Congratulations to the chief physician on the anniversary of the hospital. Congratulations to the children's doctor

You are invited to an official celebration - the anniversary of a medical institution, and you are faced with a difficult task - to compose beautiful and memorable congratulations on the anniversary of the hospital. In fact, composing such official speeches is not accessible to everyone. After all, these words are not for one person, but for large team, which certain period time he walked towards his victories and achievements.

After looking through our collection of wishes, you will be convinced of the professionalism of our authors. They were able to skillfully weave official words and poetic lines into a single whole. By congratulating the hospital, you are essentially congratulating the doctors who work here for the benefit of the entire community. And if you want to add something original to the texts we created, take a look at the section on congratulations on the doctor’s anniversary. Here you will find many additional and equally interesting ideas.

The hospital team has worked for more than one day, and, of course, they have their own achievements, which they are rightfully proud of. Goals for the future are set, and previously employed employees are not forgotten. All this and many other factors characterize the well-coordinated team that has earned fame and honor for this institution. In our congratulations you will find all the success factors that should be mentioned at such an important event.

With our author's wishes, you will be able to show all invited guests how well the work of doctors is organized. By adding a little joke, you can defuse a slightly tense situation, because everyone, including you, is very worried. Your words should not just be spoken, they should become a kind of parting word for further labor exploits. All this can be expressed in beautiful poetry or laconic prose. All this is possible without any effort - you just need to take advantage of our congratulations on the hospital’s anniversary.

Congratulations to the veterinarian

A urologist will help everyone
Everyone knows, a urologist will help,
He can save you from illness,
He can solve all problems
And find a special approach to you.

We congratulate you, doctor,
Peace, laughter, good luck,
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
Make your wife proud of you!

Congratulations to the children's doctor

You became a doctor by listening to the call of your heart,
You are ready to help the sick in the middle of the day and night.
All your relatives raise their prayers to heaven for you,
All patients will forever be grateful.
Today everyone has gathered to congratulate you,
On this day you will have to leave all your work,
And listen to grateful words,
Which you deserve in full.

Happy anniversary to a woman doctor

Congratulations to the dentist

No one escaped from your hands
alive, so there’s no one to complain to,
- they answered him.
- So let's drink to good doctors!

Congratulations on Doctor's Day

You are a traumatologist
You're a really cool traumatologist.
As a person, you are ideal,
We wish you a wonderful life,
So that you never lose heart,

We wish you joy, good luck,
And less grief and worries,
After all, he only means something in life,
Who is always lucky in everything!

Congratulations to a medical colleague on his anniversary

Ultrasound specialist
Are you an ultrasound specialist?
Not anyhow, but super-pro!
In life you are a great optimist,
Ultrasound is your calling and profile.

On this holiday I wish you,
Good patients, grateful,
And so that for many, many years
Health and radiant smiles!

Congratulations to the children's doctor

Chief physician, throughout the hospital
He will put things in order,
From doctor to nurse
Discipline will bring it.

I wish the chief doctor
May you always be lucky
To live prosperously,
So that happiness does not go away.

Congratulations to the children's doctor

We wish the pediatrician health
A child is a shrine for parents,
And if one day he gets sick,
A parent takes a daughter or son -
And now I hurried to the hospital.

We wish you health, pediatrician,
And help young patients,
And treat children only with love,
Love and respect your family.

Happy Doctor's Day greetings to colleagues

Who can't be imagined without white coat?
Who deserves more wages?
Who is ready to work from night to morning?
Of course, our beloved doctors!

Today is your holiday, doctors of the country!
We really need your experience and knowledge,
We are glad to congratulate you and wish you,
May everything you dream about come true!

Congratulations to the children's doctor

Aibolit doctors
Aibolit doctors,
Our respect to you!
Let it be right away in the morning
Cheerful mood!

To make life glorious
Your noble one!
So that the diseases all succumb
Under good hands!

Congratulations to the children's doctor

On Doctor's Day, let's congratulate you brightly,
There are many successes in life!
To all doctors and nurses,
United by the word doctor!

The windows in the rooms are open,
And today there are no patients in them,
Your holiday makes them healthier,
And the flower vases are cramped!

Congratulations to the chief doctor

You are a therapist
You are a therapist, an excellent specialist,
We would like to wish you good luck,
So that everything in your life is great,
And never be discouraged at all.

You are a therapist, you help people
All illnesses are easy to overcome,
May everything you dream about come true,
We wish you not to get sick either!

SMS congratulations to doctors

We wish the neurologist happiness
IN nervous system not easy to understand
What to treat with what, is there any point in changing,
But, if the diagnostic path is long,
You still need a neurologist.

He will help you, he will find out everything,
Will definitely dot the i’s.
We wish the neurologist happiness,
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday!

Congratulations on the doctor's 50th birthday

Doctor's profession is:
Help, treat, save.
There is no end to this matter,
The doctor is our angel, friend and mother.
The doctor knows how to fix everything:
Runny nose, soul and abscess.
On this day, congratulate doctors
This is our first impulse!

Congratulations to the college on its anniversary,
He gave many people knowledge and a path.
We wish you long life and happiness,
Let the doctors continue to live!

  • Congratulations to the team on their anniversary

    We congratulate your team on your anniversary,
    And we will not regret your sincere words!
    May the team be powerful
    And he never sees clouds above him!
    And every day things are getting more successful,
    We wish your salary to grow!
    And the bonuses in your pocket so that they keep coming,
    And in trouble, so you don’t end up in trouble!
    We wish you good luck and goodness,
    Let everyone's dreams come true!

  • Happy Anniversary greetings for kindergarten

    Let the World live under Your roof!
    Peace, warmth, comfort reigns!
    Let what you have in mind come true!
    To the sound of laughter that lives here!

    You are like a home to the kids!
    Everyone loves you and is waiting for you!
    We congratulate our Kindergarten on its anniversary!
    Hooray! Firework!

  • Congratulations to the school on its anniversary

    What a beautiful, bright day!
    Our school has an anniversary!
    We congratulate all friends!
    And those who studied there themselves!

    Don't forget your friendly class!
    Your love for the first time
    Happened at this school!

    We have come to congratulate you!
    Happy next birth!
    There is no dearer in our life
    What are you, institutions!

  • Congratulations on the school's anniversary in verse

    Hello, dear school!
    Hello teachers!
    Congratulations on your anniversary
    From the bottom of our hearts we all love you!

  • Congratulations on the school's anniversary

    Dear school, our second home, congratulations on your anniversary. We are so proud that we received knowledge at this school. We congratulate all the teachers who were so patient with us, the directors, the head teachers, and all the technical staff on this significant date.
    Life has scattered us around the world,
    But it seemed like yesterday:
    Having received all the answers, we
    Left the school yard...
    But we remember, no matter where we are,
    That they taught us everything here,
    That there are no wiser people in the whole world
    And there are no better teachers!

  • Happy Anniversary greetings for school

    Happy anniversary, dear school!
    You are one for all of us!
    You are family to us all!
    And at the solemn moment we wish in chorus,
    So that you stand for a hundred years,
    Cheeky and fun!

  • Congratulations to the organization on its 20th anniversary

    Please accept our congratulations.
    You are celebrating your twentieth anniversary.
    We've worked hard over the years,
    You have firmly established yourself in the market.

    Many people know your products,
    They always buy it with pleasure.
    You have found your production secret,
    And they beat all the competitors.

    Don't miss your sales market
    You will need to use new items in your work.
    We congratulate you on your anniversary.
    We want to beat all our competitors.

  • Happy birthday to the company

    Today I have the great honor to congratulate the largest enterprise in our country ________ (name) on its founding day. An enterprise that, during a difficult economic period, managed to maintain its good name and its position. I would like to wish that conquering new heights and winning the trust and love of new consumers will not take long. I wish you success and prosperity!

  • Cool congratulations from the company

    Girls and boys, today our friendly company turns ___ years old! And this is very cool! I want to congratulate everyone on this wonderful date, and wish that our friendship never breaks under various adversities, that the company always remains so cheerful and good-natured, and that we have new good impressions!

  • Happy hospital anniversary! Let there be health
    The nice employees who work here,
    There will always be plenty of inspiration and good luck,
    Let every day bring good news,

    That the patients are fine and will be discharged soon
    All of them, to their joy, will hurry
    And they will feel great pride in you,
    Because you have a golden soul!

    At our glorious hospital
    Today is a big anniversary.
    We wish everything to the health resort
    Bright and beautiful days.

    Let only healthy people
    They leave your building.
    Let the flow sound to you
    Kind, grateful phrases.

    Dear comrades, I congratulate everyone on our common holiday, on the anniversary of our hospital. I wish that we will always be able to put any patient on their feet, help them cope with any problem and any painful situation. I wish everyone to be healthy, successful, sympathetic, optimistic, happy and respected. Let our hospital still long years saves people's lives and health, may each of you have a high status in life and incredible luck.

    Congratulations on your anniversary
    We are your hospital.
    Let him fly into your chambers
    Only a bird of happiness.

    Thanks to the team
    For important work.
    Chose a path in life
    Complex, brave.

    For patients only health,
    Fast treatment.
    To everyone who enters these walls,
    Happiness and patience.

    At our glorious hospital
    Today is an important anniversary,
    I want to get back on my feet
    Patients every day.

    May it bring goodness and health
    This nice hospital
    Let it be comfortable and pleasant
    Everyone will be treated.

    Everyone knows your hospital
    Even abroad,
    Everyone here is an expert
    Come and get treatment.

    But it’s better not to know the disease
    To avoid getting to you,
    Well, if you get there,
    You will find health in no time.

    Let's celebrate the hospital's anniversary
    We are with this poem,
    And from us, from patients,
    You will accept compliments.

    You are all super doctors
    So thank you, hurray!
    Good health to everyone, no troubles
    And, as before, flourish!

    Happy hospital anniversary! Thank you,
    Why are you saving so many people?
    We wish you to live only beautifully,
    So that within months, days

    There was something very good
    Warmed all your hearts
    And Fortune would love you,
    And there was no end to success!

    Our common anniversary has arrived,
    Let's celebrate it in a big way!
    It will be like a Brazilian carnival,
    And everything in the world for one thing,
    All for the sake of native land,
    In which we have been together for a long time!
    We treat the sick, just like in the movies,
    Not for just one salary,
    Together we do good
    And we will boldly say one thing -
    Healthy people, happy faces,
    This is all our hospital!

    On this day it was opened,
    Gave people hope
    To cure all diseases,
    We always go to the hospital.
    So let's congratulate you soon,
    The hospital has an anniversary!
    Happy birthday dear
    We wish you all many long years,
    Develop and grow
    Many lives saved.

    We congratulate you on your anniversary
    Favorite hospital
    More than once she saved those
    Who decided to be treated there?

    Happy anniversary of the hospital,
    Happy this joyful day!
    Let the sun shine
    Only for you outside the window.

    Our health workers
    We don't like to get sick
    But we will definitely respect you,
    Let's sing odes to you!

    For half a century now, this unit has been working for the benefit of the residents of our area.

    We sincerely congratulate our colleagues, patients, and all Khimmashevites on wonderful holiday -

    50th anniversary of the opening

    Clinic No. 1 of the “Central City Hospital No. 20”!

    Dear Colleagues!

    By showing patience and sensitivity, giving knowledge and a piece of your soul, you help your patients overcome illnesses and maintain health. With your daily work, you instill confidence in people that there is a team of professionals who will come to the rescue even in the most difficult situations. You treat, teach, save and enlighten. The real asset of our hospital is your highly professional team, caring, creative thought, compassionate hearts and skillful, sensitive hands of the employees of the “first” outpatient department.
    Thank you very much hospital veterans! It was with your efforts that the health care of the microdistrict was created and maintained all these years.
    We wish you good health, Have a good mood, good luck in business, mutual understanding with colleagues and family, faith in your own strengths and constant movement forward!

    Chief physician of MAU "Central City Hospital No. 20" B. L. Meilakh,

    hospital administration.

    ANNIVERSARY- this is a reason to look at the future while remembering the past.
    Link: Chronicle of the outpatient service.


    Every patient who turns to us should receive the highest quality care at the modern level, and for this it is necessary to create all the conditions. We are confident that in the near future WE will be able to do a lot to make OUR POLYCLINIC even better. Today's holiday is perfect occasion thank everyone medical worker. Dear doctors, paramedics, nurses, administrators! They say: “Medicine is made up of science and art, and above them stretches a wonderful veil of heroism.” This is truly so, YOUR ascetic service, dedication and daily work, without room for error, is tantamount to a heroic feat. WE are very happy to congratulate EVERYONE on the holiday! We wish you health, job satisfaction and a sense of personal need.


    Deputy Chief Physician for Outpatient Work D. A. Dudarev,

    management of clinic No. 1

    White bathrobes

    and strong hands

    always skillful


    In the fight against disease

    you are selfless

    and there is nothing healthier

    this calling.

    You are very different

    you are all appreciated.

    Happy for you: celebrate

    and live, beloved!

    Each destiny is marked

    main road milestones,

    don't give up on your luck,

    and may God help you!

    So that the diseases are severe

    The world was not allowed to disappear

    Stay perfectly healthy.

    Happy holiday!

    We welcome you!


    Dear Colleagues!

    Congratulations on the anniversary of your unit!!!

    Treating people is a profession

    And there is no one more honorable and important than her,

    And I congratulate you on this holiday

    We wish you only nice days.

    Let life become more interesting every day,

    And may your dreams come true,

    When there is no fear and illness,

    And there will be life, smiles and flowers!

    Your colleagues -

    employees of the hospital "Central City Hospital No. 20"

    Expensive nurses clinic No. 1,

    Congratulations on the anniversary!

    You have something to be proud of, something to celebrate,

    where you should never be late!

    What to worry about, what to live for,

    And the thing is, it’s worth loving!

    I wish you health, activity,

    Great productivity at work!

    Appreciate the team, without a doubt

    Always be his decoration!!!

    Home med. sister "Central City Hospital No. 20"

    Vasilyeva N.V.

    Congratulations to all employees

    Clinics No. 1

    Happy 50th Anniversary!

    Congratulations on your holiday today,

    Wear your white robe with honor.

    We wish you good health,

    Let your eyes sparkle with enthusiasm.

    Gratitude, love you deserve

    Based on the results of your ore.

    We want patients to be

    We are always grateful for your help!

    Staff of Polyclinic No. 3 Central City Hospital No. 20

    Dear colleagues and patients,

    You can send your congratulations to the team of Polyclinic No. 1 via email our website - to do this, you need to go to the “QUESTION-ANSWER” or “REVIEWS/SUGGESTIONS” sections and leave your message.