During pregnancy, spotting is similar to menstruation. Bleeding, discharge and spotting during pregnancy

The colloquial term “daub” can be found in the vocabulary of not only pregnant women, but also doctors. This is bloody discharge, which in some cases can be a cause for concern. Almost every seventh woman encounters this phenomenon.

Smear at the beginning of the term

If the pregnancy is planned, then most likely the woman monitors her feelings, and towards the end of the cycle or at the first signs of a delay, she begins to do tests, take tests for hCG. Even in the very first weeks from the moment of conception, spotting may indicate that implantation has occurred. It occurs on the fifth day after fertilization of the egg.

In rare cases, the spotting in early pregnancy is pink, sometimes with a small amount of blood. This is explained by the fact that at the moment the egg attaches to the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, it is damaged. If the process is successful, an embryonic point is formed, and the mother's circulatory system becomes the basis for the development and metabolism of the embryo.

At this stage, pregnancy is not yet determined by tests. However, if a woman leads, she can observe a drop of 1-1.5 degrees, and then growth begins again. The duration of light spotting in early pregnancy is no more than two to three days. For longer periods, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Positive or negative test

A pregnancy test can indicate the nature of the discharge, of course, if the woman is expecting it. So, the test showed a negative result, but there was no heavy menstrual bleeding. Scanty discharge may indicate hormonal imbalance or recent stress. You should wait a little, and if other unpleasant symptoms occur (pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region, discharge with an unpleasant, pungent odor), then you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the test is positive and pink spotting is observed in the early stages of pregnancy, then there may be no reason to panic. Naturally, this should be reported to the doctor who is monitoring the pregnant woman. To eliminate risks, an hCG test is done, which is then checked, and the numbers are compared over time after a couple of days. They should increase two to three times, which indicates the normal course of pregnancy and the absence of threats to its termination.

In the case when a woman notices a brown spot on her underwear during early pregnancy, it is necessary to take tests for progesterone. This may indicate problems with the functioning of the corpus luteum and a lack of hormones to maintain pregnancy. If this condition is neglected, the pregnancy may not be maintained.

Dangerous secretions

The color and consistency of the discharge can tell a lot. If we talk about the most harmless ones, they are white, milky, even yellowish, transparent in structure and slightly viscous. In this case, this indicates a restructuring of the body, which is getting used to a new state.

There is an assumption that spotting in early pregnancy is a natural reaction of the body to the end of the cycle. In this case, it in no way threatens the normal gestation of the fetus. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor the body's reaction and try not to overexert yourself on days when menstrual bleeding should have occurred. Throughout the first trimester, while the risk of natural abortion remains high, the woman is advised to avoid overwork and physical exertion.

The appearance of brown spotting during early pregnancy is worth special attention. In this case, it is not worth taking risks; if it continues throughout the day, you must urgently call an ambulance. The main danger is the threat of placental abruption or dilatation of the cervix.

The appearance of scarlet blood or spotting is also a reason to go to the hospital. You should not immediately panic, since the cause may be a hematoma, which in this way resolves and is excreted from the body. With timely diagnosis and properly selected therapy, pregnancy continues and the baby’s development is not in danger.

Discharge due to erosion during pregnancy

One of the causes of spotting in early pregnancy is untreated cervical erosion. In most cases, it is not touched if a woman is planning pregnancy and natural childbirth. This is explained by the fact that after treatment it is necessary to wait a certain time until the cervix heals and can soften during childbirth. This is important because the degree of its dilation and readiness determines whether the birth will take place naturally.

The presence of erosion requires constant monitoring of the pregnant woman’s condition, since the risk of premature birth and infection of the fetus remains throughout the entire period. Its size can increase with increasing load on the cervix, as well as with changes in hormonal levels.

A woman may not even be aware of the presence of erosion, especially if visits to the gynecologist are rare and she is not tormented by any unpleasant symptoms before pregnancy. Intermediate bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle or after sexual intercourse may not be taken seriously. However, during pregnancy, these symptoms may be uncomfortable and may also cause pain. The discharge is not necessarily brown; in some cases it is cheesy or yellowish.


It is believed that spotting during early pregnancy is a natural process. The cervical canal produces a special secretion, which over time forms a kind of plug that prevents infection and harmful bacteria from entering.

Some couples do not stop having sex in the first months of pregnancy. In some cases, a woman may experience clear or whitish vaginal discharge. The partner must be especially careful during sexual intercourse and must interrupt it at the first unpleasant sensation.

Placental abruption and spotting

It is believed that one of the most dangerous situations during pregnancy is placental abruption, which can occur at any stage. Doctors can quickly cope with the cause of spotting in the early stages of pregnancy if you contact a medical facility in a timely manner. Diagnosis of detachment is made using ultrasound.

In the area of ​​increased attention of doctors are women who have a history of more than two pregnancies with a short period of time between them. The least dangerous is partial placental abruption, accompanied by spotting in the early stages of pregnancy and nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

When the threat of interruption becomes apparent

A critical situation occurs with complete placental abruption. Then the discharge can be bloody, profuse, the pain is sharp and severe, and does not go away after taking painkillers. This is a clear signal to see a doctor. If in the later stages the situation can be saved by a cesarean section, then in the first trimester it is extremely difficult to talk about maintaining the pregnancy. Because there is a high risk of major blood loss in the mother. In this case, the question will probably be about saving her life.

Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor your well-being and monitor any manifestations of spotting in the early stages of pregnancy. What to do if she is discovered? Do not self-medicate, lie down if possible and call an ambulance.

The cause may be an infection

The color of the smear in the early stages of pregnancy can indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. If the discharge is accompanied by itching, an unpleasant odor, or pain, then it is worth getting tested for infections. The potential risk to the fetus is determined after diagnosis. In most cases, the presence of a particular infection is determined before pregnancy is planned, when the disease is easiest to treat. But if a woman became infected from her partner during pregnancy, then the treatment regimen is chosen based on the minimal risk to the development of the fetus.

The presence of an inflammatory process is indicated by the appearance of yellow spots in the early stages of pregnancy; if their color is closer to dark, purulent, then most likely a sexually transmitted disease is developing in the body. In another case, we may be talking about inflammation of the appendages or pelvic organs, or infection with E. coli or staphylococcus. These symptoms cannot be ignored, as the infection can lead to fetal death.

Judging by the reviews, green smears during pregnancy in the early stages indicate sexually transmitted infections. It is worth stopping any form of sexual contact with a partner without a condom, and in the best case, until complete recovery. In this case, both must undergo treatment.

The notorious thrush is manifested by milky discharge, sometimes curdled, with a sour odor. Now it can be treated with one vaginal tablet. Throughout pregnancy, thrush may appear and then go away. Most often this is due to decreased immunity. Particular attention is paid to it in the period before childbirth.


The presence of pathology can be determined using a blood test, urine test, smear and ultrasound. The results of the smear can show the content of white blood cells, the presence of mucus, fungi and bacteria. Using a blood test, the doctor can determine the level of hemoglobin, platelets and red blood cells. They show how the body copes with increased load, whether enough oxygen enters the cells, how the liver, kidneys and pancreas cope with their functions. Urine tests can be used to judge the functioning of the kidneys, the level of protein in it and the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

Such diagnostics are a priority in medical practice. Precisely because it does not require hospitalization, every pregnant woman regularly undergoes tests before visiting a doctor. Ultrasound is prescribed only during screening and according to indications. Spotting may be a reason for an unscheduled examination.

Timely ultrasound diagnostics makes it possible to determine the degree of fetal development, its location, and the presence of abnormalities. It happens that the cause of sudden discharge may be an ectopic or frozen pregnancy. In such cases, it is possible to carry out timely surgical intervention, which will minimize the risks of infection and internal bleeding.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is important to know how long the daub lasted. This is especially important in early pregnancy. This way you can determine how great the threat is to the fetus and whether there are risks to the health of the mother. If bloody discharge occurs, this will allow timely diagnosis of the amount of blood lost.


The basic rule for every pregnant woman is to avoid self-medication, especially if secretions of an unknown nature are detected. Effective treatment is prescribed only after diagnosis. If a lack of progesterone production is detected, then Duphaston is prescribed. For spotting in early pregnancy, it can reduce the risk of miscarriage. "Duphaston" differs from the similar drug "Utrozhestan" in that it is synthetic, while the latter is natural progesterone.

Infectious diseases are usually treated either before the 12th week or after the 22nd. The dosage and name of the medicines are selected by the doctor. Treatment of thrush is possible with the help of the popular drugs Nystatin and Pimafucin.

Any bleeding requires careful monitoring. Therapy here is to prevent blood loss and eliminate the risk of its recurrence. As a rule, treatment is carried out in a hospital. It involves taking medications either orally or intravenously. Bed rest and complete rest are required.

Prevention of spotting in early pregnancy

Any disease or deviation from the norm is easier to prevent than to treat. This is especially true for spotting during early pregnancy. How many babies could be born safely if women, and doctors, were more attentive to the alarming symptoms that the body gives.

As soon as a woman has learned about her situation, it is necessary to eliminate excessive stress, stop engaging in strength and extreme sports, and refrain from visiting a hot bath or sauna. It is necessary to avoid taking antibiotics and avoid radiation.

Even at the planning stage, both partners should undergo a full examination and be checked for hidden infections. It is best to undergo a course of treatment in advance, since during pregnancy many of the drugs, including antibiotics, are contraindicated.

Keeping a basal temperature chart will be a plus. This will help identify insufficiency of the luteal phase, which is responsible for the preservation of pregnancy during the first month. Since it occurs with a lack of progesterone, timely diagnosis will allow timely treatment to begin. It is worth remembering that women over 30 years old have a 30% higher risk of miscarriage than younger women.

Since many gynecologists talk about the threat of developing genetic mutations, especially in couples over the age of 35, it would not be a bad idea to undergo examination by a geneticist. In some cases, it is possible to identify the risk of developing a deviation, primarily among couples who had inherited diseases in their pedigree.

Rh compatibility should also be established at the planning stage. If there is a discrepancy, doctors will prescribe appropriate medications to eliminate a possible Rh conflict between mother and child.

And one of the main conditions for maintaining pregnancy is a woman’s stable psycho-emotional state. With constant stress and nervous disorders, spotting and nagging pain often occur, which can lead to the threat of bearing a child.

Spotting has a characteristic appearance in early pregnancy. A woman should know the signs of a normal and pathological process. This will allow you to recognize a dangerous symptom in time and seek help from a doctor. If you have red or brown discharge, call an ambulance immediately.

Spotting in the first months of pregnancy: is it normal or a reason to see a doctor?

Hormonal and physiological changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman. Often spotting appears precisely against the background of such metamorphoses.

However, there are also a number of pathological causes of an unpleasant nature. If you have spotting, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist and undergo the necessary examination. Thanks to this, it will be possible to maintain a favorable course of pregnancy.

Discharge and pregnancy

Spotting during pregnancy is considered normal if it is scanty and has no unpleasant odor. Normally they can be white or beige.

You should immediately consult a doctor if there is blood or pus in the secretion. Additionally, the situation can be aggravated by other symptoms and negative manifestations. A woman should not ignore them. Otherwise, the pregnancy may end in miscarriage.

If yellowish secretions appear

Mucus in a woman's spotting in the first week after conception is considered normal. In this way, the body tries to adapt to the changes. After implantation of the embryo, the mucous membrane is adjusted to create optimal conditions. This secretion begins to be actively produced by the cervix.

Spotting is not always considered normal during gestation. Doctors carefully study the symptom, because it may be a sign of the development of pathology.

Pathological causes

Early spotting most often appears after sexual intercourse. The situation arises against the background of the negative course of the following pathological pictures:

  • Risk of miscarriage.
  • Minor mechanical damage to the mucous membrane occurred. This picture occurs when candles are used incorrectly, douching or too intense sex.
  • Cervical erosion, although it does not pose a real threat to the fetus, can produce spotting. During pregnancy, doctors do not recommend treating it.
  • There are polyps in the cervical canal.

A woman may experience spotting after an examination by a gynecologist. In this case, there is no need to panic.

Doctors identify a number of pathological reasons for this process:

  1. Detachment of the placenta or the fetal egg itself.
  2. Spotting is observed in a woman in case of fetal death.
  3. Threat of miscarriage.
  4. Ectopic attachment of the fertilized egg.
  5. Sexual infections.

Physiological reasons

After pregnancy, the body needs a certain period of time to rebuild. A woman observes spotting in the first trimester on the days of her expected period. Hormonal changes cannot occur immediately in the absence of a cycle. Such a process can pose a real threat to the life of the fetus. Gynecologists advise women to follow the following rules:

  • Avoid sudden movements or heavy lifting.
  • Create the most comfortable emotional situation for yourself.
  • Don't take a hot bath.
  • Refuse sex.

If these precautions are not followed, the risk of bleeding increases. Experts recommend continuing to keep a calendar with the expected days of the menstrual cycle.

Can they be in the early stages?

Every healthy woman can periodically secrete mucus; all internal organs are covered with it. The cervix should always be moist. The genitals begin to work more actively during pregnancy.

After fertilization of the egg, a woman may notice a small amount of brown discharge. They appear when the embryo successfully attaches to the wall of the uterus. The process lasts no more than 40 hours. Spotting may be a one-time occurrence or occur periodically over a given period of time. Blood is released against the background of minor vascular damage. Implantation mucus may be absent or brown or beige in color.

If beige spotting secretions are odorless

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the embryo needs to be securely attached to the wall of the uterus. What follows is a process of growth and development. During this period, the expectant mother may feel slight ailments, and also periodically see spots of different colors on her underwear. The situation is developing under the influence of the following factors:

  • Against the background of an increase in progesterone, vaginal secretion increases noticeably.
  • The secretions are used to moisturize the woman's genitals.
  • Light beige discharge occurs against the background of the formation of placental tissue and mucus plug. The components are necessary to protect the embryo from the negative effects of external factors.
  • During the first trimester, during the period of planned menstruation, a woman may develop a spot streaked with blood.
  • Brown discharge may occur after examination in a chair or ultrasound. The genitals become sensitive to all manipulations that are performed on them.
  • Beige discharge also appears in case of an allergy to synthetic underwear or an incorrectly selected intimate area care product.

Discharge of this nature is considered quite normal. However, if a woman experiences severe discomfort or the addition of other symptoms, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. During pregnancy, you should use colorless and odorless sanitary pads. In this case, it will be possible to correctly interpret the nature of the discharge.

When to worry

Spotting in the first trimester is typical for most women. They should not have an unpleasant odor or be accompanied by itching or burning. Even a small amount of blood indicates a threat of miscarriage. Only a doctor can correctly determine the cause of a change in condition based on a series of tests.

It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance if the discharge is dark brown or brown with blood. A negative clinical picture also develops with green or gray smudges. Additionally, it may emit a strong and unpleasant odor. Only a specialist in this field can correctly assess the degree of danger.

What to do

A woman should consult a doctor if any negative changes in her condition are detected. The specialist will conduct an examination, based on which the result will be formulated and the degree of threat will be assessed. You will need to take swabs to check for a yeast or vaginal infection. When diagnosing a disease, a treatment is selected that will not harm the process of formation of a new organism.

If necessary, hormonal medications are prescribed. If the pregnancy has stopped developing, then immediate surgical intervention is required - abortion.

A woman should not self-medicate. Only a doctor can choose the right medications.

Spotting appears in a woman during any period of pregnancy. They can be physiologically normal or serve as a symptom of pathologies during fetal formation. Conclusions can be drawn only on the basis of a detailed examination. It will be necessary to exclude serious pathologies that could negatively affect the body of the mother or child. We should not forget that the risk of miscarriage remains throughout pregnancy.

Useful video

A pregnant woman is the most restless creature in the world. And this is quite understandable, because a woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for her future baby - the most important person in her life. The expectant mother listens to the slightest changes occurring in her body. For the most part, these fears are completely unfounded, but in some cases there are indeed reasons for concern.

And one of these reasons is spotting in the early stages of pregnancy. Why early? Yes, because in advanced stages of pregnancy, bleeding is definitely a signal of serious danger. In the early stages, of course, discharge cannot be ignored either, but it does not always indicate a threat to the life and health of the baby - in some cases, it is completely harmless.

Causes of bleeding

There are many reasons why spotting may occur. It goes without saying that only a gynecologist can establish the cause in each specific case. However, the worst thing is the unknown, so we will tell you about the main possible reasons that can cause both spotting and heavy bleeding.

  • Implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity

The most harmless and most popular reason why an expectant mother may experience spotting in the early stages of pregnancy is the process of implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. This happens approximately on the seventh day after fertilization, so often the woman does not yet know about her pregnancy, or has just received news of her interesting situation.

By the way, it is this spotting that is often mistaken for the beginning of menstruation. Such bleeding is not abundant, has a brownish color and does not pose any threat to either the mother or the child. The daubing stops on its own within two to three days. During this period, the test already shows a reliable result, so if your periods seem strange to you, make sure that you have not encountered this particular phenomenon.

  • Threat of miscarriage

If you know for sure that you are pregnant and notice bloody discharge, and even feel a nagging pain in the abdomen, you should be seriously concerned - there is a very high probability that you are faced with such a misfortune as the threat of termination of pregnancy. And the most important thing you should do in this situation is to seek help from a gynecologist as quickly as possible.

Under no circumstances should you hesitate. There are a lot of reasons that can cause rejection of the fertilized egg, but in most cases such a pregnancy can be saved if the necessary therapy is started in a timely manner. So calm down and call an ambulance - most likely, everything will be fine. Stay in the hospital for a while, get injections, drips, take vitamins and go home to await the birth of your little long-awaited miracle. Doctors say that approximately every fifth woman was hospitalized to continue pregnancy in its early stages. Moreover, it was possible to save the baby’s life in more than 80% of all cases. Do you agree that the numbers are very encouraging?

  • Ectopic pregnancy

In some cases, bleeding in the early stages may indicate a pathological phenomenon such as an ectopic pregnancy. With this type of pregnancy, the fetus is fixed and begins to develop outside the uterine cavity - for example, on its cervix, in the ovary, in the abdominal cavity or, most often, in the fallopian tube. Discharge during an ectopic pregnancy is usually not very profuse, sanguineous, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

Losing time in this situation can result in very critical consequences that threaten the woman’s life - as soon as the fetus reaches a certain size, the pipe may burst. Therefore, this should not be allowed under any circumstances - the embryo must be removed earlier in order to minimize the harm to the woman’s health. An ectopic pregnancy should never be taken lightly! After all, the lack of medical care will inevitably lead to only one possible outcome - the death of the woman.

Diagnosing such a pregnancy will not be difficult for a doctor - it is enough to do the most common ultrasound examination, which will allow you to determine exactly where the fertilized egg has settled. By the way, recently doctors have been practicing mandatory ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy. This is done in order to detect a possible ectopic pregnancy at the earliest stages, when it is possible to preserve the fallopian tube.

  • Frozen pregnancy

Frozen pregnancy remains a poorly understood phenomenon to this day - in most cases, doctors are unable to establish the reason why the fetus stops developing. A frozen pregnancy proceeds for some time without visible symptoms, eventually leading to the appearance of bloody discharge. They arise due to the fact that the uterus begins to reject the frozen fetus.

Spotting during a frozen pregnancy is very scanty, brown in color, and has a viscous consistency. There is almost always pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, reminiscent of pain during menstruation. In addition, a woman may notice the disappearance of typical signs of pregnancy - toxicosis recedes, and the breasts that previously increased in size decrease. Of course, such a diagnosis cannot be made based on indirect signs alone. The doctor will conduct a thorough examination of the pregnant woman - ultrasound, blood tests for hormone levels, manual gynecological examination, and only after that will confirm or deny the fact of a frozen pregnancy.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman should receive immediate medical assistance - doctors clean out the uterine cavity, remove the embryo and membranes. If this is not done in a timely manner, serious complications can develop, including sepsis. If help is provided in a timely manner, the woman will recover quickly enough and will soon be able to become pregnant and give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby.

  • Inflammatory processes

Many people believe that the expectant mother is not susceptible to any gynecological diseases. However, in fact, it is in the early stages of pregnancy that all chronic diseases become more active, and inflammatory processes in the reproductive system also occur. Naturally, during this period, profuse vaginal discharge is possible, which can sometimes have a dark yellow or brown color, mistakenly taken for bloody discharge.

True, there are often additional accompanying symptoms - an unpleasant smell of discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, general weakness, increased body temperature. It is easy to guess that this condition threatens the normal course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, treatment must begin as early as possible - immediately consult a doctor who will select the optimal therapy.

You shouldn’t hope that everything will go away on its own - it won’t, and if you don’t, you risk not only losing your pregnancy, but also developing very serious health problems. Don't be careless about your health. Moreover, in your situation it is not only about your health - do not forget about it!

  • Cervical erosion

Another very common reason why spotting may appear is cervical erosion. Moreover, this can happen at any stage of pregnancy - both late and early. With cervical erosion, there is no bleeding as such - rather, there is spotting. The cervix begins to bleed from the slightest touch to it. Spotting can begin after sex, after a gynecological examination.

There is no need to worry about this - the daub does not pose any threat to either the mother or the baby and will stop on its own, literally in a few hours. The spotting in this case is very scanty, the spotting is similar to ichor and has a brown tint. Of course, the doctor needs to be told about this at the next appointment so that he will be more careful next time. At the same time, the doctor will decide what to do with your erosion. And let your husband know - for sex, choose those positions that exclude deep penetration of the penis. And in general, during pregnancy, sex should be very careful and gentle.

During pregnancy, treatment of cervical erosion is extremely rare. As a rule, the doctor decides to postpone treatment until after the baby is born. By the way, as practice shows, in the vast majority of cases, erosion disappears by itself after the birth of a child. Although it still wouldn’t hurt to visit a gynecologist - prevention has never harmed anyone.

What a woman should do when bleeding

So, the expectant mother went to the toilet and noticed traces of blood on her underwear. What to do in this case? First of all, calm down, because nervous shock is unlikely to lead to anything good. Moreover, stimulation of the nervous system will inevitably lead to increased heart rate, and as a result, blood circulation accelerates. It is easy to guess that in such a situation the bleeding will only intensify.

  • Find a comfortable position

Of course, in this case it is not so easy to calm down, but it is quite possible. First, sit comfortably, relax, or even better, lie down. Secondly, take control of your breathing - it should be smooth and deep. But just don’t get carried away too much - otherwise the body will become oversaturated with oxygen and, as a result, you may lose consciousness.

  • Assess your condition

Next, you need to adequately assess your condition. Is there pain in the abdomen or lower back, what is the nature of the pain, is there dizziness, is there a fever - all this is extremely important when making a diagnosis. Pay attention to the amount and nature of the discharge - this information will also greatly help the doctor when making a diagnosis.

  • Call an ambulance

You are unlikely to be able to independently assess the severity of the problem, so in any case you need to seek help from a gynecologist. But it is not advisable to go to the hospital on your own, even if someone accompanies you - you may become ill and there will be no one to help. It is much wiser to call an ambulance.

Very often, people brush it off and prefer to get to the hospital on their own, explaining that they have to wait a long time for an ambulance. But in most cases, we ourselves are to blame for this, because when calling, we do not give the full picture and the dispatcher is not able to assess the severity of the situation.

When you call, tell the ambulance officer the woman’s age, estimated gestational age, tell us about the nature of the bleeding, describe all the accompanying symptoms, give your home address, explain how to get there, warn about the combination lock at the entrance and wait for the doctors to arrive. While waiting for the ambulance team, the expectant mother should maintain complete physical rest - let her remain in bed. Almost always in such cases, doctors take the woman to the hospital, because only there can they provide her with the necessary medical care. Therefore, while waiting for the doctors to arrive, household members need to collect essentials - underwear, suitable clothing, sanitary pads, hygiene products, a cup, a comb.

This will save time after the ambulance team arrives.

  • Compliance with all doctor's orders

Unfortunately, in most cases, one can observe the same picture - as soon as a woman gets a little better and the smear becomes less intense, she begins to violate the doctor’s recommendations, or even strives to return home as quickly as possible. However, this should not be done under any circumstances! All the doctor’s actions are aimed at maintaining the pregnancy, and your task is to help doctors, not interfere with them!

Did the doctor tell you to lie down? This means you are lying, preferably in a hospital - you should not urgently ask to go home, much less leave on your own. Yes, perhaps the treatment helped, there is no more bleeding and it doesn’t even smear. But if the doctor did not consider it necessary to discharge you home, then there are reasons for that! Most likely, in the near future you risk returning to the hospital, and with severe bleeding.

Of course, you worry about your household, but believe me, they won’t starve without you. And you lie down, rest, gain strength - you will need it, because carrying a child is not so easy! Have an easy pregnancy and happy motherhood!

After a woman finds out that she will soon become a mother, she begins to be more scrupulous about her health. And, naturally, any changes in the functioning of the body are perceived by her as a threat to the continuation of gestation. Especially if brown discharge occurs during pregnancy. After all, they are frequent companions of various diseases that can jeopardize the further development of gestation. Now you will find out whether it can be smeared during pregnancy without pathologies and in what situations.

Oh, this pregnancy!

Before considering the factors that provoke dark discharge, you should talk about the process that occurs in the body after conception. So, initially the gamete is released from its shell (the dominant follicle acts as its role), meets the sperm, is fertilized, and then enters the fallopian tube and moves towards the uterus.

It is here that the further formation of the embryo occurs. But in order to get into the organ cavity, the fertilized gamete needs to penetrate its walls. And this entails minor damage to the small capillaries that permeate all the walls of the uterus, which is why blood begins to leak out of it. When it comes into contact with the external environment, oxidation processes occur, which color it darkish. Therefore, most gynecologists assure that there is nothing wrong with the appearance of light brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy.

However, you need to be aware that there is a fine line between pathology and physiology. Discharge at 4 weeks and earlier, which is not accompanied by extraneous symptoms (weakness, fatigue, strong aroma, etc.) is normal for this period and should not cause premature panic. But if spotting at the beginning of pregnancy is accompanied by a deterioration in health or the appearance of other signs of pathologies, then there can be no talk of a normal course of gestation. To determine the true “mechanism” of its occurrence, you will need to undergo a lot of tests.

Just don't panic!

So, as has already become clear, spotting that does not provoke discomfort in the intimate area is completely natural. But the gestation period is 9 months and during this period of time, spotting can appear repeatedly.

Some patients complain about discharge in later stages and, according to doctors, their appearance is also not a pathology. They occur mainly at 39–40 weeks, when the body begins to prepare for the upcoming birth. It is at this stage of gestation that the body actively produces progesterone, which helps reduce the muscle tone of the cervix and loosen its walls, which ensures the unhindered passage of the baby through the birth canal.

During pregnancy at 39 weeks, the baby's head is already quite large and it puts a lot of pressure on the cervix. And when it has weakened tone and loose walls, such pressure can cause damage to its vessels, which is why spotting may occur during pregnancy several weeks before the onset of labor.

Also, discharge at 41 weeks and earlier can occur as a result of the opening of the birth canal and the removal of the mucus plug from it. At the same time, the secretion itself, released from the vagina, looks like snot and often contains blood or brown streaks. The removal of the plug signals that labor is imminent, and therefore, if it is found on the underwear, it is necessary to tell the doctor about it and be hospitalized.

In women who become pregnant, spotting often occurs during the first month of pregnancy on the days of their expected period. Therefore, many of them have no idea that they will become mothers, perceiving spotting brown discharge as the beginning of menstruation. However, the latter never comes. Instead, a spot appears, which can last for 4–7 days, which is also not considered a pathology, since a hormonal imbalance occurs in the body.

In addition, small discharge often occurs when the body is exposed to the following factors:

  • Stress, worries, lack of sleep.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Sudden climate change, etc.

Often, brown spotting during early pregnancy is due to the fact that the woman continues to take certain medications without doing a test first and not knowing that she will soon become a mother. These include hormonal agents, antibiotics, sedatives and others. Therefore, if you are taking any medications and you should already be menstruating, but instead you experience discharge interspersed with blood, then you should do a test, or even better, visit a gynecologist right away. Since if you do not stop taking these drugs, this can either provoke a miscarriage or have a negative impact on the mental and physical development of the fetus, because it is at 3–4 weeks of gestation that vital organs are formed.

Discharge after examination by a gynecologist may also appear in some women. Their color varies from light brown to brown. And they appear due to damage to the mucous membranes. Their distinctive feature is their short duration.

After visiting a doctor, discharge occurs due to the fact that the gynecological examination was carried out using special instruments. It is carried out this way only at the initial appointment; further instrumental examination is not carried out.

When is discretion needed?

Speaking about why it smears during pregnancy, it should be noted that various pathologies can also be to blame, which you also need to know about. After all, if they are not eliminated in a timely manner, this can lead to serious complications.

One of the most common reasons why many women experience discharge at the beginning of pregnancy or at a later stage. When erosion occurs, a wound forms on the surface of the cervix, which may periodically bleed. As a rule, this occurs as a result of contact of the cervix with foreign objects, for example, during instrumental diagnostics or sex.

If discharge appears in the 6th week of pregnancy and later due to erosive lesions of the cervix, then women may periodically experience unpleasant painful sensations in the abdomen, which intensify after sex or excessive physical exertion.

There is only one way to get rid of erosion - cauterization. But upon the onset of gestation, this procedure cannot be carried out. It can negatively affect the condition of the fetus. Therefore, treatment is carried out conservatively, that is, with the use of medications that can also provoke discharge.

Important! It is imperative to treat this pathology! Otherwise, it can cause not only the appearance of discharge, but also an increased risk of developing cancer! Therefore, this disease cannot be joked about. If it is present, it is necessary to urgently take measures to eliminate it, and it is better to do this even before conceiving a child.

Threat of spontaneous miscarriage

Brown discharge in the early stages of gestation may signal embryo rejection. This is due to:

  • Diseases of the reproductive system.
  • Severe emotional stress.
  • Pathologies of the endocrine system.
  • Hormonal deficiency.

Exposure to at least one of these factors can trigger processes in the body that will lead to rejection of the fertilized egg, resulting in women with brown smears during early pregnancy. If no measures are taken in a timely manner, this will lead to miscarriage.

Hydatidiform mole

A rare pathology, but when it develops, discharge also often appears in the first trimester of pregnancy. It occurs in two cases:

  • When fertilization occurs of a defective egg that does not contain the required number of chromosomes.
  • When a healthy egg is fertilized, but by several sperm at once, resulting in an excess of chromosomes.

Discharge appears due to the fact that when there is a deficiency or excess of chromosomes, a tumor forms in the tissues of the placenta. Often it is benign, but in medical practice there have also been cases where the tumor was malignant and metastasized to the vagina and nearby organs.

The tumor itself consists of a large number of small cysts, which appear in the form of vesicles containing liquid exudate. It should be noted that this pathology has two types - complete and incomplete. The first is characterized by complete damage to the placenta, and the second - partial.

Important! If a woman experiences discharge at 8 weeks or earlier due to the development of a hydatidiform mole, she is recommended to have an abortion. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the chances of bearing a child are very small, and secondly, even if gestation proceeds normally, due to a deficiency or excess of chromosomes, the child will still experience pathologies that manifest themselves in the form of an abnormal body structure or improper development of internal organs.

When a hydatidiform mole occurs, not only discharge appears, but also symptoms such as:

  • Nausea, often progressing to vomiting.
  • Migraine.
  • Increase/decrease in blood pressure.

A distinctive feature of this pathology is that the brown daub may bubble in the early stages of pregnancy. But unlike infectious diseases, it does not have a sharp, specific aroma, and when it develops, there is also no discomfort in the vagina.

Attachment of the fertilized egg to the fallopian tube

Most women experience heavy discharge in the first weeks of pregnancy for this very reason. At the same time, as the women themselves note, the secretion contains brown clots or streaks of blood.

However, when this disease occurs, not only discharge is observed, but also a number of other symptoms:

  • Temperature.
  • Nausea.
  • Pain in the left or right side of the abdomen, depending on which wall of the fallopian tube the fertilized egg is attached to.

Important! If you have not yet had an ultrasound, but you think that you are pregnant, and at about the seventh week you have pale or dark brown discharge, complemented by the clinical picture described above, you should immediately go to the doctor. A pregnancy of 4 weeks or more must be terminated, since if this is not done, the growing embryo can lead to rupture of the fallopian tube and then it will need to be removed. And after this, conceiving a child naturally will be very problematic.

Placental abruption

This often causes brown discharge to appear at 13 weeks of pregnancy or later, when the placenta has already formed and provides nutrients to the fetus. And if its detachment occurs, this can lead not only to the death of the fetus, but also to a serious threat to the life of the woman herself.

When the placenta begins to detach, not only discharge, but also other symptoms are noted. Among them are:

  • Constant feeling of tension in the abdominal muscles.
  • Pain syndrome of a pulling and dull nature.

Various factors can provoke the appearance of this pathology. Among them are injuries to the anterior wall of the peritoneum, uterine scars (they are formed mainly after surgical interventions) and the formation of an excessively short umbilical cord.

When placental abruption occurs, women experience dark spotting. They are slimy, thick, and have a creamy consistency.


With this disease, there may also be discharge. It is characterized by inflammation of the cervical canal, which occurs for several reasons:

  • Cervix injuries.
  • Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.
  • Infections.

If the appearance of brown mucus during pregnancy is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, then most likely the provocateurs of the disease are infections. It is imperative to undergo tests, since if infectious processes are not eliminated, pregnant women may experience serious health problems. And if infections appear at 8 weeks of gestation or earlier, when the placenta has not yet formed, they can affect the embryo and lead to its abnormal development.

What should I do?

If brown clots begin to come out of your vagina during pregnancy or mild spotting appears at 6–7 months or earlier, you should not hesitate and visit a gynecologist as soon as possible.

There are many reasons that provoke the appearance of light brown discharge. And some of them can result in serious consequences. Especially if we are talking about a developing pregnancy, when the embryo is not yet fully formed.

You need to understand that discharge at week 6 may signal embryo rejection. To verify this, you will need to undergo ultrasound diagnostics. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman needs urgent hospitalization.

Thus, if there is erosion or the formation of scar tissue on the uterus, a cesarean section may be required, since natural childbirth at 36–41 weeks can be accompanied by serious consequences.

And if you have had a spotting, no matter at what stage of gestation, you must inform your doctor about it. Only he will be able to tell whether the discharge can pose a threat to you or your unborn baby or not. And for this you will need to pass a lot of tests and undergo a comprehensive computer examination.