New Year's Eve scenario for children at home. How to spend the New Year at home? Family style

New Year's Eve in a warm family atmosphere is a good idea. Such a holiday will be remembered for its coziness, excellent mood and exciting communication. To make New Year's Eve exciting and bright, you can prepare scenarios, games and other entertainment.

How to organize New Year's Eve at home with your family: 5 important tips

How to have fun celebrating New Year with your family?

We offer exciting and funny games that both children and adults will enjoy.

Competition "New Year's Card"

This is a wonderful and simple game for a cozy family holiday.

How to play?

  1. A few days before the festive evening, invite each participant to make a greeting card with their own hands and write a New Year's wish on it. You cannot show crafts to each other. Prepare pencils, paper and other materials at home. If anyone forgets about the card, they will make it during the holiday party.
  2. When everyone is ready for the game, the cards are collected (it is advisable that the participants do not see each other’s crafts), put in a beautiful box and mixed.
  3. Now each of the family members in turn goes to the box and by touch pulls out a card with wishes for themselves. Before picking up the gift, wishes must be read aloud. Most likely, many of them will amuse the guests; it may happen that they will wish the baby obedient grandchildren, and the mother - good grades at school. Also invite guests to guess the author of the postcard.
  4. At the end of the game, conduct a secret or open vote, determine the author of the most beautiful and interesting postcard and reward him with a symbolic prize.

Game "Family History"

How interesting is it to spend the New Year with your family? Suggest this game. It will help you remember the most important and warm moments of the year and bring the participants of the holiday closer together.

How to play?

Let everyone remember the warmest, brightest or most interesting story that happened in the past year and is connected with your family. You can tell stories one by one. This is a great way to sum up the year, thank your relatives for the good things they have done for you, and just smile again.

Competition "New Year's Quartet"

If you have not yet decided how to celebrate the New Year at home with your family, you can hold this fun and noisy competition. It is especially fun and interesting if there are many guests gathered for the holiday.

Props: pots, pencils, sheets of paper, rattles and any other objects with which you can make sounds.

How to play?

Game "Decorate the Christmas tree"

This competition will come to the aid of those who do not know how interesting it is to celebrate the New Year with family and children, if the kids still want to have fun, and the adults are already tired and dream of peace. The game is suitable for any number of children. Even one child will happily decorate the Christmas tree.

Props: a sheet of paper, pencils or markers, sticker pictures, a blindfold.

How to play?

Game "What's in Santa Claus's bag?"

The competition can be held spontaneously because it does not require props.

How to play?

Invite participants to take turns listing the items that Santa Claus has. Each next player must name all the previous gifts in the correct order, and then add his own. The player behind him repeats the updated list and adds one more word. For example, the first one says: “Santa Claus has a bear,” the second: “Santa Claus has a bear and a candle,” and the third: “Santa Claus has a bear, a candle and a Christmas tree toy,” etc.
If the items are named incorrectly, the participant loses. The one who lasts the longest wins. In order not to argue about the correctness of the list, you can select a leader. This person will not play, but will write down the sequence of words and will check the participants' answers against it.

Competition "Fruit or Candy Santa Claus"

To have a fun New Year's Eve at home, hold creativity competitions. People of all ages enjoy these tasks.

Props. For the game, prepare the same or similar sets of pieces of different fruits (it is important that they are of different colors and sizes). You can also use candies in multi-colored wrappers.

How to play?

Scenario for the New Year in the family circle

If your family is creative and cheerful, you can not only celebrate the holiday with competitions, but also come up with a New Year's Eve scenario. We offer two interesting ideas.

"Magic Masquerade"

Before the holiday, get together with your family and choose a fairy tale to which the festive evening will be dedicated. Let it be a good and well-known story, for example, based on the plot of “The Snow Queen”, “Morozko”, the cartoon “12 Months”.
Assign roles and have each guest prepare a costume for themselves. But the celebration doesn't end there. Assignment for the whole evening or part of it: match the image of your character. You can also hold a riddle competition dedicated to history, act out scenes from a fairy tale and play the games that we suggested above.

"Journey to Another Country"

Another interesting scenario for the New Year at home with children is a holiday in the style of another country. You can travel to warm Italy, snowy Finland, distant Japan or another corner of the planet.
Invite everyone to choose their roles and prepare costumes. Don't forget about the themed table and decorations.

Game "Stories and Legends"

To reduce organizational issues, let each guest prepare a themed decor for the interior, as well as a fascinating story about the appearance and use of this item. This task can be thought of as a competition. At the end, conduct a vote and give a symbolic prize to the person who prepared the most interesting subject and story about it.

Funny riddles

Also prepare riddles and questions about the country. For example, for Japanese New Year you can ask:

How many Santa Clauses are there in Japan? (There are two of them, the traditional Segatsu-san and the young Oji-san).
What color is Santa Claus's kimono? (Blue or cyan).
How long does it take Segatsu-san to congratulate all Japanese people? (A week).
Who gives gifts to children for the New Year? (Parents).
To ensure that quiz participants can answer the questions, advise guests to prepare for the holiday and read about the traditions of the country.

Other games

Also, for the New Year in the Japanese style, you can hold a haiku competition to decide “Who can cook sushi better?” or “Who can eat rice faster using chopsticks?” and come up with other themed entertainment. The New Year's scenario should include the competitions that we indicated above.

A theme evening is a great idea not only for a family holiday, but for those who don’t know how to have fun celebrating the New Year at home with friends, a scenario in the style of another country is a solution for almost any holiday.

Have a nice holiday and magical events in the coming year!

How to entertain guests at home? Those who decided to gather a group of friends or relatives have probably encountered and will continue to encounter this problem. This task can be even more difficult than choosing gifts or decorating a room. To help with the decision, we have tried to collect some useful tips in this article.


When planning to celebrate at home, ideas for preparation should be drawn from your head, calling on inspiration to help. Who, besides yourself, best knows the tastes and interests of your guests? So don’t be shy and give free rein to your imagination, and then the New Year’s chores will turn into another, additional part of the holiday.


The most important thing to think about first is gifts. It’s not enough to choose something that every guest will like; it’s also advisable to present it in an original way. The simplest and most banal thing is to put beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree. If everything was chosen individually, then it is better to sign each box in order to avoid confusion and unpleasant surprises later.

There are more original ways to entertain guests on New Year's Eve. Buy universal gifts, such as simple souvenirs, T-shirts with funny inscriptions or pictures in honor of the symbol of the coming year, greeting cards, notebooks - in general, something that will be pleasant for any of the guests. Place them in different boxes so that it is impossible to guess the size of the gift based on the size of the packaging. Now hang it all on the Christmas tree and let the guests choose what they like. It will turn out to be a kind of lottery, and no one will be offended by what they were given. This idea can be made part of competitions, if in this way the winner will receive his prize.


When wondering how to entertain guests at home for the New Year, you need to think about the theme of the event. Everything, of course, depends on the company that gathers, but there are several universal options suitable for any occasion.

Carnival or costume ball

When inviting guests to a party, be sure to warn them about this specific nature of the holiday. No one wants to feel out of place by being dressed inappropriately, right? But just in case, it’s still worth having spare props for those who forgot or didn’t have time to prepare. Elegant masks for women and false beards for men, cardboard crowns, hats or caps - all this will help turn your guests' outfit into a carnival one cheaply and without any extra hassle.

Theme party

A great option for entertaining guests on New Year's Eve is to dedicate the holiday to a specific theme. In this case, the main thing is not to make a mistake with her choice. If among your guests there are young people obsessed with computers and gadgets, then they may be bored at an impromptu medieval ball, and conversely, connoisseurs of the Middle Ages and knights may not like a steam-punk style party. When choosing a treat, you should also take into account the tastes and preferences of your guests.

The idea for a theme for a holiday may come to mind unexpectedly, but if there is no inspiration, you can use several win-win options:

- Masquerade. Guests don’t even have to rack their brains about costumes, because all you need to do is add a mask to any evening outfit - and you can already feel the mysterious spirit of the masquerade.

- Fantasy party. Suitable for those who don't mind plunging into the world of elves and dwarves, magic and battles. True, here preparations need to start in advance, because making a costume can take some time.

- Party in a fairytale style - Another option on how to entertain guests at home for the New Year. Children will be especially delighted with such a holiday, but often adults are also happy to return to the world of childhood.

- 60s themed party(80s, 90s, etc., depending on how old most of your guests are). Here it may be enough to decorate the house in a suitable style, select music from the right time - and now the desired atmosphere has been created.

- pajama party- a great way to have fun in the company of friends.

- "Babel". Invite guests to dress in traditional attire of the country they are interested in and bring one or two dishes that its inhabitants eat. Let everyone tell you a little about her culture, maybe teach the others a couple of phrases in her language. This way the holiday will be not only fun, but also educational for everyone.

New Year with friends

When you gather for a holiday with an adult group, it is not at all necessary to spend the whole night at the table watching TV. There are a thousand and one New Year's Eve scenarios at home for adults, so by showing creativity and imagination, you can turn ordinary gatherings of a friendly company into something unforgettable.


You can add a touch of mystery to your holiday treat. To do this, just bake papers with predictions for the coming year into cookies, pies or buns. You can organize a competition, to bake one of the pies with a special “secret” (a coin or other small object). Whoever gets it will be able to choose a gift from under the tree. Just remember to warn your guests so that the winner does not accidentally damage his teeth.

Entertainment for adults

Don't be upset if you had to stay home for the New Year. at home, and even with an adult company - you can write whole books about this. The absence of children at the holiday generally opens up a sea of ​​opportunities for fun.

- Fanta-the game is universal, simple and fun. To carry it out, you just need to collect one small item from each of the players. We put the entire “catch” in a box, bag or opaque bag. The presenter (it can be anyone who doesn’t really want to take an active part in the undertaking) takes out one item at a time, without showing it to the others, and asks what this phantom should do. And what the answer will be depends on the specifics of the company gathered (and on the amount of alcohol consumed, perhaps, so if you want recklessness, hold a competition closer to the end of the holiday).

- Twister- another traditional way to entertain guests at home for the New Year. Perfect for a youth group (after all, participants need to have at least minimal flexibility).

- Mafia- a game for lovers of psychological puzzles and those who want to train their gift of persuasion. First, everyone is assigned a specific role (civilian, mafia, policeman or doctor). The task of civilians is to identify all the mafiosi and put them in prison, the task of the mafiosi is to “kill” as many civilians as possible, and preferably also police officers and doctors, without giving themselves away.

- Puzzles. It would seem like child's play, but it can be an excellent option for entertaining guests at the table for the New Year. At the same time, the complexity and “adultness” of the riddles can be adjusted to suit the gathered company.

If you decide to hold your holiday in the style of “Babylonian Pandemonium,” then you can invite guests to play games traditional for different countries of the world. For example, Cambodian game "akugun". Players throw some fruits to each other, for example, tangerines. To win, you need to hold as many fruits in your hands as possible without dropping them. You can set up an impromptu home bowling alley (Thai game "saba"), where instead of skittles there will be plastic bottles.

- Dancing on the newspaper. A very bonding game, during which guests divided into pairs must dance on the newspaper without stepping outside its boundaries. The trick is that over time the presenter folds the newspaper in half as long as possible.

-Divination. What is complete without making wishes for next year while the chimes are striking? Turn this seemingly banal action into an attraction. Have everyone write their warmest wishes for the other guests on a piece of paper and throw it in a hat or box. By pulling out a piece of paper with a wish, those gathered will be able to find out what awaits them for the next year. It will be even more fun if you split each wish into two, and then, by the will of lot, connect the different halves.

Family New Year

One of the most important tasks of hosts inviting guests is to develop a New Year's scenario at home. A family holiday is always an occasion for relatives to show how much they love each other. That is why it is worth filling this holiday with an atmosphere of warmth and love.

Creating coziness by festively decorating your home can help with this. Let the kids join in on this fun activity. Jointly hanging toys on the New Year's tree, preparing interesting sweets, recipes for which the children themselves will come up with, making various New Year-themed crafts - all this will help you feel the spirit of the New Year long before its official start. And to make it more fun, you can ask riddles while preparing for the celebration. Let the child take a candy, tangerine or other sweet as a prize for each answer, then the wait for midnight will not seem painfully long to him.

Preparing for a family holiday

It’s hard to imagine a family, especially if there are children, without a Christmas tree. Let the kids choose the toys they would like to see on it, and then ask them to help you hang it up. Perhaps they would like to see bright shiny new balls on green branches? Go to the store and choose together what you like. Or maybe your children have favorite toys, even if they are old and shabby, but very important? Then let the tree turn out to be vintage.

Many children love to make things with their own hands. Give them the opportunity to make their own decorations for the tree or just for the room. Snowflakes, paper garlands, snowmen - even the little ones can make all this. Let older children make more complex toys: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, beautiful complex lanterns.

Children's competitions

Snow collection. Scatter as many paper snowflakes as possible on the floor. Let the children quickly collect them into bags while listening to cheerful music. The one who manages to collect the most will receive a sweet or memorable prize.

Puzzles. Find out which of the children is the most savvy by asking riddles. The winner can be given a chocolate medal or other symbolic gift, and the rest, so as not to be offended, can be given consolation prizes.

Fun disco. The presenter turns on the music for a while, and then, turning it off, calls the number. All participants must divide into groups with the named number of people. The time for everything is three seconds. Those who fail to do everything correctly are eliminated from the game.

Hurry up. In the middle of the room, arrange the chairs so that there is one less chair than there are participants. Players walk around the chairs to the music, and when the music stops, they must have time to sit on the chairs. The one who fails is eliminated, and one chair is removed along with him.

Guess what. The participant is blindfolded and asked to identify one of the New Year's items by touch. The one who was right most often wins.

Fairy tale. Invite the children to act out a home performance (adults who wish can also participate in it). Let everyone choose their favorite role, and then the narrator will read the beginning of the fairy tale. Then you can either use ready-made scripts with time-tested dialogues and a well-known plot, or arrange an improvisation.

A little advice at last: when deciding how to entertain guests for the New Year, games, competitions and other entertainment are best thought out in advance and discussed together with future guests. However, even if plans changed at the last moment or nothing comes to mind for a long time, do not be upset. Sometimes spontaneity and unpredictability make the holiday even more interesting than if everything was decided in advance.

New Year is a family holiday. We offer you a new interesting family new year 2014 scenario . Celebrate the New Year with your family - the script will help you organize a family New Year's party.

The old year is ending
Good good year.
We won't be sad
After all, the New One is coming to us...
Please accept my wishes,
It’s impossible without them
Be healthy and happy!
Happy new year friends!
Congratulations to everyone,
Greetings to all,
Long live jokes
Fun and laughter! (at these words the firecracker goes off)

The holiday is all about having fun.
Let your faces bloom with a smile,
The songs sound cheerful.
Who knows how to have fun
He knows how not to get bored.

The acting Santa Claus is a hospitable host;
The acting Snow Maiden is a hospitable hostess;
Other household members, guests.

Required details:
A decorated Christmas tree, garlands, tinsel, your imagination and a great mood!

The hospitable host and hostess of the house “received” a telegram from Father Frost and the Snow Maiden notifying that they are late for your holiday and temporarily, so as not to miss the New Year, transfer their powers to the host and hostess, i.e. you, and an order for guests to obey their deputies in everything, just as they would obey themselves. At the end of the telegram, as expected, there are kisses and assurances that they will come back a little later. The telegrams are shown to the guests, and you, dear hosts, attach posters to yourself with the appropriate inscriptions: “I. O. Santa Claus", "I. O. Snow Maidens.” So where to start celebrating? If the size of the apartment allows, then, first of all, of course, you need to lead a round dance with a traditional song: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...” and “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter...” Especially if you are celebrating the New Year with children. If you have an artificial Christmas tree, you can sing the Greenpeace New Year's song:

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree
And let it grow
And we are in front of the artificial one
We lead our own round dance.

We have needles in the frost
Nice than in tinsel.
In the forest we will meet a Christmas tree,
Walking in January!

From the Christmas tree store
She came to us for the holiday
And many, many joys
I brought it for the kids!

Let her be missing
Spruce aroma,
But Green Peace, of course,
I'm terribly happy for us!

And a year later on New Year's
We'll call her
And many, many Christmas trees
We will save in the forest!

And there will be our Christmas tree
We have been serving for many years,
And there will even be great-grandchildren
Have a round dance with her!

This is such a wonderful “Greenpeace” song. It will need to be printed in advance in several copies, according to the number of guests, and then, at the command of I. O. Father Frost and I. O. Snow Maiden, sing together. You can sing the usual one. If only the round dance would be fun. And now, dear I.O. Father Frost and I.O. Snow Maiden, look carefully at your guests. What it is!
Only children wear carnival costumes, but what about adults?! The outfits are certainly good, but a fun carnival is better.
You, of course, took care of this in advance and prepared a lot of New Year's masks, all kinds of hats and bonnets with and without feathers, with veils and flowers, raincoats, shawls with long tassels, just pieces of beautiful material. Now take command. Remember, Santa Claus empowered you!
Acting Father Frost: Dear guests! The holiday is already in full swing, the clock will soon strike, and you are not quite ready to celebrate the New Year. The children were better prepared. We have Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, and the Musketeer, but why are adults lagging behind? Then I have to count down for you to Santa Claus. In general, dear guests, you are welcome to the costume room (in another room), you have half an hour, and let fairy-tale characters come out of the costume room instead of you!
I. O. Snow Maiden: Yes, yes! And we will organize a carnival costume competition, common for children and adults!
Carnival costume competition.

Presentation of costumes.

Each participant must present their carnival hero. Let him do it at his own discretion, with a song, a poem, a dance or just prose. Or maybe a theatrical performance? The rest guess: “Who is this?” Don't forget to prepare prizes for the participants in the carnival competition. Make sure that no one is offended, especially children.
Acting Santa Claus: And now fun carnival dances are announced! And you, dear guests, try your best, because then, when everyone sits down at the table, we will sum up the results of the dance competition and choose the most dancing fairy-tale hero!
When announcing the winner, name the carnival characters, and not the names of guests and household members. For example: “Little Red Riding Hood and Barmaley especially distinguished themselves in the dance competition! Buratino danced Lezginka best! Waltzed beautifully: Baba Yaga and Ivan Tsarevich! And in rock and roll, the undoubted winner is Cinderella!” etc.
I. O. Snow Maiden: And now a competition called “Ice Cream Modeling!”
Who will make the best ice cream castle for Father Frost and Snow Maiden?

A minimum number of people can participate in this competition (due to a shortage of building materials). Or we can all work together to build one castle! For construction, use multi-colored ice cream: chocolate, white ice cream and all kinds of fruit! Fun, beautiful, delicious!
In the midst of the fun, bring in a bag of gifts. Have you prepared gifts for your guests and household members or just small presents? It's time to give! The fact is that our respected Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter sent another telegram, apologizing that he will not be able to drop by and congratulate you personally, since he was detained by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. How can you refuse the president? But he sent his bag with gifts and a staff for the owner of the house, expressing the hope that he could continue to fulfill his duties just as successfully, and fur mittens for the mistress of the house, so that she would continue to be just as charming as the Snow Maiden! This wonderful telegram arrived, which is again shown to the guests.
And now, with full Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden rights, demand a ransom for the gift. What kind of ransom does Santa Claus have if not songs and poems? Regardless of desire and age, force everyone to stand on a chair and speak expressively. If the “old child” doesn’t remember poetry, tell him something simple and well-known to everyone. For example:

A fly sat on the jam,
That's the whole poem!

By the way, this cute rhyme has a lesser-known continuation:

The fly ate all the jam,
That's the whole poem!
No! Not the whole poem!
There will be a continuation!
A fly died from jam,
That's the whole poem!
No! Not the whole poem!
There will be a continuation!
There is no fly, no jam!
And there will be no continuation!

By the way, you can organize a competition for the best continuation of this funny poem or an alternative development of the plot about a fly and jam. You'll see, the guests will like it!
And don’t forget, dear acting Father Frost and Snow Maiden, without leaving your role, to congratulate the guests as the clock strikes!
In general, you should now do everything royally, as befits Father Frost and the Snow Maiden! Even if there is a need to trim the salad, cut it with a sense of your own greatness, without unnecessary fuss, as a real Snow Maiden would do. What should you do if you happen to play such roles? The performers are almost Father Frost and Snow Maiden themselves! You have to keep your mark here!

You will wish your guests a Happy New Year something like this:

To the chime of the clock and the ringing of glasses
Let light shine into our hearts!
Let Love, Hope, Faith,
They will not leave you for hundreds of years!

Let the smile be softer
And the look is prettier and kinder,
Your laughter is more cheerful and brighter,
The soul is more beautiful and wiser!

Only one moment left
Take a sneak peek at the old year...
And Happy New Year!
And a wish: “Bon voyage!”

When the clock has already struck twelve times, we’ve already sat at the table, the children have been put to bed, but somehow we don’t feel like sleeping yet, which means it’s time to play.
Acting Father Frost: Dear guests! And now (just don’t be scared) we will go on a space journey to see how aliens celebrate their new years, or maybe centuries or millennia, in space!
Everyone is given headbands with glowing antennas. This is such a special paraphernalia so that aliens will mistake you for one of their own. Turn on some cosmic music, turn off the lights, turn on a flashing garland. The flight begins! First we will visit the planet closest to us - the earth's satellite.

Lunar competition.

Who knows more songs about the moon? A lunar song is considered even if lunar paths or lunar glades are simply mentioned.

Martian competition.

Mars is the most militant planet. So - a duel! On chocolates. Or on tangerines. Whatever you want. The loser in this duel is the one who has the least amount of candy wrappers or tangerine peels!

Competition from Venus.

As you know, Venus is the patroness of lovers. This means that the competition will be appropriate.
I hope you haven’t changed from carnival costumes to regular ones yet? Fine. Then let the fairy-tale characters declare their love to each other: male characters to female characters! To avoid misunderstandings, write the names of the female characters on pieces of paper and distribute them to the men. Men (also without leaving their carnival image) will address women something like this:
Oh, lovely Baba Yaga! (Cinderella or Kikimora, it doesn’t matter). You are incredibly feminine! You captivated the heart of poor Pinocchio (again, the fairy-tale Prince, Vodyanoy or Leshego, it doesn’t matter). You are so Beautiful! You deserve the title of the best Baba Yaga in the world! (Cinderella, Kikimora, etc.)
The winner, of course, is the one who has the best declaration of love. You can also hold a reverse competition - female characters declare their love to male characters. And the reward is the dance of the winners.

Pluto competition.

This competition is the most mysterious. Place a very ordinary matchbox on something so that it is just below chest level. Present this competition as a sobriety test. The player being tested must turn his back to the box, take five steps, turn around, walk up to the box and click on the box. Turn around again and move away from the box five steps, then turn around, walk up and snap your fingers over it again. And so 9 times. The tenth time you need to click on the box itself. But, alas, the fingers, accustomed to clicking over the box, repeat, against the will of the person, clicking over the box of matches.
The next subject repeats the same thing. But, alas, failure again! This causes great delight among the audience. Try it! Well, how did it work out?

Neptune competition.

Well, tell me, what can you compete on Neptune with, if not something aquatic? So, the competition “Who will blow the biggest soap bubble?” The conditions of the competition are clear from its name. All participants are given appropriate equipment, and the audience watches closely to see who the winner is?

Flight to the horoscope constellations.

As you know, there are twelve zodiac signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius. And we were all born under one of these signs.
Our next space competition is called “Flight to the constellations of horoscopes.”
Of course, everyone wants to fly in space, and this competition will decide who goes where.
First, a little quiz on the topic “Guess the sign.”
1. Which sign is the most regal? (A lion)
2. Which sign can go backwards? (Cancer)
3. Which one is the most two-faced? (Twins)
4. Which sign is similar in name to water, but itself is air? (Aquarius)
5. What sign does the sharp horns wear? (Capricorn)
6. Which sign consists of a person and an animal? (Sagittarius)
7. Which sign pretends to be a meek lamb, but itself is an uncontrollable fire? (Aries)
8. Which sign is the most feminine? (Virgo)
9. Which sign is the most balanced? (Scales)
10. Which sign is the most stubborn? (Calf)
11. Which sign is the most hot-tempered? (Scorpion)
12. Which sign is the most floating? (Fish)
When the signs are guessed, ask guests to portray the zodiac signs in turn.
For example, Capricorn: guests butt heads and use sounds to represent the sign of Capricorn.
Whoever does it better is sent to this constellation, as the person who, better than anyone else, can find a common language with the inhabitants of the Capricorn constellation. And so on for all signs.
And don’t forget to turn on the flashing garland and “space” music during all space flights. We hope your space journey will be a success!
And at the end of the holiday, before you go to bed, do not forget to greet the coming year according to the eastern calendar in a language that he understands (moo, hiss, crow) depending on what year is coming! Happy New Year to you!

It doesn’t matter where to spend the New Year - at home or with friends, the main thing is that everyone is happy, warm and comfortable. Make this holiday memorable for everyone present - organize funny competitions or a themed party, creatively decorate the room or set the table in an unusual way. There are a lot of ideas and scenarios for a New Year's party with friends, but we have prepared the most interesting of them for you.

New Year's entertainment at home

Don’t be upset if for some reason you weren’t able to get out of town for the New Year holidays, go to a resort, or at least go to a club. You can have great fun at home! Choose any scenario you like, prepare everything you need in advance and have fun with your family and friends!

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3

These New Year's activities at home are suitable for close friends or will help you get to know each other even better. The necessary details for organizing the holiday are described in detail in the attached file. You can diversify the holiday program with other competitions, some of which we will describe below.

New Year's games with friends

A New Year's feast at home with friends or with family cannot and should not be limited to toasts, drinks and eating delicious treats. Otherwise, such a New Year will lose its value and will not be remembered for a long time. New Year's entertainment at home will diversify your celebration and allow everyone present to enjoy the holiday! With the help of a variety of games for friends, you can instantly cheer up, strengthen your relationships and even find your soulmate on this magical night...

Don't forget that games and competitions require prizes. Small comic souvenirs and purely symbolic awards, for example, a funny handkerchief, keychain or decorative candle, are suitable as prizes. If you have a penchant for arts and crafts, you can try making New Year's gifts with your own hands, saving some money.

New Year's entertainment at home will allow you to get even closer to your friends and spend the holiday in warmth and comfort without wasting money. If you have never tried yourself as a toastmaster, learn at least a short script for the New Year for your home, and who knows, maybe it will become the most memorable one in your life!

When a large family gathers around the same table, it can’t be boring. But it doesn’t hurt to diversify the holiday with fun competitions and games. How to create a fun scenario for the New Year for the family so that everyone present will be interested. What kind of quests and entertainment to choose so that both the youngest and the oldest would want to participate. We offer an interesting scenario for a home-based New Year with your family for all ages.

Announce to your guests about the upcoming New Year's masquerade. You don’t even have to set a specific topic, which will allow your family to fantasize. There will be snowflakes, snow maidens, Santa Clauses, funny animals and fairy-tale characters.

Be prepared for the possibility that someone will ignore your request or be unable to find a suitable suit. Therefore, we prepare our own masks, tinsel or cool costumes.

It will be very interesting to play the costume. It’s so interesting to look at dad in the form of a bunny, or grandpa as a snowflake.

For the draw, we write the name of the hero or paste a picture with his image on a small folding postcard. We hang cards on the Christmas tree and invite our relatives to choose any card for themselves.

If you are preparing a scenario for the New Year 2018 for the family, do not forget about the main character of the holiday - the Dog. The image can be created not only with the help of a mask, but also by making ears and a tail.

Already at the beginning of the holiday, everyone will be intrigued by what kind of quest has been prepared for the family for the New Year.

Scenario for the New Year with the family - saying goodbye to the Old Year

On the eve of the New Year, it is customary to take stock of the past year. Therefore, we invite you to look back and remember all the significant events that happened to everyone.

– You can play with these memories in the form of a cool New Year’s game for the family. We read short poems. And the one who recognizes himself in them shouts loudly: “It’s me!”

Have you acquired housing?
Housewarming played in it.
Tell us without hiding,
Who is this?

Tell us all urgently
Has a son or daughter been born?
Tell us without hiding,
Who is this?

Now it will go forward
The one whose income has increased.
Tell us without hiding,
Who is this?

Who was distinguished by diligence,
Getting an education?
Tell us without hiding,
Who is this?

Who waited so long
And did he still play the wedding?
Tell us without hiding,
Who is this?

Who found his love
Which one have you been dreaming about for a long time?
Tell us without hiding,
Who is this?

Who has achieved success at work,
Not expecting such a turn?
Tell us without hiding,
Who is this?

Who had a great rest,
Haven’t you heard about the bans?
Tell us without hiding,
Who is this?

Who, wanting fun, cake and sweets,
Have you come to our New Year's banquet?
Tell us without hiding,
Who is this?

– That’s how many interesting events there were in the past year. It’s time to make a rating of the most significant and most unusual. Maybe we missed some important things? Let's raise our glasses to have a wonderful year.

We offer another New Year's entertainment for the family - a toast constructor. It is necessary to write the first part of the toast on sheets of paper in advance. The guests’ task is to come up with a cool continuation of the wish. We put the blanks with the text into a container and invite those present to draw out their toast.

- Let's drink to the Snow Maiden and Father Frost. For as long as I can remember, they.....

(….they don’t grow old, don’t get sick, and they always have money for New Year’s gifts. I wish we all were the same!)

– The Jewish Santa Claus came and said: “Hello kids!...

(……We buy gifts. Let’s drink so that your Santa Clauses are not Jewish, and your dreams come true like a fairy tale.)

– The man fell asleep right on New Year’s Day. And he sees a wonderful dream in which a beautiful stranger is next to him. I woke up after the holiday, and...

(…..there is no one nearby. Let’s raise our glasses so that good dreams come true in the New Year.)

– New Year is a holiday of fun and contrasts. It’s dark outside the window, frost and wind, but inside the house it’s warm, cheerful, the lights are sparkling, the Christmas tree is fragrant and the festive table is happy.....

(…. Let’s drink to the fact that in the New Year you won’t be frightened by contrasts. So that the storms and winds rage only outside the window, but your soul remains warm and calm.)

– Close your eyes for a second and make a wish. Did you make a wish?...

(….Now let’s drink so that Santa Claus will definitely fulfill your wishes)

– New Year and champagne are inseparable...

(... Let's drink so that in the New Year our lives will be inseparable from happiness.)

If the guest finds it difficult to come up with a continuation of the toast, give the floor to others present at the table.

New Year 2019 scenario with family: warm-up

It’s not a good idea to immediately offer guests active, dance or funny competitions for the New Year for the family. It's better to start your entertainment program with table games or quizzes.

Quiz “Where does Santa Claus live”

To celebrate the New Year with your family, we include a cool quiz in the script: “Where does Santa Claus live?”

“Everyone is used to the fact that Santa Claus gives us gifts for the New Year. Many people are also familiar with Santa Claus, who comes to the children of America.

But the world is so big that these popular grandfathers are not able to bypass everyone with congratulations.

So, are children from Brazil and India, Vietnam and Congo left without gifts? Of course not. There are many Santa Clauses. Moreover, each has its own name.

Before the New Year, the grandfathers gathered in the bathhouse for a meeting. They drank a glass of strong drink and took off their fur coats and caftans. And then a messenger from Brazil is looking for his commander-in-chief. But the grandfathers already barely remember what country they came from. And the outfits are all mixed up. We'll have to help Frosts decide on their origin and guess where grandfather came from.

  • Came from the Netherlands;
  • Lives in the Kremlin;
  • Gives all students good grades.

  • Grandfather grants wishes that are spoken in obscene language;
  • Came from Germany;
  • Santa Claus of Landsknechts.

  • Came from Hawaii;
  • Loves to sail in gondoliers along the Venice Canal;
  • An intern for our Santa Claus, overly curious. Therefore, experienced grandfathers shout to the young: “Kana, Kaloka, from here.”

  • Grandfather arrived from Italy;
  • Santa Claus of the Colombian drug mafia;
  • Papa's brother Carlo, who, out of envy of his relative's popularity, began to study as Santa Claus. But I haven’t found shelter yet.

  • Ded Moroz of transvestites;
  • Came from Italy;
  • New Year's symbol of the Amazons.

  • This is the historical Santa Claus. He congratulated Khan Mamai himself on the holiday. There they began to respectfully call him: “Popeye”;
  • The same Grandfather from Brazil;
  • Grandfather's fate is very difficult. He congratulated the British, but all the gifts were inappropriate, for which he constantly heard: “Yohar Papaya.” Later he escaped to a French colony. Grandfather also failed to please the aborigines. Here they shouted to him: “Noel,” that is, “I’m tired of my ale.”

Right answers:

Sunderclass - from the Netherlands;
Weihnachtsmann - from Germany;
Kanakaloka - lives in Hawaii;
Papa Pasquale - brings gifts to the Colombian drug mafia;
Fairy Befanu - from Italy;
Popeye Noel is from Brazil, where there are many wild monkeys.

Those who guess the correct answers to a fun quiz are given small souvenirs: candies, nuts, tangerines. And, of course, we pour glasses to congratulate the winners and celebrate the New Year once again.

Table game "Pig Waltz"

- The chimes will strike very soon. And the mistress of the New Year, the Pig, has not yet joined us. To attract her attention to our cheerful banquet, we will sing her a song in her native language.

Let’s play the children’s song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter”:

The guests grunt to the music of a familiar children's song.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year at home with family

The chimes are striking - the New Year has arrived. It's time to give gifts and congratulate each other. Children are happy to take out gifts from under the tree.

The New Year's greeting scenario at home with your family can be supplemented with a couple of cool competitions and games.

Cool gifts

We hang multi-colored flags on the tree in advance, which can be easily removed.

There should be as many of them as there are guests. You can prepare 2–3 flags for each person present.

On the back of the flags are written quatrains or riddles telling which gift the guest won. Accordingly, the same gifts should be in the bag of the presenter or Santa Claus.

Variants of inscriptions on flags

For soft skin

Apply the desired...(Cream)

This fruit is in a bright shirt

Likes it to be hot.

Doesn't grow among aspens

Round red... (Orange)

We will give you an elegant, fragrant, delicious, chocolate cheese.

If you touch it, it will immediately rattle

And the baby will be surprised.

What is this bright toy?

For the baby... (Rattle)

Take me,

Wash, bathe,

And what am I -

Guess quickly

And know:

It would be a big disaster

Whenever, not me and not the water... (Soap)

To always be neat, hurry to get toothpaste.

Lined up into squares

Wrapped in silver

How do you unfold it?

Instantly you will understand

That a sweet treasure was found.

This is delicious...(Chocolate)

Your winnings are a little original - you got a baby pacifier.

Without wasting a word,
It is always ready to say
Whether the hairstyle suits or not,
Does the color of the suit look good?
It won't hurt to lose weight.
Who can guess what this is?... (Mirror)

Elastic band – Akulinka
I went for a walk along the back.
And while she was walking,
The back has become pink... (Washcloth)

By chance you got this tea on your ticket.

I'm gentle, smooth in flight,
If the holiday is “The most important”.
Children need air like they need it,
I'm cheerful...(balloon)

You look great: both clothes and hairstyle, and as a reward it was not in vain that you won... (Comb)

Dishwasher... (Washing mesh)

Must always be in your pocket
At Nadyusha, Bori, Tanya,
Aunt Vera, Uncle Petya
And for all the people in the world.
It’s impossible to live without it!
We must take it with us, friends,
To the theatre, park or skating rink

The lights are on, the engine is humming
Tires on wheels
Dashing along the road
Us in ourselves... (Machine)

Its leaves are white and white,
They don't fall from branches.
We make mistakes on them
Among the stripes and cells... (Notebook)

For different records, for important records
Will last you a whole year
Instead of incomprehensible scraps of paper
Item called...(Notepad)

Wonderful thing
This ballpoint...(Pen)

She pinches her finger tightly,
And the linen grabs tenaciously.
It's called...(Clothespin)

He's black as the devil.
Hot as poison!
He is pure like an angel
And tender as love... (Coffee)

Comic predictions

What would a New Year be without fortune telling and predictions? After all, I really want to look into the future. Therefore, we propose to include comic predictions in the New Year 2018 scenario with your family.

Write your predictions on small pieces of paper. Remove the wrappers from the sweets and wrap the finished predictions in them. We invite relatives to take out the candy and read what awaits them in the New Year.

Options for cool predictions:

From a bad habit in the New Year
You will definitely get rid of it.
But here's the problem: instead of one
Two new ones will replace them.

The cockroaches in your head will have a very fun year.

You will spend your vacation at sea,
You will warm both body and soul.
You spend the entire amount, you get burned five times,
You'll gain six kilograms.

Next year your friends will not forget you. You can't forget someone who owes you money.

Smile always, smile everywhere,
Smile on land and water!
Fate will repay you for your smiles
A couple of wrinkles and a lot of money!

Next year all your problems will go away. Because even they are bored with you...

Either you eat it, or you pump it up,
Either you sit in a chair -
Know that next year
You will grow your butt significantly.

Your life next year will be as multifaceted as a glass. Well, you understand…

If you start kissing
Every day for half an hour,
All dreams will begin to come true.
Life will be filled with miracles!

Your dreams will gain strength and declare war on your sofa.

Have a higher power for you
Disappointing forecast:
New Year promises you
Love madness!

Next year you will understand that your inner core is an awl in one place.

If you can, without being lazy,
Plow like a horse on Thursdays
Fate will open the way for you
To big, big money.

Next year, your body will decide for itself when it sleeps, where it sleeps and with whom it sleeps. Don't contradict him - he knows better!

If you walk across the field,
You will find money in the field;
When you find the money,
You'll spend it all on carousing.

You will spend your vacation where everything is inclusive - with relatives.

Go around three miles
Talkative hairdresser:
Shreds at random
And he'll cut off your ear!

If you get bored, sing romances. Your finances will always keep you company.

We need to forget for a year
About cognac, tequila, vodka.
Otherwise you will
In crime reports.

The bad news: you'll gain weight. The good news is that the increase will occur in the wallet area.

Musical program for the New Year for the family

It's time for fun. Therefore, we feel free to include active and fun competitions for the New Year 2018 for the family.

Guess the melody from the movie

We select films for the New Year for the whole family and invite guests to guess the melodies from them.

An example of popular family and New Year's films with excerpts of songs:

12 chairs

watch out for the car

The Diamond Arm

The most charming

Gentlemen of Fortune

After a lively musical release, you can refresh yourself. A hot dish and delicious salads are already waiting for guests on the festive table.

Musical horoscope

We all, or almost all, believe in horoscopes. Therefore, it is worth getting acquainted with the predictions of the Eastern sages.

We include the horoscope in the program in the form of a musical game for the New Year for the family.

Horoscope for those born in the year of the Pig:

- A wedding awaits you.

We turn on the track “Oh, this wedding..”

– Why such perplexed looks? Unmarried people will find their soul mate, and married people will enjoy hanging out at their wedding.

Horoscope for Mice and Paints:

We turn on the track “Weekend”

-Yes Yes. Work comes first. And you will have to catch the buzz on weekends.

Horoscope for those born in the year of the Ox:

Play the track “You are always with me”

- Oh, friendship, love. These are such colorful prospects.

Horoscope for harsh Tigers:

Turn on the melody "Paris"

- We're learning French. Beautiful Paris awaits you.

Horoscope for Rabbits:

Let's play the song "Sponges with a bow"

- Yes, it will be a real miracle.

What awaits those born in the year of the Dragon:

Play the track "Playboy"

- Men, calm down. This is a horoscope for the female half. I have another horoscope ready for you.

Play the track “3 wishes”

- Believe me, they will definitely come true this year.

What awaits the Snake in the New Year:

Play the track “Happiness”

– Oh, happiness with a loved one or beloved.

Horoscope for Horse:

We turn on the melody “I will become rich”

“No one doubted that wealth awaited the hardworking horse.”

Horoscope for Goat:

Let's play the track "Real Man"

- Let's hope that this will be the case.

What the New Year promises for the Monkey:

We turn on a musical excerpt: “Love will come to you too”

-True love awaits you.

Horoscope for Rooster:

Play the track “I’ll go live in London”

– Have you really decided to change your place of residence?

Prediction for Dogs:

Turn on the music: “Everything will be awesome”

- Yes, it can’t be any other way.

- So let’s pour glasses. I propose to drink to changes for the better.

The holiday continues. If you wish, you can include other interesting competitions and games in the family New Year scenario.

Video: New Year's scenario with competitions

Several fun and exciting competitions with detailed instructions in the video: