantly carry the amulet with you for several days to tune into a single energy wave.

Rules for using the amulet

The embroidered amulet is used for its intended purpose. When soiled, it is washed off, and if its integrity is damaged, it is replaced with a new one. If the protective embroidery is torn or lost, it means that it has exhausted its supply of magical power and should be replaced with another one.

Let's start embroidering

Once the talisman symbol has been selected and the materials have been prepared, we begin work on the talisman.

    We place the drawing. If the embroidery is on clothing, then the place for protective symbols will be the collar, bottom of the product, sleeves and belt. On bed linen or towel around the edge. On decorative pillows, keychains, paintings in the center.

    Choosing a seam. The symbols made with a cross have the greatest power, because the cross itself is already a talisman. For children and the interior, you can use satin stitch.

    Small elements are worked out last, when the main pattern is ready.

    The thread should be secured in such a way that there is no more than one knot.

    It is advisable to take a thread of such length that it is enough for a certain element. This is suitable for small symbols and signs.

    After finishing the work, the decorative elements must be stitched along the edge to avoid the product from unraveling.

    When forming a keychain or interior pillow, make sure that tightening the product does not deform the protective pattern.

Schemes of Slavic symbols for embroidery amulet

Each Slavic amulet has its own purpose; when choosing a pattern, you need to take into account who the future talisman is intended for: a man, a woman, a child, and what it is aimed at: attracting love, wealth, knowledge or health, balancing character, protecting against mistakes, finding a path in life.

Once you have decided why and for whom the amulet is being made, it is important to choose a pattern that you will like in appearance.

Women's amulets

Women's amulets are aimed at improving the health, beauty, and character of the hearth keeper and mother. They help to conceive, give birth and raise healthy and happy offspring. Women's talismans can also be considered to preserve harmony in family and love.


The symbol of the Mother of God Lada is intended to preserve women's health. Enhancing femininity, tenderness, beauty. Wearing the Ladinets amulet helps restore a woman’s hormonal levels, on which women’s health and attractiveness depend. Helps girls avoid mistakes while growing up, promotes the formation of a meek and balanced character, which plays an important role for a woman - mother, woman - wife.

When embroidering the symbol, you must wear skirts and dresses. When wearing a talisman, also avoid men's clothing, because women's clothing contributes to the accumulation and proper distribution of energy.

The Ladin symbol can be woven into other patterns, embroidered separately or surrounded by various flowers or animals.

The first ray is always red. And the second one can change depending on desire or zodiac sign.

    Green and black shades are suitable for Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo;

    the heavenly color is favorable for Libra, Aquarius, Gemini;

    golden, brown and black colors are intended for Leo, Aries, Sagittarius;

    For Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces, the colors of the sea will be more suitable: blue or turquoise.


The goddess Makosh patronizes women, especially in the path of motherhood. Embroidery with the image of the goddess promotes harmony in the family, maintaining love, trust, and respect in the family. Helps to acquire and increase wealth. Helps create comfort, handicrafts and procreation.

Embroidery is suitable for a married woman who has become or wants to become a mother. Goddess Makosh is one of the elder Rozhanitsa.

Wearing a talisman has the following powers:

    strengthens women's health, both physical and mental;

    helps in pregnancy and childbirth;

    develops culinary skills;

    strengthens housekeeping;

    promotes the development of intuition;

    helps with needlework.

The best place for Makosh embroidery will be a towel or pillow; starting work on the 14th lunar day will increase the power of the amulet.

Woman in labor

The birthing amulet should be embroidered by a mother or grandmother as a gift to a girl or woman who wants to give birth to a healthy child in a situation where there is a problem with conception.

It is best to apply the symbol on a belt, pillow, towel, bed linen, clothing or a picture, which you then hang at the head of the bed.

A self-embroidered symbol does not have magical powers.

The woman in labor is always embroidered with additional signs that enhance the protection of motherhood and affect conception: overcome the grass. Perunov color, birds, ears of corn, sown field and others.

nice guy

Amulet for the birth of a healthy child - glorious. Promotes procreation. Conception and birth of a healthy child. It enhances the effect of all female symbols, therefore it is more often used in an ensemble with symbols that increase health, gender, wealth and protect against various kinds of evil.

Embroidered on women's clothing: sundresses, skirts, shirts. On bedding. On diapers and baby clothes. It is also a talisman for children.

Selection of schemes for happy motherhood and the birth of healthy offspring.

The belt is embroidered on the waxing moon and worn under clothes

Charms for men

Men's amulets are aimed at preserving and increasing strength of mind and physical health, protect against dangerous situations, help in battle, in solving difficult problems, in self-development and achieving goals.

Women are not recommended to wear amulets intended for men, with the exception of serious situations requiring stamina, strength and a man's grip. Wear temporarily until the problem is resolved.

fern color

The amulet with the symbol of Perun can be embroidered on a shirt. In the form of a keychain for keys or for a car, on the cover of a passport or on any item that is constantly with it.

  • Perunov's color protects from the evil eye and slander,
  • strengthens self-confidence,
  • reveals a natural gift,
  • clears thoughts of negativity,
  • bestows vigor and fortitude.

The symbol can be enhanced by various symbols and floral patterns. Suitable for boys, young men and adult men.

Oak leaves

Oak refers to the sacred tree personifying the power of Perun. Protects against diseases. Strengthens the inner spirit, promotes the development of masculine qualities. Suitable for children's embroidery. Used in an ensemble with various male symbols, can be embroidered separately.

It can be used in interior decoration not only as embroidery, but also knitting using the fillet technique or jacquard.


The ratiborets symbol refers to the protective amulet of warriors. Embroidered for men involved in hostilities.

Oh take care for the children

Children's protective symbols are designed to protect the baby from evil forces to which children are very susceptible. Symbols also help children avoid mistakes and rash actions. Symbols that promote development, the discovery of talent, learning, the formation of perseverance, self-confidence and others are important. Here are a few symbols suitable for kids.


The image of the sun is an excellent protective symbol for a child. The image option can be any. The power of the sun is aimed at preserving and increasing health, developing fortitude, and spirituality. You can embroider the sun on clothes. toys, bedding Embroidered paintings also have protective powers.

The most common children's amulet is the sun.


A stylized or sketchy cockerel is well suited for protection against the evil eye, damage and disease.

The Slavic people had a whole system of signs and symbols that were used to protect against dark forces, attract good luck, improve health, and happiness in their personal lives.

Did you know that surrounding objects can influence our lives? Every culture, every people had its own beliefs, totems, talismans and amulets. For the Egyptians it was a scarab beetle, for the Jews it was bells sewn on clothes, but a special magical matrix of symbols existed among our ancestors, the ancient Slavs. In Rus' they believed that every little thing, stone and plant, natural phenomenon contained powerful energy. The Slavic people had a whole system of signs and symbols that were used to protect against dark forces, attract good luck, improve health, and happiness in their personal lives. Signs were used to decorate houses, embroider on clothes, and depict them on household items and weapons. The name of such symbols is amulets. Each protective symbol was patronized by pagan gods, who, according to the legends of the ancestors, endowed each sign with special magical powers. In the modern world, we use ancestral knowledge in different ways: for some, symbols are a source of strength, others use signs to attract benefits, and many simply decorate their fashionable image with beautiful things in the Slavic style. One of the most ancient ways of using Slavic cultural heritage is embroidering symbols on clothing and household items. It is in embroidery that the amulet blossoms beautifully and gains its greatest strength.

We embroider amulets

Embroidery is one of the oldest types of applied art. In Rus', needlework was held in high esteem, and girls were taught the art of embroidery from an early age. Before the wedding, the girl herself embroidered the dowry in order to present her talents and skills to the groom. Our ancestors used to say: “Don’t learn by idleness, but learn handicraft!” In addition to the exquisite original beauty embroidered with threads on linen, symbols on clothes, tablecloths, and towels were a kind of amulet. As a rule, mothers embroidered patterns on clothes for their children, and wives for their husbands. The interweaving of signs was a kind of code, a force that was supposed to give a boy and a man courage, honor and strength, and a girl and a young woman - wisdom, health, and help to find family happiness.

Among the ancient Slavs, symbols on clothes, tablecloths, towels were a kind of amulet

A thing embroidered by caring hands was traditionally taken on a long journey, so that the goodness, care, and love put into the amulet would warm, protect from evil, and remind one of one’s native land, one’s father’s house.

The ornament was not chosen by chance, so the embroidery of Slavic amulets had its own canons and strict rules. Modern craftswomen should know the secrets, the meaning of each symbol and their combinations, in order to make with their own hands not just a masterpiece of applied art, a stylish piece of clothing or an interior accessory in the Slavic style. Using embroidery as a talisman, you can create a powerful talisman for luck, luck and protection from negative influences.

The embroidery of Slavic amulets had its own canons and strict rules that modern craftswomen should know

The origins of the art go back centuries, so there are several ancient rules on how to create embroidery as a talisman:

  1. It is necessary to do needlework in a calm environment, with pure thoughts. It is important at the time of creative work to think about the person for whom the amulet is intended, mentally holding his image in front of you, feeling his character and energy.
  2. You cannot create embroidered amulet for yourself. The greatest power is given to things created by blood relatives, mother, sister. Marital ties are strong only if harmony, love and mutual understanding reign in the family.
  3. You cannot create a talisman, a talisman, an amulet under duress, only of your own free will and from the heart.

As a material for embroidering Slavic amulets, it is recommended to select natural threads, cotton, wool, linen. The color scheme should match the mood of the pattern and the part of the spectrum that the embroidery is intended to protect.

There are many different techniques in embroidery. Beautiful original patterns on the canvas can be created from beads and ribbons. The most ancient method used by craftswomen in Rus' is cross stitch. To accurately reproduce a neat, beautiful thread pattern on fabric, beginners and experienced needlewomen use a visual diagram that shows the location of one or another element of the pattern. There is so much beauty, grace, elegance in the thread pattern, it’s hard to disagree with this. To ensure that the protective ornament not only has a neat appearance, but is also endowed with a certain power, needlewomen should adhere to the following tips in their work:

To secure the thread at the end, you need to pull it under the finished crosses on the “face” of the embroidery, and then carefully cut off the tip of the thread.

A beautiful miniature accessory that is always at hand can become a talisman

The sacred meaning of symbols in embroidery

Embroidering Slavic amulets according to the pattern is simple, but before work it is important to familiarize yourself in detail with the meaning of each symbol. From time immemorial, Slavic signs have been divided into several main groups:

In ancient times, it was believed that each Slavic sign had its own power and was endowed with a sacred meaning from above. Having learned the complex magical “alphabet”, in the interweaving of symbols, from under the caring hands of a needlewoman, entire metaphorical inscriptions can be born, a powerful amulet for good luck, happiness and love. Let's find out a detailed description of each symbol in order to also learn the magical ancient skill.


An ancient Slavic amulet grants women the protection of the goddess Lada. The sign is a type of Kolovrat, in which the rune is repeated eight times, symbolizing endless movement. The symbol enclosed in the colo represents the feminine principle and harmony with nature. The pattern, in which one of the elements is Ladinets, is considered truly feminine and is suitable for the fair sex at any age. He gives his happiness to every beauty. To those who are not yet married and looking for their soul mate, it bestows love; for married girls, the symbol will bring family well-being, harmony and mutual understanding with their beloved spouse. Ladinets bestows attractiveness on girls and women, protects women’s health in order to quickly experience the joy of motherhood. An ornament embroidered on clothes will protect from envy and protect from damage. With such a symbol, a woman feels protected and feels harmony with her inner self.

A pattern in which one of the elements is Ladinets is considered truly feminine and is suitable for the fair sex at any age

When embroidering a symbol, craftswomen need to know that one ray of the sign is always red, but the second color can be chosen at will. The zodiac sign under which the woman was born is of particular importance:

  • for those born under the sign of Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo, black or dark green is used in embroidery;
  • for Aries, Leo and Taurus - golden, brown or black;
  • blue color - for representatives of the sign Libra, Aquarius and Gemini;
  • rich blue or turquoise for Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer.

There are different embroidery patterns using Ladinets in the pattern. The symbol is always in the center of a circle, which is symbolically depicted in the form of a beautiful elegant wreath of red roses, delicate field daisies or bright cornflowers.

Ladinets should always be located in the center of the pattern


An ancient symbol of the Slavs, patronized by the ancestor goddess of all pagan gods. This is the strongest home amulet, a symbol of the Mistress of the house. The symbol, depicted as a female figure, brings prosperity, abundance and joy. Often depicted on household items, tablecloths, towels, and napkins. If a girl’s culinary talent has not yet awakened, give her a thing with Mokosh embroidery. Beauties and clever women with such a gift will soon become unrivaled housewives and needlewomen. Such a talisman should be in a place of honor, then there will always be prosperity and well-being for all family members in the house.

Makosh brings prosperity, abundance and joy

In embroidery, the figure of Mokosh is used as a central motif, the sun or four-leaf clover is depicted above her head, and spikelets, flowers, and birds are embroidered on the sides. Mokosha usually has a spindle in his hands. The combination of symbols means that Makosh is weaving a Fate in which there is no place for misfortune, but there is joy, sunshine, and abundance. Such a talisman acquires the greatest power if it is embroidered with your own hands. Then the house in which there is the ancient symbol of Mokosh will always be caressed by the sun, and hunger and poverty will bypass it.

In embroidery, the figure of Mokosh is located in the center, and spikelets, flowers, and birds are embroidered on the sides.

Woman in labor

For all women who want to get pregnant, but for some reason cannot, a thing with an embroidered Mother of God will be a useful gift and a strong amulet. The Slavic deity Rozhanitsa is the patroness of female fertility. The goddess has been revered by the Slavs since the late Stone Age, and they still believe in the power of the amulet today. Most often, the symbol is embroidered on towels, belts, sheets, bed frames and women's hats. Such a talisman gives harmony to the family, and gives women health and the joy of happy motherhood. To give Rozhanitsa power, you cannot embroider a symbol for yourself. The most powerful amulet with the Woman in Birth for a girl who dreams of becoming pregnant is embroidered by the caring hands of a mother or grandmother.

The most powerful amulet with the Mother of God for a girl who dreams of getting pregnant - embroidered by the caring hands of a mother or grandmother

As a rule, different patterns are used in embroidery. The figure of Rozhanitsa is depicted in the center, and with it the Odolen-grass is embroidered - a lily surrounded by leaves. This combination will bring a woman good health, help her bear a healthy baby and safely give birth to a healthy baby. In order for the amulet to be filled with natural strength and protect the girl from the evil eye, it is embroidered on the waxing moon.

The figure of Rozhanitsa is depicted in the center, and with it is embroidered the Odolen-grass - a lily surrounded by leaves

fern color

The ancient symbol of the Slavs is endowed with healing properties and such a sign is intended for men. The symbol is popularly called Perun's Color, and its patron is the omnipotent and formidable Perun, the pagan god of angry heavens and lightning. The cherished symbol is still considered miraculous today. According to our ancestors, he can fulfill cherished desires and open treasures hidden in the earth. In a literal sense, such a sign is used if a man needs to reveal talent, hidden abilities in order to achieve success.

Fern color is used if a man needs to reveal talent, hidden abilities in order to achieve success

A men's shirt is usually decorated with a swastika sign, and plant motifs may also be present in the embroidery. The color embroidered on Perunov's clothes, surrounded by hop cones, will protect boys from colds and help solve speech problems, and with cornflowers - vision problems. A pattern of ferns and acorns on men's clothing is a talisman against envious people, a source of masculinity, and will help overcome fatigue. This amulet is embroidered on the 20th or 21st lunar day.

A men's shirt is usually decorated with a swastika sign; plant motifs may also be present in the embroidery


The strongest amulet against the evil eye, negative external influences and damage. Envy and dark witchcraft influence can bring us a lot of troubles and grief. The Slavic amulet Fire Eye, like a shield, will protect you from any magical influence. This design can be embroidered on any clothing, accessories or household items. You can embroider the Fire Eye in the form of a small picture, keychain or pendant, and always carry it with you without showing it to strangers. The symbol gives great benefits and protection to children. Inside the metaphorical eye, in the pupil itself, is the Radinets sign - a cross that will repel any attack on a person’s thoughts and health.

The Fire Eye is the strongest amulet against the evil eye, negative external influences and damage

Place the embroidery in a stroller or crib, and such a talisman will ward off illnesses, evil and envious glances from the baby. The sign is cross-stitched on linen. The outer shell and rays around the icon are always red, for the middle element any color is used, the middle pupil is blue. The Radinets cross in the very center is embroidered with red thread.

The fire eye must be made in a certain color scheme


Pagan patron of livestock, traders, cattle breeders, hunters and cultivators. Veles protects everyone whose activities are closely connected with earthly affairs; he is considered the ruler of forests and all living things that are found in them. The Veles symbol in embroidery is a talisman for improving your financial situation and making a profit. Such a gift can be given to a male entrepreneur or a confident businesswoman to grow professionally. gain financial stability. Such an original amulet, made with your own hands, will be a useful gift for those involved in trade, agriculture, and farming. The Veles talisman will give the owner prosperity, energy, perseverance, determination and constancy.

Veles in embroidery is a talisman for improving your financial situation and making a profit

The amulet is embroidered very simply: the frame and the sign itself, similar to the letter “D”, are embroidered in yellow or gold, and the background is embroidered with blue or deep blue threads. If the canvas itself or the fabric for embroidery is blue, there is no need to embroider it additionally. This combination of colors symbolizes the embodiment of the power of gold, wisdom, clairvoyance, and inspiration. It is without these qualities that it is very difficult to succeed in business, and Veles will help with this. Such a talisman is embroidered on the waxing moon so that prosperity comes. The most favorable time is from 6 to 14 lunar days.

Veles is embroidered on the waxing moon so that prosperity comes


The solar swastika sign of the ancient Slavs is a close interweaving of two Kolovrat stones, which in the middle form a kind of castle-base. Molvinets operates on the principle of a boomerang. Anyone who wishes harm to a person will soon receive his negativity back. The name of the amulet comes from the word “to speak.” Molvinets is a shield against an evil word, against negative energy directed against the owner of the amulet. A laconic and strict sign is often used as tattoos, talismans, made of wood or stone. In embroidery, such an ornament is universal, so it is suitable as a motif for female and male patterns.

Molvinets acts on the principle of a boomerang: whoever wishes harm to a person will soon receive his negativity back

If you use the Molvinets and Svarozhich signs in the pattern, embroidery will become a talisman for students and schoolchildren, bestowing ingenuity, perseverance, and mental acuity for good study.

The most powerful amulet is embroidered on linen with metal threads made of gold, silver or copper. If you embroider a sign on a towel or tablecloth and present it as a gift to the family, a simple household item will turn into a family amulet that protects the entire Family from evil, envy, gossip and slander against any family member. Such a talisman gains its greatest power when it becomes a family heirloom and is passed down from generation to generation.

Even beginner craftswomen can embroider Molvinets


A universal sign that can be intended for both women and men. According to legend, Alatyr is the foundation of the world, the dawn stone on which the gods rest and gain strength. The symbol can be used in any embroidery, but it is most useful for family amulets. Alatyr will protect a man who is going on a long journey. In ancient times, such a sign was embroidered on pillows. In a dream, a person gained the wisdom of the gods, which was beyond the control of a waking person. According to ancient legends, a person who is in search of a difficult decision or at a crossroads, having slept the night on such a pillow, made the right decision in the morning.

Alatyr - family amulet

A towel with embroidered Alatyr will protect the family from quarrels and disagreements. In order for the family amulet to have power, silver threads are used to embroider the female rays in the pattern, and gold threads are used for the male part of the ornament. This pattern is easy to read: the rays stretch towards each other and harmoniously complement the pattern. So in the family, the wife and husband are always together, complement and understand each other.

You can embroider a family amulet using a ready-made pattern

We embroider a cube amulet with our own hands

It’s easy to make a talisman with your own hands using ancient Slavic symbols. Even beginners in the art of embroidery according to the pattern will be able to complete simple work. A cube amulet is an original and useful gift for a friend, loved one or just an acquaintance. The pattern consists of six squares that are folded into a cube. One or another symbol is embroidered on each side. Depending on which combination of signs you choose, the amulet will be endowed with such power.

The cube amulet is an original and useful gift for a friend, loved one or just an acquaintance

If you decide to make a talisman for a man, the following signs are most often used:

You can use any combination of signs, but only a woman who is closely connected with him by blood or spiritual ties, a mother, sister, fiancee or wife, can embroider a man’s cube amulet.

When making a protective cube, you can use any combination of signs

The most powerful amulet is the one you make yourself. It is in our thoughts, kind attitude and care that the power is born that will protect us from misfortunes and bring good luck to a person. When creating your own embroidery pattern, think in advance about who the future masterpiece of needlework is intended for, and do not overload the work with signs. If several symbols are used simultaneously in embroidery, they must be consonant, and a clear message is encoded in a beautiful ornament.

Our ancestors associated embroidery with something mysterious and magical. It was believed that embroidered fabrics represent a strong connection between the past and the future. Each symbol had its own sacred meaning, so such products were powerful amulets.

Protective embroidery: history

In those days when people had no idea about writing and religion, they believed in the magical power of symbols and signs. Then the first amulets were created. The Slavs had their own symbols, which they cross-stitched on clothes, tapestries, and towels. All these magical signs were designed to protect their families and loved ones from grief, damage, illness, and lack of money.

Slavic women often framed their clothes with embroidery, especially those places that were extremely vulnerable to witchcraft penetration: the neckline, the hem of the shirt, the cuffs of the sleeves. The patterns protected the chest, arms and neck.

Each symbol and embroidery element has its own meaning. By embroidering, the woman seemed to be encrypting information about herself and her family. Thanks to this, looking at, for example, an apron with patterns, one could learn a lot about its owner.

In ancient times, Slavic women used embroidery to create amulets that protected them and loved ones from all kinds of evil.

Variants of embroidered amulets, their use

Embroidered amulets are capable of:

  • protect from the machinations of ill-wishers;
  • attract wealth and abundance;
  • grant family harmony and harmony between spouses;
  • attract good luck;
  • improve health, help cure illnesses.

There are many common symbols for embroidery: for health, prosperity, a strong family. They are suitable for use by people of any gender and age. There are also signs for women, men and babies.

Some Slavic symbols are considered primordially male or female

Charms help young ladies in running the household, maintaining home comfort and harmonizing relationships. There are signs whose action is aimed at cultivating and maintaining such qualities in a woman: gentleness, wisdom, sensuality. There is embroidery that helps you get pregnant and successfully give birth to a healthy child.

Men's amulets help in all areas that have long been considered the prerogative of the stronger sex: hard physical work, making money and war. Some symbols, in addition to giving a man good luck in business, also support his health.

Protective embroidery for children is aimed at protecting them from the evil eye, from evil spells and otherworldly forces. There are also symbols that additionally take care of the baby's health and development.

What products can have embroidery?

Traditionally, when we talk about embroidery, we think of clothes with cross-stitch patterns, or a beautiful picture in a frame. But there are many more items on which you can embroider a Slavic amulet:

  • pillow;
  • bed sheets;
  • tablecloth;
  • handkerchief;
  • fabric bag with herbs;
  • toy;
  • Motanka doll's apron.

In the modern world, there are even more things that can be decorated with a protective amulet. This could be a fabric bookmark, a passport or diary cover, or a keychain.

When choosing a product on which you want to place protective embroidery, keep in mind that some symbols are recommended to be carried with you, and some to be placed at home.

The embroidered amulet can be designed as a keychain

Embroidery patterns for Slavic amulets

First, decide what meaning your amulet will carry, what its purpose is: for love, health, family well-being, for whom it is intended. Choose your pattern carefully. It is important that you like it.

Charms for men

Men were embroidered with the color of fern (Perunov color). Our ancestors believed that such a talisman would protect against damage and various ailments. This sign is capable of revealing the hidden powers of a person and purifying the soul. Perun's color will give your father, loved one or brother confidence, good spirits, and endow him with good health. If you add cornflowers to your embroidery, these flowers will protect against vision problems. Hops help in case of colds and reduce the risk of getting sick again.

Perunov color gives a man confidence and vigor

If one of your loved ones suffers from psychological disorders or alcohol or drug addiction, give him an embroidered shirt with the sign of Svarozhich. This symbol helps to put thoughts in order and discover the true meaning of life. The amulet also gives fiery strength to overcome various life difficulties and helps to get on the right path. Svarozhich ignites sparks of hidden talent, awakens the desire to move forward towards your goal.

Svarozhich helps to put thoughts in order

The oak leaf carries power and strength, it is a symbol of courage and bravery. Embroidery with such an ornament was applied to the clothes of their sons, wanting their health to be strong, like centuries-old oak trees that could not be broken by anything.

The oak leaf symbolizes courage and is usually added as an ornament to the main symbol.

Ratiborets is a symbol of courage, courage during the struggle for the freedom of the homeland. This sign is embroidered on military clothing. In ancient times they believed that it blinded enemies, and they, weak and frightened, ran away from the battlefield.

Ratiborets - amulet for the military

Kolyadnik is a sign of the god Kolyada. It renews the whole world and brings positive changes. The symbol represents the triumph of the forces of light. An embroidered amulet gives a man strength in daily work and courage in war.

The caroler gives a man strength and courage

Women's symbols

Mothers wishing well-being for their daughters gave them embroidered amulets with the star of the Virgin Mary. This is a symbol of home. Ladinets endows a woman with prudence, helps smooth out conflicts, and balances the psychological structure. The sign also helps strengthen women's health and normalize hormonal levels. With its help, the condition of the skin improves and metabolism accelerates. Ladinets helps in the treatment of female diseases associated with procreation.

Ladinets is a traditional female symbol

If you add rose flowers to the ornament, the symbol, with its magical properties, promotes rejuvenation: the face becomes fresher, a sparkle appears in the eyes, making the woman even more charming and feminine. And a woman who blossoms in body and soul will not be left without male attention.

The first ray of an eight-pointed star should be scarlet. The color of the second can be selected according to the zodiac sign of the person for whom the amulet is intended:

  • Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo - black, dark shades of green;
  • Libra, Aquarius, Gemini - blue;
  • Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - black or golden shades of brown;
  • Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - blue, turquoise.

Ladinets with roses promotes rejuvenation and helps improve health

So that love, mutual understanding, and trust reign in the house, they embroider the image of the strongest goddess Mokosh. This is the beloved of the ancient Slavic god Veles. She patronizes home comfort and handicrafts. An embroidered symbol brings joyful events, happiness and prosperity to the family. The amulet gives the owner:

  • good health;
  • thrift;
  • talent for cooking;
  • handicraft skills;
  • strong intuition.

You can carry the amulet with you, but it is better to leave it at home. This means it’s worth embroidering a picture with such a symbol, a pillow or a tablecloth. The sign will extend its effect to the whole family.

It is best to start embroidering Makosh on the 10th or 14th lunar day. It is not necessary to finish all the work in a day. You can “sow” the fabric - make at least 10 crosses, and finish later. The main thing is that creating a talisman is a pleasure.

Makosh helps awaken a woman's thriftiness, talents for cooking and handicrafts

Slavets gives a woman good health and helps to recover from illnesses. Married ladies embroidered such a symbol on their clothes to give birth to healthy and strong babies.

Slavets protects women's health

The action of the Woman in Birth is aimed at happy motherhood. This symbol is embroidered on the clothes of a woman who dreams of children. If she is not yet pregnant, the amulet will help to conceive a baby, and if she is already expecting a child, it will contribute to an easy and quick birth. The sign can be placed on towels and bed linen, then its energy will spread to all household members, giving harmonious relationships and prosperity.

A woman in labor helps to carry and give birth to a healthy baby

Embroidered amulets for children

For a baby or child under three years old, you can embroider a small cockerel or other animal. For work, it is preferable to use red or black threads. Such a talisman will protect the baby from the evil eye and all sorts of troubles.

An embroidered cockerel will be a good protective amulet for a child

The Radinets amulet is also embroidered for babies. This symbol is placed on the child’s things: clothes, diapers, bib, handkerchief. The embroidered sign protects against damage and the evil eye, drives away dark forces, and gives the newborn peace of mind.

Radinets protects the baby from damage and the evil eye

For girls who were already 3 years old, Lelya was embroidered. This is the sign of the daughter of Lada, the goddess of spring. Action of the amulet:

  • reveals the child’s abilities;
  • gives self-confidence;
  • cultivates femininity, tenderness and softness;
  • makes the owner even more attractive.

This symbol accompanied the young lady until her marriage.

Lelya gives the girl self-confidence, femininity and softness

To make teething easier for a child, an amulet with several symbols is embroidered for him:

  • The Tree of Life is a sign of development and strength; sprouts are placed on its sides, which symbolize young teeth;
  • Overcoming grass (for a girl) or Perunov color (for a boy) - relieves or significantly reduces pain;
  • Radinets is a protective symbol for young children.

Embroidery pattern for teething in small children reduces pain

Protective embroidery for wealth and good luck

If you want to increase the financial situation of your family and your loved ones, embroider the sign of the ancient Slavic god Veles. This deity patronizes merchants, traders, cattle breeders and farmers. Action of the amulet:

  • gives wisdom, foresight;
  • reveals intuition;
  • adds determination to conclude profitable deals;
  • provides prosperity and good luck, helps in business.

Veles increases the material well-being of the family

For good luck and success, you can create a Star of the Cross amulet. This symbol is embroidered on towels, napkins, tablecloths, and curtains. It helps you achieve your goals easily and quickly.

The star of the cross helps you achieve your goals

Burdock of happiness is an individual amulet. This symbol is embroidered on things that you can carry with you every day: small bags of herbs, key chains, wallets, covers for diaries, etc. This symbol is similar in effect to a real burdock, but it “catches” not dry grass and cobwebs, but good luck and happiness.

Burdock of Happiness attracts happiness, wealth and good luck

Embroidered amulets for family harmony

Embroidery in the form of the sign of Belobog will help protect the family from conflicts. This god embodies light and goodness. The symbol radiates positive energy into space. The amulet will bring love and mutual understanding, ensure peace and tranquility, abundance and financial well-being. You can embroider the pattern on towels, various clothes, and accessories.

Belobog ensures harmony and prosperity in the family

Are you looking for a talisman to attract harmony and harmony into your family? Embroider the ancient sign of Alatyr. This is a symbol of God's grace; it can almost instantly change life for the better. Sincerity, openness, understanding, and respect of the younger generation towards the older generation will return to the family.

Alatyr changes the life of the whole family for the better

Married couples are embroidered with a sign of the unity of two principles. It symbolizes the fusion of Heaven and Earth, female and male. The amulet preserves harmonious marital relationships, the hearth, strengthens love and trust between husband and wife.

Symbol of family unity strengthens marital relationships

To create harmony between spouses, you can embroider a family amulet. It consists of several Slavic signs:

  • a pair of peacocks - a harmonious union of husband and wife;
  • acorn - male activity;
  • Women in labor - warm relationships in the family, continuation of the family.

Family amulet is embroidered according to the family style

Embroidery that gives health

The healer symbolizes fire. The ancients were well aware of its healing power. This symbol is embroidered on the clothes of people who are struggling with the disease. The amulet helps to cope with the disease and alleviates the course of the disease.

The healer helps you recover faster

Overcoming grass promotes recovery, cleanses the soul, strengthens the body. This is one of the most powerful symbols. They believe that an embroidered amulet helps to cope even with those ailments that are considered incurable. In addition to the fact that the sign has a healing effect, it helps in overcoming obstacles and suggests solutions to even seemingly insoluble situations.

Overcome grass - a powerful healing symbol

Another fire symbol is Doukhobor. It is embroidered for people with physical or mental illness. The sign can be placed on clothing, but it is better to depict it on a bedspread so that it affects the entire body of the patient.

It is better to embroider Doukhobor on a bedspread to cover the sick with it.

Charms against the evil eye

Do you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from the evil eye and magical rituals for damage? Embroider the fiery symbol of a rotating cross - Charovrat - on your clothes. The sign of fire will not allow manifestations of evil magic near its owner.

Charovrat symbolizes a rotating fiery cross that does not allow evil forces to approach you

An embroidered Wedding Dresser protects the family from the evil eye and any negative magical influences, protects the married couple from damage, and protects them from adversity. The sign symbolizes the fusion of the fiery masculine principle with the watery feminine.

The wedding groom protects the married couple from damage

The fire-eye is embroidered to protect against damage, the evil eye, and envious people. The symbol also removes the negative impact of one’s own bad thoughts and emotions. The fiery eye is placed on clothing so that it wards off any attacks from ill-wishers. Sometimes Radinets is additionally embroidered in the pupil - and the amulet becomes an even more powerful protector, intended for small children.

Fireeye protects from damage and envious people

Molvinets is a symbol that protects against any negative influences associated with words and speech. Embroidery removes the negativity that spiteful critics can send through conspiracies, curses, gossip, and slander.

Molvinets protects against conspiracies and curses

Chur protects boundaries and maintains integrity. An embroidered amulet protects the house from the attacks of thieves and robbers, and the family from the magical influences of envious people and homewreckers. Where Chur is located, dark forces cannot enter.

Chur protects the boundaries of home and family from negative influences

Preparatory stage

It is better to start embroidering the amulet on the waxing moon. This period is considered favorable for any endeavors and making wishes.

Before starting work, you definitely need to put yourself in a good mood and clear your head of unnecessary thoughts. Never sit down to embroider in a bad mood - the product absorbs your emotional mood. You need to be inspired by the pattern, put into the amulet what you would like to wish for its future owner.

It’s good to start embroidery by reading a prayer or a magical spell. Bless your work for positive achievements. With stitches, one after another, weave in your desire, as if programming a talisman to help you achieve good goals. If you wish, you can turn on the light so that the energy of the fire helps you and cleanses the space where you create.

Be sure to make sure that no one and nothing distracts you from the sacred process - creating powerful protective embroidery. Turn off the TV and computer, turn off the phone, close the window.

Material selection

In Rus', linen fabric was used for embroidery; now you can choose a fabric made from natural materials that will please you. If you are happy with your choice, this will have a positive effect on the amulet.

It is also better to choose natural threads for embroidery:

  • silk - for amulets for good luck and achieving goals;
  • cotton - for embroidering symbols that protect against negativity and magical influences;
  • symbols are used to embroider wool to prevent damage;
  • linen strengthens amulets aimed at creating harmony in the family and strengthening relationships.

It is better not to use beads for amulets, because they are made from artificial materials.

It is better to choose natural materials for embroidering amulets

Rules for creating a talisman

While working, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • the Slavs did not embroider amulets in hoops; it was believed that with them the symbols lose their magical power, and magical embroidery becomes simply a combination of beautiful patterns devoid of miraculous energy;
  • on the wrong side there should be no tangled threads, knots and unnecessary weaves, they can cause obstacles that prevent the implementation of the plan;
  • It is customary to start embroidering talismanic symbols from the middle of the canvas; with the first stitches and crosses, the magical power of the talisman is multiplied, filling all the voids with powerful energy;
  • try not to use scissors, use a candle instead, burning the thread in the right place; they believed that scissors, together with a thread, could cut the owner’s fate into several parts;
  • unfinished work cannot be shown to anyone;
  • At night, the embroidery should be wrapped in white cloth and hidden in a secluded place.

When you can and cannot embroider

There is a belief that on Friday any work by women is prohibited. This day was dedicated to the Slavic goddess Mokosh. They believed that she carefully monitored that women on her day did not pick up needles. Otherwise, punishment will follow - you may experience back pain or curled fingers.

It is not recommended to embroider on church holidays. Especially since the very morning without praying, without putting your thoughts in order. The work will seem monotonous and uninteresting, and the result will not be what you intended. If you are creating a talisman not for sale, but as a gift or for yourself, after the morning service you can start embroidering.

You should not embroider on menstruation days. It is believed that during this period, female energy is disturbed, and this will cause disruption in work.

There is an exception to the ban on embroidery on church holidays. You can do this kind of work on December 17, the day of St. Barbara - the patroness of all needlewomen. There is a belief that she embroidered vestments for the son of God with golden threads. It is believed that the saint influences the fate of craftswomen, initiates them into the mysteries of the world, directs them to accomplish their plans, and helps in the fulfillment of their desires. On this day, an unmarried girl who dreams of finding her betrothed must embroider the first crosses on a wedding towel or shirt.

Under no circumstances should you embroider on Sunday morning; it will do no good. This way you will only harm yourself and the owner of the amulet. Sunday is the day when people come to church services and light candles for the health of their loved ones. After the service, embroidery, on the contrary, is filled with miraculous power.

Video: on what days should you not sew or embroider?

Embroidery signs

When embroidering the amulet, pay attention to folk signs:

  • if the thread often gets tangled, some member of the opposite sex speaks well of you;
  • if you pricked your finger (any finger except the thumb) with a needle, the work will be worthy of praise; at the same time a drop of blood fell - make a wish, and it will definitely come true;
  • if you hurt your thumb, there may be trouble for you or the person for whom you are creating the amulet;
  • do not leave unfinished work on the bed, embroidery will seem long, will not bring joy, and perhaps over time you will simply abandon it.

Some craftswomen, trusting superstitions, are afraid to do embroidery during pregnancy. And in vain. It is believed that if you create a talisman during this period, its magical properties will increase many times over.

While a pregnant woman is working, she should not cut the thread with scissors, as this could harm the baby.

Video: can pregnant women embroider?

How to charge an embroidered amulet

To charge the embroidered amulet, prepare materials that will symbolize the main elements:

  • Fire - a lit candle;
  • Earth - a pinch of earth or a stone;
  • Water - a glass of clean water.

Air can be summoned without much prior preparation.

  1. Place the amulet on a clean surface, say over it everything that you expect from it, and bless it to fulfill its important mission.
  2. Sprinkle a pinch of soil on the embroidery or run a stone over it.
  3. Spray with water.
  4. Hold the candles over the fire (careful not to burn them).
  5. Blow on it or hold it near an open window.

When calling on the elements, ask them for help so that they endow the amulet with the necessary qualities, activate and strengthen its effect.

To activate the amulet you need to call on the help of the four main elements

How to use embroidery amulets correctly

The embroidered amulet should be stored in a spacious and bright place. It is important that it is constantly recharged with the energy of the sun and air.

If necessary, wash the embroidery in warm water with the addition of a neutral detergent. You can first rinse it in a strong salt solution to remove accumulated negativity from the amulet.

If the product is lost, the threads are worn out, or the frame of the amulet picture breaks over time, this means that the talisman has fulfilled its purpose. Now you can betray it to one of the elements: Earth (bury), Fire (burn) or Water (float along the river).

You can embroider Slavic amulets for protection, good luck, attracting harmony in the family and prosperity. The main thing is to choose a suitable pattern and work, following all the rules.

The online store “Embroider Igolochka” has long become a favorite place for many needlewomen. In the catalog you can find many patterns and kits with the help of which craftswomen can make amazing products. After all, embroidered symbols are not only decorative, but also serve as a kind of talisman. Our online store presents many patterns from TM Bereginya - embroidery of paintings, men's and women's shirts, bags, etc.


The cross is the most famous and simplest type of embroidery. Using it you can easily embroider intricate geometric patterns. This technique creates basic seams, various combinations of which make it possible to make the picture interesting and original.

The Bereginya cross stitch pattern belongs to the counted types of embroidery. They work on those fabrics on which it is easy to count the threads. However, this is not a necessary condition. Free-motion embroidery also involves its use.

The most famous option is a simple cross. It looks like stitches that are located along the diagonals of the cell, crossing in the center.

What do we offer

The paintings created using patterns from the Bereginya brand look incredibly beautiful. Bead embroidery gives the image volume and a more attractive look. Such paintings bring zest to the interior of the room. You can buy a bead embroidery pattern from TM Bereginya, with a pattern of swans, for only 174 rubles. It is possible to purchase the specified product in bulk.

Some needlewomen prefer creating more practical things to paintings. It could be a dress or a shirt. The cost of blanks starts from 2,700 rubles. Prices depend on the material (linen, cotton, calico) and the size of the blank.

The set includes a pattern for a dress, embroidered shirt or other product with instructions for increasing or decreasing it if necessary. All products have a number of recommendations for selecting the color scheme of threads, as well as beads. Thus, the client can inexpensively purchase high-quality materials in Moscow without leaving home.

An equally worthy gift would be a hand-embroidered bag or cosmetic bag. The manufacturer took care to include stunning examples of plant themes in the catalogs. Prices start at 1,448 rubles. The color of thick fabric can be white or black.

The store operates in the best interests of customers:

  • Selling and paying for goods has become even easier. You can pay for products either using a Sberbank of Russia card or without it - simply ask the cashier at a branch of the specified banking institution to deposit money into our account;
  • Bereginya embroidery pattern is delivered by Russian Post;
  • Pickup is available - the customer picks up the goods themselves.

The Bereginya brand offers its customers to buy not just one unit of goods, but to purchase in bulk with special offers. For the convenience of customers, the website has a “Personal Account”. With this service, customers have the opportunity to view wholesale prices and easily track their orders.