Are you ready for a serious relationship? Relationship readiness test

Why do some women have no end to their admirers, while others have been waiting for theirs for years? the only man, and he never appears in their lives?

The answer to this question is simple: it all depends on readiness for a relationship. And it is determined not only by how your personal life, but also psychological type.

You can be married, but meet someone and realize that this is your destiny, and everything that happened before was a mistake. Or you can be free, but never mature for true love.

An interesting psychological test compiled for women by psychologists will show whether you are ready for love and relationships.

1. What will you focus on to impress classmates or fellow students whom you have not seen for a long time?

  • a) Hairstyle, manicure and makeup.
  • b) Handbag, clothes and shoes - they should be expensive and stylish.
  • c) Put on all your best at once: diamonds in your ears, a dress almost like for a wedding.

2. How do you dress when you go to a store or to work where there is no dress code required?

  • a) Do your best and don’t forget to put on makeup.
  • b) You put on the first thing that comes to hand, jeans and a T-shirt, for example, and don’t remember about makeup.
  • c) Dress in something discreet and comfortable, but take a makeup bag with you just in case, and keep a suit in the office for emergencies.

3. What do you do to attract the attention of a handsome stranger you see at a party or at a presentation?

  • a) Diligently avoid meeting his eyes, do not look in his direction.
  • b) Start a conversation with a stranger.
  • c) You look at each other and smile at him, but nothing more.

4. What do you say in response to a routine compliment?

  • a) “Thank you very much!” It’s okay that the reason for praise is trivial, you’re still pleased.
  • b) You will say incredulously: “Come on, that would be something to talk about!”
  • c) “I’m delighted with this myself!” Let him see that you know your worth.

5. How do you feel in the presence of your parents? young man and in the company of his friends?

  • a) As if out of place, but you try not to show it.
  • b) Say: “Well, I have to go!” - and leave because you can’t stomach them all.
  • c) You behave relaxed, enjoying communication and not caring at all that their arrival took you by surprise - in home clothes and without makeup.

6. How do you behave when you fly somewhere to a warm sea?

  • a) You have a hard time forcing yourself to undress on the beach, reassuring yourself that although it wouldn’t hurt you to lose weight, your swimsuit is beautiful.
  • b) Stay out of the water longer to show others how this sexy bikini suits you.
  • c) Dive into the water directly into beach tunic and enjoy your swim without worrying about what people think of you.

7. How do you pass the time while waiting for a late courier with whom you have an appointment in a cafe?

  • a) Drink tea and cake and look closely at those sitting at the tables.
  • b) Stand at the entrance to the establishment to immediately intercept the messenger with documents.
  • c) Sit at the bar, talking with a stranger who happens to be nearby.

8. What do you answer to a young man who is trying to get to know you on the metro, but it is not yet clear whether the deputy likes him or not?

  • a) Don't pester me, I'm married.
  • b) I don’t have anyone, but I haven’t decided yet whether to give you a chance. Impress me!
  • c) My boyfriend is away yet, so we can talk.

9. While out shopping with my partner, we ran into him ex-wife or a girl. Your actions?

  • a) Stand aside to let them talk.
  • b) You demonstratively kiss your loved one and publicly announce that while he is communicating with the snake that broke his heart, you intend to look for a ring for your anniversary.
  • c) Actively participate in the conversation.

Give points according to the table

№ 1 2 1 0
№ 2 2 0 1
№ 3 0 2 1
№ 4 1 0 2
№ 5 1 0 2
№ 6 1 2 0
№ 7 1 0 2
№ 8 0 1 2
№ 9 0 2 1


You are too vulnerable, shy, and prone to fears, the main one. which - to reach out to someone and be rejected. That's why you try to stay in the shadows - away from the men you like. At least once in your life, try to take a step towards your love: after all, by refusing it, you are cruelly depriving yourself. Even if the relationship ultimately doesn't work out, you will gain valuable experience that will help you build happiness next time.


You sing and chirp, attracting and winning over men with your pleasant appearance, softness, femininity and courtesy. It is important for you to surround them with attention and care, but men are not children, they can worry about themselves. A real man doesn’t need his mother next to him, but a sexy, uninhibited woman. So talk less and use body language more often for communicative purposes - sometimes it is much more eloquent than streams of words!


You are a woman without complexes, convinced of your irresistibility and your ability to conquer any man. It’s great that you are confident in yourself, just don’t forget about the moral boundaries that you shouldn’t go beyond. Avoid romantic adventures - look for your one and only, and most importantly, learn to transform your sexual energy into creative energy.

How to trust the man you love, having negative experience from past relationships?

A man is a person, a person who is not your thing or property. Yes, he might come home late from work? Yes, he can talk to someone on the phone. Yes, he may have girlfriends in bikinis on Odnoklassniki... And you either decide to suffer about this, or enjoy life and relationships with him.

Take part in the life of your loved one, be attentive to him, trust him, be one - and then you will receive the same feelings in return.

However, when trusting, you need to choose those areas and matters that do not affect the vital aspects of your life.

Today a man may want to move mountains for you, but tomorrow he won’t. And, having once done good to you, a man is not obliged to do this for the rest of his life! Actually, just like you!

Where does all this talk about how girls need to know their worth, not humiliate themselves, look for something better, etc. come from? All this emotional game: he called once, and I called twice, so I love him, but he doesn’t love me - all these scores and grievances are based on the fact that either one or both are not ready for a relationship.

Relationships are not a trophy.

This is a process, there are no points, no fixed certainty, this is learning.

We work with relationships, and every day we receive letters about how the relationship fell apart. Nothing: neither children, nor years of life, nor even economic dependence hold them back. So don’t look for a magic glue for relationships, like “one time, and he’s mine!”

How we choose the wrong ones.

A girl at some stage of her development (self-esteem increases externally, due to trophies in a relationship) cannot see a partner who is ready for a relationship. She only sees those who have self-esteem from the outside! Those. While you are settling scores (who gave whom more flowers), be sure that you are not able to see in the crowd around the right person, it is not in your reality!

What does it mean? A guy (MCH or man) whose self-esteem is still at approximately the same level, and whom you are still able to notice, he cannot appreciate service, devotion, fidelity, clarity in relationships. HE SEES THE GAME BEHIND ALL THIS. Otherwise, he will have to take on a HUGE responsibility for the feelings and care that the girl is ready to give him.
He doesn’t believe it because he couldn’t do it himself.

Your meeting is predetermined, everyone in such somewhat crooked relationships needs to learn! Learn and move on.

This is a test of your readiness for relationships, not games.

If one is not ready, and the second is ready for a relationship.

Some are ready, some are not. But this short relationship. The ready partner will offer to the unready one to learn in the relationship, but he is not ready. This will appear at the first, well, or tenth disagreement. When it becomes clear that the unprepared is not ready to share responsibility, accept the relationship as learning, look a little further than “we’re happy now, why bother.”

I call someone who is ready for a relationship someone who is ready to learn in a relationship, who understands that meeting someone is not the end of the road (like you can relax), but the beginning!

Misconception "I gave him everything!"

Not everyone is ready to accept another as a student. Not all men are ready to immediately take on the role of the Leader. But the point is that only the student (follower) makes common man The leader, surrendering to his influence sincerely.

And the secret is that you have to give in without looking back, as if you are convinced that he is ready.

The difficulty of this kind of interaction is that the woman does not truly give herself, she is ready at any moment to say “I was joking, don’t worry,” but here you have to be convincing, as if there is no turning back.

The result is cohabitation. Where are the feelings?

When people hear that their responsibility at the first stage of a relationship is to get to know each other, take a closer look and analyze, this raises the question “Where are the feelings?”

Over time life together For those who don’t think about the fact that attraction needs to be maintained, cohabitation works out in any case. But this has nothing to do with the fact that feelings can persist and even grow if we have analyzed, agreed, etc.

Falling in love and the feelings that are described so sublimely are associated in people with a very definite calculation, taking into account + and -, but not everyone wants to realize that they are tied more to their bets on a person than to him himself. And as soon as he stops justifying these bets, then, lo and behold, the most sincere feeling passed.

The NTRS School has the concept of a contract. Is not marriage contract, but agreements in which we know how to make each other happy and commit to doing this and ensuring that we take into account changes in this map of happiness.

The truth is somewhere in the middle

No subtle analysis and masterful agreements will maintain a relationship if there is no spark, attraction, or something supersensual in it.

But if this spark has appeared, then keeping it is not only pleasure and happiness, but also simply a duty. And here the knowledge and skills of building relationships will come in very handy. Maybe not in the first year and not in the second, but long-term relationships will definitely require competence from you.

Learn to understand each other, get to know and love.

I wish you a sincere, clear and exciting relationship!

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How to understand how serious your boyfriend’s intentions are in relation to your future together. Test from the site "site"

There comes a time when every woman begins to ask herself questions

In any relationship, there is a line when you either have to move on or decide what to do with it all. Romantic relationship Of course, they are beautiful, but everything beautiful must have a corresponding beautiful culmination. But what to do if your boyfriend doesn’t even think about bringing your relationship to a happy climax in the form of a marriage proposal? How to understand how serious his intentions are and how he really treats you. After all, it will be very painful to find out later that you were just a screen to decorate certain period his life.

System of signs

There is a certain system of signs that speaks about the desires and subconscious intentions of a person. Even if your boyfriend is not an expert in showing attention and expressing his feelings, by carefully watching his actions and words, you will easily be able to understand what the end of your love story will be.

An easy test to recognize the presence of serious intentions

There is a simple test through which you can calculate how seriously he is making plans for your future together. Draw two columns “YES” and “NO” on paper. After answering the question, place a mark in the appropriate column.

Test questions:

  1. Does he listen carefully to your plans for the future, even if they are not related to him?
  2. Is he interested in your activities at work?
  3. Is he interested in your financial situation, does he offer financial assistance in difficult times?
  4. Does he ask you about your family's affairs, even if he doesn't know its members personally?
  5. Does he remember the names of your parents, brothers and sisters, close relatives and friends from your stories?
  6. Does he talk enough about his life?
  7. Does he share his problems, experiences, plans?
  8. Do you know what you are interested in, are you interested in it at least in words?
  9. Do you know his friends?
  10. Did he invite you to meet your parents?
  11. Do you know his parents?
  12. Has he expressed a desire to meet your family members and parents?
  13. Does he know your parents?
  14. Did he tell you about his future home, where he would like to live in the future?
  15. Does he love children?
  16. Are you trying to improve your financial situation and stabilize your life?
  17. Do you give up habits that you don't like?
  18. When passing by the windows of furniture or home design stores, do you wonder what exactly you liked?
  19. Did he ask about your dream wedding, indirectly or directly?
  20. Does he agree to accompany you at the weddings of your friends and relatives or does he invite you as an escort to the weddings and celebrations of his relatives and friends?

The main answer is “YES”!

The main answer to all these questions is “YES”. And the more marks you find at the end of the test in the “YES” column, the more confidence that he has a very serious intentions. You just need to wait patiently for a while. Maybe he's preparing himself before he makes the most important proposal of his life. Maybe he is waiting for the most suitable moment for this. Don't spoil the magic of that day with your worries. It will definitely come.

What to do if there are more “NO” answers?

If more than half of the answers are “NO,” then you should think about whether it’s worth wasting your time on this person.

After all, he may have anything in his plans, but clearly not a future together with you... Or, he is still very far from the idea of ​​marriage. But do you have the patience to wait until he grows up to this? You decide.