Why does a child sweat a lot at night? Severe sweating of the head in a child: possible causes and methods for eliminating the disease

Young mothers are worried if the child's head sweats. This phenomenon is quite common, and in some cases, excessive sweating of the baby can be a symptom of serious problems.

Some parents notice that the child's head sweats at night, while others state that the baby sweats in stuffy rooms. Let's talk about why a child's head sweats and when to worry about this, what happens to the baby at this time, what factors lead to excessive sweating.

Why does the child's head sweat?

First of all, you need to pay attention that the release of sweat is a normal and natural process. The sweat glands of the child begin to function from the third week of his life. At this age, the physiological process of sweating starts, which is gradually improved. In the meantime, the sweat glands are not sufficiently developed, so the body of the crumbs reacts to all sorts of irritants with profuse sweating (hyperhidrosis).

If the child is healthy, then excessive sweating can occur for the following reasons:

  • The baby's head sweats with a cold. In this case, the protective reaction of the child's body is triggered, since toxins that provoked the disease are excreted along with sweat. After a while, other signs of the disease will appear.
  • Sometimes the baby sweats a lot during breastfeeding. In this case, you certainly should not worry, your baby is just trying very hard.
  • Excessive sweating can be associated with strong emotions, whether they are negative or positive. When a baby experiences resentment, pain, fear, delight or euphoria, his hands, neck and head sweat.
  • Excitement and lack of sleep is another likely reason why a child's head sweats. In this case, you need to set the daily routine so that the baby does not overwork.
  • The baby has a sweaty head after taking certain medications. Sweating is a side effect of the drug.

If all possible causes are eliminated, but the problem remains, you need to see a doctor. If excessive sweating is accompanied by sleep disturbance and increased excitability, then perhaps this is how rickets manifests itself. If the baby's sweat is sticky, thick or liquid, with a pungent odor, you need to contact a neurologist or psychologist, as these symptoms may signal a malfunction nervous system.

Excessive sweating can also be associated with hereditary diseases. For example, with cystic fibrosis, the chemical composition of sweat changes, with phenylketunuria, the smell of sweat secretions resembles a mouse, and test results show an increased content of sodium and chlorine.

Increased sweating causes lymphatic diathesis. If a child sweats his head in a dream, and at the same time he does not sleep well, this may indicate a hypofunction of the thyroid gland, heart failure and other diseases.

What to do if the baby sweats in a dream?

Parents often ask the pediatrician why the baby sweats in his sleep, as evidenced by increased sweating.

Very often, the child sweats a lot in the head, because he is just hot. Make sure the baby is not overheating. You should always focus on yourself and dress your baby the way you dress yourself. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child and the time of year. For a child's body, the optimum indoor temperature is 22ºC during the day and 20°C at night.

If the baby's head is sweating, you need to reconsider the temperature regime of the children's room. Pajamas, pillows and blankets should be made from natural materials, as synthetic fabrics are poorly breathable and absorb moisture. Doctors do not advise giving the little one a very soft pillow, and up to 2 years it is better to do without it altogether.

The child's head sweats in a dream, if in the evening he moved a lot and was overtired. Pediatricians recommend that parents turn off the TV two to three hours before bedtime, play quiet games with the child, and read a book to him. This will help the baby calm down.

If a child has an excitable nervous system, he cannot fall asleep for a long time, and sweats profusely in a dream and wakes up often, it is very useful to drink soothing herbal tea or add herbal infusions to the bath when bathing. When using herbal preparations, be sure to consult a doctor.

The active growth phase is also accompanied by profuse sweating, with larger children usually sweating more than their peers. If increased sweating is observed in a 12-13-year-old child, then it is time for puberty.

The body of a baby and a child of the first years of life differs in almost all respects from an adult. It can be difficult to understand what physiological manifestations for newborns or young children are normal, and when to be seriously worried. So, parents can be worried when a child sweats his head in his sleep. They want to know if this is normal or a sign of serious pathologies?

Do newborns sweat

To prevent overheating and maintain the correct body temperature, it is necessary to both produce heat and release it into the environment. The process of heat transfer is controlled by the nervous system by changing the tension of the vascular walls. But in a newborn, it still continues to develop, so the thermoregulation system is not debugged.

By the time of birth, babies have the same number of sweat glands as an adult, but most of them begin to function only from 3-5 months. In this case, the process of sweating starts gradually. The sweat glands on the head turn on most quickly, then on the forehead, torso, and finally on the limbs. The most adequate sweat begins to stand out after 6 years, and the peak of the work of the glands falls on the puberty period.

If hyperhidrosis in a child’s sleep is the only complaint, then parents should not panic. A healthy newborn is characterized by increased sweating. As a rule, it is associated with the active phase of sleep. The baby, going to sleep, relieves excessive stress by increased sweating.

In young children, increased sweating often occurs not only when overheated, but also when the body is cooled.

Sign of pathology

If the head of a newborn or an older baby sweats a lot, then pediatricians may suspect such pathologies:

  • rickets;
  • viral infection;
  • heart diseases;
  • endocrine diseases.

A thorough history taking and a comprehensive examination will help determine exactly why the baby is sweating.

Most often, this disease occurs in the first year of life, when babies grow rapidly, but they have a pronounced deficiency of vitamin D. Pathology affects the nervous and skeletal systems. IN this case The head may fog up along with the following symptoms:

  • sleep becomes superficial, intermittent;
  • the baby is irritable, whiny;
  • bald at the back of the head at the baby;
  • there is muscle weakness;
  • bone deformities occur;
  • disruption of the digestive system.

Sweating can be so intense that the pillow becomes wet after sleeping. Sticky sweat provokes irritation of the skin. The child often turns his head in the crib, which leads to bald patches in the back of the head.


Increased sweating during sleep may indicate infection of the child with acute respiratory infections, the flu, or one of the intestinal infections. But in this case, a feverish state, lack of appetite, and lethargy join the sweating. After the treatment of an infectious disease and complete recovery, sweating in a dream disappears.

Heart diseases

Hyperhidrosis of the head in a dream, along with heavy breathing and dry cough, can indicate cardiac pathologies. In addition, diseases of the cardiovascular system can be suspected if the skin area between the wings of the nose and the upper lip turns blue in the baby, weight decreases, and he quickly gets tired. With such symptoms, parents should not delay visiting a pediatric clinic.

Endocrine diseases

Increased sweating of the head against the background of dryness of the rest of the body can occur with diabetes. However, with this disease, sweating occurs when the child falls asleep and during wakefulness. He also constantly asks for water, often empties bladder and looks very lethargic. In this case, a consultation with an endocrinologist is mandatory.
Hyperhidrosis of the head during sleep and wakefulness can occur against the background of increased thyroid function.

Reasons by age

When parents go to the doctor with a complaint that the child’s head is often wet during sleep, then the baby’s age will be decisive in making an accurate diagnosis.

4-5 months

If a child at this age sweats a lot on the back of the head and neck, so that the pillow remains wet, then this may be the first sign of a lack of vitamin D. Although most often this is due to a common mistake of parents. They dress the baby too warmly and create a hot microclimate in the room.

8 months

If a child of 8 months sweats heavily during sleep, then rickets is not excluded. But more often in the answer for this usual overwork. When a child crawls a lot before going to bed, plays, laughs or cries, then during sleep his head will definitely become wet.

1 year

In children from one year old, cases of rickets are already unlikely. But the psyche of the baby becomes even more mobile. All emotions experienced during the day will definitely affect hyperhidrosis during sleep. And if a one-year-old child has a disturbed daily routine, as a result of which he is not getting enough sleep or gets tired, then this can also lead to a wet head during sleep episodes.

2 years

Sometimes, when a newborn sweats, parents are not as worried as when a wet forehead and a wet nape appear during sleep in a grown-up baby. At 2 years old, children already walk on their own, move a lot and sleep soundly at night, almost like adults. At this age, excessive sweating is no longer a variant of the norm, and it can be caused not only by serious somatic diseases, but also by such factors:

  1. Attacks of night terrors. The child cries in a dream, but it is difficult to wake him. He is breathing heavily, rapidly, he has tachycardia and increased sweating both in the head area and throughout the body.
  2. environmental factor. In polluted industrial areas, children are more sickly, more likely to suffer from chills, fevers and hyperhidrosis.
  3. Infectious diseases. When viruses and bacteria enter the body of a child, this is often accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature and increased sweating.

If this condition is not episodic, then parents definitely need to take the baby for a consultation to a children's clinic.

3-4 years

At this age, the following reasons can cause increased sweating during sleep:

  • hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue in combination with imbalance of the nervous system;
  • overweight;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • allergies and respiratory diseases;
  • metabolic and endocrine diseases;
  • taking certain medicines.

But a perfectly healthy child can also sweat - due to the wrong microclimate or synthetic clothing.

6 years

The autonomic nervous system should be fully developed by age 6, but there are exceptions. Sweating during sleep at this age may indicate the immaturity of this system. There may also be poor heredity, in addition to those pathologies that appear at 3-4 years.

From the parents, the baby can not only get a direct tendency to hyperhidrosis, but also cystic fibrosis (tissue damage and impaired secretory activity of the exocrine glands). Such a pathology can be suspected if parents note a very salty forehead in a child.

Pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky, who has won the respect of many parents, recommends that before going to the hospital, you should check the conditions created for the child's rest. You should pay attention to such points:

  1. Temperature regime. Heat and stuffiness are not acceptable in a child's bedroom. Acceptable air temperature should be 18-20 °C.
  2. Air humidity. In the room where the baby sleeps, the humidity of the air is 50-70%. It is very appropriate to use humidifiers for these purposes, or at least put a damp cloth on the heating radiators.
  3. Airing. At a minimum, windows should be opened at bedtime and after the child rests, but it would be good to do this more often.
  4. Bed sheets. Synthetics should be discarded. It enhances perspiration. It is optimal to equip a child’s bed with bedding made of cotton fabrics, without textile dyes.
  5. Cloth. The priority should be cotton fabrics that match the season. For winter and summer, you need to choose the right pajamas. It should be free cut, without coarse seams.
  6. Bathing. Sweaty babies should be taught to take cool baths/showers, which will improve the functioning of the sweat glands. After 2-3 weeks of regular water procedures, the child can completely get rid of hyperhidrosis.
  7. Emotional control. You can fight hyperhidrosis with a light massage with a relaxing effect 30 minutes before bedtime, walking on fresh air, as well as taking warm baths with decoctions of soothing herbs (1-2 times a week).

For especially sweaty babies, it is good to have a few pajamas in stock, which can be changed several times a night.


Night sweats are quite common. Many patients come to pediatricians with similar complaints. Concerned parents would do well to remember the following:

  1. The eccrine glands in a child function in an imperfect mode up to 4-6 years. Most children easily outgrow this problem.
  2. A child's perspiration is influenced by his equipment and temperament, as well as the family atmosphere and the microclimate in the room.
  3. Sweating during sleep is most often an individual feature of the formation of the autonomic nervous system. But in 1-3% of children, hyperhidrosis can indicate a serious pathology.

Excessive sweating during sleep is not a disease and does not require special treatment. But if other symptoms are added to sweating, then you should not delay visiting a pediatrician and the necessary diagnostics.

Often, parents of infants note some features in their children. The room is not too hot, and the child sweats a lot, the hairs are wet, moisture has accumulated in the folds of the skin. Similar phenomena are characteristic of both the time of sleep and the period of wakefulness. Why is this happening? Why does the baby sweat a lot?

A baby can sweat even in a cool room, ideal in terms of thermoregulation

Why is the child sweating?

In most cases, which are quite common, the causes of increased sweating are absolutely normal and harmless. Sweat glands are not yet sufficiently formed, their full-fledged work will begin closer to 5-6 years, a maximum of 7. Interruptions in their functioning are a frequent and widespread phenomenon. We mention that the process of sweating is absolutely natural for any person.

The weak body of a newborn baby is unable to instantly rebuild with temperature changes, even if these changes are very minor. Natural and imperceptible from the point of view of an adult, temperature changes can cause a baby to freeze or provoke increased sweating.

We list the circumstances that contribute to the fact that the baby sweats:

  • the temperature in the room is above 28˚С;
  • synthetic or airtight materials for children's clothing;
  • physical activity;
  • taking medications that have the side effect of increased sweating.

Having ruled out all these reasons, but having a sweaty baby as a result, you need to look for the root of the problem in something else. In this case, it is recommended to visit a doctor for a consultation.

The result of overheating

The temperature in the room, which is normal for adults, may not be quite comfortable for the baby (for more details, see the article:). You can protect your child from overheating by observing the following rules:

  1. Avoid wrapping from a very early age. The same condition is mandatory for older children.
  2. Sweat glands begin to work in newborns from 3 weeks of age. Dress your children the same as you dress yourself when you are indoors. For the street, you will need another extra layer of outerwear.
  3. The air in the room should be moderately warm - 19-20˚С.
  4. Maintain a comfortable humidity level of 50-60%.
  5. Avoid long walks if it's too hot outside. Stay in the shade as much as possible while walking.

cold symptom

With a cold, it is likely that the body temperature rises, this happens quite often. It is important in this case not to confuse the symptom with the manifestation of other, more serious diseases. The doctor will help you avoid mistakes.

It is necessary to pay him a visit if, in addition to increased sweating, the child has the following symptoms:

  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • hot hands and feet;
  • chills;
  • redness of the eyes.

With these symptoms, it is quite the right decision on the part of the parents to offer the baby plenty of fluids. It, in turn, affects the fact that the baby sweats more.

Sometimes sweating can indicate a cold, which is accompanied by increased body temperature.


If the external causes quickly disappeared, you can think about the internal ones: the baby may have a hereditary hyperhidrosis disease, which is characterized by the intensive work of the sweat glands. It is especially acute during emotional tension, physical exertion, and an increase in body temperature.

Hyperhidrosis can be of several types:

  1. general or generalized - the whole body sweats evenly;
  2. local or localized, having its own varieties: palmar-plantar; inguinal-perineal; axillary; face and head sweat profusely.

The two most common forms of hyperhidrosis are palmoplantar (occurs in 60% of patients) and axillary (approximately 30% of cases). The cause of primary hyperhidrosis is extremely difficult to determine, since the disease appears on its own, and not as a result of another disease.

Secondary hyperhidrosis can occur due to:

  • diabetes;
  • mental disorders;
  • obesity;
  • cancer diseases;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • infections, etc.

You shouldn't panic. In newborn babies, the primary form of the disease is most common. If the analyzes did not show the presence of deviations, you can simply wait a bit until this physiological feature passes by itself.

Development of rickets

When the baby's head sweats often and profusely, this may be a symptom of developing rickets. With this disease, the skeletal system is not properly formed, which occurs as a result of impaired metabolism and a lack of vitamin D.

To be diagnosed with rickets, a child must have the following symptoms:

  • startling during sleep, restless sleep;
  • fear of sharp sounds, irritability;
  • sour smell of urine;
  • the doctor during examination determines some softening of the bones of the skull.

It is especially noticeable that the child sweats intensely when sleeping or during feeding. Sweat at the same time causes irritation of the skin and has a sharp sour smell. The baby experiences discomfort and severe itching, which causes it to itch and rub its head against the pillow. As a result of such friction, small bald patches form on the back of the head.


Large children who are already overweight at birth are prone to sweating even with the smallest loads. The child sweats even if he does not move at all.

Parents should be as attentive as possible to the baby's diet in order to prevent the development of obesity. What weight is considered big? Babies weighing more than 4 kg at birth are considered large.

Large weight gain suggests a later start of complementary foods. In babies up to 12 months, along with mother's milk, vegetables should be present in large quantities in the diet.

A baby who consumes high-calorie foods throughout the day requires the implementation of excess calories. The best option is physical activity, such as swimming. It is suitable for most kids.

What if the mother monitors the weight of the baby, regularly weighing herself, carefully monitors nutrition, and the problem of excess weight does not go away? Most likely, you need to visit a doctor. An increase in insulin in the blood may well be the primary source of excessive sweating due to metabolic disorders. The child will need to undergo the necessary examinations.

If the baby is overweight, more attention should be paid to its physical activity and the amount of food consumed.

Nervous System Disorders

Pediatricians very often have to hear various complaints from parents whose children are not yet 3 years old:

  • the child does not sleep well;
  • sleeps uneasily, tosses and turns and cries out;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • impaired attention or this ability is unstable;
  • hyperactivity.

All of these symptoms can be the answer to the question of why the child sweats a lot. Nervous excitability, resulting in excessive sweating, is not always treated with medications. Herbal infusions and adherence to the daily routine are usually able to correct the existing problem.

Increased nervous excitability in a child in most cases is treated with herbal infusions and correction of the daily regimen.

Cardiovascular disorder

It is not so easy to determine the violations of the cardiovascular system, especially at the age of up to a year. Parents should always be on the alert and notice any suspicious signs, which then must be reported to the pediatrician. Symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, in addition to a sweaty head, include the following:

  • pressing on the chest area causes pain to the child;
  • the baby cries in a dream and does not wake up, he turns pale and becomes covered with drops of cold sweat (we recommend reading:);
  • the area between the lips and nose turns blue;
  • poor appetite, general lethargy and lethargy;
  • rapid uneven breathing;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath even after minor physical exertion.

This has been successfully treated in children. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time for appropriate therapy.

Poor appetite, general lethargy and lethargy may indicate diseases of the cardiovascular system

Inappropriate clothing

Poor-quality synthetic clothing or bedding can cause even an absolutely healthy child to sweat a lot in his sleep. The following types of natural fabrics are suitable for babies:

  • cotton is ideal for hot summers;
  • wool is the best choice for winter and cool autumn;
  • linen is a good option in the heat;
  • linen, bamboo terry - soft and cozy towels and bathrobes;
  • bamboo fiber - clothes for any season;
  • quality knitwear.

Sweating in a dream will come to naught or become less pronounced if you focus on the above list when choosing underwear, pajamas and blouses. Consider the importance of materials when choosing clothes and bedding, especially if the little one often sweats on the legs, arms or head.

When choosing clothes for the baby, you need to give preference to natural materials that are pleasant to the body and suitable for the season.

Solving the problem of excessive sweating

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Having excluded possible non-medical factors that cause the baby to sweat intensely at night, it is necessary to consult a doctor on this issue. It is important to pay attention to which area the child sweats the most - the diagnosis will depend on this.

If your head sweats

When a child's head sweats after intense physical activity or after playing and jumping, this should not frighten parents. This reaction of the body is absolutely normal. True, sometimes completely different circumstances serve as the reason for the appearance of sweat on the hair and head.

Mothers may notice that during sleep, the child's head sweats a lot. There is no need to worry, this is just a protective reaction of the body to possible overheating. It is dangerous for infants much more than for adults.

Here's what to do to avoid this:

  1. you should not wrap up the baby, even if you think that he is not feeling well;
  2. in the room you need to maintain a comfortable temperature, it is recommended to sleep with a slightly open window;
  3. clothing and bedding materials should be natural;
  4. there is no need to wear a hat indoors, a bonnet is the only possible option, and then as a last resort.

If your hands and feet sweat

Often, mothers, having removed their shoes from the baby after a walk, find that his legs are wet. What is the first thing that comes to mind at this moment? Legs don't breathe. This is absolutely true. Artificial materials of shoes, socks or tights provoke increased sweating in the legs.

In children, it is often caused by their hyperactivity, which is due to high energy levels. But for children who lead a sedentary lifestyle and are inactive, this explanation does not fit. In cases where a child's head sweats excessively in a dream, there can be many reasons.

Often older children and teenagers face the problem of excessive head sweating. If such a problem occurs at the very beginning of puberty, then this should be considered as one of the consequences of changes in the hormonal background in the body. Excessive head sweating usually accompanies the hands, feet, and equally problematic armpits.

There may be other reasons for such work of the glands. The best way to find out is to see a doctor. For example, increased sweating, called hyperhidrosis, may be due to a feature of the body, which is the active work of the sweat glands or is a serious disease. If hyperhidrosis (including when the head sweats during sleep) is accompanied by other signs, such as fatigue and irritability, then this usually indicates the development of a disease such as hyperthyroidism, in which restless behavior of the child is usually noted.

Excessive sweating is a sign of diabetes. But it should be remembered that the onset of diabetes is characterized by other symptoms: excessive thirst, fatigue, frequent urination and

If a child's head sweats in a dream, then this may mean heart problems. They may be accompanied by other symptoms such as heavy breathing, excessive breathing and coughing. Experts believe that in children it is a cause for concern, so they should be reported to the doctor.

Young mothers are especially worried when the chest has a head in a dream. This condition can be caused by the development of such a dangerous disease as rickets. This is a serious problem that occurs due to a lack of vitamin D. It is caused by improper care of the baby: malnutrition, lack of fresh air and sunlight. The result is poor absorption of calcium and phosphorus, improper development of bones and other tissues in the child's body, as well as the nervous system. Therefore, such a symptom as excessive sweating in a baby should be taken seriously, otherwise there may be health complications in his adult life.

You should not wait until the child's condition worsens. As soon as increased sweating becomes noticeable, you should immediately inform your doctor about it. The doctor may prescribe a number of studies. They are mainly associated with checking the functions of the endocrine glands. Once the cause is established, then (and only!) The doctor will prescribe the correct course of treatment. If a child has a head sweat during sleep, it may include the use of heavy antiperspirants or herbal scalp and neck solutions. To avoid some side effects (such as dry skin or an allergic reaction), they should only be used as directed by a doctor.

If the baby's head sweats at night, then this can be caused by simple nightly fears, environmental problems, and infectious diseases. Fears torment children aged 4 to 12 years. Although they do not pose any danger to the child, but parents should seek medical attention for him. Exposure to some bacterial and viral infections is accompanied by excessive sweating and fever. In this case, it is important to protect the child's body from dehydration. Especially if the child has a sore throat or a cold. In this case, he needs a plentiful drink and as much as possible comfortable conditions for sleep.

So you got acquainted with some of the causes of the phenomenon of "excessive sweating of the baby's head" and now you know where to start solving this problem.

Many mothers in their babies may notice the appearance of drops of water on the head. At the same time, such negative manifestations are completely absent in other areas of the body. It is important to find out in advance why the baby's head is sweating and whether to worry about it.

In medical practice, there are several reasons that lead to the development of sweating. The situation most often manifests itself in children under one year old. Parents should not react immediately. They are advised to carefully observe the change in the condition of the young patient. Quite often, the baby's head sweats against the background of overheating. The situation can be aggravated due to improper functioning of the sweat glands. Physical activity is also important. In addition, it was noticed that the head of children with rickets sweats a lot.

Parents should monitor situations in which the child has excessive sweating. The symptom may occur during meals, sleep, activity, or crying. This information plays a key role for the pediatrician. Against its background, a conclusion is formed about the presence of serious pathologies. After passing the tests, you will need to undergo a course of treatment or follow the basic recommendations of a specialist in this field.

Features of thermoregulation in infancy

After the birth of the child's body has yet to adapt to the environment of the outside world. Organs and systems continue to develop, so the body cannot cope with overheating or cooling.

This situation can occur while swimming, walking in the fresh air or staying under a warm blanket. It is important to create the most comfortable conditions. Parents should constantly monitor the temperature and humidity levels in the room. Only in comfortable conditions will the baby be able to grow and develop properly.

Baby's head may sweat during sleep

In infants, thermoregulation will improve after a few months. During this period, the body may not respond adequately to any external changes. The sebaceous glands also only improve their work. The process of sweating helps the baby get rid of excessive heat. Small droplets appear on the head of the crumbs.

During the first months of life, an infant may experience increased sweating during formula or breastfeeding. In the second case, the situation arises due to bodily contact with the mother.

If the baby's head sweats when feeding, then mom should additionally perform the following manipulations:

  • Check the condition of the back, legs or neck.
  • If the baby sweats excessively, change into cool clothes or refuse to cover with a warm blanket.
  • The baby is contraindicated in a room with a draft.
  • Parents must provide the necessary parameters of air humidity.
  • For a newborn, you should buy things only from cotton. Other materials do not create optimal conditions for the evaporation of moisture from the surface. The child's body must breathe and regularly receive the necessary amount of oxygen.

Lack of vitamin D in the body

Rickets is a serious disease that develops against the background of an insufficient amount of this component in the body. In this case, the baby's head sweats regularly. Additionally, small droplets can be found on the feet and palms.

Vitamin D deficiency is most often diagnosed in children under the age of three months. However, the likelihood of developing pathology persists for up to a year. That is why this component should be present in the diet of each child in sufficient quantities.

If the baby's head sweats during sleep, then it is necessary to pass all the tests in order to exclude the presence of rickets in the baby's body. The disease is serious and requires immediate treatment. Otherwise, the risk of serious consequences increases. Pathology leads to deformation of the bones. Parents are advised to carefully examine the child and, if there are characteristic signs, seek advice from a pediatrician:

  • The baby sweats a lot during the first hour of sleep after feeding.
  • On the back of the head, the hair gradually begins to fall out.
  • If the child is in a supine position, then groans can be heard from him periodically.
  • Parents noticed excessive irritability and whims that regularly come from the child.

Children with these symptoms should be referred to a doctor immediately. After all the tests, a medication course of vitamin D will be prescribed. The pediatrician determines the dosage, after which the baby stops sweating actively and becomes active and cheerful.

Features of the structure of the autonomic nervous system

Sweating of the head is also explained by the unformed nervous system of the crumbs. The problem does not require the intervention of doctors and will resolve itself as the baby grows older. During sleep and feeding, tension increases, which disappears after a certain period.

With improper functioning of the autonomic system, sweating can increase in any part of the body. The droplets have a pungent odor and an unusual structure. Only a specialist in this field can correctly analyze the situation and make a diagnosis. The baby will have to be registered and monitor the development of the dynamics of his illness.

Activation of sweat glands

All systems of the internal organs of the child after birth have not yet fully debugged system of work. Sweat glands begin to function actively only on the third day after childbirth. However, their full stabilization can be achieved only in six years. The situation may manifest itself in the form of excessive sweating, which has no reason.

The head of the baby contains the largest number of sweat glands. That is why parents can observe periodically protruding sweat on it. The rest of the body remains completely dry. In children up to a year, excessive sweating is of different episodic nature, therefore it is considered quite normal. Parents should not worry about this, but it is still worth getting a recommendation from a specialist in this field.


Even an adult person sometimes cannot afford a certain physical activity. For a baby, any movement is associated with a large waste of energy. For example, even breastfeeding requires work. That is why sebaceous glands may release additional sweat. Thus, they protect the brain from overheating. The situation is considered normal for the first few months of life.

While feeding the baby, any load can become excessive for him. Sweating allows the body to normalize body temperature. The baby may become wet after active movements of the arms or legs, even while in the crib. Mommy should pay attention to the head of the crumbs at rest. If it remains dry, then you should not worry about this issue. In this case, sweat is a normal response to exercise.

Baby can't be wrapped


Colds, even in adulthood, lead to excessive sweating. Thus, the body tries to bring the body temperature back to normal. The process causes the internal systems to begin to work more actively sweat glands. Evaporation of moisture from the surface also contributes to the removal of harmful viruses and bacteria.

Droplets of sweat on the child's head quite often appear with a runny nose, cough and increased body temperature. During illness, the sweat glands work several times more actively. It is recommended to consult a pediatrician. If necessary, he will prescribe treatment for the baby. Against the background of the accumulation of a large amount of moisture on the surface, the head may begin to rot.

Pathologies in the work of the cardiovascular system

Diseases of these organs are difficult to diagnose if the baby is not yet a year old. Parents should pay attention to all sorts of little things and, if there are characteristic signs, contact the attending physician.

With heart failure, the baby not only gets wet, but the following signs also appear:

  • even a slight pressure on the chest area leads to a strong crying of the crumbs;
  • the baby can cry in a dream and not wake up;
  • immediately after waking up on the body of the crumbs, you can notice obvious signs of cold sweat;
  • cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle;
  • the baby shows lethargy and refuses to eat;
  • breathing becomes frequent and nervous;

Heart failure often occurs against the background of beriberi, infection in the intestines, influenza, pneumonia or anemia. These pathologies are congenital in nature and are diagnosed in the hospital. With a properly selected course of treatment, it is possible to quickly get rid of this syndrome.


Excessive sweating is among the side effects of many medications. Before giving them to a child, you should carefully read the instructions. If the head sweats because of medications, then you should not worry about this. After taking the symptom will disappear on its own.

Pathology in genetics

To date, such diseases are detected by screening. The procedure must be carried out with all newborn children. If a pathology is detected, it will be necessary to undergo the necessary course of treatment. The nature of perspiration is taken into account. Its analysis allows you to make an accurate diagnosis and choose the right course of treatment.