Is she deceiving or telling the truth? How to recognize a woman’s lie. Why do women cheat on their husbands?

How men deceive women. Beware of such relationships

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! How many excuses can a woman come up with for a man who has changed his attitude towards her! Recently there had been love, frequent meetings and beautiful words that always made her dizzy.And pictures of a future wedding and a happy family appeared in my mind. With him, with this man she chose.

Fantasy suggested a magnificent life, not overshadowed by anything; in this life there was no place for quarrels and scandals, because everything was covered with roses. It seemed that everything was so good that there was no need to wish for anything better.

She made so many plans and came up with so many things.

But suddenly something happened, not through her fault. She didn’t even understand what happened, and he suddenly disappeared, without any explanation. Why didn’t she change her mind: he was sick, he was lying alone and couldn’t call her.

Or he lost his phone, urgently went on a business trip, went hunting with friends, got drunk and got lost in a scary forest.

It doesn’t matter what terrible pictures a woman comes up with for herself, but she always justifies his actions and refuses to believe the most obvious: he lost interest in her, stopped loving her and decided to simply disappear from her life.

Now comes the most interesting part. Why does a woman continue to deceive herself and naively believe that he loves her if this happened to her?

Why does she come up with so many excuses for her boyfriend and refuse to face the truth?

Imagine that you find yourself in this situation. Very unpleasant, really. But what is better: to deceive yourself or figure it out, find the reason. Who should we deal with, this man, or what? So there was no trace of him...

You will have to deal with yourself in order to understand what happened and where exactly you made a mistake. Your self-esteem should not suffer, unless, of course, it is low.

Why did the man just disappear from your life? Just now everything was fine, you hoped for a long-term relationship and made plans for yourself: family, children and happiness for life...

You could date a married man, this is very unpleasant, but some women agree to this.

Because they have an extremely low opinion of themselves. Therefore, you should not be surprised that your friend returned to the family. He did the right thing, but, of course, he didn’t ask you about it.

But this is natural and understandable to everyone.

And for what reason did the person you love and with whom you had what you thought were real feelings suddenly stop calling?

Think, maybe you deceived yourself and convinced yourself that love is mutual, although in reality it is not?

Men are very different in their thinking from women, they don’t hear hints, they have a different logic and understand love completely differently than women think. Therefore, if you have recently started having problems with your loved one, read carefully what you should not do under any circumstances. So as not to end up with nothing.

You can’t force yourself on a man, they can’t stand it. In fact, he should be the one insisting on meetings and calling you, not you. If a man doesn’t call you, it means he just doesn’t want to do it, that’s all. And you come up with a lot of excuses for him, tell yourself that his phone is damaged, he dropped it in the water, he lost it.

In fact, he knows your number by heart and the first thing he will do if he has lost his phone is call you. If a man is too busy, as you think, and cannot find even a minute to talk, then you are again deceiving yourself. Why are you doing it? Because this scenario doesn't match your fantasies?

The man you like simply doesn’t love you, because if he really needs you, he will, as they say, get you out of the ground. You will find him at your door early in the morning with flowers, he will meet you after work or school, he will be next to you on the bus, as if by chance. He will always be there when you need it.

If he is not around, this is a clear signal to you that he is not at all interested in you as a woman. The bitter truth is always better than a sweet lie. Why run after a man who is not at all interested in you?

He doesn’t call, so check how long it will take for him to remember you and why? In the meantime, don’t get upset, pull yourself together and don’t waste time on empty and completely useless dreams. This can cause you to lose energy and even become depressed.

If a guy promised to call you, but you never received a call from him, accept it as a fact. But you shouldn’t call him and remind him of what he promised you. He's not a child, really. A man always knows exactly whether he likes a woman or whether he prefers to remain friends with her.

That is, she doesn’t suit him, he just likes her and that’s all. But he doesn’t want to say anything harshly, to reject her, so as not to offend her. And then he tries to evade the answer, does not behave the way you would like. Can you imagine, you came up with a lot of interesting things about your love, but the guy doesn’t suspect anything about it?

If a man promised you something, but forgot about it, do not ignore this fact. When a man likes a girl, he remembers her and will always try to keep his promise. If he doesn't, it means you don't have as much value to him as you hoped. Or he's even dating someone other than you.

And he gives the other girl gifts, flowers, calls, waits after work and invites her on dates.

And at this time you are suffering and hoping for something. Why waste time, it’s better to figure everything out and stop getting upset and fantasizing.

Often, after the first meeting, people exchange phone numbers, the girl begins to wait for a call, but the guy does not call. If he likes you, he will definitely talk to you. And if you decide that you impressed him, but in fact he is not delighted with you, there will be no call.

And there is no need to worry about this, especially not to call yourself. Maybe he asked for your phone number just out of politeness, so you shouldn't be pushy. What will he think of you?

And he will think that you are imposing, which means that the person is not very serious and is completely unsuitable for a real relationship. Friendly calls are different from conversations between people who have sincere feelings for each other.

Sometimes a man doesn’t call on purpose so that you do it first. This is manipulation of you, do not fall for it. But it turns out that you are taking the initiative, which means you need it, you invite him on a date, hinting about it in every possible way.

What will he do then? Laughing at you in the company of friends, probably. Well, why do you need such a relationship, because it won’t lead to anything good! You will only waste time and will not see a real guy who will look at you lovingly.

But you simply won’t notice this guy, because your head will be busy with sad thoughts about the person who doesn’t appreciate you.

A man loves to conquer a woman, and if he runs from you, hides, comes up with excuses and justifications, then he simply doesn’t like you. You can even turn this phrase around and say that he is not suitable for you.

It happens that in a long-term relationship, a man doesn’t even mention his feelings for you, he comes to meetings, you have a good time, but he doesn’t say a word about love. What does a woman do in this case?

She begins to invent feelings for him that he does not feel for her. She tells everyone that the love is mutual, but he is afraid to admit that he loves her, and he himself is literally dying of love.

This is, of course, very stupid. Because after a while the woman herself begins to believe in this nonsense, makes plans about a future together, about a wedding (everything is as always). But a man doesn’t even suspect anything like that, he just lives and uses a woman, since she allows him to do so.

Who is to blame that the relationship between two people has turned into a farce, which after some time will smoothly develop into drama and endless reproaches?

If a man doesn’t talk about love, he doesn’t love you, and you don’t need to invent anything for yourself, it won’t work, because you will waste a lot of nerves, shed a lot of tears, but you won’t be able to tie your friend to you.

When a man is in love, he will definitely tell you about his feelings and will not remain silent. You may have to constantly listen to how much he loves you and receive signs of attention from him. He will definitely want to prove to you that he needs you and he simply cannot live without you.

Young people always try to talk a lot about their love if they are in love, even if the girl does not want to hear anything about it.

If you do not notice such behavior in him, call him yourself and invite him to a meeting, do not deceive yourself. You love him, and he loves someone else. And most likely, he meets with her while you are waiting for his call, freezing every time with delight that he finally decided to invite you on a date.

And then you cry bitterly and complain to your friends that he is unscrupulous, rude and does not understand anything about love. After all, he always has no time, and you keep waiting and waiting.

It's very unpleasant when a guy calls you only on the condition that he is not too sober. There are such relationships, and it’s a pity for the girls who endure this, but nothing good will come from such relationships.

Respect yourself, then they will respect you too. Low self-esteem and the usual fear of being alone can only harm a woman. If you don't love yourself, then no one will love you. It's no use trying to deceive yourself.

Do you get angry if you start talking to your partner about marriage and he babbles something about how he's not ready to get married? You were rejected, but it’s your own fault, you should have first checked his feelings and found out what if the guy is leading you by the nose to laugh?

If a man says the phrase “I’m not ready for marriage,” this means that he does not want to marry not in principle, but specifically to you. That is, he is not attracted to you as a wife. You can always have some fun, why not, but he doesn’t want to get married!

Think about the current state of your relationship and compare how you treated each other before. Maybe you are offended, you often cry, you are not given gifts and even speak poorly in the presence of strangers?

You shouldn’t date a man who doesn’t value you, doesn’t love you and is simply using you.

If you have recently tried to sort out your relationship and clarify your future together, but nothing came of it, the person you love has disappeared and does not call, you need to accept this and move on. He is silent, does not write and does not offer to meet again.

This is his decision, his clear answer to you, so don’t persist, because you won’t be nice by force.

A woman should think well of herself, value and love herself. You deserve mutual love and happiness. Find your person, he is on this earth, and do not marry the first person you meet, do not choose the wrong reasons for marriage.

Relationships in which you are offended, deceived and do not talk about love have no future. There is no need to deceive yourself and invent feelings that do not exist. Start loving yourself, raise your self-esteem, and then very soon someone with whom everything will work out very well will appear next to you, and you will learn what true love is.

You can beat me with sticks, dear women, but this is a harsh reality. We women love to lie and embellish, although sometimes this is not visible from the outside. This is our active button that we use very often. Girls, at the beginning of a relationship, can be very sweet and kind, they can veil it all so that those around them will say: “Yes, your girlfriend is an angel.” But, after a while, about three months, this angel turns into a demon, who slowly begins to manipulate the man. And he, unaware of all the threat and danger, walks straight into her clutches!

Women's lies are something! We especially lie to our friends about our lives, embellish all situations, say that we will never spill her terrible secret, and at that very moment we write SMS to all her friends. Moreover, the girl’s secrets are chattering into the lungs. You think that your friend will never tell your secret, you are wrong. Even those sweet eyes that she makes in order to mislead you will say the opposite, somewhere far away in a secret place! Maybe you can say that men lie too. Yes, they lie, but men’s lies are structured a little differently. A man will never run to a friend and tell him the secrets that his wife, for example, told him. I can’t even imagine such a situation, unless, of course, this is a real man!
Men and women can lie about the same things, but in different ways. For example: There are pretty girls and those who don’t want to take care of themselves. A man has a choice, which one to choose? In general, the man made a choice in favor of an unkempt woman, but kept the contacts of his girlfriends, just in case, so that he could move to another bed in case of failure. This is called deception! Since he, while on a date, planned to go to bed with his other girlfriends, in case the slut left him. As a result, the one who was slutty seemed beautiful to this man after a couple of months, and he deleted all his contacts. Of course, maybe the man had a chance for a second chance, but it was pure deception on his part!

On the other hand, if a man goes to a meeting with a girl and notices that her phone is constantly turned off, or is quickly running out of battery, the man can simply ask to turn on the phone, and immediately receives a portion of tears, screams and scandals. and in the end, after three hours of screaming, the confession: “I have one more person.” The girl had two options that she was considering, and if one failed, she would go to the other. This is how the girl hid and deceived her boyfriend. The girl turned out to be too mercantile, and chose which of her suitors was the richest, smartest and most promising!

And it should not be surprising that now marriages are made under prenuptial agreements, that men are looking for wealthy women who will not hunt for their wealth. After all, women at their core, not all, but the majority, are very mercantile and predatory individuals!

From time to time, the question of lying arises for everyone, both men and women. We will discuss not just lies, but the lies of men to women. The topic is very broad, and the conversation will focus on the most important point for us: is it possible to deceive a woman by exaggerating your advantages in front of her in order to successfully seduce her? In addition, later we will consider a whole series of articles devoted to fidelity and betrayal.

Imagine you are a student or an office worker, and you want to get a cool girl. Undoubtedly, you consider yourself an interesting guy with many advantages and talents, a tough guy and even a macho man. But, oops - for some reason these advantages of yours did not manifest themselves in the form of impressive material wealth and high social status. And you somehow concluded that girls are very susceptible to external manifestations of success and all this tinsel. What to do? Lying to a woman?

Is it really possible to limit your choice and aspirations only to easily accessible options, for which it is enough to sit in an inexpensive cafe and give a rose to charm them with their generosity and prosperity?

I don’t think you will be satisfied with this option, although in practice most of us artificially limit ourselves to it.

At first glance, there is an excellent alternative to this unpleasant moment. You can embellish your position at work and income, because by a person’s appearance it is not always possible to accurately say about his social status, if this difference is not too great.

Sometimes even a modestly wealthy man manages to dress stylishly and look brand new, drive to the club in his cousin’s expensive car and look like a prince from a fairy tale in the eyes of local beauties.

The irony is that for just one promise, a hint of a beautiful life, a certain category of women is ready to do anything, and the category “angel woman” is ready for even more. And honest guys, who consider lies beneath their dignity, can only stand modestly on the sidelines?

Surely many of us will remember men we know or cases heard somewhere where an insidious thrice-married penniless seducer deceived a charming innocent maiden, made her vows about love, marriage, and pretended to be a prince on a white horse. And then, having used it, he disappeared in an unknown direction. It is customary in society to condemn and disrespect such thugs. Deceiving a woman is bad. Public morality clearly condemns a man lying to a woman for the purpose of seduction.

To lie or not to lie? That is the question

Let's now free our minds from limiting beliefs and think sensibly, based on the benefits of this or that model of behavior.

The whole point of lying is to make yourself look better to girls than you really are. Those. potentially the whole game could be ruined by exposure. And if it becomes clear to the girl that you are not who you say you are, then your shares will fall much below their natural indicators. The meaning of such a lie disappears.

As you know, the truth comes out sooner or later if you continue to communicate with a person for more or less a long time. The first simple conclusion from this is: you shouldn’t lie about yourself to a girl you’re considering as a candidate for a serious relationship.

Now let's consider such an aspect of the topic as environmental friendliness. I think everyone knows what a broken heart is, how unpleasant and painful it is to be disappointed in a loved one.

At best, love disappointments lead to depression and nervous breakdowns, at worst to suicide attempts and severe neuroses. And an adequate person, endowed with a sense of healthy egoism, must still always remember about environmental friendliness. It implies not causing harm and pain to others in cases where this can be avoided.

It was from this principle that came the rule, adopted tacitly by the vast majority of pick-up artists - not to tell a girl about love if in reality she doesn’t have it.

Saying that you love, deceiving a woman just for the sake of sleeping - this is not about the community of seducers. And I perfectly understand the origins of this principle.

Every self-respecting man wants to know that his achievements, be it charming women or a thriving business, are the product of his strength, intelligence, ingenuity and talent, and not of unprincipled lies and stepping over the heads of victims.

Of course, there are many dishonest people. And yet, if you can do it by honest methods without evil and deception, it is better to do just that.

But let’s assume you’re seeing a girl for the first time and want to get the girl’s phone number, you’re not planning a long-term relationship, and at most it will come down to a non-binding intriguing game. Well, there are many options here, ranging from blatant self-confident lies, when a student claims that he is the CEO of a large company, to innocent embellishment of his position in society.

As you understand, nothing bad will happen in either the first or second case. The main thing is not to go to extremes, so that your words do not look implausible and ridiculous in comparison with your simple appearance and cheap suit. Otherwise, instead of a status elevated to the skies, you will receive ridicule from others.

As you can see, men lying to women in one form or another has a lot of disadvantages, even without taking into account moral standards.

Great method

Meanwhile, there is an excellent method of presenting yourself, which is quite capable of realizing your desire to embellish your own image in the eyes of a new acquaintance, and at the same time excludes the possibility of exposure. It may not be as stunning as a beautiful lie, but, meanwhile, it brings excellent results.

This is a method of embellishment and creating an aura of mystery. Think yourself. After all, it is not at all necessary to answer directly and in detail all questions about yourself. And if you work as a small clerk in a bank, then you can focus your interlocutor’s attention on the word “bank”, gently omitting such a trifle as your position in it. After which you can deftly turn your attention to the interlocutor herself. Women love to talk about themselves, and by the time you know half of her life, all that will remain in her sweet little head is that you are a banker 😀 . There is no point in dissuading her of this in the future.

If she subsequently finds out details that are unpleasant for you, then your conscience will be clear as glass - you haven’t lied one iota. And it is possible that by this time your acquaintance with the charming whistleblower will already have a pleasant continuation.

So, to summarize, let’s note the main conclusions of today’s article:

  1. You should not lie to a woman with whom you plan to have long-term communication, much less a permanent acquaintance.

  2. The seducer is strictly environmentally friendly. He does not pursue his goals over broken women’s hearts, but leaves behind pleasant memories.

  3. Don't lie rudely. What you say must be believable and approximately consistent with your appearance and behavior.

  4. Don't lie, but know how to turn the truth to your advantage. Let what is beautiful in your life stand in front, but leave the unpleasant moments in the shadows. The criterion here is simple - your words must be impossible to regard as a lie.

Finally, one more piece of advice, or rather a parting word. Do you remember that the main thing in life is not to look, but to be someone worth emulating? The main danger of lying about yourself lies not in deceiving others, but in deceiving yourself. You can't lie about yourself forever, even if the lie is innocent.

When developing, working on yourself, including in the field of communicating with women, it is important to set a real goal, which sooner or later will give you the opportunity to proudly tell everyone about who you are and what you have achieved in this life.

Men are prone to infidelity, but women are not immune to this either. Why do women cheat, why do men cheat, and how can couples work to eradicate infidelity from relationships? We will try to answer these questions in this article. When it comes to infidelity, there are a number of myths and misconceptions. It should be noted that cheating is not limited to sex or physical contact, and men are not the only ones who cheat. Women, like men, also often seek comfort and satisfaction (in and outside the bedroom) outside of their marriage. It is believed that the number of men who cheat on their wives is 60 percent. At the same time, 55 percent of women also cheat. And this percentage is constantly growing. It is likely that the percentage is on par with that of men. It is important to clarify that infidelity does not necessarily mean having sex on the side. Infidelity can be any intimacy outside of a relationship, whether physical or emotional. So it's not always about sex.

Something is missing

Why are there so many men and women willing to break their marriage vows? Some women who cheat have some type of mental illness or personality disorder. But first of all, this is because they have a feeling that feelings have disappeared and a feeling of neglect appears. In many cases, infidelity is about having an emotional connection with someone. Women and men cheat because they are simply missing something in their relationship. When women begin to feel distant and lonely, they can become depressed. Ultimately, they may look outside their relationship for someone who can meet their emotional and physical needs and ease their loneliness.

1. To get out of a bad relationship

Women who cheat just want to get out of the relationship and don't know how to do it. Sometimes it is too difficult for them to admit it, and the woman is forced to lie instead. Infidelity is a way to get rid of a relationship that, for one reason or another, makes her unhappy, dissatisfied, and she just wants to leave.

2. To find your spark

Problems with money and children, which held the marriage back at the beginning, fade into the background. Romance fades away day after day in the routine of our lives. In such a situation, a woman easily succumbs to any temptation for a new relationship.

3. To end an unsatisfactory sex life

If sex is not satisfying and a woman does not feel emotionally fulfilled in a relationship, then her interest may develop in relation to other men. This could be due to her feeling that she is not attractive and that her partner is not passionate about her.

4. Revenge and retribution

If the husband cheated, then sometimes the woman can cheat in order to take revenge on him. This is done in order to teach her husband a lesson and make him feel what she felt.

5. Low self-esteem

She may be another reason why women cheat. Receiving attention from outside men can boost their self-confidence and self-esteem. Compliments, phone calls, flowers and compliments from another man are flattering to a woman and make her feel more attractive.

6. They do what they know.

Another reason why women cheat is because they do what they know. If they see infidelity in their parents' relationship, they may follow this pattern in their own lives.

Women and men are almost the same in relationships

Women who cheat do it for exactly the same reasons as men:

  • To attract attention
  • Dissatisfaction in sexual life
  • Unhappy relationship
  • Feeling neglected
  • Seeking a boost to your ego
  • Misunderstanding in Marriage

Women are no different from men when it comes to cheating, except that they are more likely to fall in love with their new partner. The reason is hormones - oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates the brain to make a woman feel in love.

Work on relationships

If you want to protect your relationship from temptation to infidelity, know that you need to nurture and care for your “flower” - water it, feed it, give it love and sunshine to watch it grow and bloom. The most effective way to save a relationship or marriage is to work on it every day and evaluate it on a regular basis. If a couple makes a concerted effort to make the relationship the focus of their lives and spend their free time together, then no one will have the idea or feeling that they need someone else.

The harsh reality of life is that all women have a tendency to lie, and actively use this function. Yes all. Including those who grew up in a decent family, married a virgin and still blush at the word “penis.”

There are times when one might think that the very fact of marrying a virgin is already a hallmark of a masterly lie. I don’t know if such stories have happened in adventure literature. Personally, I believe that in its best moments, life can be much more interesting. And the possibilities of plastic surgery these days are such that a woman can restore almost any place on herself – and even make it better. I was told a story in which a girl intrigued with a man for a very long time, playing the role of a virtuous person. And only later it became clear that all this was nothing more than a very good manipulation. That there was no maiden honor, and that the child was not his, and, in general, “oh, what a scandal it was,” in the words of Pugacheva.

Well, and, of course (as one could even logically conclude), only the closest friend could know and blurt out such a secret. With whom we were friends since the fifth grade and “were always like sisters.” Which, in my opinion, once again emphasizes how multifaceted women’s lies can be.

Perhaps someone will say: dividing deception into “female” and “male” is wrong, a lie is a lie, and it is used depending not on gender, but on dishonesty and arrogance. This is probably true; men and women can lie about the same things. But let's look at an example. An acquaintance of mine once faced a choice: to date a girl whom he himself at that time considered ugly, or not.

The girl had a very good character and was at the same time witty, and in our time the simultaneous presence of these qualities in a woman is such a rarity that, you understand, it is extremely difficult to calmly ignore such an uncut diamond. In general, he decided to start dating, but, just in case, to maintain a couple of contacts with pretty girlfriends, so that he would have someone to survive the grief with if the relationship that had begun did not justify itself. But during meetings, he turned off the phone so that the girl would not see that others were calling and texting him, and would not guess anything.

This technique is definitely in the realm of deception. But the man approached him so as not to injure the girl, not to hurt her. Just two months later, the one he considered ugly began to seem more beautiful to him than anyone he knew, and the SIM card with the contacts of the beauties he knew disappeared from his phone forever.

Here's another story with a similar plot. “At some point, I noticed that her phone was draining too quickly and, for some reason, it was usually turned off at our meetings,” said a friend on Facebook. And then one day I plucked up the impudence and asked to turn on the device and show me the lack of charge... tears, screams, hysterics began and, finally, an honest confession - “one person is writing to me.”

Do you think the girl turned off her phone to spare her boyfriend’s psyche? No, it was simply very beneficial for her to date two men at the same time, who took her to restaurants and did not skimp on gifts. Her deception was motivated by banal commercialism. And this story, by the way, I consider especially instructive in our time, when a lot of network dynamos have divorced - women who hook men on their hooks using the Internet. This category of liars often does not need a serious relationship at all; they seek communication with men to amuse their own ego or for the sake of outright fraud. After this, is it any wonder that there are more and more men who are angry with the female sex or do not trust them?

Women's logic in action

(be careful, it can blow your mind in the first 20 seconds) :)

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