Skyrim mission of the storm brothers. Walkthrough of Skyrim - Stormcloaks. Message for Whiterun

Joining the Stormcloaks

In order to join the ranks of the Stormcloaks, you need to receive the appropriate task. If at the very beginning of the game you fled from the burning Helgen with the rebel Ralof, then when leaving the cave he told you about the civil war in Skyrim and invited you to join the Stormcloaks. If you left Helgen with the Imperials, but decided to join the rebels, then to receive this task you just need to talk to any Stormcloak soldier, who can easily be found in numerous rebel camps throughout Skyrim.

When you find out about the progress of the civil war and the Stormcloaks, the quest “Join the Stormcloaks” will appear in your diary. You need to go to Windhelm and talk to the jarl and rebel leader, Ulfric Stormcloak.

IN joining the ranks Stormcloaks

You must travel to Snake Rock Island and survive the battle with the Ice Wraith. The island is located far in the northeast of the province, among the Sea of ​​​​Ghosts, east of Winterhold. The island got its name in honor of the Snake Stone located on it.

Apart from the ice ghost you need, there are no other opponents on the island, and therefore fighting him should not be difficult. If your character is of a low level, then before heading to the island it is better to stock up on potions of health and protection from the cold.

Serrated crown

When returning from the island of Snakestone, before taking the oath, you could catch Ulfric and Galmar in a furious argument over a certain crown. Galmar convinced Ulfric that the legendary symbol of power, the Jagged Crown, was not lost at all, but was located in the ancient Nordic ruins of Corvanjund. If the Stormcloaks obtain for Ulfric an ancient crown made from the bones and fangs of a dragon, his position will be greatly strengthened in the eyes of most of the inhabitants of Skyrim.

Ulfric agreed to send a small expedition to search for the ancient artifact. You will be tasked with joining her and meeting Galmar and other Stormcloak soldiers near the entrance to Korvanjund. Upon arrival, you will see Galmar Stonefist giving the rebels a brief briefing: the soldiers of the Imperial Legion somehow learned about the rebel plans and were able to penetrate Korvanjund first.

Message for Whiterun

Having received the precious crown, Ulfric will thank you for the successfully completed task and give you the next task. You need to go to Dragonsreach and give the Earl of Whiterun a message from Ulfric - an axe. This is an ancient Nordic custom: if Jarl Balgruuf accepts the ax, it means there will be peace, but if not, it means war.

Having met the jarl and given him the axe, you will witness his conversation with his advisors, at the end of which he will decide to go over to the side of the Empire and refuse to accept Ulfric’s axe.


The jarl will refuse to talk to you if the quest along the main plot of the game "Dragon in the Sky" is active. In this case, to continue, you will need to first complete it, and only then continue to fulfill Ulfric’s instructions.

After receiving Balgruuf's answer, you must return to Windhelm and return the ax to Ulfric. After Ulfric learns of Jarl Whiterun’s refusal and consults with Galmar, he decides that the time has come to take decisive measures and begin military operations. The Stormcloaks must gather all their forces and spread the key phrase among the population of Skyrim: “A new day begins, and the sun rises over Whiterun” - it’s time to attack the city.

Battle of Whiterun


Until this task is completed, visiting the “normal” peaceful Whiterun will be impossible.

You will be sent to a camp near Whiterun under the command of Galmar. Upon arrival, you will see Galmar giving an inspiring speech to the soldiers, after which he will lead everyone into the attack. Your first main goal is the suspension bridge. If you can break through the barricades and bring it down, the main Stormcloak force will be able to penetrate the outer walls and enter the city.

Liberation of Skyrim

This task combines several others, the common goal of which is the complete and gradual reconquest of Skyrim, possession by possession. This part of the Civil War campaign is directly connected to the main story quest "Time Without End", during which you need to negotiate peace between the Stormcloaks and the Imperial Legion. Depending on the decision you make, the factions will exchange cities and, accordingly, take control of a new possession.

Thus, based on the results of the exchange, you will have to capture one or another area of ​​Skyrim. For example, if you have not yet completed the main plot of the game, or have not reached the peace negotiations, then the Stormcloaks control the possession of Winterhold, and the Imperial Legion controls Markarth and the entire Reach. In this case, if you are fighting on the side of the Stormcloaks, your goal will be to capture Markarth. If the exchange took place, then instead of the Reach you will have to capture Winterhold.

Liberation of Falkreath

Fort Neugrad - saving comrades

You need to go to the Stormcloaks' secret camp in Falkreath, which is located southeast of Riverwood. Galmar will be waiting for you there. He will entrust you with a responsible task - to free your comrades in arms from enemy captivity. They are located in Fort Neugrad, which is located south of Helgen. You must join a group of scouts near the fort.

Upon arrival, you will see that your old friend Ralof is in charge of the operation. He will invite you to sneak into the fort unnoticed and free the prisoners of war in prison. At the end of the conversation with Ralof, you will have a new additional task - to sneak into the fort undetected. You can fulfill this condition, or go ahead - in any case, this will not affect the completion of the task.

Liberating the Limit


This quest will only be received if the main story quest "Endless Time" has not been completed, or if Markarth is still under the control of the Imperial Legion. Otherwise the task will be skipped.

War booty

Ulfric will send you to a secret rebel camp in the Reach. Galmar will meet you there and give you a non-standard task: you need to use blackmail to obtain important information from Rerik, Jarl Markarth’s uncle and assistant. Galmar knows that Rerik secretly worships Talos, and this could be an excellent pretext for blackmail.

You need to go to Markarth and find material to intimidate Rerik. Entering the Understone Fortress and turning into the right corridor from the throne room, you will go to the door to the chambers of the jarl's adviser. The premises are periodically patrolled by only one guard, and therefore it will be easy to pick the lock and enter the room. In the chest of drawers, which is located opposite the door, you will find the amulet of Talos, which belongs to Rerik, perfect for your task. Having taken it, you must come to the throne room and show the amulet to its owner.

Such evidence will quickly intimidate the manager, and he will want to talk to you alone. Follow him back to his room and demand information about the Imperials in exchange for the amulet and your silence. After listening to you and agreeing to the proposed conditions, Rerik will report that a strategically important imperial caravan loaded with silver and weapons has set off towards Solitude. According to the manager, maintaining the caravan is enough to turn the tide of the war. The cart moves very slowly, and is guarded by a small detachment of soldiers of the Imperial Legion. Also, if you use persuasion in a conversation with the manager, he will give you a fairly large advance in the form of gold.

Liberation of Hjaalmarch


Ulfric Stormcloak will send you to the next rebel camp northeast of Morthal. There, Galmar Stone Fist will entrust you with another non-standard task. Galmar has a plan: he wants to plant fake orders on the Legate of the Imperial Legion in Morthal, but to do this, you first need to get the real ones.

Your goal is to intercept the messenger on the road from Morthal to Solitude and take the real orders of the Imperials. Galmar will tell you that the messenger stops in two places along the way: in the settlement of Dragon Bridge in the Four Shields tavern and in Rorikstead - in the Ice Cream Fruit tavern. First, you need to ask the tavern owners about it. The easiest option for you is to go to one of the two taverns marked with a marker on your map and convince the owner or hostess to tell about the imperial messenger (the best option is to "convince" the innkeeper that the messenger is in danger). The tavern owner will inform you that the messenger has just left, but will soon return to the tavern for the night, and the messenger himself will now be marked with a marker on your map.

Liberation of the White Coast


This quest will only be received if Dawnstar was given to the Imperial Legion during the main story quest "Endless Time". Otherwise the task will be skipped.

Battle of Dunstad Fort

Ulfric will once again send you to Galmar's disposal. The Stone Fist awaits you in the Stormcloak camp, which is located east of the ruins of Corvanjund and west of Windhelm. Having arrived at the place, you will receive another task to capture the fort, in which another “percentage battle” awaits you: you must destroy soldiers of the Imperial Legion, whose number is measured in percentage, until their number drops to zero. Go to your squad near Fort Dunstad and clear the fort. After successfully completing the task, return to Ulfric with a report on the capture of the White Coast

Liberation of the Rift


This quest will only be received if Riften was given to the Imperial Legion during the main story quest "Endless Time". Otherwise the task will be skipped.

Battle of Fort Greenwall

The Stormcloaks are the opposition to the Empire, which seeks to completely control Skyrim and constantly deploys its troops of soldiers in the surrounding area. The Stormcloaks, in turn, oppose her and fight to keep Skyrim independent. Among them you will meet the bravest and most fearless Nords. It is impossible to call any of the warring parties right. Each has its own good and bad sides, as well as its own secrets. Therefore, passing the game Skyrim gives the player the right to take any side.

How to join the Stormcloaks?

To join their ranks, find a certain Galmar, nicknamed Stone Fist, in Windhelm. He is located in the Royal Palace and conducts recruiting for new recruits. Tell him that you want to join the guild. He will answer you that there is always a need for new soldiers, but you must bring proof of your usefulness.

Joining the Stormcloaks

The introductory task will be quite easy and short. Find the Snake Stone (the map will help) and destroy the ice spirit near it. Complete the objective and return to Galmar. Then read the oath and put on the clothes of the militia. Everyone, congratulations, you have joined the Stormcloaks.

Serrated crown

Next, Stone Fist will ask you to find the Jagged Crown to complete the game Skyrim. You need to go to the ancient burial place of the Nords. It's called Corvanjud. Whenever you go out, Galmar will claim to be ahead of you. Try to arrive at least five seconds before him. The warrior will report that the Imperials have already invaded the burial place and are waiting near the entrance. In addition, he will complain that the Stormcloaks are very cold, and the Imperials are warming themselves by their fires. You need to drive out the Imperials, or better yet, just kill them all. When you have dealt with everyone, the road to the ruins will be clear and you can enter. There you will meet six more enemies - kill them too. There will still be Imperials ahead of you. Don't spare anyone. Then Galmar will begin to suspect an “ambush”. He will ask you, as a “newcomer,” to go check and promise to join the battle if anything happens. They will hear her. If you want to finish playing Skyrim, don't rush forward. Try to go from above first.

The Imperial below is probably not very smart. It sits in a pool of oil, which catches fire easily. And above his head there is a flaming jug. Drop it on an enemy's head with either a spell or an arrow from a bow. Or you can just engage him in battle. Besides him, four more guards are in the room. When attacking them, you will see Galmar running in with his men. Deal with the enemies and go to the next tier of the burial. When you enter there you will come across a locked door. A claw lying near the door will help open it. In addition, you will have to solve a very simple puzzle. Just line up the animal on top, then the bird, then the remaining picture. You will then enter a room where there is a locked grate. Of course, you need to figure out how to open it. Above it you will find a dagger lying on a button. To complete the game Skyrim, take it. Then you will see a secret passage that has opened. He will lead you to a room full of traps. Very carefully open the chest located there.

Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid the bullets fired at you. Don't press the lever - it closes the door. Take everything you need and go back. Then reach the opposite side through the ledges. Then you will see a handle that you need to press. This way, you will open the grate, and at this time four Draugr will appear from their coffins. Kill them and proceed to the Krypt. Galmar will report that the crown is close. Start looking for her. Then on the throne you will see a man, on whose head rests the thing you need.

Of course, completing the game Skyrim cannot be so simple and it will not give you the crown. You need to take it from the draugr by force. Destroy them all and take the crown from their commander. And behind the throne you will find a new word of power inscribed on the wall. Now take the found crown to the customer. However, take your time and don't run through the corridors. Near the wall where you read the word of power is a small wooden ladder. If you climb it, you will see a corridor leading to the temple. It turns out this is the first burial site. Then head to the Petrel, give him the crown. He, in turn, will send you to take the ax to Balgruuf, the jarl in Whiterun. This will be your next task.

Message for Whiterun

You need to not only hand the ax to Ulfric, the jarl in Whiterun, but also wait for his response. Go to the palace in Whiterun. If you get there for the first time, you will be stopped by the jarl's thane. To complete the game Skyrim, tell him that you are coming with a message from the Stormcloak. Then they will let you in. In addition, if you have not been there yet, first complete the main story quest (find the tablet and destroy the dragon). Only then will you receive an answer.

It turns out that Balgruuf decided to return the ax to Stormcloak. Fulfill his wish. But Ulfric still intends to start a war with Whiterun. And you, of course, will be on the front line. So, head to the military camp, which is located in the vicinity of Whiterun.

Go there and listen to Stone Fist's rant. Then enter the battle. You need to open the road to the suspension bridge. Go to the opposite side as you wish. You can climb over the ledges or jump over the top of the moat. Then climb up the gate and lower the bridge. Enter the city through it and destroy all the enemies you meet. Get to the castle and kill all the guards in it, and take after them and the jarl. You will have a pompous dialogue with him. The Jarl will insist that you will all repent of your deeds. And Galmar will shout at him to shut up and that you have conquered the city. You are really successfully completing the passage of the game Skyrim - after all, you have captured a city that now needs command. You will be sent with a message about the victory to Windhelm.

Battle of Whiterun

Deal with the Whiterun guards and the Imperials. Get to the devices and lower the bridge down. Then rush to the dragon's border, where you overthrow the jarl. After completing all the tasks, go to Ulfric.

Liberation of Skyrim

Now Galmar, nicknamed Stone Fist, will ask you to conquer the forts one by one and kill all the imperial enemies there to complete the game Skyrim. Head to Stormcloak and tell him that you have captured Whiterun. Your nickname is now "Ice Veins". Finally, Ulfric realized that by gaining more power, you would become even more useful. But be patient and rejoice, first you will be persistently asked to go to Falkreath and provide support to Galmar.

And he will give you the task of recapturing a fort called Neugrad. Proceed to meet the scouts who are located southwest of the indicated fort. Note: if suddenly the sign “Waiting for orders” or something like that does not appear near Galmar, you need to run around him or approach from the other side on foot.

Go to meet the scout. It turns out he has known Ralof for a long time. The scout will inform you that you will need to make your way through the caves at the bottom of the lake to the prison, which belongs to the fleet. And there, free all the prisoners and quickly move to the courtyard. You will receive help from scouts in the battle against the Imperials. The rest of your progress in Skyrim depends on your level: you can tell them that you don't have the stealth skill, but they will tell you that they believe in you and are ready to support you as soon as you find yourself in the courtyard. Head towards the lake, dive into the water and swim towards the passage. If you don't know how to sneak, just run into the yard and start a fight. Then the scouts will come running to you, and you will free the prisoners. And if you are good at stealth, go to the prison and release the prisoners (first kill the guard at the door and take the key to the cells from him). Then deal with all the enemies in the courtyard (four to five people). Now go to the fort and kill all the opponents in it (about ten people). Six of them fell asleep in one room, so half can be killed secretly, and the rest in open battle. After clearing the fort, talk to Ralof and listen to his words of gratitude. He will send you to report your victory to Ulfric. To complete the game Skyrim, go to him and receive a new task, which is to liberate the Reach.

War Booty

Ulfric Stormcloak will ask you to find information that can be used to blackmail the manager of Markarth, Rerik. Head to the Understone Fortress in Markarth and find a room there that belongs to Rerik. The door there is guarded by a guard. Wait until he moves away and quickly make your way into the room. You also have the opportunity to use a potion that will make you invisible. In the chest of drawers, take the Talos amulet that belongs to Rerik and head towards it. He will take you to his room and tell you information about a caravan loaded with weapons and silver, which can greatly influence the course of the war. Then report everything to Galmar and, together with the scouts, go to rob the specified convoy. On the way, you will meet Ralof, who will inform you that his cart has broken down and his camp is located very close. Playing through the game Skyrim again gives you a choice: continue the task on your own; Ralof and his men deal with the guards, and then you all plunder the camp together and kill all the enemies.

In any case, destroy the Imperials, and then head to the Reach camp to Galmar.

Battle of Sungard

Now you have to recapture Fort Sungard on the orders of the Stone Fist. Walkthrough of the game Skyrim gives you a simple task - head to the fort and recapture it. Kill about 30 Imperials. The rest of the Stormcloaks will help you.

Note: the game may run very slowly on not very powerful computers. You can even see a slideshow instead of a game. After completing the task, go back to Ulfric.


Galmar will ask you to falsify documents belonging to the Imperials. However, first, find their original. Go to the tavern called "Dragon Bridge" and talk to its owner. Ask her about the messengers of the empire and get the information you need. To do this, use bribery, fear or persuasion.

Having received the necessary information, move to the point marked on the map. You will find the messenger near a broken cart on the path south of the tavern. Kill him and take the papers. Give them to Galmar and immediately take the forged copy. He will ask you to transfer the fake to a Legate named Taurin Dulius in Morthal.

Stormcloaks (Stormcloaks) is a rebel faction led by Ulfric Stormcloak, and which the player can join if he, of course, has the desire to do so. Their main goal is to defeat the Imperial Legion, which controls most of Skyrim and stop their influence in these lands. They primarily rely on the use of axes and other melee weapons, as well as hit-and-run tactics, to suppress the majority of the Imperial army. Most of eastern Skyrim is under the control of the Stormcloaks, with the only critical neutral territory being Whiterun in the center of Skyrim, which remains independent but friendly to the Imperials.

Joining the Stormcloaks

If you follow Ralof during the escape from Helgen and follow him to Riverwood, he will invite you to join the Stormcloaks and direct you to Windhelm. In addition, the Stormcloak soldiers you meet in Skyrim during your journey will also invite you to take part in the war on their side, and the quest will be added if it was not added before.

Regardless of whether you started the quest before or not, you can still go to the Palace of Kings and speak with Galmar Stonehand to join the ranks of the Stormcloaks. From him you will receive a quest to join - Joining the Stormcloaks.

You can also join the Imperial Legion and fight against the Stormcloaks. Completing the quest “Joining the Legion” will automatically fail the quest “Joining the Stormcloaks”. Either way, the next quest for both parties will be to find the Jagged Crown. If you decide to take it to the other side, you can join it.

Stormcloak Quests

3 achievements (50 points; 2 bronze and 1 silver) will be awarded for completing the Civil War for either side.


Stormcloak camps

You can find Stormcloak camps in any domain of Skyrim except Eastmarch. They will be marked on the map in the form of a bear paw print. They are not always found and may not exist depending on which side you chose in the civil war and how far along the storyline you are on that side.
  • Haafingar - Stormcloak Camp
  • If you enter any of the Stormcloak camps wearing Imperial Legion armor, soldiers will approach you and ask about your equipment, they will suspect you to be a Legion spy, but if you dispute this, they will simply leave you behind and keep their opinion to themselves. .

The Stormcloaks of Skyrim are a group of rebellious oppositionists who oppose the Empire's imperial control of the northern province. In their ranks are the most courageous and fearless Nords, who obey the main leader named Ulfric Stormcloak. The group controls most of the eastern territories and holds a seat in Windhelm.

Neither side of the conflict is objectively right, so the player himself decides who to choose - the Stormcloaks or the Empire. “Skyrim” offers you to go through two completely different chains of story quests (depending on who Dovahkiin joins), the outcome of which will determine the further fate of the northern province.

How to join the Stormcloaks

This task is a mirror image of the introductory quest to the Imperial Legion, but this time the hero must talk to one of the rebels.

If at the beginning of Skyrim, in Helgen, the player chooses Ralof's company and leaves the caves with him, then the first quest entry will appear in his journal. Otherwise, you will have to look for the rebels yourself.

After this, you can move towards Windhelm, where Ulfric Stormcloak himself sits. Let's pay attention to his armor: unfortunately, we won't be able to get the same ones, but later we will have the opportunity to get the officer's armor of the Stormcloaks of Skyrim. We speak with Ulfric, and then go to the next room, where we will be introduced to our faithful ally, Galmar.

Admission into the ranks

Galmar will load Dovahkiin with the first task, the completion of which should show one simple thing - whether the hero is worthy of joining the Storm Brothers. We go to the island, which is located not far from Windhelm, to kill a couple of ice ghosts.

As soon as the task is completed, we return to the city and find Galmar. We take an oath of allegiance and become one of the Stormcloaks of Skyrim. Armor and other distinctive features of this faction will become available only after completing certain quests.

Serrated crown

Next we will be asked to find the Jagged Crown - an amazing artifact with which Ulfric will be able to secure his position. Open the map and follow the indicated mark. Arriving at the place, we find a detachment of imperials who are also hunting for the crown.

Galmar meets us inside the ruins, so it will be easier to fight the legionnaires. In the third hall we will be asked to go around the top and check the level for safety. We go right and go towards the next hall. A bunch of opponents are waiting for us there, with whom we can quickly deal - we use an oil puddle and a bowl of fire for this. Soon the rest of the Brothers will join us, and together with them we will reach the Hall of Stories. We select the claw key and open the locked door with it (wolf symbol, insect symbol, dragon symbol).

We follow further, go upstairs and find a lever behind the bridge - it opens the next door. We fight off the draugr and finally reach the Jagged Crown. It rests on the head of a rather strong enemy, so you’ll have to deal with him too. At the end of the quest, we will have the opportunity to switch sides and take the crown to the imperials, that is, we will continue to participate in the war, but against the rebels. By the way, getting the Brothers’ armor in this situation will be much easier, since it can be removed from killed opponents. Another way is special mods for the Stormcloaks of Skyrim.

Message for Whiterun

Having dealt with one task, we get a new one. This time we must go to Whiterun to present a special ax to the jarl of the city. If the jarl accepts it, then this gesture will mean unification with the Stormcloaks of Skyrim, if he does not accept it, there will be war.

We deliver the ax to its destination and appear before Balgruuf and his advisors. After a short meeting, the jarl will refuse the ax, so we will only have to return with this news back to Ulfric.

Battle for Whiterun

After the quest appears in our journal, we go to Whiterun. There, in the outskirts, we will find Galmar and a whole army of Nords. The attack itself will begin after a short but exciting speech by Advisor Ulfric.

We run along with the army of the Storm Brothers towards the city walls, break through the barricades and get to the lever that will lower the main bridge. We penetrate the city and begin to fight with the legionnaires. The main task of the quest is to reach the Dragon's Reach (palace) and kill, so you will have to fight off numerous defenders. By the way, during the battle for Whiterun the hero will not be able to interact with local residents and go inside houses, shops and taverns.

In Dragon's Reach, in addition to the jarl, we will encounter his adviser and the usual garrison, who will try to fight back. You don’t have to kill them all - we just hit the jarl until he stops the battle.

Congratulations, we managed to conquer Whiterun and earn more recognition from Ulfric Stormcloak. As a reward, the hero receives a promotion, a unique gun and, of course, a new task.

Liberation of Skyrim: Capture of Falkreath

The liberation of the northern province is a special operation, during which the Stormcloaks capture several forts. By the way, it is at this point in the plot that the player can reach the mission “Endless Time” and try on two conflicting sides.

The first region that we will conquer after Whiterun is Falkreath. We go to the rebel camp indicated on the map and meet Galmar there. He will tell us that the legionnaires captured a group of Storm Brothers, and then placed them in Fort Neugrad. We will organize a rescue operation together with our old friend Ralof, who will offer us two attack options: a direct attack head-on or unnoticed penetration inside the fortress.

In any case, the further battle will take place side by side with the freed hostages. We deal with the opponents in the central building of the fort, talk with Ralof and return to Windhelm, where a well-deserved reward awaits us.

Skyrim Walkthrough: Capture the Reach

The next task can only be completed through blackmail and theft. We must obtain evidence that Rerik worships the god Talos, which is prohibited in modern Skyrim.

We make our way into the palace and go towards the personal quarters of the jarl's assistant (they are located on the right side of the throne). One of the chests contains the Talos amulet - grab it and go to the central hall to talk with Rerik. The jarl will be very scared and agree to cooperate, telling about the imperial caravan. A little later we will go to capture it together with Galmar and Ralof.

We receive a new decree from Ulfric - we need to take control of the Sangard fortress. During the capture process, we will be forced to suppress the imperial soldiers until the percentage of their strength drops to zero.


After the documents are corrected, we go to Morthal and deliver the message under the guise of a messenger.

Battle for Solitude

After several successful captures of fortresses, we will receive an order to capture Solitude. We go to the gathering place and listen to Ulfric's parting speech. The road to the point will be swarming with imperials, so we boldly run forward and deal with everyone who is fighting on the side of the opponents. The main thing is to get into the courtyard, since the path up ends in a dead end. The final confrontation awaits us in the castle. After a small battle, we have a choice: kill the general ourselves or give the honor to Ulfric.

By the way, if we played for the side of the Imperials, then after killing Ulfric (mirrored quest), Dovahkiin could get the very heavy armor of the Stormcloaks of Skyrim. At the end of the Battle of Solitude, we are rewarded with a sword of vampire suction.

Ulfric, Earl of Windhelm, sits on the throne under the blue bear flag.

In Skyrim, a conflict simmers between the Imperial legions of General Tullius and the Separatists under the command of Ulfric Stormcloak. The player gets acquainted with both of them from the first minutes in Skyrim - the legionnaires want to execute him, and the Storm Brothers want to escape with him. Soon after the dragon arrives on the scene, the player has the first choice: with whom to leave the settlement - with the rebel Ralof or the imperial soldier Hadvar. After the escape, Ralof will invite us to join the Stormcloaks, and Hadvar will invite us to join the Imperial Legion. If you have other plans, take the quest from any soldier you meet from the faction you need.

NOTE: Stormcloaks in the game are indicated in blue (both flags and capes), and legionnaires are indicated in red. In the dark, differences are blurred, so it is better to fight in the light of day.

You choose who to fight for. Both armies have reasonable reasons to consider themselves right, but there are also dark, unsightly sides. You can even postpone the civil war until later - they won’t start without you.

THESE ARE BUGS: There is another important reason to postpone joining the army as late as possible. The war and the associated transfers of cities from hand to hand cause numerous plot bugs - both in side quests, and in “guild” quests, and even in the main plot. No quest chain causes as many bottlenecks and quests that freeze to the point of impassability as this one.

First, we will describe the story missions of the Stormcloaks. Then we’ll talk about what awaits future legionnaires.


Sign up for Stormcloaks

Snake Stone. From here you can see the College of Winterhold Mages.

To join the ranks of the fighters for freedom and independence of Skyrim, go to frosty Windhelm, in the east of the province, and enter under the arches of the royal palace. You will witness a furious argument - Earl of Windhelm Ulfric and his housecarl Galmar Stonefist discussing the demonstrative neutrality of Whiterun.

Ulfric does not recognize the hero at first, but then he remembers the “Helgen incident.” If you were with Ralof, say so. The finally calmed jarl will send us for an introductory task to Galmar, and he will offer to go far to the northeast in order to kill the ice ghost flying around the Snake stone on one of the islands east of the College of Winterhold. For a hero of the first levels, this can be quite difficult, so if you are not confident in your abilities, stock up on healing potions, protection from cold, and fire spells.

NOTE: The Snake stone is almost useless. It gives the ability to paralyze an enemy once a day for five seconds.

Serrated crown

"Hey guys, I found the crown!"

Returning to the royal palace, you will hear a new dispute - about a certain crown that can confirm Ulfric's rights to the throne, if obtained.

Galmar will be surprised to see us alive, but, there is nothing to do, he will take the oath to the Stormcloaks from us.

The oath marks a new stage in the hero’s life - from now on he serves the Stormcloaks and will fight for them. The quest “Joining the Legion” will fail. However, the game will give you another chance to get to the other side a little later - but only one.

NOTE: Until you take the oath, you can go to the Imperial Legion and complete their introductory task at the same time.

The time has come to try your hand at combat - to go with the Stormcloaks to the ancient cairn of Korvanjund, where the old king Borgas rests. It is north of Whiterun and east of Lorey Farm. You can go after the crown on your own, but the writers have prepared a trip together with a group of Stormcloaks, among which will be Ralof, already familiar to us from the introductory scenes.

The Imperials have already entered the cairn, so they will have to take it by storm. Several soldiers are on duty outside, the rest are inside. If you don't feel confident, stick with the rest of the Stormcloaks.

The detachment will be led by Galmar Stonefist himself. In front of a corridor that is dangerous for an ambush, he will offer the hero to find a workaround. This path runs a level higher. Pay attention to the lamps and spilled oil - this is a good way to eliminate one or two legionnaires quickly and safely. The rest of the separatists will come running at the noise and start a fight.

After a couple of turns, the group will begin to stumble upon traces of battles between legionnaires and draugr. But this, of course, will not stop the brave Nords. The Imperials, exploring the cairn, did not get further than the secret door, next to which lies the key - an ebony claw. Open the door with the wolf-butterfly-dragon combination. Behind it is a large hall with tombs standing eloquently around the perimeter. Galmar will send us to look for the lever that opens the door at the end of the hall. It is located directly opposite the door on the level above, next to a candle and a chest. Of course, this lever also opens the coffins in which the evil draugr sit.

But the most interesting thing will be the scene in the crypt. We know that the draugr (King Borgas) sitting on the throne is pretending. But Ralof doesn’t know and blithely approaches him with the words: “Here is the crown!” You can easily imagine what will happen after this.

After the battle with three classic draugr bosses (lots of health, use screams), do not forget to pick up the crown and absorb the word of Power from the wall at the end of the hall - time dilation.

NOTE: if you take the crown not to Ulfric, but to General Tullius, you can defect to the legion. This is your last opportunity to change sides in the story.

Message for Whiterun

The Earl of Windhelm, the brave and stern Ulfric, is dissatisfied with the latest maneuvers of the Imperials. He decided to finally clarify Whiterun's position and orders a message - Ulfric's battle ax - to be taken to Jarl Balgruuf.

Go to Whiterun and hand over the ax to its destination in the Dragon's Reach castle. After talking with the advisers, Balgruuf will decide to refuse Ulfric, return the ax and finally go over to Tullius’s side.

Battle of Whiterun

Catapults hit the stables to deprive Whiterun of strategic mares.

After a short consultation with Galmar, Earl Ulfric will give the order to storm the rebellious city. He sends us to the camp that the Stormcloaks are already setting up not far from Whiterun (at the same time, the city itself will disappear from the map, so that there is no temptation to instantly move there).

NOTE: At this point, “old Whiterun” will become inaccessible to you until the end of the quest.

All city assaults are generally similar to each other. The city is emptying, shops and houses are closing - sometimes with regular locks, and sometimes with “you need a key” locks. We, with a small horde of fighters led by a leader, storm the walls, break small “barricades” to get to the palace.

It is useless to try to destroy all the defenders - they are reborn, so it is better to be distracted by them as little as possible. If you don't feel confident, stay among your own people. But you can also act alone.

Our first task is to break the barricades and, going around the drawbridge from the rear, along the wall, lower it. The legionnaires are retreating to the city, and we need to go there too. Breaking barricades and fighting with the city’s defenders (or running away from them), get to the Dragon’s Reach, where Jarl Balgruuf the Elder himself will meet us in battle armor. He is our main goal. As soon as his health is destroyed, the battle will end and we will witness a scene in which Vignar Gray Mane takes over the position of jarl.

Return to Ulfric and receive an honorary title as a reward. The Earl of Windhelm will hint that now we can catch the legionnaires ourselves wherever we want, but he will send us to a secret camp near Falkreath.

Fort Neugrad - saving comrades

These brave men will beat anyone for me - maybe even two.

Galmar is waiting for us in the secret camp. After a short conversation, he will give the order: to release the captured Storm Brothers languishing in Fort Neugrad.

NOTE: at this point the hero will receive the quest “Liberation of Skyrim”, which will hang in the journal until the Storm Brothers take Solitude. All the quests described below are included in it. Due to a flaw in the interface, you will have to manually set a marker for all these quests each time.

The operation is led by Ralof. Find him and report: he will offer to sneak into the dungeon through a secret entrance in the lake behind the castle. This is not difficult to do - the developers have adjusted the vision and hearing of the legionnaires guarding Neugrad so that even those who are not trained to sneak can cope. In any case, even if we catch the eye of the sentries and a battle breaks out on the street, the mission will not fail - we will simply have to storm the fortress head-on.

To find the secret entrance, go around the fortress along the rocks on the right and dive into the lake. Find a sunken boat. Next to it is a cave. That's where we need to go. The Stormcloaks languish there in the dungeon. They loudly hint to us that the guard has the key. It can be stolen, but it is easier to remove it from the body. Free the soldiers, and they, taking the armor from the chest, will be ready to help us clear the fortress courtyard.

NOTE: however, most of them will only have fists as weapons, so you will most likely have to do all the work.

All that remains is to enter the fortress and, together with Ralof, destroy all the legionnaires. The quest markers above the head of each enemy will save us from the problem of the “last sectoid”. Having done the deed and thereby freeing Falkreath from the influence of the legion, return to Ulfric with a report.

Ulfric will again give the hero a sonorous nickname and allow him to purchase a house in Windhelm.

War booty

It is possible and necessary to rob silver caravans! The valuable metal will be useful to us ourselves.

Galmar will meet us again at the Reach camp. He will tell us his plan: blackmail. The Jarl of the city of Markarth has a steward named Rerik. He secretly worships Talos, which is forbidden by the White Gold Concordat. By presenting evidence to Rerik, we may be able to get him to meet the Stormcloaks halfway.

NOTE: You will not receive this quest if you have completed the story quest “Endless Time” (negotiations in High Hrothgar).

The necessary evidence is the Talos amulet from the chest of drawers in Rerik's room. It is locked with a simple lock - the main thing is to make sure that there are no guards wandering around. Show Rerik the amulet, return with him to his room and offer to help the Stormcloaks. Rerik will hand over the caravan with silver and weak security. If you press further, he will give the hero a portion of money personally.

What to do with a caravan? Of course we will rob! Galmar will send us to the scouts on the road - they are led by Ralof. He will confirm that the caravan is here and it just broke down. Plan: first remove the sentries, and then take a position higher up the slope. Then our task is to call “fire on ourselves” so that the scouts shoot at the guards of the caravan with bows. The plan is strange, and the developers understood this - that’s why they left the opportunity to answer: “Uh, no, I’m better off on my own, and you’re sitting here.”

If we still agree with Ralof, the operation will begin. The scouts will take down the sentry on the rock on their own, and we will break into the camp. When all the legionnaires are dead, the load of silver will be in our hands.

ADVICE: the cargo will literally be in our hands if we break open the chest on the cart.

Report to Ralof, and then to Galmar. There is no need to return to Windhelm this time - Galmar will issue a new quest on the spot.

Battle of Fort Sungard

In such battles, you can just stand on the sidelines and smoke. Except it will take more time.

The task is very simple - fight, destroying enemies until the “percentage of fortress defenders” counter is reduced to zero. Technically, this is not even a full-fledged quest, but an element of the Radiant Story - similar tasks are given on the side of the Imperial Legion.

The defenders of Sungard are very weak - just enough so that they can be destroyed in batches. Due to the limitations of the game engine, new warriors literally appear out of thin air, and the bodies of the dead disappear over time. This applies to both sides - our comrades are also reborn.

ADVICE: fighting for a fort is a good way to quickly and freely acquire a bunch of steel arrows. The main thing is to remember to grab them before the body disappears into thin air.

There is no need to go inside the fort; the entire battle takes place in the fresh air. When the “respawn” ends, we will be sent with a report to Ulfric. Now the rebels have the entire Reach, and we have another nickname.

NOTE: If you completed the main story and gave Markarth to the Stormcloaks during negotiations, you will receive this quest only if you serve the Imperial Legion.

Our next stop is Hjaalmarch.


The legate accepts a report from an unknown person, without a form, without a password... It’s his own fault!

At the next Storm Brothers camp, the same Galmar will meet us and propose another cunning plan: deliver false orders with misinformation to Morthal. True, first you need to find the imperial messenger and take away the real documents from him.

Galmar will present the plan in a rather confusing way, but in fact it is simple: we go to the tavern of Rorikstead or Dragon Bridge, ask the bartender where he last saw the messenger, and that’s it! The messenger himself and a compass arrow appear in the surrounding area. You just need to carefully and without witnesses knock on the runner, take the papers to Galmar, and then to the legate in Morthal. It's done!

Battle of Fort Snowhawk

From a distance you can see how the legionnaires of Fort Snowhawk are being chased by some lost witch with a towel.

After you report to Galmar, he will send us to Fort Snowhawk for the next Radiant battle with the defenders of the fort. It is no different from the battle for Sungard - the same regenerating frail Imperials, the same percentage counter.

General Tullius fell to Ulfric's axe. From now on, Skyrim belongs to the Stormcloaks!

Filled with grim determination, Galmar sends us to Ulfric, who, with ten of the best sons of Skyrim, prepared to take Solitude by storm.

On the approaches to the city you will see traces of the battle, and at the walls - Ulfric himself and his meager company.

As in the battle for Whiterun, you do not need to destroy enemy soldiers, but break through the barricades to Castle Grim, where the headquarters of the Imperial Legion is located. If you feel that you can’t do it alone, be close to your people. If not, rush there and witness the conversation between Ulfric and Galmar with Legate Rikke. There will be a battle - you don’t have to interfere in it at all.

When Legate Rikke falls and the health of General Tullius is no longer the same, Ulfric will invite us, as a dovahkiin, to solemnly finish off the legate. The choice no longer affects anything. All we have to do is follow Ulfric to the fortress courtyard, listen to a speech before the soldiers and go home.

The Stormcloaks have won!