Wishes for a successful, good, good day in verse - have a good day - wishes in verse - congratulations - wishes in verse, cards, animations. Original wishes for your loved one have a nice day

Have a nice day
To a person dear to my heart!
May the day not be in vain,
Let success accompany you in business!

Let there be no problems today,
The mood will be great.
It won't be spoiled by anything
Have a great day baby!

I wish you a good day,
May it turn out better than you expect!
You spend it with a cheerful smile,
After all, what goes around comes around.

May the day be pleasant, very easy,
And let time fly at work.
Luck is near, you can believe me
She's already in a hurry to get to you!

How you start the day is how you spend it,
We often hear about this
May today bring you
Cheerfulness, energy and warmth.
Let there be a day to match you
So kind and good,
With all my heart I wish you, colleague,
Have a good and successful day.

Every day is like a little life,
Gives something new, beautiful,
I wish all your dreams come true,
May the sun shine brightly on you.
Enjoy a beautiful day
May your mood be great
May you certainly be lucky,
After all, you are worthy only of admiration.

The sun is shining kindly and cheerfully,
It portends a good day for everyone,
We wish everyone a lucky day,
And everyone’s plans will come true in full.
So that luck does not leave you,
To accompany you everywhere,
So that a joyful meeting takes place,
All the best to you, success, goodness.

The day is seething with the usual bustle,
Nonsense luring you into worries.
But please don't forget about the one
Who is madly raving about you

Without interruption... My passionate hero,
My wild lion, my faithful gentle knight,
Let the mood be fighting all day,
The soul sparkles with enthusiasm and joy,

Your affairs are resolved at once!
I hasten to wish you great victories,
After all, I thirst for a reward to whisper an order
Under the rustle of a falling dress.

Beautiful wishes for good morning and good day

Good morning, have a nice day,
Bright smiles and fire in the heart,
Warm hugs, good luck in your business.
The wings of success have a wide span!

Happiness and goodness to you, your loved ones, on this day!
Let idleness and laziness pass you by,
Let words not diverge from action.
I wish you peaceful skies!

May your day be wonderful,
You really need to want this!
You need to dream strongly and carefully
And in the morning, to yourself, repeat:

If only the sun would smile at me!
I wish I could do everything!
If only everything worked out that day,
And, of course, it immediately came true!

Let the new day send a charge of energy,
Let the sun give rays of warmth,
With all my heart I wish you a wonderful mood,
May everything work out great for you.
May the day be cheerful and good,
May luck follow you like a shadow,
Pleasant emotions and positivity to you,
Be always beautiful and happy.

The first rays touch the earth,
A new day is dawning,
The weather promises to be good
It's time to quickly forget about all the bad things.
We wish you a good day from the bottom of our hearts,

May the sun of luck shine brightly on you,
Let sadness not notice you.

Have a nice day, dear little man,
May good luck be with you today,
May all your plans, hopes, dreams,
Will be fulfilled today. Be happy!

May my greetings fly to you with love,
And a ray of sunshine will give its light,
Warmth and inspiration will fill your day,
Will drive away fatigue, problems and laziness.

I wish you to flutter like a bird,
Hope, believe, love and dream,
With a beautiful smile, strive forward,
May great happiness await you.

Have a nice day my love!
It’s easy to let things argue.
Let everything turn out to be a "five"
So as not to finish it again.

Let the time fly by quickly.
Let the difficult day not tire you,
So that later you and I
We had a wonderful evening.

Laughter is a preparation for happiness,
Tail, my friend, hold it with a carrot,
Higher nose, firmer step,
Make a taste out of lemon.

It will be your day, without a doubt,
Brighter than stars, tastier than jam,
Above the most sonorous notes
And fluffier than a raccoon.

Today you hit the top ten,
Brake the fate-horse
And riding it forward -
Good luck is waiting around the corner!

Nature does not have bad weather,
Every day is beautiful in its own way, it’s no secret,
Is the sun shining or is it raining,
We welcome the new day with joy.
I wish everyone a good day,
May it be filled completely with happiness,
You will succeed, without a doubt,
If you're in a great mood.

Beautiful wishes for a good day in verse

My soul mate, don’t be sour,
Don't hang around in doubtful thoughts,
Let it be a joyful day
Put on a cute smile!

Look around this world
From thousands of houses and apartments,
Passers-by, roads and shop windows,
Computers, letters, cars.

We have the whole world for two,
We will not let others into it,
Keeping love in your heart,
Kisses, have a nice day!

Drive away problems and sorrows,
So that they don't upset you,
Start a new day with a clean slate,
Let your dream come true.
May the day give you inspiration,
You are worthy only of admiration
Have a nice and nice day,
May everything be great for you.

I congratulate you on your birthday,
When the whole earth is washed with dew,
When the nightingales sing so merrily,
When you are in anticipation of a miracle.
I wish you a good day with all my heart,
Let your cherished dreams come true,
Let the new day pleasantly surprise you,
Let the Lord protect you from troubles.

Let this greeting fly from me,
I wish you a good day
Cheerful smiles and true friends,
Only bright and wise, brilliant ideas.

May your day be filled with joy,
Let sadness fly away and laziness dissipate,
Let there be fewer problems and worries,
May great success await you today.

Let my care warm you,
I love you, sun, - I’ll say it without melting,
Let life smile, beckoning with happiness,
I kiss you and have a nice day!

Let the sun shine brightly
And caresses with the warmth of the rays,
Everything goes smoothly
And nothing bothers you.

Let luck smile
In everything, even in small things,
It's a good day, nothing else
He is waiting for you, meet him.

May today be a successful day
It will be filled with moments of joy.
Let him not be too lazy to work today,
Redo things without a drop of fatigue.

Let him give you the mood
The best, cheerful and cheerful,
May he make you smile
Let it be light, pleasant and kind.

Start a new day with a smile,
Don’t think about the bad and don’t be sad,
Let the sun give you a ray of goodness,
And this will be the fuel for a great day.
I wish you a good day from the bottom of my heart,
May your dreams certainly come true,
May every moment make you happy,
Bloom like a scarlet rose always.

Fate depends only on us.
You can easily overcome everything
If today, right now,
You will begin to look forward with hope.

Let today be a good day.
And even if it’s raining, and with a thunderstorm,
Take your umbrella and put on your raincoat quickly,
But smile, rejoice and sing.

May hope always live in your heart,
It will help you find the right path.
Well, today may you be lucky in everything,
I wish you happiness!

Very important. Fortunately, this tradition is becoming more and more popular in our society every year. In the West, this is generally considered a rule of good manners, and there everyone - colleagues and family members - wishes each other a successful day before starting work or study. Let's figure out why we need to do this and what impact these simple words have on our lives.

Wishes who says, when and to whom

You can wish a good day to your parents, children, neighbors, colleagues, loved ones, sisters and brothers. It doesn’t matter to whom the wish is addressed - the main thing is how it is pronounced. Sincerity plays a big role here. It’s no secret that very often we throw out phrases automatically, without even thinking about their meaning. Therefore, wishes for a good day should sound sincere, and then they will bring real benefits to people.

Wishes are usually made in the morning. Moreover, you can talk in person or over the phone. By the way, many people do this when it was not possible to do this in the morning. It is enough to dial the number of a loved one and voice your wishes for a good day.

How to wish a good working day

You can wish a good day in the broad sense of this concept, but you can also wish it in the narrow sense. For example, when they wish you a good school or work day. Wishes for a good working day can be heard more often. Colleagues, spouses, friends say this to each other. Also, very often we are encouraged by the hosts of various morning shows, whose words we hear from TV screens or from radios.

Experts in the field of psychology have proven that positive and kind words spoken to a person in the morning can “program” him (in the good sense of the word) for a truly successful and easy day. How does this work? Having heard good words, a person is charged with optimism and carries out all his affairs in this state. And when a person is in such a mood, he does not think about bad things, he is confident in his abilities, and he will definitely succeed. That is why it is so important to say parting words to your loved ones before a difficult day at work. After all, these phrases are an expression of care and love.

How to wish a man a good day

A man can be wished a good day by his lover, wife, colleague, or friends and like-minded people. It doesn’t matter who, the main thing is how it should be done. In principle, there should be no differences between the wishes of a man and a woman, because they are addressed primarily to a person, and not to a representative of one gender or another. Besides, everyone wants to have a good day - both men and girls.

However, if the wish comes from the woman you love, then it should contain more emotions, feelings and sincerity. For example, before work you can say to a man: “Have a good day, my love! May all your affairs today end in success! May you be lucky everywhere and in everything today! I love you.” These simple sentences can significantly lift even the worst mood of a man in the morning.

Wishing a good day to a girl

Her lover can wish a girl a good day. Perhaps she is studying or already working, then she needs the support of a loved one. After all, it is much easier to plunge into the ocean of everyday worries and worries if you have been encouraged before and given a feeling of care and love.

What words can you convey to a girl to wish her a good day? If a lover says this, then it may sound like this: “Beloved, have a nice day! May it pass easily, and may all your planned affairs end successfully and successfully! My love will help you with this! I look forward to seeing you again...” This is how you can express your love, care, and desire to protect and protect your loved one from all the hardships of the world around you.

How to wish a good day to colleagues

To wish your colleagues a good day is to show your level of culture and civilization. It always captivates and leaves no one indifferent. The tradition of saying such words has already developed in many teams, where before the start of the working day they can be pronounced by the director or boss to his subordinates and colleagues.

Employees can say the same thing to each other, thereby raising the level of ability to work, which will definitely affect labor productivity. In addition, if a new employee wishes everyone else a great day at work, then he will definitely endear himself to the team.

This is what seemingly such simple and insignificant words mean. They can inspire a person, set him up for success and optimism, so let's wish all our significant others a good day before work or study.

Only here you will find the most diverse and unique wishes for a good day in poetry, prose, postcards and in your own words. By the way, we have no less beautiful ones.

I wish you wonderful things
Have a nice day!
Less difficulties
More success!
So that life is like cheese in butter,
Ride - don't worry!

Today I want to wish
So that you have time everywhere,
All problems solved
And at the same time I’m not tired!

A man without a mood:
Like a stage without a show
Like an artist without inspiration,
Like winter without snow,
And summer without sun!
Warmth, good luck, kindness,
and have a nice day!

I wish you a nice day!
Let your day go well in the morning!
May he be desired
Chic, profitable, cool!

May today be
It will pass without a doubt
Hard decisions
And inappropriate falls!

Have a nice day! Such that it will be remembered for a long time, and with positivity and without a drop of negativity!

I wish you a fiery aperitif,
And also fun and positivity!

I wish that today gives you nothing but positive emotions, that your family pleases you with your successes, and that management rewards you financially for your personal merits!

Let everything happen today
Because of you and for you!

Postcards with wishes for a good day in pictures

A selection of original pictures and encouraging cards with wishes for the coming day. All applications enlarge when clicked and are available for free download (you don’t even need to say “thank you”).

Wishes in your own words

Let a ray of sunshine greet you as you leave the house and give you energy, fill you with confidence, charge you with positivity, bright thoughts and ideas! Today I wish to learn a lot of new things, meet good people and experience success in business.

A new day has come, what will it bring you? And I know what he promises you! A lot of pleasant troubles and communication, success at work and a bonus for your efforts, joy for your loved ones and the absence of obstacles on the way!

A new dawn, a new beginning... Something grandiose and unforgettable! Leave the house with this attitude today! I can already see: a successful outcome in this fateful ups and downs, honoring and chanting of your name on the lips of millions... Yes, yes, everything will be exactly like that. You have been working towards this for a long time and you will definitely succeed! I believe, believe too!

Good wishes for a good day in prose

Let the gorgeous weather, the responsiveness of friends, the understanding of your superiors, joyful news, elegant compliments, desired moments, interesting events, and the anticipation of a miracle saturate your day and certainly delight you, giving you a great mood!

I wish you a good day and weather that suits your mood today! Let every aspect please you: family, random people you meet, the road to work, colleagues and everything, everything, everything. May your eyes be filled with happiness, and may your good mood never leave you!

Today I wish you to make such geographical discoveries as a river of happiness, a lake of goodness, a sea of ​​luck, an ocean of prosperity, the peak of demand, the peak of hope, a waterfall of positivity and a volcano of love. Let your personal globe of life spin exclusively in the direction you need!

It's always nice to receive good wishes addressed to you. And it’s even nicer when you receive them not on holidays, but just like that. Whether it’s a responsible day at work or a relaxing weekend, wishes for a good day will always come to you. Your family and friends will appreciate this sign of attention.

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I am sending you the news of the day:
Let the positivity blow in the morning,
Luck, luck will love you.
You get one answer to everything - “Yes”!

Let everything in the world wish you well -
Traffic lights, weather, friends.
May the warm sun always warm you,
Your eyes sparkle with happiness all the time!

May your cheerfulness not fade today,
And everyone will give a piece of goodness.
I hug you, kiss you lovingly.
Let everything be cool! Have a great day!

Let him cover his head,
A sea of ​​positivity.
And they pass by
All problems are gone.

And luck follows
Since the morning
Good mood
Will never leave.

I wish you the most wonderful and wonderful mood. Let the day pass richly and cheerfully, let the rays of love and joy illuminate your soul. I wish you strong hugs from your loved one, sweet kisses on your lips and incredible feelings of happiness in your loving hearts.

Let the mood be great
After all, this day will only bring joy!
May luck accompany you
And let your heart sing with happiness!

May this day be filled with goodness
A smile, only bright colors,
My love, sun and warmth,
And bright, good miracles!

Have a great day!
Colleagues look with respect
He will increase your salary, lovingly,
And he will send you on vacation!

That you are very dear to me.
Have a great day!

"Good Day Wishes"

There is a day for everyone:
For larks and owls,
For those who don't sleep at all
Ile sleeps without dreaming.
The day has come for you.
Hello I send you.
Good luck today
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

May you have a successful day!
Put on your best dress
With him - fishnet stockings
And higher heels.
Even though our city is not Paris,
You will conquer everyone today!

"Have a nice day poems"

Not from the bustle, not from the toil,
Let there be more warmth!

Will arrive with new friends!
And it is important to be yourself!

Let the day begin with smiles,
You can avoid any mistakes!
Today it will become reality!

I wish you positivity
Meetings, communication, creativity,
In general, you understand me -
Have a wonderful day!

A man without a smile -
This is a kitchen without tiles,
This is a sea without a seagull,
This is a house without a mistress,
This is a cat without a tail
It's a tail without a cat!
Always smile
And have a nice day!!!

I wish you a wonderful day,
May luck come to you,


Important things get done
Complex problems will be solved -
Victory, recognition and warmth!

When you wake up, smile!
And then the day will succeed!
And then in your heart
Suddenly the shadow of sadness will disappear!
The birds will sing songs to you,
And flowers will bloom for you,
On the way they will meet
People of wondrous beauty.
Smile! Happiness is nearby!
It's just a stone's throw away!
You just have to smile
Everything will come by itself!

In the morning the sun woke up,
It stretched sweetly,
Smiled again
It came out to walk across the sky!
Have a nice day! Good smiles! Kiss you!

Let everything be great at work,
Let your boss not forget to praise you!
Roads without traffic jams, excellent news,
And as always, victories on the personal front!
Have a nice day!

"Good afternoon poems"

Tea - to taste...sugar - according to your conscience!
Good morning and have a nice day!

I love you, I saw you in a dream!
I really didn’t want to wake up!
The morning has come, it’s time, dear one, to get up,
I hasten to wish you a good day soon!

Let the day go well in the morning,
Victory will be yours alone!
In love, business and entertainment,
Live your day with pleasure!

"Good Day Wishes"

Have a great day!
Let the relatives not be a burden,
Colleagues look with respect
Let the boss give you a promotion,
He will increase your salary, lovingly,
And he will send you on vacation!

Let the morning, after kissing you, become good,
And people greet you with friendly smiles
And your day will be the most wonderful!

A new day will come quickly at dawn,
He brings good mood to you.
I want to say that you are magical
That you are very dear to me.
Have a great day!

"Good Day Wishes"

There is a day for everyone:
For larks and owls,
For those who don't sleep at all
Ile sleeps without dreaming.
The day has come for you.
Hello I send you.
Good luck today
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

May you have a successful day!
Put on your best dress
With him - fishnet stockings
And higher heels.
Even though our city is not Paris,
You will conquer everyone today!

"Have a nice day poems"

Let the day start with kindness!
Not from the bustle, not from the toil,
Let there be more warmth!
Let the day start with beauty!
May your day be filled with things to do!
Will arrive with new friends!
And it is important to be yourself!
After all, tomorrow will be another day!!!

The sun is shining in the blue sky,
Well, my friend, are you sleeping in a sweet dream?
Look out the window - that's where the beauty is!
Have a good, good day!

Let the day begin with smiles,
You can avoid any mistakes!
Let everything you dream about
Today it will become reality!

I wish you positivity
Meetings, communication, creativity,
In general, you understand me -
Have a wonderful day!

"Cool and humorous wishes for a good day"

A man without a smile -
This is a kitchen without tiles,
This is a sea without a seagull,
This is a house without a mistress,
This is a cat without a tail
It's a tail without a cat!
Always smile
And have a nice day!!!

I wish you a wonderful day,
May luck come to you,
Don't let your boss nag you,
And you would lose count of the money!

Mix a barrel of health with love!
And add some fun to the same potion!
Season with success! Good pepper!
Good luck, add more! Cook...
Boil a handful of humor a little!
And pour a huge spoonful of happiness!
Mix an armful of smiles into the solution!
And treat your loved ones from the heart!

May this day be successful
Important things get done
Complex problems will be solved -
Victory, recognition and warmth!

When you wake up, smile!
And then the day will succeed!
And then in your heart
Suddenly the shadow of sadness will disappear!
The birds will sing songs to you,
And flowers will bloom for you,
On the way they will meet
People of wondrous beauty.
Smile! Happiness is nearby!
It's just a stone's throw away!
You just have to smile
Everything will come by itself!

In the morning the sun woke up,
It stretched sweetly,
Smiled again
It came out to walk across the sky!
Have a nice day! Good smiles! Kiss you!


I send it to you from my heart, lovingly
My wishes for a nice day!
Let the sun smile at you from the sky,
Warming the window with rays of goodness.

May good luck and luck be with you,
May your mood be wonderful.
Receive this verse from me with a smile.
Everything will be great! Have a good day!

May the sun shine clearly on you
I wish you joy, warmth,
Let everything be just fine,
Let all things work out!

Let your smile bloom
On your clear face!
And everything the soul desires,
It will be fulfilled today!

My beloved little man, my joy, I wish you good morning, a wonderful mood and bright inspiration. May your day be successful and easy, happy and joyful. I kiss you and hug you tightly.

Good morning. Have a good day.
Catch a charge of positivity from me.
Let everything work out, let everything work out,
Let luck come easily into your hands.

Don't you dare be sad, smile wider,
After all, so many beautiful things have been created in the world.
I love you very much, dear sun,
And I look forward to meeting you.

My love, let this day
It will only bring you joy,
Your face won't be touched by shadows
Sadness, unwanted worries.

Let the mood be great
Success accompanies everything,
Inspiration never leaves.
Don't forget - you are the best!

May it be a good day
May luck find you!
May all people be kind
With whom this day will bring you together!

Let your smile be radiant
Shines brighter than the sun today!
You accept the world gratefully,
And all good things will return to you!

I wish you a bright mood
Just charge everyone in the area!
Let both goals and aspirations
There will be no interference!

Let this day go smoothly,
Let every hour be easy
May it be filled with happiness
And a bunch of pleasant phrases.

May all plans come true,
Unnecessary running will slow down...
I wish you a good day
To you, beloved person.

Have a nice day
Light and warm,
Clear, fine...
Well, just good luck.

So that there is no sadness,
Gloomy mood
I send tender hugs,
Affectionately amorous.

And good luck
Let him accompany you in everything,
Bad luck is harmful
Let it be absent altogether.

May your day be successful
Your success will increase
The weather will be clear
Life is the most beautiful!

May troubles and sorrows
Will be forgotten in an instant
Let the day be like a holiday,
Filled with nothing but happiness.

I wanted to wish
Living moods
Don't mope and don't be bored,
Happiness and all that.

Always be positive.
Remember, I love you.
Smile beautifully.
Have a wonderful day!

May your day be sunny and clear,
Let a ray of sunshine illuminate you with warmth.
I want to congratulate you on good morning,
Have a wonderful morning and a good day.

In all matters, good luck and luck,
Be patient if things go wrong.
Smiles, happiness, laughter, mood
And all the worldly pleasant blessings to you.