Modern methods of depilation. Does laser hair removal remove hair forever: reality or myth. Enzyme bikini hair removal

The fashion for smooth skin came to Europe from the East - there, even in ancient times, hair removal was considered a sign of aesthetics and good taste. Why did European women unconditionally take up this baton? They accepted, above all, the hygienic aspect and the advantage of smooth skin in intimate areas. And only later they began to remove unwanted vegetation on open areas of the body. What hair removal methods are added to the arsenal of cosmetologists today and which method should you choose for yourself?

What types of hair removal are used today?

All hair removal methods existing today are based on one principle - destruction of the hair follicle and overgrowth of the hair tubule. Moreover, hair removal has a significant difference in this from depilation, in which the hair is removed, but the bulb itself is not destroyed. Although many consider these processes to be approximately the same, but in vain.

The technology you choose to combat unwanted hair primarily depends on your goals: to remove hair only temporarily or to get rid of it forever. In the first case, methods such as:

  • Shaving is an old and proven method, after which stubble appears on the second day.
  • Plucking with an epilator or thread is an unpleasant and painful manipulation.
  • Chemical methods (depilatory cream). Causes many allergic reactions.
  • Bioepilation (waxing, sugaring, enzymatic). A good method, but after incorrect manipulation.

For complete hair removal, one cannot do without hardware cosmetology methods, in which the destruction of the hair follicle occurs under the influence of various types of energy. These include:

  1. Laser hair removal, in which the hair growth area is exposed to laser radiation.
  2. Photoepilation - the growth zone is irradiated with thermal energy converted from light energy.
  3. Electrolysis - hair follicles are destroyed due to electrical energy converted into heat.
  4. ELOS hair removal – combines all types of energy – light, laser, electrical.
  5. Qool hair removal differs from conventional laser hair removal by the selective action of the laser only on the hairs themselves, leaving the skin intact.
  6. AFT hair removal, which involves selective exposure of hair follicles to pulsed infrared radiation.

Pros and cons of different types of hair removal

To make it easier to choose the optimal type of hair removal or depilation for yourself, you need to take a closer look at their pros and cons. It is clear that all types of hair removal have a huge advantage in that in just a few procedures you can get rid of signs of excess hair for a long time or even forever.

Depilation methods cannot boast of this property, but they do not cause any harm to health. It is not for nothing that all methods are dubbed with one general term “bioepilation”. So, below are the pros and cons of each method, which you can learn more about by following the links provided.


  • the simplest of all procedures
  • short-term effect of smooth skin, frequent irritation and ingrown hairs

Plucking with a depilator or thread

  • an inexpensive procedure that partially destroys the structure of the hair follicle
  • soreness, frequent skin irritation and risk of wound infection

Chemical method

  • can be done independently at home, painlessness and speed of treatment of the problem area
  • the effect lasts for just a few days
  • speed of procedure and reduction of excess hair as sessions are repeated
  • pain, short-term effect
  • low cost and speed of implementation
  • short-term effect
  • hair is removed for a long time
  • a course of several sessions, the use of chemical structures (chymotrypsin, trypsin) that can cause allergies, and the presence of contraindications
  • non-invasiveness and low pain upon exposure, as well as the ability to get rid of vegetation for a long time (from 2 to 5 years)
  • the course of procedures is affordable, and the intervals between them are 2-3 months. The method has a number of absolute contraindications and is ineffective for blond and gray hair
  • high efficiency immediately after the first session, safety and slight discomfort during the procedure, getting rid of vegetation for several years
  • high cost, the need for a course of several procedures, a number of contraindications, as well as a ban on the use of alcohol-containing cosmetics after manipulation

  • more affordable cost compared to photo and laser hair removal, as well as the ability to remove hairs permanently, regardless of skin phototype and hair structure
  • duration of the procedure and pain at the site (local anesthesia may be required)
  • painless, no possibility of skin damage, permanent removal of all types of hair
  • high cost of sessions, for full effect you need to take a course
  • painless and safe method, hair leaves the skin forever
  • high cost, wide range of contraindications
  • painless, safe, effective on all hair types and hair removal forever
  • high price

What type of hair removal should I choose?

How to find out which type of hair removal is better, and which one will be optimal for you? To do this, you need to follow several rules:

  • In any case, first consult a specialist who will assess your health, hair and skin type. Some types of hair removal may not be effective for your hair type.
  • Identify contraindications that are often found when describing procedures; do you have them? Often their presence in the patient reduces the possibility of choosing one or another method.
  • It should be taken into account that some types of hair removal cannot be performed if the patient has metal prostheses or electronic devices in the body. In addition, you need to consider whether you are allergic to certain drugs and cosmetics.

If you go through selection “from the opposite”, that is, first eliminate all methods that cannot be carried out (due to certain contraindications), then among the remaining ones it will not be difficult to choose the optimal method of hair removal. In this matter, you will also need the help of a cosmetologist.

Which method is most effective?

A cosmetologist can determine which type of hair removal is most effective. The result of any method depends on the selection of the necessary parameters for performing the procedure and on the experience of the specialist. It is important not to violate the regime and intervals between procedures, especially hardware ones.

Let us remind you that the goal of each type of hair removal is to destroy the hair follicle, and this is not always possible in one session. Not all hair that a person has can be removed permanently. 30% of all hair follicles are in reserve and can grow even after a full course, so be patient and achieve perfect skin! All the time and effort (and even money) spent can pay off handsomely with persistence and patience.

Every girl strives to look beautiful and attractive, because this is precisely their main weapon. But to have an attractive appearance, you need to take care of yourself and your body. Excessive hair on the body, except for the head, has not yet brought joy to any girl. The popularity in the fight against excess hair among women has arisen quite recently, resulting in the emergence of many different techniques for depilation and hair removal.

Hair depilation, depending on the method, helps to get rid of it for a short time, up to 3 months, but the process of hair removal in this regard is considered the most effective, as it allows you to forget about body hair for 2-3 years. Hair removal can be done at home, but you will need to use special devices. Most women prefer salon hair removal. There are many different methods for hair removal, but we will find out together which method is the safest and most effective.

Depilation methods are more popular than hair removal, but due to the fragility of the former, girls often resort to more reliable, albeit expensive, options. Depilation includes the following options for removing body hair::

  • shaving using a machine;
  • sugaring or sugar hair removal;
  • waxing;
  • the use of special creams.

These methods have many advantages, but due to the short duration of the effect, many girls want to try a more reliable hair removal method. After all, the hair removal technique is based on the fact that there is a direct destruction of the root system of the hair follicles, as a result of which it takes much more time for their restoration.

The most popular and in demand hair removal methods are::

  • laser;
  • photoepilation;
  • electrolysis.

But in order to determine which hair removal is the most effective and safe, it is necessary to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a particular method. We will conduct a detailed analysis, based on which we will find out the effectiveness and safety of each method.

Advantages and disadvantages

Just like any method of depilation, hair removal has a number of advantages and disadvantages. It is through this information that many girls decide to undergo the appropriate procedure. We will not hide all the secrets of this or that method and consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

In addition to the disadvantages, laser hair removal is characterized by the following side effects: itching, flaking of the skin, changes in pigmentation, the formation of swelling and blisters. But if we talk about the technique as a whole, then its effectiveness can cover even such side effects.

Electrolysis causes side symptoms, manifested in the form of itching, as well as infection of the skin. If you do not treat the skin with special creams, scars may remain.

Pigmentation of the skin at the end of the procedure is the main side effect of photoepilation. The skin will acquire its natural color only after a few years. This hair removal option cannot guarantee complete safety, since pigmentation depends on individual characteristics.

To choose a more adequate, effective and safe procedure for yourself, you should decide what is more expensive for you - the duration of the result obtained or the pain symptoms. If you have decided on one or another hair removal option, below are useful recommendations that will help you enjoy the final result of smooth skin for a long time.

  • To begin with, you should avoid tanning, both before and after the hair removal process. It is necessary to avoid visiting solariums or tanning in the sun in advance. After epilation is completed, you should not be in the sun for about another week.
  • The effectiveness of hair removal has been proven not only by science, but also by women themselves. Although many people are afraid of the high cost, it is worth it. After all, the effect lasts for 3-6 years, and when depilating, you need to shave your hair every month.
  • Before the procedure, it is recommended to visit a specialist who will assess the condition of the skin and select the most optimal method.
  • There are other types of hair removal, which are better called subtypes, since their principle is based on one of the above methods. If you can’t decide which method will be more effective and which will be safer, then you should weigh all the advantages and disadvantages, and also read the reviews.
  • You cannot reduce the time between sessions, as this will negatively affect the skin and also lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure.

Following simple recommendations will allow you to enjoy the results achieved for many years.


Even after analysis, it is quite difficult to select the best option for the hair removal procedure. Each method is good in its own way. Laser hair removal is too expensive, so not everyone can use this method; photoepilation is characterized by the appearance of pigment spots in the presence of even the slightest tan, and for electrolysis the procedure is painful. Therefore, no one can answer what to choose and which method is effective and safe. You need to sacrifice something to get the desired result. If you are planning to undergo hair removal, but have not decided which method will be optimal, seek help from a specialist.

Every woman dreams of having smooth legs. However, in order for your legs to always look flawless, you must constantly use epilators, razors, or other means to remove annoying hairs. Any method of hair removal causes discomfort to a woman and takes away precious time. But modern cosmetology makes it possible to remove unwanted hair forever and guarantee a woman impeccably smooth legs for several years.

Today there are several ways to do hair removal forever , or at least for the long term. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages; let’s consider each of them in more detail.

1. Hair removal elos

Elos hair removal - one of the most effective methods of permanent hair removal. The procedure is practically painless and safe for the body. With the help of elos hair removal, many women have significantly reduced hair growth or gotten rid of it forever. The results of this hair removal method depend on the individual characteristics of the body - hormonal levels, genetic predisposition, hair structure.

When epilating elos, a double action is performed on the hair follicle - using the energy of a high-frequency light pulse and current. Essentially, elos is a combination of laser and electrolysis. Therefore, the results are more durable compared to other types of hair removal.

The Elos hair removal procedure is quite comfortable. You are in a comfortable chair, wearing dark sunglasses, the doctor applies a cooling gel to the skin and treats the surface of the skin with flashes of light. You can only feel a slight tingling sensation, which will pass quickly.

After elos hair removal, the skin becomes smooth and soft, the results last a long time.

In order to get rid of hairs forever, you need to undergo a course of elos hair removal from 5 to 10 procedures with an interval of 6-8 weeks between them.

2. Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal allows you to painlessly remove unwanted hairs forever. Using a laser, you can remove hair from any part of the face and body. The hair pigment melanin absorbs the light radiation of the laser, resulting in selective instantaneous heating of the entire hair with subsequent destruction of the hair follicle. As a result, hair growth stops.

The laser hair removal procedure is almost painless. It does not injure the skin, so it can be used on any part of the body. Laser hair removal allows you to remove up to 90 percent of hairs. In order to get rid of unwanted hair forever, it is enough to complete a course of 6-8 procedures with an interval of 2 months. The only disadvantage of laser hair removal is its high cost.

  • How to do laser hair removal: advantages, contraindications

3. AFT hair removal

AFT – hair removal (Advanced Fluorescence Technology) is an advanced fluorescent hair removal technology.

This is the most modern and effective method of hair removal today. It allows you to permanently get rid of unnecessary hairs in any part of the body in just a few sessions. In addition, this is the most painless type of hair removal.

AFT hair removal – combines laser and photo hair removal. The combination of these methods gives the most lasting results, since dark and coarse hair on fair skin is easier to remove using a laser beam, and lighter and finer hair is easier to remove using light energy. During hair removal, hair becomes thinner, its structure and density changes, and the hair follicle is destroyed.

4. Photoepilation

A significant advantage of photoepilation is its low cost. With photoepilation, hairs are removed according to the same principle as with laser hair removal, the only difference is in the physical properties of the light beam. The surface of the skin is treated with short flashes of light. Compared to laser, photoepilation is much slower.

The procedure is painless, the skin is not injured, only during outbreaks a slight burning sensation may be felt.

After just a few sessions, the remaining hair becomes thin and invisible. To get rid of hair forever you will need from 5 to 10 procedures with an interval of 2 months.

There are no contraindications for photoepilation, except for general ones - colds, herpes, inflammatory processes, pregnancy. The photoepilation method is especially often used for the bikini area.

5. Electrolysis

Electrolysis – a very reliable and effective way to permanently remove hair. The hair removal process occurs using an electrical discharge. Special needles contain a very thin electrode, which is inserted into the hair follicle. This is followed by a discharge of electric current - and the hair is destroyed along with the root. After a few weeks, hair grows from nearby follicles, so the electrolysis procedure must be repeated several times to get rid of hairs forever.

Electrolysis is the most painful type of hair removal; it injures the skin and can cause complications in the form of scars and inflammation. This method is not suitable for epilating a large area of ​​skin.

6. Thermolysis

Thermolysis- This is a type of electrolysis. Hair follicles are destroyed forever due to short-term heating, which is obtained when exposed to alternating current. Current is applied to each hair through a thin needle. The movement of cells in the follicles accelerates, resulting in the release of heat, which destroys the hair follicle.

Hair removal using thermolysis is painful and causes minor burns on the skin. In addition, this is a rather expensive undertaking.

Go to section: Hair removal at home: types and methods

There is no woman who does not dream of the perfect bikini line. The perfect look today does not end with an exemplary hairstyle and impeccable makeup. A well-groomed appearance consists of many significant little things: manicure, pedicure, hair condition, smooth, flawless skin. So we come to the main point - this is the condition of the skin on certain surfaces, more precisely the hair on the legs, bikini, and armpits. It's no secret that many people are tormented by the presence of facial hair. How to get rid of hair for a long time, without consequences, pain, and choose the most effective method of hair removal.

Epilation can be carried out both at home and in the salon; we will figure out which type of hair removal is the most effective by examining in detail the methods of hair removal. Initially, we will classify the methods according to the location of the procedure.

Depilation can be done independently at home. A wide variety of products for hair removal at home can be purchased at any hypermarket. The description of the types of depilation and their features given below will help you choose the most effective method. Let's choose the optimal method of hair removal at home.

Types of hair removal

Types of depilation at home:

  1. shaving;
  2. chemical method;
  3. waxing;
  4. electrodepilation
  5. sugaring;

Mechanical hair removal

Using a razor, one of the most primitive methods, however, it still occupies a leading position due to the accessibility of the procedure.

  • Advantages. Its advantages are the speed of processing (literally a couple of minutes).
  • Flaws. A significant disadvantage of mechanical hair removal is the short duration of the effect; the very next day, the procedure must be repeated. And, as a result of repeated mechanical impact, skin irritation, especially sensitive areas. Due to frequent use, hair becomes tougher.

Chemical method

Involves the use of various emulsions, ointments, powders, creams – various cosmetic products. The principle of action is the destruction of the upper part of the hairline.

  • The advantages of this method: fast, convenient, painless.
  • Flaws. Insignificant duration of effect, allergic reactions caused by chemical reagents are possible.


A new name for a procedure that has ancient roots; this method was used back in the time of Nifertiti. Based on the operating principle of the treatment, a distinction is made between cold and hot types of waxing.

The cold method is the most painful. Using strips, soft wax is applied to the skin, then removed using special wipes. Using wax strips of various sizes, you can treat the most difficult to reach areas.

With the hot method, hard wax is preheated to a temperature of ≈40°C. The skin slowly warms up, the pores expand, and as a result, hair removal is not so painful. The wax depilation method is freely used at home. Epilation with wax is mainly used for large areas - lower legs, thighs, bikini area

  • Advantages. Quite long lasting effect.
  • Flaws. Painful method. Especially cold method, ingrown hairs may appear.


Mechanical hair removal using various types of depilators.

  • Advantages. Hair regrowth begins after ten days, the positive effect with constant use is thinning of the hair, some of the follicles die. The removal process becomes less painful, and the thickness of the hairline decreases.
  • Flaws. Using an epilator to remove hair in the bikini area and armpits is almost impossible due to the pain.

Sugaring (bioepilation)

Depilation method using sugar paste. You can prepare the pasta yourself. Heat the sugar with lemon juice. Bring the sugar solution until the color changes (darkens) and the consistency becomes mushy. The next step is to cool the slurry to an acceptable temperature and apply it to the surface to be treated.

  • Advantages. The advantages of bioepilation are moderate pain, speed, accessibility, and a more lasting effect. The hair changes its structure, becoming thinner, lighter, without the need for devices or materials.
  • Disadvantages: For the procedure to be effective, the hair length must be from 6mm. It is possible for vellus hair to degenerate into dark and coarse hair. Contraindication – individual intolerance.

The main advantages of carrying out procedures at home; cheap, convenient, but requires a certain skill. The most significant drawback is the short duration of the result, since these methods do not affect the hair follicle. It is incorrect to single out the best hair removal method, since there are many factors that influence the choice of hair removal method. These are individual tolerance (pain threshold), sensitivity of the skin, and a tendency to allergic reactions.

Which hair removal is the most effective is up to you to decide, taking into account individual characteristics.

Hardware hair removal methods

The principle of operation of hardware methods is the impact on the hair follicle, followed by its destruction, using various types of energy to influence areas of the body. Carrying out the procedure in the salon gives long-term results and the ability to stop hair growth. Let's try to figure out which hair removal is better.

Types of hardware hair removal methods:

  1. laser;
  2. electrolysis;
  3. photoepilation;
  4. elos hair removal.

Laser hair removal

The hair follicle is destroyed under the influence of a laser beam.

  • Advantages. Long-lasting effect, instant effect, although partial - there are fewer hairs. The procedure is recommended for any area of ​​the body.
  • Flaws. If the procedure is not performed professionally, there is a possibility of scarring from burns. Also, the procedure is not suitable for blond or gray hair types.

Side effects - dryness, peeling, itching, swelling.


The destruction of the hair follicle occurs under the influence of an electric microcurrent using a thin needle.
A painful procedure that requires monthly visits to a cosmetologist for a year. Recommended for removing facial hair.

  • Advantages. Duration of the effect, the ability to get rid of unwanted hairs for many years.
  • Flaws. Pain and cost of the procedure.

Side effects of electrolysis include itching, scarring of skin burns, inflammatory processes in the treatment areas.


Hair is removed under the influence of a concentrated light beam. There are no painful sensations.

  • Advantages. The procedure is suitable even for any type of hair (vellus, coarse). Duration of the photoepilation effect. individual. Depending on the characteristics of the body, perhaps for several years.
  • Flaws. Light and gray hairs are not affected by the procedure.

Side effect of photoepilation, change in skin color

Elos hair removal

The abbreviation ELOS means electro-optical synergy, a combination of methods, photos, and electrical effects on the hair follicle, destroying its structure. The visible effect is achieved after 8-10 procedures. Today, the most effective and safe hair removal.

  • Advantages. There is no painless syndrome, the skin is not damaged, and hair is removed forever.
  • Flaws. Long-term, expensive method.

Getting rid of vegetation using the ELOS system practically eliminates contraindications for procedures, as it is a more advanced and safe method.

Contraindications: presence of cancer and pregnancy.

The type of hair removal using Elos technology gives a comprehensive answer to the question of which hair removal is the most effective and safe.

Let's take a closer look at choosing a method for epilating the bikini area. Which hair removal is best for the bikini area? Experts recommend using the following methods for the bikini area: waxing removal, sugaring, electro-, photo- and laser hair removal.

When treating the bikini area with wax, the risk of burns is higher, while sugar is less hygienic, and inflammatory processes are possible. Electro-, photo- and laser hair removal in the bikini area is psychologically unpleasant. Requires prolonged exposure. How pleasant it is to lie with your legs apart while a specialist treats each follicle individually. To get rid of hair forever, it will take an average of 5 years.

In salons it is possible to carry out electro-, photo- and laser hair removal in the most sensitive areas under local anesthesia, but reactions in the form of edema are possible to the anesthetic. Which hair removal is better? When choosing photo, laser or electrolysis, you must remember that what is good for one person is at least useless for another. Therefore, it is up to you to choose which one is better for hair removal in the bikini area. The best permanent hair removal among hardware methods is the Elos technology procedure. Which procedure is best to carry out cannot be answered unequivocally. What means can you sacrifice, what is the time period in your location? But still, we hope that with our help you will quickly navigate the choice of procedure.

The fashion for a smooth body came to our country from the East, where even in ancient times, hair removal was a sign of good taste and aesthetics. Why did European girls immediately take up the baton? First of all, they accepted the advantage of smooth skin in intimate areas and the hygienic aspect. And after a while they began to remove unwanted hair on exposed parts of the body.

What hair removal methods exist today, and which of these methods should you choose for yourself?


It was once believed that frequent shaving of hair in one place activates their growth enhancement. Today it has been proven that this is not so. But women still do not dare to correct some problems of unwanted hair “like a man”: most likely, traditions and prejudice are very strong. No one is surprised by a woman who shaves her legs, but for some reason it’s hard to imagine a girl who shaves her facial hair.

The production of razors, razor blades, and shaving creams is a multimillion-dollar industry that does not in any way infringe on the gradual and slow growth in popularity of other types of depilation. Usually women's machines are slightly different in shape and are made of plastic in "female" colors. However, today no one has yet proven that they are in any way fundamentally different from men’s. At least, men who, by the will of fate, used women's razors, did not notice much of a difference - neither during the shaving process, nor when evaluating the result obtained.

Chemical depilation

They are also called depilatories "chemical blades". Depilatories are manufactured in various forms:

  • Creams;
  • Gels;
  • Aerosols;
  • Lotions;
  • Tubes with a rotating roller, etc.

As the name implies, depilatories are based on the ability to chemically destroy the hair shaft. Chemical reagents destroy the protein base of the hair, which, in turn, leads to easy detachment of the hair from the surface.

The disadvantage of depilatories is their high sensitivity to skin pH and temperature. Thus, when these parameters deviate, the activity of the drugs decreases significantly.

Of course, the hair follicle is not affected during chemical depilation, therefore the hair growth cycle remains the same as it was before the procedure.

Each manufacturing company prescribes its own depilator usage diagram. Therefore, it is important to carefully follow the instructions that come with your specific depilator. In addition, you should definitely do a skin test to determine sensitivity. The use of depilatories has been known to create chemical burns that leave visible scars.

Chemical depilatories should not be used in the area of ​​the eyebrows and eyelids, or on damaged or burned skin.

Depilation with wax

Depilation with wax or vaxing is the most ancient method of hair removal using burnt sugar, wax, and resin.

The meaning of the method is quite simple - with the help of an adhesive preparation (wax), the hair cover is glued, which is then removed in a single block using special napkins.

Naturally, waxing is a more painful process than depilation, but it is still widespread. It is believed that wax creates the longest lasting effect, unlike other methods of depilation, and hair growth begins after 3-4 weeks. In addition, there have been cases where persistent use of wax for several years led to the cessation of hair growth forever.

The list of waxes used for bioepilation is very large. Some companies offer whole sets, which, in addition to wax, includes:

  • preparations that soften the skin after depilation;
  • pre-cleansers;
  • roller applicators;
  • wax warmers;
  • soothing lotions and oils;
  • paper strips that stick to the hair removal site.

Paper strips are made in different shapes and sizes, taking into account the location of their application.

Sugaring or sugar depilation

Some cosmetologists distinguish hair depilation with sugar as a separate type. This is one of the most ancient methods: there is evidence that back in Egypt, a sugar solution was used to remove hair. Today, American cosmetologists offer sugar hair removal, which is called sugaring.

In this case it applies thick warm sugar paste, it is applied with a stick not to the skin, but only to the hair. After drying, it is removed simultaneously with the hairs stuck to it. According to supporters of this method, the skin suffers less than with classic waxing. In addition, hair grows much later - after about 1.5 months.

Depilation with threads

This method is almost unknown in our country, but it is consistently used in salons in developed countries. Its meaning is that the hair is wound on a special roller, which is made of twisted cotton threads, then it is simply pulled out.


Used in Europe since the 30s. It is based on the effects of low voltage and high frequency alternating current. The current passes through a needle, which is inserted under the skin to the depth of the follicle, and local heating occurs, sufficient to destroy the follicle.

Thermolysis is quite a painful process, in which the use of surface anesthetics is insufficient. Some patients have to undergo local anesthesia. But, according to some data, this further enhances hair growth. In addition, anesthesia provokes another problem: the liquid medium of drugs can change the course of the entire procedure, and it will not give the desired result. Another drawback: it is a rather slow process (each hair takes a couple of seconds) and this explains the danger of getting small scars.


The method is based on the electrochemical effect of galvanic current. During the anodic-cathode reaction, hydrochloric acid is formed, which, when decomposed, is transformed into a caustic alkali. It is these substances that lead to burns and destruction of the follicle.

During the session, the patient holds the neutral electrode with his hand, and active electrode in the form of a needle, it is wound along the hair shaft to the follicle. Then a current is supplied, its strength is regulated using a special apparatus. There are standard recommendations for using a current of a certain strength, taking into account the thickness of the hair and the depth of the follicle. A sign of a completed chemical reaction is the formation of white foam - hydrogen. The hair is removed with ordinary tweezers.

Electrolysis is a more painless type of hair removal, and the risk of complications is much lower, in contrast to thermolysis. But even though multi-needle systems are used today, the speed of hair removal is very low.

Blend method

This method is an attempt to combine the two previous types of hair removal; the type of thermolysis at the time of the development of the blend method was the most studied; the second type is electrolysis.

Thus, the device for this type of hair removal combines a constant galvanic and high frequency alternating current action. With the blend method, a staged effect on the follicle occurs. At the first stage, a thermolytic reaction takes place near the follicle with the destruction of surrounding tissues. The second stage provides a galvanic reaction, in which the formation of a much smaller volume of alkali is sufficient to completely destroy the hair follicle.

Flash method

By and large, the flash method is an improved thermolysis, since the main operating principle is the galvanic effect. But the current that is applied in this case is a very high frequency current (2000KHz). Due to the fact that the duration of action per hair is very short (0.02-0.08 seconds) and the needles are insulated, pain and trauma are almost not expressed with the flash method.

Sequential blend

This method is considered an improved blend method. The point of the improvement is that to improve the effect of destruction of the hair follicle when inserting a needle during an impulse DC amplitude decreases, which, in addition to a more active effect on the follicle, reduces the sensation of pain.

Sequential flash

As is clear from the name itself, this is an improved method of the flash method. The hardware component makes it possible to use sinusoidal high-frequency current, as well as use pulses of different durations, taking into account the thickness of the hair.

Laser hair removal is being promoted very actively all over the world. The introduction of laser technologies, research and development is a rather expensive undertaking, which, of course, should pay off over time. Therefore, laser hair removal is a rather expensive hair removal option. Moreover, no one, including cosmetologists, undertakes to claim that such a fashionable and new method allows a final and radical solution to the problem.

A clear advantage of laser hair removal is considered almost absolute painlessness and the possibility of acting simultaneously on a group of follicles.

The first reports of laser hair removal began to appear in the 90s. This method works on the principle of directed light flow. The laser beam is able to reproduce a strong local thermal effect, accompanied by reactive coagulation of the follicle zone, evaporation and charring of the tissues surrounding the hair follicle.

Computer support for laser equipment makes it possible to achieve directional action of the beam, so all of the above effects occur in the area of ​​the follicle.

The laser effect can only be achieved if there is some kind of absorbing medium in the path of the beam. Otherwise, the beam is deactivated (it simply dissipates). In the skin, this environment is melanin cells, the number of which is quite high in the hair shaft. Heat from the shaft passes to the follicle. In dark hair more melanin Accordingly, their follicles are better destroyed during laser hair removal.

There are three main types of lasers for hair removal:

  • Neodymium;
  • Alexandrite;
  • Ruby.

The last one is the most proven. The data about other lasers is quite contradictory.

The ruby ​​laser concentrates infrared radiation with a wavelength of 695 nm, creating light pulses lasting approximately 4 ms, creating an energy flow of up to 50-70 J/ Since the target in this case is only the melanin of the follicle, the laser cannot be used on tanned skin, as it will begin to dissipate energy, and there is also a high risk of tissue damage.

It is believed that laser hair removal requires about 8-16 sessions with an interval of up to one month. According to experts, 75% of patients get rid of hair within a year; 22% - in 1.5 years; 3% - for 3 years. Complications include peeling, pigmentation disorders, erythema, itching, blisters, swelling, angioectasia, post-burn scarring and pain.

Lamp, enzymes, ultrasound

The search for the latest programs and hair removal products continues. The subject of these searches is concentrated in the areas of visible results, low pain and affordable cost. The three methods below demonstrate the continuation of these developments.

Ultrasonic hair removal

This method owes its name to the second part, when after waxing the skin is treated with special preparations, the ions and molecules of which are used by ultrasonic influence after penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. Here they slow down the process of cell division and partially destroy the follicle due to their pH.

The ultrasonic hair removal method is quite effective in cases where the hair apparatus is highly sensitive to such inhibitors. The first changes, as a rule, occur approximately a year after the start of sessions.

Enzyme hair removal

This method is based on the use of drugs that include enzymes (chymotrypsin, trypsin, papain). Its meaning is that enzymes act on hair follicles, destroying it. The process occurs gradually, since enzymes cannot immediately remove the structure of the hair follicle. Therefore, the enzyme method also implies a certain course, after which, as the developers say, the result will be sustainable.

This type of light depilation uses non-monochromatic light and is provided by a broadband long-pulse lamp. Light pulses are generated in a wide spectrum of 600-1400 nm, covering the area of ​​​​strong absorption by melanin. The lamp, unlike a laser, projects a rectangle up to 6 in size onto the body. The luminous flux is provided in series of up to 5 pulses lasting 3-6 ms. The effect is explained by the photothermal death of the hair follicle.

Let us remind you that the task of any type of hair removal is to destroy the hair follicle, and this is not always possible in one procedure. Not all hair can be permanently removed. 40% of all hair follicles are located in the skin in a reserve state and can sprout even after a full course, so be patient and achieve smooth skin.