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You don't need a lot of imagination to write a brilliant script. It’s enough just to look around, and life itself will give you a plot, filled with such vivid details that you will doubt whether it’s a dream. Just read the real stories about the fly Anatoly and the grandmother who met her prince at 72, and see for yourself.

  • I met a girl on a dating site. She was cute and showed up for the date without being late. We sat in a cafe and then went for a walk. We pass by the police station, she stops me at the “The police are looking for them” stand, shows me a photo of a woman and says: “This is my mother.” And then she laughed out loud and fell silent abruptly, adding: “I’m not joking, this is really my mother. I’ve been on the run for 6 months already.”
  • My grandmother is 72, she is very active, she started learning English in her spare time, even though everyone made fun of her. 2 years ago she met a man her age from Norway. He came to see her once, but she did not introduce him to his family, for fear of ridicule. A year later they got married and she left. And yesterday they came to us: a sporty, handsome man who couldn’t even be called an old man, a thin, fit, tanned grandmother in jeans and a fashionable blouse, with a hairstyle, eyes shining, holding hands. Speaks good English, learns Norwegian, travels. We sat for an hour and went to the museums. And my mother and I, completely stunned, were silent all day.
  • I'm riding on the bus, a woman comes in and asks the driver for a lucky ticket to give to her mother, who is in the hospital. And the driver, like a good fairy, gives her a whole roll of tickets so that she can choose the one she needs.
  • Because of my work, I often have to return home late, through unlit streets. There is no public transport after 21:00, and taxis are expensive. In addition to pepper spray, I always carry a creepy Halloween mask in my bag. When I go home in the dark, I put it on and have the player with Satan's laughter ready. So far no one has pestered me yet, but sometimes I even want this to happen. I want to see this person's reaction.
  • When I was a teenager, I met a guy. He lived outside the city, we rarely met, since my parents did not allow me to travel so far alone. We communicated on the Internet, sometimes called each other. Then communication faded away, there was no “official” separation. 4 years later, out of boredom, I wrote to him, saying, let’s part on good terms. We laughed, remembered, and decided to meet. We have been together for 6 years after that meeting and 10 if you count this 4-year pause.
  • Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms. We sat down to rest and saw a door in the ground; we went in out of curiosity. What we saw there shocked us: a good renovation, a huge TV, video cassettes with films, a full cellar of elite alcohol, books, cigars, leather furniture, air conditioning, skylights, a stove, expensive dishes and wiring to the transformer. Apparently there was no one there for 10 years. The dude has good taste and a bitch wife, as I understand it. Then I found out that this was the “den” of our neighbor, who moved to Germany.
  • My husband and I met in the emergency room. I came with a burn on my buttock, and he sprained his leg. We’ve been together for 2 years now, and all this time we’ve been haunted by the question: what to answer to a child’s question about how we met?
  • I'm riding in a taxi, I ask the driver:

Is this your fly or can I release it?

Leave it if it doesn’t bother you, it turns on instantly. - This is Anatoly, he needs to go to Pulkovo.

  • A couple of years ago I worked in an expensive souvenir store. We had a regular client - an intelligent older man, a doctor. He bought all the porcelain clowns from us: from small ones for a couple of thousand to half-meter ones for several dozen. It was known that he was buying them as a gift for his daughter. One day I asked where she kept them, since a man had bought an unreal amount of them. It turned out that my daughter had a whole room for them in a castle in England! She studied there and married a count. At that moment, my envy could be touched with your hands, as well as the man’s pride in the fact that his grandson is a count.
  • A friend managed to sneeze so hard that her eardrum burst. For a long time I considered her a model of “luck”, until she herself yawned until her jaw dislocated. It's not for nothing that we are best friends.
  • I work in a supermarket as a cashier. I see hundreds of people a day, all of them as one. I don't see anything impressive. One handsome guy got into the habit of coming to our store, I noticed that he liked me. He always smiles, but it is noticeable that he is shy. One day I was in no mood, bored, I’d rather go home... He comes in. And so I let him go at the checkout, saying the standard algorithm, and adding on my own: “Don’t you need a cashier?” And he answers: “Needed.” It started spinning. I love.
  • When I was at school, after school I went with my friends to a cafe and saw my father with some blonde. She sat with her back to me, and dad was too engrossed in the conversation and did not notice me. So much anger came from somewhere within me that I went up and poured a glass of cold water on this thief’s head. She runs up screaming, we meet our gazes, and I see that it is my mother. She just dyed her hair.
  • One day I was walking down the street, as usual, stopped at a traffic light, looked thoughtfully at the other side of the road, and there... A grandmother in a nuclear pink tracksuit and with a rooster on a leash.
  • After a divorce, a friend of my aunt was drawn to extreme sports. I decided to jump with a parachute. The first jump is a crack in the spine. A month on painkillers, jokes “I should have taken up diving, stupid!” Six months later, a call: “I’m calling you from a Spanish hospital. I got electrocuted by a stingray!”
  • I’m standing on the side of the road, and the back door of a passing van opens while it’s moving, a box falls out right at my feet, the door closes, and the car speeds off into the distance. I didn’t even have time to get scared. I open it - a full box of ice cream in waffle cups. This, of course, is not 500 popsicles from a helicopter, but lucky, definitely lucky!
  • Once a week I go to the market with my granny and help her buy everything she needs. The last time I saw a picture of two meat traders quarreling over who had the better product. One grandmother, screaming, threw her raw stomachs at the other, and her rival defended herself with a sheep's head.
  • I was standing in China near a coffee shop, waiting for a friend. It’s cold, it’s raining, I forgot my jacket, my phone is dead, my friend is late and I don’t know when she’ll come, I don’t know Chinese - in general, the whole set. I’m on edge, shivering from the cold, when suddenly a guy-barista comes out and silently hands me a latte. I hesitantly reached for my wallet, but he just shook his head, handed me a glass, smiled and went on to work. No names, no dialogue, just a minute episode, but I still remember that delicious coffee.
  • Shoes were stolen on the train. I slept on the top bunk, I woke up, got off at the next station, and there were no shoes. I searched the entire carriage. People laugh, it's fun. And I’m crying, I still have to take the bus home, and I’m wearing socks. One guy helped - he gave me his flip-flops. And here I am sitting at the station in flip-flops 6 sizes too big, crying. People look askance. And it's offensive, and sad, and funny. Thanks to him. I'll return the slippers.
  • As a child, when I had nightmares, I would jump out of bed and run barefoot in my pajamas to my dad’s workshop. Dad is an architect, but he often painted with paints, so he took a break from his main job. I ran to him, sat in a chair, wrapped myself in a blanket and, shaking with fear, described the terrible creatures that I dreamed of... My father listened to me carefully and at the same time drew from my words. No matter what monster I described, there was always some cute little animal on the canvas. I indignantly told him: “Dad, he doesn’t look like that monster at all!” - and he answered in surprise: “Seriously? Sorry, can you describe it again?” And as soon as I tried to remember the dream, I realized that it had almost faded from memory, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Have there been stories in your life that could become a script for a Hollywood film?

Real stories from the lives of women blog readers about domestic tyranny. Your stories are accepted for this section! How did you meet your tyrant husband, how did the relationship develop, what feelings and thoughts bothered you, and of course, how did you manage to get rid of the tyrant and recover from painful dependence on him? Read, discuss, consult, exchange experiences!

Some women, disappointed in domestic suitors and experiencing financial difficulties, see salvation in marrying a foreigner, believing that the men there are different and there are more opportunities. But, instead of a heavenly life, they often fall into the arms of a domestic tyrant. Marina shared...

Using this life story as an example, one can trace a fairly typical pattern of how a woman finds herself in a situation of domestic violence and what happens to her next. Here you can see all the mistakes made by women who become victims of a domestic tyrant and remain in destructive relationships. After the story we...

A woman asks you to help her decide on a divorce. She describes a terrible life with a tyrant husband who abuses her, but something prevents her from filing for divorce... This happens often. No matter how terrible our situation is, we are prevented from deciding to change it...

Svetlana asked a question that many women ask when they are not satisfied with a relationship and it seems (or does not seem) that something is wrong with a man: is he a tyrant or not? Often a woman really needs to get an answer to this question in order to stop having illusions about...

The heroine of this story put the question in the title: how was I able to deceive myself? She managed to find and analyze her mistakes and successfully get out of a destructive relationship with a domestic tyrant. I highly recommend reading her experience to anyone who is in the same situation, trying to get rid of...

All people react differently to stressful and unusual situations. Someone becomes numb, panics, gets upset, gets lost... And someone pulls himself together and begins to look for a way out! For your attention - 16 funny and instructive stories from people who can definitely get out of any binder. Read, smile. And tell us: have you ever helped in similar situations? How did you get out?

Story 1

I was just nearly banned from parking in an office building parking lot. “So I’m from San Sanych,” I say. And they let me through without any problems. In general, this San Sanych always helps me out. A cool guy, albeit a fictional one.

Story 2

For my birthday, my husband gave me an expensive leather belt for jeans, which I had long dreamed of. Only he chose the smallest size. It turns out that he is sure that I am very thin. And I’m quite an average size 46. I couldn’t admit that the belt was too small for me. I had to urgently lose weight in order to calmly tighten the belt on myself. Thank you, my love, for the motivation.

Story 3

Everyone knows that feeding small children is difficult, and reaching an agreement with them is even more difficult. My tactics for involving children in the process of preparing lunch are very simple: “Children, should you make a cutlet with potatoes or mashed potatoes? For a side dish of pasta or spaghetti? What kind of soup? Chicken or noodles? Essentially, everything is the same, but the children are glad that their opinion is taken into account and enjoy the prepared dishes.

Story 4

Helped my daughter do her summer homework for 2nd grade. We had to draw a picture for a fairy tale, but we are not very good at drawing. And so I took out a carbon copy and transferred the drawing from the photocopy to the desired piece of paper. My daughter is delighted and said that she didn’t know it was possible to copy like this. Almost forgotten technologies are coming to the rescue again.

Story 5

That Christmas, according to all the laws of the genre - with a bun of dirty hair, in stretched pants and a down jacket - I went down to the store on the 1st floor. In the distance, near the bakery, I saw my ex. When we parted, he made me look like a complete fool, so it was impossible to lose face.

I couldn’t find anything better than to say to a passing guy: “Young man, quickly kiss me!” Out of surprise, he obeyed. This was the most arrogant way to find a guy, which we still laugh about to this day.

Story 6

I'm tired of facing the most difficult choice every morning: what to wear, what new combination of things to come up with? She took out all her clothes, tried them on in all sorts of combinations, and took pictures of each of these combinations. I printed out the photos and made an album... Now, when I'm going somewhere, I flip through it like a fashion magazine and choose what to wear according to the weather, occasion and place.

Story 7

My mom is a genius. When my little sister asked to try chocolate for the first time, her mother handed her the darkest one she could find (90%). My sister didn’t ask for chocolate for about 10 years after that: she thought that all chocolates were bitter, and she couldn’t understand why I gobbled it up on both cheeks.

Story 8

I developed for myself the rule “It’s not that difficult.” It's not that hard to clean the bathroom after you've taken a bath. It's not that hard to wash your plate and fork. It’s not so difficult when you come home from the street to immediately put things in the closet. And there are a lot of such examples. When I’m too lazy to do something, I repeat to myself: “It’s not that difficult.” Saves a lot of time.

Story 9

My dog ​​ate my coursework. I really ate it. The huge St. Bernard Jacques ate my course work. And my teacher didn’t believe me until I brought the impudent dog to his house, where he ate 4 utility bills while we were sorting things out. Since then, I had a “machine gun” and a new friend in the form of a history teacher, who began to periodically meet us on walks and feed Jacques with treats.

Story 10

During an exam with a strict teacher, my friend got worried and couldn’t really remember the answer to the ticket. “I close my eyes and see how it’s written in the notes!” - she told him. The teacher was not taken aback and replied: “So close your eyes and read! I don't mind!"

Story 11

At one time, I wandered around rented apartments, barely making ends meet, because the rent was unaffordable for me. I was looking for something cheaper, but commissions and deposits were everywhere. As a result, I took 2 weeks off from work, got a job as an intern at a real estate agency, and found myself a cool apartment without deposits, commissions, and with adequate owners. I still consider this my main scam of the century.

Story 12

When my cat comes into the room and opens the door wide open, and I’m too lazy to get up and close it, I shine a laser candle on the door so that the cat jumps and the door closes.

Story 13

I went to the shopping center to buy jeans. 2 hours, 10 stores, zero results. No, jeans were presented in sufficient quantities - for girls who love rhinestones, fringe, appliqués, holes, something masquerading as leggings, and a high waist almost to the chest.

I was desperate to find something decent, I was about to go home, but then I wandered into the men's department. Gods, why didn't I come there earlier? 5 minutes, 2 fittings - and the perfect jeans are found! Maybe this life hack will help someone.

Story 14

I’ve been dreaming of a car for a long time, but I couldn’t save up. I applied for a loan with the most favorable terms, although I didn’t particularly hope for approval.

And now I’m sitting at work, the bank calls me to get a review of me. She described herself very colorfully as an excellent employee. Within 5 minutes I receive a message that my loan has been approved!

Story 15

After the birth of my brother’s wife’s first child, relatives began to demand a second child. Especially her mother, who lives far away and is not involved in the baby’s life at all. The daughter-in-law began calling everyone at night: “You’re experienced, you know what to do... But how? And what? What lullaby do you know?” I listened to advice and did everything my way. After about a month, everyone left her behind. For me, this is brilliant!

Story 16

I work as a decorator for weddings, etc. We always stay with the team at the murals, look at people’s reactions, whether they liked it and all that. So, there was a case: a beautiful arch with flowers against the backdrop of the sea, and a couple of meters away there was another one, but only with hanging beads. Everything went very well, but when the newlyweds began to take their vows, a wild scream was heard.

It was a seagull that got caught in the beads. The groom was not taken aback, he ran, quickly freed her and let her go with the words: “It’s just like me: I was confused in myself, in problems. But when you appeared in my life, you released me from my shackles, freed me and gave me hope for a better life.”

Everyone has moments in life when difficulties overwhelm them, and their hands seem about to give up... The stories of these amazingly strong-willed people will help many of us understand that we can cope with any situation and under any life circumstances, the main thing is to believe in yourself and to your strengths!

/ Stories from life

/ Stories from life

The history of the creation of an amateur series about the morals and customs of the African country of Ghana and the position of women in society. Even if you are a doctor of science or, by chance, the owner of your own business, this does not matter to an African man. You are a woman, which means you should not have a personal opinion, as well as desires.

/ Stories from life

Timur Belkin is a professional photographer, creates websites, develops the public “Other Odessa”, in which he covers informal events of the seaside city, and conducts performances as part of the authentic La Briar theater. But today we are going to talk about the features of hitchhiking in our country.

/ Stories from life

We are the “fast food generation”. With us, everything is quick, in a hurry: instant pictures, short SMS, express trips... A crazy kaleidoscope of events behind which the essence is not visible... Why are we in such a hurry to live? This question was asked to the heroine of the story by an old antique dealer. And the search for an answer helped the girl find her calling and taught her to value time.

/ Stories from life

On the International Day of the Girl, which is celebrated today all over the world in support of equal rights, I would like to remind you of such an important, integral (albeit sometimes hated) part of our lives as education. To get an education, for example, in Afghanistan, girls literally risk their lives...

/ Stories from life

How to get into winter in summer, cause rain on a sunny morning and curb the wind? Why is filming never dependent on the weather forecast and how long does it take to place a lime in a block of ice? In the kingdom of the Snow Queen they know the answers, find out too.

/ Stories from life

She looks better than the flowers on the dress. With a warm look, a caramel smile. There is a confident calm next to her. She says Vajra, and I want to listen to her. She says awareness, and this needs to be written down. And read it. After all, this is yoga. And something else.

/ Stories from life

“You need to live the dream and think about it. It needs to be allowed to grow stronger so that it does not shrink before public opinion and criticism. To know that it is unique only because it originates from love. From the love of photography.” We talk about the dream of becoming a photographer.

/ Stories from life

What kind of business becomes profitable, how to survive frustration, build your own reality and want to get married correctly. The story is told by a girl from the list of Top 100 entrepreneurs in Europe, who worked at Google and Cisco in Silicon Valley and attracted $3 million in investment for her startup.

/ Stories from life

Pole dance is the toughest type of dancing, which requires not just coordination and flexibility, but remarkable strength in the arms, abs and other muscles. Acrobatics. Stretch marks. Soldier's work. Expander in hands. And love. Because how can you endure all this if you don’t love this activity?

It has always been difficult for me to get along with people. Back at school, I always stood on the sidelines while my classmates whispered, giggled and shot their eyes at the boys. I was simply not interested in maintaining these conversations about anything, and my pride did not allow it to be imposed.

The same thing continued when I entered university. There were the same girls here who looked at my not-too-fashionable sweaters and not-too-short skirts with contemptuous and condescending glances and walked past. The guys also didn’t notice me point-blank, flirting with all their might with my classmates - bright, fashionable and lively.

At first I tried to convince myself that none of this bothered me. But how sometimes I wanted to turn the situation around, to let everyone know that I’m not such a gray mouse, that it’s interesting to talk to me! Several timid attempts to get closer to my classmates ended in nothing - simply no one heard my quiet remarks, I stood nearby like a poor relative, and quietly walked away, burning with shame.


Lyudochka Samoilova reigned at the university.

For women who neglect caution and common sense in an effort to dramatically change their lives, fate often cruelly takes revenge for their disobedience. At one time I threw myself into the pool headlong, for which I ended up paying, having experienced a lot of adversity.

For a long time, everything in my life was normal and predictable. After school, she completed typist courses and got a job as a secretary in one of the offices. In my free time, I met with friends, went to the movies, and went dancing. There I met my future husband. Sergei worked at a factory, he was good looking, and his character suited me quite well. When he and I decided to get married, his parents decided to leave for the village and left us an apartment. And then everything went as usual: a daughter was born, we started saving for a car, went out into nature on weekends, and spent our holidays in the countryside. We looked after the garden, went for mushrooms, swam in the river. And everything would be fine, but some kind of anxiety was gnawing at me, and every now and then the thought crept in: is this really how my whole life will go? I was bored, dissatisfied, dreaming of something unrealistic. I understand now that I was simply toiling without love, and then everything seemed gray and hopeless. At work, the girls talked about dating

When one day my husband Igor quoted Gogol’s “Dead Souls” to me and called me Plyushkina, I was terribly offended. He said that I was “bringing all the junk into the house.” And our house, they say, is not made of rubber at all. But this is shameless slander! I only bring the things I need into the house!

And it all started because of a mere trifle: he decided to get his fishing gear from the mezzanine, and when he opened the door, a voluminous package with things that I had recently bought and had not yet managed to determine a place for them fell right on his head. Among the various rags in the same bag was a new stainless steel saucepan.

A week before, on Sunday, when we had guests, our three-year-old Maxim spilled cocoa on my lap—the end of my favorite dress. I had to urgently console myself with something: Galina and I went to the shopping center. I ended up buying a frilly skirt, four tops in different colors, two pairs of trousers and a stunning dress in the now very fashionable purple color. While spinning home, I sat in front of the closet for half an hour, thinking: where should I put all this? We had to temporarily send him to the mezzanine. Our closet is kind of small, we need to buy a new one.


Who is not familiar with the situation: your beloved man leaves you, you suffer and suffer for a long time. And many years later, having accidentally met your ex-lover, you wonder: why was I so obsessed with this man?

Our romance with Denis can be compared to a roller coaster - ups and downs. We quarreled violently, made up no less violently, parted “forever,” and then met again, unable to bear the separation. But, apparently, at some point he got tired of these passions, and he decided to settle down to a quiet haven. And after our next quarrel, he didn’t call again. And I waited, hoped - well, how? After all, we were created for each other, and the degree of our closeness is such that it cannot be higher. Finally I couldn’t stand it and called him myself.

“I recently got married,” I heard such a familiar voice on the phone.

Yes, Nadya. Our relationship with you has reached a dead end. And I didn’t want my family to become a battleground.

However, he is worried not so much about my fading face as about the imperfection of my figure. “Darling, at your age you need to take more care of your body” - I hear this several times a day. The husband is not only younger, he is also a fitness trainer in one of the most fashionable city clubs. This is my life.


I wanted to write “but it all started so beautifully,” then I realized that this was not true, it all didn’t start very beautifully. Can you tell us a few words about yourself?