Dragon using modular origami technique: all stages of making a colored figurine with step-by-step photographs. Modular origami dragon

Perhaps the most popular character in all oriental fairy tales is the image of a dragon. You can create a beautiful fairy-tale character from origami modules. The red dragon, of course, differs from the invincible fictional one, since it consists of paper, which means it can get wet and is afraid of fire.

Dragon using modular origami technique

The “modular origami dragon” master class will show you how to assemble a dragon figurine, for which you will need:

  • 99 yellow modules;
  • 421 red;
  • 104 orange;
  • 95 black.

The dragon's tail is made of 88 triangular-shaped modules, the links in the body also include 88 modular parts. The body consists of 528 parts, the head contains 119 parts, and of course, the paws, each will need 8 parts. So, like we have a red dragon, we will use a standard ornament of fiery red flowers. If you wish, you can come up with your own ornament of any color.

It is best to use step-by-step instructions when making a dragon.

Making the tail

In order to make a tail, you will need to assemble the modules as follows:

Moreover, row 1 will consist of 1 part, row 2 of 2 and row 3 of 1 module.

Assembling the dragon's tail 28 in a row ends, it is worth considering that starting from the 23rd row, the number of modules should be alternated, so in each even row there will be 6 modules, and odd rows with 5 modules.

Assembling the body

Assembling the body should begin from the side. So, first you need to make a link in 16 rows. Those corners that remain free must not be forgotten to be folded to the side. In total you need to collect 6 links. The dragon's body is rows 29 to 124.

Assembling the dragon head

First you need to assemble a head without a mustache, for this we arrange the modules as follows: the first row in the head (125 in total) - 5 parts, then add 1 module to each row until it turns out that the row consists of 11 modules, that is to row 131. So, having reached row 141, which is the last, there will be only 1 module in the head.

Add a mustache to the head. In rows 136, 137, 138 and 141 we turn on the module and bend the free corner. Mustaches should be added on both sides accordingly.

Feet and final assembly

In total, you will need to assemble 4 paws of 8 modules each.

All the details of the dragon should be combined into one whole: tail, body and head.

Before attaching the paws, you should give the toy a shape. Why do we bend the neck? The point is to rotate it evenly along the entire length of the neck.

Put the finished paws aside for now and let’s start giving the product a shape. We'll bend our necks.

Now we add paws in those places where the fire-breathing beast comes into contact with the surface.

Now the toy is ready, you can also try adding, for example, some body parts, and you will get a cute dragon with wings.

A selection of interesting video master classes

Every child learns to make various kinds of crafts in kindergarten, school or at home. To teach your child ingenuity, develop fine motor skills, memory and perseverance, it is best to choose modular origami for beginners. As a rule, modular origami can be folded from identical components - modules. The main advantage of origami is that to engage in this type of creativity you do not need glue, paper clips and other elements to secure the modules; all parts of the figures are inserted into one another.

The module is the basis of this type of origami. Only after you learn how to fold it, you can start creating complex figures. Instructions for folding the component part are as follows:

Thus, we have a component for making figurines of any shape and size. Usually, toys require a lot of these parts, so before you start creating, it’s worth practicing the technique of folding the modules.

Serpent Gorynych made of paper

To collect everyone’s favorite fairy-tale hero Zmey Gorynych, you will need about 35 pieces of green and a few pieces of yellow. For beginners, it is better to practice making origami parts in advance. To begin with, the green modules must be assembled so that the circle is closed. Repeat the same in three rows.

You can start making the belly of our hero. This time you will need three yellow triangles, which will be located at a distance of six green parts from each other. Then you need to gradually expand the pattern of yellow and orange modules, giving the toy a three-dimensional look.

Gorynych's neck should consist of no more than three triangles. For example, the first row is green, yellow, green, and the second row is two orange. The sequence of such two rows must alternate. The total should be about 16-17 rows. The same must be done with the other two necks of the Serpent. Their difference from the main one is that they should not have orange, so the two outer necks will be thinner.

For wings you need 5 origami pieces in the first row, then the rows will decrease by one piece each. As a result, there should be one module left on one wing of Gorynych. Make the hero’s tail according to this scheme: starting with five, end with one module on which yellow and orange colors are strung.

Now start creating the side heads. To do this, you need to start with three green modules, alternating and adding other colors. The central head will be a little larger, so you need to start it with four green origami pieces. The Snake's paws are made as easily as possible - according to the same scheme, but starting with two and ending with four modules.

The wings of our unusual Snake are made a little differently. Start with one module, reaching the seventh row, you need to reduce the number of parts to two. There should be four such wings. Please note that two wings must be attached on each side of Gorynych.

To finish, attach eyes to the three heads (you can buy them in a special store) and tongues from the red module.

Chinese origami dragon

After you have learned how to make a paper dragon from Russian fairy tales, you can try to assemble another similar origami from modules . Dragon - symbol of China To make it, it will take much less time than for the previous hero of fairy tales. In general, many people associate the dragon with an evil monster that brings only evil. But in this wonderful country, the dragon, on the contrary, is considered a symbol of goodness, prosperity and peace. And in the eastern calendar, the dragon is the happiest sign of all. So, the origami dragon diagram step by step.

The dragon is a mythical animal that in ancient China was considered a creature of nature. It was believed that dragons were born from the five elements. The color of the dragon symbolized its element. We will try to recreate a blue dragon using origami technique, whose element is water. How to make an origami fairytale dragon with your own hands? Thanks to our master class, you will find the answer to this question.

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Photo gallery: DIY origami dragon

Necessary materials:

  • A4 colored paper (blue or cyan);
  • white A4 paper.

Blue paper dragon - step by step instructions

In order to make a dragon using the modular origami technique, we will need triangular modules in blue (397 pcs.) and white (44 pcs.) colors.



The dragon head is assembled quite easily according to the following scheme:

1 row – 4 blue modules;

2nd row – 5 blue modules;

3rd row – 6 blue modules;

4th row – 5 blue modules;

5 row – 1 blue; 1 white; 2 blue; 1 white; 1 blue – 6 modules in total;

6th row – 2 white; 1 blue; 2 white – 5 modules in total;

7th row – 6 blue modules;

8th row – we begin to put on the module from the second tip of the module – 2 blue modules; then, we skip 2 more ends and begin to put on 2 more blue modules;

Row 9 – put one blue module on top for 2 modules. Next, we put another module on the left module on the left side. We do the same with the right module, only the module needs to be put on the right.

A video on assembling the dragon head can be seen here.


Let's start assembling the dragon's paws.

The assembly diagram is as follows:

1 row – 2 blue modules;

2nd row – 1 blue module;

3rd row – 2 blue modules;

4th row – 1 blue module;

5th row – 2 blue modules;

6th row – 1 blue module;

Row 7 – insert the modules with the short side – 2 blue modules;

Row 8 – insert the modules with the short side – 1 blue module;

Row 9 - insert the modules with the short side - 2 white modules.

A video of the paw assembly is presented here.

In total you need to collect 4 paws.


The tail assembly diagram is as easy as the head and paw assembly diagram.

We start the first row with 5 blue modules. In the second row you need to add 1 module.

In the second row there are 6 blue modules.

3rd row – 1 white, 5 blue, 1 white module;

Row 4 – 1 white, 1 blue, 2 white, 1 blue, 1 white module.

Then, you need to put 2 white modules on the blue modules.

We complete the tail by placing one more white module on the white modules. The tail is ready!


All that remains is to assemble the wings. To do this, you need to connect the modules according to the diagram:

(Left wing)

1 row – 1 blue module;

2nd row – 2 blue modules;

3rd row – 3 blue modules;

4th row – 4 blue modules;

5th row – 5 blue modules;

6th row – 6 blue modules;

7th row – 5 blue modules;

Row 8 – move to the right by two modules, then put on 3 white and 3 blue modules;

9th row – 1 white and 2 blue modules;

10 row – 1 white and 2 blue modules shifted to the right;

11th row – 1 white and 1 blue module;

12 row – 2 white modules;

Row 13 – 1 white module.

The right wing is made according to the same scheme as the left one, with the only difference: the white paper modules must be inserted not from the left side, but from the right.

The procedure for assembling the wing is also shown in the video.

Our dragon has 2 wings.

All the parts have been collected, now you can start assembling the dragon.

Dragon assembly diagram

We attach the finished parts as shown in the photo: we attach the tail using a module.

The head must be secured with toothpicks.

The wings, like the tail, are attached using modules.

We attach the paws to the body with toothpicks.

Look what a magnificent dragon we have made!

So simply and without much effort, you can assemble a fairytale dragon with your own hands. All you need is paper, a little time and desire. Remember that each dragon, like a person, has its own element, so the choice of color for this fairy-tale character is yours.

I will not give any designs for making dragons here. The simpler ones are understandable even without a diagram, but I couldn’t find a diagram for the most beautiful huge red Chinese dragon on a stand, consisting of 9000 modules. Maybe these photos will give you an idea on how to make it. If you want to be in time for the new year, start collecting your dragon now.

Photos of modular dragons:

The website of the country of craftsmen also has a master class on making some dragon parts.

This three-headed dragon's body is made according to the assembly principle of a classic swan.

And the most beautiful red dragon made in China from more than 9000 modules on a stand, 80 by 35 cm:

We put all the parts on glue; without glue it’s impossible to make such a dragon. Modules: copier paper, density 80 A4, format 1/32, a little more than 300 sheets of red, the rest are much smaller. We start with the head - a regular ball with 16 modules and increase to 22 in a row. We do not touch the upper part of the head; the mane will come from it.

First you need to assemble the ball, body and spikes. But only after the mane, otherwise it will be more difficult to attach it all.

Next, without finishing the ball, we continue to make a neck of 8 modules (2 red, 4 white, 2 red) 7 modules (1 red, 1 black, 3 red, 1 black, 1 red), that is, you do not continue the ball, but make rows from the ball 8 modules, the second 7, then again 8, and again 7 and so on in order until the very tail.

Make the bend and length at your discretion. There is no need to coat each module with glue, but we fix all the bends with PVA glue; otherwise it won’t stick. We make a second row on top, repeating the entire contour of the bottom row, only the modules are all red, this will be the back. PVA is also recorded.

At the end of the body (that is, when you decide that the length of the body is sufficient), the modules are reduced from 8 to 6. And the tails are simply inserted into the modules, as if continuing the body.

The mustache is a wire covered with paper tape. The stand is laid in a spiral and placed on glue. Good luck with your build!

Modular origami surprises with its 3D products, which are obtained by masters and beginners. Large toys of animals, fairy-tale characters and even pieces of furniture and simple things can be created using a simple small triangular module made of paper.

Now we will figure out how to make a dragon from paper modules with our own hands. Let's look at a simple scheme for making a dragon in the form of modular origami, and in the end we'll study how to create your own products based on it.

First we need to understand our material. To work, you need to take a lot of paper, but keep in mind that not all paper will do: for example, the paper should be quite flexible so that the sheet folds easily and holds its shape. Remember, you don’t need too strong a material; we’ll also immediately select the right colors and shades - this will make it easier to arrange some details and give the dragon the desired color.

You can find special origami paper on sale. masters, it comes in a wide range of colors and there are no difficulties in working with it, but for beginners Suitable drawing and typographical paper, as well as newspaper or writing paper. Some needlewomen manage to create figures even from velvet material.

Master class on creating modular origami - “Dragon”

Let's sort it out master class on assembling a beautiful three-headed serpent from a fairy tale, which we will create from triangular modules. You definitely have never had such an interesting dragon before!

There are thirty-five modules in the first row of the dragon, and there are 19 rows of modules in each neck. Let's start working on this very complex and unusual model by assembling the body.

There are 3 triangle-shaped parts extending from the body, which will be the base for the three necks of our kite. At the ends of each neck is the head of our good-natured hero, which is decorated with red details - fire and magnificent eyes, which are simply glued to the paper head.

After this, we begin to create the wings and legs of the dragon. We attach the legs with glue to the base of the body, and the wings with the help of auxiliary mountings from modules - to the side particles of the body. Each wing consists of 2 diamond-shaped parts in green, decorated with several orange modules.

In addition to gluing the legs to the body, we will use glue to this product one more time - to glue the dragon's head to the neck. There is no need to use glue anywhere else - the entire model is held together by the strong connection of the modules. The stability of the dragon is due to the fact that it stands on the rounded base of the body, and the paws simply have their own decorative value and are easy to make.

Gallery: modular origami dragon (25 photos)

How to make a simple dragon or snake, step by step

First we need to make the modules in a triangular shape. For each individual model, they need to be in certain shades and in a certain quantity, and if with the first point you can allow your own options, then the second condition must be fully adhered to.