For permanent residence in Mexico, or to marry a Mexican. Mexican family

For the last two and a half years I have been living in Mexico, the state of New Leon, the capital city of Monterrey. I myself was born and raised in Russia and never thought that I would leave its borders for such a long time.

Two and a half years ago, I created my profile on a popular international dating site. Literally 3 minutes after creation, I already received a dozen letters from young people, mainly from Turkey. A few days later I received the letter that started it all... That’s how I met my husband.

After my first visit to this country, I was delighted... with my future husband, and not with the country. Of course, she also made an impression on me, but my husband is stronger. Soon the decision was made to make the final move.

I moved not alone, but with my beloved dog. The flight lasted about 14 hours, all these hours I was very worried about Surprise. Since he is big, he was not allowed to fly in the cabin; he was in the luggage compartment for the entire flight. Everything went well and we arrived.

At the Cancun airport there is no place for issuing special baggage (large, fragile, etc.), it must be collected only in one place. Russian tourists and local Mexicans crowded around the baggage belt, waiting for their suitcases, and when my huge dog appeared, barking at the whole airport, I was the only one left at the belt...

Main square of Monterrey.

There are several things that immediately characterize Mexico and distinguish it from Russia.

One of them is heat. The state of Yucatan, the capital Merida, is the hottest place. The temperature from March to October does not drop below +40 C. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s day or night. But when the temperature drops to 25-28˚C, local residents put on jackets, children put hats on their heads, tie scarves, Mexican women put on autumn boots.

Mexicans joke to themselves:

The second thing that catches your eye is the “size” of Mexicans. In fact, the problem of excess weight is as popular here as in the United States. Very often there are children and adults who have health problems due to their high weight. Hamburgers, sandwiches, pizza, Coca-Cola - are consumed by everyone without exception. Some houses don’t even have gas stoves because they are unnecessary. It is enough to have a microwave oven to heat up your next fast food.

The third thing that distinguishes Mexicans from Russians is their smiles, positivity and politeness. On the street, strangers say hello, smile, compliment and wish you a good day. How pleasant it is to be in this atmosphere! I wish there was such a behavior in Russia too.

Mexicans are such an unpretentious people, but this is not always good, in my opinion. It doesn’t cost them anything to leave the house with wrinkled clothes or dusty shoes. It is absolutely normal to see a Mexican woman in a dressing gown or a Mexican man in pajamas in a bank or institution of this kind. Of course, not everyone does this, but still... I'm starting to get used to it.

As mentioned above, this nation does not like to cook. The fact that in Russia women spend most of their time at the stove is strange to them. They prefer to buy something in a store or on the street. Therefore, in every city, street vendors ride specially equipped bicycles and sell food. A lot of hot sauces and seasonings are added to food; if this is your first time in a restaurant, then it is better not to touch anything offered on the table without specifying it, unless you want to spend several hours with your mouth open and your tongue on your shoulder.

Despite the problem of excess weight, Mexicans love sports.

In Mexico, the official language is Spanish. I had a small knowledge base that was given to me at the university. But in reality, this was not enough, I had to learn everything again. From the first day, my husband and I speak only in English, despite the fact that I know Spanish well, and he speaks a little Russian.

A particularly difficult time for me was when, after a month spent in this country, my husband left for another state for work, and I stayed with his family. Family members speak neither Russian nor English, I did not communicate in Spanish... for two weeks I did not utter a word. Television, radio, cinema remained away from me for a long time.

You can learn Spanish on your own, you just need to make every effort. There are a lot of rules, exceptions, synonyms in the language - sometimes even my husband cannot explain to me the meaning of a word, because he sees it for the first time. However, now I communicate freely with native speakers and read fiction in Spanish.

Things didn't work out with my friends. First, due to ignorance of the language, and now I don’t want to. For two and a half years, I could not meet a person who had similar interests to mine. Of course, all Mexicans are interesting and each has their own hobbies, but, for example, my request to enroll me in the local library caused loud laughter. When I finally got to the establishment, I understood why Mexicans read so little. To be a reader you need to go through such a bureaucratic procedure and provide such a waste of documents that it is probably easier to apply for a mortgage in Russia several times while being abroad.

Attitudes in Latin America towards other nations are positive. Everyone is always welcome and everyone is always very welcome.

View of Mexico City, the capital of Mexico.


I think the attitude towards family is different here. Let me explain. My husband has a lot of friends and acquaintances. Not all of them have strong and friendly families; with this, as in Russia, people diverge and separate.

But I have never heard of a father not supporting his child, while in Russia advertising banners are displayed with such an appeal to fathers. Mexico is a religious country and family values ​​play a big role here.

A wedding held in a church is of great importance, and a combination in local registry offices is almost unimportant. You can even come to the ceremony in the most ordinary clothes.

Before you formalize the relationship, you need to collect documents. One of them should be a certificate from a medical doctor about the results of a blood test of the bride and groom. In ancient times, marriages between family members were popular in villages and sparsely populated areas. Now this is rare, but you still need to take the test (with the exception of the capital of the country, Mexico City).

Based on my experience, I can say that women here are treated with respect and their opinions are listened to. The spouse's parents are elderly people, but they really value and care for each other. I see the same thing in other families. My husband is no exception - for someone like him, I would not only fly to Mexico, I would stay in Antarctica.

Hello, site readers! I want to tell you a little about my family life, and most importantly: about the nuances of marriage and living together with a Mexican. I have been married to a Mexican for 7 years now, we now live in Russia and are raising two beautiful children.

Where it all started

I was studying at the Grozny Institute to become a lawyer when I was sent for qualifying training to St. Petersburg. It was there that a bizarre fate brought us together.

It was very surprising to receive the advances of a Mexican. By the way, he was distinguished by his beauty, intelligence, knew how to listen, was courageous and strong. Her appearance, I would say, is quite typical Latin: black salt hair, tanned skin and eyes the color of light beer. Then it turned out that absolutely everyone in his family was like that.

The candy-bouquet period lasted only two months, after which Andrio proposed to me. I was surprised at such a quick turn of events, but, as my future husband explained to me, he is from a Catholic family, the rules of which instruct him not to “delay” marriage for too long. And I just believed him...

He went home to Mexico for a while. I was already starting to think that the relationship with him was over. But they called me to the dean’s office and gave me... a phone number written down on a piece of paper. It turned out that my husband called the institute and asked me to call him back. I did so, his mother answered the phone and finally said in broken Russian: “Hello, daughter.”

Later it turned out that he left and informed his parents about our plans for marriage. I went to Mexico, where my relatives later came for the wedding. A wedding ceremony is, of course, something special: magnificent, bright, spectacular. Compared to a Mexican wedding, the most stormy weddings in Russia are simply zilch.

The wedding was over and done with...

We have been legally married for 7 years, and my husband has never given me a reason to doubt his choice. The first years we lived in Mexico City, my husband worked as a builder and supported the family. During this time, we had 2 sons, I learned Spanish locally, and I already knew English. If you plan to live in Mexico, then knowledge of these languages ​​is a must.

What you need to know about Mexicans?

Girls of Slavic appearance, of course, arouse considerable interest from men. We are beautiful and smart :) This may just be my opinion, but in Mexico there are a lot of overweight people with rough features, including girls. Unhealthy fried food, national corn cakes, hot climate (hence the slow pace of life) - all this influences itself, but I haven’t noticed any aesthetic pretension in people. There is no desire to be beautiful. In cities the situation is better, where there is a European mentality, people try to exercise and eat right in order to overcome their predisposition to be overweight.

And at heart, Mexicans always remain children: eternal fun, love of life, naivety and lack of seriousness are the main features of the Mexican character. They are not tense, are rarely rude or aggressive, and love to joke. Informal communication and jokes between doctor and patient are common in Mexico.

The life position of Mexicans is best described by the word “don’t care” (in a good sense), they do not attach importance to many things, and are tolerant of everything non-standard. They selectively allow same-sex marriage and prostitution, and hippies and punks coexist peacefully. In Mexico they think: “Do you want to stand out from the crowd? - For God's sake". Perhaps, thanks to national indifference, Mexicans are in no hurry and rarely do anything on time.

Mexicans position themselves as hot southern men who will not “sully” themselves with “everyday life”. But, as the proverb says, there are as many characters as there are people. When I was pregnant, my husband cooked the food himself, cleaned our house, and persuaded me to move to an apartment where I would be more comfortable. In general, he showed concern in every possible way. Of course, then and now most of the troubles are my responsibility, but we always easily managed to help each other.

I have seen and know other girls married to Mexicans. Not everyone is as lucky as me. In this regard, Mexicans are similar to other Latin Americans. For example, on the website there is an article about the inhabitants of Chile, and you will see striking similarities.

Our relationship worsened a little when my husband’s company in Mexico went bankrupt and we left for Russia: first we lived in Grozny, then we moved to Moscow. The most important thing is that it was difficult to find a job, my husband was constantly angry, but we managed to cope with everything. Andrio was born in a village near Mexico City, from childhood he was accustomed to working and not being discouraged, he found a job and continues to support his family. I don't work.

Speaking of character, I noticed, and my husband says so, that Mexicans are a lazy and careless nation. Situations are not uncommon when men work part-time at construction sites, gas stations (anywhere where there is no permanent income), pretend that you are working, get money and leave. And in stores you can often find sales assistants who don’t know anything about their products.

Relationship with husband's family

Of course, at first his mother and father wanted their son to marry his own. Yes, and mine protested. But we stubbornly defended our choice, and everything worked out for us. Currently, all my husband's relatives treat me like a daughter.

The way of Mexican families is quite patriarchal, women are subordinate to their husbands. My brothers-in-law are married to Mexican women, and the latter do not work, take care of the house, give birth and raise children. By the way, there are not as many children in families as I expected. The older generation may have 5-6 brothers and sisters, but my peers who have their own children talk about 2-3 children, rarely about one. Although, of course, I won’t speak for all of Mexico.

My husband immediately told me: “I know your usual way of life, I won’t limit you, if you want, make friends, work, but don’t forget who your husband is.” So he hinted that it was unacceptable to contradict him in front of his parents and strangers, and it was generally impossible to raise his tone and show unflattering comments about his spouse.

Mexicans are men with fire in their blood. I witnessed situations in the suburbs when husbands publicly raised their hands against their wives or sisters. This won't surprise anyone there. Pah-pah-pah, my husband carries me in his arms.

My family and my husband are my happiness, but our relationship is the exception rather than the rule. Therefore, I want to give all readers of the site who are planning to marry a Mexican a few tips:

- if you started a relationship in Russia, and he is making rosy plans about marriage and moving to Mexico, you need to make sure that he prepares documents and informs his parents about this. Usually, when you love, it remains behind the scenes, but you need to show sobriety;

- trust, love, but check. You can make a request through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in case your spouse is already “confined” at home in Mexico;

— knowledge of English or Spanish is welcome. I didn’t expect such popularity of English, but apparently the close proximity of the USA has an effect;

- although Mexicans love fun in all its forms, they do not accept alcohol in most of its forms. It is unacceptable to appear in public while intoxicated here.

Ersunakaeva Valida, married to a Mexican for 7 years.

June 01, 2016

Considering the fundamental social differences between different segments of the population of this country, I will try not to generalize, but to talk only about what I myself have encountered. So, what is friendship, love and marriage with the inhabitants of this country?

About friendship

The general consensus is that it is easier to make friends with Mexicans than with Europeans. Many of my friends who lived in Europe compared friendship there to the siege of a fortress. This will take a lot of time: people are distrustful and reluctant to let strangers into their personal lives. It is also worth waiting for the number of ceremonies, as in the royal court. Upcoming: meeting parents, obligatory family dinners, family visits.

Everyone around you will be nice and relaxed, because that’s the way it is. But you will feel out of place, choosing a fork for fish among countless utensils. What is missing here is the simplicity familiar to Russia. So, in Mexico there is both: ceremonies and ease of communication.

Mexico is rich in small daily rituals. The same thing "Hello how are you doing?", which is taught in the first Spanish lessons, you will have to say always and in that order. There is only one answer - “Okay, what about you?”. And, which is typical, you are doing well too. Even if things are going very badly, you need to wait until the person asks a standard question to everyone present, hugs and kisses them - only then can you sincerely talk about the painful issue.


Another source of culture shock is kissing upon meeting. Here you should only greet with a kiss on the cheek. With everyone. Including with the boss, work colleagues and teachers at the university. If you are introduced to 20 people while having lunch with a Mexican family, focus. None: " Oh, I can't reach it.ANDyou in that cornerSameGood evening" will not serve as an excuse. The main thing to keep in mind is that these ceremonies, which do not carry any meaning for us, are very important for every Mexican. And if in the midst of getting to know someone you forget about someone, he will remember it. And he will tell the other 19 people. And families in Mexico are very close-knit.

When you leave, you need to say goodbye even to those with whom you have not exchanged a word the entire evening. Don't forget to hug them and say " See you”, even if you are both sure that you will never meet again in your life.

No punctuality

If you have agreed to meet on a certain day and time, this does not mean anything. It is not at all a fact that the meeting will happen. The famous Latin American “mañana”, translated depending on the circumstances as “tomorrow”, “next week”, “maybe” or “never”, perfectly characterizes Mexican society.

Therefore, the day before the scheduled meeting, it is better to ask again if you will see each other. People in Mexico are sociable and open, but - bad luck! - are keen on promises made automatically. When I was learning Chinese, we were warned not to make quick promises to the Chinese. The fact is that when they heard: “ Well, I'll see you some other time", they begin to get hassled and wait for the meeting. So, in Mexico I often feel like a Chinese.

Polite floridity, or Learn to read between the lines

An important skill that is well trained in Mexico is the science of understanding the subtext of spoken words. Usually the meaning is hidden in numerous ornate designs. At first it’s very nice that no one “cuts from the shoulder,” but later this can cause difficulties. The Mexican mentality excludes directness as such, and even a dry refusal in response to your request will turn into a paragraph of printed text. This is especially evident in business letters - in addition to the usual “thanks in advance,” literally phrases such as “we are at your feet», « our destiny is in your hands” and other pompous expressions that you are unlikely to write to your partners in Russia.

A similar attitude is inherent in everyday life. For three months now, different people have been calling me and asking for the person who was previously assigned my phone number. So, recently it was explained to me that it is not enough to say: “Please don’t call here anymore, there are no such people here.”. It would be correct to say in a polite tone: “ Can I ask you a favor, sir? It would be nice if you would stop dialing this number as it is bothering me.Of courseIfThisIt won't bother you. Is it possible?Bthank you very much" Oh yes, Mexico teaches patience.

Is it easy to make friends with Mexicans?

If you ask a Mexican whether it is easy to make friends in his country, he will answer in the affirmative without hesitation. But after a while he will definitely clarify which friends we are talking about. Truly close and reliable friendship grows gradually.

At first they take a closer look at you, and after a while you become a “cuate” (friend, buddy) - this means that the first level has been reached. Then you can grow to amigo/amiga, which already characterizes you as a friend. In male friendship, the highest level is hermano, that is, brother. You can always count such friends on one hand, but it’s really worth going to Mexico for them.

I made real friends here spontaneously. During my first TV journalism class, I met a classmate, we exchanged phone numbers, and a week later she invited me to a party in the suburbs of Mexico City. There, in turn, were her closest friends. And so it went.

Another case is my neighbor. He drove me to the institute a couple of times a week at the request of the landlady of my rented apartment. We had a simple conversation and found out that we study at the same faculty. So after a couple of months he told me about Colombian politics and helped me prepare for exams. One day I lost the keys to the house, where there was no one at that moment, and called him asking me to while away the evening with him. It turned out that my friend stayed at the institute late, but he warned his mother about my problem. As a result, she and I had a great evening watching a soap opera and having a steak dinner. It was scary to call the intercom and say: “ Ithe same oneRussianthe girl from the house opposite,whichlost my keys- but everything worked out. That evening was my first (and so far last) acquaintance with Mexican TV series.

Visit with your own food

By the way, in other cases, when you come to visit, at best, you will be offered a glass of water. You shouldn’t expect your friends to take out everything in the refrigerator, cook it and put it on your plate. And big parties here are often held in the style of “de traje”, which literally means “in a business style”, but in reality - “eat what you brought.” The owner can provide guests with several large bags of chips, but the rest will have to be taken care of themselves.

Mexicans love to save money. This quality manifests itself in its own way, especially in relationships. If a Mexican earns good money, he is ready to swear for every peso (i.e. for every 3 rubles) in a vegetable kiosk, buy himself the cheapest and low-quality things all year round, but on vacation he will certainly go to a five-star hotel. This especially irritated my Australian neighbor, who, before her vacation, entrusted her local boyfriend with choosing a hotel. At the beginning of the relationship, she told him that there was no need to pay for her because she felt quite independent, and every trip planning turned into a series of scandals.

Such savings are manifested in everything - friends try to call each other on their home phone, fill up for 100 rubles (the cost of 3 liters of gasoline) so that there is no temptation to spend a lot of car fuel. Another unusual aspect of Mexican culture: if you are invited to a birthday party, you yourself have to pay for everything you order. But this rule does not apply to a small meeting. For example, when I go out for coffee with one of my friends, they treat me with pleasure.


But it is precisely tender feelings for Mexicans that force girls from generally prosperous countries to stay here for permanent residence. Most of the foreign girls I know broke up with their boyfriends on Skype after just a month of living here. Moreover, many of them abandoned strong long-term relationships for the sake of suddenly meeting Mexicans. You will ask why? As much care and attention as girls are given in Latin America, they do not receive almost anywhere. They are escorted home, always held by the hand, even a stranger will always open the door for you. On the street you will see a lot of couples walking, hugging and kissing.

Mexico still adheres to a conservative upbringing in terms of the role of men in relationships. This means that most often he makes decisions and takes the initiative. Having traveled around Mexico for some time and then visited Europe, I noticed a strong tendency toward patriarchy among Mexican men, compared to European men.

On my first visit, I encountered a different side of this area of ​​life. I listened to a radio station that constantly played public service announcements urging girls not to tolerate violence from men, but to call a hotline or contact the police.

The husband of the girl who kept order in the house of my host family beat her and did not allow her to work. Moreover, as they explained to me, he was guided by the fact that he was a man, and only he could work in the family. And if he doesn’t want to work, and there is no money in the house, this does not mean that his wife is allowed to leave the house.

In Spanish this is called "machismo", that is, gender discrimination. Therefore, if someone in Mexico is called “macho”, this word has a different connotation than in our usual understanding. Machismo is exactly the other side of the fact that the principle of sexual equality does not work in Mexico: the stronger sex allows itself whatever it wants.

Marriage and family in Mexico

Another negative side of relationships is that they can last a very long time, but never end in marriage. To make sure of their choice, Mexicans date for about 10 years and most often begin to live together after marriage. But this does not mean that after such a thorough check of the future spouse, the relationship will not end in divorce.

Mexicans get married around age 30 and later. I have friends over 40 who are still not married and don’t think much about it. They also have children after 30 years of age, often closer to 40. They themselves explain this life plan by the fact that they devote a lot of time to their career and accumulation of savings in order to buy their own home.

In addition, children from the age of 3 must go to kindergarten, and in most cases you have to pay a lot of money for it. There are free kindergartens for single mothers, but parents themselves try to avoid them. Most Mexican schools are also paid, there are also public institutions, but they have an unenviable reputation, so for a middle-class family they are not even a question. The education system in Mexico is quite strict - after kindergarten you need to pass an exam in order to go to first grade. Classes in schools and kindergartens begin at 7 am, and this daily routine continues until entering college.

Therefore, the appearance of a family here imposes completely different, much greater obligations. My stories that in a Russian elementary school parents can write a note to the teacher so that the child comes to the third lesson cause everyone to admire: in Mexico you cannot skip school for any reason.

On the one hand, such a habit of leisure in making important life decisions is surprising. On the other hand, each such step turns out to be better thought out. If you get used to the pace of life here, it will be easy to get comfortable in Mexico. Mexican life with an abundance of parties and the ability to enjoy life, no matter what it is, and at any age, in the end turns out to be very attractive, and friendships with people from this country are long and strong.

Marianna Snegireva

Mexicans are very similar to the Portuguese in their temperamental and hot-tempered nature, which is the subject of stories and legends. Mexicans do not tolerate ridicule in any form, believing that it degrades their dignity.

Hot and passionate Mexican men are capable of very strong feelings, they love sincerely and give this feeling all of themselves. Along with this, they have insane jealousy, which sometimes goes beyond boundaries and manifests itself in cruelty towards women.

A Mexican can become jealous of his spouse at any passerby, and jealousy can even arise out of nowhere. For Mexicans, it is better to appear funny than to be recognized as a cuckold, and he also cannot tolerate ridicule from anyone.

For this reason, women are very careful not only in their behavior, but even in their words, they always have to watch what and to whom they say, because many things can be conveyed to the spouse incorrectly, and then problems cannot be avoided.

In principle, women try not to be near an unfamiliar man and even communicate too often with their male relatives. The women themselves in Mexico have also not gone far from male jealousy; they also quickly catch fire, like a flashing match.

Often scandals and quarrels with mutual reproaches and insults can arise in the family. However, parents will never sort things out when children are in the house, so as not to disturb their peace and not darken their cloudless childhood life.

For Mexicans, family is not only a spouse, children, whom everyone in the family adore, family also means parents, as well as all more or less close relatives, of which there are sometimes a great many.

It is not always possible to immediately understand who is related to whom, and how close these relatives are to each other, but they are all friendly and tightly bound by common family traditions and norms of behavior.

In a Mexican family, women do not work; they are responsible for housekeeping and raising children. Women, of course, can work, but this is not obligatory, and some men are even categorically against it, since they believe that only a man must decide all financial issues in Mexico.

The man is the main breadwinner in the family, and he is obliged to bring home money; the woman has enough work at home; she is busy with household chores and raising children.

Mexicans are distinguished by their cleanliness, and therefore the house is cleaned several times a week, the same applies to laundry. By the time a man returns home, the house should be in complete order, and a hot and plentiful dinner should be waiting for him on the table.

A man in Mexico, of course, is considered strong, but this does not apply to him doing something around the house on his own, this applies to even the most basic things, such as hammering a nail and adjusting a door handle. For all this they believe there are masters. A man in Mexico is not equipped to do any housework.

In Mexican families, such a feature as female solidarity is clearly expressed. The entire female half of the family in Mexico are very close to each other and always share the most intimate things.

The daughter-in-law and mother-in-law become the closest friends who can communicate with each other on absolutely all topics, and the mother-in-law takes an active part in the life of her son, always listens to the complaints of her daughter-in-law, trying to take measures to eliminate family problems. In addition, the mother-in-law is an irreplaceable source of information and she can give any advice to her daughter-in-law, even in an intimate relationship.

When all Mexican families gather on all significant dates and events, then these meetings are noisy and stormy. Mexicans love to express their emotions and such events are just a joy for them, because there they can talk a lot and communicate with those people whom they have not seen for a long time.

Children for Mexicans are truly the flowers of life. The love for children here cannot be measured by any framework; they have the same rights in the family as adults and enjoy complete freedom.

Children invariably take part in all family events and celebrations; in Mexico, children are always present at all significant and important family councils. Mexicans never punish their children; sometimes they even encourage their hooligan behavior, especially for boys.

Mexican men are directly involved in raising their children. They see nothing wrong with feeding, changing or bathing a child, and as for walks with children and joint family vacations, there is nothing to even talk about, because the man is the first to organize such events.

Moreover, a man himself can take parental leave, and this despite the fact that the mother does not work and is at home.

Children in Mexico grow up very late precisely because their parents overprotect them. Even as adults, they are not able to completely get rid of parental dependence.

Parents find it difficult to part with their children; when children are going to start their own families and leave their parents' home, parents find it very difficult to accept this.

Throughout their lives, parents support their children in every possible way, this especially applies to sons, because they receive the most parental, and especially maternal, love.

Mothers have a very hard time parting with their pets. However, this separation is said loudly, because the sons then spend a lot of time with their mother, and the mother herself often visits her son’s house.

With such an attitude from children, it is not even worth mentioning that parents in a Mexican family are never left alone; their children are always looking after them. One of the children may even take them into their home, but Mexicans will never put their parents in nursing homes.

Live, work, play, invest

Mexico - this is a whole universe where everyone finds what they want.Those who have become acquainted with Mexico have experienced the uniqueness of the country, the charm of the old world and the calm, measured pace of life. Live inMexico, with its magnificent beaches, jungle, wine region, boat trips, world-class golf courses, scuba diving and fishing and the most amazing cultural and archaeological treasures of the Mayan world - it's a life full of adventure at every turn.

The economic side of life in Mexico remains extremely favorable. The world's largest bank, HSBC, has named Mexico a "best country to invest in" due to the country's long-term status as a model free market economy in Latin America. Mexico is the 10th largest economy in the world and the 2nd largest in Latin America, with ambitions to become the first in this decade. However, prices in Mexico remain largely low: in some regions of Mexico you can live in a three-bedroom hacienda with a pool and a gardener for less than $1,000 a month.

Mexico has been a popular holiday destination for a long time. But now it doesn’t stop there - it is quickly becoming a popular place to live. According to the US State Department, more than a million US citizens live permanently in Mexico, approximately 1% of the Mexican population and 25% of all US citizens living abroad.

We are not just real estate sellers, we offer you a complete strategy for improving the quality of your life and undertake to develop for you a complete package of necessary measures, from buying plane tickets and obtaining immigration status to enrolling your children in an English-language school and opening your own business in Mexico.

Over the past decade, it has become a profitable and viable investment strategy introduced by a new class of savvy real estate investors. Mexico can offer interesting options for any family that wants to live or vacation in the Caribbean or wants to make a profitable and promising investment. On the many kilometers of coastline, you can choose options for recreation, living or investment: condominiums, houses, land plots - at very affordable prices!

The number of cultures and expats represented in Mexico is impressive - there are more than 47 of them, with locals having American, Italian, Canadian, Argentinean, Spanish, British, Swiss, German, French and other roots.As a result of the country's expat population, most locals speak English, and you'll also find plenty of cafes and modern American brand stores such as Costco, Wall-Mart, Starbucks and Hooters.In addition, many cinemas show films in English. Considering the fact that ancient Native American cultures still thrive in Mexico, it is clear that the diversity in modern Mexico is truly unique.

When you consider how many advantages Mexico has, it is not surprising that Cancun is one of the most favorite destinations for travelers and expats. We specialize in, business organizations , providing And . Our local knowledge and physical presence in the region, coupled with our team of professionals committed to exceeding your expectations, makes working with us the ideal choice. If you come to Mexico, we guarantee you an unforgettable experience of a lifetime. Mexico is a truly magical place where beauty, culture and history meet.

Immigration strategies for you

Forget Thailand, Dominican Republic, Canada and Australia. An incomparable Mexico awaits you. The whole world is now literally rediscovering Mexico and the Riviera Maya. Developed infrastructure, billions of dollars of investment from all over the world, tourism, construction projects and projects in the field of tourism and trade are in full swing. The second international airport is almost completed and will be located near. A simple and fast procedure for obtaining a residence permit, permanent residence and subsequently citizenship. High quality and low cost of living.

Mexico - land of great opportunity for immigrants

Mexico is becoming an increasingly popular destination for immigrants. From 2000 to 2010, the number of foreigners in the country almost doubled and now continues to grow at an even faster rate. Large-scale changes in the global economy have created a new push for immigration. Rising wages in China and higher transportation costs have significantly increased the competitiveness of Mexican manufacturing. In many industries serving the US market, Mexican production is already cheaper than Chinese production. In terms of economic growth, Mexico is ahead of the leading countries of the Western Hemisphere: the USA, Canada and Brazil. This makes Mexico a more attractive country for foreigners looking for new opportunities.

The class affiliation of new immigrants is very diverse: from high officials to general workers. In November 2013, when a law was passed simplifying the immigration process, the number of applications for a residence permit in Mexico increased by 10%. The situation with immigrants from the United States is developing especially interestingly: over the past few years, the number of Americans who have moved to live in Mexico has exceeded the number of Mexicans who have moved to live in the United States. This happened for the first time in history. The energy of Mexico attracts immigrants from all over the world. Mexico is changing, it is increasingly opening up to the world from all sides: cultural, social and economic.

The best real estate offers in Mexico

In Mexico, we have already sold millions of dollars of real estate and are poised to make history with our increasing sales volume. Our style is to always provide customers with personalized and convenient service.

We are the buyer's trusted representative. Our brokerage company for the purchase of real estate in Mexico is one of those few that represent the interests of the buyer, and not the interests of the seller. Property prices here are still comparatively lower than in other places such as Spain, Croatia, Costa Rica or the Bahamas. Now is the perfect time to buy property in Mexico. Make your purchase before prices jump, and before the opportunities for buying real estate here are exhausted.

Whether you are looking to purchase a house, an apartment, a plot of land for construction, a land property for investment or development, or commercial property, or are looking for other business opportunities in Mexico, we will be happy to assist you. We have accumulated a wealth of experience and adhere to strict rules of business ethics in providing professional real estate services and business advice.

News about real estate, vacation and lifestyle in Mexico

  • Construction of the Amikoo theme park in the Riviera Maya Official permission from the authorities for the construction of Amikoo Park has been received. Construction work will begin in the near future. The Amikoo Amusement Park and Resort project was first presented to the public in September 2017 by President...
    Posted Dec 4 2018, 02:12 by Ilona Dyachenko
  • Xcaret's New He-Elel Theme Park in the Riviera Maya Grupo Experiencias Xcaret is going to build another eco-theme park in the Riviera Maya and has already submitted its project to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources for consideration. If the He park project...
    Posted Oct 25 2018, 03:54 by Ilona Dyachenko
  • Xavage Park in Cancun Experiencias Xcaret has officially unveiled the project for the new Xavage theme park in Cancun, which will be located next to Parque Xochimilco. Carlos Costandse from Experiencias Xcaret announced the construction of the park...
    Posted Sep 13 2018, 12:14 by user Ilona Dyachenko
  • Restaurant in the sky is a new attraction in Cancun Cancun will soon have a new attraction for tourists: Dinner in the Sky. A Belgian company has received permission from the authorities to implement a new concept: dining in a booth suspended in the air...
    Posted Sep 13 2018, 01:25 by Ilona Dyachenko
  • Playa del Carmen is the hub of digital nomads of the Western world What attracts people - Mexicans from other regions, Americans, Canadians, Europeans and other foreigners - to Playa del Carmen? Probably first and foremost, the gorgeous location by the sea on the Riviera Maya. But...
    Posted Sep 11 2018, 05:02 by Boris Smirnov
  • Mexico is safe for tourists Tourism in Mexico is booming right now. More and more people from all over the world are coming to Mexico. In light of this, it is important to consider the security aspects and understand how...
    Posted Aug 29 2018, 18:46 by Boris Smirnov